domingo, 7 de julio de 2024

El sentido de la vida



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



The Meaning of life



Adler, Alfred. El sentido de la vida. Traducción directa del alemán por el Dr. F. Oliver Brachfeld. Con un estudio preliminar sobre  el "Proceso de asimilación de la Psicología Individual en España" por el Dr. Ramón Sarró [9-29]. (Biblioteca de Antropología, dirigida por el Dr. Ramón Sarró). Barcelona: Luis Miracle, 1935. 2nd ed. 1937. 3rd ed. 1941. 4th ed. 1948.*

_____. "Preámbulo." In Adler, El sentido de la vida. Barcelona: Luis Miracle, 1935. 1948. 31-36.*

_____. "II. Medios y caminos psicológicos para la exploración del estilo de vida." In Adler, El sentido de la vida. Barcelona: Luis Miracle, 1935. 1948. 49-58.*

_____. "XV. El sentido de la vida."  In Adler, El sentido de la vida. Barcelona: Luis Miracle, 1935. 1948. 251-66.* (Evolutionism, God, religion, future of mankind).

Amorós, Andrés. "¿Por qué vale la pena vivir? (Woody Allen: Manhattan)." In Amorós, Momentos mágicos de la literatura. (La vida). Madrid: Castalia, 1999. 371-74.*

_____. Momentos mágicos de la literatura. (Literatura y sociedad, 65). Madrid: Castalia, 1999.* (Love, time, death, reality and dream, art, beginnings, life).

Artime, Manuel. "Paul Ricœur y la posibilidad de dotar de sentido a un mundo post-hegeliano." In Con Paul Ricœur: Espacios de interpelación. Tiempo. Dolor. Justicia. Relatos. Ed. Teresa Oñate, José Luis Díaz Arroyo, Paloma O. Zubía, Marco Antonio Hernández Nieto, L. David Cáceres. Madrid: Dykinson, 2016. 72-82.*

Baumeister, Roy F, and K. D. Vohs. "The Pursuit of Meaningfulness in Life." In Handbook of Positive Psychology. Ed. C. R. Snyder and S. J. Lopez. New York: Oxford UP, 2002. 608-18.

Benatar, David. The Human Predicament: A Candid Guide to Life's Biggest Questions. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017.*

_____. El dilema humano: Una guía sin adornos sobre los grandes interrogantes de la vida. Madrid: Alianza, 2022.

_____. "Terrible News." From The Human Predicament. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 24 Feb. 2019.*


Berenguer, Jaime. "El sentido de la vida y el apoyo a la secesión de Cataluña." El Asterisco 1 April 2018.* (Baumeister and Vohs).


Blanks, David. Rev. of The Meaning of Human Existence, by E. O. Wilson. Journal of Big History 1.1 (2017).


Bueno, Gustavo. El sentido de la vida. Oviedo: Pentalfa, 1996. (Persons, ethics, euthanasia).


_____. El sentido de la vida. Online ed. 2009.

Callejo Gallego, Javier. "El sentido de mi tiempo." Paper presented at the XI Congreso de la FES. 2013.


Chew, Samuel C. The Pilgrimage of Life. New Haven (CT): Yale UP, 1962.

Dennett, Daniel C. Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meaning of Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.

_____. Darwin's Dangerous Idea. London: Allen Lane/Penguin Press, 1995?

Eagleton, Terry. The Meaning of Life. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007.

_____. El sentido de la vida. Trans. Albino Santos Mosquera. Barcelona: Paidós, 2008.*

Eucken, Rudolf Ch. Las bases de la vida y el ideal de la vida. (Trans. of Grundlinien einer neuen Lebensanschauung).

_____. Der Sinn und Wert des Lebens. 1908.

Frankl, Viktor. Man's Search for Meaning. 1946.

_____. El hombre en busca de sentido.

_____. En el principio era el sentido: Reflexiones en torno al ser humano. Barcelona: Paidós, 2000.

García Landa, José Ángel. "Mind at the End of Its Tether." (H.G. Wells).  In García Landa, Vanity Fea 19 Nov. 2012.*


_____. "The Meaning of Human Existence—A Conspectus." Vanity Fea 21 April 2015.*


_____. "E. O. Wilson's The Meaning of Human Existence: A Conspectus." Social Science Research Network 3 July 2015.*


_____. "The Meaning of Human Existence—A Conspectus." Vanity Fea 21 April 2015.*


_____. "E. O. Wilson's The Meaning of Human Existence: A Conspectus." Social Science Research Network 3 July 2015.*


_____. "E. O. Wilson's The Meaning of Human Existence: A Conspectus." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 4 July 2015.*


_____. "The Meaning of Human Existence—A Conspectus." Vanity Fea 21 April 2015.*


_____. "E. O. Wilson's The Meaning of Human Existence: A Conspectus." Social Science Research Network 3 July 2015.*


_____. "E. O. Wilson's The Meaning of Human Existence: A Conspectus." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 4 July 2015.*


_____. "E. O. Wilson's The Meaning of Human Existence: A Conspectus." Academia 20 Feb. 2017.*


_____. "E. O. Wilson's The Meaning of Human Existence: A Conspectus." ResearchGate 21 Feb. 2017.*


_____. "E. O. Wilson's The Meaning of Human Existence: A Conspectus." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 20 June 2022.*



Gee, Henry. The Accidental Species: Misunderstandings of Human Evolution. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2013.

Hale, P. J. "The Search for Purpose in a Post-Darwinian Universe: George Bernard Shaw, 'Creative Evolution', and Shavian Eugenics: 'The Dark Side of the Force'." History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 28.2 (2006): 191-213. Online at PubMed.*


Harari, Yuval Noah. "20. Significado. La vida no es un relato." In Harari, 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI. Trans. Joandomènec Ros. Barcelona: Penguin Random House – Debate, 2018. 295-335.*

Hegel, G. W. F. "Introd. general, II. La idea de la historia y su realización." In Hegel, Lecciones sobre la Filosofía de la Historia Universal. Madrid: Alianza, 2008. 59-126.* (1. La idea: a) El mundo espiritual. b) El concepto del espíritu. c) El contenido de la historia universal. d) El proceso del espíritu universal. e). El fin último; 2. Los medios de la realización: a) La individualidad. b) Los individuos, como conservadores; c) Los individuos históricos. d) El destino de los individuos. e) El valor del individuo. 3. El material de la realización. a) El Estado. b) el estado de derecho. c) El Estado y la religión. d) Las esferas de la vida del pueblo. e) La constitución).

Keltner, Dacher. Born to Be Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life. New York: Norton, 2009.

Kronman, Anthony T. Education's End: Why Our Colleges and Universities Have Given Up on the Meaning of Life. New Haven Yale UP, 2007.


Lain Entralgo, Pedro. Qué es el hombre: Evolución y sentido de la vida. Oviedo: Ediciones Nobel, 1999.

Ledesma, Felipe. "Sentido y desenlace sobre la vida como género literario." In Congreso Fenomenología y Ciencias Humanas: Santiago de Compostela, 24-28 de Septiembre de 1996. Ed. Mª Luz Pintos Peñaranda and José Luis González López. Santiago de Compostela: U de Santiago de Compostela, 1998. 341-46.*

López Sáenz, Mª Carmen. "La expresión creadora del sentido de la experiencia." Co-herencia 12.23 (Jul.-Dec. 2015): 43-70.

Peterson, Jordan B. Maps of Meaning.

_____. 12 Rules for Life. 2018.

Ruiz, Esperanza. "Whiskas, Satisfyer y Lexatin." El Manifiesto 9 Dec. 2020.*


Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de. Un sens à la vie. Essay. Paris: Gallimard,

Schmid, Wolf. "22. Lev Tolstoj: Die Dialektik der Seele in der Suche nach dem Sinn." In Schmid, Mentale Ereignisse. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. 405-7.*

Schopenhauer, Arthur. II.2.11. "Caracterización de la voluntad de vivir." In Schopenhauer, El Mundo como Voluntad y Representación (Volumen Segundo). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014. 381-94.*

_____. II.4.6. "Sobre la futilidad y los sufrimientos de la vida." In Schopenhauer, El Mundo como Voluntad y Representación (Volumen Segundo). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014. 619-36.*

Stiegler, Bernard. Ce qui faut que la vie vaut la peine d'être vécue.

VanderWheele, Tyler J., Ph.D.  "What Brings Meaning and Purpose in Life?" Psychology Today (Human Flourishing) 27 Jan. 2020.*


Weinberg, Steven. Dreams of a Final Theory. London: Vintage, 1993.

_____. El sueño de una teoría final: La búsqueda de las leyes fundamentales de la naturaleza. Barcelona: Crítica, 2003.

Wilson, E. O. "1. The Meaning of Meaning." In Wilson, The Meaning of Human Existence. New York and London: Norton-Liveright, 2014. 11-16.*

_____. "15. Alone and Free in the Universe." In Wilson, The Meaning of Human Existence. New York and London: Norton-Liveright, 2014. 173-88.*

_____. The Meaning of Human Existence. New York and London: Norton-Liveright, 2014.* (I. The Reason We Exist. II. The Unity of Knowledge. III. Other Worlds. IV. Idols of the Mind. V. A Human Future).

_____. The Meaning of Human Existence. Amazon Kindle, 2014.

_____. "1. The Meaning of Human Existence." In Darwin's Bridge: Uniting the Humanities and Sciences. Ed. Joseph Carroll, Dan P. McAdams and E. O. Wilson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2016. 3-8.*

Wong, Paul T. P., and Prem S. Fry. The Human Quest for Meaning: A Handbook of Psychological Research and Clinical Applications. (Personality and Clinical Psychology). London: Erlbaum, 1998.








Ingold, Tim, and Frédéric Keck. "Debate: Anthropology Comes to Life." Savors en Multimédia 9 June 2012.*


Harari, Yuval Noah. "Les fictions qui donnent sens à notre vie." Audio. From 21 leçons pour le XXI siècle, Chapitre 20 "La vie n'est pas un récit." Online audio. YouTube (Deus sive natura) 30 April 2019.*








The Meaning of Life Blog (P. J. Reece)








The Angriest Man in Brooklyn. Dir. Phil Alden. Cast: Robin Williams, Mila Kunis, Peter Dinklage, Melissa Leo. USA, 2014.*

Halt auf freier Strecke. Dir. Andreas Dresen. Written by Andreas Dresen and Cooky Ziesche. Cast: Steffi Kühnert, Milan Peschel, Talisa Lilly Lemke, Mika Seidel, ursula Werner, Marie Rosa Tietjen, Otto Mellies, Chrristine Schorn, Bernhardt Schütz, Thorsten Merten, Inka Friedrich. Photog. Michael Hammon. Prod. des. Susanne Hopf. Ed. Jörg Hauschild. Germany / France, 2011. (Spanish title: Parada en plena vía).

Irrational Man.  Written and directed by Woody Allen. Cast: Jamie Blackley (Roy), Joaquin Phoenix (Abe), Parker Posey (Rita), Emma Stone (Jill), Betsy Aidem (Jill’s Mother) and Ethan Phillips (Jill’s Father). Photog. Darius Khondji; edited by Alisa Lepselter; production design by Santo Loquasto; costumes by Suzy Benzinger; produced by Letty Aronson, Stephen Tenenbaum and Edward Walson; released by Sony Pictures Classics, 2015.*

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. Dir. Terry Jones. Written and starred by Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin. With Carol Cleveland, Simon Jones, Patricia Quinn, Judy Loe, Andrew MacLachlan, mark Holmes, Valerie Whittington, Jennifer Franks, Imogen Bickford-Smith, Angela Mann, Peter Lovstrom, George Silver, Chris Grant.  Prod. John Goldstone. Director of Animation and special sequence, Terry Gilliam. Photog. Peter Hannan. Ed. Julian Doyle. Prod. des. Harry Lange. Costumes by Jim Acheson. Choreog. Arlene Phillips. Special effects George Gibbs. Prod. manager David Wimbury. Made by the Monty Python Partnership. UK, 1983. VHS.*

The Razor's Edge. Dir. Edmund Goulding. Screenplay by Lamar Trotti, based on Somerset Maugham's novel. Cast: Tyrone Power, Gene Tierney, John Payne, Anne Baxter, Clifton Webb, Herbert Marshall, Lucile Watson, Frank Latimore. USA, 1946. (Oscar for Baxter).

The Razor's Edge. Dir. John Byrum. Written by John Byrum and Bill Murray, based on Somerset Maugham's novel. Cast: Bill Murray, Theresa Russell, Catherine Hicks, Denholm Elliott, James Keach, Peter Vaughan, Bryan Doyle-Murray, Saced Jaffrey. USA, 1984.








Ultimate Reality and Meaning. Periodical. U of Toronto P.









Bacon, Francis. "The Life of Man." In The Golden Treasury. Ed. F. T. Palgrave. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, n.d. 46-47.

_____. "The Life of Man." Luminarium. 2010.*


Johnson, Samuel. The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abisinia, a Tale. 2 vols. 1759.

_____. Rasselas. Engravings after R. Westall. Sharp, 1817.

_____. Rasselas. Ed. Oliver F. Emerson. 1895.

_____. Rasselas. Ed. Robert W. Chapman. 1927.

_____. The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. Ed. with an introduction by D. J. Enright. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1976.*

_____. Rasselas: Príncipe de Abisinia. Trans. Javier de Zengotita. (Colección Oasis, 30). Barcelona: Reguera, 1945.*

_____. La historia de Rasselas, príncipe de Abisinia. Ed., trans. and introd. Mª Luisa Pascual Garrido. Córdoba: Berenice, 2007.

Milton, John. "L’Allegro" and "Il Penseroso." In Milton, The Complete Poems. (Penguin Classics). London: Penguin, 2004)

_____. "On his Blindness." In The Poetical Works of John Milton. London: Bliss Sands & Co., n.d. [c. 1898] 360.*

_____. "Sonnet XVI ('When I consider how my light is spent')." From Miscellaneous Poems. 1673. In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 85.*

Perec, Georges. La Vie mode d'emploi. Novel. 1978.

Sartre, Jean-Paul. La Nausée. Novel.

Teller, Janne. Intet. 2000. (Danish ministry of culture prize for best book of the year).

_____. Nada. Trans. Carmen Freixenet. (Biblioteca Furtiva). Barcelona: Seix Barral, 2011.*

Tolstoy, Lev. The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories. 1886. New York: New American Library, 1960.

_____. The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories. Trans. Aylmer Maude and J. D. Duff. New York: Signet Classics, 1960.

_____. The Death of Ivan Ilyich. (Penguin 60s Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin.








"Atheist Experience #414: The Meaning of Life." YouTube (DonBakerTheAtheist) 29 May 2011.*



Brand, Russell. "Full Uncut Jordan Peterson Interview: This Conversation Changed My Mind!" Video. YouTube (Russell Brand) 2 Sept. 2023.*  (Psychopathy, control, mass culture, meaning of life, Religion, storytelling).



"Epic Roundtable Discussion on Metaphysics." (Oliver Sacks, Rupert Sheldrake, Daniel C. Dennett, Stephen Toulmin, Freeman Dyson, Stephen Jay Gould. Moderator: Wim Kayzer). 1993. YouTube (lecturesbeyondbeyond) 25 Nov. 2015.*



Esteban, Javier. "El sentido de la vida, con Fernando Savater." Interview. (Encuentros con lo sutil). YouTube (Encuentros con lo sutil) 23 Nov. 2015.*



Fridman, Lex. "Brian Greene: Quantum Gravity, the Big Bang, Aliens, Death, and Meaning - Lex Fridman Podcast #232." Video. YouTube (Lex Fridman) 20 Oct. 2021.* (Consciousness, future of humankind, space exploration, cosmology).


_____. "Jordan Peterson: Life, Death, Power, Fame, and Meaning | Lex Fridman Podcast #313." Video interview. YouTube (Lex Fridman) 19 Aug. 2022.* (Religion, Belief,  Personality, Meaning of Life).



García-Baró, Miguel. "Teoría del bien." Lecture at Fundación Juan March 24 April 2012.*



Gijón, Francisco. "La verdad como tarea." Video. Vitruvio Formación.*



Leiter, Brian. "Nietzsche on the Terrible Truth and Aesthetic Justification of Life." Lecture at Davidson College. YouTube (Brad Younger) 10 May 2014.*



Martín Jiménez, Luis Carlos. "Núcleo y síntesis del materialismo filosófico." Video lecture. (Los Ensayos materialistas de Gustavo Bueno, 50 años después XVIII Curso de Filosofía de la Universidad de la Rioja en Santo Domingo de la Calzada, lunes 18 al viernes 22 de julio de 2022). YouTube (fgbuenotv) 21 July 2022.* (Schools, Dialectics, Empires, Institutions, Religion, Action, Critical thinking, Conflicts, Christianity, Transcendence, Meaning of life, World, Reason).



"El materialismo filosófico de Gustavo Bueno: Sobre su obra El sentido de la vida (1996)." YouTube (Jesús G. Maestro) 1 Oct. 2016.*



Wilson, E. O. "On the Shoulders of Giants." Address at the World Science Festival, 2 June 2012. YouTube (World Science Festival) 29 July 2015.*





See also Life (Human life experience); Development; Existence; Existentialism; Existential anguish.



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