miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2022

Definición y Función de la Crítica



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Definition of criticism

Function of criticism



Abrams, M. H. "What's the Use of Theorizing about the Arts?" In In Search of Literary Theory. Ed. Morton W. Bloomfield. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1972. 3-54.

Aguiar e Silva, Vítor Manuel de. "Los estudios de historia y crítica literarias." In Aguiar e Silva, Teoría de la literatura. 1968. Trans. Valentín García Yebra. Madrid: Gredos, 1972. 342-58.*

Aiken, Conrad. "A Basis for Criticism." New Republic (11 April 1923).

Arnold, Matthew. "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time." National Review (November 1864). Rpt. in Matthew Arnold's Essays: Literary and Critical. Introd. G. K. Chesterton. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1906. 1-25.

_____. "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time." In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 498-514.*

_____. From The Function of Criticism at the Present Time. In The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and Thomas Healy. London: Arnold, 1997. 961-67.*

_____. From "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time." 1864, 1865. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.1514-28.*

_____. "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

Barthes, Roland. "Criticism as Language." TLS 27 Sept. 1963.

_____. "Criticism as Language." In The Critical Moment. London: Faber, 1963.

_____. "Qu'est-ce que la critique?" In Barthes, Essais critiques. Paris: Seuil, 1964. 252-57.

_____. "What is Criticism?" TLS (1963). In Rylance, Debating Texts 82-85.

_____. "What Is Criticism?" In Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer. 3rd ed. White Plains (NY): Longman, 1994. 46-50.*

_____. Critique et vérité. Paris: Seuil, 1966.

Barzun, Jacques. "The Critic, the Public, the Past." Salmagundi 68-69 (1985-86).

Bateson, F. W. "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time." Essays in Criticism 3 (1953): 1-27.

Beardsley, Monroe C. The Possibility of Criticism. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1970.*

Blackmur, R. P. "A Critic's Job of Work." 1935. In Blackmur, Language as Gesture: Essays in Poetry. New York: Harcourt, 1952. 372-99. (Greenwood P, 372-99).*

Booth, Wayne C. "The Common Aims That Divide Us: Or, Is There a 'Profession 1981'?" In Profession 81. New York, 1981.

Brock, Bazon. "Nacido para criminal —designado como juez." In Crítica de la crítica. Ed. Peter Hamm. Barcelona: Barral, 1971. Trans. of Kritik / von wem / für wen / wie? Munich: Carl Hanser, 1968. 143-57.*

Brooks, Cleanth. "Literary Criticism." In English Institute Essays 1946. New York, 1947. 127-58.

_____. "A Note on the Limits of 'History' and the Limits of 'Criticism'." Sewanee Review 61 (1953).

_____. "Literary Criticism: Poet, Poem, and Reader." In Varieties of Literary Experience. Ed. S. Burnshaw. New York: New York UP, 1962.

Burke, Kenneth. "Kinds of Criticism." Poetry 68: (1946): 278-9.

_____. "Kinds of Criticism." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

Butler, Judith. ¿Qué es la crítica? Un ensayo sobre la virtud en Foucault. 2002.

Charles, M. "La lecture critique." Poétique 34 (1978).

Cowl, R. P. "Functions and Principles of Criticism." In Cowl, The Theory of Poetry in England. London: Macmillan, 1914. 263-97.*

Cowley, Malcolm. "On Criticism: The Many-Windowed House." 1970. Excerpts. In The Portable Malcolm Cowley. New York: Viking Penguin, 1990. 576-78.*

Crane, R. S. "History versus Criticism in the Study of Literature." English Journal 24 College Edition (1935): 645-67. Rpt. in Crane, The Idea of Humanities. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1967.

_____. "Historia versus Crítica en el estudio de la literatura." In  Neoaristotélicos de Chicago. Ed. Javier García Rodríguez. Madrid: Arco/Libros, 2000. 39-66.*

Cruz, Isagani R. "Ang Papel ng Kritiko't Kritika sa Ating Lipunan." ("The Role of Criticism and its Critic in Our Society"). In Cruz, Bukod na bukod:  Mga piling sanaysay. Ed. David Jonathan Y. Bayot. Diliman, Quezon City (Philippines): U of the Philippines P, 2003. 10-19.*

Daiches, David. "On Criticism." In Daiches, New Literary Values: Studies in Modern Literature. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1936. 7-22.*

Davis, Robert Con, and Ronald Schleifer. Criticism and Culture: The Role of Critique in Modern Literary Theory. London: Longman, 1992.

Eagleton, Terry. "The Task of the Cultural Critic (Politics and Culture)." Meanjin 42.4 (1983): 445-8.

_____. "The Functions of Criticism." In Eagleton, How to Read a Poem. Malden (MA) and Oxford: Blackwell, 2007. 1-24.*

Eastman, Max. "The Problem of Criticism." In Eastman, The Literary Mind: Its Place in an Age of Science. New York: Scribner's, 1931. 258-71.*

Eliot, T. S. "The Perfect Critic." In Eliot, The Sacred Wood. London, 1920. Rpt. London: Methuen, 1986.

_____. "The Perfect Critic / El crítico perfecto." In Eliot, El bosque sagrado: Edición bilingüe. San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid): Langre, 2004. 135-62.*

_____. "The Function of Criticism." 1923. In Eliot, Points of View. 1941.

_____. "The Function of Criticism." In Eliot, Selected Essays. 1932. 3rd ed. London: Faber and Faber, 1951. 23-34.*

_____. "The Function of Criticism." In 20th Century Literary Criticism: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1972. 77-84.*

_____. "The Frontiers of Criticism." 1956. In Eliot, On Poetry and Poets. London: Faber, 1956. 103-18.*

Elton, O. The Nature of Literary Criticism. Folcroft (PA): Folcroft Library, 1974.

Fish, Stanley. "Consequences." Critical Inquiry 11 (1985): 433-58.

_____. "Demonstration and Persuasion: Two Models of Critical Activity." In Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Ed. Vassilis Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. 350-62.*

_____. "Why Literary Criticism is Like a Virtue." London Review of Books 15.11 (1993).*

Ford, Andrew. "The Function of Criticism ca. 432 BC: Texts and Interpretations in Plato's Protagoras." Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics no. 120501. Online at SSRN (2005).* (Simonides).



Foucault, Michel. (¿Qué es la crítica?) 1978.

Frye, Northrop. "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time." 1949. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 656-67.*

_____. "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time." In Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer. 3rd ed. White Plains (NY): Longman, 1994. 34-45.*

García Landa, José Angel. "El crítico." In García Landa, Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1998. 457-64.*

_____. Rev. of Roger Sell's Mediating Criticism: Literary Education Humanized. Language and Literature 12.3 (2003): 283-85.* Electronic edition:



_____. Rev. of Roger Sell's Mediating Criticism: Literary Education Humanized. iPaper at Academia.edu 24 June 2010.*



_____. Rev. of Roger Sell's Mediating Criticism: Literary Education Humanized. Online PDF at Social Science Research Networks 26 June 2010.*



         Information Systems: Behavioral & Social Methods eJournal 26 June 2010.*



         Literary Theory and Criticism eJournal 26 June 2010.*



         Aesthetics & Philosophy of Art eJournal 26 June 2010.*



         Philosophy of Language eJournal



_____. Rev. of Roger Sell's Mediating Criticism: Literary Education Humanized. Online PDF at Zaguán 13 June 2011.*



_____. Rev. of Roger Sell's Mediating Criticism: Literary Education Humanized. By Roger Sell. ResearchGate 10 Sept. 2012.*



_____. "Pragmática, interaccionismo, y análisis crítico del discurso." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 21 Nov. 2005.



_____. "Pragmática, interaccionismo, y análisis crítico del discurso." Diaporía 22 Nov. 2011.*



_____. "La crítica autobiográfica" [Anatole France, preface to La Vie Littéraire]. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 4 March 2007.



_____. "Comentar un texto." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 2 March 2010.*



_____. "Comentar un texto." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 8 March 2010.*



_____. "Comentar un Texto: Qué hacemos cuando comentamos un texto (Commenting a Text: What are We Doing when We Comment a Text)." Available at Social Science Research Network 15 Feb. 2016.*



Gardner, Helen. The Business of Criticism. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1959.*

Gasché, Rodolphe. "Deconstruction as Criticism." Glyph 6 (1979): 177-215.

_____. "Deconstruction and Hermeneutics." In Deconstructions: A User's Guide. Ed. Nicholas Royle. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2000. 137-50.*

Genette, Gérard. "Raisons de la critique pure." 1966. In Genette, Figures II. Paris: Seuil, 1969. Rpt. (Points). 7-22.*

_____. "Critique et poétique." In Genette, Figures III. Paris: Seuil, 1972. 9-12.*

_____. "Criticism and Poetics." In French Literary Theory Today: A Reader. Ed. Tzvetan Todorov. Cambridge: Cambridge UP; Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1982. 8-10.*

Golban, Petru. "Criticism as Manifesto  versus Criticism as Science: A New 'Battle of the Books' in British Modernist Literature." Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Cografya Fakültesi Dergisi 53.2 (2013): 85-104.*



Hays, Michael. Critical Conditions: Regarding the Historical Moment.

Hrushovski, Benjamin. "Poetics, Criticism, Science: Remarks on the Fields and Responsibilities of the Study of Literature." PTL 1 (1976): iii-xxxv.

Kaiser, Joachim. "La crítica como impulso espontáneo." In Crítica de la crítica. Ed. Peter Hamm. Barcelona: Barral, 1971.* Trans. of Kritik / von wem / für wen / wie? Munich: Carl Hanser, 1968. 17-23.

Kazin, Alfred. "The Function of Criticism Today." In Kazin, Contemporaries. London: Secker and Warburg, 1963. 494-509.*

Kirwan, James. Literature, Rhetoric, Metaphysics: Literary Theory and Literary Aesthetics. London: Routledge, 1990.

Klancher, Jon. "The Vocation of Criticism and the Crisis of the Republic of Letters." In Romanticism. Ed. Marshall Brown. Vol. 5 of The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000.*

Leavis, F. R. "The Function of Criticism." In Leavis, The Common Pursuit. London: Chatto & Windus,1952.

_____. "Literary Criticism and Philosophy: A Reply". Scrutiny 6 (1937): 59-70. Rpt. in The Common Pursuit.*

_____. "Literary Criticism and Philosophy." Select. in Twentieth-Century Literary Theory. Ed. K. M. Newton. London: Macmillan, 1988. 65-8.

Lentricchia, Frank. "On Behalf of Theory." In Criticism in the University. Ed. G. Graff and R. Gibbons. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1985.

Lévinas, Emmanuel. "La réalité et son ombre." Les Temps Modernes (1948).

_____. "La réalite et son ombre." In Lévinas, Les imprévus de l'histoire. Fata Morgana, 1994.

_____. "Arte y crítica." Estafeta.* (Trans. of "La réalité et son ombre").



Lewis, C. S. "Is Criticism Possible?" In Lewis, A Preface to Paradise Lost. 1942. London: Oxford UP, 1965. 9-12.

Lukács, Georg. "The Writer and the Critic." In Lukács, Writer and Critic. London: Merlin, 1978. 189-27.*

Magny, Claude-Edmonde. "Plaidoyer pour la critique." Esprit 102 (July 1941). Rpt. in Magny, Littérature et critique. Paris: Gallimard, 1970.

_____. "La critique aux limites de la littérature." In Magny, Les Sandales d'Empédocle: Essai sur les limites de la littérature. Neuchâtel: Éditions de la Baconnière, 1945. 7-40.*

Matthiessen, F. O. "The Responsibilities of the Critic." Lecture, U of Michigan, 1949.  Michigan Quarterly Review (1949

_____. The Responsibilities of the Critic: Essays and Reviews. Ed. John Rackliffe. New York: Oxford UP, 1952.

_____. "The Responsibilities of the Critic." Michigan Quarterly Review (1949). In American Literature, American Culture. Ed. Gordon Hutner. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 303-12.*

Medvedev, Pavel N. "Ocherednyie zadachi istoriko-literaturnoi nauki" ("The tasks facing historical-literary scholarship"). Literatura i Marksizm 3 (1928): 65-86.

Miller, J. Hillis. "Stevens' Rock and Criticism as Cure." Georgia Review 30.1-2 (1976): 5-31, 330-48. Rpt. in Wallace Stevens. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1985. 27-49. Second half rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Robert Con Davis. New York: Longman, 1986. 416-27. Also in Miller, Theory Now and Then. 117-32.

_____. "The Critic as Host." (Shelley). Critical Inquiry 3.3 (Spring 1977): 439-47.* (With W. C. Booth and M. H. Abrams, "The Limits of Pluralism" forum. Critical Inquiry 3.3: 407-47)

_____. "The Critic as Host." Expanded version in Deconstruction and Criticism. New York: Seabury Press, 1979.

_____. "The Critic as Host." In Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1988. 277-85.*

_____. "The Critic as Host." In Critical Theory since 1965. Ed.. Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. Tallahasse: UPs of Florida / Florida State UP, 1986. 1990. 452-70.*

_____. "The Critic as Host." In Miller,  Theory Now and Then. 143-70.*

_____. "El crítico como huésped." Trans. Barbara Trotsko and Manuel Alcides Jofre. In Para leer al lector. Ed. Monica Blanco and Manuel Alcides Jofre. Santiago: Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, 1987. 223-55.

_____. "El crítico como anfitrion." In Teoría literaria y deconstrucción. Ed. Manuel Asensi. Madrid: Arco/Libros, 1990. 157-70.*

_____. "The Function of Rhetorical Study at the Present Time." In The State of the Discipline: 1970s-80s. ADE Bulletin 62 (1979). Rpt. with revisions in Teaching Literature: What is Needed Now. Ed. James Engell and David Perkins. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1988. Rpt. in Miller, Theory Now and Then. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991. 201-16.

_____. "The Function of Rhetorical Study at the Present Time." InTeaching Literature: What Is Needed Now. Ed. James Engell and David Perkins. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1988. 87-110.*

_____. "The Obligation to Write." MLA Newsletter (Fall 1986). Rpt. in Miller, Theory Now and Then. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991. 299-302.

_____. "The Function of Literary Theory at the Present Time." In The Future of Literary Theory. Ed. Ralph Cohen. New York: Routledge, 1989. 102-11.*

_____. "The Function of Literary Theory at the Present Time." Rpt. in Miller, Theory Now and Then. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991. 385-94.

Mooij, J. J. A. "The Nature and Function of Literary Theories." Poetics Today 1.1-2 (Autumn 1979): 111-35.

Muller, Herbert J. Science and Criticism. New Haven, 1943.

Ong, Walter J. "The Province of Rhetoric and Poetic." Modern Schoolman 19 (1942):.

Pagnini, Marcello. "La critica letteraria come integrazione dei livelli dell'opera." In Studi offerti a M. Fubini. Padova: Liviana. 1.87-102.

Ransom, John Crowe. "Criticism, Inc." 1937. In Ransom, The World's Body 327-50.*

_____. "Criticism, Inc." In 20th Century Literary Criticism: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1972. 228-39.*

_____. "Criticism, Inc." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. The World's Body. New York: Scribner's, 1938.*

_____. "Wanted: An Ontological Critic." In Ransom, The New Criticism. 1941. Westport (CT): Greenwood Press, 1979. 279-336.*

_____. "Wanted: An Ontological Critic." 1941. In Ransom, Beating the Bushes.

_____. The New Criticism. Norfolk (CT): New Directions, 1941.

_____. The New Criticism. Westport (CT): Greenwood P, 1979.*

_____. "Criticism as Pure Speculation". In The Intent of the Critic. Ed. Donald A. Stauffer. Princeton, 1941.

Ricardou, Jean. "Fonction critique." In Tel Quel: Théorie d'ensemble. Paris: Seuil, 1968. 234-65.*

Richthofen, Erich von. "Límites de la crítica literaria." Trans. from Aquila 2 (Chestnut Hill Studies in Modern Languages and Literature). Boston-The Hague, 1973: 78-116. Trans. Ana María Aznar. In von Richthofen, Límites de la crítica literaria y Analectas de filología comparada. Barcelona: Planeta, 1976.

Ricœur, Paul. "Qu'est-ce qu'un texte? Expliquer et comprendre." In Hermeneutik und Dialektik. Ed. R. Bubner et al. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeek), 1970. 181-2000.

_____. "Qu'est-ce qu'un texte?." In Ricœur, Du texte à l'action. Paris: Seuil, 1986. Rpt. (Points). 1998. 153-78.*

_____. "What Is a Text? Explanation and Understanding." In Ricœur, Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences: Essays on Language, Action, and Interpretation. Ed. and trans. John B. Thompson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1981. 1998. 145-64.*

_____. "What Is a Text? Explanation and Understanding." In Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Ed. Vassilis Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. 331-49.*

_____. "Herméneutique et critique des idéologies." In Démythisation et Idéologie. Ed. E. Castelli. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1973. 25-64.

_____. "Herméneutique et critique des ideólogies." In Ricœur, Du texte à l'action. Paris: Seuil, 1986. Rpt. (Points). 1998. 367-416.*

_____. "Hermeneutics and the Critique of Ideology." In Ricœur, Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences: Essays on Language, Action, and Interpretation. Ed. and trans. John B. Thompson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1981. 1998. 63-100.*

_____. "Rhétorique, poétique, herméneutique." 1990. In Ricœur, Lectures 2: La contrée des philosophes. Paris: Seuil, 1992. 479-94.*

Santayana, George. "¿Qué es estética?" In Santayana, La razón en el arte y otros escritos de estética. Ed. Ricardo Miguel. Epilogue by Fernando Savater. (Verbum Mayor). Madrid: Verbum, 2008. 149-56.*

Schlegel, Friedrich. "L'essence de la critique." In Critique et herméneutique dans le premier romantisme allemand. Ed. and trans. Dennis Thouard. Lille: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 1996. 169-78.*

Searle, Leroy. "Afterword: Criticism and the Claims of Reason." In Critical Theory since 1965. Ed.. Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. Tallahassee: UPs of Florida / Florida State UP, 1986. 1990. 856-72.*

Sell, Roger D. "Mediating Criticism." In Sell, Literature as Communication. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2000. 253-80.* (Mediation; conflicts; future of literature, function of criticism).

_____. Literature as Communication: The Foundations of Mediating Criticism. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 78). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.*

_____. "Introduction: Communicational Criticism." In Sell, Communicational Criticism: Studies in Literature as Dialogue. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2011. 1-50.* (Dialogue, community).

Sparshott, F. E. The Concept of Criticism. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1967.

Spellmeyer, Kurt. "After Theory: From Textuality to Attunement with the World." College English 58.8 (1996): 893-913.*

Tate, Allen. "The Present Function of Criticism." In Tate, Reason in Madness. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1941.

_____. "Is Literary Criticism Possible?" 1951.

Trilling, Lionel. The Scholar's Caution and the Scholar's Courage. 1962.

Tsur, Reven. "Two Critical Attitudes: Quest for Certitude and Negative Capability." College English 36.7 (1975).

Watson, William. "Critics and Their Craft." In Watson, Excursions in Criticism. London: Mathews, 1893. 81-8.*

Wellek, René. "Literary Criticism and Philosophy". Scrutiny 5 (1937): 375-83. Scrutiny 6 (1937): 195-6.

_____. "Some Principles of Criticism." TLS 1963. Rpt. in The Critical Moment. London: Faber, 1963.

White, Hayden. "The Culture of Criticism." In Liberations: New Essays on the Humanities in Revolution. Ed. Ihab Hassan. Middletown, 1971.

Winters, Yvor. The Function of Criticism: Problems and Exercises. 1957. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1962.*

Wimsatt, W. K., Jr. "The Domain of Criticism." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (June 1950). Rev. version in Wimsatt, The Verbal Icon. 1954. New York: Noonday, 1958. 221-34.*

_____. "Explication as Criticism." English Institute Essays 1951. New York: Columbia UP, 1952. Rev. version in Wimsatt, The Verbal Icon. New York: Noonday, 1958. 235-52.*


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