A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Literature and Sociology / Sociology of Literature
Albrecht, Richard. "Some Aspects of the Sociology of Literature in West Germany." British Journal of Sociology 32.4 (December 1981).
Annas, Pamela J., and Robert C. Rosen. Literature and Society: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Nonfiction. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1990.
Barker, Francis, et al., eds. Literature, Society, and the Sociology of Literature. Essex Conference Proceedings, 1977.
_____, eds. The Sociology of Literature. Essex Conference Proceedings, 1978.
_____, eds. Proceedings of the Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature, July 1978. Vol.1: 1936: The Politics of Modernism. Colchester: U of Essex, 1979.
_____, eds. The Politics of Theory: Proceedings of the Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature, July 1982. Colchester: U of Essex, 1983.
Baroni, Raphäel, Jérome Meizoz and Giuseppe Merrone, eds. Littérature et sciences sociales. (A Contrario 4.2 ; Special issue on literature and social sciences). Antipode, 2006.
Bourdieu, Pierre. Les Règles de l'art: Genèse et structure du champ littéraire. (Libre Examen). Paris: Seuil, 1992. (Literary theory; ideology; social semiotics; sociology of literature; Flaubert; 19th-century French literature; authorship; aestheticism; perspective; reading; Mallarmé, Baudelaire, writing, literature, value, aesthetics).
_____. Les Règles de l'art: Genèse et structure du champ littéraire. (Points; Essais, 370). Paris: Seuil, 1998.*
_____. Las reglas del arte: Génesis y estructura del campo literario. Trans. Thomas Kauf. (Argumentos, 167). Barcelona: Anagrama, 1995. 2nd ed. 1997. 3rd ed. 2002. 4th ed. 2005. 5th ed. 2011.*
_____. The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field. 1992. Trans. Susan Emanuel. (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics). Stanford (CA), 1995. 1996.
Compagnon, Antoine, and John Lough. Writer and Public in France. Oxford: Clarendon, 1978.
Cros, E. "Fundamentos para una sociocrítica." Ideologies and Literature 3 (1977): 60-69; 4 (1977): 63-80.
Daiches, David. "Criticism and Sociology." In Daiches, Critical Approaches to Literature. 1956. 2nd ed. London: Longman, 1982. 350-71.*
Domínguez Caparrós, José. "Capítulo V. Literatura y sociedad, II. Estructuralismo genético. Literatura y política. Sociología de la literatura." In Domínguez Caparrós, Teoría de la Literatura. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, 2002. 71-84.*
Dubois, Jacques. L'Institution de la littérature: Introduction à une sociologie. Brussels: Éditions LABOR, 1978.
Ebeling, Lutz. "Science-Fiction Literatur in der Gesellschaft —Kritisch beobachtet mit Luhmann." BA diss. FernUniversität an Basel. Online at Academia.*
Escarpit, Robert. Sociologie de la littérature. Paris: PUF, 1971.
_____. Sociología de la literatura. Trans. Francesc Garriga. (Colección ¿Qué sé?, 61). Barcelona: Oikos-Tau, 1971.*
Escarpit, Robert, et al. Hacia una sociología del hecho literario. Madrid: Cuadernos para el Diálogo, 1974.
Ferreras, Juan Ignacio. Fundamentos de sociología de la literatura. Madrid: Cátedra, 1980.
Fowler, Roger. Literature as Social Discourse: The Practice of Linguistic Criticism. London: Batsford Academic and Educational, 1981.
_____. Literature as Social Discourse: The Practice of Linguistic Criticism. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1981. *
Goldmann, Lucien. Le Dieu caché. Paris: Gallimard, 1959.
_____. Pour une sociologie du roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1964.
Hall, John. The Sociology of Literature. London: Longman, 1979.
Hauser, Arnold. Historia social de la literatura y el arte. 3 vols. Barcelona: Labor, 1983.
Holub, Robert C. Reception Theory: A Critical Introduction. London: Methuen, 1984.*
Lahire, Bernard, with Géraldine Bois. La Condition littéraire: La Double vie des écrivains. (Textes à l'appui – Série 'Laboratoire des Sciences Sociales'). Paris: La Découverte, 2006.* (I. Théorie du jeu littéraire et méthodes. II. Situations socio-économiques et littéraires des écrivains. III. Portraits d'écrivains à second métier. IV. Portraits d'écrivains sans second métier. – Fin de partie — Annexes). (Authorship, writing, jobs, publication).
_____, ed. Sociología de la Lectura: Análisis crítico de las encuestas a nivel nacional. Barcelona and Buenos Aires: Gedisa, 2004.
Leavis, F. R. "Sociology and Literature." In Leavis, The Common Pursuit. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962. 195-203.
Leenhardt, Jacques. "Psychocritique et sociologie de la littérature." In Les Chemins actuels de la critique. Paris: UGE, 1968.
Lotman, I. M. "The Content and Structure of the Concept of 'Literature'." PTL 1.2 (1976): 339-56.
_____. "The Content and Structure of the Concept of 'Literature'." Select. in Twentieth-Century Literary Theory. Ed. K. M. Newton. London: Macmillan, 1988. 176-9.
_____. "Sobre el contenido y la estructura del concepto de 'literatura artística'." In Lotman, La Semiosfera, I: Semiótica de la cultura y del texto. Madrid: Cátedra / Universitat de València, 1996. 162-81.*
Lukács, Georg. Sociología de la literatura. Barcelona: Península, 1973.
Mandel, Ernest. Delightful Murder: A Social History of the Crime Story. Bristol: Pluto Press, 1984.
McKenzie, Donald F. Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts. London: British Library, 1986.
Potter, J., P. Stringer and M. Wetherell. Social Texts and Contexts: Literature and Social Psychology. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984.
Reis, Carlos. "Subtexto: crítica psicoanalítica y sociología de la literatura." In Reis, Fundamentos y técnicas del análisis literario. Madrid: Gredos, 1981. 69-97.*
Sammons, Jeffrey L. Literary Sociology and Practical Criticism: An Inquiry. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1977.
Schram, Dick, and Gerard Steen, eds. The Psychology and Sociology of Literature. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.
Sharratt, Bernard. Reading Relations.
Shevtsova, Maria. "Bakhtin/Medvedev's Sociological Poetics." In Mikhail Bakhtin. Ed. Michael E. Gardiner. London: SAGE, 2002. Vol. 1.
The Sociology of Science Fiction. Science Fiction Studies 4.3 (Nov. 1977).
Stableford, Brian. "Notes toward a Sociology of Science Fiction." Foundation 15 (1979): 28-41.
Swingewood, Alan. Sociological Poetics and Aesthetic Theory. c. 1990.
Tadié, Jean-Yves. "Sociologie de la littérature." In Tadié, La critique littéraire au XX e siècle. Paris: Belfond, 1987. 155-84.
Voloshinov, V. N. "Slovo v zhizni i slovo v poèzii." ("Discourse in Life and Discourse in Poetry"). Zvezda 6 (1926): 244-67.
_____. "Le discours dans la vie et le discours dans la poésie." In Mikhail Bakhtine: Le Principe Dialogique. Ed. T. Todorov. Paris: Seuil, 1981. 181-215.
_____. "Discourse in Life and Discourse in Poetry." Extract. In Voloshinov, Freudianism. New York: Academic Press, 1976. 93-100.
_____. "Discourse in Life and Discourse in Poetry: Questions of Sociological Poetics." Trans. John Richmond. In Russian Poetics in Translation. Ed. Ann Shukman and L. M. O'Toole. Oxford: RTP Publications, 1983. 5-29.
_____. "El discurso en la realidad y el discurso en la poesía: en torno a las cuestiones de la poética sociológica." In Antología del formalismo ruso y el grupo de Bajtín. Vol. II: Semiótica del discurso y posformalismo bajtiniano. Ed. Emil Volek. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1995. 197-228.*
Witte, W. "The Sociological Approach to Literature." Modern Language Review (1941): 86-94.
Zeraffa, Michel. Fictions: The Novel and Social Reality. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.
García Landa, José Angel. "Sociology of Literature." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at Scribd (IvónValdésSánchez) 11 Aug. 2015.*
Sapiro, Gisèle, and Marielle Macé. "Le Proust de Bourdieu." Video lecture. YouTube (CRAL) 22 June 2015.*
See also Marxist Criticism