miércoles, 19 de abril de 2023

Literatura y Sexualidad - Género y Literatura



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Literature and Sexuality

Gender in literature



Ackroyd, Peter. Rev. of The Literary Companion to Sex. Ed. Fiona Pitt Kethley. The Times 8 Feb. 1992. Rpt. in Ackroyd, The Collection. Ed. Thomas Wright. London: Chatto & Windus, 2001. 240-42.*

Allen, Dennis W. "Homosexuality and Narrative." Modern Fiction Studies 41.3-4 (Fall-Winter 1995): 609-634.*

Altman, Meryl. "Before We Said 'We' (and After): Bad Sex and Personal Politics in Doris Lessing and Simone de Beauvoir." Critical Quarterly 38.3 (Autumn 1996): 14-29.*

Arias, Rosario. "Back to the Future:  Gendered Spaces and Territories in Doris Lessing's The Marriages Between  Zones Three, Four and Five." In Literature, Gender, Space. Ed. Sonia Villegas-López and Beatriz  Domínguez-García Huelva: Servicio de Publicaciones de la  Universidad de Huelva, 2004.

Armengol, Josep M. "The Sex or the Death of the Author? Rethinking the Relevance of 'Maleness' to (Feminist) Literature and Literary Criticism." In Proceedings from the 31st AEDEAN Conference. Ed. M. J. Lorenzo Modia et al. CD-ROM: A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 2008. 125-32.*

Armstrong, Nancy, and Leonard Tennenhouse, eds. The Ideology of Conduct: Essays on Literature and the History of Sexuality.

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Awkward, Michael. "Race, Gender, and the Politics of Reading." Black American Literature Forum 22.1 (Spring 1988).

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Booth, Alison.  Famous Last Words:  Changes in Gender and Narrative Closure.  Charlottesville:  University Press of Virginia, 1993.

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Caesar, Adrian. Taking It Like a Man: Suffering, Sexuality and the War Poets Brooke, Sassoon, Owen, Graves. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1993. Rev. Focus on Robert Graves and His Contemporaries 2.3 (1995): 50-51.

Caramés, José Luis, and Santiago González, eds. Género y sexo en el discurso artístico. Universidad de Oviedo, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1995.*



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Carmona Rodríguez, Pedro. "(Geo-)graphies of Love, Voyage and Adventure: (Re-)defining a Postmodern  Gendered Space in Kathy Acker's Don Quixote and George Bowering's  Caprice." In Literature, Gender, Space. Ed. Sonia Villegas-López and Beatriz Domínguez-García Huelva: Servicio de Publicaciones de la  Universidad de Huelva, 2004.

Carroll, Joseph, Jonathan Gottschall, John A. Johnson and Daniel J. Kruger. Graphing Jane Austen: The Evolutionary Basis of Literary Meaning. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Castle, Terry J. "'Amy, Who Knew My Disease': A Psychosexual Pattern in Defoe's Roxana." ELH 46 (1979): 81-96.

Castro Borrego, Silvia del Pilar (coord.), Beatriz Domínguez García, María Isabel Romero Ruiz. "Identity and the Construction of Agency in Contemporary Representations of Sexualities and Gender Identities." In At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain: Works from the 35th AEDEAN Conference, UAB/Barcelona 14-16 November 2011. Ed. Sara Martín et al. Barcelona: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, U Autònoma de Barcelona / AEDEAN, 2012. 210-213.*



Castro Borrego, Silvia del Pilar, and María Isabel Romero Ruiz, eds. Identities on the Move: Contemporary Representations of New Sexualities and Gender Identities. Lanham and London: Lexington Books, 2015.

Chernaik, Warren L. The Rebel in Your Arms: Sexual Freedom in Restoration Literature. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.

_____. Sexual Freedom in Vernacular Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Clark, S. H. Sordid Images: The Poetry of Masculine Desire. London: Routledge, 1994.

Cornut-Gentille D'Arcy, Chantal, and José Angel García Landa, eds. Gender, I-deology: Essays on Theory, Fiction and Film. (Postmodern Studies, 16). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996.*



Cox, Philip. "Keats and the Performance of Gender." Keats-Shelley Journal 44 (1995): 40-65.

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Denisoff, Dennis. Sexual Visuality from Literature to Film 1850-1950. (Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Di Placidi, Jenny. Gothic Incest: Gender, Sexuality and Transgression. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2018. Online open access at JSTOR.*



Docherty, Thomas. On Modern Authority: The Theory and Condition of Writing, 1500 to the Present Day. Brighton: Harvester; New York: St. Martin's, 1987.*

Dollimore, Jonathan. Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.*

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_____. Sex, Literature and Censorship. 2000.

During, Simon. Foucault and Literature: Towards a Genealogy of Writing. London: Routledge, 1992.*

Eagleton, Terry. The Rape of Clarissa: Writing, Sexuality and Class Struggle in Samuel Richardson. Oxford: Blackwell, 1982.

Edelman, Lee. Homographesis: Essays in Gay Literature and Cultural Theory.  London: Routledge, 1994.

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Encinar, Ángeles, Eva Löfquist and Carmen Valcárcel, eds. Género y géneros: Escritura y escritores iberoamericanos. Madrid: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, forthcoming 2004.

Fabricant, Carole. "Rochester's World of Imperfect Enjoyment." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 73.3 (July 1974): 338-50.

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Fiedler, Leslie. Love and Death in the American Novel. New York: Stein and Day-Criterion, 1960.

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Fitting, Peter. "For Men Only: A Guide to Reading Single Sex Worlds." Women's Studies 14.2 (1987).

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García Rayego, Rosa, and Mª Soledad Sánchez Gómez, eds. Que sus faldas son ciclones: Representación literaria actual del lesbianismo en lengua inglesa. Madrid: Editorial Egales, 2008.

Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan M. Gubar, eds. Sexchanges.

Gilman, S. "Black Bodies, White Bodies: Toward an Iconography of Female Sexuality in Late Nineteenth-Century Art, Medicine, and Literature." In The Body. Ed. Tiffany Atkinson. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Glover, David, and Cora Kaplan. Genders. (The New Critical Idiom). London: Routledge, 2000.

Goldberg, Jonathan. Sodometries: Renaissance Texts, Modern Sexualities. Stanford (CA): Stanford UP, 1992. Rev. in Textual Practice 9.1 (1995).

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_____, ed. Queering the Renaissance. Forthcoming 1992.

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Goodman, Lizbeth, with Alison Smith. "Literature and Gender." In Literature and Gender. Ed. Lizbeth Goodman. London: Routledge / Open U, 1996. 2001. 1-40.*

Gottschall, Jonathan, and David Sloan Wilson, eds. The Literary Animal: Evolution and the Nature of Narrative. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 2005.

Grandjeat, Yves-Charles, ed. Sexualité et textualité dans la littérature américaine contemporaine. Talence: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 1998.

Gygax, Franziska. Gender and Genre in Gertrude Stein. (Contributions in Women's Studies, 169). Westport (CT): Greenwood Press, 1998.*

Harris, Andrea L. Other Sexes: Rewriting Difference from Woolf to Winterson (SUNY Series in Feminist Criticism and Theory). State University of New York Press, 2000.*

Harris, Susan Cannon. "9. Synge and Gender." In The Cambridge Companion to J. M. Synge. Ed. P. J. Mathews. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009. 104-16.*

Heath, Stephen. The Sexual Fix. London: Macmillan, 1982.

Heiland, Donna. Gothic and Gender: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Hennegen, Aleson. "On Becoming a Lesbian Reader." In Sweet Dreams: Sexuality, Gender and Popular Fiction. Ed. S. Radstone. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1988.

Herz, Kathrin. "The Pressure to Conform to the 'Correct' Gender in 'Boys Don't Cry' and 'Brokeback Mountain'." U of Heidelberg Anglistisches Seminar. Books on Demand, 2013.



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Irons, Glenwood, ed. Gender, Language and Myth: Essays on Popular Narrative. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1992.*

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Kaur, Surinder. "A Study of Body and Inscribed Gender Roles in Angela Carter's Nights at the Circus." Ramanda Centenary College Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1.1 (April 2018): 1-10. Online at Academia.*



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Kennedy, J. Gerald. "Hemingway's Gender Trouble." In Hemingway's The Garden of Eden: Twenty-five Years of Criticism. Ed. Suzanne del Gizzo and Frederic J. Svoboda. Kent (OH): Kent State UP, 2012. 167-84.*

Klein, Richard. Rev. of Homosexualites in French Literature. MLN 95.4 (May 1980): 1070-80.

Kiell, Norman. Varieties of Sexual Experience. International Universities Press, 1976. (Sex in literature).

Knights, Ben. Writing Masculinities: Male Narratives in Twentieth-Century Fiction. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999. (Fowles, G. Swift, D. Leavitt.)

Kolodny, Annette. "A Map for Re-Reading; or, Gender and the Interpretation of Literary Texts." New Literary History 11 (1980): 451-67. Rpt. in The New Feminist Criticism. Ed. Elaine Showalter. London: Virago, 1986. 46-62.*

Kopelson, Kevin. Love's Litany: The Writing of Modern Homoerotics. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1994.*

Krantz, Judith. Sex and Shopping. Memoir. 2000.

Jones, Vivien. "Burney and Gender." In The Cambridge Companion to Frances Burney. Ed. Peter Sabor. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. 111-29.*

Langland, Elizabeth. Telling Tales: Gender and Narrative Form in Victorian Literature and Culture. Columbus: Ohio UP, 2002.

Lanser, Susan Sniader. "Sexing the Narrative: Propriety, Desire, and the Engendering of Narratology." Narrative 3.1 (1995): 85-94.

Lawrence, D. H. Sex, Literature and Censorship. New York: Twayne, 1953.

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Longhurst, Derek. Gender, Genre, and Narrative Pleasure.  London: Routledge, 1991.

Lozano, María. "'How You Cuddle in the Dark Governs How You See the History of the World': A Note on Some Obsessions in Recent British Fiction." In Onega, Telling Histories: Narrativizing History, Historicizing Literature. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995. 1170-34.*

Martínez Reventós, Mª Dolores, and Juan Antonio Suárez Sánchez, eds. Género y Literatura modernista / Gender Trouble in Modernist Literature. Cuadernos de Filología Inglesa 6.1 (1997).

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Medina Bañón, Raquel, and Barbara Zecchi. Sexualidad y escritura (1850-2000). Anthropos Editorial, 2002.



Mellor, Anne K. "Keats and the Complexities of Gender." In The Cambridge Companion to Keats. Ed. Susan J. Wolfson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2001. 214-29.

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Moglen, Helene. The Trauma of Gender: A Feminist Theory of the English Novel. U of California P, 2001.



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Monzó, Esther. "El poder de una voz. Oscilaciones lingüístico-epistemológicas en torno al género textual." Hermeneus 9 (2007):  179-99.*

Moore, Harry T., ed. Sex, Literature and Censorship: Essays by D. H. Lawrence. London: Heinemann, 1955.

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Belsey, Catherine, and Jane Moore, eds. The Feminist Reader: Essays in Gender and the Politics of Literary Criticism. London: Macmillan, 1989. 2nd ed. 1996.*

Goodman, Lizbeth, ed. Literature and Gender. (Approaching Literature). London: Routledge / Open U, 1996. 1998. 1999. 2001.*








Eadie, Jo. Sexuality: The Essential Glossary. (The Essential Glossary Series). London: Arnold, 2004.








Gender, Arts, Literature & Music eJournal.*




Women, Gender and Literature eJournal






See also Sexuality; Gender; Erotic and pornographic litreature; Women and Literature; Feminist Criticism.



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        from A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology http://bit.ly/abibliog by José Ángel García...