A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and
by José
Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Early works
Early works
Aristotle. Poetics. many editions
Arteaga, Esteban de. Investigaciones filosóficas sobre la belleza ideal considerada como
objeto de todas las artes de imitación. Madrid: Antonio de Sancha, 1789. In
Obra completa castellana: La belleza
Ideal. Escritos Menores. Ed. Miguel Battlori. 3rd ed. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe,
1972. 3-156.*
(Abbé). Traité des beaux-arts réduits à
un même principe. Paris, 1747.
William (Sir). "Essay on the Arts Commonly Called Imitative." In
Jones, Poems Consisting Chiefly of
Translations from the Asiatick Languages. London, 1772.
Gotthold Ephraim. Laokoon. 1766. In
Lessing, Schriften über antike Kunst.
Vol. 4 of Lessings Werke. 6 vols. Ed.
R. Riemann. Leipzig: Philipp Reklam [n.d.]. 7-161.
_____. Laokoon. Ed. W. G. Howard. New York,
_____. Laocoon. Trans. Sir Robert Phillimore.
Selection. In The Great Critics. Ed.
J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932. 420-26.*
_____. Laocoön: An Essay on the Limits of Poetry
and Painting. Trans. Edward Allen McCormick. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP,
_____. From
Laocoön (From Preface; Chs. 1-3, 9,
10, 12, 15, 16-18, 21). In The Norton
Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*
_____. Laocoonte, o sobre los límites de la poesía y la pintura. Trans.
Enrique Palau. Barcelona: Orbis, 1985.*
_____. Laocoonte. Trans. E. Barjau. Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1984.
Plato. Ion. Ed. and trans. Monique Canto.
Paris: Flammarion, 1989.
_____. From Republic. Trans. B. Jowett. Selection from books II, III and X. In Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. Hazard
Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 19-41.*
_____. The Republic. Selection from Book II.9.
In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed.
R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 44-59.*
_____. From
Republic. (From Books II, III, VII;
Book X). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch
et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*
Percy Bysshe. "Preface" In Prometheus
Unbound. London: C. and J.
Ollier, 1820.
Adam. "Of the Nature of that Imitation Which Takes Place in What Are
Called the Imitative Arts." Lecture, 1772. Pub. with an appendix on the affinity between music,
dance and poetry, in Essays on
Philosophical Subjects. With a Life by Dugald Stewart. 1795.
"Of the Nature of that Imitation Which Takes Place in What Are Called the
Imitative Arts." In Smith, Essays Philosophical and Literary.
London, n.d.
_____. "De la naturaleza de la
imitación que tiene lugar en las llamadas artes imitativas." In Smith, Ensayos filosóficos. Madrid: Pirámide, 1998. 173-212.*
_____. Essays on Philosophical Subjects. With a
Life by Dugald Stewart. 1795.
_____. Essays: On Moral Sentiments, Astronomical
Inquiries, Formation of Languages, Ancient Physics and Logic, Imitative Arts,
etc. Murray, 1872.
Kasimir. Zur Lehre vom Inhalt und
Gegenstand der Vorstellungen: Eine Psychologische Untersuchungen. 1894.
Munich and Vienna: Philosophia Verlag, 1977.
_____. On the Content and Object of Presentations.
Trans. R. Grossmann. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1977.
Thomas. Aristotle's Treatise on Poetry.
Two Dissertations on Poetic and Numerical Imitation. London, 1789.
Wilde, Oscar. "The Decay of
Lying." The Nineteenth Century (January
1889). (Aestheticism; Decadence; Mimesis; Nature; Realism; Imagination and
"The Decay of Lying." In Wilde, Intentions.
London: James R. Osgood McIlvaine & Co, London, 1891.
"The Decay of Lying." In The
Works of Oscar Wilde. Ed. B. Foreman. London: Collins, 1948. 970-1016.
"The Decay of Lying." In Complete
Works of Oscar Wilde. London: Collins, 1966. 970-92.*
"The Decay of Lying." In Critical
Theory since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 673-686.*
"The Decay of Lying." In Wilde, De
Profundis and Other Writings. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986. 55-88.*
"The Decay of Lying: A Dialogue." 1889. Selection in The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources
and Documents. Ed. Josephine Guy. London:
Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002. 390-409.*
_____. "La decadencia de la
mentira." In
Wilde, Obras Completas. Ed. and
trans. Julio Gómez de la Serna. Madrid: Aguilar,
1943. 1986. 967-90.*
_____. "La decadencia de la
mentira." In Ensayistas ingleses.
Ed. Ricardo Baeza. Barcelona: Exito, 1968. 407-44.*
Edward. Conjectures on Original
Composition in a Letter to the Author of Sir Charles Grandison. London:
Printed for A. Millar and R. and J. Dodsley, 1759. (Originality; Mimesis;
Classical literature; Genius; Rhyme; Addison)
_____. Conjectures on Original Composition. Ed.
M. W. Steinke. Philadelphia, 1917.
_____. Conjectures on Original Composition. Ed.
Edith J. Morley. Manchester, 1918.
"Conjectures on Original Composition." In The Great Critics. Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York:
Norton, 1932. 353-88.*
"Conjectures on Original Composition: In a letter to the author of Sir
Charles Grandison." In Critical
Theory since Plato. Ed. H. Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 338-347.*
F., S. Borutti, C. Calame, U. Fabietti, M.Kilani, F. Remotti. Figures
de l’humain: Les représentations de l’anthropologie. Paris: EHESS, 2003.
Robert. "Mimesis and the Motive for Fiction." Tri Quarterly 42 (Spring 1978).
Erich. Mimesis. Bern: Francke, 1946.
_____. Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in
Western Literature. Trans. Willard Trask. Garden City (NY):
Doubleday-Anchor, 1957.*
_____. Mimesis. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1991.
_____. Mímesis: La representación de la realidad en la literatura occidental.
México: FCE, 1979.
Jean. Simulations. Trans. Paul Foss,
Paul Patton and Philip Beitchman. New York: Semiotext(e), 1983.
Roland. "L'effet de réel." 1968. Communications
11 (1968): 84-9. Rpt. in Barthes, Le
Bruissement de la langue. Paris: Seuil, 1984. 167-74.
"The Reality Effect." In French
Literary Theory Today: A Reader. Ed. Tzvetan Todorov. Trans. R. Carter.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1982. 1-17.
""The Realistic Effect." Trans. Gerald Mead. Film Reader 3 (1978): 131-5.
"The Reality Effect." In The
Rustle of Language. Trans. Richard Howard. New York: Hill and Wang, 1986.
_____. "El efecto de lo real."
In Polémica sobre realismo . Ed.
Ricardo Piglia. 139-155.
Barcelona: Buenos Aires.
_____. Littérature
et réalité. Paris: Seuil, 1982.
Beardsley, Monroe C. "Representation." In Beardsley, Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of
Criticism. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1981. Xxxvi-xl.*
_____. "Representation in the Visual Arts." (16. Representation
and Abstraction. 17. The Relation of Design to Subject). In Beardsley, Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of
Criticism. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1981. 267-317.*
Z. "Represented Reality and Literary Models." Poetics Today 7.1 (1986): 29-58.
Eric L. The Real, The True and the Told:
Postmodern Historical Narrative and the Ethics of Representation. Ohio
State UP, 2011.
Bersani, Leo. "Representation and Its Discontents." In Allegory and Representation. Ed. Stephen
Greenblatt. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1981. 145-62.
Jean. "Dire la Mimesis aujourd'hui." Neohelicon 13.2 (1986).
Hans. "Nachahmung der Natur! Zur vorgeschichte der schöpferischer
Menschen." Studium Generale 10 (1957): 266-83.
Bobes Naves, Carmen, et al. "Poética
clasicista en Italia." In Bobes, et al. Historia de la Teoría Literaria,
II: Transmisores. Edad Media. Poéticas clasicistas. Madrid: Gredos, 1998.
(III.I). (Humanism, mimesis, Aristotle, genres, novella, comedy, lyric,
dramatic unities).
Bobrow, Daniel G., and Alan M. Collins. Representation and Understanding: Studies in Cognitive Science. New York: Academic Press, 1975.
Bolter, Jay David, and Richard
Grusin. "Immediacy, Hypermediacy, and Remediation." In Bolter and
Grusin, Remediation: Understanding New
Media. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1999. 2000. 20-51.*
Brian. "The Evolution of Stories: From Mimesis to Language, from Fact to
Fiction." Wiley Interdisciplinary
Reviews - Cognitive Science 9.1 (May 2017).
Online at ResearchGate.*
Boyd, John
D.. The Function of Mimesis and its
Decline. London: Oxford Up, 1968.
Michael. "The Mimetic Fallacy." In Boyd, The Reflexive Novel. London: Associated
UPs, 1983. 168-78.*
Bozal, V. Mímesis: Las imágenes y las cosas. Madrid: Visor, 1987.
Bruck, J. "From Aristotelian
Mimesis to 'Bourgeois' Realism." Poetics
11.3 (1982): 189-202.
Gerald L. "A Question of the Truth of Mimesis." Renascence 37.3 (Spring 1985).
M. F. "Art and Mimesis in Plato's Republic."
London Review of Books 21 May 1998: 3-9.*
Matei. "Postmodernism, the Mimetic and Theatrical Fallacies." In Exploring Post-modernism. Ed. Matei
Calinescu and Douwe Fokkema. Amsterdam: Benjamins,
Caner, Robert. "El decir griego y el sentido de la mímesis
según Martínez Marzoa." Lecture at the Seminario
de Investigaciones Culturales "Tropelías" (SIC), Facultad de Filosofía y Letras,
Universidad de Zaragoza, 30 Oct. 2013.
Benedict. "Can One Suicide Lead to Others?" New York Times 8 June 2018.*
David. "Mimesis Reconsidered: Literature, History, Ideology." Diacritics 5 (1975): 5-12.
_____, ed. The
Aims of Representation. New York: Columbia UP, 1987.
Cohen, Tom. (U of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill). "Othello, Bakthtin
and the Death(s) of Dialogue." In Cohen, Anti-Mimesis from Plato to Hitchcock. Cambridge: Cambridge UP,
1994. 11-44.*
_____. Anti-Mimesis from Plato to Hitchcock. Cambridge: Cambridge UP,
Antoine. "Le monde." In Compagnon, Le démon de la théorie: Littérature et sens commun. Paris: Seuil,
1998. 2000. 101-46.* (Mimesis, fictionality)
Cosmides, Leda, and John Tooby.
"Consider the Source: The Evolution of Adaptations for Decoupling and
Metarepresentation." In Metarepresentations:
A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Ed. Dan Sperber. Oxford, 2000. 53-115.
Daniel. "Frankenstein and the
Monster of Representation." Sub-stance
28 (1980): 60-71.
Cowl, R. P.
The Theory of Poetry in England.
London: Macmillan, 1914.
Gregory. "5. Expression and Imitation." In Currie, Narratives and Narrators: A Philosophy of
Stories. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2010. 86-108.* (The Framing Effect of Point of
View - Conversation, Framing, and Joint Attention - Joint Attending and Guided
Attending - Imitation - Imitating the Unreal - The Standard Model - Appendix:
Expression and the Reliability of Signalling).
Thomas. "The Modern Thing: Metaphor and the Event of Representation."
In Docherty, Alterities. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1996. 19-35.*
Jonathan. "4. Renaissance Literary Theory: Two Concepts of Mimesis."
In Dollimore, Radical Tragedy. 3rd
ed. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2004. 70-82.*
Simon. Foucault and Literature: Towards a
Genealogy of Writing. London: Routledge, 1992.*
José. "La mímesis costumbrista." Romance
Quarterly 35.3 (August 1988).
Itamar. "'Reality' and Realemes in Narrative." Poetics Today 11.1 (1990): 207-218.*
Norman. Analysing Discourse: Textual
Analysis for Social Research. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2003.*
2004. 2005.* (I. Social analysis, discourse analysis, text analysis; II. Genres
and action; III. Discourses and representations; IV. Styles and identities).
Field, T.
M., et al. "Discrimination and Imitation of Facial Expressions in
Neonates." Science 218 (1982):
Wladzimierz, Elisabeth Ströker, and Wladislwa Strozewski, eds. Art and Reality: Phenomenological and
Ontological Approaches. Amsterdam:
Rodopi, 1993.
Galván, Fernando, Julio
Cañero Serrano, and José Santiago Fernández Vázquez, eds. (Mis)representations: Intersections of Culture and Power. Bern: Peter Lang, 2003.
García Landa, José Ángel. "El
realismo como idolatría." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 16
March 2010.*
_____. "El decir griego." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 31 Oct. 2013.* (Martínez
Gunther, and Christoph Wulf. Mimesis:
Culture-Art-Society. Berkeley: U of California P, 1996.
Genette, Gérard. Mimologiques: voyage en Cratylie. (Poétique). Paris: Seuil, 1976.*
_____. Mimologiques: Voyage en Cratylie. (Points; Essais, 386). Paris: Seuil, 1999.
_____. Mimologics Trans. Thaïs Morgan. Foreword
by Gerald Prince. U of Nebraska P, 1995.*
Girard, René. Des choses
cachées depuis la fondation du monde. With Jean-Michel Oughourlian and Guy Lefort. Paris:
Grasset-Fasquelle, 1978. 1991.*
_____. "8.
Love by Another's Eye: Mimetic Punning in A
Midsummer Night's Dream." In Girard, A Theatre of Envy: William Shakespeare. 1991. 2nd ed. (Odéon). Leominster and New Malden:
Gracewing / Inigo, 2000. 72-79.*
"10. Do You Love Him Because I Do? The Pastoral Genre in As You Like It." In Girard, A Theatre of Envy: William Shakespeare.
1991. 2nd ed. (Odéon). Leominster and
New Malden: Gracewing / Inigo, 2000. 92-99.*
"21. O Conspiracy! Mimetic Seduction in Julius Caesar." In Girard, A
Theatre of Envy: William Shakespeare. 1991. 2nd ed. (Odéon). Leominster and New Malden: Gracewing / Inigo, 2000.
_____. Les origines de la culture. 2004.
_____. Celui par qui le scandale arrive.
Christine. "Recent Developments in Feminist Criticism." Quarterly Review of Film Studies 3.4
(1978): 457-93. (Representation, realism, ideology, Barthes, Althusser, myth,
psychoanalysis, Lacan).
"Recent Developments in Feminist Criticism." 1978. In Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory
Readings. 5th ed. Ed. Leo Braudy and Marshall Cohen. New York: Oxford UP,
1999. 251-72.
H. D. "Mimesis and Catharsis Reexamined." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 24 (1966): 567-77.
E. H. Art and Illusion. London:
Phaidon, 1968.
"Representation and Misrepresentation." Critical Inquiry 11
(1984): 195-201.
González Valerio, María Antonia.
"Mímesis: Gadamer y la estética." In Hans-Georg Gadamer: Ontología estética y hermenéutica. Ed. Teresa
Oñate y Zubía et al. Madrid: Dykinson, 2005. 527-42.*
Goody, Jack. La peur des représentations: L'ambivalence à l'égard des images, du
théâtre, de la fiction, des reliques et de la sexualité. Trans.
Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat. (La Découverte Poche). Paris: La Découverte, c. 2010.
Pelagia. "1. Mimesis: Plato and
the Poet." In Goulimari, Literary
Criticism and Theory: From Plato to Postcolonialism. London and New York:
Routledge, 2015. 2-24.*
Stephen J., ed. Allegory and
Representation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1982.
Albert J. "Notes on the Rhetoric of Anti-Realist Fiction." Tri Quarterly 30 (1974).
Hall, Stuart. "Signification,
Representation and Ideology: Althusser and the Post-Structuralist
Debates." Critical Essays in Mass
Communication 2.2 (1985).
"The Work of Representation." In Representation:
Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. Ed. Stuart Hall. London:
Sage / Open U, 1997. 1999. 13-74.*
_____. Representation: Cultural Representations and
Signifying Practices. London: Sage, 1997.
Halliwell, Stephen. The Aesthetics of Mimesis: Ancient Texts and
Modern Problems. 2002.
_____. Between
Ecstasy and Truth: Interpretations of Greek Poetics from Homer to Longinus.
Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012.
Philippe. "Un discours contraint." Poètique 16 (1973): 411-45.
Hebdige, Dick. Hiding in the
Light: On Images and Things. London: Methuen, 1988. Rpt. Routledge /
Heinze, Ruediger. "Violations
of Mimetic Epistemology in First-Person Narrative Fiction." Narrative 16.3 (Oct. 2008): 279-97.*
Graham. "Mimesis." In Hough, An
Essay on Criticism. London: Duckworth, 1966. 42-9.
Katryn. Fantasy and Mimesis: Responses to
Reality in Western Literature. London: Routledge, 1984.
L'Interdit de la représentation. Paris; Seuil, 1984
Wolfgang. "Representation: A Performative Act." In Iser, Prospecting: From Reader Response to
Literary Anthropology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1989. Pbk. 1993.
Hans-Robert, ed. Nachahmung und Illusion.
(Poetik und Hermeneutik 1). Munich, 1964.
Laurent. "Poétique et représentation." Poétique 58 (1984): 171-95.
Jonas, Hans. "Image-Making and the Freedom of
Man." In The Phenomenon of Life:
Toward a Philosophical Biology. 1966. Westport (CT): Greenwood Press, 1969.
Robert B. "Mimesis and Metafiction in Hemingway's The Garden of Eden." In Hemingway's
The Garden of Eden: Twenty-five Years of
Criticism. Ed. Suzanne
del Gizzo and Frederic J. Svoboda. Kent (OH): Kent State UP, 2012. 77-93.*
E. "The Power of Double Coding to Represent New Forms of Representation: The Truman Show, Dorian Gray, 'Blow Up'
and Whistler's Caprice in Purple and
Gold." Poetics Today 24.1 (2003): 1-33.
Kappeler, Susanne. The Pornography of Representation. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1986.
Gunther. "Representational Resources and the Production of Subjectivity:
Questions for the Theoretical Development of Critical Discourse Analysis in a
Multicultural Society." In Texts and
Practices: Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis. Ed. Carmen Rosa
Caldas-Coulthard and Malcolm Coulthard. London: Routledge, 1996. 15-31.*
Krieger, Murray, ed. The Aims of Representation: Subject/Text/History. New York:
Columbia UP, 1987.
Jacques. "Le stade du miroir comme formateur de la fonction du Je."
1949. In Lacan, Ecrits I. (Points).
Paris: Seuil, 1970. 89-99.*
"The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I as Revealed in Psychoanalytic
Experience." In Ecrits: A Selection.
Trans. Alan Sheridan. New York: Norton, 1977.
"The Mirror Stage." In Critical
Theory since 1965. Ed.. Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. Tallahassee: UPs of
Florida / Florida State UP, 1986. 1990. 734-38.*
"The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in
Psychoanalytic Experience." In Modern
Literary Theory: A Reader. Ed. Philip Rice and Patricia Waugh. 3rd ed.
London: Arnold, 1996. 126-30.*
"The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as Revealed in
Psychoanalytic Experience." In Contemporary
Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Robert Con Davis and
Ronald Schleifer. 3rd ed. White Plains (NY): Longman, 1994. 381-86.*
_____. "The Mirror Stage", from Ecrits. In A Critical and Cultural Theory Reader. Ed. Antony Easthope and Kate
McGowan. Buckingham: Open UP, 1992. 71-76.*
_____. "The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the
I." In Literary
Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Oxford:
Blackwell, 2004.
Lacey, Nick. Image and
Representation: Key concepts in Media Studies. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.
P. "Mimesis and Truth." Diacritics
(Spring 1978).
David Michael. "The Novelhood of the Novel: The Limits of Representation
and the Modernist Discovery of Presence." Chicago Review 28.4 (1977): 87-108.
George. "Realism Reconsidered." In Essentials of the Theory of Fiction. Ed. Michael J. Hoffman and
Patrick D. Murphy. Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1988. 336-48.*
_____, ed. Realism and Representation: Essays on the
Problem of Realism in Relation to Science, Literature, and Culture.
Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1993.
Lucien. "V. La participation-imitation dans les mythes." In
Lévy-Bruhl, La mythologie primitive.
1935. In Lévy-Bruhl, Primitifs. Paris: Anabet, 2007. 943-74.*
(Ceremonies, Supernatural, Sorcerers, Mimesis).
Linhares-Dias, Rui. How
to Show Things with Words: A Study on Logic, Language and Literature.
Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006.
Littérature et Réalité. Paris: Seuil (Points).
David. "Mimesis and Diegesis in Modern Fiction.' In Contemporary Approaches to Narrative. Ed. Andrew Mortimer. (Swiss
Papers in English Language and Literature, 1). Tübingen: Narr, 1984. 89-108.
Lomba Fuentes, Joaquín. "Physis y mímesis en la filosofía del
arte griego." In Estudios en
Homenaje al Dr. Antonio Beltrán Martínez. Zaragoza: Facultad de Filosofía y
Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1986. 873-87.*
Lowenthal, Leo. Literature and the Image of Man. Boston: Beacon, 1957.
Georg. "Art and Objective Truth." Writer
and Critic. London: Merlin, 1978. 25-60.
"Marxist Aesthetics and Literary Realism." In Essentials of the Theory of Fiction. Ed. Michael J. Hoffman and
Patrick D. Murphy. Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1988. 203-17.*
P. "The Problem of Reflection." Sub-stance
15 (1976): 6-20.
"Problems of Reflection." In Barker et al., Literature, Society and the Sociology of Literature 41-54.
Neil de. "5. Smith on Ingenuity, Pleasure, and the Imitative Arts."
In The Cambridge Companion to Adam Smith.
Ed. Knud Haakonssen. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006. 146-57.*
Joseph, ed. Philosophy Looks at the Arts.
Philadelphia: Temple UP, 1978.
Timothy P. "Henry James and Percy Lubbock: From Mimesis to
Formalism." Novel 14 (1980): 20-29.
Gázquez, José Miguel. "Cognición social (2): Oda al aburrimiento." Der Golem 23 Jan. 2020.*
(Dance, mimesis).
Richard. "Literary Criticism and the Concept of Imitation in
Antiquity." In Critics and
Criticism: Essays in Method. Ed. R. S. Crane. Chicago: U of Chicago P,
1952. 147-49. Abridged ed.: Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1957. 117-45.*
_____. "El concepto de imitación en
la Antigüedad." In Neoaristotélicos de Chicago. Ed. Javier García Rodríguez. Madrid:
Arco/Libros, 2000. 67-110.*
Andrew N., and M. Keith Moore. "Imitation of Facial and Manual Gestures by
Human Neonates." Science 19
(1977): 75-78.
Earl. "The Grounds of Mimetic and Nonmimetic Art: The Western Sister Arts
in a Japanese Mirror." In Articulate
Images. Ed. Richard Wendorf. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1983. 70-97.
Stefan. "Mimesis." Semiotica
2 (1970): 35-58.
Morse, Ruth.Truth and Convention
in the Middle Ages: Rhetoric, Representation and Reality. 1991.
Jan. The World and Verbal Art. New
Haven: Yale UP, 1977.
Bill. Ideology and the Image: Social
Representation in the Cinema and Other Media. Bloomington: Indiana UP,
Nuttall, A.
D. A New Mimesis: Shakespeare and the
Representation of Reality. London: Methuen, 1983.
_____. The Representation of Reality. New
Haven: Yale UP.
Stein Haugom. "The Concept of Literary Realism." In How to Make Believe: The Fictional Truths of
the Representational Arts. Ed. J. Alexander Bareis and Lene Nordrum. Berlin
and Boston: De Gruyter, 2015. 15-40.*
Ong, W. J., SJ. "From Mimesis to Irony: The Distancing of
Voice." In The Horizon of
Literature. Ed. Paul Hernadi. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1982.
Jean-Michel. Un mime nommé désir.
Paris: Grasset, 1982.
_____. Genèse du désir. Paris: Carnets Nord,
_____. The Genesis of Desire. Trans. Eugene
Webb. Michigan State UP, 2010.
_____. Psychopolitique: Entretiens avec Trevor Cribben Merrill. Preface by René Girard. Paris:
Xavier de Guibert, 2010.
_____. Notre Troisième Cerveau: La nouvelle
révolution psychologique. Paris: Albin Michel, 2013.
Craig. "Representation, Appropriation and Power." Art in America. 70.5 (1982): 9-21.
Penas Ibáñez, Beatriz. "Mímesis y realismos: una discusión
relevante para la caracterización del modernismo y postmodernismo." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 18
(1992): 109-28.*áñez
Perez Carreño, F. Los placeres del parecido: Icono y representación. Madrid: Visor, 1988.
Bo. "2. The Imaginative Uses of Mimesis." In Pettersson, How Literary Worlds Are Shaped: A
Comparative Poetics of Literary Imagination. Berlin and Boston: Walter de
Gruyter, 2016. 41-77.* (Mimesis, Fantasy, Realism, Genre).
Jean. Play, Dreams and Imitation in
Childhood. New York: Norton, 1951.
_____. Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood.
London, 1951.
_____. Play, Dreams, and Imitation in Childhood.
Oxford: Routledge, 2000.
Pier, John,
and Jean-Marie Schaeffer, eds. Métalepses: Entorses au pacte de la représentation. (Recherches
d'Histoire et de sciences sociales / Studies in History and the Social
Sciences, 108). Éditions de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales,
Christopher. The Order of Mimesis.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986. (Ricoeur).
John. "4. Mimesis / mimesis and
the Eighteenth-Century British Novel: Representation and Knowledge." In Defoe's Footprints: Essays in Honour of
Maximillian E. Nowak. Ed. R. M. Maniquis and Carl Fisher. Toronto, 2009.
71-97.* Online at Google Books:
Paul. "Mimesis and Representation." Annals of Scholarship 11.3 (1981): 15-32.
"Temps et récit: La triple mimèsis."
In Temps et récit Tome I: L'intrigue
et le récit historique. Paris: Seuil, 1983. Rpt. (Points) 2001. 105-62.*
Michael. "Intertextual Representation: On Mimesis as Interpretive
Discourse." Critical Inquiry 11
Rorty, R.
"We Anti-Representationalists." In. Postmodern Debates. Ed. Simon Malpas. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.
Saad, Gad. The
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