jueves, 6 de abril de 2023

Literatura y Psicología



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Literature and Psychology


Psychology and literature

Psychology and criticism




Psychology and literature



Alders, Maximilian. "Introduction: Social Minds in Factual and Fictional Narration." Narrative 23.2 (May 2015): 113-22.*

_____. Mind-telling: Social Minds in Fiction and History. Forthcoming 2015.*

Almond, Barbara and Richard Almond. The Therapeutic Narrative: Fictional Relationships and the Process of Psychological Change. Westport (CT): Praeger, 1997.

Amo, J. del. Literatura y psicología. La neurosis del escritor español. Ediciones de Bolsillo.

Andermahr, Sonya, and Silvia Pellicer-Ortín, eds. Trauma Narratives and Herstory. London, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Anderson, Miranda. "Fission-Fusion Cognition in Shakespearean Drama: The Case for Julius Caesar." Narrative 23.2 (May 2015):154-68.*

Archer, William. Masks or Faces? A Study in the Psychology of Acting. London and New York: Longmans, Green, 1888. Online facsimile at the Internet Archive.*



Austin, Michael. (Newman U, Wichita, Kansas). Useful Fictions: Evolution, Anxiety, and the Origins of Literature. Forthcoming 2010.

Ausubel, D. P., J. D. Novak and H. Hanesian. Psicología educativa: Un punto de vista cognoscitivo. Mexico: Trías, 1983.

Bal, Mieke. "Delimiting Psychopoetics." Style 18.3 (Summer 1984).

Basler, Roy P. Sex, Symbolism and Psychology in Literature. New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers College, 1948.

Beer, John. Romantic Consciousness: Blake to Mary Shelley. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan,  2003.

_____. Post-Romantic Consciousness: Dickens to Plath. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. (Heidegger, Sartre, Havel, Woolf, Lawrence, Hughes, Dickens, Plath).

Benzon, Bill. "The Disciplines of Psychology, the Study of Literature, and an Ecology of Cultural Beings." New Savanna  20 Oct. 2015.*



Bernaerts, Lars, Dirk De Geest, Luc Herman and Bart Vervaeck, eds. Stories and Minds: Cognitive Approaches to Literary Narrative. Nebraska, 2013.*

Bonheim, Helmut. "Literature and Human Emotions." Lecture at the International Summer School on English Literature. Cambridge University, August 16, 1990.

Boyd, Brian. Why Lyrics Last: Evolution, Cognition, and Shakespeare's Sonnets. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 2012.*

Burke, Kenneth. "Psychology and Form." In Perspectives on Drama. Ed. J. L. Calderwood and H. E. Toliver. New York: Oxford UP, 1968. 91-102.*

Buss, David, ed. Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Hoboken (NJ): Wiley, 2005.

Carroll, Joseph. "Literature and Evolutionary Psychology." In Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Ed. David Buss. Hoboken (NJ): Wiley, 2005. 931-52.

_____. "Evolved Human Sociality and Literature." Ch. 30 of Handbook on Evolution and Society: Toward an Evolutionary Social Science. Ed. Jonathan H. Turner, Richard Machalek, and Alexandra Maryanski. Paradigm, 2015. 572-608.

_____. "Evolved Human Sociality and Literature." ResearchGate (Jan. 2015).*



Ciccoricco, Dave. Refiguring Minds in Narrative Media. (Frontiers of Narrative). Lincoln and London: U of Nebraska P, 2015.* (1. Attention and Perception; 2. Memory and Emotion).



Currie, Gregory. "Let's Pretend: Literature and the Psychology lab." TLS 2 Sept. 2011: 14-15.

Davidoff, Jonathan. "Principles of Psychoanalytic Analysis of Psychotic Literary Features: An Illustration on the Work of Pablo Palacio." Ph.D. diss. U College, London. Online at UCL Discovery.*



Dimock, Wai Chee. "Cognition as a Category of Literary Analysis." American Drama 5.1 (1995).*

Domínguez Caparrós, José. "Capítulo III. Literatura y psicología." In Domínguez Caparrós, Teoría de la Literatura. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, 2002. 43-54.*

Fludernik, Monika. "2. 1050-1500: Through a Glass Darkly; or, the Emergence of Mind in Medieval Narrative." In The Emergence of Mind: Representations of Consciousness in Narrative Discourse in English. Ed. David Herman. Lincoln and London: U of Nebraska P, 2011. 69-100.*

Foçsa, Liliana (Colodeeva). Literatura si Psihologie: William si Henry James (Fiction and Psychology: The James Heritage).* Ph.D. Dunarea de Jos U (Universitas Galatiensis), 2017. Arthra Institutional Repository.*




Freud, Sigmund. Bildende Kunst und Literatur. (Studienausgabe, 10). Frankfurt: Fischr, 1982.

_____. Art and Literature: Jensen's GRADIVA, Leonardo Da Vinci and Other Works. Trans. James Strachey et al. Ed. Albert Dickson. (Pelican Freud Library). London: Penguin-Pelican, 1985. Rpt. (Penguin Freud Library, 14). London: Penguin, 1990.*

_____. Writings on Art and Literature. (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics). Stanford (CA): Stanford UP.

Frye, Northrop. "Literature as Therapy." In Frye, The Eternal Act of Creation: Essays, 1979-1990. Ed. Robert D. Denham. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1993. 21-34.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "Strange Commotion in the Brain." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 28 Dec. 2006.



Gell, Alfred. Art and Agency: An Anthropological Theory. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2016.

Ginzburg, Lydia. On Psychological Prose. Trans. Judson Rosengrant. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1992.

_____. La prosa psicologica. Milano, 1994.

Gunn, Daniel. Psychoanalysis and Fiction: An Exploration of Literary and Psychoanalytic Borders. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988. 1990.

Halasz, Laszlo, ed. Literary Discourse: Aspects of Cognitive and Social Psychological Approaches. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1987.

Hanson, Clare, Gerri Kimber and W. Todd Martin (U of Huntington, Indiana), ed. Katherine Mansfield and Psychology. (Katherine Mansfield Studies). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2016.

Herman, David, ed. The Emergence of Mind: Representations of Consciousness in Narrative Discourse in English. (Frontiers of Narrative). Lincoln and London: U of Nebraska P, 2011.* (I. Representing Minds in Old and Middle English Narrative; II. Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Minds; III. Contexts for Consciousness in the Eighteenth and the Nineteenth Century; IV. Remodeling the Mind in Modernist and Postmodernist Narrative).



Hobbs, J. R. Literature and Cognition. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information, 1990.

Hogan, Patrick Colm. The Mind and Its Stories: Narrative Universals and Human Emotion. 2003.

_____. What Literature Teaches Us About Emotion. 2011.

_____. Affective Narratology: The Emotional Structure of Stories. 2011.

Holland, Norman N. Laughing: A Psychology of Humor. Cornell UP, 1982.

_____. Laughing: A Psychology of Humor. Online at Norman Holland's website, U of Florida.*



_____. Holland's Guide to Psychoanalytic Psychology and Literature-and-Psychology. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990.

_____. Holland's Guide to Psychoanalytic Psychology and Literature-and-Psychology. Online at Norman Holland's website, U of Florida. 2007.



_____. The Critical I. New York: Columbia UP, 1992.*

_____. This is Your Brain on Culture. Blog in Psychology Today.



_____. Literature and the Brain. Gainesville (FL): PsyArt Foundation, 2009.* (I. The Questions. II. Being Transported. III. Enjoying. IV. The Big Questions).

Jacobus, Mary. Psychoanalysis and the Scene of Reading. (Clarendon Lectures in English, 1997). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999. (Woolf, Austen, Rousseau, Romantic women, Slavery in fiction, Holocaust memoirs).

Jung, Carl Gustav. "On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry." In Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971. 810-818.* Trans. of "Über die Beziehungen der analytischen Psychologie zum dichterischen Kunstwerk." 1922.

_____. "On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. "Psychology and Literature." 1930. In The Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature. New York, 1966.

_____. "Psychology and Literature." 1930. From Modern Man in Search of a Soul, trans. W. S. Dell and Cary F. Baynes. 1933. In 20th Century Literary Criticism: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1972. 175-88.*

Krims, Marvin B. (MD). The Mind According to Shakespeare: Psychoanalysis in the Bard's Writing. Westport (CT) and London: Praeger, 2006.

Kurzweil, Edith, and William Phillips, eds. Literature and Psychoanalysis. New York: Columbia UP, 1983.

Lehrer, Jonah. Proust Was a Neuroscientist. Houghton Mifflin, 2007.

Leverage, Paula, Howard Mancing, Richard Schweickert and Jennifer Marston William, eds. Theory of Mind and Literature. Purdue UP, 2011. (1: Theory of Mind Now and Then: Evolutionary and Historical Perspectives; 2: Mind Reading and Literary Characterization; 3: Theory of Mind and Literary / Linguistic Structure; 4: Alternate States of Mind; 5: Theoretical, Philosophical, Political Approaches)



Lockett, Leslie. "1. 700-1050: Embodiment, Metaphor, and the Mind in Old English Narrative." In The Emergence of Mind: Representations of Consciousness in Narrative Discourse in English. Ed. David Herman. Lincoln and London: U of Nebraska P, 2011. 43-68.*

M'Uzan, Michel de. "Observations sur le processus de la création littéraire." Revue Française de Psychologie 1 (1965): 43-64.

MacMahon, Barbara, ed. Language, Literature and Psychoanalysis: Language and Communication 15.4 (1995).

Meltzer, Françoise, ed. The Trial(s) of Psychoanalysis.  Chicago, 1988.

Miers, Paul. "The Other Side of Representation: Critical Theory and the New Cognitivism." MLN 107.5 (1992).*

Miguel-Alfonso, Ricardo, ed. The Fictional Minds of Modernism: Narrative Cognition from Henry James to Christopher Isherwood. New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.*



Mikkonen, Jukka. "2. On the Cognitive Value of Modernist Narratives." In The Fictional Minds of Modernism: Narrative Cognition from Henry James to Christopher Isherwood. Ed. Ricardo Miguel-Alfonso. New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 17-30.*

Moorjani, Angela. Beyond Fetishism and Other Excursions in Psychopragmatics. (Semaphores and Signs). Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Oatley, Keith. "Theory of Mind and Theory of Minds in Literature." In Theory of Mind and Literature. Ed. Paula Leverage et al. Purdue UP, 2011. 13-26.

_____. The Passionate Muse: Exploring Emotion in Stories.  Oxford University Press, 2012.


Palmer, Alan. "9. 1945-: Ontologies of Consciousness." In The Emergence of Mind: Representations of Consciousness in Narrative Discourse in English. Ed. David Herman. Lincoln and London: U of Nebraska P, 2011. 273-98.*

_____. "Universal minds", Semiotica 165 (2007): 205-225.*

doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/SEM.2007.040



_____. "Universal Minds." Online ref. at Semantic Scholar.*



Parvini, Neema. Shakespeare and Cognition: Thinking Fast and Slow Through Character. (Palgrave Pivot). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.*

         DOI: 10.1057/978113743165.0001



Phillips, William, ed. Literature and Psychoanalysis. 1957. Cleveland: Meridian, 1963.

Potter, J., P. Stringer and M. Wetherell. Social Texts and Contexts: Literature and Social Psychology. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984.

Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel, ed. Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1989.

Rapaport, Herman. "Psychology, the Subject, and Criticism." In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 912-39.

Richards, I. A. Practical Criticism: A Study of Literary Judgment. 1929. London: Routledge, 1964.

Russo, Joseph. "Rethinking Homeric Psychology: Snell, Dodds, and thier Critics." Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica ns 101.2 (2012): 11-28.*



Salmon, Catherine. "Crossing the Abyss: Erotica and the Intersection of Evolutionary Psychology and Literary Studies." In The Literary Animal: Evolution and the Nature of Narrative. Ed. Jonathan Gottschall and David Sloan Wilson. Evanston (IL): Northwestern UP, 2005. 244-57.*

Sarbin, T. R. "The Quixotic Principle: A Belletristic Approach to the Psychological Study of Imaginings and Believings." In The Social Context of Conduct: Psychological Writings of Theodore Sarbin. Ed. V. L. Allen and K. E. Scheibe. New York: Praeger, 1982.

Schapiro, Barbara Ann. Literature and the Relational Self. New York: New York UP, 1994.*

Schram, Dick, and Gerard Steen, eds. The Psychology and Sociology of Literature. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: Benjamins, c. 2002.

Schwartz, Murray M. "The Literary Use of Transference." In Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought. New York: International UP, 1981.

Schwartz, Murray M., and David Willbern. "Literature and Psychology." In Interrelations of Literature. Ed. Jean-Pierre Barricelli and Joseph Gibaldi. New York: MLA, 1982. 205-24.

Skura, Meredith Anne. The Literary Use of the Psychoanalytical Process. New Haven: Yale UP, 1981.

Stanco, Michele. "Art and Beauty: Linguistic versus Psychological Aesthetic Theories." RANAM: Recherches anglaises et nord-américaines no. 36 (2003):  ESSE 6—Strasbourg 2002. 1- Literature. Gen. ed. A. Hamm. Sub-eds. Claire Maniez and Luc Hermann. Strasbourg: Université Marc Bloch, Service des périodiques, 2003. 47-68.*

Swirski, Peter. Between Literature and Science: Exploration in Aesthetics, Cognitive Science, and Literary Knowledge.

Turner, Mark. Reading Minds: The Study of English in the Age of Cognitive Science. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1991.

_____. The Literary Mind: The Origins of Thought and Language. New York: Oxford UP, 1996.*

Vallejo Nájera, A. Literatura y psiquiatría. Barcelona, 1950.

Vallins, David. Coleridge and the Psychology of Romanticism: Feeling and Thought. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Wellek, René, and Austin Warren. "Literature and Psychology." In Wellek and Warren, Theory of Literature. 1949. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963. 81-93.

Whitehead, Anne. Trauma Fiction. 2004.

Whiter, Walter. A Specimen of a Commentary on Shakespeare, Containing, I. Notes on As You Like It. II. An Attempt to Explain and Illustrate Various Passages, on a New Principle of Criticism, Derived from Mr Locke's Doctrine of the Association of Ideas. 1794.

Wright, Elizabeth. Psychoanalytic Criticism. London: Routledge, 1991.*

_____. Speaking Desires Can Be Dangerous: The Poetics of the Unconscious. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1999.  (1. Psychoanalysis and Literature: Freud; 2. Psychoanalysis and Language: Lacan; 3. Patients and Analysts: Readers and Texts).

Zschirnt, Christiane. "8. Psique. Michel de Montaigne: Ensayos. Laurence Sterne: Tristram Shandy. Robert Louis Stevenson: El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde. Sigmund Freud: La interpretación de los sueños. Marcel Proust: En busca del tiempo perdido." In Zschirnt, Libros: Todo lo que hay que leer. Madrid: Santillana-Taurus, 2004. 185-200.*

Zunshine, Lisa. Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel. (Theory and Interpretation of Narrative Series). Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2006.

_____. "5. 1700-1775: Theory of Mind, Social Hierarchy, and the Emergence of Narrative Subjectivity." In The Emergence of Mind: Representations of Consciousness in Narrative Discourse in English. Ed. David Herman. Lincoln and London: U of Nebraska P, 2011. 161-86.*








Keill, Norman. Psychoanalysis, Psychology and Literature: A Bibliography. 2 vols. Metuchen (NJ): Scarecrow, 1982.









Literally Psyched. Blog a Scientific American. (Maria Konnikova).











Literature and Psychology

 A Journal of Psychoanalytic and Cultural Criticism

Rhode Island College, Providence

Vol. 47.4 (2001).

In Literature Online.*




Psyart: An Online Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts.

Ed. Norman N. Holland.






See also Psychoanalytic Criticism; Psychological novel.







Psychology and criticism


Abrantes, Ana Margarida. "Gestalt, Perception, and Literature." Journal of Literary Theory 2.2 (2008): 179-94.*



Dixon, Peter, and Marisa Bortolussi. "Prolegomena for a Science of Psychonarratology." In New Perspectives on Narrative Perspective. Ed. Willie van Peer and Seymour Chatman. New York: SUNY Press, 2001. 275-87.

Holland, Norman N. The Critical I. New York: Columbia UP, 1992.*

Poulet, Georges. "Criticism and the Experience of Interiority." In The Structuralist Controversy. Ed. Richard A. Macksey and Eugenio Donato. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1972. 56-72. Rpt. in Tompkins, ed. Reader-Response Criticism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 41-49.

Spolsky, Ellen. Gaps in Nature: Literary Interpretation and the Modular Mind. Albany: SUNY Press, 1993.

Starobinski, Jean. La Relation critique. Paris: Gallimard, 1970.

_____. La relación crítica: Psicoanálisis y literatura. Madrid: Taurus, 1974.









Miall, David S. "Approaching Literature Scientifically: Is It Still Literary?" Video. Lecture at 'Why the Humanities: Answers from the Cognitive and Neurosciences' conference, 11 July 2015. YouTube (James Maxwell) 2 March 2016.*








See also Psychoanalytic criticism; Psychology and Literature.





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