martes, 4 de julio de 2023

Literatura norteamericana del siglo XX



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)


20th-Century US Literature





Bloom, Harold. Twentieth-century American literature. New York : Chelsea House Publishers, 1985-1988.

Cunliffe, Marcus, ed. American Literature since 1900. (Sphere History of Literature in the English Language, 9). London: Sphere Books, 1975.

_____, ed. American Literature since 1900. (Penguin History of Literature, 9). Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Hoffmann, Daniel, ed. Harvard Guide to Contemporary American Writing. Cambridge (MA): Belknap, 1979.

Morley, Catherine. Modern American Literature. (Edinburgh Critical Guides to Literature). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, forthcoming 2010.





Aaron, Daniel. Writers on the Left: Episodes in American Literary Communism. New York: Harcourt, 1961.

Alvarez, A. Under Pressure: The Writer in Society: Eastern Europe and the USA. Essay.

American Writing Today. New York: New York UP, 1957.

Cohen, Sarah Blacher, ed. Comic Relief: Humor in Contemporary American Literature. Chicago: U of Illinois P, 1978.

Cowley, Malcolm. —And I Worked at the Writer's Trade: Chapters of Literary History, 1918-1978. New York: Viking, 1978.

Fiedler, Leslie A.  Waiting for the End. 1964. (20th c. am. lit. and culture).

Fisher, Dexter, ed. The Third Woman: Minority Women Writers of the United States. Boston: Houghton, 1980.

González Groba, Constante, et al., eds. Travelling across Cultures / Viaxes interculturais: the Twentieth-Century American Experience: Actas IV Congreso Spanish Association for American Studies (SAAS), Santiago de Compostela, Marzo de 1999. (Cursos e congresos da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 122). Santiago de compostela : Universidade de Santiago de Compostela , 2000.

Jones, Howard M., and Richard M. Ludwig. Guide to American Literature and its Background since 1890. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1972.

Kazin, Alfred. Contemporaries. London: Secker, 1963.*

Langford, Richard E., Guy Owen and William E. Taylor, eds. Essays in Modern American Literature. Ed. Richard E. Langford, Guy Owen and William E. Taylor. DeLand (FL): Stetson UP, 1963.

Lewis, Fred Pattee. A History of American Literature since 1870. MJP Publishers, 2021.

Massa, Ann, and Alistair Stead. Forked Tongues? Comparing 20th-Century British and American Literature. Harlow: Longman, 1994.

Mendelson, Edward. Moral Agents: Eight Twentieth-Century American Writers. New York Review Books, 2015.

Owen, David, and Cristina Pividori, eds. The Spectre of Defeat in Post-War British and US Literature. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021.

Piette, Adam, and Mark Rawlinson, eds. The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century British and American War Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2012.

Rudin, Ernst, and Gert Buelens, eds. Deferring a Dream: Literary Sub-Versions of the American Columbiad. Basel: Birkhauser, 1994.

Tallack, Douglas. Twentieth Century America: The Intellectual and Cultural Context. London: Longman, 1991.

Tanner, Tony. Scenes of Nature, Signs of Man: Essays on 19th and 20th Century American Literature. (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, 31). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989.

Usandizaga, Aránzazu. "Outside the Canon: Writers of the South." Proceedings of the 20th International AEDEAN Conference. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, Facultad de Filología, 1997. 73-84.*

Wilson, Edmund. Letters on Literature and Politics: 1912-1972.  Ed. Elena Wilson. New York: Farrar, 1977.








Baym, Nina, Robert S. Levine, et al. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Vol. 1 (A & B), Vol. 2 (C, D & E) International Edition.  Vol. A: Beginnings to 1820. Vol. B: 1820-1865. Vol. C: 1865-1914. Vol. D: 1914-1945. Vol. E: since 1945 (Int. Ed). New York: Norton, 2012.




Related works


Brookeman, Christopher. American Culture and Society since the 1930s. London: Macmillan, 1984.







Early 20th


Ammons, Elizabeth. Conflicting Stories: American Women Writers at the Turn into the Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford UP, 1991.

Berthoff, Warner. The Ferment of Realism: American Literature 1884-1919. New York: Free Press, 1965.

Brooks, Van Wyck. The Confident Years: 1885-1915. New York: Dutton, 1952.

_____. The Confident Years: 1885-1915.  London: Readers Union/Dent, 1953.

Gardner, Sarah. Reviewing the South: The Literary Marketplace and the Southern Renaissance, 1920-1941. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2017.

Garland, Hamlin. Roadside Meeings.  New York, 1930. (On Crane, 189-206).

Gunning, Sandra. Rape, Race, and Lynching: The Red Record of American Literature, 1890-1912.  (Race and American Culture). New York: Oxford UP, 1996.

Hicks, Granville. The Great Tradition: An Interpretation of American Literature since the Civil War. New York, 1933. Rpt. New York: Times, 1972.

Howard, Maureeen, ed. Seven American Women Writers of the Twentieth Century: An Introduction. U of Minnesota P, 1977.

Kazin, Alfred. On Native Grounds: An Interpretation of Modern American Prose Literature. Garden City (NY): Doubleday, 1942. 

_____. En tierra nativa: Interpretación de medio siglo de literatura norteamericana. Mexico: FCE, 1993.*

Lee, Brian. American Fiction 1865-1940. (Longman Literature in English Series). Harlow: Longman, 1987.

Lorenzo Modia, María Jesús. La literatura de Estados Unidos desde sus orígenes hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial. Madrid: Síntesis, 2006.

Martin, Jay. Harvests of Change: American Literature 1865-1914. New Jersey: Prentice, 1967.

Martin, Ronald E. "U.S. Authors and the Scientific Description of the World: A Study in Early Twentieth Century Cultural Change." In AEDEAN Select Papers in Language, Literature and Culture: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference. [U of Córdoba, 1993]. Ed. Javier Pérez Guerra. Vigo: AEDEAN, 2000. 69-78.*

Maugham, W, ed., Introduction to Modern English and American Literature. Philadelphia, 1943.

Parrington, Vernon Louis. Main Currents in American Thought: An Interpretation of American Literature from the Beginnings to 1920. Volume One: 1620-1800: The Colonial Mind; Volume Two: 1800-1860: The Romantic Revolution in America; Volume Three: 1860-1920: The Beginnings of Critical Realism in America. [3 vols in 1]. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927, 1930.*

Pizer, Donald. American Expatriate Writing and the Paris Moment: Modernism and Place. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1996.

Rubin, Louis D., Jr, and Robert D. Jacobs, eds. Southern Renaissance. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1953.

Spiller, Robert E., ed. A Time of Harvest: American Literature 1910-1960. New York: Hill, 1962.

Walcutt, Charles Child. American Literary Naturalism: A Divided Stream. Minneapolis : U of Minnesota P, 1956.

Wasserman, Renata R. Mautner. Exotic Nations: Literature and Cultural Identity in the United States and Brazil, 1830-1930. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1994.





American Literary Realism

The Editor. English Department. HB 217

University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, NM 87131








Baker, Houston A., Jr. Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1987. Ch. 10 rpt. in Modernism/Postmodernism. Ed. Peter Brooker. London: Longman, 1992. 107-12.

Benstock, Shari. Women of the Left Bank: Paris 1900-1940. London: Virago, 1987.

Homberger, Eric. "Chicago and New York: Two Versions of American Modernism." In Modernism. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991. 151-61.*

Kennedy, J. Gerald. "15. Modernist Paris and the Expatriate Literary Milieu." In Ernest Hemingway in Context. Ed. Debra A. Moddelmog and Suzanne del Gizzo. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013. 153-62.*

Kenner, Hugh. The Pound Era. London: Faber, 1972.

_____. A Homemade World: The American Modernist Writers. New York: Knopf, 1975; London: Boyars, 1977.

Monk, Craig. "Modernism in Transition: The Expatriate American Magazine in Europe, between the World Wars." Miscelánea 20 (1999): 55-72.*

North, Michael. "The Harlem Renaissance." In Modernism and the New Criticism. Ed. A. Walton Litz, Louis Menand, and Lawrence Rainey. Vol. 7 of The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000. 167-78.*

Pinsker, Sanford.  "On or About 1910: When Human Character – and American Humor – Changed." In  Critical Essays on American Humor.  Ed. William Bedford Clark and W. Craig Turner.  Boston: G. K. Hall, 1984.  184-199.

Sánchez-Pardo González, Esther, Asunción López-Varela Azcárate, Pilar Sánchez-Calle and Carmen Méndez García. "Modernismo mestizo? Expatriación, diáspora e hibridación etnorracial y genérica en la construcción de la vanguardia anglonorteamericana." 2003. In Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN / Proceedings of the 27th International AEDEAN Conference. Ed. Antonio R[odríguez] Celada, Daniel Pastor García, and Pedro Javier Pardo García. CD-ROM. Salamanca: Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Universidad de Salamanca) / Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, 2004.*

Santana Martínez, Pedro. "La novela modernista norteamericana." In Historia crítica de la novela norteamericana. Ed. José Antonio Gurpegui.. Salamanca: Almar, 2001. 197-270.*






Cowley, Malcolm. "Paris Pilgrimages." From Exile's Return. 1934,1951. In The Portable Malcolm Cowley. New York: Viking Penguin, 1990. 43-67.*

Wilson, Edmund. The Twenties: From Notebooks and Diaries of the Period.  Ed. Leon Edel. 1975.







Bogardus, Ralph F., and Fred Hobson, eds. Literature at the Barricades. Ed. Ralph F. Bogardus and Fred Hobson. University: U of Alabama P, 1982.

Browder, Laura. Rousing the Nation: Radical Culture in Depression. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1998.*

Cowley, Malcolm. "A Personal Record." (30s). 1978. In The Portable Malcolm Cowley. New York: Viking Penguin, 1990. 110-16.*

Kazin, Alfred. "En los años treinta: Todas las generaciones perdidas." In Kazin, En tierra nativa: Interpretación de medio siglo de literatura norteamericana. Mexico: FCE, 1993. 300-42.* (Dos Passos, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Wolfe, etc.).

Farrell, James T. "The End of a Literary Decade." American Mercury 48 (1939): 408-15.

Wilson, Edmund. The Thirties: From Notebooks and Diaries of the Period. Ed. Leon Edel.  1982.





Fiedler, Leslie. Waiting for the End: The American Literary Scene from Hemingway to Baldwin. 1964. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967.

Jenkins, McKay. The South in Black and White: Race, Sex, and Literature in the 1940s. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1999.* (W. J. Cash, William Alexander Percy, Lillian Smith, Carson McCullers).

Wilson, Edmund. The Forties: From Notebooks and Diaries of the Period. Ed. Leon Edel. 1983.





Late 20th


Berthoff, Warner. "A Literature without Qualities: American Writing Since 1945." Yale Review 68.2 (Winter 1979): 251-252.

_____. A Literature Without Qualities

Bosch, Marta, Mercedes Cuenca Raya, and M. Isabel Seguro. "'All You Need Is Love', or How to Counteract Social Prejudice in American Literature (1945-present)." In aedeanXXXIII, Cádiz 12-14 Nov. 2009. Ed. R. Galán et al. CD-ROM. Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones, U de Cádiz, 2010.*

Clark, F. American Literature from the 40s into the 80s.

Christadler, Martin, ed. Amerikanische Literatur der Gegenwart. Stuttgart, 1973.

Grandjeat, Yves-Charles, ed. Sexualité et textualité dans la littérature américaine contemporaine. Talence: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 1998.

Gray, Richard. "Aftermath: Southern Literature since World War II." In Gray, Literature of Memory. London: Arnold, 1977.*

Hassan, Ihab. Contemporary American Literature: An Introduction.  New York: Ungar, 1973.

Hendin, Josephine G. A Concise Companion to Postwar American literature and Culture. (Concise Companions to Literature and Culture). Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Hoffman, Daniel, ed. Harvard Guide to Contemporary American Writing. Cambridge (MA): Belknap, 1979.

Kiernan, Robert F. American Writing since 1945: A Critical Survey.  New York: Ungar, 1983.

Klinkowitz, Jerome. Literary Disruptions: The Making of a Post-Contemporary American Fiction. 2nd ed. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1980.

Lesser, Wendy. (San Francisco). "United States." In The Oxford Guide to Contemporary World Literature. Ed. John Sturrock. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997. 406-31.*

Marín, Pilar. "Dominant Themes in the Literature of the Vietnam War." Atlantis 3.1 (1981).

Pérez Gállego, Cándido. Literatura Norteamericana de Hoy. Madrid: Fundamentos, 1977.*

Pérez Gállego, Cándido, Félix Martín and Leopoldo Mateo. Literatura norteamericana actual.  (Crítica y Estudios Literarios). Madrid: Cátedra, 1986.*

Scott, Nathan A., Jr., ed. Adversity and Grace: Studies in Recent American Literature.  Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1968.

Torres Núñez, Juan José. coed. Estudios de Literatura Norteamericana: Nabokov y otros autores contemporáneos.

Zamora, Lois Parkinson, ed. Contemporary American Women Writers: Gender, Class, Ethnicity. (Longman Critical Readers). Harlow (Essex): Addison Wesley Longman, 1998.*







(Understanding Contemporary American Literature). Columbia (SC): U of South Carolina P, 1999.*







Beat generation


Campbell, James. This Is the Beat Generation. London: Secker and Warburg, c. 1999.

Cook, Bruce. The Beat Generation. 1970.

_____. La generación Beat. Trans. Esdras Parra. Barcelona: Barral, 1974.*

Johnson, Ronna C., and Nancy M. Grace, eds. Girls Who Wore Black. Women Writing the Beat Generation. Reviewed in BELL ns 2 (2004).

Lee, A. Robert. The Beat Generation Writers.

Pastor García, Daniel. "La crítica ante la generación beat." In Studies in American Literature: Essays in Honor of Enrique García Díez. Ed. Antonia Sánchez Macarro. Valencia: Universitat de València, Facultat de Filologia, 1991. 211-20.*

Showalter, Elaine. "Road-Stop Rimbauds." Rev. of This Is the Beat Generation. By James Campbell. TLS 11 June 1999: 22.*

Theado, Matt. The Beats. A Literary Reference. Reviewed in BELL ns 2 (2004).





Años de fuego, lustros de lluvia. U de La Laguna, 2001. (Anglo-American lit. in the 60s).

Díaz, María Eugenia, and Viorika Patea Birk, eds. Anarchy and Dissent: American Literature in the Sixties. Salamanca: Plaza Universitaria, 1999.





Quinn, ed. The Sense of the 60s. New York: Free Press, 1968.





Brogan, Kathleen. Cultural Haunting: Ghosts and Ethnicity in Recent American Literature. UP of Virginia, 1999.*

Jarvis, Brian. Postmodern Cartographies: The Geographical Imagination in Contemporary American Culture. St. Martin's P, 1998.

Lipina-Berezkina, Victoria. "Re-Enaction and Renewal: American Postmodernist Literature at the Threshold of the Third Millennium." In Power and Culture in America: Forms of Interaction and Renewal. Actas del V Congreso SAAS (Salamanca, 2001). Salamanca: Almar, 2002. 275-84.*

Mackey, Nathaniel. Discrepant Engagement: Dissonance, Cross-Culturality and Experimental Writing. (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, 71). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.

Maver, Igor. "Recent Southern Writing in a Postmodern Context." REDEN 6 (1993): 37-44.

Pütz, Manfred, and Peter Freese, eds. Postmodernism in American Literature: A Critical Anthology. Darmastadt: Thesen, 1984.

"A Reader's Manifesto." In Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. (On Brian Reynolds Myers).







Dickstein, Morris.  Gates of Eden: American Culture in the Sixties. New York: Basic Books, 1977.





Marín, Pilar. "Dominant Themes in the Literature of the Vietnam War." Atlantis 3.1 (Dec. 1981): 5-15.*

New American Writing. Granta 1 (1979).






Oliva, Juan Ignacio, Francisco Collado, Silvia Martínez and Nieves Pascual. "North American Hybrid Literatures: From Canonical Subversions to Transgendered Realities." In Proceedings of the 29th AEDEAN Conference: Universidad de Jaén 15 al 20 diciembre 2005. CD-ROM. Ed. Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes et al. Jaén: AEDEAN / Servicio de Publicaciones U de Jaén, 2006. 681-90.*


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