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viernes, 21 de julio de 2023

Literatura escocesa



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Scottish literature


General/in English


Scots literature

Gaelic literature




General / in English


Carrutheres, Gerard. Scottish Literature. (Edinburgh Critical Guides to Literature). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP.

Craig, Cairns, general ed. The History of Scottish Literature. Aberdeen: Aberdeen UP. Vol. 4: Twentieth Century. Ed. Cairn Craigs. Aberdeen: Aberdeen UP, 1987.

Gifford, Douglas, ed. The History of Scottish Literature. Aberdeen UP, 1988.*

Gray, Alasdair. A Survey of Classic Scottish Writing. (Canongate Pocket Classics, 7). Edinburgh: Canongate, 2001.*

Watson, Roderick. The Literature of Scotland.  Houndmills: Macmillan, 1984.

Wittig, Kurt. The Scottish Tradition in Literature. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1958.





Aliaga Lavrijsen, Jessica. Rev. of A Scottish National Canon? Process of Literary Canon Formation in Scotland. By Stefanie Preuss. Miscelánea 50 (2014): 161-66.* Online:


Craig, David. Scottish Literature and the Scottish People, 1660-1830.  London: Chatto, 1961.

Crawford, Robert, ed. The Scottish Invention of English Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Daiches, David. The Paradox of Scottish Culture.  Oxford: Oxford UP, 1964.

Gardiner, Michael, Graeme Macdonald and Niall O'Gallagher, eds. Scottish Literature and Postcolonial Literature: Comparative Texts and Critical Perspectives. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2011. Online preview at Google Books.*


Holmes, Daniel T. Lectures on Scottish Literature. 1904.

Manning, Susan. Fragments of Union: Making Connections in Scottish and American Writing. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

Morgan, Edwin. Crossing the Border: Essays on Scottish Literature. Manchester: Carcanet, 1990.

Preuss, Stefanie. A Scottish National Canon? Process of Literary Canon Formation in Scotland. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag, 2012.

Valdés Miyares, Rubén. "On the True Nature of Scottish 'Ghosts': Scottish History and Scottish Literature." Miscelánea 9 (1988): 111-26.






Manlove, Colin , ed. An Anthology of Scottish Fantasy Literature. Edinburgh: Polygon, 1996.*






Edinburgh Bibl. Soc. Trans. 1 (1936).

García Landa, José Angel. "Scottish Literature." From From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at*






Internet resources



Association for Scottish Literary Studies homepage.








Books in Scotland 58 (1996):



Managing ed. Thom Nairn

Dpt. of Continuing Education

Edinburgh University

22 George Square, Edinburgh


Scottish Book Collector 7 (1988).


The Scottish Literary Journal 7.2 (1980).


Scottish Studies Review



Studies in Scottish Literature 16 (U of South Carolina P, 1981).







(The Association for Scottish Literary Studies, 6). Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, dist. Chatto and Windus, 1976.*


(Scottish Studies International: Publications of the Scottish Studies Centre of the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz in Germersheim, 33). General Ed. Horst W. Drescher. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2003.*





Scots literature




Corbett, John. Written in the Language of the Scottish Nation: A History of Literary Translations into Scots. (Topics in Translation 14). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1999. (Drummond, Urquhart, Douglas, Bellenden, Lorimer).

Hagan, Anette I. Urban Scots Dialect Writing. Bern: Peter Lang, 2002.





Gaelic literature


Dillon, Eilis. "The Modernization of Gaelic Literature." In Actas del XII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos. Alicante: AEDEAN, 1991. 29-42.

Macleans, Donald. The Literature of the Scottish Gaels.

Macleans, Magnus. The Literature of the Highlands.

Ryan, Ray. Ireland and Scotland: Literature and Culture, State and Nation, 1966-2000. (Oxford English Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.





Scottish literature: Ages




Daiches, David. "Scottish Literature to 1700." In Daiches, A Critical History of English Literature. 2 vols. London: Secker and Warburg, 1960. 504-34.*

Goldstein, R. J. "Writing in Scotland, 1058-1560." In The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature. Ed. D. Wallace. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Giles, Peter. "5. The Earliest Scottish Literature." In The End of the Middle Ages. Vol. 2 (English) of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Online at


Gray, Alasdair. "Land, Language and Early Literature." In Gray, A Survey of Classic Scottish Writing. Edinburgh: Canongate, 2001. 1-6.*

Smith, G. Gregory. "11. The Middle Scots Anthologies: Anonymous Verse and Early Prose." In The End of the Middle Ages. Vol. 2 (English) of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Online at






Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Scottish Literature and Language. Glasgow, 1993.





Brown, P. Hume "Reformation and Renascence in Scotland." In The Cambridge History of English and American Literature, 3: English: Renascence and Reformation. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. New York: Putnam, 1907-21. Online at, 2000.* (1. The Reformation in Scotland. 2. Patrick Hamilton. 3. Alexander Alane. 4. Plays. 5. The Gude and Godlie Ballatis. 6. John Knox. 7. Historie of the Reformation in Scotland. 8. Robert Lindesay of Pitscottie. 9. The Diary of Mr. James Melville. 10. Historians. 11. Political ballads. 12. John Major. 13. The Complaynt of Scotland. 14. Ninian Winzet. 15. John Leslie. 16. Hector Boece. 17. George Buchanan).


Daiches, David. "Scottish Literature to 1700." In Daiches, A Critical History of English Literature. 2 vols. London: Secker and Warburg, 1960. 504-34.*





Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Scottish Literature and Language. Glasgow, 1993.



Modern Scottish literature




Bold, Alan. Modern Scottish Literature. London: Longman, 1983.

Walker, Marshall. Scottish Literature since 1707. (Longman Literature in English series). Harlow: Longman, 1996.*



18th century


Dwyer, John. The Age of the Passions: An Interpretation of Adam Smith and Scottish Enlightenment Culture. East Linton: Tuckwell, 1998.

Gray, Alasdair. "Eighteenth-Century Writers Away and at Home." In Gray, A Survey of Classic Scottish Writing. Edinburgh: Canongate, 2001. 55-69.*



19th century


Gray, Alasdair. "Nineteenth-century Emigrants." In Gray, A Survey of Classic Scottish Writing. Edinburgh: Canongate, 2001. 102-20.*

Manning, Susan. The Puritan Provincial Vision: Scottish and American Literature in the Nineteenth Century. (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, 41). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.

Martin, Maureen M. The Mighty Scot: Nation, Gender, and the Nineteenth-Century Mystique of Scottish Masculinity. SUNY Press, 2009.




20th century


Bell, Eleanor. Questioning Scotland: Literature, Nationalism, Postmodernism. Basingstoke: Macmillan-Palgrave, 2004.

Cairns, Craig, ed. The History of Scottish Literature, vol. 4: Twentieth Century. Aberdeen: Aberdeen UP, 1987

Boddy, Kasia. "Scotland." In The Oxford Guide to Contemporary World Literature. Ed. John Sturrock. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997.361-76.*

Gray, Alasdair. "The Twentieth Century, Mainly." In Gray, A Survey of Classic Scottish Writing. Edinburgh: Canongate, 2001. 121-44.*

Hagan, Anette I. Urban Scots Dialect Writing. Bern: Peter Lang, 2002.

McCulloch, Margery Palmer, ed. Modernism and Nationalism: Literature and Society in Scotland 1918-1939. (Documents for the Scottish Renaissance). Glasgow: ASLS, 2004.

Morgan, Edwin. Twentieth Century Scottish Classics. Essay.

Reizbaum, Marilyn. "Canonical Double Cross: Scottish and Irish Women's Writing." In Decolonizing Tradition: New Views of Twentieth-Century "British" Literary Canons. Ed. Karen R. Lawrence. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1992. 165-90.*

Ryan, Ray. Ireland and Scotland: Literature and Culture, State and Nation, 1966-2000. (Oxford English Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.






Ritchie, Harry, ed. New Scottish Writing. London: Bloomsbury, 1996.*









(Documents for the Scottish Renaissance). Glasgow: ASLS, 2004.


(Modern Scottish Writers). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, c. 1990.


La Bibliografía, en AEDEAN

  En la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, de la que fui socio durante treinta años más o menos.  Desde hace años está...