viernes, 17 de enero de 2025




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)






Bakhtin, Mikhail. "La construcción de la enunciación." In Bajtín y Vigotski: La organización semiótica de la conciencia. Introd. Michael Cole. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1993. 245-76.*

Banfield, Ann. Unspeakable Sentences: Narration and Representation in the Language of Fiction. Boston, 1982.

Benveniste, Émile. "The Nature of the Linguistic Sign." 1939. Trans. Mary Elizabeth Meek. In Debating Texts. Ed. Rick Rylance. Milton Keynes: Open UP, 1987. 77-81.

_____. "The Nature of the Linguistic Sign." In Critical Theory since 1965. Ed. Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. Tallahassee: UPs of Florida / Florida State UP, 1986. 1990. 725-28.*

_____. "De la subjectivité dans le langage." Journal de Psychologie (1958). Rpt. in Benveniste, Problèmes de linguistique générale 258-266.

_____. "Subjectivity in Language." In Critical Theory since 1965. Ed.. Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. Tallahassee: UPs of Florida / Florida State UP, 1986. 1990. 728-33.*

_____. "Subjectivity in Language." 1966. From Benveniste, Problems in General Linguistics. Florida: U of Miami P, 1971. 223-30. In Structuralism: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Jonathan Culler. London: Routledge, 2006. Vol. 1.

_____. "L'Appareil formel de l'énonciation." Langages 17 (March 1970): 12-18.

Bühler, Karl. "Kritische Musterung der neueren Theorien des Satzes." Indogermanisches Jahrbuch 6 (1918): 1-20.

Calame, Claude. "Jeux énonciatifs et masques d'autorité poétique."


_____. "From Structural Narratology to Enunciative Pragmatics: Greek Poetic Forms between Mythical Narrative and Ritual Act." In Emerging Vectors of Narratology. Ed. Per Krogh Hansen, John Pier, Philippe Roussin and Wolf Schmid. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, 2017. 335-59.*

Cohen, Ira J., and Mary F. Rogers. "Autonomy and Credibility: Voice as Method." In Erving Goffman. Ed. Gary Alan Fine and Gregory W. H. Smith. 4 vols. (SAGE Masters in Modern Social Thought). London: SAGE, 2000.

Ducrot, Oswald. Dire et ne pas dire: Principes de sémantique linguistique. Paris: Hermann, 1972.

_____. "Pragmatique Linguistique II: Essai d'application: Mais - Les allusions à l'énonciation - Delocutifs, performatifs, discours indirect." En Parret et al. 487-575.*

_____. "Analyse de textes et linguistique de l'énonciation." In Ducrot et al., Les mots du discours. Paris: Minuit, 1980.

_____. Le Dire et le dit. Paris: Minuit, 1984.

Filinich, María Isabel. La voz y la mirada (Teoría y análisis de la enunciación literaria). México: Plaza & Valdés  / U autónoma de Puebla / U Iberoamericana, 1997.

Frápolli, María José. "Enunciado." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 228-31.*

Frechilla, Emilio. "Las instancias de la enunciación del texto literario." Lingüística española actual 8 (1986): 187-94.

García Landa, José Angel. "Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo." Miscelánea 15 (1994): 263-300.*

         Online edition (2004):


_____. "Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo." Online PDF at Zaguán 2 Dec. 2009.


_____. "Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo." iPaper at 26 Jan. 2011.*


_____. "Enunciation, Fictionality, and Semiotic Levels in Narrative Texts / Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo." Online PDF at Social Science Research Network 26 Jan. 2011.*


_____. "Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo." ResearchGate 16 Nov. 2011.*


_____. "Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo." Scribd (Mariana Augelio Ortiz) 17 Sept. 2013.*


_____. "Sobre la competencia del narrador en la ficción." Atlantis 19.2 (December 1997 [issued December 1998]): 77-102.* New Online edition (2004):


_____. "Sobre la competencia del narrador en la ficción." PDF in Dialnet


_____. "Sobre la competencia del narrador en la ficción." PDF in Zaguán 24 Jan. 2009.


Goffman, Erving. "Footing." In Goffman, Forms of Talk. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania Press, 1981. 124-59.*

Hunston, Susan, and Geoffrey Thompson, eds. Evaluation in Text: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Jacob, André. Temps et langage: Essai sur les structures du sujet parlant. Paris: Armand Colin, 1967.

Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Catherine. L'Enonciation: De la subjectivité dans le langage. Paris: Armand Colin, 1980.

Kristeva, Julia. "The System and the Speaking Subject." Times Literary Supplement (12 October 1973): 1249-50.*

_____. "The System and the Speaking Subject." In Sebeok, The Tell-Tale Sign 47-55.

_____. "The System and the Speaking Subject." Select. in Twentieth-Century Literary Theory. Ed. K. M. Newton. London: Macmillan, 1988. 180-4.

_____. "The System and the Speaking Subject." 1973. In The Kristeva Reader 24-33.

_____. From "The System and the Speaking Subject." In A Critical and Cultural Theory Reader. Ed. Antony Easthope and Kate McGowan. Buckingham: Open UP, 1992. 77-80.*

_____. "The Speaking Subject." From On Signs. Ed. Marshall Blonsky. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1985. 210-20. In Structuralism: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Jonathan Culler. London: Routledge, 2006. Vol. 1.

López Folgado, Vicente. "Variations in Self-Disclosure: A Pragmatic Approach." Proceedings of the 20th International AEDEAN Conference. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, Facultad de Filología, 1997. 207-11.*

Marin, Louis. "Topic and Figures of Enunciation: It Is Myself that I Paint." InVision and Textuality. Ed. Stephen Melville and Bill Readings. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1995. 195-214.*

Nancy, Jean-Luc. Le Partage des voix. Paris: Galilée, 1982. (Genre, enunciation, voice)

Ong, W. J., SJ. "From Mimesis to Irony: The Distancing of Voice." In The Horizon of Literature. Ed. Paul Hernadi. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1982.

Patron, Sylvie. "Enunciative Narratology: A French Speciality." In Current Trends in Narratology. Ed. Greta Olson. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2011. 312-35.*

Picazo González, María Dolores. "Las marcas enunciativas del yo en el texto." In Autor y texto: Fragmentos de una presencia. Ed. Ángeles Sirvent, Josefina Bueno, and Silvia Caporale. Barcelona: PPU, 1996. 165-77.*

Rabatel, Alain. Homo narrans: Pour une analyse énonciative et interactionnelle du récit. Tome 1: Les points de vue et la logique de la narration. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2009, (I. Pour une approche énonciative et pragmatique des points de vue; II. Points de vue, logique de la narration et interprétation).*

_____. Homo narrans: Pour une analyse énonciative et interactionnelle du récit. Tome 2: Dialogisme et Polyphonie dans le récit. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2009,* (I. Points de vue, discours représentés, dialogisme et (pré-)réflexivité; II. Le Narrateur e(s)t ses personnages; III. Effacement énonciatif et argumentation indirecte).

_____. "Introduction générale: Pour une analyse énonciative et interactionnelle des points de vue dans la narration." In Rabatel, Homo narrans: Pour une analyse énonciative et interactionnelle du récit. Tome 1: Les points de vue et la logique de la narration. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2009, 11-37.*

_____. "Chapitre 3: Les verbes de perception en contexte d'effacement énonciatif; du point de vue représenté aux discours représentés." In Rabatel, Homo narrans: Pour une analyse énonciative et interactionnelle du récit. Tome 2: Dialogisme et Polyphonie dans le récit. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2009. 395-424.*

_____. "Introduction (III. Effacement énonciatif et argumentation indirecte)." In Rabatel, Homo narrans: Pour une analyse énonciative et interactionnelle du récit. Tome 2: Dialogisme et Polyphonie dans le récit. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2009. 577-82.*

_____. "Chapitre 11: L'effacement énonciatif dans les discours représentés et ses effets pragmatiques de sous- et de sur-énonciation." In Rabatel, Homo narrans: Pour une analyse énonciative et interactionnelle du récit. Tome 2: Dialogisme et Polyphonie dans le récit. Limoges: Lambert-Lucas, 2009. 595-612.*

_____. "Pour une narratologie énonciative ou pour une analyse énonciative des phénomènes narratifs?" In Narratologies contemporaines: Nouveaux paradigmes pour la théorie et l'analyse du récit. Ed. John Pier and Francis Berthelot. Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines, 2010. 109-38.

_____, ed. Effacement énonciatif et discours représentés. Monograph isssue of Langages no. 156 (2004).

Récanati, François. La Transparence et l'énonciation. Paris: Seuil, 1979.

Ricœur, Paul. "Les jeux avec le temps." In Ricœur, Temps et récit: Tome II: La configuration dans le récit de fiction. 1984. Paris: Seuil, 1991. 115-88.* (1. Les temps du verbe et l'énonciation. Temps du raconter et temps raconté. Énonciation-énoncé-objet dans le 'discours du récit'. 4. Point de vue et voix narrative).

Todorov, Tzvetan. L'Énonciation. Paris: Didier-Larousse, 1970.

Wunderlich, Dieter. "Pragmatique, situation d'énonciation et deixis." Langages 26 (1972): 34-58.












Universidad Distrital San José de Caldas.

Vol. 25.2 (Sept. 2020).










See also Discourse; Represented Speech; Speech Acts; Voice (in narrative).




jueves, 16 de enero de 2025




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)






Albaladejo Martínez, Juan Antonio. "La estética como factor determinante en la traducción del texto literario dialectal y sociolectalmente marcado." Hermeneus 14 (2012): 29-61.*

Buesa Oliver, Tomás. "Vivencias de un dialectólogo." In Homenaje a Gaudioso Giménez: Miscelánea de estudios lingüísticos y literarios. Ed. Túa [José Angel] Blesa and María Antonia Martín Zorraquino. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando El Católico / Departamento de Lingüística General e Hispánica, U de Zaragoza, 2003. 135-44.*

Chambers, J. K., and Peter Trudgill. Dialectology. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1980.

_____. Dialectology. 2nd ed. (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Chambers, J. K., Peter Trudgill and Natalie Schilling-Estes, eds. The Handbook of Language Variation and Change. (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics). Oxford: Blackwell, 2001.

Cheshire, J., V. Edwards, H. Münstermann and B. Weltens, eds. Dialect and Education: Some European Perspectives. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1989.

Corder, S. Pit. "Idiosyncratic Dialects and Error Analysis." International Review of Applied Linguistics 9 (1971).

Francis, W. Nelson. Dialectology. London: Longman, 1983.

Fourquet, Jean. "Langue. Dialecte. Patois." In Le Langage. Ed. André Martinet. (Encyclopédie de la Pléiade, 25). Paris: Gallimard, 1968. 569-96.*

García-Bermejo Giner, Fuencisla. "Sources for the Study of Dialect Literature and the Literary Use of Dialect." In aedeanXXXIII, Cádiz 12-14 Nov. 2009. Ed. R. Galán et al. CD-ROM. Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones, U de Cádiz, 2010.*

Harris, Roy. "The Dialect Myth." In Integrational Linguistics: A First Reader. Ed. Roy Harris and George Wolf. Oxford: Elsevier-Pergamon, 1998. 83-95.*

Harris, Roy, and Talbot J. Taylor. "Caxton on Dialects." In Harris and Taylor, Landmarks in Linguistic Thought I: The Western Tradition from Socrates to Saussure. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1997. 87-94.*

_____. "Caxton on Dialects." Selection. In English: History, Diversity and Change. Ed. David Graddol, Dick Leith and Joan Swann. London: Routledge / Open UP, 1996.*

Haugen, Einar. "Dialect, Language, Nation." In Sociolinguistics: Selected Readings. Ed. J. B. Pride and J. Holmes. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.

_____. "Language Standardization." In Sociolinguistics: A Reader and Coursebook. Ed. Nikolas Coupland and Adam Jaworski. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1997. Rpt. Palgrave. 341-52. (Multilingualism).

Hira, Zena M., and Mark Bartlett. "Simulating Creole and Dialect Formation." Abstract in The Evolution of Language. Ed. Andrew D. M. Smith et al. New Jersey: World Scientific, 2010. 419-20.*

Kurath, Hans. Studies in Area Linguistics. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1972.

Preston, Dennis R. and Daniel Long, eds. Handbook of Perceptual Dialectology. 2 vols. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002. (Japan, Netherlands, USA, Canada, Cuba, Hungary, Italy, Korea, Mali).

Romero Ramos, Lupe. "La traducción de dialectos geográficos y sociales en la subtitulación: Mecanismos de compensación y tendencia a la estandarización." In Trasvases culturales: Literatura – Cine – Traducción. Ed. Raquel Merino, J. M. Santamaría, and Eterio Pajares. Bilbao: Servicio editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, 2005. 243-59.*

Trudgill, Peter. On Dialect: Social and Geographical Perspectives. Oxford: Blackwell, 1983.

_____. Dialects in Contact. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986.

_____. Dialects. (Language Workbooks). London: Routledge, 1994.

_____. "Dialect and Dialects in the New Europe." European English Messenger 4.1 (Spring 1995): 44-46.*

_____. Dialects in Contact. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000.

Walters, Keith. "Dialectology." In Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey, IV. Language: The Socio-cultural Context. Ed. F. J. Newmeyer. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.

_____. "Dialectología." In Panorama de la lingüística moderna de la Universidad de Cambridge. Vol. IV: El lenguaje: Contexto socio-cultural. Ed. Frederick J. Newmeyer. Madrid: Visor, 1990.

Wieling, Martijn, and John Nerbonne. "Advances in Dialectometry." Annual Review of Linguistics 1.1 (Jan. 2015).*








Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik 47 (1980).


Lingüística diacrónica



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Diachronic linguistics



Bobes Naves, María del Carmen. "Los cambios semánticos." In Suma de Estudios en homenaje al Ilustrísimo Doctor Ángel Canellas López. Zaragoza: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1969. 149-76.*

Bossuyt, A. "Functional Requirements. Causes or Constraints upon Language Change?" Belgian Journal of Linguistics 1 (1986): 127-147.

Conde-Silvestre, Juan Camilo. "Putting Sociolinguistics to the Test of Time." Rev. of Historical Sociolinguistics: Language Change in Tudor and Stuart England. By Terttu Nevalainen and Helena Raumolin-Brunberg. In Sociolinguistics and the History of English: Perspectives and Problems. Ed. Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy. Monograph issue of IJES 5.1 (2005): 211-22.*

Connolly, J. H. Constituent order in Functional Grammar: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Berlin: Foris, 1991.

Deo, Ashwini. "Diachronic Semantics." Annual Review of Linguistics 1.1 (Jan. 2015).*


Díaz Vera, Javier E. "Estabilidad y cambio en lenguas con la alternancia personal/impersonal: hacia una aplicación diacrónica del modelo lexemático funcional." Actas del XXI Congreso Internacional AEDEAN. Ed. F. Toda et al. Sevilla: U de Sevilla, 1999. 721-28.*

Eckert, Penelope, ed. New Ways of Analyzing Sound Change. Academic Press, 1991.

Fernández, Francisco. "Sobre la interpretación del cambio lingüístico." Alfinge 9 (1997): 43-62.*

Fleischman, Suzanne. "From Pragmatics to Grammar: Diachronic Reflections on the Development of Complex Pasts and Futures in Romance." Lingua 60 (1982): 183-214.

Guzmán-González, Trinidad "Out of the Past: A Walk with Labels and Concepts, Raiders of the Lost Evidence, and a Vindication of the Role of Writing." In Sociolinguistics and the History of English: Perspectives and Problems. Ed. Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy. Monograph issue of IJES 5.1 (2005): 13-31.* (Sociohistorical linguistics).

Harris, A., and L. Campbell. Historical Syntax in Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Hjelmslev, Louis. Sistema lingüístico y cambio lingüístico. Madrid: Gredos, 1972.

Hockett, Charles F. "Sound Change." Language 41 (1965): 185-204.

Kytö, Marja, Matti Rissanen, and Susan Wright, eds. Corpora Across the Centuries. Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on English Diachronic Corpora. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994.

Labov, William. Principles of Linguistic Change: Internal Factors. Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.

_____. Principios del cambio lingüístico. 2 vols. Trans. Pedro Martín Butragueño. Madrid: Gredos, 1996.

Li, C. N., ed. Mechanisms of Syntactic Change. Austin: U of Texas Press, 1977.

Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. "'Synchronic' versus 'Diachronic' Linguistics: A Historical Note." Linguistics 36 (1967): 18-28.

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Lightfoot, D. "Syntactic Change and the Autonomy Thesis." Journal of Linguistics 13 (1977): 191-216.

_____. Principles of Diachronic Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1978.

Martín Arista, Javier, and Ana Ibáñez Moreno. "El rasgo [±] animado y las explicaciones funcionales: dos casos de morfosintaxis diacrónica." Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 9 (2001).

Martinet, André. "Language Dynamics and Diachrony." In AEDEAN Select Papers in Language, Literature and Culture: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference. [U of Córdoba, 1993]. Ed. Javier Pérez Guerra. Vigo: AEDEAN, 2000. 79-83.*

McMahon, April M. S. Understanding Language Change. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.

Nevalainen, Terttu, and Helena Ramolin-Brunberg. Historical Sociolinguistics: Language Change in Tudor and Stuart England. (Longman Linguistics Library). London: Pearson Education, 2003.

Penchoen, Thomas. "La glottochronologie." In Le Langage. Ed. André Martinet. (Encyclopédie de la Pléiade, 25). Paris: Gallimard, 1968. 865-84.*

Purchas, Samuel. "[Part I, Book 1] Chap. XII. Enquiries of languages by Edw. Brerewood, lately professor of Astronomie in Gresham Colledge. Extent of the Greeke tongue in antient times. Extent of the Greeke tongue in vulgar use. Decay of the old Greeke, where and whence. How corrupted. Difference of the old and moderne Greeke. Extent of the Latine. Roman tongue spread by Roman Colonies. The Latine abolished not the vulgar Languages. Afircan, Gallike, Spanish, Panonian and Roman tongues. Latine, not vulgarly spoken in all places of the Roman Empire. When the Latine degenerated into Italian, French & Spanish. Roman Emp. when and by whom it fell. Threefold corrruption of Latines. Extent of the Latine tongue, discussed. Change of the Roman and English tongues. Tongues of Italy and France. Originall of French, Welsh language of the Celtae. Spanish, &c. Punike or Phoenician language, that of Canaan & Hebrew. Punike, the same, or neere to hebrew. Extent of Slavonian. The Arabike, Syriake & Turkish languages where spoken. Chaldee paraphrase. Hebrew not vulgarly understood after Captivity." In Purchas, Hakluytus Posthumus: or, Purchas His Pilgrimes. Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by Englishmen and Others. Vol. 1. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1905. Rpt. (Cambridge Library Collection). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2014. 256-304.*

Sankoff, David, ed. Diversity and Diachrony. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 53). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1986.

Taavitsainen, Irma, and Andreas H. Jucker, eds. Diachronic Perspectives on Address Term Systems. (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 107). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002. (Early Mod.E, Emod. Spanish, Modern German).

Tejada Caller, Paloma. "Redescubriendo el tiempo: el papel de la lingüística histórica en el currículum universitario." Atlantis 20.1 (1998 [issued Dec. 1999]): 161-73.*

Trask, R. L. Historical Linguistics. London: Arnold, 1996.





miércoles, 15 de enero de 2025

Deixis y Deícticos



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Deixis, Deictics



Benveniste, Émile. "De la subjectivité dans le langage." Journal de Psychologie (1958). Rpt. in Benveniste, Problèmes de linguistique générale 258-266.

_____. "Les relations de temps dans le verbe français." Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique 54.1 (1959). Rpt. in Problèmes de linguistique générale 237-258.

_____. Problèmes de linguistique générale. 2 vols. Paris: Gallimard, 1968, 1974.

_____. Problems in General Linguistics. Trans. Mary Elizabeth Meck. Coral Gables (FL): U of Miami P, 1977.

_____. Problemas de lingüística general. México: Siglo XXI, 1974.

Bockting, Ineke. "The Importance of Deixis and Attributive Style for the Study of Theory of Mind: The Example of William Faulkner’s Disturbed Characters." In Theory of Mind and Literature. Ed. Paula Leverage et al. Purdue UP, 2011. 175-86.

Brannen, Noah S. "Time Deixis in Japanese and English Discourse." In Explorations in Linguistics. Ed. G. Bedell et al. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1979. 37-57.

Bühler, Karl. Sprachtheorie: Die Darstellungsfunktion der Sprache. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1934.

Bühler, Karl. Sprachtheorie: Die Darstellungsfunktion der Sprache. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1934. 2nd ed. Stuttgart: G. Fischer, 1965.

_____. Theory of Language: The representational function of language, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1990.

_____. Teoría del lenguaje. Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1950. 1967.*

_____. Teoría del lenguaje. Madrid: Alianza, 1979.

Calame, Claude. "Deictic Ambiguity and Auto-Referentiality: Some Examples  from Greek Poetics." Arethusa 37 (2004): 415-443.

_____. "Masques énonciatifs, déixis, intertextualité dans la tradition poétique grecque." In Narratologies contemporaines: Nouveaux paradigmes pour la théorie et l'analyse du récit. Ed. John Pier and Francis Berthelot. Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines, 2010. 139-56.

Campos Pardillos, Miguel Angel. "Deixis as a Reference to an Alleged Shared Situation in Persuasive Discourse." Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 8 (November 1995): 57-68.*

Doiz-Bienzobas, Aintzane. "An Analysis of English, Spanish and Basque Demonstratives in Narrative: A Matter of Viewpoint." In Contrastive Cognitive Linguistics. Ed. Javier Valenzuela and Ana Rojo. Monograph issue of IJES 3.2 (2003): 63-84.* (Deixis, Demonstratives).

Duchan, J. F., G. A. Bruder and L. E. Hewitt, eds. Deixis in Narrative: A Cognitive Science Perspective. Hillsdale (NJ): Erlbaum, 1995.

Felson, N. "Vicarious Transport: Fictive Deixis in Pindar's Pythian  Four." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 99 (1999): 1-31.

Filardo Llamas, Laura, and Marta Mª Gutiérrez Rodríguez. "'We Want Peace': Political Identity through Person Deixis in an Northern Irish Political Campaign." In AEDEAN XXX: Proceedings of the 30th International AEDEAN Conference. [Huelva, 2006]. Ed. María Losada Friend et al. Huelva: U de Huelva, 2007.*

Fillmore, C. Santa Cruz Lectures on Deixis. Indiana U Linguistics Club, 1975.

Fludernik, Monika. "Virgin Territories: The Strategic Expansion of Deictic Options." In Fludernik, Towards a 'Natural' Narratology. London: Routledge, 1996. 2001. 222-68.* (Pronouns, person, narr. Tense).

Galbraith, Mary. "Deictic Shift Theory and the Poetics of Involvement in Narrative." In Deixis in Narrative: A Cognitive Science Perspective. Ed. J. F. Duchan, G. A. Bruder and L. E. Hewitt. Hillsdale (NJ): Erlbaum, 1995. 19-59.

Gebauer, Carolin. Making Time: World Construction in the Present-Tense Novel. (Narratologia, 77). Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021.* (I. Mapping the Research Field on Present-Tense narration; II. A Narratological Model of Present-Tense Usage in Narrative Fiction; III. Uses and Functions of Present-Tense Narration in Contemporary Narrative Fiction; Authorial narrative, Narration, Chronotope, Tense, Deixis, Narrator, First-person narration, Figural narration, Focalization, Retrospection, Heterodiegetic narration, Narrative dynamics, Omniscience, Comment, Plot, Storyworld, Voice).


Gillespie-Lynch, Kristen, Yunping Feng, Patricia M. Greenfield Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Heidi Lyn and Christina Khou. "Does Deixis Precede Vocabulary Development in Language-Trained Apes?" Abstract in The Evolution of Language. Ed. Andrew D. M. Smith et al. New Jersey: World Scientific, 2010. 411-12.*

Green, Keith. "Deixis and the Poetic Persona." Langage and Literature 1.2 (1992): 121-33.

_____. "Deixis and the Poetic Persona." In The Language and Literature Reader. Ed. Ronald Carter and Peter Stockwell. Abingdon (UK) Routledge, 2008.*

Hanks, William F. "The Indexical Ground of Deictic Reference." In Rethinking Context: Language as an Interactive Phenomenon. Ed. Alessandro Duranti and Charles Goodwin. (Studies in the Social and Cultural Foundations of Language). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992. 1997. 43-76.*

_____. "Deixis." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 99-100.*

Hidalgo Downing, Laura. "Context Creation in Advertisements: The Role of Deixis and of Evoked Knowledge." In AEDEAN: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference (León, 16-18 de diciembre, 1999). CD-ROM. León: AEDEAN, 2003.*

Jakobson, Roman. "Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Russian Verb." In Russian Language Project. Cambridge (MA): Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University.

_____. "Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Russian Verb. In Jakobson, Word and Language. The Hague: Mouton, 1971.

_____. "Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Russian Verb." In Selected Writings 2.130-2.

_____. "Les embrayeurs, les catégories verbales et le verbe russe." In Jakobson, Essais de linguistique générale 176-196.

Jarvella, R., and W. Klein, eds. Speech, Place and Action: Studies in Deixis and Related Topics. Wiley, 1982.

Kamp, Hans. "Deixis in Discourse: Reichenbach on Temporal Reference." Lecture at UCLA, 1999.

Langacker, Ronald W. "Strategies of Clausal Possession." In Contrastive Cognitive Linguistics. Ed. Javier Valenzuela and Ana Rojo. Monograph issue of IJES 3.2 (2003): 1-24.* (Location, grammaticalization, reference point).

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Sternberg, Meir. "Deictic Sequence: World, Language, and Convention." In Essays on Deixis. Ed. Gisa Rauh. Tübingen: Narr, 1983. 277-316.

Tikka, Pia, and Mauri Kaipainen. "13. Intersubjectivity, Idiosyncrasy, and Narrative Deixis: A Neurocinematic Approach." In Narrative Complexity: Cognition, Embodiment, Evolution. Ed. Marina Grishakova and Maria Poulaki. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2019. 314-37.*

Toolan, Michael. "New Work on Deixis in Narrative." In Grenzüberschreitungen: Narratologie im Kontext / Transcending Boundaries: Narratology in Context. Ed. Walter Grünzweig and Andreas Solbach. Tübingen: Narr, 1999. 147-63.*

Ulloa Casaña, Tania. "Funcionamiento discursivo de la deixis cotextual en relatos conversacionales de los hablantes de la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba." Káñina: Revista de Artes y Letras (Universidad de Costa Rica) 42.3 (2018): 199-212.*


Weissenborn, J., and W. Klein, eds. Here and There: Cross-Linguistic Studies on Deixis and Demonstration. Ed. J. Weissenborn and W. Klein. (Pragmatics and beyond, Vol. III: 2/3). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: Benjamins, 1982.

Werth, Paul. "World Enough and Time: Deictic Spaces and the Interpretation of Prose." In The Language and Literature Reader. Ed. Ronald Carter and Peter Stockwell. Abingdon (UK) Routledge, 2008.*

Wunderlich, Dieter. "Pragmatique, situation d'énonciation et deixis." Langages 26 (1972): 34-58.

Yule, George. "Deixis and Distance." In Yule,  Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996. 9-16.*

Zima, Petr, and Vladímir Tax, eds. Language and Location in Space and Time. (Lincom Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 7). Munich: Lincom Europa. (African languages).


See also Semantics; Enunciation.




      from A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology by José Ángel García L...