viernes, 16 de agosto de 2024

Métrica, Prosodia, Verso y Rima



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Metrics, Prosody, Verse and Rhyme


Early works




Early works


Arnold, Thomas. "On English Metres." In Arnold, A Manual of English Literature: Historical and Critical. 4th. ed. London: Longmans, 1877. 523-34.*

Banville, Théodore de. Petit traité de poésie française. 1872. In Oeuvres.  Paris: Lemerre.

Barbieri, Giammaria: Dell' Origine della Poesia Rimata, con le annotazioni dal Cav. Ab. Girolamo Tiraboschi. Modena: Soc. Tipogr., 1790.

Bede. De Arte Metrica. De Ortographia. In Keil, Grammatici Latini 7.

Browne, Thomas (Sir). "Of Ropalic or Gradual Verses, Etc.." In Certain Miscellany Tracts. 1684. In The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Ed. Charles Sayle. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1927. 3.304-6.*

Daniel, Samuel. "A Defence of Ryme." In Daniel, Panegyrike to the King. . . London: Blount, 1603.

_____. "A Defence of Ryme." In Elizabethan Critical Essays.  Ed. G. Gregory Smith. Oxford, 1904. Vol. 2.

_____. "A Defence of Ryme." In Samuel Daniel, A Defence of Ryme; Thomas Campion, Observations in the art of English Poesie. London: Lane. New York: Dutton, 1925.

_____. "A Defence of Ryme." In The Great Critics. Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932. 188-211.*

_____. Selected Poetry and A Defence of Rhyme. Ed. Geoffrey Hiller and Peter Groves. Asheville (NC): Pegasus Press, 1998.

Dryden, John. "Rhyme and Blank Verse: To the Right Honourable Roger, Earl of Orrery; Epistle Dedicatory of The Rival Ladies: A Tragicomedy."  1694. In Dryden's Essays.  London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1912. 183-88.

Gascoigne, George. "Certayne Notes of Instruction concerning the Making of Verse." In Gascoigne, Posies. 1575. Rpt. in Elizabethan Critical Essays.  Ed. G. Gregory Smith. Oxford, 1904. Vol. 1.

Gracia, A. Diccionario de la rima o consonantes de la lengua castellana, precedido de los elementos de poética y arte de la versificación española y seguido de un vocabulario de todas las voces poéticas con sus respectivas definiciones. Barcelona: Antonio Brusi, 1829.

Gray, Thomas. Observations on English Metre. Written 1760-61? Pub. 1814.

Hopkins, Gerald Manley. "Rhythm and Other Structural Parts of Rhetoric—Verse." In The Notebooks and Papers of Gerard Manley Hopkins.

James VI. "Ane Schort Treatise conteining some Reulis and Cautelis in Scottis Poesie." In King James VI, The Essayes of a Prentis in the Divine art of Poesie. Edinburgh: Thomas Vautrollier, 1584. Rpt. in Elizabethan Critical Essays.  Ed. G. Gregory Smith. Oxford, 1904. Vol. 1.

Keil, Heinrich, ed. Grammatici Latini. 7 vols and suppl. Leipzig: Teubner, 1857-80.

López Pinciano, Alonso. "Epístola séptima. Del metro." In López Pinciano, Philosophia antigua poetica. 1596. Madrid: CSIC, 1973. 2.217-99.*

Mallarmé, Stéphane. "Crise de vers." 1896. In Mallarmé, Œuvres complètes. Paris: Gallimard, 1945.

_____. "Crise de vers." 1896. In Poésies. Anecdotes ou poèmes. Pages diverses. Ed. Daniel Leuwers. Paris: LGF, 1977. 195-208.*

_____. "Crisis in Verse." In Symbolism: An Anthology. Ed. T. G. West. London: Methuen, 1980. 1-12.*

Matthew of Vendôme. Ars Versificatoria.  c. 1185. Trans. R. P. Parr. Milwaukee (WI), 1981.

Milton. "The Verse." Prefatory note to Paradise Lost, added 1668, with "The Argument", to the remaining copies of the 1st ed. of Paradise Lost. Rpt. 1674.  In The Poems of John Milton. Ed. H. Darbishire. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961. 180.*

Poe, Edgar Allan. "Notes on English Verse." The Pioneer (1843).  (1st version of "The Rationale of Verse").

_____.  "The Rationale of Verse." Southern Literary Messenger (1848).

_____. "The Rationale of Verse." In Poe, Poems and Essays. London: Dent, 1927. 1987. 113-62.*

_____. "The Rationale of Verse." In The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. (The Modern Library). New York: Random House, 1938. 908-42.*

_____. "Rhyme." In Poe, Poems and Essays  309-12.

Puttenham, George. The Art of English Poesy.  1589. Ed. Gladys D. Willcock and Alica Walker. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1970.

_____. The Arte of English Poesie.  Kent: Kent State UP, 1970.

Ruskin, John. The Elements of English Prosody. Select. in The Literary Criticism of John Ruskin. New York: Doubleday, 1965.

Sánchez Ferlosio, Rafael. "La magia de la rima y el carisma de la megafonía." El País  24 Dec. 1982. In Sánchez Ferlosio, Ensayos III: Babel contra Babel - Asuntos internacionales - Sobre la guerra - Apuntes de polemología. Ed. Ignacio Echevarría. Madrid: Penguin Random House - Debate, 2016. 19-22.*

Schütze, J. S. Versuch einer Theorie des Reimes nach Inhalt und Form. Madgeburg, 1802.

Sidney, Philip (Sir). "To my dear Lady and Sister the Countess of Pembroke"; "Nota"; and, "Discussion of Metre" In Sidney, The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia (The Old Arcadia). 1581. Ed. Jean Robertson. Oxford: Clarendon, 1973. (Versification; Authorship; Prosody)

Spenser, Edmund, and Gabriel Harvey. Three Proper and witty Familiar letters. 1580.

_____. Two other very commendable letters. 1580.

Stanyhurst, Richard. "Too Thee Right Honovrable My Verie Looving Broother. Thee Lord Baron of Dvnsanye." In Thee First Fovr Bookes of Virgil His AENeis translated ... by Richard Stanyhurst ... Leiden: Iohn Pates, 1582.

Stevenson, R. L. "On Style in Literature: Its Technical Elements." The Contemporary Review (1885). (Nature of literature; Nature of poetry; Nature of prose; Metre; Rhythm; Style)

_____. "On Some Technical Elements of Style in Literature." In Stevenson, Essays in the Art of Writing. London: Chatto, 1910. 3-46.*

_____. "Sobre algunos elementos técnicos del estilo literario." In Stevenson, Obras completas. Barcelona: RBA, 2005. 4.248-60.*

Sturluson, Snorri. Edda Hàttatal.  Ed. Anthony Faulkes. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.

Tempo, Antonio da. Summa artis rithmici.  1332.

Webbe, William. A Discourse of English Poetrie. London: R. Walley, 1586.

Young, Edward. Conjectures on Original Composition in a Letter to the Author of Sir Charles Grandison. London: Printed for A. Millar and R. and J. Dodsley, 1759. (Originality; Mimesis; Classical literature; Genius; Rhyme; Addison)

_____. Conjectures on Original Composition. Ed. M. W. Steinke. Philadelphia, 1917.

_____. Conjectures on Original Composition. Ed. Edith J. Morley. Manchester, 1918.

_____. "Conjectures on Original Composition." In The Great Critics. Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932. 353-88.*

_____. "Conjectures on Original Composition: In a letter to the author of Sir Charles Grandison." In Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. H. Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 338-347.*








Alonso, Dámaso. "Elogio del endecasílabo." In Alonso, De los siglos oscuros al de oro (Notas y artículos a través de 700 años de letras españolas). 2nd ed. Madrid: Gredos, 1971. 178-82.*

Alonso Cortés, Narciso. Lengua Española: Nociones de gramática histórica y de preceptiva literaria. Valladolid, 1940.

Aoun, Youssef. "Is the Syllable or the Supersyllable a Constituent?" MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 1 (1979): 140-48.

Arp, Thomas R., and Greg Johnson. "Rhythm and Meter." In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002.*

Arribas, María Luisa. "La caracterización estilística de las cláusulas anómalas en el hexámetro latino." Epos 5 (1989): 57-80.

Attridge, D. The Rhythms of English Poetry. London: Longman, 1982.

Bailey, James. "An Exploration in Comparative Metrics." Style 21 (1987): 359-76.

Baquero Goyanes, Mariano. "Narración y octosílabos en la prosa de Cristóbal Lozano." In Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro: Homenaje al profesor Francisco Ynduráin. Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1984. 45-67.*

Beardsley, Monroe, and W. K. Wimsatt. "The Concept of Meter: An Exercise in Abstraction." PMLA 74 (1959).

Beaver, Joseph C. "A Grammar of Prosody." In Freeman, Linguistics and Literary Style 427-47.

Benrabah, Nadia. "Rhythm Through the Ages: Towards a Tentative Definition." Revue des Langues 10 (1992): 79-90.

Bertinetto, P. M. Ritmo e modelli ritmici. Turin: Rosemberg, 1973.

Bonheim, Helmut. Literary Systematics. Cambridge: Brewer, 1990.*

Boulton, Marjorie. The Anatomy of Poetry. London: Routledge, 1965.

Brooks, Cleanth, and Robert Penn Warren, eds. Conversations on the Craft of Verse. (Pamphlet and tape).

Carper, Thomas, and Derek Attridge. Meter and Meaning. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Chatman, Seymour. "Comparing Metrical Styles." In Sebeok 149-72.

_____. "The Components of English Meter." In Freeman, Linguistics and Literary Style 309-35.

_____. A Theory of Meter. The Hague: Mouton, 1965.

_____. "Ritmo, metro, esecuzione.' In Cremante and Pazzaglia 1972. 99-108.

Clark, Arthur Melville. Studies in Literary Modes. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1946.

Classe, A. The Rhythm of English Prose. Darby (PA): Arden Library,1978.

Cornelius, Ian. Reconstructing Alliterative Verse: The Pursuit of a Medieval Meter. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2017.

Couper-Kuhlen, E. An Introduction to English Prosody. London: Arnold, 1986.

Cowl, R. P. "Metre and Versification." In Cowl, The Theory of Poetry in England. London: Macmillan, 1914. 224-62.

Creaser, John. "A Zest for Artifice." European English Messenger 5.2 (Autumn 1996): 20-27.* (Metrics).

Cremante, R., and M. Pazzaglia. La Metrica. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1972.

Cummings, D. W. "Towards a Theory of Prosodic Analysis for English Metrical Verse." DA 27 (1966): 177A.

Cureton, Richard. "Rhythm: A Multi-Level Analysis." Style 19 (1985): 242-57.

_____. Rhythmic Phrasing in English Verse. Harlow (Essex): Longman, 1992.

_____. "The Auditory Imagination and the Music of Poetry." In Twentieth Century Poetry: From Text to Context. Ed. Peter Verdonk. London: Routledge, 1993. 68-86.

Dale, A. M. "Stichos and Stanza." In Dale, Collected Papers (1969).

Domínguez Caparrós, José. "Los conceptos de modelo y ejemplo de verso, y de ejecución." Epos 4 (1988): 241-58.

_____. "La métrica y los estudios literarios." Epos 8 (1992): 245-60.

_____. Métrica española. Madrid, 1993.

_____. "Claudio Rodríguez, 'Voz sin pérdida'. Análisis métrico." In Cartografía literaria: En homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018. 1.1211-19. Online at Academia.*


Drury, Martin. "XXI. Apéndice de autores y obras. Apéndice de métrica." In Historia de la Literatura Clásica (Cambridge University), I: Literatura Griega. Ed. P. E. Easterling and B. M. W. Knox. Madrid: Gredos, 1990.*

_____. "Apéndice métrico." In Historia de la literatura clásica (Cambridge University) II: Literatura latina. Ed. E. J. Kenney and W. V. Clausen. Madrid: Gredos, 1989. 995-98.*

Duffell, Martin J. "The Italian Line in English after Chaucer." Language and Literature 11.4 (2002): 291-305.*

Eikhenbaum, Boris. "El principio melódico del verso." In Antología del formalismo ruso y el grupo de Bajtín. Vol. II: Semiótica del discurso y posformalismo bajtiniano. Ed. Emil Volek. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1995. 37-42.*

Eliot, T. S.  "Reflections on vers libre." In Eliot, To Criticize the Critic. London: Faber, 1965. 183-189.

Elwert, Th. Traité de versification française. Paris: Klincksieck, 1965.

Fabb, Nigel. "The Metres of 'Dover Beach'." Language and Literature 11.2 (May 2002): 99-117.*

Fitch, J. G. Seneca's Anapaests. Atlanta (GA), 1987.

Fowler, Roger. "'Prose Rhythm' and Metre." In Essays on Style and Language. Ed. R. Fowler. London: Routledge, 1966. 82-99.

_____. "What is Metrical Analysis?" Anglia 86 (1968): 280-320. Rpt. in The Languages of Literature.

Fraser, G. S. Metre, Rhyme and Free Verse. (The Critical Idiom). London: Methuen, 1970.

Freeman, Donald C. "On the Primes of Metrical Style." In Freeman, Linguistics and Literary Style 448-91.

_____. ed. Linguistics and Literary Style. New York: Holt, 1970.

Fussell, Paul. Theory of Prosody in Eighteenth-Century England. Hamden (CT): Shoe String Press, 1966.

_____. Poetic Meter and Poetic Form. Rev. ed. New York: Random House, 1979.

Gasparov, M. L. A History of European Versification. Ed. and trans. G. S. Smith et al. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

Gates, Rosemary L. "T.S. Eliot's Prosody and the Free Verse Tradition: Restricting Whitman's 'Free Growth of Metrical Laws'." Poetics Today 11.3 (1990): 547-578.*

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Geninasca, Jacques. "Fragmentación convencional y significación." In Ensayos de semiótica poética.  Ed. A. J. Greimas. Barcelona: Planeta, 1976. 61-82.*

Giegerich, H. Metrical Phonology and Phonological Structure. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985.

Gómez Lara, Manuel J., and Juan A. Prieto Pablos. "Prosodic Analysis." In Gómez Lara and Prieto Pablos, The Ways of the Word. Huelva: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, 1994. 66-110.

Greimas, A. J., et al. Ensayos de semiótica poética.  Barcelona: Planeta. Trans. of Essais de sémiotique poétique.  Paris: Larousse, 1972.

Gross, H. Sound and Form in Modern Poetry. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1964.

_____. The Structure of Verse: Modern Essays on Prosody. New York: Ecco Press, 1980.

Halle, M., and S. J. Keyser. English Stress: Its Form, its Growth, and its Role in Verse.  New York: Harper and Row, 1971.

Hamer, Enid. The Metres of English Poetry. London: Methuen, 1966.

Harding, D. W. Words into Rhythm: English Speech Rhythm in Verse and Prose. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1976.

Häublein, Ernst. The Stanza. (The Critical Idiom). London: Methuen, 1978.

Hayes, Bruce. "La métrica y la teoría fonológica." In Panorama de la lingüística moderna de la Universidad de Cambridge. Vol. II: Teoría lingüística: Extensiones e implicaciones. Ed. Frederick J. Newmeyer. Madrid: Visor, 1990.

Henríquez Ureña, Pedro. La versificación irregular en la poesía española. Madrid, 1933.

Hobsbaum, Philip. Metre, Rhythm and Verse Form. (The New Critical Idiom). London: Routledge, 1995.

Hogg, R. M., and C. McCully. Metrical Phonology: A Coursebook. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985.

Hough, Graham. "Prose, Verse and Poetry." In Hough, An Essay on Criticism. London: Duckworth, 1966. 97-104.*

Hrushovski, Benjamin. "On Free Rhythms in English Poetry." In Sebeok 173-90.

_____. "I ritmi liberi moderni." In R. Cremante and M. Pazzaglia 1972. 169-76.

Jakobson, Roman. "Los problemas fundamentales de la versología." In Antología del formalismo ruso y el grupo de Bajtín. Vol. II: Semiótica del discurso y posformalismo bajtiniano. Ed. Emil Volek. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1995. 43-62.*

Johnson, Barbara. "Poetry and Syntax: What the Gypsy Knew." (Mallarmé). In Johnson, The Critical Difference. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1985. 67-76.

Kager, René, Harry van der Hulst and Wim Zonneveld. The Prosody-Morphology Interface. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Kiparsky, P., and G. Youmans, eds. Rhythm and Meter. Vol. 1 of Phonetics and Phonology. San Diego: Academic Press, 1989.

Lanz, Henry. Physical Basis of Rime. Stanford UP, 1931.

Lázaro Carreter, Fernando. "Función poética y verso libre." In Homenaje a Francisco Yndurain. Foreword by Antonio Beltrán. Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 1972. 201-16.*

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Leech, Geoffrey N. A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry. London: Longman, 1969.

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Lewis, C. S. "The Alliterative Metre." In Lewis, Rehabilitations and Other Essays. London: Oxford UP, 1939. 117-32.*

Lillo, Antonio. "La rima en los préstamos del argot inglés contemporáneo." Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 3 (1995): 173-86.*

López García, A., et al. Lecciones de Retórica y Métrica. Valencia: Lindes, 1981.

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Mukarovsky, Jan. "The Connection between the Prosodic Line and Word Order in Czech Verse." In A Prague School Reader on Esthetics, Literary Structure, and Style. Ed. and trans. Paul L. Garvin. Washington, D. C.: Georgetown UP, 1964. 113-32.*

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Nabokov, Vladimir. Notes on prosody, and Abram Gannibal; from the Commentary to the author's translation of Pushkin's Eugene Onegin. (Bollingen series, 72) Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, [c1964].

Navarro Tomás, Tomás. Métrica española. New York: Las Américas, 1966.

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Pérez Priego, Miguel Ángel. "El uso del verso en los orígenes del teatro castellano." In Cartografía Teatral en homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. (Tomo II). Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018.  

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Internet resources



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