domingo, 9 de octubre de 2022

The Bibliography - General information




A Bibliography

of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

 "Who said what"

                   27th ed. (2022)

by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA, Ph.D.
University of Zaragoza (Spain)

& Schools directory

Subjects directory

Go to the bibliography's website at the University of Zaragoza:

 Short URL:     


You can begin your search by clicking on either of the "directory" links above, which will take you to the Authors and Schools or the Subjects directory. Or try the searchbox above. You can also use a Google searchbox (be sure to skip the ad results on top)—but honestly speaking Google used to perform better than this. Using the directory will give you a more accurate idea of the bibliography's contents.

There is an alphabetical index for each of the directories, at the top (a name—author—index and a subjects index). If you are not sure how to use these directories, read the instructions.  Be advised that sufficient familiarity with the structure and contents of this website requires more than a few minutes. Please read also the acknowledgements section.

This is a bibliography of literary studies, criticism and philology. The current edition consists of  over 11,000 text files (over 350 Mb of text, the equivalent of 50 medium-size print volumes) listing c. 500,000 items (books, book chapters, articles, films, plays, poems, websites, blogs, videos, audio files, etc.), with a main focus on English-speaking authors and criticism or literary theory written in English—although there are many listings on linguistics, cultural studies, discourse analysis, and other philological and historical subjects as well. It includes
basic bibliographical information on several thousand authors, critical schools, literary and linguistic concepts, genres, periods, motifs, and other subjects.

But. If you want a
complete bibliography on Wordsworth, on Metaphor, or on yourself, please try elsewhere.



The QR code contains the long URL for this page:


A partial printing of the bibliography, in an earlier edition c. 2002:

La Bibliografía II


Acknowledgements, excuses and suggestions

Work on this bibliography is forever in progress (actually, I am tempted to subtitle it The Key to All Mythologies). Please excuse errors, omissions or inadequate emphases. Contact me at for reports on bugs or problems with access, and suggestions on improvements. Authors wishing to have their books or articles listed should e-mail a PDF file, a link with information or the URL, or alternatively surface-mail a printed copy to this address:

José Angel García Landa
Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad de Zaragoza
50009 Zaragoza (Spain)

Professional scholars may also suggest any additional titles which in their opinion should be included in any given section they specialise in. These should be e-mailed as an attached Word file using clear MLA conventions.

Sources consulted firsthand are indicated with an asterisk. Most of the items without an asterisk have been compiled from publishers' catalogues and academic publications.

Please acknowledge the use of this bibliography in publications. Academic fair use is expected; use and reproduction are otherwise free. Should the bibliography be quoted in a relevant academic publication, I would very much appreciate to be informed of the details. I have noted that very few of the numerous people who use it ever acknowledge the fact. Please remember and try to be one of the Few. I am also grateful for any links (and information on existing links) to this page, especially those in other academic or educational websites.

The bibliography has been linked to by many specialised educational and academic websites, including those of the Library of Congress, the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Harvard University, M.I.T., Chicago University, Brown University, the University of Paris, the Linguist List,  Hamburg University's NarrNet, the University of Oxford's selected web resources, the University of Venice, Wikipedia, the Internet Public Library, etc. It has been no. 1 search result in Google for the terms "literary theory bibliography" from the early days of Google, and is close to no.1 using search terms such as "Bibliography of Philology", "Bibliography of Criticism", "Literary studies bibliography", etc. The 10th edition (2005) was included in the Oxford Text Archive (Oxford University, Bodleian Libraries).

Links to the Bibliography (a list including the main pages and directories which have established a link to the Bibliography). Some of the links last only for some years, but so it goes with the Great Globe itself.

And some blog entries on the bibliography—including a number of highlights and international references.

Systematic work on this bibliography began in 1989, before the Web was born. An early version was available on the Internet from the university of Zaragoza server in 1995, and on the World Wide Web in 1996. Editions 1 to 9 were available at another URL at the web of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Zaragoza (, and editions 10-24 were available at I am especially grateful to Sergio Salvador and Luis Julve who helped me make the early editions available through the web. The title of the early editions was first Literary Theory and Criticism: A Bibliography, and later A Bibliography of Literary Theory and Criticism. It has been expanded regularly, at a rate of several thousand new entries per year. From the 25th ed. (2020) the URL is  —for short,

Many thanks to José María Ciordia for his help with the design of this page and for his help on htmysteries. One might say he is the webmaster who keeps this interface working, but it is more adequate to style him the Great Helmsman of the Orient in charge of keeping this venerable vessel seaworthy and on the right course. This bibliography is available through the web thanks to the technical support of the University of Zaragoza (SICUZ).

Apart from the hosting I am entitled to at the University of Zaragoza, I have not received any specific aid, funding, acknowledgement or support from any Spanish educational or research institutions for work on this bibliography for years. During the years 2014-19 I was a member of the Research Group H68 HERAF: Hermeneutics and Anthropological Phenomenology, financed by the Government of Aragón and the European Social fund, a circumstance I have to acknowledge in any publication related to that research.

Note on the interface

This website was designed in the Heroic Age of the Web, in the 1990s,
and its design is kept unaltered, in part as a fond memorial of days bygone.

The bibliography's actual URL:     

or, for short:

Directory: By entering the directory you access the folders and files containing the bibliographical listings; these are Word files which will be both opened and downloaded to your computer by web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Firefox (depending on your settings, you may be asked confirmation by the browser before the file is downloaded or opened). Once you enter the directory you will be able to return to this page on the right-hand frame as follows: 1) by clicking here or on the title A Bibliography... of the heading; 2) by using the "back" or "previous" button on your web browser, 3) by clicking on the branch icon in the frame on the left, or 4) by pressing "Return" on the URL address bar at the top to return to this front page (that is, refreshing the page). The "Home" link you will see at the top of the right-hand frame once inside the directory will only lead you to the top level of the "Authors" or the "Subjects" directory; to move from one directory to the other you have to start again by hitting Return on the URL bar of the browser (or click the vertical frame on the left, either on the "A Bibliography" title or the branch icon).

Searchbox: A very special acknowledgement and thanks to the people at FreeFind, who provided not only free software to search the contents of the Bibliography after the 26th edition, but also disinterested personal help and advice to deal with problems until everything worked fine. Many kudos and thumbs up to them.

There used to be an embedded Google searchbox on this site which worked fine—and there is now this Google search page for the bibliography. But, strangely enough, Google is underperforming as compared to past results, and yields rather poor results in this site search, with lots of ads and (which is worse) often failing to find the main file for the topic under search. Perhaps this will improve in future editions. As things stand now, it is more advisable to use the FreeFind searchbox above, or the directory search. Do not waste time with this Google search page—but note that I would appreciate knowledgeable and clear suggestions on how to improve it. Please email any suggestions to

Hardware and Software: This bibliography was made, and will likely yield the best results, using Macintosh and MsWord; many of the files are now being gradually updated to a .docx format, which works just as fine. The basic font originally used for the text of the files is Times. The following fonts are required in a few entries (please install them in your computer to minimize errors): Cyrillic, Czech Plus, Grk, Old English Text. You can look for them on Google, but errors are negligible.


– or visit José Ángel García Landa's website and blog



A mi padre, Ángel García Pomar,
y a mi madre,
María Dolores Landa Carrera,
con todo mi cariño.


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