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lunes, 26 de febrero de 2024

Narraciones orales y conversacionales



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Oral  and  Conversational Narrative



Anstatt, Tanja. "Zur Ontogenese des narrativen Redetyps." In Narrativität als Begriff. Ed. Matthias Aumuller. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2012. 185-202.*

Astudillo Vicente, Ester. "A Role for Cognition for the Understanding of Definite Presentative NPs in Oral Narratives." In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos). Lleida, 17-19 December 1998. Ed. Pere Gallardo and Enric Llurda. Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2000. 79-84.*

Bamberg, Michael. "Identity and Narration." In Handbook of Narratology. Ed. Peter Hühn et al. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 132-43.*

_____. Narrative: State of the Art. (Benjamins Current Topics, 6). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007.* Rpt. of Narrative Inquiry 16.1 (2006).

Barkhuizen, Gary. "5. Narrative Knowledging in Second Language Teaching and Learning Contexts." In The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Ed. Anna De Fina and Alexandra Georgakopoulou. Chichester: Wiley, 2015. 97-116.*

Bauman, Richard. "'Any Man Who Keeps More'n One Hound'll Lie to You': Dog Trading and Storytelling at Canton, Texas." In Other Neighborly Names: Social Process and Cultural Image in Texas Folklore. 1981.

_____. Story, Performance, and Event: Contextual Studies of Oral Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.*

Becker, Tabea, and Uta M. Quasthoff. "1. Different Dimensions in the Field of Narrative Interaction." Introduction to Narrative Interaction. Ed. Uta M. Quasthoff and Tabea Becker. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2005. 1-11.*

Bell, S. Narratives of Health and Illness I: DES Daughters Tell Stories. Unpublished manuscript, 1983.

Benkel, Thorsten. (Frankfurt a.M.) "Authentische Erfindungen: Selbstdarstellungstrategien in Erzählkontexten des sozialen Alltags." In Authentisches Erzählen: Produktion, Narration, Rezeption. Ed. Antonius Weixler. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2012. 95-118.*

Benmayor, Rina. Review of Oral Narrative and the Comparative Method. Romance Philology 31.3 (February 1978).

Berger, Asa. Narratives in Popular Culture, Media and Everyday Life. Sage, 1997.

Blum-Kulka, Shoshana. "'You Gotta Know How to Tell a Story': Telling, Tales, and Tellers in American and Israeli Narrative Events at Dinner." Language in Society 22 (1993): 361-402.

Blum-Kulka, Shoshana, and Catherine E. Snow. "Developing Autonomy for Tellers, Tales, and Telling in Family Narrative Events." Journal of Narrative and Life History 2 (1993): 187-217.

Botvin, G. J., and B. Sutton-Smith. "The Development of Structural Complexity in Children's Fantasy Narratives." Developmental Psychology 13 (1977): 377-88.

Bright, William. "Poetic Structures in Oral Narratives." In Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy. Ed. Deborah Tannen. Norwood (NJ): Ablex, 1982. 171-84.

Bruner, Jerome. Acts of Meaning. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1990.

Carranza, Isolda E. "3. Narrating and Arguing: From Plausibility to Local Moves." In The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Ed. Anna De Fina and Alexandra Georgakopoulou. Chichester: Wiley, 2015. 57-75.*

Cazden, C., and D. Hymes. "Narrative Thinking and Storytelling Rights: A Folklorist's Clue to a Critique of Education." Keystone Folklore Quarterly 22 (1978): 21-36.

Chafe, Wallace V. "Things We Can Learn from Repeated Tellings of the Same Experience." Narrative Inquiry 8 (1998): 269-85.

_____. "The Development of Consciousness in the Production of a Narrative." In The Pear Stories. Ed. Wallace Chafe. Norwood: Ablex, 1980. 9-50.

_____. "Polyphonic Topic Development." In Conversation: Cognitive, Communicative and Social Perspectives. Ed. T. Givón. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1997. 41-53.

_____, ed. The Pear Stories: Cognitive, Cultural, and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Production. (Advances in Discourse Processes 3). Norwood (NJ): Ablex, 1980.

Coages, Jennifer. Men Talk: Stories in the Making of Masculinities. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002.

Compes, Isabel. Textkonstituierung in gesprochener Sprache: Eine Fallstudie zum Verfahren der Verortung am Beispiel samoanischer Narrationen. (Edition Linguistik 23). Munich: Lincom Europa.

Cots, Josep Maria. "On Being Swept Off Your Feet by the Story: The Discursive Construction of Involvement in Conversational Storytelling." Atlantis 25.1 (June 2003): 7-27.*

Dyer, M. G. "The Role of Affect in Narratives." Cognitive Science 7 (1983): 211-42.

Ehrlich, K. Erzählen im Alltag. Frankfurt a/M: Suhrkamp, 1980.

Ervin-Tripp, Susan, and A. Küntay. "The Occasioning and Structure of Conversational Stories." In Conversation: Cognitive, Communicative and Social Perspectives. Ed. T. Givón. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1997. 133-66.

Everett, Barbara. "Romeo and Juliet: The Nurse's Story." Critical Quarterly 14 (1972): 129-39.

Farrell, Thomas B. "Narrative in Natural Discourse: On Conversation and Rhetoric." Journal of Communication 35.4 (1985): 109-27.

Filardo-Llamas, Laura. Rev. of World-Building in Spanish and English Spoken Narratives,by Jane Lugea. Atlantis 39.2 (Dec. 2017): 253-56.*

Fleischman, Suzanne. Tense and Narrativity: From Medieval Performance to Modern Fiction. London: Routledge, 1990.*

Flores Hilerio, Dalina. Del discurso oral al literario: Análisis interdisciplinario de de narraciones en un continuum producido en Nuevo León. Ph.D. diss. U Autónoma de Nuevo León, 2011.


Fludernik, Monika. "Towards a 'Natural' Narratology." In Fludernik, Towards a 'Natural' Narratology. London: Routledge, 1996. 2001. 12-52.* (Natural narrative, narrativity, fictionality)

_____. "Natural Narrative and Other Oral Modes." In Fludernik, Towards a 'Natural' Narratology. London: Routledge, 1996. 2001. 53-91.* (Oral storytelling, jokes, exempla, anecdotes).

_____. "Conversational Narration / Oral Narration." In Handbook of Narratology. Ed. Peter Hühn et al. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 63-73.*

_____. "Conversational Narration – Oral Narration." The Living Handbook of Narratology


Forkel, Robert. "4. Zur kognitionsnarratologischen Experientialitätsanalyse der Enkelliteratur." Erfahrung aus Narration: Erinnerungskulturelle Funktionen der Enkelliteratur.  Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, 2020. 131-81.* (Generations, memory, oral narrative).


García Landa, José Angel. "Pragmática y narración." In García Landa, Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1998. 257-64.* (La narratología. El narrar como acto de habla. la narración natural. Narración y ficción [status narrativo]).

_____. "La narración conversacional." Rev. of Neal Norrick's Conversational Narrative. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 30 July 2007.


_____. "On Conversational Narrative / Sobre la narración conversacional." Online PDF at Social Science Research Network (September 19, 2008).


_____. "Sobre la narración conversacional." Online PDF at Zaguán 1 July 2009.*


_____. "Contando cómo le paramos los pies." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 21 July 2009.*


_____. "Contando cómo le paramos los pies." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 29 July 2009.*


_____. "Contando cómo le paramos los pies: Relatos de autoafirmación y solidaridad de grupo." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 21 Jan. 2015.*


_____. "Contando cómo le paramos los pies: Relatos de autoafirmación y solidaridad de grupo." Social Science Research Network 15 Jan. 2015.*


_____. "Contando cómo le paramos los pies: Relatos de autoafirmación y solidaridad de grupo." Academia 6 May 2016.*


_____. "Contando cómo le paramos los pies: Relatos de autoafirmación y solidaridad de grupo." ResearchGate 6 May 2016.*


_____. "Recontextualizando." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 21 March 2012.* (Günthner, oral storytelling, retrospection).


Gardner, R. A. Therapeutic Communication with Children: The Mutual Storytelling Technique. New York: Science House, 1971.

Georgakopoulou, Alexandra. Narrative Performances: A Study of Modern Greek Storytelling. (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 46). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1997.

_____. "9. Same Old Story? On the Interactional Dynamics of Shared Narratives." In Narrative Interaction. Ed. Uta M. Quasthoff and Tabea Becker. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2005. 223-41.*

_____. "The Other Side of the Story: Towards a Narrative Analysis of Narratives-in-interaction." Discourse Studies 8 (2006): 265-287.

_____. "13. Small Stories Research: Methods – Analysis – Outreach." In The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Ed. Anna De Fina and Alexandra Georgakopoulou. Chichester: Wiley, 2015. 255-72.*

Gluck, Sherna Berger, and Daphne Patai, eds. Women's Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History. Routledge, 1991.

González, Montserrat. Pragmatic Markers in Oral Narrative: The Case of  English and Catalan. (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 122). Amsterdam/New York: John Benjamins, 2004.*

Goodwin, Charles. "10. Narrative as Talk-in-Interaction." In The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Ed. Anna De Fina and Alexandra Georgakopoulou. Chichester: Wiley, 2015. 197-218.*

Goodwin, Charles, and Marjorie Goodwin. "The Interactive Construction of Conversational Stories." Paper given at Harvard University's Center for Literary Studies, 6 jan. 1987.

Goodwin, Marjorie H. "Towards Families of Stories in Context." Journal of Narrative and Life History 7 (1997): 107-12.

_____. "By-Play: Negotiating Evaluation in Story-Telling." In Towards a Social Science of Language: Papers in Honour of William Labov. 2: Social Interaction and Discourse Structures. Ed. G. R. Guy, C. Feagin, D. Schiffrin, and J. Baugh. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1997. 77-102.

Gordon, Cynthia. "16. Narratives in Family Contexts." In The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Ed. Anna De Fina and Alexandra Georgakopoulou. Chichester: Wiley, 2015. 311-28.*

Gülich, Elisabeth. "Alltägliches erzählen und alltägliches Erzählen." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 3-26.*

_____. "Alltägliches erzählen und alltägliches Erzählen." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 3-26.*

_____. "Krankheitserzählungen." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 77-96.*

_____. "Medizin: Zur narrativen Rekonstruktion von Krankheitserfahrungen in Arzt-Patient-Gesprächen." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 97-112.*

_____. "Praxis der Fallarbeit im psychosomatischen Kontext aus der Sicht der Gesprächsforschung." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 137-44.*

_____. "Erinnern - Erzählen - Interpretieren in Gesprächen mit Anfallskranken." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 181-212.*

_____. "'Volle Palette in Flammen': Zur Orientierung an vorgeformten Strukturen beim Reden über Angst." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 271-98.*

_____. "Unbeschreibbarkeit: Rhetorischer Topos - Gattungsmerkmal - Formulierungsressource." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 357-82.*

_____. "Using Illness Narratives in Clinical Diagnosis: Narrative Reconstruction of Epileptic and Non-Epileptic Seizures and Panic Attacks." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 487-504.*

_____. "Das Alltagsgeschäft der Interdisziplinarität." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 507-24.*

_____. Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Ed. Stefan Pfänder, Carl E. Scheidt and Elke Schumann. (Narratologia, 71). Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020.* (I. Grundlagen: Narrative un szenische Rekonstruktion; II. Von Krankheitserfahrungen erzählen; III. Rekonstruktion, Kokonstruktion und Kohärenz am Beispiel von Anfallserzählungen; IV. Verbale und nonverbale Ressourcen bei der narrativen Rekonstruktion von Angsterfahrungen. V. Formulierungsressourcen für 'Unbeschreibbares'; VI. Mehrfaches Erzählen und autobiografische Arbeit; VII. Mündliches Erzählen aus differenzialdiagnostischer Perspektive; VIII. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven). (Seizures, Attacks).

Gülich, Elisabeth, and Lorenza Mondada. "Mündliches Erzählen: Narrative und szenische Rekonstruktion." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 47-74.*

Gülich, Elisabeth, and Ulrich Krafft. "Ko-Konstruktion von Anfallschilderungen in Arzt-Patienten-Gesprachen." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 147-80.*

Gülich, Elisabeth, and Martin Schöndienst. "Brüche in der Kohärenz bei der narrativen Rekonstruktion von Krankheitserfahrungen: Konversationsanalytische und klinische Aspekte." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 213-28.*

Gülich, Elisabeth, and Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen. "Zur Entwicklung einer Differenzierung von Angstformen im Interaktionsverlauf: Verfahren der szenischen Darstellung." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 231-70.*

Gülich, Elisabeth, and Katrin Lindemann. "Communicating Emotion in Doctor-Patient Interaction: A Multidimensional Single Case Analysis." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 299-326.*

Gülich, Elisabeth, and Ingrid Furchner. "Die Beschreibung von Unbeschreibbarem: Eine konversationsanalytische Annäherung an Gespräche mit Anfallskranken." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 329-56.*

Gülich, Elisabeth, Katrin Lindemann and Martin Schöndienst. "Interaktive Formulierung von Angsterlebnissen im Arzt-Patient-Gespräch: Eine Einzelfallstudie." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 385-412.*

Gülich, Elisabeth, and Gabriele Lucius-Hoene. "Veränderungen von Geschichten beim Erzählen: Versuch einer Interdisziplinären Annäherung an narrative Rekonstruktionen von Schlüsselerfährungen." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 413-52.*

Gülich, Elisabeth, Barbara Frank-Job, Heike Knerich and Martin Schöndienst. "Klinische Differenzialdiagnostik und linguistische Analyse von Gesprächen: Neue Wege in Datenerhebung, Analyse und Auswertung im interdisziplinären Forschungskontext." In Gülich, Mündliches Erzählen: Verfahren narrativer Rekonstruktion im Gespräch. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. 455-86.*

Günthner, Susanne. "12. Narrative Reconstructions of Past Experiences: Adjustments and Modifications in the Process of Recontextualizing a Past Experience." In Narrative Interaction. Ed. Uta M. Quasthoff and Tabea Becker. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2005. 285-301.*

Hall, Joanne M., and Jill Powell. "Understanding the Person through Narrative." Nursing Research and Practice (2011): article 293847.


Hamacher, Annika. Erzählen als Kern von Unterhaltung: Zur Operationalisierbarkeit von Narration in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. M.A. diss. Westfalische Wilhelm-Universität, Münster, 2010. Online at Academia.*


Harweg, Roland. "Perfekt und Präteritum im gesprochenen Neuhochdeutsch: Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Theorie des nichtliterarischen Erzählens." Orbis 24.1 (1975): 130-83.

Herman, David. "Toward a Socionarratology: New Ways of Analyzing Natural-Language Narratives." In Narratologies. Ed. David Herman. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1999. 218-46.*

_____. "Story Logic in Conversational and Literary Narratives." Narrative 9.2 (2001): 130-37.

_____. "Storytelling and the Sciences of Mind: Cognitive Narratology, Discursive Psychology, and Narratives in Face-to-Face Interaction." Narrative 15.3 (2007): 306-34.

_____. "Dialogue in a Discourse Context." In Narrative: State of the Art. Ed. Michael Bamberg. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007. 91-101.* Rpt. of Narrative Inquiry 16.1 (2006).

Herrero Martín, Rosana. (U de Salamanca, Instituto Cervantes Bremen).  The Doing of Telling on the Irish Stage: A Study of Language Performativity in Modern and Contemporary Irish Theatre. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2008.

_____. "The Doing of Telling on the Irish Stage: An Introduction and Two Samples of Modern and Contemporary Story-Telling Performativity." In Proceedings from the 31st AEDEAN Conference. Ed. M. J. Lorenzo Modia et al. CD-ROM: A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 2008. 733-44.*

Hoffbauer, Brigitte. "Diskurssignale in spontanen mündlichen Erzählungen." MA thesis, U of Freiburg, 1991.

Hopper, Paul. "Dualisms in the Study of Narrative: A Note on Labov and Waletzky." Journal of Narrative and Life History 7 (1997): 75-82.

Horsdal, Marianne. Telling Lives: Exploring Dimensions of Narrative. London: Routledge, 2012.* (Time and plot, Augustine, Emplotment, causality, mirror neurons, vicarious experience, interaction, oral narrative).

Hymes, Dell. "In Vain I Tried to Tell You": Essays in Native American Ethnopoetics. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1981.

_____. "Language, Memory and Selective Performance: Cultee's 'Salmon Myth' as Twice Told to Boas." Journal of American Folklore 98 (1985): 391-434.

Jefferson, Gail. "Sequential Aspects of Storytelling in Conversation." In Studies in the Organization of Conversational Interaction. Ed. Jim Schenkein. New York: Academic Press, 1978. 219-48.

Johnstone, Barbara. "'He says . . . so I said': Verb Tense Alternation and Narrative Depictions of Authority in American English." Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences 25.1 (1987): 33-52.

_____. Stories, Community and Place: Narratives from Middle America. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1990.

_____. "Community and Contest: Midwestern Men and Women Creating Their Worlds in Conversational Storytelling." In Gender and Conversational Interaction. Ed. Deborah Tannen. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993. 62-80.

_____. "A New Role for Narrative in Variationist Sociolinguistics." In Narrative: State of the Art. Ed. Michael Bamberg. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007. 57-67.* Rpt. of Narrative Inquiry 16.1 (2006).

Jolles, André. Einfache Formen: Legende / Sage / Mythe / Rätsel / Spruch / Kasus / Memorabilie / Märchen / Witz. Halle: Niemeyer, 1929.* 1956.

_____. Formes simples. (Poétique). Paris: Seuil, 1972.

Jones, Tristan. Yarns. Adlard Coles Nautical, 1983.

Kacandes, Irene. Talk Fiction: Literature and the Talk Explosion. Lincoln: U of Nebraska Press, 2001.

Kern, Friederike, and Uta M. Quasthoff. "2. Fantasy Stories and  Conversational Narratives of Personal Experience: Genre-Specific, Interactional and Developmental Perspectives." In Narrative Interaction. Ed. Uta M. Quasthoff and Tabea Becker. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2005. 15-56.*

Kütt, Andreas. "MAIN-testi kasutamine eesti laste jutustamisoskuse hindamiseks (Using the Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives test for the assessment of Estonian children’s narrative skills)." Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat / Estonian Papers in Applied Linguistics (2018).*


Labov, William. Language in the Inner City. University Park: U of Pennsylvania P, 1972.

_____. "The Transformation of Experience in Narrative Syntax." In Labov, Language in the Inner City. University Park: U of Pennsylvania P; London: Routledge, 1972. 354-96.

_____. "Some Further Steps in Narrative Analysis." Journal of Narrative and Life History 7 (1997): 395-415.

_____. "Narrative Pre-Construction." In Narrative: State of the Art. Ed. Michael Bamberg. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007. 47-56.* Rpt. of Narrative Inquiry 16.1 (2006).

Labov, William, and Joshua Waletzky. "Narrative Analysis: Oral Versions of Personal Experience." In Essays on the Verbal and Visual Arts: Proceedings of the 1966 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnologic Society. Ed. June Helm. Seattle: U of Washington P, 1967. 12-45.

_____. "Narrative Analysis: Oral Versions of Personal Experience." In Michael Bamberg's site, Clark University.


Labov, William, and David Fanshel. Therapeutic Discourse: Psychotherapy as Conversation. New York: Academic Press, 1977.

Lambrou, Marina. "Collaborative Oral Narratives of General Experience: When An Interview Becomes a Conversation." Language and Literature 12.2 (2003): 153-74.*

Linde, Charlotte. Life Stories. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

Lopez, Kimberly June. "'We Are Not a Machine': Personal Support Workers' (ante)Narratives of Labours, Leisure and Hope amidst Politics of Genderacialised Care in Long-Term Care Homes." Ph.D. diss. U of Waterloo, Ontario, 2018.*


Lugea, Jane. World Building in Spanish and English Spoken Narratives. London: Bloomsbury, 2016.

Mage, M. A., and B. Sutton-Smith. "The Art of Storytelling: How do Children Learn It?" Young Children 38 (1983): 4-12.

Mandelbaum, Jenny. "Assigning Responsibility in Conversational Storytelling: The Interactional Construction of Reality." Text 13.2 (1993): 247-66.

Mandler, Jean Mater. "A Code in the Node: The Use of a Story Schema in Retrieval". Discourse Processes 1 (1978): 14-35.

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Martín Criado, Arturo. "Ficción y no ficción en la narrativa oral." Revista de Folklore 305 (2006): 170-180.*

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Martínez, Matías, and Christian Klein, eds. Wirklichkeitserzählungen: Fel­der, Formen und Funktionen nicht-literarischen Erzählens. Stuttgart, 2009.

McClure, E., J. Mason, and J. Williams. "Sociocultural Variables in Children's Sequencing of Stories." Discourse Processes (1983): 131-43.

Michaels, Sarah, and Jenny Cook-Gumperz. "A Study of Sharing Time with First Grade Students: Discourse Narratives in the Classroom." Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. 1979. 647-80.

Minami, Masahiko. Rev. of  Towards a 'Natural' Narratology by Monika Fludernik. Narrative Inquiry 8 (1998): 467-472.

_____. "4. Narrative, Cognition, and Socialization." In The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Ed. Anna De Fina and Alexandra Georgakopoulou. Chichester: Wiley, 2015. 76-96.*

Mishler, Elliot G. The Discourse of Medicine: Dialectics of Medical Interviews. Norwood (NJ): Ablex, 1984.

_____. Research Interviewing: Context and Narrative. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, forthcoming 1986.

Monzoni, Chiara M. "8. The Use of Interjections in Italian Conversation: the Participation of the Audience in Narratives." In Narrative Interaction. Ed. Uta M. Quasthoff and Tabea Becker. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2005. 197-220.*

Neisser, U., and R. Fivush, eds. The Remembering Self: Constructions and Accuracy in the Self-Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.

Norrick, Neal R. "Repetition in Canned Jokes and Spontaneous Conversational Joking." Humor 6 (1993): 385-402.

_____. "Twice-Told Tales: Collaborative Narration of Familiar Stories." Language in Society 26 (1997): 199-220.

_____. Conversational Narrative: Storytelling in Everyday Talk. (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, Series IV- Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 203). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.*

_____. "11. Interaction in the Telling and Retelling of Interlaced Stories: The Co-Construction of Humorous Narratives." In Narrative Interaction. Ed. Uta M. Quasthoff and Tabea Becker. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2005. 263-83.*

_____. "Retelling Stories in Spontaneous Conversation." Discourse Processes 25 (1998): 75-97.

_____. "Retelling Again." Narrative Inquiry 8 (1998): 373-78.

Nünning, Ansgar, and Roy Sommer. "The Performative Power of Narrative in Drama: On the Forms and Functions of Dramatic Storytelling in Shakespeare's Plays." In Current Trends in Narratology. Ed. Greta Olson. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2011. 200-31.*

Ochs, Elinor. "Narrative." In Discourse as Structure and Process. Ed. Teun A. van Dijk. London: Sage, 1997. 1998. 185-207.*

Ochs, Elinor, Ruth Smith and Carolyn Taylor. "Detective Stories at Dinner-time: Problem-Solving through Co-Narration." Cultural Dynamics 2 (1989): 238-57.

Ochs, Elinor, Carolyn Taylor, Dina Rudolph and Ruth Smith. "Storytelling as a Theory-Building Activity." Discourse Processes 15 (1989): 37-72.

Ochs, Elinor, and Lisa Capps. "Narrative Authenticity." Journal of Narrative and Life History 7 (1997): 83-89.

_____. Living Narrative: Creating Lives in Everyday Storytelling. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP, 2001.*

Page, Ruth E. "Variation in Storytelling Styles amongst New Zealand Schoolchildren." Narrative Inquiry 18.1 (2008): 152-179.

Perrino, Sabina. "7. Chronotopes: Time and Space in Oral Narrative." In The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Ed. Anna De Fina and Alexandra Georgakopoulou. Chichester: Wiley, 2015. 140-59.*

Phoenix, Ann, Julia Brannen and Corinne Squire. Researching Family Narratives. London: Sage, 2021.


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Anthologies and corpora


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Bornstoryteller (Stuart Nager)





Internet resources



Oral History (The British Library)



Storytelling in Performance








Journal of Narrative and Life History.

Continued by Narrative Inquiry.

Vol. 2 (1993).


Narrative Inquiry


Storytelling, Self, Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Storytelling Studies.

Storytelling in Higher Education Special Interest Group of the National Storytelling Network.

Florida Atlantic University.

Vol. 1 (2003).







Related works




Torres, Mara. Hablar por hablar: Historias de madrugada. 2004. (Radio agony programme).









Gibbs, Graham R. "The analysis of narratives." Video lecture. YouTube (Graham R. Gibbs)  21 Feb. 2015.*









See also Conversation; Narration in drama.

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