A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
British/English magazines
British/English Magazines: General
Aquarius 3 (1972).
Bioscope 2 March 1911.
Blackwood's Magazine 227 (1930).
Carrousel 2 (1923).
Chronicle. c.1914.
Commonweal (Oct. 1948).
Commonwealth 90 (9 May 1969).
Cornhill Magazine (1945).
Cosmopolitan Magazine (1928).
Country Life.
Crank (c. 1907).
English Magazine.
The Fiddlehead 105 (Spring 1975).
Fortnight 274 (1989).
Geste 4 (March 1959).
Glasgow Herald (Summer 1993).
The Highway 6 (Dec. 1913).
Illustrated London News 1 Nov. 1969.
Independent (Magazine; 10 Sept. 1988).
The Independent Review (March 1907).
Independent on Sunday (24 Nov. 1991).
Inquiry 9 July 1979.
Intelligent Life: The Quarterly from The Economist.
Ed. Tim de Lisle et al. intelligentlife@economist.com
Kingdom Magazine
Listener 26 June 1985.
Living Issues (August 1993).
London Magazine 28 (June 1912).
London Mercury 5 (1921).
Lovat Dickson's Magazine 2.6 (London, June 1934).
Dialogue 100 (1993).
Grand Street (Summer 1989)
Mail on Sunday. 1995?
The Month (February 1970).
The Nation (London, July 1911).
The Nation and the Athenaeum 5 May 1923.
The Nation 249.20 (11 Dec. 1989).
New English Weekly (17 March 1938)
New Perspectives Quarterly 8 (Spring 1991).
New Russia. Weekly. London.
New Society 9 Dec. 1982.
New Statesman.
The New World (Nov. 1920).
Observer 22 January 1989.
Parade: The Sunday Newspaper Magazine 3 March 1991: 8, 10.
Pearson's Magazine. (Vol. XVI, July-Dec. 1903). London: G. Arthur Pearson.*
People 14 March 2015.
The Queen 9 March 1995.
Reader's Digest.*
Rider's Review 76 (Spring 1950).
Salon Magazine. (June 1997).
Scotland on Sunday 19 April 2009.
Scotsman Weekend.
The Scottish Field (1971).
The Speaker (28 July 1906).
The Spectator 203 (6 Nov. 1959).
Stand. Coed. Tony Harrison. 1968-69.
Stills no. 25 (March 1986).
The Strand Magazine 43-44 (London, April-November 1912).
Strawberry Fare (Autumn 1984).
The Sunday Press 30 Aug. 1981.
Sunday Telegraph (12 March 1989).
Sunday Times (1995).
Tablet 13 September 1958.
Telegraph Magazine c. 1997.
Time 94 (31 Oct. 1969).
Time and Tide
Time Out 1 (London, 1968).
Times Saturday Review 8 March 1980.
TP's Weekly (1909).
The Tribune (London) 18 Jan. 1957.
The Twentieth Century (London) 166 (December 1959).
War and Peace (March 1918).
The Weekly Standard (Oct. 2002).
Wilderness. Magazine.
The Woman's Leader 16 July 1920.
Word and Image. Periodical.
British/English Magazines: Art
Casablanca (May 1993).
Musical Times 1 Sept. 1912.
The Beatles' Garden 14 (Autumn 1996).
The Beatles' Monthly 259 (November 1997).
Close-up. Cinema journal. Ed. Oswell Blakeston.
Kinematograph Weekly 6 May 1948.
The Movies (July 1983).
Stereo Headphones 7 (spring 1976).
The Studio. Art magazine. Early 20th.
British/English Magazines: Trade bibliography. See Bibliography (Areas: British/English)
British/English Magazines: Children's
Collins Magazine for Boys and Girls (1951).
Peg's Paper
British/English Magazines: Cultural
Aquarius 3 (1972).
Books 1 (1970).
Encounter 12 (April 1959).
Gairfish 9 (1995).
Listener (1982).
Now and Then (Spring 1934).
Outlook 23 Feb. 1924.
Radio Times 1 Jan. 1983.
Southfields 2 (1996).
The Tablet.
British/English Magazines: Economy
Clearing House 33 (Sept. 1958).
Economist 1 Feb. 1992.
Forbes Global.
President: Robert L. Forbes.
Ed. Tim W. Ferguson.
Chairman: Brian Mulroney.
PO Box 494,
Haywards Heath, Great Britain, RH16 3GQ
British/English Magazines: Education
Cambridge Review. Weekly. Cambridge, England.
Cambridge University Reporter. Irregular. Cambridge, England.
Chronicle of Higher Education
Glasgow University Magazine (1970).
The Old Abbotsholmian (1908).
Oxford Today: The University Magazine.
Ed. Christina Hardyment. Oxford: Blackwell.
Dir. Jerònia Vidal
Barcelona: RBA.
Founded 1985; No. 29.343 (2014)
Times Higher Educational Supplement 24 Oct. 1980.
Trinity Review (1980).
Whitehill School Magazine (Summer 1952).
British/English Magazines: Humour
Punch 287 (October 17, 1984).
British/English Magazines: Literary
Adelphi 16 (March 1950).
Bête Noire (Christmas 1992).
Big Issue.
Books for Keeps (Sept. 1996).
Brand 2 (2008).
The Browser
The Calendar of Modern Letters (c. 1926).
Choice (March 1997).
The Cornhill Magazine
The Criterion.
Ed. T. S. Eliot (1922-39)
Vol. 13 (July 1934).
The Dial (February 1922).
The Egoist.
Imagist periodical.
Ed. Hilda Doolittle and Richard Aldington.
Vol. 4 (April 1918).
Encounter. Monthly. London. Vol. 28.2 (1967)
The Fiction Magazine. Ed. Judy Cooke. 1981-1987.
_____. The Best of the Fiction Magazine. Ed. Judy Cooke.
Firebird 1 (1982). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
The Fortnightly Review
Gairfish 9 (1995)
The Granta. Weekly. Cambridge, England.
The Hydra.
Periodical. Claiglockhart Military Hospital.
Independent Review.
Launched 1903 by G. M. Trevelyan et al.
Life and Letters
Literature Matters.
Newsletter of the British Council's Literature Department, London.
The Little Review 5 (April 1918).
London Magazine 6 (1966).
The London Mercury.
Merlin 1 (Autumn 1952).
New Departures 10/11 (1975)
The New Quarterly (Oct. 1908).
The New Review: An International Notebook for the Arts 1 (Paris, Winter 1931-32)
The Theatre 1880s, etc.
New Theatre Magazine 11.3.
New Writing and Writers. London: John Calder. No. 13 (1976).
Penguin New Writing 37 (1949).
Personal Landscape. Literary magazine. Ed. Bernard Spencer and Lawrence Durrell. Cairo, 1940s.
Poetry Review. Ed. Muriel Spark. 1947-49.
Scottish Review of Books
Theatre Arts Monthly 16 (August 1932).
This Quarter. Literary journal. Ed. Edward W. Titus. Paris. (Vol. 4, 1932).
This Magazine 24.6 (Feb. 1991).
Saltire Review 2.5 (Autumn 1955).
Saturday Review of Literature 25 May 1946.
Scottish International Magazine (1969).
Poetry journal.
Ed. Jon Silkin.
179 Wingrove Rd,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Poetry magazine.
Thumbscrew 16 (Summer 2000).
Transatlantic Review (1966).
English language literary magazine (Paris), revived as art magazine.
Ed. Georges Duthuit.
Waterstone's New Books (Winter 1991).
Words Magazine (1979).
British/English Magazines: Media
Edinburgh International Television Festival Magazine (1978).
Radio Times. (1964). (1984).
British/English Magazines: Music
BBC Music Magazine.
Ed. Helen Wallace.
Room A1004, Woodlands, 80 Wood Lane,
London W12 0TT.
e-mail: music.magazine@bbc.co.uk
Beatles Unlimited Magazine 136 (Nov.-Dec. 1997).
The Beatles' Garden 14 (Autumn 1996).
The Beatles' Monthly 259 (November 1997).
Classic CD.
Ed. Neil Evans.
Beauford Court, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, BA1 2 BW
Tel. 01225442244
Fax 01225732285
Early Music Review. UK.
Founded 1923 by Sir Compton Mackenzie and Christopher Stone.
Ed. James Jolly
Haymarket Matazines Ltd-
Gramophone Publications Ltd
38-42 Hampton Road,
Teddington, Middlesex TW11 0JE
78.939 (April 2001)
Pop music magazine.
Ed. Mat Snow.
EMAP Consumer Magazines.
Moppin House, 4 Winsley St, London W1N 7AR
E-mail: mojo@ecm.emap.com
No. 60 (Nov. 1998): 36-52.
Opera (Autumn 1976).
Paris New Music Review (December 1994).
Rolling Stone 17 May 1990.
Clarion (Socialist weekly).
Left Review
New Freewoman
New Statesman.
Polemic (1946).
Votes for Women. Ed. May Sinclair. Early 20th c.
British/English Magazines: Popular fiction
Adventure. Popular fiction magazine (England).
All-Story. Popular fiction magazine.
Authentic. SF magazine (Britain). Ed. H. J. Campbell.
Champion. Popular fiction magazine (England).
Future Science Fiction (1953).
Grand Magazine .
The Harmsworth Red Magazine.
Hotspur. Popular fiction magazine (England).
Interzone. SF magazine. 217 Preston Drove. Brighton BN1 6FL. UK.
Love Story. Fiction magazine. Argus Publications (to 1994).
Modern Boy . Children's magazine. (England, 1930s/40s).
New Worlds Science Fiction.
SF magazine (Britain, 1946-).
Ed. E. J. ("Ted") Carnell.
Becomes New Worlds Quarterly with issue 202 (Sept. 1971-1976.).
Ed. Michael Moorcock. (from no. 142, 1964).
Spicy Mystery Stories (Jan. 1936).
Super Science Stories.
SF magazine.
Britain, c. 1950.
True Romance. Fiction magazine. Argus Publications (to 1994).
Vector. Journal of SF criticism. (Britain).
Weird Tales. Popular fiction magazine. Ed. Fansworth Wright. 1923-.
Wizard. Popular fiction magazine (England).
British/English magazines: Special interest groups
Catholic World 168 (Dec. 1948).
Jewish Chronicle 12 Feb. 2009.
Journal of Historical Review. (Fascist historical journal, negationist).
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 13 (June 1907).
Lay Witness (Oct. 2001).
Outweek 20 Feb. 1991.
Plan (Journal of the Progressive League) (1942).
The Russian. Weekly. London.
The Skeptical Inquirer. Periodical (Vs. mysteries and paranormal phenomena).
British/English magazines: Professions, sports and avocations
Country Life.
Country Living.
Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic.
Judge magazine (June 1933)
The Problemist. (Chess). Bi-monthly. London.
Wisden Cricketers' Almanack.
British/English magazines: Students' Magazines
Ygorra (Glasgow students charity magazine, 1956).
British/English magazines: Women's magazines
Cosmopolitan Magazine (May 1990).
Vanity Fair.
On British/English magazines: miscellaneous
Gregorio Godeo, Eduardo de. "Women's Magazines' Problem Pages and the Discourse of Femininity in Contemporary UK." In Actas XXVIII Congreso Internacional / International Conference AEDEAN. CD-ROM. Valencia: U de València, 2005.*
_____. "Las revistas para adolescentes en el Reino Unido y la perpetuación de los roles de género tradicionales: un acercamiento desde los consultorios on-line." In AEDEAN XXX: Proceedings of the 30th International AEDEAN Conference. [Huelva, 2006]. Ed. María Losada Friend et al. Huelva: U de Huelva, 2007.*
_____. "Discursive Constructions of Masculinity and Men's Magazines' Problem Pages in the Age of Globalisation: A Case Study." In Culture & Power: Culture and Society in the Age of Globalisation. Ed. Chantal Cornut-Gentille et al. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2005. 255-66.*
Turner, Barry, ed. The Writer's Handbook 2009. Foreword by Ion Trewin. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. (Publishers, magazines, literary agents, newspapers, broadcasting, theatre producers, writers' courses, fellowships, societies, services, libraries, press cutting agencies, consultants, festivals, prizes….)
On British/English magazines: Specific
McRobbie, Angela. "Jackie Magazine: Romantic Individualism and the Teenage Girl." In McRobbie, Feminism and Youth Culture. 2nd ed. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.
Left Review
Margolies, David. Writing the Revolution: Cultural Criticism from Left Review. London: Pluto, 1998.
Peg's Paper
Hoggart, Richard "The 'Real' World of People: Illustrations from Popular Art—Peg's Paper." In 20th Century Literary Criticism: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1972. 489-96.*
Personal Landscape
Bolton, Jonathan. Personal Landscapes: British Poets in Egypt during the Second World War. Houndmills: Macmillan, c. 1998. (Bernard Spencer, Lawrence Durrell).
Private Eye
Wheen, Francis, ed. Lord Gnome's Literary Companion: The Best of the Literary Review Page of Private Eye. London: Verso, 1995.