domingo, 30 de junio de 2024

Relaciones (Lógicas)



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Relations (Logical)



Aristotle. (Aristóteles). Categorías. In Aristóteles, Tratados de lógica. Introds., trans. and notes by Miguel Candel Sanmartín. Barcelona: RBA, 2015. 25-66.* (Homonyms, Synonyms, Predication, Being, Quantity, Relation, Quality, Activity and Passivity, Opposites, Contraries, Anteriority, Simultaneity, Movement, Having).

Cassirer, Ernst. Philosophie der Symbolischen Formen. Erster Teil: Die Sprache. Berlin, 1923. (Expression, concepts, relationships).

_____. Philosophie der symbolischen Formen. Erster Teil, Die Sprache. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1964.

_____. Filosofía de las formas simbólicas, I: El lenguaje. (Sección de Obras de Filosofía). Trans. Armando Morones. México: FCE, 1971.

_____. The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. Vol. 1, Language. New Haven: Yale UP, 1953.

_____. Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. 3 vols. New Haven: Yale UP, 1953, 1955, 1957.

Fauconnier, Gilles, and Mark Turner. The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind's Hidden Complexities. New York: Perseus Books-Basic Books, 2002.* (Imagination, causality, relations, analogy, origin of language, fiction, fantasy, meaning, experience, events, proto-narrative, attention, memory, children's narrative, narrative competence, narrative interviews, life stories, cultural identity, personal identity, citizenship).

         2015Greenberg, Jay R., and Stephen A. Mitchell. Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1983.

Gergen, Kenneth. Realities and Relations.

Hegel, G. W. F. "Segunda parte de la Lógica: Doctrina de la esencia." In Hegel, Lógica. Barcelona: RBA, 2002. 2.7-72.* (A. La esencia en cuanto razón de la existencia: a) Determinaciones puras de la reflexión – Identidad, Diferencia, La razón de ser; b) La existencia reflejada; c) La cosa; B: Fenómeno: a) El mundo de los fenómenos; b) Contenido y forma; c) La relación; C) Realidad esencial: a) relación de sustancia; b) relación de causalidad; c) reciprocidad de acción).

Locke, John. "II.XXV. Of Relation." In Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Ed. John W. Yolton. 2 vols. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1961.*

_____. "II.XXVI. Of Cause and Effect and Other Relations." In Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Ed. John W. Yolton. 2 vols. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1961.*

_____. "II.XXVIII. Of Other Relations." In Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Ed. John W. Yolton. 2 vols. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1961.*

_____. "III.V. Of the Names of Mixed Modes and Relations." In Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Ed. John W. Yolton. 2 vols. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1961.*

Lulli, Raymond. Arbor de philosophia amori.

_____. Ars compendiosa inveniendi veritate. (Combinations, logic, Universal language).

Solana Dueso, José. "En el principio fue la relación." In Historia, lenguaje, sociedad: Homenaje a Emilio Lledó. Ed. M. Cruz, M. A. Granada and A. Papiol. Barcelona: Crítica, 1989. 25-39.*

Smolin, Lee. "II.2. Principles for a cosmological theory." In The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time. By Roberto Mangabeira Unger and Lee Smolin. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2015. 367-92.* (Relations, Newton, Cosmology, Events, Einstein, Relativity).







Alvargonzález, David. "Las ciencias como sistemas y los sistemas filosóficos." Video. Lecture at the Escuela de Filosofía de Oviedo, 24 Oct. 2016. YouTube (fgbuenotv) 26 Oct. 2016.*


Bueno, Gustavo. "Filosofía de las relaciones." Video lecture at Escuela de Filosofía de Oviedo. YouTube (fgbuenotv) 11 Oct. 2011.*


_____. "Symploké." Video presentation. (Teselas, 34). YouTube (fgbuenotv) 13 April 2010.*






See also Structuralism; Relationships (personal); Social life and relationships; Interaction; Communication.






sábado, 29 de junio de 2024

MLA Style - Citing

A handout or handbook on academic citations, where the BIBLIOGRAPHY is cited as an instance or example, among other online publications.

Here goes, so you may know how to cite it according to the MLA:

MLA Style (5.4-5.7: Citing).*





A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)







Bickerton, Derek. "Recursion Is an Artifact." In Derekbickertonmore 15 Feb. 2008.


Chomsky, Noam. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1965.*

_____. Aspectos de la teoría de la sintaxis. Madrid: Aguilar, 1970.

García Landa, José Ángel. "Current Recursions." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 4 April 2008.


Hofstadter, Douglas R. Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid: A Metaphorical Fugue on Minds and Machines in the Spirit of Lewis Carroll. New York: Vintage, 1979. (Pulitzer Prize 1980, American Book Award 1980)

_____. Gödel, Escher, Bach: Un Eterno y Grácil Bucle. Trans. Mario Arnaldo Usabiaga Bandizzi and Alessandro López Rousseau. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1987. Rpt. Planeta-Booket / Tusquets, 2015.*

Levy, S. "Becoming Recursive." Paper presented at the Conference on Recursion in Human Languages, Bloomington, Indiana, April 2007.

Martín Arista, Javier. "Recategorisation and Recursion in the Derivation of Verbal Predicates." In Actas XXVIII Congreso Internacional / International Conference AEDEAN. CD-ROM. Valencia: U de València, 2005.*

Nevins, I., D. Pesetsky, and C. Rodrigues,  "Piraha Exceptionality: a Reassessment."  LingBuzz (March 2007).

Parker, A. "Was Recursion the Key Step in the Evolution of the Human Language Faculty?'  Paper presented at the Conference on Recursion in Human Languages, Bloomington, Indiana April 2007.

"Recursive language and Modern Imagination Were Acquired Simultaneously 70,000 Years Ago."  5 Aug. 2019.* (Andrey Vyshedskiy).


Úbeda, José Pedro. "Recursión." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 514-17.*

Vyshedskiy, Andrey. "Language Evolution to Revolution: the Leap from Rich-vocabulary Non-recursive Communication system to Recursive Language 70,000 Years ago Was Associated with Acquisition of a Novel Component of Imagination, called Prefrontal Synthesis, Enabled by a Mutation that Slowed down the Prefrontal Cortex Maturation Simultaneously in Two or More Children – the Romulus and Remus Hypothesis." Research Ideas and Outcomes (2019).

DOI: 10.3897/rio.5.e38546


Watumull, J., M. D. Hauser, I. G. Roberts and N. Hornstein. "On Recursion." Frontiers in Psychology 4 (2014): 1017. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.01017







viernes, 28 de junio de 2024

Normas y Normatividad



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Norms, Normativity




Arnauld, Andreas von. "Norms and Narrative." German Law Journal 18.2 (2017): 309-29. (Special issue: Law's Pluralities). Online at Cambridge Core.*


Berger, Peter L. "Conclusión: Observaciones generales sobre conflictos normativos y mediación." In Los límites de la cohesión social: Conflicto y mediación en las sociedades pluralistas. Informe de la Fundación Bertelsmann al Club de Roma. Ed. Peter L. Berger. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Círculo de Lectores, 1999. 515-46.*

Béteille, André. "9. El conflicto entre normas y valores en la sociedad india contemporánea." In Los límites de la cohesión social: Conflicto y mediación en las sociedades pluralistas. Informe de la Fundación Bertelsmann al Club de Roma. Ed. Peter L. Berger. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Círculo de Lectores, 1999. 393-430.* (Laicism).

Butler, Judith. Giving an Account of Oneself. New York: Fordham UP, 2005.

_____. Dar cuenta de sí mismo: Violencia ética y responsabilidad. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 2009.

Cialdini, R. B., R. R. Reno, and C. A. Kallgren. "A Focus Theory of Normative Conduct: Recycling the Concept of Norms to Reduce Littering in Public Places." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 58 (1990): 1015-1026.

Corredor, Cristina. "Norma." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 427-28.*

Deutsch, M., and H. B. Gerard. "A Study of Normative and Informational Social Influences upon Individual Judgment." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 51 (1955): 629–636.

Ellickson, R. C. Order without Law. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1991.

Felipe Boto, María del Rosario de. "Revisión del concepto de norma en los estudios de traducción." Hermeneus 6 (2004): 59-74.*

García Landa, José Angel. "Derrida, Limited Inc, Normativity." (Typescript, Brown University, 1989). Online at Net Sight de José Angel García Landa (2004):



_____. "Derrida, Limited Inc, Normativity." Academia 5 Dec. 2014.*


_____. "Derrida, Limited Inc, Normativity." ResearchGate 21 May 2015.*


_____. "Derrida, Limited Inc, Normativity." Humanities Commons 6 March 2018.*


_____. "Derrida, 'Limited Inc.', Normativity." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 6 March 2018.*


Habermas, J., and H. Putnam. Normas y valores. Madrid: Trotta, 2008.

Hsiao, Hsin-Huang Michael. "11. Conflictos normativos en el Taiwan contemporáneo." In Los límites de la cohesión social: Conflicto y mediación en las sociedades pluralistas. Informe de la Fundación Bertelsmann al Club de Roma. Ed. Peter L. Berger. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Círculo de Lectores, 1999. 471-512.* (Environmentalism).

Jiménez-Buedo, María. "Descriptivo / Normativo, enunciado." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 190-92.*

Korsgaard, Christine M. The Sources of Normativity. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Krawietz, W., et al., ed. Theorie der Normen: Festgabe für Ota Weinberger zum 65 Geburtstag. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1984.

Lyotard, Jean-François. Le Différend. Paris: Minuit, 1983.

_____. The Differend: Phrases in Dispute. Trans. Georges Van Den Abbeele. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P; Manchester: Manchester UP, 1988.*

Mardin, Serif. "7. Notas sobre conflictos normativos en Turquía." In Los límites de la cohesión social: Conflicto y mediación en las sociedades pluralisthas. Informe de la Fundación Bertelsmann al Club de Roma. Ed. Peter L. Berger. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Círculo de Lectores, 1999. 311-48.* (Feminism, Islamism).

Mukarovsky, Jan. Aesthetic Function, Norm and Value as Social Facts.  1936. Trans. M. E. Suino. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1970. 1976. 1979.

_____. "Aesthetic Function, Norm, and Value as Social Facts." Select. in Twentieth-Century Literary Theory. Ed. K. M. Newton. London: Macmillan, 1988. 35-8.*

Oelmüller, Willi, ed. Normenbegründung-Normendurchsetzung. Paderborn: Schöningh, 1978.

Quintana Paz, Miguel Angel. Normatividad, interpretación y praxis: Wittgenstein en un giro hermenéutico-nihilista. Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes, 2015. Online at Amazon.*


Sato, Seizaburo. "10. Conflictos normativos en Japón." In Los límites de la cohesión social: Conflicto y mediación en las sociedades pluralistas. Informe de la Fundación Bertelsmann al Club de Roma. Ed. Peter L. Berger. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Círculo de Lectores, 1999. 431-68.*

Scott, J. F. Internalization of Norms: A Sociological Theory of Moral Commitment. New York, 1971.

Stromberg, David. "Beyond Unreliability: Resisting Naturalization of Normative Horizons." In Emerging Vectors of Narratology. Ed. Per Krogh Hansen, John Pier, Philippe Roussin and Wolf Schmid. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, 2017. 61-76.*

Von Wright, Georg Henrik. Norm and Action. London: Routledge, 1963.

Wei, C. "Formation of Norms in a Blog Community." In L. Gurak, S. Antonijevic, L. Johnson, C. Ratliff, and J. Reyman, eds.  Into the Blogosphere; Rhetoric, Community and Culture of Weblogs. 2004.

Yacobi, Tamar. "Narrative and Normative Pattern: On Interpreting Fiction." Journal of Literary Studies 3 (1987): 18-41.

Yovel, Jonathan. "In the Beginning Was the Word: Paradigms of Language and Normativity in Law, Philosophy, and Theology." Mountbatten Journal of Legal Studies  5 (2001). Online at SSRN:









Alarcón Díaz, Daniel. "La 'sociología en general' y la sociología de la religión." Video lecture. YouTube (fgbuenotv) 30 Oct. 2023.* (Durkheim; Institutions; Social phenomena, social structures, functionalism, Norms, Social engineering, Method and theory, praxis, roles and group dynamics, social relationships, Anthropology)



Gori, Roland. "La Fabrique des Imposteurs." Video lecture. YouTube (UnivNantes) 10 Sept. 2014.*



Searle, John R. "The Normative Structure of Human Civilization." (Law as Culture Forum). Video lecture. YouTube (Law as Culture) 16 July 2013.*






See also Law; Rules.


miércoles, 26 de junio de 2024




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)





Aristotle. Analitica priora (Prior Analytics). (Reasoning, Propositions, Assertions, Modality, Logic, Syllogisms, Premises, Terms, Negation, Possibility, Necessity).

_____. (Aristóteles). Analíticos primeros. In Aristóteles, Tratados de lógica. Introd., trans. and notes by Miguel Candel Sanmartín. (Biblioteca Gredos). Barcelona: RBA, 2007. 337-489.* (Reasoning).

_____. (Aristóteles). Analíticos primeros. In Aristóteles, Tratados de lógica. Introds., trans. and notes by Miguel Candel Sanmartín. Barcelona: RBA, 2015. 335-486.*

Corral, Miranda del. "Necesario / Contingente." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 422-25.*

Frankfurt, Harry G. Necessity, Volition and Love.

_____. Necesidad, volición y amor. Trans. Horacio Pons. (Conocimiento). Madrid and Buenos Aires: Katz, 2007.

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. System der Wissenschaft von Ge. Wilh. Fr. Hegel (…) Erster Theil, die Phänomenologie des Geistes. Bamberg and Würzburg: bey Joseph Anton Goebhardt, 1807.* (Consciousness; Self-Consciousness; Phenomena; Senses; Perception; Things; Illusion; Mastery; Serfdom; Stoicism; Skepticism; Unhappiness; Physiognomy; Phrenology; Pleasure; Necessity; Feelings; Conceit; Virtue; Spirit, Ethics; Gender; Divinity; Alienation; Culture; Faith, Enlightenment; Freedom; Morality; Religion; Art; Knowledge; Science).

_____. Die Phänomenologie des Geistes. Ed. Georg Lasson. 1928.

_____. Phänomenologie des Geistes. 5th ed. Ed. J. Hoffmeister. Hamburg: Meiner, 1952.

_____. Phänomenologie des Geistes. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1977.

_____. System der Wissenschaft. Erster Teil, die Phänomenologie des Geistes. Bamberg and Würzburg 1807. Online ed. of text from Projekt Gutenberg. HTML-marking: Einde O’Callaghan for the Marxists’ Internet Archive.


_____. The Phenomenology of Mind. Translated by J. B. Baillie. 2d ed. London: Allen and Unwin, 1931.

_____. The Phenomenology of Mind. Trans. and introd. J. B. Baillie. 2nd ed., rev. London: Allen, 1964.

_____. Phenomenology of Spirit. Trans. A. V. Miller. Ed. J. N. Findlay. New York: Oxford UP; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977.*

_____. Preface to Phenomenology of the Spirit. In Deconstruction in Context. Ed. Mark C. Taylor. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986. 67-97.*

_____. From Phenomenology of Spirit. (§§178-96, Master-Slave Dialectic). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. Phénoménologie de l'esprit. Trans. J. Hyppolite. Paris: Aubier, 1934.

_____. Phénomenologie de l'esprit. Trans. Jean Hyppolite. Vol. 1. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1939.

_____. La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit. Trans. Jean Hyppolite. (Philosophie de l'Esprit). Vol. 1. Paris: Aubier, Éditions Montaigne, 1939. Online at Scribd (Shahla Osanloo)


_____. La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit. Trans. Jean Hyppolite. Vol. 2. Paris: Aubier, 1941. Online at Scribd (DanyRodier) 9 Nov. 2011.*


_____. "La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 18 May 2012.*


_____. Fenomenología del espíritu. Trans. Wenceslao Roces. México: FCE, 1981.

_____. Fenomenología del espíritu. Trans. Wenceslao Roces. Introd. Ignasi Roviró Alemany. (Biblioteca de los grandes pensadores). Barcelona: RBA, 2004.*

_____. Fenomenología del Espíritu. Trans. Joaquín Chamorro Mielke. Introd. Volker Rühle. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Hegel, I). Madrid: Gredos, 2010. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014.*

_____. "Tercera parte de la Lógica: Doctrina de la noción." In Hegel, Lógica. Barcelona: RBA, 2002. 2.75-168.* (A. Noción subjetiva (noción como tal). B. El juicio: juicio cualitativo, de la reflexión, de la necesidad, de la noción; C. Silogismo: cuantitativo, de la reflexión, de la necesidad; D. El objeto: Mecanismo, Quimismo, Teleología; E. La Idea: La vida, El conocimiento en general: el conocimiento, el querer, idea absoluta).

Hobbes, Thomas. Questions concerning Liberty, Necessity and Chance. 1656.

Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. "Logical Relations between Necessity and Possibility: Evidence from Old and Middle English." In Proceedings from the 31st AEDEAN Conference. Ed. M. J. Lorenzo Modia et al. CD-ROM: A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 2008. 279-90.*

Monod, Jacques. Le Hasard et la Nécessité. Paris: Seuil (Points).

Peirce, C. S. "The Doctrine of Necessity Examined." 1892. In The Essential Peirce: Selected Philosophical Writings. Vol. 1 (1867-1893). Ed. Nathan Houser and Christian Kloesel. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1992. 298-311.






martes, 25 de junio de 2024




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)






Barcelona Sánchez, Antonio. "Metonymy-guided Inferences in Creative Thinking (Humour, Theology, Art)." In Homenaje a Francisco Gutiérrez Díez. Ed. Rafael Monroy. Murcia:, 2013. 39-58.*

Brown, C. J., and R. Hurtig. "Children's Discourse Competence: An Evaluation of Developmental Inference Process." Discourse Processes 6 (1983): 353-75.

Cain, Kate, Jane V. Oakhill, Marcia A. Barnes and Peter E. Bryant. "Comprehension Skill, Inference-making Ability, and Relation to Knowledge." Memory & Cognition 29 (2001): 850-59.

Charniak, Eugene. "Organization and Inference in a Frame-like System of Common Sense Knowledge." In Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing: An Interdisciplinary Workshop in Computational Linguistics, Psychology, Linguistics, and Artificial Intelligence. Ed. Roger Schank and Bonnie L. Nash-Weber. Arlington (VA), 1975. 42-51.

Clark, H., and P. Lucy. "Inferring What Is Meant from What Is Said: A Study in Conversationally Conveyed Requests." Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 14 (1975): 56-72.

Corredor, Cristina. "Compromiso / Habilitación inferencial." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 103-8.*

Dahlgren, Marta. "Reading Between the Lines? Inference, Connotation, and Associations in Poetry and Translated Poetry." In Con/Texts of Persuasion. Ed. Beatriz Penas et al. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2011. 135-54.*

Forkel, Robert. Erfahrung aus Narration: Erinnerungskulturelle Funktionen der Enkelliteratur. (Narratologia: Contributions to Narrative Theory, 72). Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, 2020.* (Diss. Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2019). (Inferences, Situations, Simulation, Mental representation, Experience, Grandchildren, Narrativity)


Gumperz, John J. "Socio-Cultural Knowledge in Conversational Inference." In Gumperz, Discourse Strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1982. 1999. 153-71.*

_____. "Sociocultural Knowledge in Conversational Inference." In The Discourse Reader. Ed. Adam Jaworski and Nikolas Coupland. London: Routledge, 1999. 98-106.*

_____. "Fact and Inference in Courtroom Testimony." In Language and Social Identity. Ed. John J. Gumperz. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1982. 2002. 163-94.*

Gutiérrez Calvo, Manuel. "Inferencias en la comprensión del lenguaje." In Psicolingüística del español. Ed. M. de Vega and F. Cuetos. Madrid: Trotta, 1999. 231-70.

Gutiérrez Calvo, Manuel (Manuel G. Calvo), Dolores Castillo, and Franz Schmalhofer. "Strategic influence on the Time Course of Predictive Inferences in Reading." Memory and Cognition 34.1 (2006): 68-77.


Heintz, J. "Reference and Inference in Fiction." Poetics 8 (1979): 85-99.

Iranzo, Valeriano. "Inferencia de la mejor explicación." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 301-4.*

Knill, D. C., and W. Richards, eds. Perception as Bayesian Inference. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Marraud, Huberto. "Inferencia, reglas de." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 304-7.*

MacKay, David J. C. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003.

Moreno-Campos, Verónica. "Sobre el concepto de inferencia: un diálogo entre lingüística y psicología." Online at


Munganga, Bonaventure Muzigirwa. (U of New South Wales, Sydney, formerly Université Oficielle de Bukavu, D.R. Congo; ). "Inference and Narrative Processing in Fiction and Film: (Where) (Does) Narrative Reading Part(s) Ways with its Viewing and Vice-Versa(?)." Cogent: Arts & Humanities 3 (2016): 1252138.*

Online at Academia.


Panther, K.-U., and L. Thornburg, eds. Metonymy and Pragmatic Inferencing. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2003.

Pearl, Judea, and Dana Mackenzie. "2. From Buccaneers to Guinea Pigs: The Genesis of Causal Inference." In Pearl and Mackenzie, The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect. 2018. London: Penguin, 2019. 53-92.*

Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. J. "The Role of Cognitive Mechanisms in Making Inferences." Journal of English Studies 1 (1999): 237-255.

Schank, Roger C. "Interestingness: Controlling Inferences." Artificial Intelligence12 (1979): 273-97.

Seiver, Elizabeth, Alison Gopnik, and Noah D. Goodman. "Did She Jump Because She Was the Big Sister or Because the Trampoline Was Safe? Causal Inference and the Development of Social Attribution." Child Development 84.2 (2013). 443-454.

Spaulding, Shannon. How We Understand Others: Philosophy and Social Cognition. London: Routledge, 2018.*

Sperber, Dan, and Deirdre Wilson. "Communication." In Sperber and Wilson,  Relevance: Communication and Cognition. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995. 1-64.* (Code, understanding, meaning, Grice, inference, relevance, ostension, intention).

_____. "Inference." In Sperber and Wilson,  Relevance: Communication and Cognition. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995. 65-117.* (Inference, propositions, deduction, context).

_____. "Relevance." In Sperber and Wilson,  Relevance: Communication and Cognition. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995. 118-71.* (Context, inference, ostension).

Thagard, Paul R. "Semiotic and Hypothetic Inference in C. S. Peirce." VS 19-20 (1978): 163-72.

Vega, Luis. "Inferencia." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 297-301.*

Wason, P. C., and P. N. Johnson-Laird. "7. Inferencia pura y práctica." In Wason and Johnson-Laird, Psicología del razonamiento. Madrid: Debate, 1981. 97-120.*

_____. "9. Significado e imágenes en las inferencias relacionales." In Wason and Johnson-Laird, Psicología del razonamiento. Madrid: Debate, 1981. 135-74.*

_____. "11. La inferencia silogística." In Wason and Johnson-Laird, Psicología del razonamiento. Madrid: Debate, 1981. 189-212.*

_____. "12. Inferencias inmediatas con cuantificadores." In Wason and Johnson-Laird, Psicología del razonamiento. Madrid: Debate, 1981. 21328.*

Werth, Lioba, and Fritz Strack. "An Inferential Approach to the Knew-It-All-Along Phenomenon." Memory (Special issue on Hindsight Bias, ed. Ulrich Hoffrage and Rüdiger F. Pohl).11.4/5 (2003): 411-19.*

Yule, George. "Reference and Inference." In Yule, Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996. 17-24.*








Spaulding, Shannon. "How We Understand Others: Philosophy and Social Cognition." Interview by Carrie Figdor. New Books Network 15 Nov. 2018.*










McElreath, Richard. "The Problem with Cultural Evolution." Video lecture. YouTube (UCLABEC) 4 April 2023.* (Models, Method, Data, Inferences).



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        from A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology by José Ángel García...