lunes, 23 de enero de 2023

Retórica - General



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)







Classical treatises to 1800

History of rhetoric: general

History of rhetoric: specific







Albaladejo Mayordomo, Tomás. Retórica. Madrid: Síntesis, 1989.

Alcolea, Jesús. "Retórica." In Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. Ed. Luis Vega Reñón and Paula Olmos Gómez. Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 3rd ed. 2016. 522-28.*

Bain, Alexander. Manual of English Composition and Rhetoric. 1866.

Barilli, R. La retorica. Milano: Isedi, 1979.

Booth, Wayne. The Rhetoric of Rhetoric: The Quest for Effective Communcation. (Blackwell Manifestos). Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Brooks, Cleanth, and Robert Penn Warren. Modern Rhetoric. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1949. 1979.

Cerisola, P. L. Trattato di retorica e semiotica letteraria. Brescia: La Scuola, 1983.

Cockroft, Susan M., and Robert Cockcroft. Persuading People: An Introduction to Rhetoric. London: Macmillan, 1992.  2nd ed. Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

Corbett, Edward P. J. Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. New York: Oxford UP, 1971. 3rd ed. 1990.

_____. "Classical Rhetoric." In Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

D'Angelo, F. J. A Conceptual Theory of Rhetoric. Cambridge: Winthrop Publishers, 1975.

Dixon, Peter. Rhetoric. London: Methuen, 1971. 1987.*

Domairon. Rhétorique française. 1804.

Fish, Stanley. "Rhetoric." In Critical Terms for Literary Study. Ed. Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990.

Groupe m. Rhétorique générale. 1970. Paris: Larousse, 1980.

_____. Rhétorique générale. (Points). Paris: Seuil, 1982.

_____. A General Rhetoric. Trans. P. B. Burrell and E. M. Slotkin. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1981.

_____. Rhétorique de la poésie. Bruxelles: Complexe, 1977.

Kopperschmidt, J. Allgemeine Rhetorik: Einführung in die Theorie der persuasiven Kommunikation. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1973. 2nd ed. 1976.

Lanham, Richard A. A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms for Students of English Literature. Berkeley: U of California P, 1968.

_____. "Tacit Persuasion Patterns & A Dictionary of Rhetorical Terms." In Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Lausberg, Heinrich. Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik. Munich: Max Hueber, 1949. 1963.

_____. Elementos de retórica literaria. Madrid: Gredos, 1983.* Trans. of Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik.

_____. Elementi di Retorica. Bologna, 1969. Trans. of Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik.

_____. Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik: Eine Grundlegung der Literaturwissenschaft. 2 vols. Munich: Hüber, 1960.

_____. Manual de retórica literaria: Fundamentos de una ciencia de la literatura. Trans. J. Pérez Riesco.. 3 vols. Madrid: Gredos, 1966-76. 1984. Trans. of Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik.

Meyer, M. La Retorica. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1997.

Mortara Garavelli, Bice. Manuale di retorica. Fabbri, Bompiani, Sonzogno, Etas, 1988.

_____. Manual de retórica. Trans. María José Vega. Madrid: Cátedra, 1991.*

Perelman, Chaïm, and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca. "Act and Person in Argument." Ethics 61 (1951): 251-69.

_____. Rhétorique et philosophie: Pour une théorie de l'argumentation en philosophie. Paris: PUF, 1952.

_____. La Nouvelle rhétorique: Traité de l'argumentation. 2 vols. Paris: PUF, 1958.

_____. The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation. Trans. John Wilkinson and Purcell Weaver. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 1969.

_____. Trattato dell'Argomentazione: La Nuova Retorica. Torino: Einaudi, 1966.

_____. Tratado de la argumentación. Madrid: Gredos, 1989.

Pujante Sánchez, David. Manual de Retórica. Madrid: Castalia, 2003.

Romera, Ángel. "Retórica." In Libro de notas.




Classical treatises to 1900


Ad C. Herennium de ratione dicendi. (Rhetorica ad Herennium). With an English trans. by H. Caplan. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1954. 1977.

Addison, Joseph. "On Method in Writing and Speaking." In Addison, Critical Essays from the Spectator: With Four Essays by Richard Steele. Ed. Donald F. Bond. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 254-6.

Agricola, Rudolf. De inventione dialectica. (Late 15th c.).

Alcuin. Disputatio de Rhetorica. In Halm, Rhetores Latini Minores.

_____. The Rhetoric of Alcuin and Charlemagne. Trans. W. S. Howell. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1941.

Aristotle. Retórica. Bilingual edition (Greek and Spanish). Ed. Antonio Tovar. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1985. Ed. and trans. of Tekhnés Retorikés.

_____. Rhetoric. (Digest). By Thomas Hobbes. 1637.

_____. The Rhetoric. (Select.). In Saintsbury, Loci Critici. 22-31.

_____. Rhetoric. Trans. W. Rhys Roberts. In The Works of Aristotle. Ed. W. D. Ross. 12 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908-1952. Vol. 11.

_____. The Rhetoric. Trans. Lane Cooper. 1932. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-Hall, 1960.

_____. Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics. Trans. W. Rhys Roberts (Rhetoric) and Ingram Bywater (Poetics). Introd. Friedrich Solmsen. New York: Modern Library, 1954.

_____. Brief of the Art of Rhetoric. By Aristotle. 1637. (Digest).

_____. Aristotle: Treatise on Rhetoric, literally translated from the Greek, with the Analysis by T Hobbes. Trans. Thomas Buckley. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1850.

_____. The Art of Rhetoric. Trans. H. C. Lawson-Tancred. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.

_____. Rhétorique. Éthique à Nicomaque. Paris: Le Livre de Poche.

_____. (Aristóteles). Retórica. Introd., trans. and notes by Quintín Racionero. Madrid: Gredos, 1982.

_____. (Aristóteles). Retórica. Introd., trans. and notes by Quintín Racionero. (Biblioteca Gredos). Barcelona: RBA, 2007.

_____. (Aristóteles). Retórica. Introd., trans. and notes Quintín Racionero. (Biblioteca Gredos). Madrid: Gredos, 1982. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA, 2015.*

_____. (Aristotele). Retorica. Ed. F. Montanari. Milano: Mondadori, 1996.

Astore, Francesco Antonio. Filosofia dell'eloquenza o sia l'eloquenza della ragione. 2 vols. Naples, 1783.

Bain. English Composition and Rhetoric. 19th cent.

Bary, René. La Rhétorique française. 1653.

Bautain (Abate). Estudio sobre el arte de hablar en público. Barcelona, 1887.

Bede. De Schematibus et Tropis. In Helm, Rhetores Latini Minores. Trans. by G. H. Tanenhaus in Quarterly Journal of Speech 48 (1962).

Blair, Hugh. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. 2 vols. 1783. 1784? 2 vols. Ed. Harold F. Harding. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1965.

_____. Lecciones sobre la retórica y las bellas letras. Madrid: Ibarra, 1816.

Boncompagno. Rhetorica novissima. 1235.

Bouhours, Dominique. La Manière de Bien Penser. (Logic and rhetoric). 1687.

Brunetto Latini. Rettorica. In La prosa del Duecento. Ed. C. Segre and M. Marti. Milan and Naples, 1959.

Campbell, George. The Philosophy of Rhetoric. 1776.

Capella, Marcianus Minneus Felix. Liber de arte rhetorica. In Rhetores latini minores. Ed. C. Halm. Lipse: Teubner, 1863.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De inventione. Bilingual ed., trans. H. M. Hubbell. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1976.

_____. Libros de oratore tres. Vol. 1 of Rhetorica. Ed. A. S. Wilkins. Oxford: Clarendon, [1901].

_____. De Oratore. Trans. E. W. Sutton. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1959. 1979.

_____. De Oratore. Ed. and trans. A. Tovar and A. R. Bujaldón. Barcelona: Alma Mater, 1967.

_____. Brutvs. Orator. De optimo genere oratorvm. Partitiones oratoriae. Topica. Vol. 2 of Rhetorica. Ed. A. S. Wilkins. Oxford: Clarendon, 1935.

_____. De oratore. Ed. E. Courband and H. Bornecque. 3 vols. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1967.

_____. De partitione oratoria.

Cirius Fortunatius. Artis rhetoricae libri III. In Rhetores latini minores: Ex codicibus maximam partem primum adhibitis. Lipsisa: Teubner, 1863.

Colonia, Dominico de. De arte rhetorica libri quinque. Madrid: P. Barco, 1799.

Coxe, Leonard. Arte or Craft of Rhetoryke. 1524.

Crevier. Rhétorique française. 1765.

Crisóstomo de Olóriz, Juan. Desgravio de la perfecta oratoria. 1735.

Day, A. English Secretary. 1586.

De Quincey, Thomas. "Rhetoric." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (December 1828).

_____. Selected Essays on Rhetoric. Ed. Frederick Burwick. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1967.

Dionysius of Halicarnassus. De compositione verborum.

_____. Ars Rhetorica.

Donatus, Aelius. Ars Minor. Ars Maior. In Keil, Grammatici Latini 4.

_____. The Ars Minor of Donatus. Trans. W. J. Chase. Madison: U of Wisconsin, 1926.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "The Cardinal Rules of Rhetoric." In The Writer's Art: By Those Who Have Practiced It. Ed. Rollo Walter Brown. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1921. 77-89.

Erasmus of Rotterdam. De conscribendis epistolis. 1521.

Ernesti, Johann Christian. Lexicon Technologiae Graecorum Rhetoricae. Leipzig, 1795. Rpt. Hildesheim: Olms, 1962.

_____. Lexicon Technologiae Latinorum Rhetoricae. Leipzig: Fritsch, 1797.

Fabri, Pierre. Le Grand et vrai art de pleine rhétorique. [Renaissance]

Fenner, Dudley. Rhetorike plainlie sett foorth.

Fleming, A. Panoply of Epistles. 1576.

Fontanier, Pierre. Les figures du discours. 1821, 1827. París: Flammarion, 1977.*

Fortunatianus, C. Chirius. Artes Rhetoricae. 5th c.

Fouquelin.  Rhétorique française. 1555. Based on Omer Talon's Rhetorica (5th ed).

_____. La rhétorique française. In Traités de poétique et de rhétorique de la Renaissance. Ed. Francis Goyet. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 1990. 346-464.*

Fraunce, Abraham. Arcadian Rhetorike. 1588. Ed. Ethel Seaton. Oxford, 1950.

Geoffrey of Vinsauf. Poetria Nova. Trans. Margaret F. Nims. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1967.*

_____. Poetria Nova. Trans. Margaret F. Nims. Select. in Hardison 123-144.*

Gervase of Melcheley. Ars Poetica. Ed. Hans-Jürgen Gräbener. Munster: Aschendorff, 1965.

Gómez Hermosilla, José. Arte de hablar en prosa y en verso. 2 vols. Madrid, 1839.

_____. Arte de hablar en prosa y verso. Ed. D. P. Martínez López. Paris: Rosa y Bouret, 1872.

Granada, Fray Luis de. Los seis libros de la rhetorica eclesiástica. Barcelona: Obispo de Barcelona/Juan Jolis, 1770.

Harvey, Gabriel. Rhetor. 1577.

_____. Ciceronianus. 1577.

Hornero, Calixto. Elementos de retórica, con exemplos latinos de Cicerón y castellanos de Fray Luis de Granada. Madrid: Ibarra, 1827. 1833.

Isidore of Seville. Etymologiarum sive Originum Libri XX. Ed. W. M. Lindsay. 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon, 1911.

_____. Etimologías. Bilingual ed. 2 vols. Ed. José Oroz Reta and Manuel-A. Marcos Casquero. Introd. Manuel C. Díaz y Díaz. 2nd ed. Madrid: BAC, 1993.*

Jewel, John. Oratio contra Rhetoricam. c. 1548. In Works of John Jewel. Portion 4. Ed. J. Ayre. Parker Society, 1850.

Lamy, Bernard. La Rhétorique ou l'Art de parler. 1688.

Lanham, Richard A. A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms. 2nd ed. Berkeley: U of California P, 1991.

Latorre y Pérez, Nicolás. Manual de retórica y poética o elementos de literatura preceptiva. Jerez: El Guadalete, 1890.

Lulli, Raymond. Ramón Llull's New Rhetoric: Text and Translation of Llull's Rhetorica Nova. Ed. and trans. Mark D. Johnston. London: Erlbaum-Hermagoras Press, 1994.

Longinus. Pery hypsous / On the sublime. 80 A. D.? Bilingual edition. Ed. and trans. W. Hamilton Fyfe. In Aristotle, The poetics. 'Longinus'. On the Sublime. Demetrius. On Style. 119-254.*

_____. Peri hypsous / Sobre lo sublime. Bilingual edition. In Anónimo, Sobre lo sublime. Aristóteles Poética. Barcelona: Bosch, 1977.*

_____. On Literary Excellence. In Gilbert 146-98. Trans. of Peri hypsous.*

_____. On the Sublime. Trans. T. S. Dorsch. In Classical Literary Criticism. 97-158.*

Manzanares, Fernando de. Flores rhetorici. Salamanca, ca. 1488.

Marbodus. De ornamentis verborum. In Migne, Patrologia latina 171.

Mayáns y Siscar, Gregorio, Obras Completas, III: Retórica. Ed. A. Mestre Sanchís. Valencia: Ayuntamiento de Oliva / Diputación de Valencia, Consejería de Cultura, Educación y Ciencia, 1984.

Melanchton, Philip. Institutiones rhetoricae. 1521.

Menander Rhetor: Edited with Translation and Commentary by D. A. Russell and N. G. Wilson. Oxford, 1981.

Merino, Manuel. Tratado de Retórica. Valencia: Salvador Faulí, 1790.

Miguel, Raimundo de. Curso elemental teórico-práctico de retórica y poética. Madrid: Agustín Jubera, 1875.

Muñoz y Garnica, Manuel. Estudio sobre la elocuencia sagrada. Jaén, Medina, 1852.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. (Course on rhetoric). 1873.

_____. "Rhétorique et langage." Ed. and trans. Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy. Poétique 5 (1971): 99-142.

Oldmixon, John. The Arts of Logick and Rhetorick. 1728.

Peacham, Henry. The Garden of Eloquence. London, 1577. 1593.

_____. The Garden of Eloquence. 1577, 1593. Ed. W. G. Crane.  Delmanr (NY): Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1954. 1977.

Petronius. Fragments on declamation and poetry. In Saintsbury, Loci Critici. 59-61.

Plato. Gorgias. Gorgias. Trans. W. R. M. Lamb (Loeb ed.).

_____. Gorgias. Ed. and trans. W. C. Helmbold. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill-Liberal Arts Press, 1952. 1981.

_____. Gorgias. In Platón: Diálogos II. Madrid: Gredos, 1982. Rpt. (Biblioteca Gredos). Barcelona: RBA, 2007. 7-145.*

_____. La república o el Estado. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1941. 16th. ed. 1986.

_____. The Republic. Trans. selection in Gilbert 24-54.

_____. Plato's Sophist. Ed. Seth Benardete. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986.

Pomey (Père). Novus candidatus rhetoricae. 1659.

Prideaux, John. (Bishop of Worcester). Sacred Eloquence: Or the Art of Rhetoric as it is Laid down in the Scriptures. 1659.

Pseudo-Plutarch. De vita et poesi Homeri. 3rd century A. D.?

_____. Sobre la vida y poesía de Homero. In Pseudo Plutarco, Sobre la vida y poesía de Homero; Porfirio, El antro de las ninfas de la Odisea; Salustio, Sobre los dioses y el mundo. Trans. Enrique Angel Ramos Jurado. Madrid: Gredos, 1989. 8-191.

Quintilian, M. F. Institutio oratoria. Trans. H. E. Butler. Cambridge (MA): (Loeb Classical Library), 1979.

_____. Institutio Oratoria. (Select.). In Loci Critici. Ed. George Saintsbury. Boston: Ginn, 1903.62-73.

_____. Institutio Oratoria. Select. from Book X. Trans. J. H. Smith. In The Great Critics. Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932.*

_____. From Institutio Oratoria. (From Books 8.5, 9.1, 12.2). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. Institution Oratoire. 9 vols. Ed. J. Cousin. Paris: Budé-Les Belles Lettres, 1975.

_____. L'Istituzione Oratoria. Ed. R. Faranda. Torino: UTET, 1968.

Rainolde, P. Foundations of Rhetoric. 1563.

Ramus, Petrus. P. Rami Scholarum rhetoricarum, seu Quaestionum Brutinarum in Oratorem Ciceronis, libri XX. Ed. Joan Piscator. Frankfurt, 1593.

_____. Petri Rami Scholae in tres primas liberales artes. (Composite version of Ramus' Scholae grammaticae, Quaestiones Brutinae in Oratorem Ciceronis, and Animadversiones ad Organum Aristotelis.

Ramus, Petrus, and Omer Talon. Organum dialecticum et rhetoricum. (Several combinations of their Rhetoricae and Dialecticae).

Rapin, René. Discours sur la comparaison de l'éloquence de Démostène et de Cicéron. 1670.

_____. Réflexions sur l'usage de l'éloquence. 1672.

Rhetorica ad Alexandrum. Trans. H. Rackam. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1957.

_____. Retórica a Alejandro. Ed. José Sánchez Sanz. (Acta Salmanticensia; Estudios Filológicos, 217). Salamanca: Ediciones U de Salamanca, 1989.*

Rhetorica ad Herennium.

_____. Retórica a Herenio. Ed. and trans. Salvador Núñez. (Biblioteca clásica Gredos, 244). Madrid: Gredos, 1997.*

Riederer, F. Spiegel der Wahren Rhetorik. Freiburg in Breisgau, 1493.

Rollin, Charles. De la manière d'enseigner et d'étudier les belles lettres, par rapport à l'esprit et au cœur. 4 vols. 1726-1728. (Rhetoric, education).

Schopenhauer, Arthur. II.1.2.7. "Sobre la retórica." In Schopenhauer, El Mundo como Voluntad y Representación (Volumen Segundo). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014. 133-34.*

Sherry, Richard. A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes. 1550.

_____. A Treatise of the Figures of Grammer and Rhetorike, profitable for al that be studious of Eloquence ... sette foorth by Richarde Sherrye ... London: Ricardi Totteli, 1555.

Smith, Adam. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres Delivered in the University of Glasgow by A. S. Reported by a Student in 1762-1763. Ed. John M. Lothian. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1963.

_____. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. Ed. J. C. Bryce. (The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith, IV). Oxford: Clarendon Press, forthcoming 1976. (Including Considerations Concerning the First Formation of Languages).

Smith, John. The Mysterie of Rhetorique Unveil'd. London, 1657. (10th ed. 1721).

_____. The Mysterie of Rhetorique Unveil'd. London: George Eversden, 1665.

Sulpicius Victor. Institutiones Oratoriae. In Rhetores latini minores. Ed. C. Halm. Lipse: Teubner, 1863.

Susenbrotus. Epitome troporum ac Schematum. 1540.

Tacitus, Publius Cornelius. Dialogvs de oratoribvs. Barcelona: Bosch, 1976.* (Oratory; Poet; Style; Fame; Education; Morality)

_____. Dialogue on Orators. In Ancient Literary Criticism. Ed. D. A. Russell and M. Winterbottom. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.

_____. Diálogo sobre los oradores. In Tacitus, Agrícola. Germania. Diálogo sobre los oradores. Introd., trans. and notes by J. M. Requejo. (Biblioteca Básica Gredos, 91). Madrid: Gredos, 2001.*

Talon, Omer. Institutiones Oratoriae. 1545.

_____. Rhetorica. 5th ed., 1552.

_____. Rhetoricae libri duo. Ed. Petrus Ramus. 1562.

Trapezuntius. Rhetorica. c. 1437. Trans. of Aristotle's Tekhnés retorikés.

Traversagni. Nova rhetorica. 1478.

Vico, Giambattista. Delle instituzioni oratorie: opera inedita di Giovan Battista Vico. Italian and Latin version. Ed. Luigi Parchetti. 1844, 1845.

_____. Institutiones Oratoriae. Ed. Giuliano Crifò. Napoli: Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa, 1989.

_____. The Art of Rhetoric (Institutiones Oratoriae, 1711-1741). From the Definitive Latin Text and Notes, Italian Commentary and Introduction by Giuliano Crifò. Ed. and trans. Giorgio A. Pinton and Arthur W. Shippee. (Value Inquiry Book Series 37). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996.*

Vives, Luis. In pseudo-dialecticos.

_____. El arte retórica / De ratione dicendi. Bilingual ed. Introd. Emilio Hidalgo-Serna. Ed., trans. and notes Ana Isabel Camacho. (Autores, Textos y Temas: Humanismo, 3). Barcelona: Anthropos / Fundación Studia Humanitatis / MEC, 1998.*

_____. De discipliniis. 1531. (Disciplines, Arts, Letters, Grammar, Dialectic, Rhetoric, Natural philosophy, Medicine, Mathematics, Moral Philosophy, Civil Law, Metaphysics, Probability, Truth, Argumentation, Logic).

_____. Las disciplinas. Trans. Lorenzo Riber (Real Academia Española). Introd. Francisco José Fortuny. Madrid: Aguilar, 1948.

_____. Las disciplinas. Trans. Lorenzo Riber. Introd. Francisco José Fortuny. 2 vols. (Historia del Pensamiento, 83, 84). Barcelona: Orbis, 1985.*

Vossius, Gerhard (Johann Gerhard Voss, 1577-1649). "Rhétorique de l'ironie." Poétique 36 (1978): 495-508.

Whately, Richard. Elements of Rhetoric. 1828.

Wilson, Thomas. The Arte of Rhetorique. 1553. 1560.

_____. The Arte of Rhetorique, for the use of all soche as are studious of Eloquence, ... by Thomas Wilson. London: Iohn Kingston, London, 1560.

_____. The Arte of Rhetorique, 1560. Ed. G. H. Mair. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909.

_____. The Art of Rhetoric. 1560. Ed. Peter E. Medine. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1994.*





Garrido Gallardo, Miguel Ángel, ed. Retóricas españolas del siglo XVI escritas en latín. CD-ROM. Madrid: CSIC / Fundación Hernando de Larramendi, 2004.

Goyet, Francis, ed. Traités de poétique et de rhétorique de la Renaissance. Paris: Librairie Générale Française, 1990.

Halm, Karl, ed. Rhetores Latini Minores. Leipzig: Teubner, 1863. Rpt. Dubuque (IO): Brown, 1964.

Keil, Heinrich, ed. Grammatici Latini. 7 vols and suppl. Leipzig: Teubner, 1857-80.

Schildgen, Brenda Deen, ed. The Rhetoric Canon. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998.

Spengel, Leonhard von, ed. Rhetores Graeci. 3 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1853-56.









Breuer, Dieter, and Helmut Schanze. Bibliography of treatises on rhetoric (16th-20th centuries) in Topik. Munich, 1981. 217-18.









Beristáin, Helena. Diccionario de retórica y poética. México: Porrúa, 1985. 2nd ed. 1988. 7th ed. 1995.*

Jost, Walter, and Wendy Olsmted, eds. A Companion to Rhetoric and Rhetorical Criticism. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture). Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Lausberg, Heinrich. Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik. Munich: Max Hueber, 1949. 1963.

_____. Elementos de retórica literaria. Madrid: Gredos, 1983. Trans. of Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik.

_____. Elementi di Retorica. Bologna, 1969. Trans. of Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik.

_____. Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik: Eine Grundlegung der Literaturwissenschaft. 2 vols. Munich, 1960.

_____. Manual de retórica literaria. 3 vols. Madrid: Gredos, 1968-76. 1984. Trans. of Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik.

Marchese, Angelo, and Joaquín Forradellas. Diccionario de retórica, crítica y terminología literaria. Barcelona: Ariel, 1986.

Morier, Henri. Dictionnaire de poétique et de rhétorique. Paris, 1961.

_____. Dictionnaire de poétique et de rhétorique. 2nd ed. Paris: PUF, 1975.



Internet resources



Classic Persuasion.



Silva Rhetoricae: Forest of Rhetoric. Gideon Burton, Brigham Young U.*











University of California Press

Journals Department

2120 Berkeley Way

Berkeley, California 94720


Vol. 1 (1983).



Rhetorical Theory eJournal

Social Science Research Network

Vol. 1.3 (8 August 2012).







Seely, John, series ed. (One Step Ahead). Oxford: Oxford UP. (Professional rhetoric).




History of rhetoric: General


Florescu, V. La retorica nel suo sviluppo storico. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1971.

Hernández Guerrero, José Antonio, and Mª del Carmen García Tejera. Historia breve de la Retórica. (Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada). Madrid: Síntesis, 1994.*





Bizzell, Patricia, and Bruce Herzberg, eds. The Rhetorical Tradition: Readings from Classical Times to the Present. Boston and New York: Bedford/Saint Martin's, 2001.








International Society for the History of Rhetoric

Founded Zürich, 1977

President: Peter France, Edinburgh

Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric

Ed. Craig Kallendorf (Texas A&M).

Vol. 12.3 (Summer 1994)





History of rhetoric: Specific


Alberte González, Antonio. Retórica medieval: Historia de las Artes predicatorias. C. 2003.

Alburquerque García, Luis. El arte de hablar en público: Seis retóricas famosas. Madrid: Visor, 1995.

Ars rhetorica antica e nuova 83. Genoa: U of Genoa, 1983.

Asensi Pérez, Manuel. "Sistema retórico clásico." In Asensi, Historia de la Teoría de la Literatura (Desde los inicios hasta el siglo XIX). Vol. 1. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch, 1998. 145-83.*

Baldwin, Charles Sears. Ancient Rhetoric and Poetic. New York: Macmillan, 1924.

_____. Medieval Rhetoric and Poetic (to 1400): Interpreted from Representative Works. New York: Macmillan, 1928.

_____. Medieval Rhetoric and Poetic to 1400. Rpt. Gloucester (MA), 1959; New York: Macmillan, 1959.

_____. Renaissance Literary Theory and Practice: Classicism in the Rhetoric and Poetic of Italy, France, and England, 1400-1600. Ed. Donald Lemen Clark. New York: Columbia UP, 1939.

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Bibliography for Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication


García Landa, José Angel. "Rhetoric." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at Scribd (javier_1000) 7 May 2011.*


_____. "Rhetoric." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at CoolEssays 14 Sept. 2012.*




Murphy, James J. Medieval Rhetoric: A Select Bibliography. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1971.









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Beristáin, Helena. Diccionario de retórica y poética. México: Porrúa, 1985. 7th ed. 1995.*

Lausberg, Heinrich. Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik. Munich: Max Hueber, 1949. 1963.

_____. Elementos de retórica literaria. Madrid: Gredos, 1983. Trans. of Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik.

_____. Elementi di Retorica. Bologna, 1969. Trans. of Elemente der literarischen Rhetorik.

_____. Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik: Eine Grundlegung der Literaturwissenschaft. 2 vols. Munich, 1960.

_____. Manual de retórica literaria. 3 vols. Madrid: Gredos, 1966-68. 1976. 1984. Trans. of Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik.

Vega Reñón, Luis, and Paula Olmos Gómez, eds. Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. (Colección Estructuras y Procesos; Serie Filosofía). Madrid: Trotta, 2011. 2nd ed. 2012. 3rd ed. 2016.*






See also Lit. theory-general. Dictionaries.




Internet resources



Peithô's Web: Classic Rhetoric and Persuasion



Rhetorical Structure Theory (Bill Mann, Maite Taboada).










Ars rhetorica antica e nuova 83. Genoa: U of Genoa, 1983.


History of Rhetoric eJournal




Philosophy and Rhetoric 13 (1980).


Rhetoric Educator: Communication, Composition, Rhetoric & Writing eJournal 12 Feb. 2021.*

Elsevier - SSRN




Quarterly journal of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric.

University of California Press

Journals Department

2120 Berkeley Way

Berkeley, California 94720


Vol. 1 (1983).


Rhetorical Theory eJournal


Vol. 1.3 (8 August 2012).



Rhetorical Analysis eJournal.*

Elsevier – SSRN









Jaramillo Agudelo, Darío. Tratado de retórica. Poetry. (Premio Nacional de Poesía, 1978).







Actas del II Encuentro sobre Retórica, Texto y Comunicación. Cádiz, 1994. (forthcoming 1996).







 (Rhetores Graeci 6). Leipzig, 1913.


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