lunes, 17 de octubre de 2022




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Used in some folder and file names:


AeC                    Aesthetic criticism

CCr                     Cultural criticism

E                        English      

EAeC                  English aesthetic criticism

ECCr                   English cultural criticism.

EHC                    English humanist criticism

EHS                    English historical scholarship

F                         French

FAeC                  French aesthetic criticism

FCCr                   French cultural criticism

FHS                    French historical scholarship

G                        German

GAeC                  German aesthetic criticism

GCCr                  German cultural criticism

GHS                    German historical scholarship

HC                      Humanist criticism        

HS                      Historical scholarship    

I                         Italian

IAeC                   Italian aesthetic criticism

ICCr                    Italian cultural criticism

IHS                     Italian historical scholarship

LH                      Literary history    

LT                      Literary theory

S                         Spanish

SAeC                  Spanish aesthetic criticism

SCCr                   Spanish cultural criticism

SHS                    Spanish historical scholarship

US, USA             United States of America        



Used in the text of files:


AD                      Anno domini (after Christ in the Christian calendar)

AEDEAN            Asociación española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos

attr.                     Attributed to.

b.                        born in (esp. in parenthetical information after author’s name)

b. c.                     born circa (esp. in parenthetical information after author’s name)

BC                      Before Christ

BFI                     British Film Institute

c.                        century (as in 19th c., 20th c., etc.)

c.                        circa, approximately (before dates).

CD                      Compact disc

CD-ROM             Compact disc-Read only memory

d.                        died (esp. in parenthetical information after author’s name)

dir.                      Director; directed by. (The title following this abbreviation belongs to a film).

Ed.                      Editor; Edited by; Edition (when in combination: 1st ed., 2nd ed.)

Ed. and trans.        Edited and translated by

EETS                  Early English Text Society

EJES                   European Journal of English Studies

fl.                        floruit (i. e. recorded as living or working in that dateesp. in parenthetical information after author’s name)

gs                        graduate student

illust.                   Illustrations, illustrated by.

l.                         lives / lived in (esp. in parenthetical information after author’s name)

LP                       Long-play record

m.                       married (esp. in parenthetical information after author’s name)

MA                     Master of Arts

MC                     Music cassette

MGM                  Metro Goldwyn Mayer

MLA                   Modern Language Association of America

P                         Press

pbk                     Paperback edition

Ph.D.                   Doctor in Philosophy (Arts, Letters, Humanities, etc.).

Ph.D. diss.           Doctoral dissertation.

PMLA                 Publications of the Modern Language Association of America

Prob.                   Probably

ps.                       Pseudonym

PUF                    Presses Universitaires de France

prod.                   Produced

Pub.                    published

ref.                      reference

Rev.                    Review

Rpt.                     Reprinted

Select.                 Selection

SF                       Science fiction

st.                       studied at (esp. in parenthetical information after author’s name)

St.                       Saint.

t.                         Teaches / taught at (esp. in parenthetical information after author’s name)

TLS                    The Times Literary Supplement

Trans.                  Translated by; translation of

U                        University; Université; Universität; Universidad, etc.

UP                      University Press

VHS                    Video Home System tape.

w.                       written

w.                       works, worked (esp. in parenthetical information after author’s name)



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            from A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology by José Ángel Ga...