domingo, 2 de julio de 2023

Literatura norteamericana del siglo XIX



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



19th-century US Literature





Beers, Henry Augustin. A Short History of American Literature. T. Fisher Unwin, 1906.

Bercovitch, Sacvan, and Myra Jehlen, eds. Ideology and Classic American Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.

Boynton, Percy H. A History of American Literature. 1919.

Brooks, Van Wyck. Makers and Finders. 5 vols. The Flowering of New England, 1815-1865. 1936. (Pulitzer Prize). New England: Indian Summer 1865-1915. 1940. The World of Washington Irving. 1941. The Times of Melville and Whitman. 1947. The Confident Years, 1885-1915. 1952.

Bronson, Walter Cochrane. A Short History of American Literature: Designed Primarily for Use in Schools and Colleges. Boston: D.C. Heath, 1900. Online facsimile at Internet Archive. 2006.*


The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. New York: Putnam, 1907-1921. Online at


Colacurcio, Michael J. "A Better Mode of Evidence: The Transcendental Problem of Faith and Spirit." Emerson Society Quarterly 54 (1969): 12-22.

Cunliffe, Marcus. The Literature of the United States. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961.

_____, ed. American Literature to 1900. New York: Peter Bedrick, 1987.

_____, ed. American Literature to 1900. Sphere History of Literature in the English Language, 8). London: Sphere Books, forthcoming 1971.

Fiedler, Leslie A. No! in Thunder. Boston, 1960.

Gibert Maceda, María Teresa. American Literature to 1900. 2 vols. Madrid: Editorial Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, 2001.

_____. A Study Guide for American Literature to 1900.  Madrid: Editorial universitaria Ramón Areces, 2009.

Manning, Susan. The Puritan Provincial Vision: Scottish and American Literature in the Nineteenth Century. (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, 41). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.

Mullane, Janet, and Robert Thomas Wilson. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Detroit: Gale Research, 1988.

Parrington, Vernon Louis. Main Currents in American Thought: An Interpretation of American Literature from the Beginnings to 1920. Volume One: 1620-1800: The Colonial Mind; Volume Two: 1800-1860: The Romantic Revolution in America; Volume Three: 1860-1920: The Beginnings of Critical Realism in America. [3 vols in 1]. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1927, 1930.*

Wendell, Barrett. A Literary History of America. London: Unwin, 1901.





Augst, Thomas. "Taking Society Out of Books: Character, Self-Fashioning, and the Rhetoric of Market culture in Nineteenth-Century America." Diss. Harvard U, 1997.

Bain, Robert, and Joseph M. Flora. Fifty Southern Writers before 1900: A Biographical Source Book. Westport (CT): Greenwood, 1987.

Bell, Michael Davitt, Eric J. Sundquist, Barbara L. Packer and Jonathan Arac, eds. The Cambridge History of American Literature. Vol. 2: Prose Writing 1820-1865. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Bercovitch, Sacvan, ed. Typology and Early American Literature. Ed. Sacvan Bercovitch. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1972.

Blanchard, Lydia. "Lawrence as Reader of Classic American Literature." In The Challenge of D. H. Lawrence. Ed. Michael Squires and Keith Cushman. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1990. 159-75.*

Brooks, Van Wyck. Dream of Arcadia: American Writers and Artists in Italy, 1760-1915. 1958.

Brownell, W. C. American Prose Masters. 1909.

Bruccoli, Matthew J., ed. The Profession of Authorship in America, 1800-1870. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1968.

Charvat, William. The Profession of Authorship in America, 1800-1870. Ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 1968.

Frederickson, George M. The Black Image in the White Mind: The Debate on Afro-American Character and Destiny, 1817-1914. New York: Harper, 1971.

Fuller, Margaret. "American Literature: Its Position in the Present Time and Prospects for the Future." 1846. From Papers on Literature and Art. In American Literature, American Culture. Ed. Gordon Hutner. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 37-48.*

Harkins, E. F. Famous Authors. Boston: Page, 1901.

Horwitz, Howard. 'By the Law of Nature'" Form and Value in Nineteenth-Century America. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.

Knight, Grant C. The Critical Period in American Literature. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1951.

Lanero, Juan J, and Secundino Villoria. Literatura en traducción: Versiones españolas de autores americanos del s. XIX. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad [de León?], 1996.

Lawrence, D. H. Studies in Classic American Literature. 1923. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.

_____. Studies in Classic American Literature. 1923. London: Heinemann, 1964.

_____. The Symbolic Meaning: The Uncollected Versions of Studies on Classic American Literature1918-21. Ed. Armin Arnold.1964.

Lewis, R. W. B. The American Adam: Innocence, Tragedy and Tradition in the Nineteenth Century. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1955.

Lowance, Mason I. The Language of Canaan: Metaphor and Symbol in New England from the Puritans to the Transcendentalists. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1980.

Machor, James L., ed. Readers in History: Nineteenth-Century American Literature and the Contexts of Response. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1993.

Macy, John. The Spirit of American Literature. 1913.

Manuel Cuenca, Carme. La literatura de Estados Unidos desde sus orígenes hasta la Primera Guerra Mundial. Madrid: Síntesis, 2006.

Nelson, Dana D. The World in Black and White: Reading "Race" in American Literature 1638-1867. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1982.

Paulding, James Kirk. "National Literature." 1820, 1835. In American Literature, American Culture. Ed. Gordon Hutner. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 24-25.*

Poe, Edgar Allan. "Marginalia." In Brown, The Writer's Art 130-7.

_____. "Marginalia." 1845. In American Literature, American Culture. Ed. Gordon Hutner. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 25-26.*

Reeds, Robert A., ed. Fifteen American Authors before 1900. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1971.

Ridgely, J. V. Nineteenth-Century Southern Literature. Lexington: U of Kentucky P, 1980.

Simms, William Gilmore. "Americanism in Literature." Southern and Western Magazine 1 (Jan. 1845). In American Literature, American Culture. Ed. Gordon Hutner. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 26-37.

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll. Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in Victorian America. New York: Oxford UP, 1985.

Spencer, Benjamin T. The Quest for Nationality: An American Literary Campaign. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 1957.

Sundquist, Eric J. Home as Found: Authority and Genealogy in Nineteenth-Century American Literature. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1979.

_____. "Realism and Regionalism." In The Columbia Literary History of the United States. Gen. ed. Emory Elliott. New York: Columbia UP, 1988.

Tanner, Tony. Scenes of Nature, Signs of Man: Essays on 19th and 20th Century American Literature. (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, 31). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989.

Trent, W. P., J. Erskine, S. P. Sherman, and C. Van Doren, eds. The Cambridge History of English and American literature— American.


Tudor, William. Excerpt from North American Review. 1815. In American Literature, American Culture. Ed. Gordon Hutner. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 12-23.*

Wasserman, Renata R. Mautner. Exotic Nations: Literature and Cultural Identity in the United States and Brazil, 1830-1930. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1994.

Wellek, René. Confrontations: Studies in the Intellectual and Literary Relations between Germany, England, and the United States during the Nineteenth Century.

Whitman, Walt. "Preface." In Whitman, Leaves of Grass. New York, 1855.

_____. Democratic Vistas. Washington, D.C., 1871.

Wilson, Edmund.  Patriotic Gore. New York: Oxford UP, 1966.

_____. Maule's Curse: Seven Studies in American Obscurantism. Norfolk (CT): New Directions, 1938.

_____. Maule's Curse. Rpt. in Winters, In Defense of Reason. 1947. Athens (OH): Ohio UP-Swallow Press, 1987. 151-358.*

_____. In Defense of Reason. New York: Swallow/Morrow, 1947.

_____. In Defense of Reason: Primitivism and Decadence: A Study of American Experimental Poetry; Maule's Curse: Seven Studies in the History of American Obscurantism; The Anatomy of Nonsense; The Significance of The Bridge by Hart Crane, or What Are We to Think of Professor X? Introd. Kenneth Fields. Athens (OH): Ohio UP-Swallow Press, 1987.*







Baym, Nina, Robert S. Levine, et al. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Vol. 1 (A & B), Vol. 2 (C, D & E) International Edition.  Vol. A: Beginnings to 1820. Vol. B: 1820-1865. Vol. C: 1865-1914. Vol. D: 1914-1945. Vol. E: since 1945 (Int. Ed). New York: Norton, 2012.

Crow, Charles L., ed. American Gothic: An Anthology 1787-1916. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.*

Stedman, Edmund Clarence. An American Anthology. New York, 1900.






Shaw, Ralph Robert, and Richard H. Shoemaker. American Bibliography:  A Preliminary Checklist for 1801-1819. 19 vols. Rpt. Metuchen (NJ): Scarecrow, 1983. (Incl. Printers, Publishers and Booksellers index; geographical index).





Internet resources



Perseus Digital Library.








Early 19th c.


Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Literati of New York City." Godey's Lady's Book (1846).

Thoreau, Henry David. "Advantages and Disadvantages of Foreign Influence on American Literature." In Early Essays and Miscellanies. Ed. Joseph J. Moldenhauer and Edwin Moser, with Alexander C. Kern. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1975. (American literature; Agrarianism; Commerce)




Romanticism and Transcendentalism


Bell, Michael Davitt, Eric J. Sundquist, Barbara L. Packer and Jonathan Arac, eds. The Cambridge History of American Literature. Vol. 2: Prose Writing 1820-1865. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Brooks, Van Wyck. Makers and Finders. 5 vols. The Flowering of New England, 1815-1865. 1936. (Pulitzer Prize). New England: Indian Summer 1865-1915. 1940.

Capper, Charles. Margaret Fuller: An American Romantic Life. Vol. 1: The Private Years. New York: Oxford UP, 1992. (Bancroft Prize 1993).

_____ , coed. Transient and Permanent: The Transcendentalist Movement and Its Contexts. 1999.

Gardner, Jared. Master Plots: Race and the Foundation of American Literature, 1787-1845. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1998.

Gilmore, Michael T. American Romanticism and the Marketplace. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1985.

González de la Aleja Barberán, Manuel. "La teoría y la crítica literarias durante el período romántico." In Historia de la teoría y la crítica literarias en Estados Unidos. Ed. Ricardo Miguel Alfonso. Madrid: Verbum, 2001.*

Goodman, Russell. "Transcendentalism." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2003, rev. 2008.*


Gravil, Richard. Transatlantic Romanticism: Anglo-American Continuities, 1776-1855. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Matthiessen, F. O. The American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman. New York: Oxford UP, 1941.

McKusick, James C. The Romantic Origins of American Environmentalism. (Romanticism in Perspective: Texts, Cultures, Histories). Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999.

Paglia, Camille. "22. American Decadents: Poe, Hawthorne, Melville." In Paglia, Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson. (Yale Nota Bene). London and New Haven: Yale UP, 2001.*

_____. "23. American Decadents: Emerson, Whitman, James." In Paglia, Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson. (Yale Nota Bene). London and New Haven: Yale UP, 2001.*

_____. "24. Amherst's Madame de Sade: Emily Dickinson." In Paglia, Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson. (Yale Nota Bene). London and New Haven: Yale UP, 2001.*

Patea, Viorica. "New Readings in American Romanticism." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 54 (2007): 209-215.

_____. "The Raw and the Cooked: Mythologies of Nature in American Romanticism." In English and American Studies. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2008.

Porte, Joel. In Respect to Egotism: Studies in American Romantic Writing. (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, 53). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991.

Simonson, Harold P. Radical Discontinuities: American Romanticism and Christian Consciousness. Rutherford (NJ): Farleigh Dickinson UP, 1983.

Voller, Jack. The Supernatural Sublime: The Metaphysics of Terror in Anglo-American Romanticism. DeKalb: Northern Illinois UP, 1994.

Winters, Yvor. In Defense of Reason: Primitivism and Decadence: A Study of American Experimental Poetry; Maule's Curse: Seven Studies in the History of American Obscurantism; The Anatomy of Nonsense; The Significance of The Bridge by Hart Crane, or What Are We to Think of Professor X? Introd. Kenneth Fields. Athens (OH): Ohio UP-Swallow Press, 1987.*





The Dial: A Magazine for Literature, Philosophy, and Religion.

Boston: James Munroe and Co.

Vol. IV, 1844)




Related works


Carroll, Bret E. Spiritualism in Antebellum America. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1997.*






Miller, Perry. The Raven and the Whale: The War of Words and Wits in the Era of Poe and Melville. New York: Harcourt, 1965.





Brooks, Van Wyck. Makers and Finders. 5 vols. The Times of Melville and Whitman. 1947.

Irwin, John T. American Hieroglyphics: The Symbol of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics in the American Renaissance. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1980.

Jancovich, Mark. "American Nightmares: Modernity and the American Renaissance." In Jankovich, Horror. London: Batsford, 1992. 34-43.*

Matthiessen, F. O. The American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman. New York: Oxford UP, 1941.

Pease, Donald. Visionary Compacts: American Renaissance Writings in Cultural Context. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1987.

Railton, Stephen. Authorship and Audience: Literary Performance in the American Renaissance. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1991.*




Late 19th


Berthoff, Warner. The Ferment of Realism: American Literature 1884-1919. New York: Free Press, 1965.

_____. The Ferment of Realism: American Literature 1884-1919. 1981.

Brooks, Van Wyck. Makers and Finders. Vol. 5: The Confident Years, 1885-1915. New York: Dutton, 1952.

_____. The Confident Years: 1885-1915. London: Readers Union/Dent, 1953.

Falk, Robert. The Victorian Mode in American Fiction 1865-1885. Michigan State UP, 1964.

Hicks, Granville. The Great Tradition: An Interpretation of American Literature since the Civil War. New York, 1933. Rpt. New York: Times, 1972.

Lewis, Fred Pattee. A History of American Literature since 1870. MJP Publishers, 2021.

Martin, Jay. Harvests of Change: American Literature 1865-1914. New Jersey: Prentice, 1967.

Rowe, Anne. The Enchanted Country: Northern Writers on the South, 1865-1910. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1978.

Pattee, Fred L. A History of American Literature since 1879. New York: Century, 1915.






Ammons, Elizabeth, and Valerie Rohy, eds. American Local Color Writing, 1880-1920. (Penguin Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1998.








Dahiya, Bhim Singh. "Later 19th Century American Literature." Video lecture. YouTube (cec) 4 Aug. 2014.*











Kazin, Alfred. "And the War Came." (American Civil War). 1961. In Kazin, Contemporaries. London: Secker, 1963. 69-84.

Morgan, H. Wayne. The Gilded Age. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 1963.

_____, ed. The Gilded Age: A Reappraisal. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 1963.

Wilson, Edmund. Patriotic Gore. New York: Oxford UP, 1962.

_____. Patriotic Gore: Studies in the Literature of the American Civil War. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1969.






Álvarez Maurín, María J., Manuel Broncano Rodríguez, Camino Fernández Rabadán and Cristina Garrigós González, eds. Fin de Siglo: Crisis y Nuevos Principios / Century Ends: Crises and New Beginnings. León: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de León, 1999.

Campbell, Donna M. Resisting Regionalism: Gender and Naturalism in American Fiction, 1885-1915. Athens (OH): Ohio UP, 1997.*

Garland, Hamlin. Crumbling Idols: Twelve Essays on Art and Literature. Chicago, 1894. Gainesville (FL): Scholar's Facsimiles and Reprints, 1952.

Halsey, Francis W., ed. American Authors and Their Homes: Personal Descriptions and Interviews. New York: James Pott, 1901.

Kazin, Alfred. "Fin de siglo norteamericano." In Kazin, En tierra nativa: Interpretación de medio siglo de literatura norteamericana. Mexico: FCE, 1993. 65-84.* (Crane, Huneker, etc.).

Jones, Howard M., and Richard M. Ludwig. Guide to American Literature and its Background since 1890. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1972.

Tate, Claudia. Domestic Allegories of Political Desire: The Black Heroine's Text at the Turn of the Century. New York: Oxford UP, 1996.

Ziff, Larzer. The American 1890s: Life and Times of a Lost Generation. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P; New York: Viking, 1966.



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