miércoles, 18 de enero de 2023

Imprenta y letra impresa



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Print / Printing



Anderson, Patricia. The Printed Image and the Transformation of Popular Culture, 1790-1860. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.

Armstrong, Adrian, ed. Technique and Technology: Script, Print, and Poetics in France 1470-1550. (Oxford Modern Languages and Literatures Monographs). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000.

Astle, Thomas. The Origin and Progress of Writing (…) Also Some Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing. 1784. Online at Eighteenth Century Collections Online.

Belanger, Terry. "Publishers and Writers in Eighteenth-Century England." In Books and their Readers in Eighteenth-century England. New York: St. Martin's, 1982. 1-25.

Bennett, Paul A., ed. Books and Printing. Cleveland and New York, 1963.

Birkets, Sven. Elegía a Gutenberg: El futuro de la lectura en la era electrónica. Madrid: Alianza, 1999.

Bray, Joe. "'Print Culture' and the Language of the Eighteenth-Century Novel." In The Writer's Craft, the Culture's Technology. Ed. Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard and Michael Toolan. (PALA Papers, 1). Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2005.

Burt, C. A Psychological Study of Typography. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1950.

Calvo González, José. "Cultura escrita del Derecho en las imprentas de viudas. Impresos jurídicos menores (Barcelona, siglos XVII-XIX)." In Muses de la impremta. La dona i les arts del llibre (segles XVI-XIX) / Musas de la imprenta. La mujer y las artes del libro (siglos XVI-XIX) / Muses of the printing press. Women in the art of books (XVIth-XIXth centuries). Ed. Marina Garone and Albert Corbeto. Museu Diocesà de Barcelona-Associació de Biblòfils de Barcelona, 2009. 129-158.

Collier, Patrick. Modern Print Artefacts: Textual Materiality and Literary Value in British Print Culture, 1890-1930s. (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Modernist Culture). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, c. 2016.

Chartier, Roger. The Cultural Uses of Print in Early Modern France. Trans. Lysdia G. Cochrane. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1987.

Chaytor, H. J. From Script to Print. Cambridge: Heffer, 1945.

Cook, Scott D. N. "Technological Revolutions and the Gutenberg Myth." In Internet Dreams. By Mark Stefik [et al.]. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1996. 2001. 67-82.*

Corns, Thomas S. "The Early Modern Search Engine: Indices, Title Pages, Marginalia and Contents." In The Renaissance Computer: Knowledge Technology in the First Age of Print. Ed. Neil Rhodes and Jonathan Sawday. London and New York: Routledge, 2000. 95-105.*

Couturier, Maurice. Textual Communication: A Print-Based Theory of the Novel. London: Routledge, 1991.

D'Israeli, I. "Early Printing." In D'Israeli, Curiosities of Literature. London: Moxon, 1834. 1.106-11.*

Dilevko, Juris, and Lisa Gottlieb. "Print Sources in an Electronic Age: A Vital Part of the Research Process for Undergraduate Students." Journal of Academic Librarianship 28.6 (2002): 381-92.

Dolan, Frances E. Whores of Babylon: Catholicism, Gender, and Seventeenth Century Print Culture. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1999.

Dowding, Geoffrey. An Introduction to the History of Printing Types. London: British Library, 1998.

Duff, E. Gordon. "13. The Introduction of Printing into England and the Early Work of the Press." In The End of the Middle Ages. Vol. 2 (English) of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Online at Bartleby.com



Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformation in Early-Modern Europe. 2 vols. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge UP, 1979, 1980.

Elsky, Martin. Authorizing Words: Speech, Writing and Print in the English Renaissance. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1989.

Foxe, John. Acts and Monuments of These Latter and Perilous Days (= Foxe's Book of Martyrs). 1563. (On the influence of print).

García Landa, José Ángel. "Victor Hugo y la Galaxia Gutenberg." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 27 Feb. 2006.



_____. "Por la Galaxia Gutenberg." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 10 Sept. 2007.



_____. "El ordenador renacentista." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 6 July 2010.* (Neil Rhodes, Jonathan Sawday).



_____. "Notas sobre El Ordenador Renacentista." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 24 Oct. 2015.*



         2015 – DISCONTINUED 2020 - Online at the Internet Archive:






_____. "Notas sobre El Ordenador Renacentista (Notes on The Renaissance Computer). Social Science Research Network 27 Oct. 2015.*



         Cognition & the Arts eJournal 27 Oct. 2015.*



         Information Technology & Systems eJournal 27 Oct. 2015.*



         English & Commonwealth Literature eJournal 27 Oct. 2015.*



         Literary Theory & Criticism eJournal 27 Oct. 2015.*



_____. "Notas sobre El Ordenador Renacentista." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 5 Nov. 2015.*



_____. "Notas sobre El Ordenador Renacentista." ResearchGate 5 Feb. 2016.*



Garone, Marina, and Albert Corbeto, eds. Muses de la impremta. La dona i les arts del llibre (segles XVI-XIX) / Musas de la imprenta. La mujer y las artes del libro (siglos XVI-XIX) / Muses of the printing press. Women in the art of books (XVIth-XIXth centuries). Museu Diocesà de Barcelona-Associació de Biblòfils de Barcelona, 2009.

Gillespie, Alexandra. Print Culture and the Medieval Author: Chaucer, Lydgate, and Their Books 1573-1557. (Oxford English Monographs). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006.

Gitelman, Lisa. Paper Knowledge: Toward a Media History of Documents. Durham (NC): Duke UP, 2014.

Goldschmidt, E. P. Medieval Texts and Their First Appearance in Print. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1943.

Gómez Soliño, José S. "Copistas y cajistas en la época postmedieval inglesa." In Aspectos comparativos en la lengua y literatura de habla inglesa: AEDEAN, Actas del IX Congreso Nacional. Murcia: AEDEAN-Departamento de Filología Inglesa de la Universidad de Murcia, 1986. 21-28.*

Goodbye Gutenberg. Niemann Reports 60.4 (Winter 2006).



Harst, Marie-Therese. Form und Funktion des Druckbildes in Englischen Texten des 16. Jahrhunderts. Lang, 1988.

Hayes, Kevin J. Poe and the Printed Word. (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000.*

Heillinga, Lotte, and J. B. Trapp, eds. The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, c. 2000.

Hoffmann, George. "Renaissance Printing and the Book Trade." In The Renaissance. Ed. Glyn P. Norton. Vol. 3 of The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999. 2001. 384-91.*

Johns, Adrian. The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1998.

Kernan, Alvin. Samuel Johnson and the Impact of Print. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1987.

_____. "Plausible and Helpful Things to Say About Literature in a Time When All Print Institutions Are Breaking Down." In English Inside and Out: The Places of Literary Criticism. Ed. Susan Gubar and Jonathan Kamholtz. New York: Routledge, 1993. 9-28.*

Laínez, Norberto. La imprenta y el periodismo en la época colonial. Buenos Aires: El Diario, 1924.

León, Rafael, and Mª Victoria León Atencia. (Notes on paper in old printing). Analecta Malacitana 13.1 (1990): 125-46.*

Madurell Marimón, J., and J. Rubió y Balaguer. Documentos para la historia de la imprenta y librería en Barcelona (1474-1553). Barcelona, 1955.

Maguire, Laurie E. "The Craft of Printing (1600)." In A Companion to Shakespeare. Ed. David Scott Kastan. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999. 434-49.*

Marotti, Arthur F. "Poetry, Patronage, and Print." Yearbook of English Studies 21 (1991): 1-26.

_____. Manuscript, Print, and the English Renaissance Lyric. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1995.

Maslen, K. I. D., and L. Lancaster, eds. The Bowyer Ledgers. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.

McKenzie, D. F. "Printing in England from Caxton to Milton." In The Age of Shakespeare. Vol. 2 of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982. Rev. 1993. 207-26.*

McLuhan, Marshall. "Printing and Social Change." In Printing Progress: A Mid-Century Report. Cincinnati: International Association of Printing House Craftsmen, 1959.

_____. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1962. (Governor-General's Award for Non-Fiction, 1962).

_____. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1962.

_____. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. New York: Signet, 1969.

_____. The Gutenberg Galaxy. With new essays by W. Terrence Gordon, Elena Lamberti, Dominique Scheffel-Dunand. Toronto, Buffalo, London: U of Toronto Press, 2011. Online at Google Books:



_____. La galaxia Gutenberg. Trans. Juan Novella. Introd. Javier Echeverría. (Biblioteca Universal, Ensayo Contemporáneo) Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 1998.*

Miller, J. Hillis.  On Literature. (Thinking in Action). London: Routledge, 2002.*

ó Ciosáin, Niall. Print and Popular Culture in Ireland, 1750-1850. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1997.

Ong, Walter J. Rhetoric, Romance and Technology: Studies in the Interaction of Expression and Culture. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1971.

_____. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. London: Methuen, 1982. Rpt. Routledge.

_____. Orality and Literacy. (New Accents). London: Routledge, 2002.* (Available in electronic edition).

_____. Oralidad y escritura: Tecnologías de la palabra. México: FCE, 1987. Rpt. 1996. 1997.

Palau y Dulcet, Antonio. De los orígenes de la imprenta y su introducción en España. Librería Palau, 1952.

Palma Melena, Martín. "La muerte del libro impreso, ¿un mito?" In Palma Melena, Carta Náutica.*



Palmer, Samuel. The General History of Printing. (Written by George Psalmanazar for Samuel Palmer and signed with Palmer's name). 18th c.

Priestley, J. B. "Movable Types." In Priestley, Literature and Western Man. 1960. London: Readers Union / Heinemann, 1960. 1-6.

Purchas, Samuel. "[Part I, Book 1] Chap. II § 8 The glorie of Apostolicall Conquests: the hopes of enlarging the Church in this last Age, by knowledge of Arts and Languages thorugh the benefit of Printing and Navigation. Apostolicall Acts and Conquest compared with greatest Captaines. Two Hirams Paralel of Tabernacle and Temple; Printing & Navigation. Learning revived by printing, by navigations help preacheth to the World. Romish and Jewish Church compared. Spaine fitted against Rome. Praier for more full Conversion of the World." In Purchas, Hakluytus Posthumus: or, Purchas His Pilgrimes. Contayning a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Lande Travells by Englishmen and Others. Vol. 1. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1905. Rpt. (Cambridge Library Collection). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2014. 166-79.*

Reyes, Alfonso. La experiencia literaria: Ensayos sobre experiencia, exégesis y teoría de la literatura. Barcelona: Bruguera, 1986.*

Rhodes, Neil, and Jonathan Sawday, eds. The Renaissance Computer: Knowledge Technology in the First Age of Print. London and New York: Routledge, 2000.*

Richardson, Brian. Print Culture in Renaissance Italy : The Editor and the Vernacular Text, 1470-1600. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge UP, 1994.

Rico, Francisco. En torno al error: Copistas, tipógrafos, filologías. Barcelona: Crítica, 2004.

Robert, Marthe.  La Tyrannie de l'imprimé. Paris: Le Livre de Poche.

Saunders, J. W. "The Stigma of Print: A Note on the Social Bases of Tudor Poetry." Essays in Criticism 1 (1951): 139-54.

Sebastián, Fidel. Puntuación, humanismo e imprenta en el Siglo de Oro. Vigo: Academia del Hispanismo, 2007.

Smith, Anthony. Goodbye Gutenberg: The Newspaper Revolution of the 1980s. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1980.

Smith, Bruce R.Homosexual Desire in Shakespeare's England: A Cultural Poetics. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1991. Pbk. 1994.*

Steinberg, S. H. Five Hundred Years of Printing. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Penguin, 1961.

Stillwell, Margaret Bingham. Essays on the Heritage of the Renaissance: From Homer to Gutenberg: The Growth of Knowledge and Its Transmission through the First Printed Books. Providence: Brown UP, 1982.

Tokunaga, Satoko. "Early English Printing and the Hands of Compositors." In Editing Middle English in the 21st Century: Old Texts, New Approaches. Ed. Nila Vázquez and Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. Monograph issue of IJES 5.2 (2005): 149-60.* (Caxton, incunabula, compositors).

Trapiello, Andrés. Imprenta moderna: Tipografía y literatura (1874-2005). Essay. 2006.

Tyson, Gerald P., and Sylvia S. Wagonheim, eds. Print and Culture in the Renaissance: Essays on the Advent of Printing in Europe. Preface by S. Schoenbaum. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1986.

Warwick, Claire. "Print Scholarship and Digital Resources." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 366-82.*

Weedon, Alexis "The Press and Publishing: Technology and Business 1855 to 1885." In We, the "Other Victorians": Considering the Heritage of 19th-Century Thought. Ed. Silvia Caporale Bizzini. Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2003. 119-37.*

Wheale, Nigel. Writing and Society: Literacy, Print and Politics in Britain 1590-1660. London: Routledge, 1999.

Woodbridge, Linda. "Patchwork: Piecing the Early Modern Mind in England's First Century of Print Culture." English Literary Renaissance 23.1 (1993): 5-45.






Gitelman, Lisa. "Paper Knowledge: Toward a Media History of Documents." Interview by Carla Nappi. New Books in History 9 July 2014.*










Women's Print History Project.*








Cassel Multilingual Dictionary of Publishing, Printing and Bookselling. London: Market House Books, 1972.

Collin, P. H. Dictionary of Printing and Publishing. Teddington: Peter Collin, 1989.





Internet resources



Biblioteca Nacional de España: Incunables




EEBO: Early English Book Online. Chaydwyck-Healey.








Barthelme, Donald. "Our Work and Why We Do It." Story. In Barthelme, Amateurs. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1976.

_____. "Our Work and Why We Do It." In Barthelme, Sixty Stories. New York: Penguin, 1993. 317-22.*

Lovric, Michelle. The Floating Book. London: Virago Press, 2003. (London Arts Writer's Award). (Printers in 15th-c. Venice).

_____. El libro flotante. Trans. Montserrat Gurguí and Hernán Sabaté. Belacquva, 2006.









(Cambridge Studies in Publishing and Printing History). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, c. 1990.



See also Publishing; Booksellers; Book history; Printers; Books; Journalism.

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