domingo, 22 de enero de 2023

Lectura y lectores (literatura)



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Readers and Reading (Literature)


Top ten

Early works

Readers and Reading: Miscellaneous

Implied readers, Ideal readers

On Reader-response criticism

Reading groups and clubs

Readers' blogs

Teaching reading




Top ten


Bennett, Andrew, ed. Readers and Reading. (Longman Critical Readers). London: Longman, 1995.

Eco, Umberto. The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1979.

Fish, Stanley. Is There a Text in this Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1980.

Galef, David, ed. Second Thoughts: A Focus on Rereading. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998.*

Ingarden, Roman. The Cognition of the Literary Work of Art. Trans. Ruth Ann Crowley and Kenneth R. Olson. Evanson: Northwestern UP, 1973.

Jauss, Hans-Robert. Aesthetic Experience and Literary Hermeneutics. Trans. Michael Shaw. Introd. Wlad Godzich. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1982.

Miller, J. Hillis. The Ethics of Reading. New York: Columbia UP, 1987.*

Suleiman, Susan R., and Inge Crosman, eds. The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1980.

Tompkins, Jane P. ed. Reader-Response Criticism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1980.*

Willand, Marcus. Lesermodelle und Lesertheorien: Historische und systematische Perspektiven. (Narratologia, 41). Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014.*





Early works on reading (to 1900)



Balfour, Arthur. Essays and Addresses. Edinburgh: Douglas, 1893. (The Pleasures of Reading)

Bury, Richard of. (Richard de Bury). Philobiblon.

_____. The Love of Books: The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury. Newly Translated into English by E. C. Thomas. London: Chatto & Windus, 1909. Online at U of Virginia Library


_____. (Ricart de Bury). Filobiblon. In Ricart de Bury, El filobiblon. Jonathan Swift, Batalla entre libros antiguos y modernos. Theodor Besterman, Los principios de la bibliografía moderna. Cervantes, Viaje del Parnaso. Trans. José María Claramunda Bes. Introd. Jaime Uyá Morera. Barcelona: Zeus, 1971. 17-102.*

Chekhov, Anton. (Antón P. Chéjov). "Divagaciones de un lector." 1883. In Chéjov, Cuentos completos (1880-1885). Ed. Paul Viejo. 3rd ed. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2014. 411-12.*

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "Libros." 1870. In Emerson, Escritos de estética y poética. Ed. and trans. Ricardo Miguel Alfonso. Málaga: Universidad de Málaga, 2000. 117-32.*

Feijoo, Benito Jerónimo (Fray). "Sobre la lectura." From Cartas eruditas y curiosas. In Feijoo, Antología popular. Ed. Eduardo Blanco-Amor. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Galicia, 1966. 264-5.*

Larra, Mariano José de. "¿Quién es el público y dónde se encuentra?" In Larra, Artículos. Ed. Enrique Rubio. Madrid: Cátedra, 1992. 127-37.*

Montaigne, Michel de. "Des livres." In Essais II. (Folio). 104-19.*

_____. "II.x. De los libros." In Montaigne, Ensayos completos. Madrid: Cátedra, 2003. 2010. 418-27.*

Nietzsche, F. "On Reading and Writing." In Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Trans. Walter Kaufmann. New York, 1966.

Poe, Edgar Allan. "Listener's Lure." In Poe, Poems and Essays. London: Dent, 1987. 340.

Quiller-Couch, A. T. "The Attitude of the Public towards Letters." In Quiller-Couch, Adventures in Criticism. London: Cassell, 1896. 266-78.*

_____. On the Art of Reading. 1920. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1924.*

Schopenhauer, Arthur. "24. Sobre lectura y libros." In Schopenhauer, Parerga y Paralipómena II. Madrid: Trotta, 2009. 565-77.*

Stevenson, R. L. "Books Which Have Influenced Me." In Stevenson, Essays in the Art of Writing. London: Chatto, 1910. 77-96.*

_____. "Los libros que más me han influido." In Stevenson, Obras completas. Barcelona: RBA, 2005. 4.269-73.*

Thoreau, Henry David.  "Reading." In Thoreau, Walden or Life in the Woods. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1854. (Education; Classical literature; Agrarianism; Transcendentalism)

Voltaire. "Del horrible peligro de la lectura." In Voltaire, Opúsculos. Cuentos. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Voltaire, II). Madrid: Gredos, 2010. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA, 2014. 57-60.*

Wilde, Oscar. "To Read, or Not to Read." Letter to the Editor, Pall Mall Gazette 8 Feb. 1886.

_____. "To Read or Not To Read." In Wilde, The Artist as Critic: Critical Writings of Oscar Wilde. New York: Random House, 1969.

_____. "To Read, or Not to Read." In Wilde, Selected Journalism. Ed. Anya Clayworth. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.* (On the article series "The Best Hundred Books by the Best Hundred Judges").

_____. "Hay que leer o no leer." Essay. In Wilde, Obras Completas. Ed. and trans. Julio Gómez de la Serna. Madrid: Aguilar, 1943. 1986. 1124-25.* Rpt. Santillana-Aguilar, 2003. 2.448-49.*

_____. "Hay que leer o no leer." In Ensayos. Artículos. Trans. Julio Gómez de la Serna. (Jorge Luis Borges: Biblioteca Personal, 3). Barcelona: Orbis, 1986. 288-89.*






Readers and Reading: Miscellaneous


Acosta Gómez, Luis A. El lector y la obra. (Biblioteca Románica Hispánica, II: Estudios y Ensayos, 368). Madrid: Gredos, 1989.*

Aguiar e Silva, Vítor Manuel de. Competência linguística e competência literaria. 1977.

_____. Competencia lingüística y competencia literaria: Sobre la posibilidad de una Poética generativa. Madrid: Gredos, 1980.

Alcorn, Marshall W., Jr. "Projection and the Resistance of the Signifier: A Reader-Response Theory of Textual Presence." In Alcorn, Narcissism and the Literary Libido. New York: New York UP, 1994. 63-102.*

Allen, James Smith. "Toward a History of Reading in Modern France, 1800-1940." French Historical Studies 15.2 (Fall 1987).

Andreu, Agustín. "Del leer." Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza 59-60 (2006). Special issue on "Invitación a la lectura".

Arata, Stephen D. "Strange Cases, Common Facts: Degeneration and the Pleasures of Professional Reading." In Centuries' Ends, Narrative Means. Ed. Robert Newman. Stanford (CA): Stanford UP, 1996. 171-90.*

Asensi, Manuel. Theoría de la lectura: Para una crítica paradójica. (Libros Hiperión, 98). Madrid: Hiperión, 1987.

Atwood, M. "The Pleasures of Rereading: A Symposium." New York Times Book Review 12 June 1983: 43.

Auden, W. H. "Leer." In Auden, Los señores del límite: Selección de poemas y ensayos (1927-1973). Ed. and trans. Jordi Doce. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores – Galaxia Gutenberg, 2007. 361-73.*

Ayala, Francisco. "Para quién escribimos nosotros." 1949. In El ensayo español: Siglo XX. Ed. Jordi Gracia and Domingo Ródenas. Barcelona: Crítica, 2009. 540-55.*

Banon, D. La lecture infinie: Les voies de l'interprétation midrachique. Paris: Seuil, 1987.

Baroni Raphaël. "Genres littéraires et orientation de la lecture." Poétique 134 (2003): 141-157.

Barthes, Roland. "Ecrire la lecture." 1970. In Barthes, Le Bruissement de la langue. Paris: Seuil, 1984.

_____. S/Z. Paris: Seuil, 1970.

_____. Le Plaisir du texte. Paris: Seuil, 1973.

_____. Le Plaisir du Texte. Paris: Seuil (Points).

_____. The Pleasure of the Text. Trans. Richard Miller. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1975.

_____. The Pleasure of the Text. London: Jonathan Cape, 1976.

_____. Le Plaisir du Texte. Ed. and trans. Mireille Rosello. Multilingual hypertext version (Hypercard and Intermedia).

_____. From The Pleasure of the Text. In A Critical and Cultural Theory Reader. Ed. Antony Easthope and Kate McGowan. Buckingham: Open UP, 1992. 96-98.*

_____. El placer del texto. Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1974.

_____. "Sur la lecture." 1975. In Barthes, Le Bruissement de la langue. Paris: Seuil, 1984. 37-48.

Bayard, Pierre. Cómo hablar de los libros que no se han leído. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2008.

_____. Cómo hablar de los libros que no se han leído. Trans. Albert Galvany. (Compactos). Barcelona : Anagrama, 2011.

_____. Le plagiat par anticipation. (Paradoxe). Paris: Minuit, 2009.*

Baym, Nina. Novels, Readers and Reviewers: Responses to Fiction in Antebellum America. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1984.

Beckett, Sandra L., ed. Transcending Boundaries: Writing for a Dual Audience of Children and Adults. (Children's Literature and Culture). Garland, 1999.

Belanger, Terry. "Publishers and Writers in Eighteeenth-Century England." In Books and their Readers in Eighteenth-century England. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. 1-25.

Bennett, Andrew, ed. Readers and Reading. (Longman Critical Readers). London: Longman, 1995.

Bennett, D. "Parody, Postmodernism and the Politics of Reading." Critical Quarterly 27.4 (1985): 27-43.

Bennett, Tony. "Texts, Readers, Reading Formations." Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association 16.1 (1983).

_____. "Texts, Readers, Reading Formations." 1983. In Modern Literary Theory: A Reader. Ed. Philip Rice and Patricia Waugh.   London: Arnold, 1990. 206-21.

Bergamín, José. "Leer y releer." 1958. In El ensayo español: Siglo XX. Ed. Jordi Gracia and Domingo Ródenas. Barcelona: Crítica, 2009. 469-73.*

Bergeron, David M., ed. Reading and Writing in Shakespeare. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1996.

Bértolo, Constantino, and Julio Peñate. "Novela, público y mercado." In Los nuevos nombres: 1975-2000. Primer suplemento. Ed. Jordi Gracia. Vol. 9.1 of Historia y Crítica de la Literatura Española. Gen. ed. Francisco Rico. Barcelona: Crítica, 2000. 278-89.*

Bérubé, Michael. "There is Nothing Inside the Text, or, Why No One’s Heard of Wolfgang Iser." In Postmodern Sophistry: Stanley Fish and the Critical Enterprise. Ed. Gary A. Olson and Lynn Worsham. SUNY, 2004. 11-26.

Birkerts, Sven. "The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age." New Letters*

_____. "Some Thoughts on Rereading." In Second Thoughts: A Focus on Rereading. Ed. David Galef. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998. 340-43.*

_____. Elegía a Gutenberg: El futuro de la lectura en la era electrónica. Madrid: Alianza, 1999.

Blanchot, Maurice. "L'œuvre et la communication." L'Espace littéraire. Paris: Gallimard, 1955. 249-76.

Blanco, Mónica, and Manuel Alcides Jofre, eds. Para leer al lector. Santiago: Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, 1987.

Bleich, David. Readings and Feelings: An Introduction to Subjective Criticism. Urbana (IL): National Council of Teachers of English, 1975.

_____. Subjective Criticism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1978.

_____. "Epistemological Assumptions in the Study of Response." From Subjective Criticism. In Reader-Response Criticism. Ed. Jane P. Tompkins. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1980. 134-63.

Bloom, Harold. How to Read and Why. London: Fourth Estate, 2000.*

Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza 59-60 (2006). Special issue on "Invitación a la lectura."


Booth, Wayne C. "The Way I Loved George Eliot: Friendship with Books as a Neglected Metaphor." Kenyon Review 11.2 (1980): 4-27.*

_____. "Emotions, Beliefs, and the Reader's Objectivity." Select. in Twentieth-Century Literary Theory. Ed. K. M. Newton. London: Macmillan, 1988. 61-4.*

Booth, Wayne, and Marshall W. Gregory. The Harper & Row Reader: Liberal Education through Reading & Writing. 1988.

Bourdieu, Pierre. Les Règles de l'art: Genèse et structure du champ littéraire. (Libre Examen). Paris: Seuil, 1992. (Literary theory; ideology; social semiotics; sociology of literature; Flaubert; 19th-century French literature; authorship; aestheticism; perspective; reading).

_____. Les Règles de l'art: Genèse et structure du champ littéraire. (Points; Essais, 370). Paris: Seuil, 1998.*

_____. The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field. Trans. Susan Emanuel. Stanford (CA): Stanford UP, 1996.

Bové, Paul A. "The Poetics of Coercion: An Interpretation of Litearry Competence." Boundary 2 5.1 (Fall 1976).

Bower, Gordon H., and Randolph K. Cirilo. "Cognitive Psychology and Text Processing." In Handbook of Discourse Analysis, 1: Disciplines of Discourse. Ed. Teun A. van Dijk. New York: Academic Press, 1985.

Brenkman, John. "The Other and the One: Psycho-Analysis, Reading." Yale French Studies 55/56 (1977).

Brewer, W. "The Nature of Narrative Suspense and the Problem of Reading." In Suspense: Conceptualizations, Theoretical Analyses, and Empirical Explorations. Ed. H. Wulff and M. Friedrichsen. London: Routledge, 1996. 107-27.

Broennimann-Egger, W. The Friendly Reader: Modes of Cooperation between Eighteenth-Century English Poets and Their Audience. 1991.

Brown, Charles Brockden. "To the Public." 1799. Preface to Edgar Huntly. In American Literature, American Culture. Ed. Gordon Hutner. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 12.*

Buchmann, Ulrike. "Promoción de la lectura y resultados escolares: una perspectiva alemana." Boletín de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza 59-60 (2006). Special issue on "Invitación a la lectura".

Bürger, P. "Problemas de investigación de la recepción." 1977. In Mayoral 1987. 177-211.

Burke, Kenneth. Counterstatement. 1931. Berkeley: U of California P, 1968.

Burnet, R., D. Luciani, and G. Van Oyen, eds. Le lecteur: Sixième Colloque International du RRENAB, Université Catholique de Louvain, 24-26 du mai 2012. (BETL 273). Leuven, Peeters, 2015.

Butler, Christopher. "The Future of Theory: Saving the Reader." In The Future of Literary Theory. Ed. Ralph Cohen. New York: Routledge, 1989. 229-49.

Calinescu, Matei. Rereading. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993.

_____. "Orality in Literacy: Some Historical Paradoxes of Reading and Rereading." In Second Thoughts: A Focus on Rereading. Ed. David Galef. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998. 51-74.*

Calles, Juan María. "La estética de la recepción y el nuevo concepto de lector." In Miscel-lània homenatge Enrique García Díez. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia / Consellería de Cultura, Educació i Ciència de la Generalitat Valenciana, 1991. 559-66.*

Calvino, Italo. "Whom do We Write For? or The Hypothetical Bookshelf." In Calvino, The Literature Machine. Trans. Patrick Creagh. London: Pan/Secker & Warburg, 1987. 81-88.*

_____. Pourquoi lire les classiques. Paris: Seuil, 1996.

_____. Por qué leer los clásicos. Trans. Aurora Bernárdez. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1992.

Castañeda, José Carlos. "El maestro de la lectura: Elegir, preferir, regresar al texto." In Etcétera


Castellet, José María.  La hora del lector. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1987 (Italian trans. Torino: Einaudi, 1957).

_____. La hora del lector. Critical ed. Laureano Bonet. (Ficciones, 36). Barcelona: Península, 2001.* (authorship, stream of consciousness, narrative technique, reading, future of literature).

_____.  L’hora del lector. Poesia, realisme, història. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1987.

Caws, Mary Ann, ed. Textual Analysis: Some Readers Reading. New York: MLA, 1986.

Charles, Michel. Rhétorique de la lecture. Paris: Seuil, 1977.

Chartier, Roger. Lectures et lecteurs dans la France de l'Ancien Régime. Paris: Seuil, 1986.

_____. The Cultural Uses of Print in Early Modern France. Trans. Lysdia G. Cochrane. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1987.

_____. Les Origines culturelles de la Révolution française. Paris: Seuil, 1991.

_____. Libros, lecturas y lectores en la Edad Moderna. Trans. Mauro Armiño. Madrid: Alianza, 1993.

Chatman, Seymour. "Introduction: The Pleasures of Reading Fiction." In Chatman, Reading Narrative Fiction. New York: Macmillan, 1993. 1-6.*

Chekhov, Anton (Antón P. Chéjov). "La lectura." 1884. In Chéjov, Cuentos completos (1880-1885). Ed. Paul Viejo. 3rd ed. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2014. 807-10.*

Chevrel, Yves. "Théories de la réception: Perspectives comparatistes." Degrés 29.40 (1984): j1-j15.

Christie, Chris. "Theories of Textual Determination and Audience Agency: An Empirical Contribution to the Debate." In Gendering the Reader. Ed. Sara Mills. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994. 47-66.*

Clark, Nick. "Fifty Shades of Grey and JK Rowling's The Casual Vacancy Are All Too Putdownable." Independent 11 July 2013.*


Clemente, Julián M. "Sueños de lector." In Marvel 75 años: La Era Clásica. Ed. Julián M. Clemente, Alejandro M. Viturtia et al. Barcelona: Panini / Marvel Comics, 2014. 683-84.*

Cochran-Smith, M. The Making of a Reader. Norwood (NJ): Ablex / American Psychological Association, 1984.

Collins, A.M., and E. F. Loftus. "A Spreading-Activation Theory of Semantic Processing." Psychological Review 82 (1975): 407-428.

Colomer, Teresa. La formació del lector literari. Barcelona: Barcanova, 1998.

_____. "La formación del lector literario." In Narrativa infantil y juvenil actual. Madrid: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, 1998. 260-67.

Compagnon, Antoine, and John Lough. Writer and Public in France. Oxford: Clarendon, 1978.

Cook, Guy. "Incorporating the Reader: Two Analyses combining Stylistics and Schema Theory." In Cook, Discourse and Literature. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994. 161-80.*

Cooper, David L. "Lolita: A Text for Rereading." Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism and Pedagogy 37 (1997): 27-42.

Cornis-Pope, Marcel, and Ann Woodlief. "The Rereading/Rewriting Process: Theory and Collaborative, On-line Pedagogy." In Intertexts: Reading Pedagogy in College Writing Classrooms. Ed. Marguerite Helmers. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002.

Online ed. in Ann Woodlief's web page, Virginia Commmonwealth University (Fall 2000)


Corti, Maria. Principi della comunicazione letteraria. Milan: Bompiani, 1976.

_____. An Introduction to Literary Semiotics. Trans. Margherita Bogat and Allen Mandelbaum. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1978.*

Coste, D. "Trois conceptions du lecteur et leur contribution à une théorie du texte littéraire." Poétique 43 (1980): 354-71.

Crawford, Mary, and Roger Chafin. "The Reader's Construction of Meaning: Cognitive Research on Gender and Comprehension." In Gender and Reading: Essays on Readers, Texts, and Contexts. Ed. Elizabeth A. Flynn and Patrocinio P. Schweickart. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1984. 3-30.

Crismore, Avon. Talking with Readers: Metadiscourse as Rhetorical Act. New York: Peter Lang, 1989.

Cristóbal Montes, Ángel. "Escribir y releer un libro." (La Opinión). Heraldo de Aragón 27 June 2020: 26.*


Crosman, I. "Reference and the Reader." Poetics Today 4.1 (1983).

Culler, Jonathan. "Literary Competence." From Structuralist Poetics. In Reader-Response Criticism. Ed. Jane P. Tompkins. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1980. 101-17.*

_____. "Literary Competence." In Semiotics. Ed. Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, Alexandros Lagopoulos and Mark Gottdiener. London: SAGE, 2002. Vol. 3.

_____. "Prolegomena to a Theory of Reading." In The Reader in the Text. Ed. S. R. Suleiman and I. Crosman. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1980. 36-66.

_____. "Semiotics as a Theory of Reading." In Culler, The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. 47-79.*

_____. "Stanley Fish and the Righting of the Reader." In Culler, The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. 119-32.*

_____. "Readers and Reading." In Culler, On Deconstruction. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1982. 31-84.*

_____. "Semiotics as a Theory of Reading." Select. in Twentieth-Century Literary Theory. Ed. K. M. Newton. London: Macmillan, 1988. 172-5.

Currie, Gregory. "L’interprétation du non-fiable: narrateurs non-fiables et œuvres non-fiables."


Cusset, François. "Unthinkable Readers: The Political Blindspot of French Literature." New Literary History 44.2 (2013).*

Dane, J. A. "The Defense of the Incompetent Reader." Comparative Literature 38 (1986): 53-72.

Davidson, Cathy N. "Towards a History of Books and Readers." American Quarterly 40.1 (March 1988).

Davis, Philip. The Experience of Reading. London: Routledge, 1991.

_____, ed. Real Voices: On Reading. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996.

de Botton, Alain "How to Read for Yourself." In de Botton, How Proust can Change Your Life. London: Picador, 1997. 1998. 9-30.*

_____. "How to Put Books Down." In de Botton, How Proust can Change Your Life. London: Picador, 1997. 1998. 189-215.*

de Man, Paul. "Reading and History." 1982. In de Man, The Resistance to Theory. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1986. 54-72.*

Dehaene, Stanislas. Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention. Viking Adult, 2009.

Devadawson, Christel R. "Resistance from Within: Reading and Neocolonialism." Links and Letters 4 (1997): 65-75.*

Díaz Arroyo, José Luis. "Distanciarse de sí (mismo) leyendo y estar irreductiblemente solo: Puentes (entre) Paul Ricœur y Felipe Martínez Marzoa." In Con Paul Ricœur: Espacios de interpelación. Tiempo. Dolor. Justicia. Relatos. Ed. Teresa Oñate, José Luis Díaz Arroyo, Paloma O. Zubía, Marco Antonio Hernández Nieto, L. David Cáceres. Madrid: Dykinson, 2016. 161-

Dijk, Teun A. van, and Walter Kintsch. Strategies of Discourse Comprehension. New York: Academic Press, 1983.

Dillon, George. Language Processing and the Reading of Literature: Towards a Model of Comprehension. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1978.

Dimock, Wai-Chee. "Feminism, New Historicism, and the Reader." 1991. In Feminisms. Ed. Robyn R. Warhol and Diane Price Herndl. Houndmills: Macmillan, n. d. 635-50.*

Donoghue, Denis. "Epireading and Graphireading." 1981. In Issues in Contemporary Literary Theory. Ed. Peter Barry. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1987. 55-57.*

_____. The Practice of Reading. 1998. (Cleanth Brooks-Robert Penn Warren Award for Literary Criticism).

Downie, J. A. "Defoe's Shortest Way with the Dissenters: Irony, Intention and Reader-response." Prose Studies 9 (1986): 120-39.

Duranti, Alessandro. "The Audience as Co-Author: An Introduction." Text 6.3 (1986): 239-47.

Duranti, Alessandro, and Donald Brenneis, eds. The Audience as Coauthor. Special issue of Text 6.3 (1986): 239-47.

Eagleton, Terry. "The Revolt of the Reader." New Literary History 13.3 (1982): 449-52. Rpt. in Against the Grain.

_____. "Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Reception Theory." In Eagleton, Literary Theory. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1983. 54-90.

_____. How to Read Literature. New Haven: Yale UP, 2013.

Easterling, Thomas. "Doing Time, or How to Reread on a Desert Island." In Second Thoughts: A Focus on Rereading. Ed. David Galef. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998. 357-66.*

Eco, Umberto. Obra abierta. Barcelona: Planeta, 1984.

_____. "Texts and Encyclopedia." In Text vs. Sentence: Basic Questions of Text Linguistics. Second Part. Ed. J. S. Petöfi. Hamburg: Buske, 1979. 585-94.

_____. "Intentio lectoris: Apuntes sobre la semiótica de la recepción." In Eco, Los límites de la interpretación. Barcelona: Lumen, 1992. 21-46.*

_____. "Ironía intertextual y niveles de lectura." In Eco, Sobre literatura. Barcelona: RqueR editorial, 2002. 223-46.*

Egger, H., H. Berg and M. Rutschky. "Zur notwendigen Revision des Rezeptionsbegriffs." In W. Müller-Seidel 1975. 423-32.

Elam, Diane. "Why Read?" Culture Machine 2 (2000)

Elam, Helen Regueiro. "The Difficulty of Reading." In The Idea of Difficulty in Literature. Ed. Alan C. Purves. Buffalo: SUNY Press, 1991. 73-89.

Eliot, Simon. "Books and Their Readers—Part 1." In The Nineteenth-Century Novel: Identities. Ed. Dennis Walder. London: Routledge / Open U, 2001. 157-86.*

_____. "Books and Their Readers—Part 2." In The Nineteenth-Century Novel: Identities. Ed. Dennis Walder. London: Routledge / Open U, 2001. 331-58.*

Ellis, John M. Against Deconstruction. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1989.*

Esrock, Ellen J. The Reader's Eye: Visual Imaging as Reader Response. 1994.

_____. "Taking a Second Look: The Reader's Visual Image." In Second Thoughts: A Focus on Rereading. Ed. David Galef. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998. 152-68.*

Federico, Annette. Engagements with Close Reading. (Routledge Engagements with Literature). Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2016.

Felman, Shoshana. What Does a Woman Want? Reading and Sexual Difference. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1993.

Felski, Rita. Uses of Literature. 2002.

Ferrer, Aurora. "¿Adicto a la lectura? Así dejan huella los libros en tu cerebro." Libertad Digital  /    Quo 18 Feb. 2015.*


Ferrieri, Luca. "Introduction to the Ethics and Ecology of Reading." Trans. Ilaria Cairoli and Maria de Pasquale. Information for Social Change 30 (Summer 2010): 17-40. (Special issue on Information Ethics, ed. Mikael Böök).


         Online at ResearchGate (Paul Catherall).*


Fetterley, Judith. The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1978.*

Fillmore, Charles. "Ideal Readers and Real Readers." Mimeo. 1981.

Finney, B. "Suture in Literary Analysis." Literature Interpretation Theory 2 (1990): 131-44.

Fish, Stanley E. Surprised by Sin: The Reader in Paradise Lost. London: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's, 1967.*

_____. Surprised by Sin: The Argument of Paradise Lost. Berkeley: U of California P, 1971.

_____. Surprised by Sin: The Reader in Paradise Lost. 2nd ed. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1997.

_____. "Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics". New Literary History 2.1 (1970): 123-162. Rpt. in Tompkins, Reader-Response Criticism 70-100.

_____. "Interpreting the Variorum." 1976. In Reader-Response Criticism. Ed. Jane P. Tompkins. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1980. 164-84. Rpt. in Fish, Is There a Text in This Class? Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1980. 21-67.

_____. Is There a Text in this Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1980.*

Flint, Kate. The Woman Reader 1837-1914. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993.

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Internet resources

















Leer 9 (Summer 1987).


Leer por Leer 4 Nov. 2021.


Lire 86 (Oct. 1982).


Puertas a la Lectura.

Ed. Eloy Martos Núñez.

Universidad de Extremadura - Vicerrectorado de Acción Cultural - Servicio de Publicaciones - Seminario Interfacultativo de Lectura.

No. 11 (Nov. 2000): Leer a Hemingway.


Qué leer  (Dec. 1996).  


The Reader 22 (1989).


Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy

(Michigan Technological U)

Vol. 35-36 (1996).



Reading Research Quarterly

includes Reading Today

Editors: Michael L. Kaniz

  Judith Green

  Rebert J, Trerney

The Ohio State University

210A Arps Hall

1945 N High St.

Columbus, OH 43210-1177



Saber leer 78 (Oct. 1994).


Shelf Awareness. Literary magazine.








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Premio Germán Sánchez Ruipérez al mejor artículo sobre lectura







Societies and institutions



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See also Reading; Reading narrative.








Implied readers, Ideal readers


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Malmgren, Carl D. "SF and the Reader." In Malmgren, Worlds Apart: Narratology of Science Fiction. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1991. 23-51.*

Nystrand, M. The Structure of Written Communication. London: Academic Press, 1986.

Ong, Walter J. "The Writer's Audience Is Always a Fiction." PMLA 90 (1975): 9-21.

_____. "The Writer's Audience Is Always a Fiction." In Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Ed. Vassilis Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. 401-22.*

Phelan, James. Narrative as Rhetoric: Technique, Audiences, Ethics, Ideology. Columbus (OH): Ohio State UP, 1996.*

_____, ed. Reading Narrative: Form, Ethics, Ideology. Columbus (OH): Ohio State UP, 1989.

Rabinowitz, Peter J. Before Reading: Narrative Conventions and the Politics of Interpretation. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1987.

Richardson, Brian. "The Other Reader's Response: On Multiple, Divided, and Oppositional Audiences." Criticism 39.1 (1997): 31-54.*

_____. "Singular Text, Multiple Implied Readers." Style 41.3 (Fall 2007): 259-74.*

Ricœur, Paul. "Monde du texte et monde du lecteur." In Ricœur, Temps et récit: Tome III: Le temps raconté. 1985. Paris: Seuil, 1991. Rpt. 2001.  284-328.* (1. De la poétique à la rhétorique. 2. La rhétorique entre le texte et son lecteur. 3. Phénoménologie et esthétique de la lecture).

_____. "The World of the Text and the World of the Reader." In Ricœur, Time and Narrative vol. 3. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1988. 157-79.*

Ruthrof, Horst. The Reader's Construction of Narrative. London: Routledge, 1981.*

Sell, Roger D. "Dickens and the New Historicism: The Polyvocal Audience and Discourse of Dombey and Son." In The Nineteenth Century British Novel. Ed. Jeremy Hawthorn. London: Arnold, 1986. 67-79.

_____. "Literature as Communication." In Sell, Literature as Communication. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2000. 119-76.* (Contexts of reading; co-adaptation; protean self and communicative personae).

_____. Literature as Communication: The Foundations of Mediating Criticism. (Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 78). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2000.*

Shen, Dan. "Implied Author, Authorial Audience, and Context: Form and History in Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Theory." Narrative 21.2 (May 2013): 140-58.*

Stepto, Robert Burns. "Distrust of the Reader in Afro-American Narratives." In Literary Criticism and Theory: The Greeks to the Present. Ed. Robert Con Davis and Laurie Finke. New York: Longman, 1989. 827-41.*

Stoll, Pamela. "La relación entre el autor y su lectora en el género de la 'revista femenina'." In Autor y texto: Fragmentos de una presencia. Ed. Ángeles Sirvent, Josefina Bueno, and Silvia Caporale. Barcelona: PPU, 1996. 429-34.*

Suleiman, Susan R., and Inge Crosman, eds. The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1980.

Villanueva, Darío. "Narratario y lectores implícitos." In Estudios en honor de R. Gullón. Ed. L. T. González del Valle and D. Villanueva. Society of Spanish Studies, 1984. 343-6.

Wolff, Erwin. "Der intendierte Leser." Poetica 4 (1971): 141-66.











On Reader-response criticism


Acosta Gómez, Luis A. El lector y la obra. (Biblioteca Románica Hispánica, II: Estudios y Ensayos, 368). Madrid: Gredos, 1989.*

Alborg, Juan Luis. Sobre crítica y críticos. Madrid: Gredos, 1991.* (On reader-response criticism, 753-944).

Anderson, David R. "Razing the Framework: Reader Response Criticism after Fish." In After Poststructuralism: Interdisciplinarity and Literary Theory. Ed. Nancy Easterlin and Barbara Riebling. Chicago: Northwestern UP. 155-76.

Barck, Karlheinz. "Rezeptionsasthetik und soziale Funktion der Literatur." Weimarer Beitrage 31.7 (1985).

Blumer, Herbert. "The Methodological Position of Symbolic Interactionism." In Blumer, Symbolic Interactionism. 1969. Berkeley: U of California P, 1986. 1-60.*

Bonet, Laureano. "J. M. Castellet y el lector: La búsqueda de una libertad compartida." In Castellet, La hora del lector. Edición crítica al cuidado de Laureano Bonet. Barcelona: Península, 2001. 119-242.* (Heidegger, Sartre, reader-response criticism).

Booth, W. C. "Reader-response criticism." In Henry James: The Turn of the Screw. Ed. Peter G. Beidler. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Bürger, P. Estética de la recepción. Madrid : Arco Libros, 1987.

Cronk, Nicholas. "Aristotle, Horace, and Longinus: The Conception of Reader Response." In The Renaissance. Ed. Glyn P. Norton. Vol. 3 of The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999. 2001. 199-204.*

Dällenbach, L., ed. Théorie de la réception en Allemagne. Poétique 39 (1979).

Domínguez Caparrós, José. "Capítulo XXV. Estética de la recepción." In Domínguez Caparrós, Teoría de la Literatura. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, 2002. 383-92.*

Eagleton, Terry. "Reception Theory." 1983. In Issues in Contemporary Literary Theory. Ed. Peter Barry. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1987. 119-30.*

Farhadipour, Alin. "A Review of Reception Theories: Since Aristotle until the Twentieth Century's Reception Theorists." Ms. Carleton U, 2016. Online at Academia (Alin Farhadipour) 2016.*


Ferretter, Luke. "Reception Theory: Roman Ingarden (1893-1970), Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-) and the Geneva School." In The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia of Modern Criticism and Theory. Ed. Julian Wolfreys et al. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2002. 151-58.*

Fortier, Mark. "2. Subjectivity and Theatre: Psychoanalytic, Gender and Reader-Response Theory." In Fortier, Theory/Theatre: An Introduction. 3rd ed. London: Routledge, 2016. 65-123.

Fox, Christopher, ed.Gulliver's Travels. (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism). Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1995.

Gnutzmann, R. "La teoría de la recepción." Revista de Occidente 3 1980): 9-107.

Goldstein, Philip. "The Politics of Reading." In Goldstein, The Politics of Literary Theory: An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Tallahassee: Florida State UP, 1990. 100-61.

Gumbrecht, H. U. "Consecuencias de la estética de la recepción, o: la ciencia literaria como sociología de la comunicación." 1975. In Mayoral 1987. 145-75.

_____, ed. La actual ciencia literaria alemana. Salamanca: Anaya, 1975.

Habib, M. A. R. "27. Reader-Response and Reception Theory." In Habib, A History of Literary Criticism: From Plato to the Present. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005. 708-36.* (Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Hans Robert Jauss, Wolfgang Iser, Stanley Fish).

Holub, Robert C. Reception Theory: A Critical Introduction. London: Methuen, 1984.*

Iglesias Santos, Montserrat. "La estética de la recepción y el horizonte de expectativas." In Avances en Teoría de la Literatura. Ed. Darío Villanueva. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1994. 35-116.*

Jauss, Hans-Robert. "Die Parzialität der rezeptionästhetischen Methode." In R. Warning 1975. 343-52.

_____. "The Theory of Reception: A Retrospective of Its Unrecognized Prehistory." Trans. John Whitlam. In Literary Theory Today. Ed. Peter Collier and Helga Geyer-Ryan. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1990.

Kloepfer, R. "Escape into Reception: The Scientific and Hermeneutic of German Literary Theory." Poetics Today 3.2 (1979): 213-29.

Lane, Jeremy. "Reception Theory and Reader Response (I): Hans-Robert Jauss (1922-1997), Wolfgang Iser (1926-) and the School of Konstanz." In The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia of Modern Criticism and Theory. Ed. Julian Wolfreys et al. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2002. 280-87.*

_____. "Reception Theory and Reader-Response (II): Norman Holland (1927-), Stanley Fish (1938-) and David Bleich (1940-)." In The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia of Modern Criticism and Theory. Ed. Julian Wolfreys et al. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2002. 465-72.*

Leitch, Vincent B. "Reader-Response Criticism." In Leitch, Literary Criticism in America from the Thirties to the Eighties. New York: Columbia UP, 1988. 211-37.

Link, Hannelore. Rezeptionsforschung: Eine Einführung in Methoden und Probleme. Stuttgart: Fink, 1976.

Lundberg, Patricia Lorimer. "Dialogically Feminized Reading: A Critique of Reader-Response Criticism." The Reader 22 (1989): 9-37.

Maclean, Ian. "Reading and Interpretation". In Modern Literary Theory: A Comparative Introduction. Ed. Ann Jefferson and David Robey. 1983. 2nd. ed. London: Batsford, 1986. 122-44.

Mandelkow, Karl Robert. "Probleme der Wirkungsgeschichte". Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik 2 (1970): 71-85.

Martindale, Charles, and Richard F. Thomas, eds. Classics and the Uses of Reception. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.

Newton, K. M. "Reception Theory and Reader-Response Criticism." In Newton, Interpreting the Text. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990. 130-53.*

Poétique 39 (Sept. 1979): Théorie de la réception en Allemagne.

Pozuelo Yvancos, José María. "Poética de la recepción." In Pozuelo, Teoría del lenguaje poético. Madrid: Cátedra, 1988. 105-27.*

Pratt, Mary Louise. "Interpretive Strategies/Stragetic Interpretations: On Anglo-American Reader Response Criticism." Boundary 2 11 (1981/82): 201-31..

_____. "Interpetative Strategies / Strategic Interpretations: On Anglo-American Reader-Response Criticism." In Postmodernism and Politics. Ed. Jonathan Arac. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1986.

Rabinowitz, Peter J. "Other Reader-Oriented Theories." In The Twentieth Century: From Formalism to Poststructuralism. Ed. Raman Selden. (Cambridge History of Literary Criticism 8). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. 375-403.* (Fish, Fetterley, Bleich).

Raval, Suresh. "The Concept of Affective Response in Contemporary Literary Theory". In Raval, Metacriticism. Athens (GA): U of Georgia P, 1981.*

Rumelhart, David E. "Schemata: The Building Blocks of Cognition." In Theoretical Issues in Reading Comprehension. Ed. Rand J. Spiro, Bertram C. Bruce and William F. Brewer. Hillsdale (NJ), 1980. 33-58.

Saenger, Paul. "Silent Reading: Its Impact on Late Medieval Script and Society." Viator 13 (1982): 367-414.

Schmid, Wolf. "II. Die Instanzen des Erzählwerks." In Schmid, Elemente der Narratologie. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. 47-112.* (1. Modell der Kommunikationsebenen. 2. Der abstrakte Autor. 3. Der abstrakte Leser. 4. Der fiktive Erzähler. 5. Der fiktive Leser).

_____. "II. The Entities in a Narrative Work." (1. Model of Communication Levels. 2. The Abstract Author. 3. The Abstract Reader. 4. The Fictive Narrator. 5. The Fictive Reader." In Schmid, Narratology: An Introduction. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010. 34-88.*

Schwab, Gabriele. "Reader-Response Theory and the Aesthetic Experience of Otherness." Stanford Literature Review 3 (1986): 107-36.

Selden, Raman. "Teoría de la recepción." In Selden, La teoría literaria contemporánea. Barcelona: Ariel, 1987. 127-51.*

_____. "Reader-response criticism." In Selden, Practising Theory and Reading Literature. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989. 101-32.*

Selden, Raman, Peter Widdowson and Peter Brooker. "Reader-oriented Theories." In Selden, Widdowson and Brooker, A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. 4th ed. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall-Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1997. 47-65.*

Sell, Roger D. "Great Expectations and the Dickens Community." In Sell, Communicational Criticism: Studies in Literature as Dialogue. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2011. 195-222.*

Spiro, Rand J. "Constructive Processes in Prose Comprehension and Recall." In Theoretical Issues in Reading Comprehension. Ed. Rand J. Spiro et al. 245-77.

Spiro, Rand J., Bertram C. Bruce and William F. Brewer, eds. Theoretical Issues in Reading Comprehension. Hillsdale (NJ), 1980.

Stepto, Robert Burns. "Distrust of the Reader in Afro-American Narratives." In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 827-41.*

Stock, Brian. The Implications of Literacy. Princeton, 1983.

Strasen, Sven. Rezeptionstheorien: Literatur-, sprach- und kulturwissen­schaftliche Ansätze und kulturelle Modelle. Trier, 2008.

Suleiman, Susan. "Introduction: Varieties of Audience-Oriented Criticism." In The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation. Ed. Susan Suleiman and Inge Crossman. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1980.

Sutherland, Kathryn. "'Events . . . Have Made Us a World of Readers': Reader Relations 1780-1830." In The Romantic Period. Ed. David B. Pirie. Vol. 5 of the Penguin History of Literature. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994. 1-48.*

Tompkins, Jane P., ed. Reader-Response Criticism: From Formalism to Post-Structuralism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1980.*

Tyson, Lois. "6. Reader-Response Criticism." In Tyson, Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide. 3rd ed. London and New York: Routledge, 2015. 161-97.*

Vajda, G. M. "Points de vue pour la théorie esthétique de la Réception." Neohelicon 8.2 (1981): 291-7.

Villanueva, Darío, ed. Avances en Teoría de la Literatura (Estética de la Recepción, Pragmática, Teoría Empírica y Teoría de los Polisistemas). Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1994.*

Warning, R. "Hermeneutik, Semiotik und Rezeptionsästhetik." Romanistiche Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte 1 (1977): 126-31.

_____, ed. Rezeptionsästhetik: Theorie und Praxis. Munich: Fink, 1975.

_____, ed.  Rezeptionsästhetik, München: Fink/ UTB, 1979.

_____, ed. Estética de la recepción. Madrid: Visor, 1989.

Weimann, R. "'Rezeptionsästhetik' und die Krise der Literaturgeschichte." Weimarer Beiträge 8 (1973): 5-33.

Wolfreys, Julian. Readings: Acts of Close Reading in Literary Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP.

Zimmermann, B. "El lector como productor: En torno a la problemática del método de la Estética de la recepción." 1975. In Mayoral 1987. 39-58.





Kroll, W. "Bibliographie deutscher Arbeiten zur Rezeption und Wirkungsästhetik . . . Auswahl: 1969-1977." Wortkunst (1977): 212-75.







Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy (Michigan Technological U) 35-36 (1996).





See also: Reading (Linguistic categories); Interpretation; Reading narrative; Reading poetry; Audience; Reception theory.




Reading groups and clubs



Hartley, Jenny, and Sarah Turvey. The Reading Groups Book: 2002-2003 Edition. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Schwalbe, Will. The End of Your Life Bookclub. 2012.

_____.  El club de lectura del final de tu vida. Trans. Eduardo Iriarte. (RBA Narrativas). Barcelona: RBA, 2013.*








The Jane Austen Book Club. Written and dir. Robin Swicord. Based on the book by Karen Joy Fowler. Cast: Kathy Baker, Maria Bello, Marc Blucas, Emily Blunt, Amy Brenneman, Hugh Dancy, Maggie Grace, Jimmy Smits, Kevin Zegers, Lynn Redgrave. Music Aaron Zigman, music superv. Barklie K. Griggs. Ed. Maryann Brandon. Prod. des. Rusty Smith. Photog. John Toon. Co-prod. Kelly Thomas. Exec. prod. Marshall Rose. Prod. John Calley, Julie Lynn, Diana Napper. USA: John Calley-Robin Swicord / Mockingbird Pictures / Sony Pictures Classics, 2007. DVD UK: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, 2007.*






Internet resources



¡¡Ábrete libro!! Foro sobre libros y autores (Julia Duce et al.)






Club de Lectura de las Bibliotecas Municipales de A Coruña


Criteria Club de Lectores



GoodReads. Social network for readers.

         2009 (Editorial Mondadori)

         2008 (Spanish Ministry of Education).



Mi Literaturas. Social network on literature.











Fowler, Karen Joy. The Jane Austen Book Club. Novel. London: Penguin.

Morales, Cristina. Lectura fácil. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2019. (Premio Nacional de Narrativa 2019)







Readers' blogs: English




Bibliographing: Or, Writing about Books. (Nicole).



The Book Lady's Blog. (Rebecca Joines Schinsky).



Books Blog (Guardian Unlimited). (Andrew Gallix).



The Bookshelf: Everything Literature. (Kate Brauning).



Career Limiting Moves. Literary blog. (Zachariah Wells, Vancouver)



Conversational Reading. Literary blog. (Scott Esposito)



Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind: Crime Fiction, and More. Literary blog. (Sarah Weinman).



Feed Me Literature and Culture Studies (Mindy Waizer, Transaction publishers).






In Medias Res. Literary blog. (Russell Arben Fox).



Interpolations: Thoughts on Books and Stuff



Libro sobre Libro.*



Novel Readings: Notes on Literature and Criticism (Rohan Maitzen, Halifax, Nova Scotia)



On Writer-ing. (J. T. Velikovsky).*



A Piece of Monologue. Literary blog. (Rhys Tranter, South Wales).



Polymath at Large. Literary blog.



The Reading Ape



The Reading Experience: A Literature and Criticism Blog (Daniel Green, Missouri)



That Shakespeherian Rag



This Is a Working Library. Literary blog.*



Sycorax Pine. Literary blog.



Time's Flow Stemmed



Vulpes Libris







Readers' blogs: French



Journal LittéRéticulaire. (Berlol) (Patrick Rebollar)



Stalker: Dissection du cadavre de la littérature. Literary blog. (Juan Asensio).*






Readers' blogs: Italian



Librini: Libri, Racconti e cause perse… a modo mio. (Serena Gobbo)





Readers' blogs: Spanish




365 días de libros


¡¡Ábrete libro!! Revista digital sobre libros y autores.



Alma en las palabras. (Toni Montesinos).*



Apostillas. Literary blog. (Magda Díaz Morales).



Arteyliteratura. (Gabriela Zayas de Lille).



BibliOdyssey. Blog on books and illustrations.



La Biblioteca de Babel (Daurmith)



El bibliómano..



Bibliotecosas: Silva bibliotecaria de varia lección (Iulius)



Blog de notas de José Ángel García Landa



Bolmangani (José Luis Amores).



El canibalibro. Literary blog. (Daniel Monedero, Óscar T. Pérez).



La cárcel de papel: Diario de un lector de tebeos






Crítica literaria



Crítica Literaria Wineruda



Cuchitril literario



Erudición y crítica. Literary blog. (Anastasio Serrano).*



Espacio sobre literatura. Blog. (Cristina Núñez Pereira)



Filóloga Bibliófila. Literary blog. (Silvia, Cartagena, 2009-)



Gaceta Literaria Virtual. (Norma Segades-Manias).



Gente que necesita terapia. Blog on literature and journalism. (Sergio Dahbar, Venezuela, 1957).



El Hojeador: Críticas de libros



La Iglesia de Baler: Blog literario de Iván Cantero.*



Lector ileso



Letras enredadas. (Pedro de Miguel).



L&B: Bibliografía, noticias y enlaces sobre edicion digital y tradicional, lectura, escritura, libros… (jamillan)



Las lecturas de Mr. Davidmore: Blog del libros y temas afines.



Lecturofilia. Literary blog at Grupo Joly. (Agustín Velasco).



Libros y literatura: Un blog de reseñas y noticias literarias



Literaria. Literary blog. (Yaiza Martínez).









Literaventuras. (Gaspar Garrote Bernal).



Maleta de libros. (Jaime Galbarro García).



Mi librero. ("Libraria", Mexico).



Perdida entre libros. (Elena, Sevilla).



La pluma y la espada. (Paula).



Semper Tremulusa. (Cristina Núñez Pereira).



La senda de los libros. (Jacobo Deza)



Tertulias poéticas (Jesús, Irún)



La tormenta en un vaso: Un buen libro cada día. Literary blog.



Vanity Fea (Blog de notas de José Ángel García Landa)





Zenda Libros 4 Dec. 2020.*





Readers' blogs: Catalan


Lletraferits (Marina Llompart, Barcelona).*






Teaching reading


Bordón, Teresa. "La evaluación de la comprensión lectora." In Estudios sobre el texto: Nuevos enfoques y propuestas. Ed. Azucena Penas and Rosario González. Frankfurt a/M: Peter Lang, 2009. 463-89.*





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