jueves, 3 de octubre de 2024




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)








Glanvill, Joseph. Philosophia Pia. 1671. (Sacred rhetoric).

_____. An Essay Concerning Preaching. 1678.

Granada, Fray Luis de. Los seis libros de la rhetorica eclesiástica. Barcelona: Obispo de Barcelona/Juan Jolis, 1770.

Muñoz y Garnica, Manuel. Estudio sobre la elocuencia sagrada. Jaén, Medina, 1852.

Owen, John. Truth and Inocence Vindicated. 1669. (Defense of sacred rhetoric).

Wilkins, John. Ecclesiastes, or A Discourse Concerning the Gift of Preaching as it Falls under the Rules of Art. 1646. 9 eds. by 1700.








O'Hara, John. Sermons and Soda-Water. Fiction. c. 1960.








Lowry, Eugene L. "Time After Time: The Three Levels of Narrativity." First Beecher Lecture, Yale Divinity School, 2009. YouTube (Yale Divinity School) 19 Feb. 2013.*








Sermons: Ages




Alberte González, Antonio. Retórica medieval: Historia de las Artes predicatorias. C. 2003.

Leclercq, Jean. "Le magistère du prédicateur au XIIIe siècle." Archives d'histoire documentaire et littéraire du Moyen Age  21 (1946): 105-47.








Old English


Andrew Breeze. "The Three Hosts of Doomsday in Celtic and Old English." Miscelánea 15 (1994): 71-80.*




Thorpe, B. Homilies of the Anglo-Saxon Church, Vols. Aelfric Society, 1844-6.

Wulfstan of Winchester. The Homilies of Wulfstan. Ed. Dorothy Bethurum. Oxford, 1957.

_____. Sermo Lupi ad Anglos. 1014.

_____. Sermo Lupi. In Electronic Wulfstan. Ed. Melissa Bernstein.

_____. Wulfstan's Homilies. Ed. A. Napier. Berlin, 1883.






Middle English




Ross, Woodburn O., ed. Middle English Sermons: Edited from British Museum MS. Royal 18 B.xxiii. (EETS o.s. 209). London: Oxford UP, 1940.






Bond, R. B., ed. Certain Sermons or Homilies (1547) and a Homily against Disobedience and Wilful Rebellion (1570). Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1987.

Certain Sermons or Homilies, Appointed to be Read in Church. Oxford, 1840.

Certaine Sermons or Homilies Appointed to Be Read in Churches, In the Time of the late Queene Elizabeth. 1623. Ed. Ian Lancashire. (Centre for   Computing in the Humanities Electronic Texts). Winter 1993.

Church of England. Certain Sermons or Homilies. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1908.

Whitney, J. P. "2. Reformation Literature in England." In The Cambridge History of English and American Literature, 3: English: Renascence and Reformation. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. New York: Putnam, 1907-21. Online at Bartleby.com, 2000.* (1. Simon Fish. 2. Erasmus and Cambridge. 3. Aspects of the Reformation. 4. The Book of Common Prayer. 5. Evolution of the prayer-book. 6. Thomas Cranmer. 7. His influence. 8. The Homilies. 9. Hugh Latimer. 10. His sermons. 11. William Tindale. 12. The Bible in English. 13. Miles Coverdale. 14. The Great Bible. 15. The Scots New Testament. 16. Hymns. 17. Sternhold and Hopkins. 18. Results of the Reformation period).







Álvarez Recio, Leticia. "The Politization of the Pulpit in Seventeenth-Century England: Thanksgiving Sermons after the Duke of Monmouth's Rebellion." Miscelánea  40 (2009): 13-23.*

Eachard, John. The Grounds and Occasions. 1670. (Sacred oratory.).

Jones, Richard Foster. “The Attack on Pulpit Eloquence in the Restoration. An Episode in the Development of the Neo-Classical Standard for Prose.” Journal of English and Germanic Philology 30 (1931): 188-217.

Parker, Samuel (Dr.) A Discourse of Ecclesiastical Politie. 1670. (Sacred rhetoric).





Nye, Robert, ed.  The English Sermon, 1750-1850.  London: Carcanet, 1976.









Pedraza Prades, María Dolores. "Un sermón especial en un auto de fe zaragozano." In Suma de Estudios en homenaje al Ilustrísimo Doctor Ángel Canellas López. Zaragoza: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1969. 887-91.* (1486).




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