jueves, 18 de julio de 2024

Me enlazan en la Universidad de Oxford

Retropost, 2014:


 Buscándome buscándome, me encontré a mí mismo, en este caso un enlace a mi bibliografía en este sitio, ARCH, un sitio de la Universidad de Oxford que registra los mejores recursos de humanidades de la Red: http://arch.oucs.ox.ac.uk/detail/94869/index.html ARCH 

Información sobre este proyecto en su blog:

The ARCH project reuses the original Intute catalogue to create a new community based resource.
The original catalogue consisted of reviewed web sites for specific subjects – in Oxford’s case for Arts and Humanities resources, which were selected for their high quality and appropriateness for higher education courses of study. The new community web site is a pilot study to see if this type of community based resource can work.

The project is developing software for a community type of system where the community members are involved with adding and editing items and using the resource. Initially the project is intended just for Arts and Humanities use and specifically as a pilot to see a) how feasible the community resource would be and b) to develop the software that could be re-used. There is a questionnaire to elicit views from potential community members.

The system and demonstrators will be available shortly, and will be demonstrated at workshops.


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