jueves, 4 de julio de 2024

Macrocosmos - Microcosmos



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Macrocosm / Microcosm



Camós, Fray Marco Antonio de. Microcosmia y gobierno universal del hombre cristiano. 1595.

Cellarius, Andreas. Harmonia Macrocosmia. 1661.

Crooke, Helkiah. Mikrokosmographia. London, 1615. (Human anatomy).

Davis, Earle. "The Social Microcosmic Pattern." 1963. In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hard Times. Ed. Paul Edward Gray. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice, 1969.*

Maxwell, Ruth Anderson. "The Mirror Concept and Its Relation to the Drama of the Renaissance." N.W. Missouri State Teachers College Studies 3.1 (1939).

Purchas, Samuel. Purchas, his Pilgrim. Microcosmus, or the historie of Man. Relating the wonders of his Generation, vanities in his Degeneration, Necessity of his Regeneration. 1619.

_____. "[Part I, Book 1] Chap. I § 3. The Tropologicall or Morall use enlarged and amplified: and a view taken of Mans diversified Dominion in Microcosmicall, Cosmopoliticall, and that Spirituall or Heavenly right, over himselfe and all things, which the Christian hath in and by Christ. Mans Microcosmicall state or tenure examined. The Christian Man an universall possessor of the Universe. Christians grace and glorie. Vanity of other things compared. Microcosmicall, Cosmopoliticall & Christian tenure compared with propriety." In Purchas, Hakluytus Posthumus: or, Purchas His Pilgrimes. Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by Englishmen and Others. Vol. 1. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1905. Rpt. (Cambridge Library Collection). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2014. 14-24.*

Rico, Francisco. El pequeño mundo del hombre: Varia fortuna de una idea en la cultura española. Nueva edición, corregida y aumentada. Ed. Guillermo Serés. (Imago Mundi, 72; Biblioteca Francisco Rico). Barcelona: Destino, 2005.*

_____. El pequeño mundo del hombre: Varia fortuna de una idea en la cultura española. 9th ed., rev. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 2008.* (Medieval and renaissance Spanish literature; Diego García, Libro de Alexandre, Alfonso X el Sabio, Ramón Llull, Don Juan Manuel, Anselm Turmeda, Raimundo Sibiuda, Alfonso de la Torre, politics, Luis Vives, De hominis dignitate, philosophy, medicine and astrology, Fray Luis de León, architecture, microcosm and theology, Lope de Vega, Quevedo, Gracián, Calderón de la Barca, Miguel de Barrios).

Spengler, Oswald. "I. Origen y paisaje." In Spengler, La Decadencia de Occidente. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2002. 15-136.* (I. Cosmos y microcosmos. II. El grupo de las grandes culturas. III. Las relaciones entre las culturas. (Law)).

_____. "Origen y paisaje." In Spengler, La decadencia de Occidente II. Barcelona: RBA, 2005. 15-136.*

Tillyard. E. M. W. The Elizabethan World Picture. London: Chatto and Windus, 1943.*






Davies of Hereford, John. Microcosmos, the Discovery of the Little World, with the Government Thereof. 1603.

Earle, John. Microcosmographie. Character sketches. 1628.

_____. Microcosmography, or: A Piece of the World Discovered, in Essays and Characters. Ed. Philip Bliss. Harding, 1811. (120 page appendix with additional material).

_____. Micro-Cosmographie. In George Villiers, The Rehersal. J. Earle, Micro-Cosmographie. G. Gascoigne, The Steele Glass. Ed. E. Arber. (English Reprints 10, 11, 12). London: Murray, 1869.

_____. Micro-Cosmographie. Ed. Edward Arber. 1869. Rpt. New York: AMS Press, 1966.

_____. Microcosmography, or: A Piece of the World Discovered, in Essays and Characters. Pref. S. Irwin. Bristol: Hemmons, 1887. (Rpt. Bliss edition, 1811, with new introd., extensive apparatus).

la Primaudaye, Pierre de. Academie Françoise. Vol. 1. 1577.

_____. Suite de l'academie françoise. 1580.

_____. French Academy. English trans. by Bowes, 1594. (On macroscosm and microcosm).

Ross, Alexander. Arcana microcosmi. 1652.

Scève, Maurice. Microcosme. 1562.

Wanley, N. Wonders of the little world. 1678.



Related works


Crooke, Helkiah. Mikrokosmographia. 1615. (Human anatomy).




See also Body; Great Chain of Being; Elements; Physiology.


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