lunes, 1 de mayo de 2023

Literatura y Artes visuales



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Literature and the Visual Arts



Alexander, Lily. Fictional Worlds: Traditions in Narrative and the Age of Visual Culture, Vols. I-IV (Storytelling on Screen). Charleston (SC): CreateSpace, 2013.

Ansón, Antonio. Novelas como álbumes: fotografía y literatura. (Palabras de arte, 5). Murcia: Mestizo A. C. 2000.*

_____. Literatura y artes visuales. (Nexofía). La Torre del Virrey, 2011.*


Armstrong, Nancy. Fiction in the Age of Photography: The Legacy of British Realism. 1999. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002.

Baroja, Pío. "Literatura y bellas artes: Crónica española." In Pío Baroja: Obras Completas XVI: Obra dispersa y epistolario: Textos dispersos - Páginas de autocrítica - Prólogo a textos ajenos - Artículos - Epistolario selecto. Ed. José-Carlos Mainer. Rev. Juan Carlos Ara Torralba.  Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Círculo de Lectores, 2000. 861-66.

Bender, John B. Spenser and Literary Pictorialism. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1972.

Berger, John, et al. Ways of Seeing. London: BBC; Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. 1975.*

_____. Ways of Seeing. New York: Viking, 1973.

_____. Modos de ver. Spanish tran. Online:


Bonnefoy, Yves. "'Igitur' and the Photographer." Trans. Mary Ann Caws. PMLA (c. 1999).

Bibyon, L. "English Poetry in Its Relation to Painting an the Other Arts." Proceedings of the English Academy 8 (1918): 381-402.

Braider, Christoph. "The Paradoxical Sisterhood: 'ut pictura poesis'." In The Renaissance. Ed. Glyn P. Norton. Vol. 3 of The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999. 2001. 168-75.*

Bryson, Norman. Word and Image. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1983.

Bullen, J. B. The Sun Is God: Painting, Literature and Mythology in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon, 1989.*

Campo, Roberto. Ronsard's Contentious Sisters: The Paragone between Poetry and Painting in the Works of Pierre de Ronsard. (North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures). Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1998.

Carpi, Daniela, ed. "Special Focus: Literature and Painting." Symbolism 8 (2008).

Cervellini, M. "Focalizzacione e manifestacione pittorica". Estudios semióticos 1 (1984): 39-59.

Couturier, Maurice. "La rhétorique de l'image." In Couturier, Nabokov, ou la tyrannie de l'auteur. Paris: Seuil, 1993. 201-52. (Description)*

Critchfield, R., ed. Eighteenth Century German Authors and their Aesthetic Theories: Literature and the other Arts. Camden, 1988.

Crow, Thomas. "B/G." In Vision and Textuality. Ed. Stephen Melville and Bill Readings. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1995. 296-314.* (Balzac, Girodet, Barthes).

Davis, Cicely. "Ut Pictura Poesis." MLKR 30 (1935): 159-169.

Dawson, George. "The Relations of Poets, Painters, and Musicians." In Dawson, Shakespeare and Other Lectures. Ed. George St. Clair. London: Kegan Paul, 1888. 486-88.*

Den Tandt, Christophe. "Dialogical Realism in Contemporary Painting, Fiction, and Film." In Con/Texts of Persuasion. Ed. Beatriz Penas et al. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2011. 155-78.*

Denisoff, Dennis. Sexual Visuality from Literature to Film 1850-1950. (Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Drucker, Johanna. Figuring the Word: Essay on Books, Writing, and Visual Poetics. New York: Granary Books, 1998.

Dryden, John. A Parallel of Poetry and Painting. 1695.

Du Bos, Jean-Baptiste (Abbé). Les intérests de l'Angleterre malentendus dans la présente guerre. 1703.

_____. Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture. 1719, 1733.

_____. Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture. 3 vols. Paris: Pierre-Jean Mariette, 1740.

_____. Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture. In Baldine Saint-Girons, Esthétiques du XVIIIe: Le modèle français. Paris: Philippe Sers, 1990.

_____. Critical Reflections on Poetry, Painting, and Music. Trans. Thomas Nugent.  3 vols. 1748.

Esrock, Ellen J. The Reader's Eye: Visual Imaging as Reader Response. 1994.

_____. "Taking a Second Look: The Reader's Visual Image." In Second Thoughts: A Focus on Rereading. Ed. David Galef. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1998. 152-68.*

Estévez Saá, José Manuel. "El enfoque nítido de los primeros planos: La fotografía al servicio de la literatura en la caracterización del campesino de John Berger." In Fifty Years of English Studies in Spain […] Actas del XXVI Congreso de AEDEAN, ed. Ignacio Palacios et al. Santiago de Compostela: U de Santiago de Compostela, 2003. 191-201.*

Flaxman, Rhoda L. Victorian Word-Painting and Narrative: Toward the Blending of Genres.  Minneapolis: UMI Research Press, 1987.

Frye, Northrop. "Literature and the Visual Arts." In Frye, Myth and Metaphor: Selected Essays 1974-1988. Ed. Robert D. Denham. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1990. 1991. 183-95.*

García Berrio, A. "Historia de un abuso interpretativo: 'Ut pictura poesis'." Estudios ofrecidos a E. Alarcos Llorach. Oviedo: Universidad de Oviedo, 1976. 291-307.

García Berrio, A., and M. T. Hernández. "Semiótica del discurso y texto plástico: del esquema textual y la construcción imaginaria." Estudios de Lingüística. Universidad de Alicante 3 (1985-6): 47-85.

_____. "The Semiotics of Discourse and of the Plastic Text: On the Textual Scheme and Imaginary Construction." Dispositio 10.27 (1987): 127-60.

_____. Ut poesis pictura: Poética del arte visual. Madrid: Tecnos, 1988.

Gauthier, Guy. "Image et texte: le récit sous le récit." Langage 75 ("Lettres et icônes") (Sept. 1984).

Gilman, Ernest B. The Curious Perspective: Literary and Pictorial Wit in the Seventeenth Century. New Haven: Yale UP, 1978.

Godfrey, Laura Gruber. "Text and Image: The Internet Generation Reads 'The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber'." Hemingway Review 32.1 (Fall 2012): 39-56.*

González Casademont, Rosa (U de Barcelona). "Incorporación de técnicas pictóricas a la literatura. Thomas Hardy y Mervyn Peake." In Actas del IV Congreso de la Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos (Salamanca, del 18 al 21 de Diciembre de 1980). Salamanca: Ediciones U de Salamanca, 1984. 243-49.*

Goodrich, Peter. "Megalography." Symbolism 8 (2008). (Special Focus: Literature and Painting).

Graham, John. "Ut Pictura Poesis." Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Ed. Philip P. Wiener. New York: Scribner's, 1973.

Groth, Helen. Victorian Photography and Literary Nostalgia. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Gubern, Román. Del bisonte a la realidad virtual: La escena y el laberinto. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1996.

Gutiérrez San Miguel, Begoña. "La creación visual en la investigación en televisión, cine y fotografía." 2006-7.


Hagstrum, Jean H. The Sister Arts: The Tradition of Literary Pictorialism and English Poetry from Dryden to Gray. Chicago: U of Chicago Press, 1972.

Heehs, Peter. "Narrative Painting and Narratives about Paintings: Poussin among the Philosophers." Narrative 3.3: 211-231.*

Horváth, Gyöngyvér. From Sequence to Scenario: The Scenography and Theory of Visual Narration. Ph.D. diss. U of East Anglia, 2010.*


Howard, William G. "Ut Pictura Poesis." PMLA 24 (1909): 40-123.

Hueso Montón, A. Luis. Los géneros audiovisuales. Burgos: Mensajero, 1982.

Ivins, William, Jr. Prints and Visual Communication. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1953.

Kafalenos, Emma. "Temporal Hinges, Proliferating Stories, and Loosened Causality: Reading Visual Arts as—and in—Narratives." Paper presented at the annual MLA Convention, San Francisco (CA), 29 Dec. 1998.

Kroeber, Karl, and William Walling, eds. Images of Romanticism: Verbal and Visual Affinities. New Haven and London, 1978.

Lacour, Claudia Brodsky. "'Is That Helen?' Contemporary Pictorialism, Lessing and Kant." Comparative Literature 45.3 (1993).*

Langage 75 ("Lettres et icônes") (Sept. 1984).

Lara Rallo, Carmen "A. S. Byatt y la intertextualidad pictórica: La presencia de Rembrandt y Vermeer en la tetralogía." In Proceedings of the 29th AEDEAN Conference: Universidad de Jaén 15 al 20 diciembre 2005. CD-ROM. Ed. Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes et al. Jaén: AEDEAN / Servicio de Publicaciones U de Jaén, 2006. 61-66.*

Lara Rallo, Carmen, Laura María Lojo Rodríguez and Rosario Arias Doblas. "La intertextualidad visual: El diálogo de la literatura con la pintura y la fotografía." In New Perspectives on English Studies. [32nd International Conference of AEDEAN, Nov. 2008]. CD-ROM. Ed. Marian Amengual et al. Palma: U de les Illes Balears, 2009.*

Lee, Rensselaer W. "Ut pictura poesis: The Humanistic Theory of Painting." Art Bulletin 22 (1940).

_____. Ut Pictura Poesis: The Humanistic Theory of Painting. New York: W. W. Norton, 1967.

_____. 'Ut pictura poesis': La teoria umanistica della pittura. Florence: Sansoni, 1974.

Lehtimäki, Markku. "The Failure of Art: Problems of Verbal and Visual Representation in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men." In Intermediality and Storytelling. Ed. Marina Grishakova and Marie-Laure Ryan. Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2010. 183-207.* (James Agee, Walker Evans).

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Laokoon. 1766. In Lessing, Schriften über antike Kunst. Vol. 4 of Lessings Werke. 6 vols. Ed. R. Riemann. Leipzig: Philipp Reklam [n.d.]. 7-161.

_____. Laokoon. Ed. W. G. Howard. New York, 1910.

_____. Laocoon. Trans. Sir Robert Phillimore. Selection. In The Great Critics. Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932. 420-26.*

_____. Laocoön: An Essay on the Limits of Poetry and Painting. Trans. Edward Allen McCormick. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1984.

_____. From Laocoön (From Preface; Chs. 1-3, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16-18, 21). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. Laocoonte, o sobre los límites de la poesía y la pintura. Trans. Enrique Palau. Barcelona: Orbis, 1985.*

_____. Laocoonte. Trans. E. Barjau. Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1984.

Lledó, Emilio. "2. Palabras e imágenes." In Lledó, Palabra y humanidad. Oviedo: KRK, 2015. 131-72.*

Llorens-Cubedo, Dídac. "T. S. Eliot in the Art of R. B. Kitaj: Anatomy of an Influence."  Atlantis 41.2 (Dec. 2019): 123-42.* (Painter).



Magritte, René. "Les Mots et les images." La Révolution Surréaliste 5.12 (Paris, 15 December 1929).

Martínez-Dueñas Espejo, José Luis. Función de la representación y la descripción: lo verbal y lo iconográfico en el retrato inglés. 1996.

Mayenowa, M. R. "Verbal Texts and Iconic-Visual Texts." In Image and Code. Ed. W. Steiner. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1981.

McLuhan, Marshall. Verbi-Voco-Visual Explorations. New York: Something Else Press, 1967.

McLuhan, Marshall, and Harley Parker. Through the Vanishing Point: Space in Poetry and Painting. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.

Meisel, Martin. Realizations: Narrative, Pictorial and Theatrical Arts of the Nineteenth Century. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1984.

Melville, Stephen, and Bill Readings.  "General Introduction." InVision and Textuality. Ed. Stephen Melville and Bill Readings. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1995. 3-28.*

_____, eds. Vision and Textuality. Durham (NC): Duke UP; Houndmills: Macmillan, 1995.*

Mendelsund, Peter. "Pintar la pintura." In Mendelsund, Qué vemos cuando leemos. Barcelona: Planeta-Seix Barral, 2015. 19-22.*

_____. "Ojos, visión ocular y medios audiovisuales." In Mendelsund, Qué vemos cuando leemos. Barcelona: Planeta-Seix Barral, 2015. 279-310.*

Miller, J. Hillis. "Word and Image." In Miller, Illustration. London: Reaktion, 1992. 61-151.*

Mitchell, W. J. T. Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986.

Mosthaf, Franziska. Metaphorische Intermedialität: Formen und Funktionen der Verarbeitung von Malerei im Roman. Theorie und Praxis in der englischsprachigen Erzählkunst des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts (Horizonte: Studien zu Texten und Ideen der europäischen Moderne, 25). Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. 2000.

Mukarovksy, Jan. "Between Literature and Visual Arts." In Mukarovsky, The Word and Verbal Art. New Haven: Yale UP, 1977. 205-34.*

Narbeshuber, Lisa. "18. Visual Arts." In Ernest Hemingway in Context. Ed. Debra A. Moddelmog and Suzanne del Gizzo. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013. 183-92.*

Panofsky, Erwin. Hercules am Scheidewege, und andere antike Bildstoffe in der der neueren Kunst. (Studien der Bibliothek Warburg, 5). Leipzig, 1924.

Patea Birk, Viorica, Ernesto Suárez Toste and Fabio Vericat. "Distintos enfoques en torno a la poesía y las artes visuales." In New Perspectives on English Studies. [32nd International Conference of AEDEAN, Nov. 2008]. CD-ROM. Ed. Marian Amengual et al. Palma: U de les Illes Balears, 2009.*

Paulson, Ronald. "The Pictorial Circuit and Related Structures in 18th-century England." In The Varied Pattern: Studies in the 18th Century. Ed. Peter Hughes and David Williams. Toronto: A. M. Hakkert, 1971. 165-87.

_____. Literary Landscape: Turner and Constable. New Haven and London, 1982.

Paz, Octavio. Sombras de obras: Arte y literatura. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1996.

Peña Ardid, Carmen. "La influencia del cine en la novela española del medio siglo: una revisión crítica." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 17 (1991): 169-91.*

Praz, Mario. Mnemosyne: El paralelismo entre la literatura y las artes visuales.  Madrid: Taurus, 1981.

Podzemskaia, Nadia. "La notion de faktura dans les arts visuels en Russie, années 1910-1920: Au croisement des approches formalistes et phénoménologiques." Communications 103 (2018): Le formalisme russe cent ans aprés. Ed. Catherine Depretto, John Pier and Philippe Roussin. Paris: Seuil, 2018. 131-46.*

Putri, Rynda Kaulika Ayu. "The Implementation of Picture Series to Improve Students' Ability in Writing Narrative Texts." Diss. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2012.*


Risco, A. Literatura y figuración. Madrid: Gredos, 1982.

Roston, Murray. Renaissance Perspectives in Literature and the Visual Arts. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1987.

_____. Victorian Contexts: Literature and the Visual Arts. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996.

_____. Modernist Patterns in Literature and the Visual Arts. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999.

Saisselin, Rémy G. "Ut Pictura Poesis: Du Bos to Diderot." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 20 (1961-62): 145-56.

Sanford, John E·. "Hemingway: Painting and Writing, Omissions and Connections." North Dakota Quarterly 70.4 (Fall 2003): 232-53. (Special issue on Hemingway: Life and Art).*

Sapiña, Héctor. "Vínculos entre la poética literaria y la crítica cinematográfica de Alfonso Reyes." M.A. diss. UNAM, 2016. Online at Academia (Héctor Sapiña).*


Schaber, Bennet. "Vision Procured." In Vision and Textuality. Ed. Stephen Melville and Bill Readings. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1995. 317-25.*

Schlickers, Sabine. "Focalization, Ocularization and Auricularization in Film and Literature." In Point of View, Perspective, and Focalization: Modeling Mediation in Narrative. Ed. Peter Hühn, Wolf Schmid and Jörg Schönert. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 243-58.*

Scianna, Ferdinando, and Antonio Ansón, eds. Las palabras y las fotos. Literatura y fotografía / Words and Photographs: Literature and Photography. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 2009.

Silverman, Kaja. The Threshold of the Visible World. New York, 1996.

Sotelo Vázquez, Adolfo. "Camilo José Cela y la pintura gallega." In Cartografía literaria: En homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018. 1.329-41. Online at Academia.*


Spence, Joseph. Polymetis.  (Aesthetics, poetry and sculpture). 1747.

Steiner, Wendy. Pictures of Romance: Form against Context in Painting and Literature. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1988.

Szöni, György E. "Pictura & Scriptura: New and Old Approaches to Image-Word Relations." Symbolism 8 (2008). (Special Focus: Literature and Painting).

Tagg, John. "A Discourse (With Shape of Reason Missing)." In Vision and Textuality. Ed. Stephen Melville and Bill Readings. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1995. 90-114.*

Tinker, Chauncey B. Painter and Poet.  Cambridge (MA), 1938.

Verdonk, Peter. "Painting, Poetry, Parallelism: Ekphrasis, Stylistics and Cognitive Poetics." Language and Literature 14.3 (August 2005): 231-44.*

Virgulti, Ernesto, Corrado Federici, and  Leslie Anne Boldt-Irons, eds. Images and Imagery: Frames, Borders, Limits: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. (Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature). Bern: Peter Lang, 2005.* Preview at Google Books


The Visible and the Written. EJES 4.1 (2000).

Wagner-Durand, Elisabeth, Alexander Heinemann and Barbara Fath, eds. "Image – Narrative – Context: Visual Narration in Cultures and Societies in the Old World." In  Image – Narrative – Context: Visual Narration in Cultures and Societies in the Old World. Ed. Elisabeth Wagner-Durand, Barbara Fath and Alexander Heinemann. (Freiburger Studien zur Archäologie und visuellen Kultur, 1). Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2019. Online at Academia.* (Introduction, 1-17).


Wallace, David Foster. "E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction." 1990.

Wellek, René, and Austin Warren. "Literature and the Other Arts." In Wellek and Warren, Theory of Literature. 1949. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1963. 125-38.*

Wendorf, Richard. The Elements of Life: Biography and Portrait-Painting in Stuart and Georgian England. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.

_____, ed. Articulate Images: The Sister Arts from Hogarth to Tennyson. Minneapolis: U of Minesota P, 1983.

Witemeyer, Hugh. George Eliot and the Visual Arts. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979.

Yacobi, Tamar. "Pictorial Models and Narrative Ekphrasis." Poetics Today 16 (1995): 599-649.






Internet resources



Visual Language Lab. (Neil Cohn).








Escritura e imagen

Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Vol. 2 (2006)




Glimpse: The Art and Science of Seeing



Image [&] Narrative: Online Magazine of the Visual Narrative.



Word & Image 5.1 (January-March 1989).





See also Ekphrasis; Description; Literature and Film.


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