miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2024




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)






Accati, Luisa. "The Spirit of Fornication: Virtue of the Soul and Virtue of the Body in Fruili, 1600-1800." Trans. Margaret A. Galucci. In Sex and Gender in Historical Perspective. Ed. Edward Muir and Guido Ruggiero. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1990. 110-40.

Aquinas, Thomas (St.). Tratado de los hábitos y virtudes en general. In Aquinas, Suma Teológica de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Bilingual ed. Gen. ed. Francisco Barbado Viejo. Vol. V. 3rd ed. Madrid: BAC, 1959.

_____. Tratado de las virtudes sociales y de la fortaleza. In Aquinas, Suma Teológica de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Bilingual ed. Gen. ed. Francisco Barbado Viejo. Vol. IX. 3rd ed. Madrid: BAC, 1959.

_____. Tratado de los distintos géneros de vida y estados de perfección. In Aquinas, Suma Teológica de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Bilingual ed. Gen. ed. Francisco Barbado Viejo. Vol. X. 3rd ed. Madrid: BAC, 1959.

Aristotle. (Aristóteles). Ética nicomaquea. In Aristóteles, Ética: Ética Nicomaquea – Ética Eudemia – Acerca del alma. Introds. T. Martínez Manzano and Tomás Calvo Martínez. Trans. and notes by Julio Pallí Bonet and Tomás Calvo Martínez. Orig. Pub. Gredos, 1982. (Biblioteca Gredos, 35). Barcelona: RBA, 2007.*

_____. Ética Nicomaquea. Trans. and notes by Julio Pallí Bonet. In Aristóteles, Ética Nicomaquea. Política. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Aristóteles, III). Madrid: Gredos, 2011. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014. 9-242.*

_____. "Libro segundo. Naturaleza de la virtud ética." Aristóteles. Ética Nicomaquea. Trans. and notes by Julio Pallí Bonet. In Aristóteles, Ética Nicomaquea. Política. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Aristóteles, III). Madrid: Gredos, 2011. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014. 35-52.*

_____. "Libro cuarto. Examen de las virtudes éticas." Aristóteles. Ética Nicomaquea. Trans. and notes by Julio Pallí Bonet. In Aristóteles, Ética Nicomaquea. Política. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Aristóteles, III). Madrid: Gredos, 2011. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014. 77-98.*

_____. "Libro quinto. Examen de las virtudes éticas (continuación)." Aristóteles. Ética Nicomaquea. Trans. and notes by Julio Pallí Bonet. In Aristóteles, Ética Nicomaquea. Política. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Aristóteles, III). Madrid: Gredos, 2011. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014. 99-124.*

Bartholomew, James. "I Invented Virtue Signalling: Now It's Taking over the World." The Spectator 10 Oct. 2015.*



Boehm, Christopher. Moral Origins: The Evolution of Virtue, Altruism, and Shame. New York: Basic Books, 2012.

Butler, Joseph. "Dissertation on the Nature of Virtue." Appended to The Analogy of Religion. 1736.

Camps, Victoria. Virtudes públicas. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1990.  (Premio Espasa de Ensayo).

Comte-Sponville, André. Pequeño tratado de las grandes virtudes. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1996.

Crosse, Henry. Vertues Common-wealth, or the High-Way to Honour. London, 1603.

D’Souza, D. The Virtue of Prosperity. New York: Touchstone, 2001.

Dalai Lama of Tibet, The. The Joy of Living and Dying in Peace. Ed. John F. Avedon and Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Thorstons, 1998.

Diderot, Denis, trans. Essai sur le mérite et la vertu. "Amsterdam", 1745.

Dollimore, Jonathan. "13. Antony and Cleopatra (c. 1607): Virtus under Erasure." In Dollimore, Radical Tragedy. 3rd ed. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2004. 204-17.*

Duff, Tim. Plutarch's Lives: Exploring Virtue and Vice. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Erasmus of Rotterdam Desiderius (Erasmo de Rotterdam). Enquiridion: Manual del caballero cristiano. Trans. and notes by Pedro Rodríguez Santidrián. (Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos). Rpt. in Erasmo, Enquiridion. Elogio de la locura. Coloquios (selección). Introd. Jordi Bayod and Joaquim Parellada. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos). Madrid: Gredos, 2011. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA, 2014. 1-142.*

Feijoo, Benito Jerónimo (Fray). "Virtud y vicio: El ambicioso. El avaro." From Teatro Crítico Universal vol. 1. In Feijoo, Antología popular. Ed. Eduardo Blanco-Amor. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Galicia, 1966. 15.*

_____. "Virtud aparente." From Teatro Crítico Universal, vol. 4. In Feijoo, Antología popular. Ed. Eduardo Blanco-Amor. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Galicia, 1966. 69-70.*

Fiske, Alan, and Tage Rai. Virtuous Violence: Hurting and Killing to Create, Sustain, End and Honor Social Relationships. Cambridge UP.

Franklin. The Means and Manner of Obtaining Virtue. (Penguin 60s Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Galán, Eduardo. La máscara moral: Por qué la impostura se ha convertido en un valor de mercado. Barcelona: Debate, 2022.

García Landa, José Ángel. "El buenismo aburre." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 26 July 2009.*



Goldsmith, Oliver. "Perfection of the Chinese in Gardening. The Gardens of Virtue and Vice." In Essays of Oliver Goldsmith. London: Macmillan, 1904.108-12.

Gómez de Liaño, Ignacio. El eclipse de la civilización: La ética y la tiranía en seis figuras históricas. La Esfera de los Libros, 2023. (Cicero, Seneca, St. Paul, Muhammad, Marx, Hitler; individualism, socialism, freedom, virtue, values).

González Quirós, José Luis. La virtud de la política. 2022.

Griswold, Charles L., Jr. Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightenment. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Gutiérrez Carbajo, Francisco. "Ética y Literatura: Las Virtudes." In Teoría y análisis de los discursos literarios: Estudios en homenaje al profesor Ricardo Senabre Sempere. Ed. S. Crespo et al. Salamanca: U de Extremadura / Ediciones U de Salamanca, 2009. 179-86.* (Virtue, allegory).

Halwani, Raja Fouad. "Virtue, Ethics and Adultery." Journal of Social Philosophy 29.3 (Winter 1998): 5-18.

Hervey, John (Lord). The Difference between Verbal and Practical Virtue Exemplified. 1738.

Hall, Joseph. Characters of Virtues and Vices. 1608.

Hanley, Ryan Patrick. Adam Smith and the Character of Virtue.

_____. Our Great Purpose: Adam Smith on Living a Better Life.

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. System der Wissenschaft von Ge. Wilh. Fr. Hegel (…) Erster Theil, die Phänomenologie des Geistes. Bamberg and Würzburg: bey Joseph Anton Goebhardt, 1807.* (Consciousness; Self-Consciousness; Phenomena; Senses; Perception; Things; Illusion; Mastery; Serfdom; Stoicism; Skepticism; Unhappiness; Physiognomy; Phrenology; Pleasure; Necessity; Feelings; Conceit; Virtue; Spirit, Ethics; Gender; Divinity; Alienation; Culture; Faith, Enlightenment; Freedom; Morality; Religion; Art; Knowledge; Science).

_____. Die Phänomenologie des Geistes. Ed. Georg Lasson. 1928.

_____. Phänomenologie des Geistes. 5th ed. Ed. J. Hoffmeister. Hamburg: Meiner, 1952.

_____. Phänomenologie des Geistes. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1977.

_____. System der Wissenschaft. Erster Teil, die Phänomenologie des Geistes. Bamberg and Würzburg 1807. Online ed. of text from Projekt Gutenberg. HTML-marking: Einde O’Callaghan for the Marxists’ Internet Archive.



_____. The Phenomenology of Mind. Translated by J. B. Baillie. 2d ed. London: Allen and Unwin, 1931.

_____. The Phenomenology of Mind. Trans. and introd. J. B. Baillie. 2nd ed., rev. London: Allen, 1964.

_____. Phenomenology of Spirit. Trans. A. V. Miller. Ed. J. N. Findlay. New York: Oxford UP; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977.*

_____. Preface to Phenomenology of the Spirit. In Deconstruction in Context. Ed. Mark C. Taylor. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986. 67-97.*

_____. From Phenomenology of Spirit. (§§178-96, Master-Slave Dialectic). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. Phénoménologie de l'esprit. Trans. J. Hyppolite. Paris: Aubier, 1934.

_____. Phénomenologie de l'esprit. Trans. Jean Hyppolite. Vol. 1. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1939.

_____. La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit. Trans. Jean Hyppolite. (Philosophie de l'Esprit). Vol. 1. Paris: Aubier, Éditions Montaigne, 1939. Online at Scribd (Shahla Osanloo)



_____. La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit. Trans. Jean Hyppolite. Vol. 2. Paris: Aubier, 1941. Online at Scribd (DanyRodier) 9 Nov. 2011.*



_____. "La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 18 May 2012.*



_____. Fenomenología del espíritu. Trans. Wenceslao Roces. México: FCE, 1981.

_____. Fenomenología del espíritu. Trans. Wenceslao Roces. Introd. Ignasi Roviró Alemany. (Biblioteca de los grandes pensadores). Barcelona: RBA, 2004.*

_____. Fenomenología del Espíritu. Trans. Joaquín Chamorro Mielke. Introd. Volker Rühle. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Hegel, I). Madrid: Gredos, 2010. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014.*

Hobbes, Thomas. "Of the Vertues, Commonly Called Intellectual, and Their Contrary Defects." In Hobbes, Leviathan. London: Dent; New York: Dutton (Everyman), 1914. 32-40.*

_____. "8. De las virtudes comúnmente llamadas intelectuales y de sus defectos contrarios." In Hobbes, Leviatán. Madrid: Gredos, 2012. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2015. 56-68.*

Hont, Istvan, and Michael Ignatieff, eds. Wealth and Virtue. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1983.

Hutcheson, Francis. An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. 1725.

_____. An Inquiry into the Original of Our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. New York: AMS Press, 1978.

Jankélévitch, Vladimir. Traité des vertus. 1968.

Jordan, Jillian J., and Maryam Kouchaki. "Virtuous Victims." Science Advances 7.42 (2021).*

         DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg5902



Kant, Immanuel. The Metaphysical Principle of Virtue. Trans. James Ellington. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1956.

Kent, Bonnie. Virtues of the Will: The Transformation of Ethics in the Late Thirteenth Century. Washington, D.C.: Catholic U of America P, 1995.

Lahno, B. Versprechen: Überlegungen zu einer künstlichen Tugend. Wien: Oldenbourg, 1995.

Langston, Douglas C. "The Aristotelian Background to Scotus's Rejection of the Necessary Connection of Prudence and the Moral Virtues." Franciscan Studies 66 (2008): 317–336.

_____. Conscience and Other Virtues: From Bonaventure to MacIntyre. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 2001.

Law, Edmund. An Essay on the Origin of Evil by Dr. William King, translated from the Latin with Notes and a Dissertation concerning the Principle and Criterion of Virtue and of the Passions; By Edmund Law, M. A., Fellow of Christ College in Cambridge. 2nd ed. London, 1737.

El Libro de los Doce Sabios o Tratado de la Nobleza y Lealtad. Commissioned by Fernando III c. 1237, epilogue c. 1250s. Online at Filosofía en Español.*



Lipsius, Justus. Two Bookes of Constancy. Trans. Sir John Stradling. London, 1594.

MacIntyre, Alasdair. "Nietzsche or Aristotle?" In MacIntyre, After Virtue: An Essay in Moral Theory. 1981. 2nd ed. rev. London: Duckworth, 1985. 1996. 109-20.*

_____. "Aristotle's Account of the Virtues." In MacIntyre, After Virtue: An Essay in Moral Theory. 1981. 2nd ed. rev. London: Duckworth, 1985. 1996. 146-64.*

_____. After Virtue. London, 1981.

_____. After Virtue. Notre Dame (IN): U of Notre Dame P, 1981.

_____. After Virtue: An Essay in Moral Theory. 1981. 2nd ed. rev. London: Duckworth, 1985. 1996.*

_____. Tras la virtud. Barcelona: Crítica, 1987.

_____. "The Virtues, the Unity of a Human Life and the Concept of a Tradition." In From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology. Ed. Lawrence E. Cahoone. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 534-55.*

_____. "Historical Communities, Moral Identity and the Quest for a Virtuous Life." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 10 March 2020.*



Malo Ocejo, Pablo. "La dictadura de la virtud y la religión como antídoto." Hypérbole (Aug. 2020).*



Mansfield, H. C. Machiavelli's Virtue. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1996.

Martin of Braga. Exhortatio humilitatis. 6th c.

Méré, Chevalier de. Discours de la vraie honnêteté. 1700

Montaigne, Michel de. "De la vertu." In Essais II. (Folio). 471-79.*

_____. "II.xxix. De la virtud." In Montaigne, Ensayos completos. Madrid: Cátedra, 2003. 2010. 697-703.*

_____. "De trois bonnes femmes." In Essais II. (Folio). 518-26.*

_____. "II.xxxv. De tres buenas mujeres." In Montaigne, Ensayos completos. Madrid: Cátedra, 2003. 2010. 734-40.*

_____. "Des plus excellents hommes." In Essais II. (Folio). 518-26.*

_____. "II.xxxvi. De los hombres más excelsos." In Montaigne, Ensayos completos. Madrid: Cátedra, 2003. 2010. 741-47.*

Neuwirth, Steven. "Virtue at Stake: Sex and Sexuality in the Narrative of the Captivity of Mary White Rowlandson." In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos). Lleida, 17-19 December 1998. Ed. Pere Gallardo and Enric Llurda. Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2000. 355-58.*

Plotinus. "Enéada I, 2 (19). Sobre las virtudes." In Plotino: Vida de Plotino por Porfirio. Enéadas (I-III). Introd. Ignacio Guiu. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Plotino, I). Madrid: Gredos, 2015. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2016. 54-62.*

Plutarch. "Cómo percibir los propios progresos en la virtud." In Plutarch, Obras morales (selección). Ed. and trans. Concepción Morales Otal and José García López. Barcelona: Planeta-DeAgostini, 1996. 165-98.*

_____. "Sobre la virtud y el vicio." In Plutarch, Obras morales (selección). Ed. and trans. Concepción Morales Otal and José García López. Barcelona: Planeta-DeAgostini, 1996. 215-24.*

Pocock, J. G. A.  "Virtue and Commerce in the Eighteenth Century." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 3 (1972): 119-34.

_____. Virtue, Commerce, and History. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985.

Raphael, D. D. "8. Virtue." In Raphael, The Impartial Spectator: Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2007. 65-72.*

_____. "9. The Cardinal Virtues." In Raphael, The Impartial Spectator: Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2007. 73-80.*

_____. "10. Virtue and Beauty." In Raphael, The Impartial Spectator: Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2007. 81-93.*

Ridley, Matt. The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation. London: Penguin, 1996; New York: Viking Penguin, 1996.

_____. "The Origins of Virtue." From Ridley, The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation. In Darwin: Texts. Commentary. Ed. Philip Appleman. 3rd ed. New York: Norton,  2001. 517-24.*

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. "Discours sur cette question: Quelle est la vertu la plus nécessaire au héros (a) et quels sont les héros à qui cette vertu a manqué? proposée en 1751 par l'Académie de Corse." Ed. Charly Guyot. In Rousseau, Œuvres complètes II: La Nouvelle Héloïse - Théâtre - Poésies - Essais littéraires. Ed. Bernard Gagnebin and Marcel Raymond. (NRF - Bibliothèque de la Pléiade). Paris: Gallimard, 1964. 1262-74.*

_____. "Pensées d'un esprit droit, et sentimens d'un cœur vertueux." Ed. Charly Guyot. In Rousseau, Œuvres complètes II: La Nouvelle Héloïse - Théâtre - Poésies - Essais littéraires. Ed. Bernard Gagnebin and Marcel Raymond. (NRF - Bibliothèque de la Pléiade). Paris: Gallimard, 1964. 1299-1314.*

Russell, Paul. "El vicio vestido de virtud." Medium (Proyecto Karnayna) 6 July 2020.*



Schopenhauer, Arthur. "Von der etischen Bedeutsamkeit des Handelns: oder: vom Wesen der Tugend und des Lasters / Sobre la significación ética de la conducta, o en torno a la esencia de la virtud y el vicio." Ch. 1 of Schopenhauer, Metafísica de las costumbres. Ed. and trans. Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo. Madrid: Debate / C.S.I.C., 1993. 129-57.* (Good and bad, perversity, cruelty, conscience, virtue, goodness, magnanimity, love, friendship, crying).

Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of). "Treatise IV. viz. An Inquiry Concerning Virtue, or Merit…." 1699. In Shaftesbury, Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. In Three Volumes. London, 1711. (Morality; Religion; Atheism; Emotion; Pleasure)

_____. An Inquiry Concerning Virtue, or Merit. Corrected 2nd ed., 1714.

_____. Investigación sobre la virtud o el mérito.

Skinner, Q. Visions of Politics, Volume II: Renaissance Virtues, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002.

Smith, Adam. "Part VI. Of the Character of Virtue." In Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Introd. Amartya Sen. Ed. and notes Ryan Patrick Hanley. New York and London: Penguin Books, 2009. 247-312.*

Tena Sánchez, J. "El papel de la virtud cívica en el liberalismo igualitarista." Isegoría 41 (2009).

Unamuno, Miguel de. Del sentimiento trágico de la vida en los hombres y en los pueblos. (Austral). Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1937. 12th ed. 1971.*

Voltaire. "Virtud." From Diccionario Filosófico. In Voltaire, Cartas filosóficas. Diccionario filosófico. Memorias para servir a la vida de Voltaire escritas por él mismo. Prologue by Fernando Savater. Introd. Martí Domínguez. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Voltaire, I). Madrid: Gredos, 2010. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA, 2014. 291-92.*









Bennett, William, ed. The Book of Virtues: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993.

Braithwaite, Richard. The Cardinal Vertues.

Herbert, George. "Virtue." Poem. In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. By Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002. 920-21.*

_____. "Vertue." From The Temple, 1633. In The Oxford Book of Seventeenth Century Verse. Ed. H. J. C. Grierson and G. Bullough. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934. Rpt. 1938, 1942, 1946. 373.*

Hildegard of Bingen. Ordo Virtutum. Musical morality play.

Jonson, Ben. Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue. 1618.

Melero, Javier. Frágil Virtud (Basado en un caso real). Crime fiction. Barcelona: Ariel.

Niccols, Richard. Vertues Encomium; or, the Image of Honour. In two books of Epigrammes. 1614.

Oldham, John. A Satyr against Vertue. 1679.

Pearl. Anonymous poem. Pearl ms., c. 1375. (Also includes Cleanness, Patience, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight). many editions

Pix, Mary.  Violenta, or The Rewards of Virtue. Novella. 1704. (Trans. from Boccaccio, Decameron 2.8).

Pope, Alexander. Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot. Poem. 1735.

_____. Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt, et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.2562-73.*

Prudentius. Psychomachia. Allegorical poem.



Richardson, Samuel. The Paths of Virtue Delineated; or, the History in Miniature of the Celebrated Pamela, Clarissa Harlowe, and Sir Charles Grandison, familiarised and adapted to the capacities of Youth. 1756.

Robinson, Richard. The Vineyard of Virtue. 1579.

Sánchez, Pedro. Triángulo de las virtudes teologales. 1595.

Shaver, Robert. "7. Virtues, Utility, and Rules." In The Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith. Ed. Knud Haakonssen. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006. 189-213.*

Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene; disposed into Twelve Books, fashioning XII. Moral Vertues. (Only Books I-III). 1590.

_____.(Unsigned). THE FAERIE  /QUEENE.  / Disposed into twelue bookes, / Fashioning / XII. Morall vertues. [illustr: an anchor, "Anchora Spei"] LONDON / Printed for VVilliam Ponsonbie. / 1596.  (Books 1-6). 1596.

_____. The Faerie Queene. 1609.

_____. The Faerie Queene: Book 1. Ed. George Armstrong Wauchope. New York and London: Macmillan, 1903. 1921.

1921. Online at Project Gutenberg



_____. The Faerie Queene. Ed. 1909.

_____. The Faerie Queene. Ed. A. C. Hamilton. 1977. London: Longman, 1980.*

Whetstone, George. The Rocke of Regard, divided into foure parts: The Castle of Delight, The Garden of Unthriftnesse; the Arbour of Virtue; The Orchard of Repentance. 1576.

_____. The Englysh Mirour: a Regard wherein al estates may behold the Conquests of Envy, etc. 1586.

Wither, George. Faire-Virtue, the mistresse of Phil'arete. Allegorical amorous poems. 1622.








Cochrane, John H., Niall Ferguson et al. "The Great Awokening with Bari Weiss: Conversations from the Hoover Institution." Video debate. YouTube (Hoover Institution) 31 March 2021.* (Cancel Culture, Victimood, Freedom of expression, Virtue signalling).




Gómez de Liaño, Ignacio. "El Eclipse de la Civilización." Video lecture. YouTube (Fundos Fundación) 21 July 2023.* (Cicero, Seneca, St. Paul, Muhammad, Marx, Hitler; individualism, socialism, freedom, virtue, values).




Robinson, Dan. "7 -  Hume’s 'Sentimentalist' Theory of Morals - Reid's Critique of Hume." Lecture at Oxford, 2014. YouTube (Philosophy Overdose) 20 June 2021.*  (Virtue, Human nature, ethics, Rationalism, Sentiments, altruism).









See also Good; Ethics.

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