martes, 15 de agosto de 2023

Sobre la Biblia: Miscelánea



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



On the Bible: Miscellaneous



Biblical influence on literature

On Biblical translations

On the English bibles

On the Bible in French

On the Bible in Spanish

On the Bible in Latin / Vulgate






Aguirre Monasterio, Rafael. El Vaticano II y la interpretación de la Biblia. (Concilio Vaticano II, 9). Madrid: SM, 1995.

Alter, Robert. The Art of Biblical Narrative. New York: Basic Books, 1981.

_____. L'Art du récit biblique. (Le Livre et le Rouleau, 4). Brussels: Lessius, 1999.

_____. "Scènes types et conventions littéraires." In L'Art du récit biblique. 1981. (Le Livre et le Rouleau, 4). Brussels: Lessius, 1999. 69-89.

_____. "The Dynamics of Parallelism." In Alter, The Art of Biblical Poetry. 1985. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990. 2000. 3-26.*

_____. "From Line to Story." In Alter, The Art of Biblical Poetry. 1985. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990. 2000.

_____. "Structures of Intensification." In Alter, The Art of Biblical Poetry. 1985. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990. 2000. 62-84.*

_____. "The Poetry of Wit." In Alter, The Art of Biblical Poetry. 1985. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990. 2000. 163-84.*

_____. "The Garden of Metaphor." In Alter, The Art of Biblical Poetry. 1985. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990. 2000. 185-203.*

_____. "The Life of the Tradition." In Alter, The Art of Biblical Poetry. 1985. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1990. 2000. 204-14.*

Basil of Caesarea. Exegetic Homilies. Trans. Agnes C. Way. Washington, D. C.: Catholic U of America P, 1963.

Berkhof, L. Principios de interpretación bíblica: Hermenéutica sagrada. (Orig. ed. Grand Rapids (MI): Tell, 1964, 1969). Trans. Samuel Vila. Terrassa: Clie, 1969. 1973. 1980. 1989.

Blauner, Andrew, ed. The Good Book: Writers Reflect on Favourite Bible Passages. Simon & Schuster, 2015.

Boitani, Piero. The Bible and Its Rewritings. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999.

Borges, Jorge Luis. "El espejo de los enigmas." In Borges, Nueva antología personal. Barcelona: Bruguera, 1982. 252-7.* (Bloy, Bible, allegory).

Caballero Arencibia, Agustín. Psicoanálisis y Biblia: El psicoanálisis aplicado a la investigación de textos bíblicos. (Bibliotheca Salmanticensis; Estudios, 161). Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia / Caja Salamanca y Soria, 1994.

Dannhauer, J. C. Hermeneutica sacra sive methodus exponendarum sacrarum litterarum. 1654.

Dubovsky, P., and J.-P. Sonnet, eds. Ogni scrittura è ispirata: Nuove prospettive sull'ispirazione biblica, Lectio 5. Rome: Cinisello Balsamo – Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2013.

Dundes, Alan. Holy Writ as Oral Lit: The Bible as Folklore.  Boston: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999.

Ego, B., and H. Merkel, eds. Religiöses Lernen in der biblischen, frühjüdischen und frühchristlichen Überlieferung. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005.

El Ammari Alonso, Sel Lam. "La potencia(lidad) narrativa del gag en los relatos bíblicos." Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo 70 (2021): 9-29.*
Online at ResearchGate:


Eslin, J.-C., ed. La Bible: 2000 ans de lectures. Paris: Desclée de Brouwer,  2003.

Fairbairn, Patrick. The Typology of Scripture. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1847.

Farrar, F .W. History of Interpretation. 1887. (Biblical).

Fernandez, Elizabeth. "Earth's Magnetic Field Supports Biblical Stories of Destruction of Ancient Cities." Big Think 2 Dec. 2022.*


Fernández de Madrigal, Alonso. (a.k.a. "El Tostado"). Tostati Commentaria.

Finnern, Sönke. Narratologie und biblische Exegese: Eine integrative Methode der Erzählanalyse und ihr Ertrag am Beispiel von Matthäus 28. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2010.*


Fobe, Jean-Luc. "A incorporaçâo da metodologia hermenêutica na exegese bíblica contemporânea." Diálogos 21 (March-Abril 2019): 121-47. Online at ResearchGate.*


Fray Luis de León. Tractatus de sensus Scripturae.

García-Jalón, Santiago. "La Sagrada Escritura, libro de la Iglesia." Scripta Theologica 40 (2008/2): 471-89. Online at Core.*


Gasquet, Francis. Eve of the Reformation: The Religious Life & Thought of the English People before Henry VIII. Nimmo, 1900. (Revival of Letters, Two Jurisdictions, Clergy & Laity, Erasmus, Printed Bible, Guilds, Parish Life, Pilgrimages).

Girard, René. Des choses cachées depuis la fondation du monde. With Jean-Michel Oughourlian and Guy Lefort. Paris: Grasset / Fasquelle, 1978.

_____. Des choses cachées depuis la fondation du monde. With Jean-Michel Oughourlian and Guy Lefort.  (Biblio, Essais, 4001). Paris: Grasset-Le Livre de Poche, 1991.*

Godwin, William. Sketches of History. 1784. (Aaron, Hazael, Jesus).

Goody, Jack. "La Palabra de Dios." In Goody, La lógica de la escritura y la organización de la sociedad. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1990. 21-68.*

Grant, R. M. A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible. 1948.

Guy, Josephine, ed. The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents. London: Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002.* (On  biblical scholarhisp, etc.).

Handelman, S. A. The Slayers of Moses. 1983. (Biblical Hermeneutics).

Jacobs, L. Jewish Biblical Exegesis. 1974.

Jasper, David. The Sacred and Secular Canon in Romanticism. (Romanticism in Perspective: Texts, Cultures, Histories). Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999.

Jebb, John. Essay on Sacred Literature. 1820.

Joosen, J. C., and J. H. Waszink. "Exegese." Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum. 1966.

Josipovici, Gabriel. The Book of God: A Response to the Bible. New Haven: Yale UP, 1988.*

Jowett, Benjamin. "On the Interpretation of Scripture." 1860. Selection in The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents. Ed. Josephine Guy. London: Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002. 289-98.*

Kitto, John. Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature. 1846.

Knott, John R. The Sword of the Spirit: Puritan Responses to the Bible. Chicago and London: U of Chicago P, 1980.

Landow, George P. Victorian Types, Victorian Shadows; Biblical Typology in Victorian Literature, Art, and Thought. Boston and London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980. Internet edition (February 10, 1997):

Lubac, Henri de. Exégèse médiévale: Les quatre sens de l'Ecriture. 4 vols. Paris: Aubier, 1959-64.

Mailloux, Steven. "Ideological Rhetoric and Bible Politics. Fuller Reading Douglass." In Mailloux, Reception Histories: Rhetoric, Pragmatism, and American Cultural Politics. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1998. 75-102.*

Paradinas Fuentes, Jesús Luis. Revelación y hermenéutica: la interpretación del lenguaje bíblico. Offprint from Revista Ciencia Tomista 100 (1973): 63-116. (Pontificia Studiorum Universitas a S. Thoma Aquinitate in urbe). Salamanca, 1973.

Pelletier, A.-M. Lectures bibliques aux sources de la culture occidentale. Paris: Nathan / Cerf, 1996.

Phillips, Gary A. "Sign/Text/Différance: The Contribution of Intertextual Theory to Biblical Criticism." In Intertextuality. Ed. Heinrich F. Plett. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1991. 78-98.*

Poole, Matthew. Synopsis criticorum Sanctae Scripturae. 5 folio vols. 1669-1676.

Richter, David H. "Genre, Repetition, Temporal Order: Some Aspects of Biblical Narratology." In A Companion to Narrative Theory. Ed. James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2005. 285-98.*

Smalley, Beryl. The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages.  Oxford: Blackwell, 1952. 1962.

Sonnet, Jean-Pierre. "La Bible et la littérature de l'Occident: Langue mère, loi du père et descendance littéraire."  Lumen Vitae 56 (2001): 375-89.

_____. "En-tête et da capo: Lire et relire le récit biblique." In Le lecteur: Sixième Colloque International du RRENAB, Université Catholique de Louvain, 24-26 du mai 2012. Ed. R. Burnet, D. Luciani and G. Van Oyen. (BETL 273). Leuven, Peeters, 2015, pp. 263-282. Online at Academia.*


Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. The Woman's Bible. Part 2. 1898.

_____. The Woman's Bible. Excerpt from the Appendix in Women without Superstition. Ed. Annie Laure Gaylor. Madison, Wisconsin, 1997.

_____. The Woman's Bible. Excerpt from the Appendix. In Darwin: Texts. Commentary. Ed. Philip Appleman. 3rd ed. New York: Norton,  2001. 426.*

Sternberg, Meir. The Poetics of Biblical Narrative: Ideological Literature and the Drama of Reading. 1985. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1987.

Stillingfleet, Edward. Origines Sacrae; or, A Rational Account of the Grounds of Christian Faith: As to the Truth and Divine Authority of the Scriptures. London, 1662. Online at Early English Books Online.

Tate, Randolph. Biblical Interpretation: An Integrated Approach. 2008.

Vidal, César. De lo divino y de lo humano: Las pasiones en la Biblia. 2013.

Watson, Foster. "XIII. Scholars and Scholarship, 1600-60." In Cavalier and Puritan. 1911. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Vol. VII of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Ed. A. W. Ward et al. New York: Putnam's; Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1907–21. Electronic edition (* (Baronius, Isaac Casaubon, Biblical and Classical scholarship).


Whedbee, J. William. The Bible and the Comic Vision. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Wood, James D. The Interpretation of the Bible: A Historical Introduction. Naperville: Alec R. Allenson, 1958.

Wyclif, John. De veritate sacrae scripturae. 1378.








Vidal, César. "La España que no lee la Biblia." La Voz 1 Feb. 2019.*









Arnaldich, Luis. Los estudios bíblicos en España. Desde el año 1900 al año 1955. Bibliography.









Browning, W. R. F. Diccionario de la Biblia. Rev. ed. (Grandes Obras de la Cultura). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables.

Concordantiae Bibliorum Sacrorum Emedatae. Sacrarum Bibliorum Vulgatae Editionis. Venice, 1758.






Internet resources



Bible Gateway



Bible Hub




         2015 Search, Read, Study the Bible in Many Languages.*



Blueletter Bible Project. (Includes King James Bible, Nave's Topical Bible, Torrey's New Topical Textbook,  Vine's Dictionary of New Testament Words, Easton's Bible Dictionary, Thematic Subject Guide, Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary).


Ichthys: Bible Study for Spiritual Growth.*



Textus Receptus.*








JBL 112 (1993).








Dryden, John. Religio Laici; or: A Layman's Faith. Bartleby.*


_____. From Religio Laici, 1682. (i. Reason and Revelation. ii. The Scriptures. iii. Tradition. iv. Priestcraft and Private Judgment). In The Oxford Book of Seventeenth Century Verse. Ed. H. J. C. Grierson and G. Bullough. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934. Rpt. 1938, 1942, 1946. 849-59.*










Dylan, Bob, et al. "Bob Dylan, Theme Time Radio Hour ~ The Bible." (Theme Time Radio Hour, with your host, Bob Dylan, Episode 19, 6 Sept. 2006). YouTube (nightly moth) 2 Dec. 2020.*








(Blackwell Bible Commentaries). Series eds. John Sawyer, Christopher Rowland and Judith L. Kovacs. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003-


(Le livre et le rouleau, 21). Bruxelles: Lesssius, 2005.




Societies and Institutions



Society of Biblical Archeaeology (London).










Alter, Robert. "The Bible through Literary Eyes." Video lecture. YouTube (University of California Television) 25 Feb. 2008.*



Frye, Northrop. "Northrop Frye on the Shape of the Bible." YouTube (TVOBigIdeas) 5 Oct. 2012.*










See also Medieval criticism.





Biblical influence on literature


Alter, R. Canon and Creativity: Modern Writing and the Authority of Scripture. New Haven (CT): Yale UP, 2000.

Bennett, Jim, and Scott Mandelbrote. The Garden, the Ark, the Tower, the Temple: Biblical Metaphors of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe. Oxford: Museum of the History of Sciences, 1998.

Besserman, Lawrence. Chaucer's Biblical Poetics. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 1998.

Bloch, Chana. Spelling the Word: George Herbert and the Bible. Berkeley: U of California P, 1985.

Bloom, Harold. Ruin the Sacred Truths: Poetry and Belief from the Bible to the Present. (The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures 1987-1988). Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1989.*

_____. Poesía y creencia. Trans. Luis Cremades. Madrid: Cátedra, 1991.

Bravo Vega, Julián "Los 'dramas bíblicos' de Tirso y algunas de sus implicaciones ideológicas." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 26 (2000): 221-34.*

Cofer, Jordan. The Gospel According to Flannery O'Connor: Examining the Role of the Bible in Flannery O'Connor's Fiction. New York: Bloomsbury, 2014.

Daniell, David. "Reading the Bible." In A Companion to Shakespeare. Ed. David Scott Kastan. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999. 158-71.*

Fisch, Harold. Hamlet and the Word. New York: Ungar, 1971.

_____. New Stories for Old: Biblical Patterns in the Novel. (Cross-Currents in Religion and Culture). Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.

_____. The Biblical Presence in Shakespeare, Milton, and Blake. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999.

Frye, Northrop. "Blake's Bible." In Frye, Myth and Metaphor: Selected Essays 1974-1988. Ed. Robert D. Denham. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1990. 1991. 270-88.*

_____. "Blake's Biblical Illustrations." In Frye, The Eternal Act of Creation: Essays, 1979-1990. Ed. Robert D. Denham. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1993. 62-78.*

García Gibert, Javier. Con sagradas escrituras: Diez ensayos sobre literatura bíblica. 2002.

Gibert Maceda, María Teresa. "Ecos bíblicos en la poesía de T. S. Eliot." Religión y Cultura 161 (noviembre-diciembre 1987): 609-621.

González Vega, Felipe. "Tribulaciones bíblicas de Antonio de Nebrija." In Otivm cvm dignitate: Estudios en homenaje al profesor José Javier Iso Echegoyen. Ed. J. A. Beltrán et al. (Monografías de Filología Latina, 16). Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, 2013. 473-79.*

Jasper, David, and Stephen Prickett, eds. The Bible and Literature: A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.

Marx, Steven. Shakespeare and the Bible. (Oxford Shakespeare Topics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

Masson, J.-Y., and S. Parizet, eds. Les écrivains face à la Bible: Herméneutique et création. (Cerf Littérature). Paris: Cerf, 2011.

Matthews, Honor. The Primal Curse: The Myth of Cain and Abel in the Theatre. New York: Schocken, 1967.

Parker, Patricia. "Shakespeare and the Bible: The Comedy of Errors." Recherches Sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry 13 (1993): 47-72.

_____. "Shakespeare and the Bible: The Comedy of Errors." In Shakespeare and the Literary Tradition. Ed. Stephen Orgel and Sean Keilen. New York and London: Garland, 1999. 175-200.*

Pérez Gil, Mª Mar. "Tasting the Forbidden Core: The Biblical Discourse of Contemporary British Women Writers." In Margins in British and American Literature, Film and Culture. Ed. Marita Nadal and Mª Dolores Herrero. Zaragoza: Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1997. 93-101.*

_____. "Re-thinking God: Biblical Representations of Race in White Women's Narratives." In On Writing (and) Race in Contemporary Britain. Ed. Fernando Galván and Mercedes Bengoechea. Universidad de Alcalá, 1999. 59-66.*

Prickett, Stephen. Origins of Narrative: The Romantic Appropriation of the Bible. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Skelton, John. "Howe yong scolers nowe a dayes." In A replycacion agaynst certayne yong scolers abiured of late etc.  London, 1528. (Devotional Poetry; The Bible; Nature of poetry; Religion; Ethics; Ideology)

Sonnet, J.-P. "La Bible et la littérature de l'Occident: Langue mère, loi du père et descendance littéraire."  Lumen Vitae 56 (2001): 375-89.

Szabolsci, M. "The Judeo-Christian Heritage." In A History of European Literature. Ed. Annick Benoit-Dusausoy and Guy Fontaine. London: Routledge, 2000. 23-29.* (Bible).

Thompson, W. R. "The Biblical Sources of Hawtorne's 'Roger Malvin's Burial'." PMLA 77 (1962): 92-6.




Related works: Works based on the Bible (See also under specific books)


Bale, John. God's Promises. Interlude. 1538.

Chettle, Henry. Tobyas. Drama. May 1602. Not printed.

_____. Jephtha. Drama. May 1602. Not printed.

Herman. La Vie de Tobit. Poem.

Laurence of Durham. Hypognosticon. Scriptural history in 9 books, in Latin elegiacs.

_____. (Rhyme on Christ and his Disciples). Latin elegiacs.

Milton, John. Paradise Lost. many editions

Racine, Jean. Esther. 1689.

_____. Athalie. Biblical tragedy. 1691.

_____. Cantiques Spirituels. 1694. (I. A la louange de la Charité. II. Sur le bonheur des Justes et sur le malheur des réprouvés. III. Plaintes d'un Chrétien sur les contrariétés qu'il éprouve au dedans de lui-même. IV. Sur les Vaines occupations des gens du Siècle).






On Biblical translations


Aelfric. "Translating into Idiomatic English." Preface to Genesis. (997?). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Agricola, Mikael. "Preface to the New Testament." 1548. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Anonymous. (John Purvey?). "On Translating the Bible." (1395/97). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

ApRoberts, Ruth. "Old Testament Poetry: The Translatable Structure." PMLA 92.5 (October 1977).

Asamoah, Emmanuel Foster. "Resurrecting the Gospel in a Native Environment: An Evaluation of Some Translation Models." The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies 8.11 (Nov. 2020): 8-15. Online at ResearchGate.*

         DOI: 10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i11/HS2011-031


_____. "Resurrecting the Gospels in a Natural Environment: An Evaluation of Some Translation Models." International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 8.11 (Nov. 2020): 8-15.*

         DOI: 10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i11/HS2011-031

         Online at Academia.*


Augustine (Aurelius Augustinus). "The Use of Translations." From De Doctrina Christiana. (427?). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Ballester, Xaverio. "San Jerónimo: La letra que da la muerte, el espíritu que da la vida." Hermeneus 1 (1999): 21-46.*

Barnstone, Willis. The Other Bible.

_____. The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, Practice. New Haven: Yale UP, 1993.

Boswell, Freddy. "Classifying Cotton Patch Version and Similar Renderings as Adaptive Retelling rather than Translation." Hermeneus 8 (2006): 46-66.* (Clarence Jordan, Bible).

Burgundio of Pisa. "The Risk of Altering So Great an Original." From the preface to the Latin translation of In commentatione Iohannis Crisostomi supra evangelium sancti Iohannis evangeliste. (1170s). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Fulke, William. A Defence of the Sincere and True Translations of the Holy Scriptures into the English Tongue, Against the Cavils of Gregory Martin. 1583.

_____. "That None of These Five Abuses Are Committed by Us." From the preface to A Defence of the Sincere and True Translations of the Holy Scriptures into the English Tongue, Against the Cavils of Gregory Martin. 1583. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

_____. Confutation of the Rhemist Testament. 1589.

_____. "The Holy Scriptures Should Always be in Our Mother Tongues." From "Confutation of the Rhemists' Preface," Confutation of the Rhemist Testament. 1589. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Jerome (Eusebius Hieronymus). "The Best Kind of Translator." Letter to Pammachius (395). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Luther, Martin. "Circular Letter on Translation." (1530). In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

_____. Carta sobre la traducción. 1530.

Mariana, Juan de. Tractatus septem. Cologne, 1609. (I. De adventu Jacobi apostoli in Hispania; II. Pro editione Vulgatae; III. De spectaculis o Sobre los espectáculos. IV. De monetae mutatione o Acerca de la alteración de la moneda. V. De die mortis Christi; VI. De annis arabum; VII. De morte et inmortalitate).

Martin, Gregory. A Discovery of the Manifold Corruptions of the Holy Scriptures. 1582.

_____. "Five Sundry Abuses or Corruptions of Holy Scripture." From the preface to A Discovery of the Manifold Corruptions of the Holy Scriptures. 1582. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

_____. "The Holy Scriptures Ought Not be Read Indifferently of All." From "Preface to the Reader", The New Testament of Jesus Christ. 1582. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

More, Thomas. "Whether the Clergy of This Realm Have Forbidden All the People to Have Any Scripture Translated into Our Tongue." From A Dialogue Concerning Heresies and Matters of Religion. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Nida, E. God's Word in Man's Language.

Nida, Eugene A. Toward a Science of Translating: With Special Reference to Principles and Procedures Involved in Bible Translating. Leiden: Brill, 1964.

Schwarz. W. Principles and Problems of Biblical Translation. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1955.

Smith, Miles. "The Translators to the Reader." Preface to the King James Version of the Bible. 1611. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Tena, Pedro de. "La Biblia en verso, 1: Intentos y autores." Libertad Digital 28 Jan. 2021.*


Trevelyan, George M. "3.VI. The Great Elizabethan Era. Wales, Ireland. Religion. The Boundaries of Elizabethan Freedom. The Bible, Poetry, and Music." In Trevelyan, A Shortened History of England. 1942. Harmondsworth: Penguin-Pelican, 1959. 1985. 261-70.*

Tyndale, William. An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue. Ed. Henry Walter. Cambridge: Parker Society, 1850.

_____. "How Happeneth that Ye Defenders Translate Not One Yourselves?" From An Answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*




Internet resources



"Bible Translations into English." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*











On the English Bibles


Bragg, Melvyn. Book of Books. 2011. (On King James Bible).

Bruce, F. F. History of the Bible in English. Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 1961. 1986.

_____. History of the Bible in English. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1978.

Crystal, David. Begat: The King James Bible and the English Language.

Grainger, James. Studies in the Syntax of the King James Version. (Studies in Philology, 2). Chapel Hill, 1907.

HIll, Christopher. The English Bible and the Seventeenth Century Revolution. London: Allen Lane, 1993.

Hoare, H. W. Our English Bible. Rev. ed. London: John Murray, 1911.

Howsam, Leslie. Cheap Bibles: Nineteenth-Century Publishing and the British and Foreign Bible Society. (Cambridge Studies in Publishing and Printing History). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991.

Olivera Villacampa, Macario. "The Birth of the Bible in English." Actas del I Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Renacentistas Ingleses (SEDERI) / Proceedings of the I National Conference of the Spanish Society for English Renaissance Studies. Ed. Javier Sánchez. Zaragoza: SEDERI, 1990. 37-43.*

Partridge, A. C. English Biblical Translation. (The Language Library). London: Deutsch, 1973.

Sawyer, John, and Paul Fletcher, eds. The Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture. (Blackwell Companions to Religion). Oxford: Blackwell, 2005. (forthcoming 2004).

Thompson, Denys. "Losing the Bible." In The Present. Vol. 8 of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983. 396-405.*

Whitney, J. P. "2. Reformation Literature in England." In The Cambridge History of English and American Literature, 3: English: Renascence and Reformation. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. New York: Putnam, 1907-21. Online at, 2000.* (1. Simon Fish. 2. Erasmus and Cambridge. 3. Aspects of the Reformation. 4. The Book of Common Prayer. 5. Evolution of the prayer-book. 6. Thomas Cranmer. 7. His influence. 8. The Homilies. 9. Hugh Latimer. 10. His sermons. 11. William Tindale. 12. The Bible in English. 13. Miles Coverdale. 14. The Great Bible. 15. The Scots New Testament. 16. Hymns. 17. Sternhold and Hopkins. 18. Results of the Reformation period).


Wilson, Derek.  The People and the Book: The Revolutionary Impact of the English Bible, 1380-1611.





"The English Bible." Selections from Tyndale, Geneva Bible, etc. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Vol. 1. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 539-42.*





Herbert, Arthur S. Historical Catalogue of Printed Editions of the English Bible: 1525-1961. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1968.



On the Bible in French


Camille, Michael. "Visual Signs of the Sacred Page: Books in the Bible moralisée." Word & Image 5.1 (January-March 1989).




On the Bible in Spanish


Álvarez, Manuel M., M. Ariza, and J. Mendoza. "La lengua castellana de la Biblia de Ferrara." In Introducción a la Biblia de Ferrara: Actas del Simposio Internacional, Sevilla, noviembre de 1991. Ed. Iacob M. Hassán. Madrid: Universidad de Sevilla / CSIC, 1994. 205-524.

Fernández Vallina, Emiliano. "De nuevo sobre cuestiones de traducción el El Tostado: Algunas precisiones (las versiones bíblicas)." In Traducción y humanismo: Panorama de un desarrollo cultural. Ed. Roxana Recio. (Vertere: Monográficos de la revista Hermeneus, 9). Soria: Hermeneus / Diputación Provincial de Soria, 2007. 63-81.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "Docencia e investigación en Filología." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 3 March 2009. (José Manuel Blecua Perdices, Biblia de Ferrara).


_____. "Docencia e investigación en Filología (J. M. Blecua)." Academia 4 March 2019.*


_____. "Docencia e investigación en Filología (J. M. Blecua)." ResearchGate 5 March 2019.*


González Novalín, José Luis. "Inquisición y censura de Biblias en el Siglo de Oro. La Biblia de Vatablo y el proceso de Fray Luis de León." In Fray Luis de León: Historia, Humanismo y Letras. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca..., 1996. 125-44.*

Hassán, Iacob M. "Dos introducciones de la Biblia de Ferrara." In Introducción a la Biblia de Ferrara: Actas del Simposio Internacional, Sevilla, noviembre de 1991. Ed. Iacob M. Hassán. Madrid: Universidad de Sevilla / CSIC, 1994. 13-66.

_____. ed. Introducción a la Biblia de Ferrara: Actas del Simposio Internacional, Sevilla, noviembre de 1991. Madrid: Universidad de Sevilla / CSIC, 1994.

Morreale, Margherita. "La Biblia de Ferrara y los romanceamientos medievales: 2SM y PS 182." In Introducción a la Biblia de Ferrara: Actas del Simposio Internacional, Sevilla, noviembre de 1991. Ed. Iacob M. Hassán. Madrid: Universidad de Sevilla / CSIC, 1994. 69-139.





On the Latin Bible / Vulgate


Monat, Pierre. Lactance et la Bible: Une propédeutique latine à la lecture de la Bible dans l'Occident constantinien. Institut d'études augustiniennes, 1982.

_____. Histoire profane de la Bible: Origines, transmission et rayonnement du livre saint. Paris: Perrin, 2009.

_____. Histoire de la Bible. (Points, Sa302). Paris: Perrin, 2013.*

Berger, S. Les Préfaces jointes aux livres de la Bible dans les manuscrits de la Vulgate. (Mémoires de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 1st ser. 11) Paris, 1902.

Macías Villalobos, Cristóbal. "La subordinación en el libro I de Samuel de la Vulgata." Analecta Malacitana 13.2 (1990): 205-28.*

_____. "Custodire y su familia de palabras en la Vulgata." Analecta Malacitana 19.2 (1996): 395-418.*







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