A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Children's Fiction
General / Novels for children
Teenager / adolescent novels
Stories for children
Stories by children
Chidren's fiction: Areas
General / Novels for children
Cadden, Mike. "Children's Stories (Narratives Written for Children)." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 59-60.*
_____. "All Is Well: The Epilogue in Children's Fantasy Fiction." Narrative 20.3 (Oct. 2012): 343-56.*
_____, ed. Telling Children's Stories: Narrative Theory and Children's Literature. Nebraska, 2010.
Ewers, Hans-Heino. "Children's Literature and the Traditional Art of Storytelling." Poetics Today 13.1 (1992): 169-178.*
Findlay, Rosie, and Sébastien Salbayre, eds. Stories for Children, Histories of Childhood. 2 vols. Ed. Rosie Findlay and Sébastien Salbayre. (GRAAT 36). Tours: Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, 2007.
García Landa, José Ángel. "Infancias terribles." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 18 Jan. 2011.*
Gibert, Teresa. "Turning Histories of Childhood into Stories for Children: Autobiographical Fiction about the Internment of Japanese Canadians during WW II." In Stories for Children, Histories of Childhood. 2 vols. Ed. Rosie Findlay and Sébastien Salbayre. GRAAT 36. Tours: Presses Universitaires François Rabelais, 2007. vol. II. 267-83.
Inglis, Fred. The Promise of Happiness: Value and Meaning in Children's Fiction. 1982.
López Ropero, María Lourdes. "'Trust them to Figure It Out': Toni Morrison's Books for Children." Atlantis 30.2 (Dec. 2008): 43-57.*
Lucariello, Joan. "Canonicality and Consciousness in Child Narrative." In Narrative Thought and Narrative Language. Ed. B. K. Britton and A. D. Pellegrini. Hillsdale (NJ): Erlbaum, 1990. 131-50.*
Reynolds, Kimberley. Girls Only? Gender and Popular Children's Fiction in Britain, 1880-1910. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990.
Rose, Jacqueline. The Case of Peter Pan, or The Impossibility of Children's Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1993.
Savater, Fernando. La infancia recuperada. Madrid: Taurus, 1977.
_____. La infancia recuperada. 1983.
_____. La infancia recuperada. (Biblioteca Temática Alianza). Madrid: Alianza / Ediciones del Prado, 1994.*
Simons, Judy, and Shirley Foster. What Katy Read: Feminist Re-Readings of 'Classic' Stories for Girls. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.
Stephens, John. Language and Ideology in Children's Fiction. Harlow: Longman, 1992.
Susina, Jan. "Children's Reading, Repetition, and Rereading: Gertrude Stein, Margaret Wise Brown, and Goodnight Moon." In Second Thoughts: A Focus on Rereading. Ed. David Galef. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998. 115-25.*
Tabernero Sala, Rosa. Nuevas y viejas formas de contar: El discurso narrativo infantil en los umbrales del siglo XXI. (Humanidades, 53). Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2005.*
Wall, Barbara. The Narrator's Voice: The Dilemma of Children's Literature. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1991.
Wintle, J., and E. Fisher, eds. The Pied Pipers. (Children's lit.). New York: Paddington, 1974.
Zipes, Jack. When Dreams Came True: Classic Fairy Tales and Their Tradition. London: Routledge, c. 1999. (Grimm, Andersen, Wilde, Collodi, Baum, Hesse).
Zipes, Jack. Fairy Tales and the Art of Subversion: The Classical Genre for Children and the Process of Civilization. New York: Routledge, 2007.
_____. Relentless Progress: The Reconfiguration of Children's Literature, Fairy Tales, and Storytelling. London: Taylor & Francis, 2009.
_____, ed. The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.*
Cavero, Soledad. La rebelión de los cuentos. Children's book. (Ala Delta, 197). Zaragoza: Edelvives, 1995.*
Premio El Barco de Vapor. 1979-.
(Ala delta, Serie Roja, 216). Zaragoza: Edelvives, 1998.*
(AlfaGuay). Madrid: Santillana-Alfaguara, c. 1998.*
(El Barco de Vapor). Series ed. Marinella Terzi. Madrid: SM, c. 1980.
_____. (El barco de vapor, 175). Madrid: SM, 2005.* (Premio El Barco de Vapor 2005).
(Cajón de cuentos). Santafé de Bogotá: Panamericana 1996.
(Club Joven Bruguera, 37). Barcelona: Bruguera, 1981.*
(Colección Amable, 17). Bilbao: Editorial Vasco Americana, 1974.*
(Colección Historias * Selección). Barcelona: Editorial Bruguera, 1967.*
(Colección Iris). Barcelona: Bruguera, c. 1959.*
(La Cuna de Ulises, 14). Madrid: Miraguano Ediciones, 1990.*
(Heidi, 23). Barcelona: Bruguera, 1964.*
(Historias famosas, 15). Barcelona: Bruguera, 1975.*
(Historias Infantil, 34). Barcelona: Bruguera, 1969.*
(Moby Dick: Biblioteca de bolsillo junior, 39). Barcelona: La Gaya Ciencia, 1973.*
(Moby Dick: Biblioteca de Bolsillo Junior, 30). Barcelona: Editorial Pomaire, 1981.*
(Colección Robin Hood). Buenos Aires: Acme Agency, c. 1952.*
(Serie Aventura, 82). Barcelona: Molino, 1968.*
(Las Tres Edades). Madrid: Siruela, c. 2011.*
See also Children's literature.
Teenager / adolescent / Young adult novels
Beckett, Sandra. Crossover Fiction. London and New York: Routledge, 2009.
Bickmore, Steven. "Language and Symptoms of Mental Illness in Young Adult Literature." Dr. Bickmore's YA Wednesday 23 Aug. 2017.
Byatt, A. S. "Harry Potter and the Childish Adult." The New York Times 7 July 2003.
Dalrymple, Nicole. "Trends in the Bookstore: YA Books and Mental Health." YA Hotline 106 (2018).*
Ganner, Heidi. "The New English Literatures on the Bookmarket for the Young Reader." In Nationalism vs. Internationalism: (Inter)National Dimensions of Literatures in English. Ed. Wolfgang Zach and Ken L. Goodwin. Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1996. 29-40.*
Jerez Martínez, Isabel, and Amando López Valero. "Literatura fantástica e identidad juvenil: El mal y la muerte como motivos de búsqueda del adolescente." Contextos Educativos 16 (2013): 141-52.*
Kellaway, Kate. "The Race for Both Older and Younger Readers in One Book." The Observer 11 April 2004.
Kristeva, Julia. "The Adolescent Novel. "In Kristeva, The New Maladies of the Soul. New York: Columbia UP, 1996. 135-53.*
Lehtonen, Maija. "The Novel for Young Adults in Finland. "Poetics Today 13.1 (1992): 97-108.*
Pullman, Philip. "Carnegie Medal acceptance speech."
Richards, Jeffrey. Imperialism and Juvenile Literature. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1989.
Said, S. F. "The Grown-up World of Kidult Books." The Telegraph 11 Jan. 2003.
Sell, Roger D. "Teenage Novels in the FLE Classroom: Cultural Understanding within Literary and Language Education." In Children in Literature–Children’s Literature. Ed. Paul Neubauer. Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 2002. 65-83.
Watson, Victor. "Has Children's Literature Come of Age?" New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship 11.2 (2005): 117-28.
YA Hotline
Internet resources
El templo de las mil puertas: Revista online de literatura juvenil.
(Premio Gran Angular). Boadilla del Monte (Madrid): SM
(Michael L. Printz Award for Best Juvenile Novel).
(Alfaguara, Serie Roja). Madrid: Santillana-Alfaguara, 2010.*
(Colección Alandar, 77). Ed. Mª José Gómez-Navarro. Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2006.*
(Próxima parada, 10). Madrid: Alfaguara, 2004.*
(Relatos Jóvenes; Colección Nautilus). León: Everest, c. 1980.*
(Serie Infinita). Barcelona: Random House Mondadori-Montena, c. 2006.*
(Tus Libros, 102). Madrid: Anaya, 1990.
Children's stories
Stories for children
Stories by children
Stories for children
Albentosa Hernández, José Ignacio, and Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro. Narración infantil y discurso: Estudio lingüístico de cuentos en castellano e inglés. (Colección Arcadia). Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2001.
Beaugrande, Robert de, and Genevieve W. Miller. "Processing Models for Children's Story Comprehension." Poetics 9 (1980): 181-200.
Foster, Shirley, and Judy Simons. What Katy Read: Feminist Re-Readings of 'Classic' Stories for Girls. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.
Guroian, Vigen. Tending the Heart of Virtue: How Classic Stories Awaken a Child's Moral Imagination. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.
Moya, A. Jesús, and J. Ávila. "Thematic Progression of Children's Stories as Related to Different Stages of Cognitive Development." Text & Talk 29.6 (2009): 755-774.
Moya Guijarro, Arsenio Jesús, and José Ignacio Albentosa Hernández. Narración infantil y discurso: Estudio lingüístico de cuentos en castellano e inglés. (Colección Arcadia). Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2001.
Stein, Nancy L. "The Comprehension and Appreciation of Stories: A Developmental Analysis." In The Arts, Cognition and Basic Skills. Ed. Stanley S. Madeja. St Louis: Cemrel, 1978.
Stein, Nancy L., and Christine G. Glenn. "An Analysis of Story Comprehension in Elementary School Children." In New Directions in Discourse Analysis. Ed. R. O. Freedle. Norwood (NJ): Ablex, 1979. 2.177-93.
See also Folk tales.
Pearce, Philippa, ed. A Century of Children's Ghost Stories. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996.
Pocock, Guy, ed. Story Book for Boys and Girls. (Everyman's Library, 934). London: Dent; New York: Dutton.
Modern Boy . Children's magazine. (England, 1930s/40s).
Amistades Peligrosas. "Son mis cuentos." Song. From La larga espera. Online audio. YouTube (Bisbalera94) 7 Feb. 2016.*
Stories by children
Ames, L. B. "Children's Stories." Genetical Psychological Monograph 73 (1966): 337-96.
Cook-Gumperz, Jenny, and Amy Kyratzis. "Children's Storytelling." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 60-62.*
García Landa, José Ángel. "Otitas censurado." In García Landa, Vanity Fea Oct. 2007.
_____. "Una narración." (By Lucía). In García Landa, Vanity Fea 20 Dec. 2012.*
Mage, M. A., and B. Sutton-Smith. "The Art of Storytelling: How do Children Learn It?" Young Children 38 (1983): 4-12.
McClure, E., J. Mason, and J. Williams. "Sociocultural Variables in Children's Sequencing of Stories." Discourse Processes (1983): 131-43.
Nilsen, Aleen Pace. "Adolescent Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 5-7.*
Cook-Gumperz, Jenny, and Amy Kyratzis. "Children's Storytelling." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed.l David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 60-62.*
Page, Ruth E. "Variation in Storytelling Styles amongst New Zealand Schoolchildren." Narrative Inquiry 18.1 (2008): 152-179.
Sacks, Harvey. "On the Analyzability of Stories by Children." In Directions in Sociolinguistics. Ed. J. J. Gumperz and D. Hymes. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972. 325-45.
Sutton-Smith, Brian. "Presentation and Representation in Children's Narratives." New Directions in Child Development 6 (1979): 53-65.
_____. The Folkstories of Children. Philadelphia (PA): U of Pennsylvania P, 1981.
_____. "Children's Fiction-Making." In Narrative Psychology: The Storied Nature of Human Conduct. Ed. T. R. Sarbin. New York: Praeger, 1986. 67-90.*
See also Oral and conversational narrative.
Children's fiction: Areas
British / English
Fernández López, Marisa. "La traducción de las series juveniles anglosajonas en España." In Translation Across Cultures: La traducción entre el mundo hispánico y anglosajón: Relaciones lingüísticas, culturales y literarias. Actas XI Congreso AEDEAN. Ed. J. C. Santoyo. León: Universidad de León, 1989. 97-104.
_____. "La aplicación de métodos informáticos a un estudio literario: la evolución de la literatura infantil y juvenil anglosajona en España." In Actas del XII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos. Alicante: AEDEAN, 1991. 243-52.
García González, José Enrique. "Sir Walter Translated and (Self-)Censored as Children’s and Adolescents’ Literature in Franco’s Spain." In Aspects of Literary Translation. Building Linguistic and Cultural Bridge in Past and Present. Ed. Eva Parra-Membrives, Miguel Ángel García Peinado and Albrecht Classen. (Translation, Text and Interference, 1). Tübingen: Narr, 2012. 217-234.
Hoffmann, Dörte. "Analysing the Changes in Children's and Young Adults' Literature by Comparing C. S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and S. Collins's The Hunger Games." TFG Dpto. de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, U de Zaragoza, 2016.
Kullman, Thomas. "Englische Kindererzählungen: Ein Forschungsproject." Anglistik 6.1 (1995): 115-23.
Pipeva, Maria. "Where Is Children's Literature Heading to? Major Trends in British Children's Literature since WWII." Lecture at the University of Zaragoza, English Department, March 27, 2012.*
Adams, Richard. Watership Down. Children's book. 1972.
Ahlberg, Janet, and Allan Ahlberg. The Jolly Postman, or Other People's Letters. Children's book. 1986.
Aiken, Joan. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. Children's book. 1963.
Almond, David. Skellig. Children's book. 1998.
_____. The Fire-Eaters. Children's book. 2003.
_____. Clay. Children's book. 2005.
Briggs, Raymond. Fungus the Bogeyman. Children's book. 1977.
_____. The Tin-pot Foreign General and the Old Iron Woman. Children's Book. 1984. (Falklands war).
Burningham, John. Granpa. Children's book. 1984.
Chambers, Aidan. Breaktime. Children's book. 1978.
_____. Dance on My Grave. Children's book. 1982.
_____. Now I Know. Children's book. 1987.
_____. The Toll Bridge. Children's book. 1992.
_____. Postcards from No Man's Land. Children's book. 1999.
_____. This Is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn. Children's book. 2005.
Clarke, Susanna. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell. Children's book. 2004.
Colfer, Eoin. (Ireland). Artemis Fowl series. 2001-12.
Cooper, Susan. The Dark Is Rising sequence. Children's books. 1965-77.
Dahl, Roald. James and the Giant Peach. Children's book. 1961.
_____. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Children's book. 1964.
_____. George's Marvellous Medicine. Children's book. 1981.
_____. The BFG. Children's book. 1982.
_____. Revolting Rhymes. Children's book. 1982.
_____. The Witches. Children's book. 1983.
_____. Matilda. Children's book. 1988.
Donoghue, Emma. (Ireland/Canada). Room. Children's book. 2010.
Fanelli, Sara. My Map Book. Children's book. 1995.
_____. Dear Diary. Children's book. 2000.
Gaiman, Neil. Coraline. Children's book. 2002.
_____. The Graveyard Book. Children's book. 2008.
Garner, Alan. The Owl Service. Children's book. 1967.
_____. Red Shift. Children's book. 1973.
_____. The Stone Book Quartet. Children's book. 1976.
Kebbe, Jonathan. Noodle Head. Children's book. 2005.
Mark, Jan. Thunder and Lightnings. Children's book. 1976.
McKey, David. I Hate My Teddy Bear. Children's book. 1982.
Morpurgo, Michael. War Horse. Children's book. 1982.
Needle, Jan. My Mate Shofiq. Children's book. 1983.
Paddock, Terri. Come Clean. Children's book. 2004.
Pearce, Philippa. Tom's Midnight Garden. Children's book. 1958.
Pratchett, Terry. The Nome Trilogy. 1988-1990.
_____. Tiffany Aching sequence. Children's book. 2003-10.
Rennison, Louise. The Confessions of Georgia Nicholson. Children's books. 1999-
Rushdie, Salman. Luka and the Fire of Life. Children's book. 2010.
Ure, Jean. Bad Alice. Children's book. 2003.
_____. Secret Meeting. Children's book. 2004.
Westall, Robert. Gulf. 1992.
Wilson, Jacqueline. (Tracey Beaker series). Children's books. 1991-2010.
_____. Double Act. Children's book. 1995.
_____. Vicky Angel. Children's book. 2000.
Zusak, Marcus. (Australia). The Messenger. Children's book. 2002.
_____. The Book Thief. Children's book. 2005.
García González, José Enrique. "Sir Walter Translated and (Self-)Censored as Children’s and Adolescents’ Literature in Franco’s Spain." In Aspects of Literary Translation. Building Linguistic and Cultural Bridge in Past and Present. Ed. Eva Parra-Membrives, Miguel Ángel García Peinado and Albrecht Classen. (Translation, Text and Interference, 1). Tübingen: Narr, 2012. 217-234.
Martín Rogero, Nieves. El viaje histórico medieval en la narrativa juvenil española contemporánea. Ph.D. diss. U Complutense de Madrid. 2003.
Serenio, Frances Mae, and Cindy Velasquez. "Speech Acts in the Selected and Award Winning Filipino Children Short Stories." Indonesian Journal of EFL and Linguistics 4.1 (2019): 15-25.*