viernes, 9 de junio de 2023

Literatura del siglo XVIII



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Literary history:

18th-century literature






Beers, Henry A. A History of Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century. 1899.

Alcalá Galiano, Antonio. Historia de la literatura española, francesa, inglesa e italiana en el siglo XVIII. Madrid: Sociedad Literaria y Tipográfica, 1845.

Brown, Laura, and Felicity Nussbaum, eds. The New Eighteenth Century.  New York: Methuen, 1987.

Damrosch, Leo, ed. The Profession of Eighteenth-Century Literature. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1992.

Ideology and Form in Eighteenth-Century Literature. Lubbock (TX): Texas Tech UP, 1999.

Turner, Cheryl. Living by the Pen: Women Writers in the Eighteenth Century.  London: Routledge, 1994.

Van Tieghem, Paul. Le Préromantisme.  2 vols. Paris, 1924, 1930.

Wasserman, Earl R., ed. Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Baltimore, 1965.







Boas, George. "In Search of the Age of Reason." In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Ed. Earl R. Wasserman. Baltimore, 1965.

Carnero, G.  La cara oscura del Siglo de las Luces. Madrid: Fundación Juan March- Cátedra, 1983.

Castle, Terry. The Female Thermometer: Eighteenth-Century Culture and the Invention of the Uncanny. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995.

Fell, Christa, and James Leith, eds. Man and Nature: Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Edmonton: Academic Printing & Publishing, 1992. 

Fulford, Tim. Landscape, Liberty and Authority. (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Thought, 30). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Gallagher, C. Nobody's Story: The Vanishing Acts of Women Writers in the Marketplace, 1670-1820. Berkeley and Los Angeles: U of California P, 1995.

Gusdorf, G.  Naissance de la conscience romantique au Siècle des Lumières.  Paris: Payot, 1976.

Hughes, Peter, and David Williams, eds. The Varied Pattern: Studies in the 18th Century. Toronto: A. M. Hakkert, 1971.

Janssens-Knorsch, U., H. Ch. Graf von Nayhauss, et al. "The Second Half of the Eighteenth Century." In A History of European Literature. Ed. Annick Benoit-Dusausoy and Guy Fontaine. London: Routledge, 2000. 349-93.*

Kelly, Veronica and Dorothea E. von Mücke, eds. Body and Text in the Eighteenth Century. (Reviewed by Marshall Brown) In Eighteenth-Century Fiction  8.1 (1995).*

Malandain, P., et al. "The First Half of the Eighteenth Century: the Enlightenment." In A History of European Literature. Ed. Annick Benoit-Dusausoy and Guy Fontaine. London: Routledge, 2000. 300-48.*

Masseau, Didier. L'Invention de l'intellectuel dans l'Europe du XVIIIe siècle.  Paris, 1994.

McGann, Jerome J. The Poetics of Sensibility: A Revolution in Literary Style. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

Mullan, John. Sentiment and Sociability: The Language of Feeling in the Eighteenth Century. Oxford: Clarendon Press,  1988.*

O'Connell, Lisa, and Peter Cryle. Libertine Enlightenment. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Ortega y Gasset, José. "Cuaderno de bitácora." 1927. From El Espectador, vol. 7 (1929). In In El Espectador: Tomos VII y VIII. (El Arquero). Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1961. 53-66.* (La profundidad de Francia. El siglo XVIII, educador. El alpe y la sierra).

Paulson, Ronald. "Life as Journey and as Theater: Two Eighteenth-century Structures." New Literary History 7 (1976): 43-58.

Raimondi, E.  Anatomie secetesche.  Pisa: Nistri Lischi, 1966.

Roberts, Marie Mulvey, and Roy Porter, eds. Literature and Medicine During the Eighteenth Century. London: Routledge, 1993.

Robertson, J. G. Studies in the Genesis of Romantic Theory in the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge, 1923.

Spacks, Patricia Meyer. Privacy: Concealing the Eighteenth-Century Self. London and Chicago: Chicago UP, 2003.

Watt, Ian. "The Consequences of Literacy." Comparative Studies in Society and History 5 (1963): 304-45.




See also: Neoclassicism, Enlightenment.




Internet resources


17th, 18th and 19th Literature.


18th, 19th and 20th Century Literature Resources. modlinks.htm


18th Century Resources.


Eighteenth Century Resources – Literature. Ed. Jack Lynch (Rutgers U).*



Voltaire Foundation, U of Oxford (Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies).







The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation.

Lubbock (TX): Texas Tech UP.

Vol. 20 (1979).



The London Review of English and Foreign Literature.  Periodical. By William Kenrick. 1775.


Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture  (American Sciety for Eighteenth-Century Studies) 13 (1984).


Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 67 (1969).










(The Borzoi Series in Eighteenth-Century Literature). New York: Knopf, c. 1966.


(Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Thought, 30). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.






Related works


Cassirer, Ernst.   La filosofía de la Ilustración. México: FCE, 1972.

Rodríguez, Evangelina, et al.  De las academias a la Enciclopedia. Valencia: Edicions Alfons el Magnànim, 1993.

Starobinski, Jean.  The Invention of Liberty 1700-1789.  Trans. Bernard C. Swift.  Geneva: Skira; New York: Rizzoli, 1987.

Valcárcel, Amelia.  "¿Fracaso de la Ilustración?"  Revista de Occidente  136 (1992): 73-90.





Societies and Institutions




British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.*










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