jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2023

Periodismo británico



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



English Journalism





Chancellor, Edwin Beresford. The Annals of Fleet Street. 1912.

Morison, Stanley. The English Newspaper. Cambridge, 1932.





Gómez García, Lidia. "Clefting in Journalistic Texts." In AEDEAN XXX: Proceedings of the 30th International AEDEAN Conference. [Huelva, 2006]. Ed. María Losada Friend et al. Huelva: U de Huelva, 2007. *







British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals. London: Butterworths, 1955-1960.

Muddiman, J. G. (Ps. J. B. Williams). The Times Tercentenary Handlist of English and Welsh Newspapers, Magazines, and Reviews. 1920.

New Periodical Titles. London: Butterworths, 1960/68 and annual since.  In 1981 changed title to: Serials in the British Library).

Pollard, H. G. Bibliography of English periodical publications.  Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Cambridge, 1940. 2.656-739.






On 16th-century English journalism


Borot, Luc. "Early Journalism in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century england: The Interface between Literature and 'Popular Culture'."  In SEDERI 9 (1998). Ed. Jesús Cora Alonso et al. Alcalá de Henares: SEDERI / U de Alcalá, 1999. 41-58.*

García Landa, José Angel. "Birth of the Foreign Correspondent." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 14 Sept. 2021.*









17th-century English journalism


An Abstract of some speciall forreigne occurrences brought down to the weekly newes of the 20 of December. Ed. Nathaniel Butter and Nicholas Bourne (no. 1 of their authorized foreign news pamphlets).  20 dec. 1638.


The Athenian Gazette (1692).


Athenian Mercury  (i.e. Athenian Gazette: Or Casuistical Mercury).  Newspaper.  Ed. John Dunton. 1690-97. Vol. 5.14 (16 Jan. 1692).


Compleat Library (Dec. 1692). Ed. Richard Wolley.


Diurnal Occurrences. Newspaper. By Samuel Pecke. 1641.


The Flying-Post. Newspaper. Ed. George Ridpath.  1695-1731.


The Gentleman's Journal. Ed. Peter Motteux. 1692-94.


The London Gazette. Founder ed. Henry Muddiman. 1665-20th century.


The London Mercury. Periodical. Ed. Tom Brown. 1692.


The London Spy.  Ed. Ned Ward. Journal. 1698-1700.

_____. The London Spy. Rpt. Casanova Society. 1924.

_____. The London Spy. Ed. Arthur L. Hayward. 1927.

_____. The London Spy. Ed. Kenneth Fenwick. (Folio Society). 1955.


Mariners Magazine. Ed. Samuel Sturmy. 1669.


Mercurius Aulicus 1 (January 1643)

Mercurius Aulicus. 51st week, ending 23 Dec. 1643.


Mercurius Britannicus  1 (29 August 1643)


Mercurius Librarius: or A Catalogue of Books. Booksellers' trade journal. Founded 1668 by John Starkey and Robert Clavell. Pub. 1668-1709.

_____. The Term Catalogues. Ed. Edward Arber. 1903. (Rpt. of  Mercurius Librarius).


Mercurius Librarius: or A Faithful Account of All Books and Pamphlets. Weekly. Founded 1680, shortlived. (Not the same as Mercurius Librarius founded 1668).


Mercurius Politicus. (Commonwealth Parlamentarian newspaper, 1650s; Official newspaper. By Marchamont Nedham. 1650-).


Mercurius Pragmaticus. No. 43 (30 Jan.-6 Feb. 1649).


Mercurius Publicus. Weekly. Ed. Henry Muddiman. 1660-.


Occasional Paper. Newspaper. By Richard Willis. 1697-8.


The Observator. Tory newspaper. Ed. Sir Roger L'Estrange. 1681-87.


The Parliamentary Intelligencer. Newspaper. Ed. Henry Muddiman.  (No. 1, 26 Dec. 1659).


A Perfect Diurnal of Some Passages in Parliament. No. 288. 29 Jan.-5 Feb. 1649. Excerpt in British Literature 1640-1768: An Anthology. Ed. Robert DeMaria. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 7-8.*


Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. London, 1694.


The Post-man. Newspaper. 1695-1730.


The Post-Boy. Newspaper. Ed. Abel Roper. 1695-1736.


The Public Intelligencer. Official newspaper. By Marchamont Nedham. 1655.


The Turkish Spy. 1687-1694.


The Weekly Comedy. Periodical essays. By Ned Ward (?). 12 nos., 1699.


The Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Rome. Whig periodical, late 17th c.




On 17th-century English journalism


Borot, Luc. "Early Journalism in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century england: The Interface between Literature and 'Popular Culture'."  In SEDERI 9 (1998). Ed. Jesús Cora Alonso et al. Alcalá de Henares: SEDERI / U de Alcalá, 1999. 41-58.*

Graham, Walter. "Some Predecessors of the Tatler." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 24 (1925): 548-54.

_____. The Beginnings of English Literary Periodicals. 1926.

McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678-1730. Oxford: Clarendon, 1998.

Raymond, Joad. The Invention of the Newspaper: English Newsbooks 1641-1649. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

Trent, William P. "Defoe—The Newspaper and the Novel." In The Cambridge History of English and American Literature: An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Volume IX: English: From Steele and Addison to Pope and Swift. Online at Bartleby.com. 2000.*



_____. Daniel Defoe: How to Know Him. Indianapolis, 1916.

Wiles, Roy M. Serial Publication in England Before 1750. Cambridge, 1957.

Williams, J. B. "XV. The Beginnings of English Journalism." In Cavalier and Puritan. 1911. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Vol. VII of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Ed. A. W. Ward et al. New York: Putnam's; Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1907–21. Electronic edition (Bartleby.com).* (1. Gainsford and the Corantos; 2. Samuel Pecke, patriarch of the Press; 3. Berkenhead, Dillingham, Audley, Nedham, Smith, Rushworth and Border; 4. Walker, the ironmonger, and his literary frauds; 5. Martin Parker, Sheppard, Wharton, Hall, Frost, Harris and Mabbott; 6. John Crouch, Oliver Williams and Canne; 7. Henri Muddiman and The Gazette; 8. Muddiman's newsletters).







Raymond, Joad, ed. Making the News: An Anthology of the Newsbooks of Revolutionary England, 1641-1660. New York: St. Martin's, 1993.




Crane, Ronald S., F. B. Kaye, and M. E. Prior. The Census of Briitsh Neswspapers and Periodicals, 1620-1800. Chapel Hill, 1927.




Jonson. The Staple of Newes. Comedy. 1626.




Mercurius Librarius


Graham, Walter. The Beginnings of English Literary Periodicals. 1926.



Mercurius Politicus


Wikipedia. "Mercurius Politicus." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*















18th century English journalism




The Adventurer. Periodical essay. Ed. John Hawkesworth. 1752-54.


Analytical Review. Monthly. Ed. Thomas Christie. London: Joseph Johnson, May 1788-June 1799.


The Annual Register. Periodical. Ed. Edmund Burke. London: Dodsley, 1758-.


The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine. Ed. James R. Green (Ps. "John Gifford") and Robert Bisset. 1798-1821.

_____. The Antijacobin, or Weekly Examiner.   Selection. In Burke, Paine, Godwin and the Revolution Controversy. Ed. Marilyn Butler. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984. 1996. 214-19.*


Applebee's Journal  20 August 1720.


The Arminian Magazine. (Methodist). 1778-97.


The Auditor. Periodical. By Arthur Murphy. 43 nos. 1762-63.


The Bee. Periodical. By Eustace Budgell. 188 nos. 1733-35.

_____. The Bee, or Universal Weekly Pamphlet, Containing Something to Hit Every Man's Taste or Principles. No 1, 1733.


The Bee. Serial miscellany. By Oliver Goldsmith. 8 nos. 1759.


The British Apollo. Periodical.  Early 1700s.


The British Critic.  Periodical. Ed. William Beloe and Robert Nares. 1793-1826.


British Journal 25 Nov. 1727.


The British Magazine. Magazine. Ed. Tobias Smollett (1760-67).


The Briton. Magazine. Ed. Tobias Smollett (1762-63).


The Censor.  Periodical. Ed. Lewis Theobald. 1715-17.


The Champion. Periodical. By Henry Fielding and James Ralph. 1739-44.


Chit-Chat. Periodical. By Richard Steele. 1716.


The Christian's Magazine.  Ed. John Newbery. 1760-.


The Commentator 12 (8 Feb. 1720).


Common Sense. Periodical. Ed. Charles Molloy. 1737-43.


The Connoisseur. Periodical. By the Nonsense Club. 1754-56. No. 85 (11 Sept. 1754).


Court and City Magazine 2 (1771).


The Covent-Garden Journal. Periodical. By Henry Fielding. 1752. No. 8 (28 Jan. 1752).

_____. The Covent-Garden Journal.  Select. Ed. Gerald E. Jensen.  2 vols. New Haven, 1915.


The Craftsman. Periodical. 1726-47.


The Critical Review.  Periodical. 1756-1817.  Ed. Tobias Smollett (1756-63), Percival Stockdale, William Guthrie et al. Vol.13 (1762).


The Daily Advertiser. Newspaper. 1730-98.


The Daily Courant. Newspaper. Ed. Samuel Buckley. 1702-35.


The Daily Gazetteer.  Periodical. 1735-48.


Daily Journal . Ext. 18 March 1728.


English Review. By Gilbert Stuart. London: John Murray, 1783-95.


Englishman.  Periodical. By Richard Steele. 57 nos. 6 oct. 1713 to 15 Feb. 1714.


The Examiner. Newspaper. 3 August 1710-26 July 1714.  Ed. Richard Steele (Nos. 14-46, October, 1710), et al.


Felix Farley's Journal (1768).


The Female Spectator. By Eliza Haywood. 24 nos. 1744-46.

_____. The Female Spectator. 4 vols. 3rd ed. London, 1750.

_____. The Female Spectator. Selection from Book VIII. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989.351-61.*


The Female Tatler.  Periodical. 171-?


The Flying-Post. Newspaper. Ed. Geroger Ridpath. 1695-1731.


The Freeholder. Periodical. By Joseph Addison. 55 nos. 23 Dec. 1715 to 29 June 1716.


Freeholder's Magazine  c. 1770.



The Freethinker. By Ambrose Philips. 350 nos. 1718-21.


The Gazette.  Official periodical. By Richard Steele. 1707-10.


The General Evening Post. Newspaper. 1733-1813.


The Gentleman's Magazine.  Magazine. Ed. Edward Cave. 1731-. Vol. 20 (March, 1750).


The Gray's Inn Journal. By Arthur Murphy. 52 nos. 1753-54. Rpt. 2 vols. 104 nos. 1756.


The Grub-Street Journal. Newspaper. Ed. Richard Russell and John Martyn. 418 nos., 1730-37.


The Guardian. Periodical. Ed. Richard Steele (Ps. "Mr. Nestor Ironside"). London: Printed for J. Tonson (175 nos. 1713).


The Humours of a Coffee-House. Periodical essays. By Ned Ward. (?) 1707-8.


The Independent Whig. Periodical. Ed. John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon.  1720-21.


The Inspector. Periodical essay. By Sir John Hill. 152 nos. (1751-3).




The Jacobite's Journal. Periodical. By Henry Fielding. 1747-48.


The Kapelion; or Poetical Ordinary, consisting of Great Variety of Dishes in Prose and Verse, recommended to all who have a Good Taste or Keen Appetite. London monthly, c. 1750.


The Lady's Magazine: Or, Polite Companion for the Fair Sex.  Ed. Oliver Goldsmith et al. (Ps. "Honourable Mrs. Caroline Stanhope").(1759-63).


Lady's Monthly Museum (August 1798).


The Lay Monk. By Sir Richard Blackmore and John Hughes. 40 nos. 1713-14.


The Literary Magazine: or Universal Review. Ed. Samuel Johnson. 1756-58.


Lloyd's Evening Post 6 (June 4-6 1760).


The London Chronicle. 1757-1823.


The London Evening Post. Newspaper. 1727-1806.


The London Gazette. Founder ed. Henry Muddiman. 1665-20th century.


The London Intelligencer. See Whitehall Evening Post.


The London Journal. Ed. John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon. 1719-.


The London Magazine.  1732-1785.

Vol. 30 (1771).


London Packet 24 March 1773


The London Review of English and Foreign Literature.  Periodical. By William Kenrick. 1775.


The Magazine of Magazines. 1750-51.



Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester 3 (1790).


Mercator, or Commerce Retriev'd. By Daniel Defoe. 1713-14.


Mercurius Politicus. Ed. Daniel Defoe. (extant Dec. 1716).


Middlesex Journal.


Mist's Weekly Journal  27 April 1728.


Monthly Catalogue. 1714-17; 1723-30. Ed. David Foxon. 1964.


The Monthly Chronicle 1 (1728).


Monthly Magazine

London: Printed for R. Phillips and sold by J. Johnson

London (Ext. 1797, 1813, 1818... ).


Monthly Review.  Ed. Ralph Griffiths et al. 1749-1845. Vol. 21 (1759).


The Monthly Visitor. (March 1798).


The Morning Chronicle. Newspaper. 1769-1862.


The Morning Post. Newspaper. 1772-1937.


The Museum. Periodical. By Mark Akenside. London: Dodsley, 1746-47.


New Lady's Magazine. 1786.


The News-Letter. 1715- (Tory Newspaper; articles by Defoe et al.)


The New Annual Register 1784-91.


The Nonsense of Common Sense. Periodical. By Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. 8 nos., 1737-38.


The North Briton. Ed. John Wilkes.

No. 45 (23 April 1763).


The North Tatler. Periodical. 171-?


The Observator.   Newspaper. Ed. John Tutchin. 1702-12. 1705-16?


Pasquin. Periodical. By George Duckett, Nicholas Amhust and Richard Steele. 1722-24.


The Plain Dealer. Periodical. By Aaron Hill. 117 nos, 1724-25.


The Post Boy, 26-8 May 1709.


The Preceptor. Ed. Dodsley. ext. 1748.


The Prompter. Periodical. By Aaron Hill. 173 nos. 1734-6.


The Public Advertiser (1769-72).


The Public Ledger. Ed. John Newbery. Ext. 1760-61.


The Querist. Periodical. By George Berkeley. 1735.


The Rambler.  Periodical essay. By Samuel Johnson. 208 nos., 1750-52.


Read's Journal. (1718).


The Reader. Periodical. By Richard Steele. 1714.


The Rehearsal. Newspaper. Ed. Charles Leslie.  1704-9.


Review of Morals. 3rd ed. 1787.


 A Review of the Affairs of France.  Thrice-weekly periodical, by Daniel Defoe. Became A Review of the State of the British Nation in 1707. Discontinued 1713.

_____. A Review of the State of the British Nation. Vol. 8.63 (18 August 1711): 254-5.

_____. Defoe's Review. Facsimile ed. Arthur Wellesley Secord. 22 vols. (Facsimile Text Society, 44). New York, 1938.

_____. The Best of Defoe's Review. Ed. W. L. Payne. New York, 1951.


Ruddiman's Weekly Magazine and Edinburgh Amusement  (1772-73).


The Scots Magazine. 1739-1817.


The Spectator. Periodical. By Joseph Addison and Richard Steele. March 1, 1711 to 6 December 1712. 555 numbers.  Additional volume by Addison in 1714 (18 june 1714 t 20 December 1714): Nos. 556-635.

_____. The Spectator. 1st collected edition. 8 vols. 1712-15.


The St. James's Chronicle. Periodical. Ed. Bonnell Thornton and George Colman. 1761-


The Tatler.  Periodical essay.  By Richard Steele and Joseph Addison. 271 numbers.  1709-11.

_____. The Tatler. 1st collected edition. 4 vols. 1710-11. 25 eds. by 1900.

_____. The Tatler (Harrison's continuation) 5 (23-27 Jan. 1711).


The Tea-Table. Periodical. By Richard Steele. 1715-16.


The Test. By Arthur Murphy, Henry Fox et al. 35 nos 1756-57.


The Times. Newspaper. 1788-.


Tit for Tatt. Periodical. 5 nos., 1710.


The Tory Tatler. Periodical. Ext. 171-?


The Town and Country Magazine. 1769-96.

Vol. 3 (1771)



Town Talk. Periodical. By Richard Steele. 1715-16.


Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1 (1788).


The True Patriot. Periodical. By Henry Fielding. 1745-46.


The Universal Chronicle. Ed. John Payne. Ext. 1758-60.


The Universal Magazine. 1747-1814. Vol. 49 (November 1771).


The Universal Spectator. Newspaper. By Henry Baker and James Ralph. 906 nos. 1728-46.


Universal Visitor (ext. 1756).


The Weekly Journal; Or, British Gazeteer  3 June 1720.


Weekly Journal: or, Saturday's Post. By Nathaniel Mist. Early 18th.


The Weekly Miscellany, by Richard Hooker of the Temple, Esq. Number 332, Saturday May 5 1739.


The Weekly Register. Wednesday 19 September 1798.


The Whisperer. Periodical. 1709.


The Whitehall Evening Post: Or London Intelligencer 15 Jan. 1767.


The World. Ed. Edward Moore. 209 nos., 1753-56.



On 18th-century English journalism


Amenedo Costa, Mónica. "Cultural Perceptions of Women's Social Roles in 18th Century English Periodical Publications." In At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain: Works from the 35th AEDEAN Conference, UAB/Barcelona 14-16 November 2011. Ed. Sara Martín et al. Barcelona: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, U Autònoma de Barcelona / AEDEAN, 2012. 40-45.*



Bourne, H. R. Fox. English Newspapers.  2 vols. 1887.

D'Israeli, I.  "Origin of Newspapers."  In D'Israeli, Curiosities of Literature.  London: Moxon, 1834. 1.226-35.*

Defoe, Daniel. An Essay on the Regulation of the Press. Pamphlet. London, 1704.

Graham, Walter. "Some Predecessors of the Tatler." Journal of English and Germanic Philology  24 (1925): 548-54.

_____. "Defoe's Review and Steele's Tatler—The Question of Influence." Journal of English and Germanic Philology  33 (1925): 250-54.

Hanson, Laurence. Government and the Press, 1695-1763. Oxford, 1936.

Hunt, Margaret. "Hawkers, Bawlers, and Mercuries: Women and the London Press in the Early Enlightenment." In Women and the Enlightenment. Ed. Phyllis Mack. New York: Haworth Press, 1984. 41-68.

Lamb, Charles. "Newspapers Thirty-five Years Ago."  In Lamb, The Essays of Elia.   London: Dent, 1906.  256-63.

Leavis, Q. D.  "The Birth of Journalism." In Leavis, Fiction and the Reading Public.   1932.  London: Bellew, 1990.  83-96.

Lorenzo Modia, María Jesús "Intertextuality in Eighteenth-Century Women's Press: Male and Female Cultural Contrasts." Actas del Congreso Interdisciplinar sobre Contrastes Culturales. Ed. L. Iglesias Rábade. Santiago: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1998. 336-42.

Mayo, R. D. The English Novel in the Magazines, 1740-1815. London, 1962.

McDowell, Paula. The Women of Grub Street: Press, Politics and Gender in the London Literary Marketplace, 1678-1730. Oxford: Clarendon, 1998.

Newton, Theodore F. M. "William Pittis and Queen Anne Journalism." Modern Philology 33 (1935-36): 169-86; 279-302.

Novak, Maximillian E. "2. Defoe's political and religious journalism." In The Cambridge Companion to Daniel Defoe. Ed. John Richetti. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008. 25-44.*

Rodríguez Palomero, Luisa Fernanda. El periodismo inglés en el siglo XVIII. (Estudios Humanísticos. Filología, 14). 1992.

Sánchez Ruiz, Raquel. "George Ridpath's Use of Evaluative Adjectives as Manipulative and Persuasive Strategies During the War of the Spanish Succession (1710-1713)."  Journal of English Studies 13 (2015): 109-34.*

Sherburn, George, and Donald F. Bond. "Defoe and Journalism." "The Periodicals and Oliver Goldsmith." In The Restoration and Eighteenth Century (1660-1789). Vol. 3 of A Literary History of England.  Ed. A. C. Baugh. London: Routledge, 1948. 2nd ed. 1967. 847-56, 1050-62.*

Stevens, David H. Party Politics and English Journalism, 1702-1742. Chicago, 1916.

Smith, David Nichol. "The Newspaper." In Johnson's England.  Ed. A. S. Turberville. Oxford, 1933. 2.331-67.

Sutherland, James R. "The Circulation of Newspapers and Literary Periodicals, 1700-1730." Library 15 (1934): 110-24.

Wiles, Roy M. Serial Publication in England Before 1750. Cambridge, 1957.





Drake, Nathan, ed. Essays . . . Illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian.  3 vols. 1805.





Crane, Ronald S., F. B. Kaye, and M. E. Prior. The Census of Briitsh Neswspapers and Periodicals, 1620-1800. Chapel Hill, 1927.




Annual Register


Copeland, Thomas W. "Burke and Dodsley's Annual Register." PMLA 54 (1939): 223-45.



The Female Spectator


Lorenzo Modia, María Jesús. "The Female Spectator: An Experiment in Women's Press in the Eighteenth Century." The Grove 5 (1998): 45-56.



The Female Tatler


Graham, Walter. "Thomas Baker, Mrs. Manley, and The Female Tatler." Modern Philology  35 (1937): 267-72.




The Gentleman's Magazine


Barker, Anthony D. "Poetry from the Provinces: Amateur Poets in the 'Gentleman's Magazine' in the 1730s and 1740s." In Tradition in Transition: Women Writers, Marginal Texts, and the Eighteenth-Century Canon. Ed. Alvaro Ribeiro and James G. Basker. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1996. 241-256.

Carlson, Carl Lennart. The First Magazine: A History of The Gentleman's Magazine, with an Account of Dr. Johnson's Editorial Activity and of the Notice Given America in the Magazine. (Brown University Studies 4). Providence (RI), 1938.

Nichols, John. "An Account of the Rise and Progress of The Gentleman's Magazine." In A General Index to The Gentleman's Magazine. (From 1731 to 1818). 4 vols. 1789-1821. Vol. 3 (1821).




Grub-Street Journal


Hillhouse, James T. The Grub-street Journal.. Durham (NC), 1928.



London Gazette


Handover, P. M. A History of the London Gazette, 1665-1965. 1965.



The Guardian


Kaufman, Paul. "Establishing Berkeley's Authorship of 'Guardian' Papers." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 54 (1960): 181-83.




Monthly Review


Hawkins, Aubrey. "Some Writers on The Monthly Review." Review of English Studies 7 (1931): 168-81.

Nangel, Benjamin C. The Monthly Review (1749-89): Indexes of Contributors and Articles. Oxford, 1934.



New Lady's Magazine


Tillotson, Geoffrey. "The New Lady's Magazine of 1786." In Tillotson, Essays in Criticism and Research. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1942. 130-40.*





Nobbe, George. The North Briton, A Study in Political Propaganda.   1939.



The Prompter


Поляков, Олег (Киров). "К истокам театральной критики в периодических изданиях Англии XVIII века: «Промтер»." In «Меры не знал я, смертных любя»: к 90-летию российского филолога Владимира Серафимовича Вахрушева (1932—2011).  Редакторы-составители Людмила Комуцци и Павел Глушаков. Санкт-Петербург: Росток, 2022.  342-49.* ("On the Origins of Theater Criticism in England's Periodicals of the 18th Century: The Prompter.")





19th century English journalism





The Academy. Published by Robert Scott Walker, London, c. 1876.


All the Year Round. Magazine. Ed. Charles Dickens 1859-70.


Answers. Ed. Alfred Harmsworth (Dec. 1891-Feb. 1892).


Anthropological Review (July 1867).


Art and Letters (April 1888).


The Artist and Journal of Home Culture


The Anti-Jacobin. Journal. Ed. George Canning.


Beeton's Christmas Annual  (1887).


Bentley's Miscellany  Ed. Charles Dickens (1837-)


Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 1 (1817).

_____. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (July-December 1835).  London: T. Cadell, 1835.


Sedgwick. In British and Foreign Medico-Chirug. Review (July 1863).


British Banner


British and Foreign Review  13 (1842). 


British Journal of Photography


British Quarterly Review 1 Oct. 1871.


Cassell's Saturday Journal (May 1884).


Celtic Magazine. Ed. Alexander Macbain. c. 1886.


Chambers's Edinburgh Journal. Journal on literature, science and the arts. Founded by Robert Chambers. Edinburgh, 1832. Later Chambers's Journal (1854-1938)


Chameleon  1.1 (Dec. 1894)


The Christian Teacher 1 (1839).


The Commonweal. Journal. Ed. William Morris.


Contemporary Review

London: Isbister and Company Limited,



Cornhill Magazine (ext. Jan. 1884). Ed. James Payn.


The Court and Society Review 1 March 1887.


Crewe Chronicle 5 May 1894.


Daily Chronicle. 2 July 1890.


Daily News (London) Created 1846, ed. Charles Dickens.


Daily Telegraph


The Dramatic Review (April 1885).


Dramatic Notes October 1882 (1883).


Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science (Feb. 1869).


Edinburgh Review 1 (1802). Ed. Sidney Smith, Francis Jeffrey.


Edinburgh Veterinary Review (July 1858).


English Illustrated Magazine (January 1889).


The Englishwoman's Year-Book (1888)


The Evangelical Magazine (Dec. 1800).


Evening News (London, 19th c.)


The Examiner. Ed. Leigh Hunt.


The Family Herald. 19th c.


The Farmer's Almanack.


Fortnightly Review  1 (1865). 

London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd.


Fraser's Magazine  (May 1832).


The Friend. Journal of the Society of Friends (Quaker society). 14 April 1916.




Gardener's Chronicle 7 April 1860.


The Gentleman's Magazine (June 1850).


The Germ: Thought towards Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art. Pre-Raphaelite journal, c. 1850.


Good Words. Victorian magazine.


The Graphic. Periodical (1889).


Great Thoughts (1894).






The Harmsworth Magazine.


Horticultural Transactions 4 (1822).


Household Words. Weekly magazine. Ed. Charles Dickens. 1849.


Illustrated London News (1892).



The Indicator. Ed. Leigh Hunt. Periodical.


The International Review 1.1 (Jan. 1874). Ed. Helen Triggs. Electronic edition in Oxford Text Archive http://ota.ox.ac.uk



Journal of Mental Science (July 1871).


Journal of Science.  Edinburgh, early 19th c.


Journals of the House of Commons. London, 1803-.


Kottabos. (1876)


The Ladies' Magazine.


The Lady's Pictorial (Christmas 1888).


Leader  7 (5 April 1856).


Leigh Hunt's London Journal. Ed. Leigh Hunt. Periodical.


The Liberal. Periodical. Ed. Leigh Hunt and Lord Byron.Liberal  2 (1823).


Life   (1 Sept. 1898).


Link magazine (1888).


Lippincott's Monthly Magazine (March 1890).


Literary Gazette 4 Feb. 1837.


Littell's Living Age.


Liverpool Journal 2 May 1846.


The London Gazette. Founder ed. Henry Muddiman. 1665-20th century.


The London Review. Ed. Richard Cumberland. 2 vols. 1809.


London Society (Jan. 1885)


Macmillan's Magazine 6 (June 1862).


Magazine of Art (1895).


Manchester Courier 11 April 1866.


Master Humphrey's Clock. Ed. Charles Dickens. 1840-.


Medico-Chrirurgical Transactions 53 (London, 1870).


Monthly Chronicle (March and April 1838).


The Monthly Magazine or British Register of Literature, Sciences and the Belles Lettres ns 2 (1826): 143.


Monthly Repository (1833). 


Monthly Review.  1749-1845.


The Morning Chronicle. Newspaper. 1769-1862.


The Morning Post. Newspaper. 1772-1937.


The Morning Star


The National: A Library for the People.


National Observer. Ed. William Ernest Henley. London.


National Review  2 (1856).


New Monthly Magazine 7 (1826). 


Nicholson's Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts 1 (February 1802): 148-50.


The Nineteenth Century (May 1885). (Renamed The Nineteenth Century and After in 1901).


The Nonconformist (1842).


The North British Review 46 (1867).


Old Monthly Magazine. 1836.


The Outlook (1898).


Pall Mall Budget c. 1893.


Pall Mall Gazette 14 October 1884.


Pan 8 Jan. 1881.


The Philological Museum 2 (1833).


The Poor Man's Guardian c. 1832.


Popular Science Monthly 5 (1874).


Proc. R. Irish Academy 10 (1868).


Prospective Review. Ed. William Caldwell Roscoe. 1852-55.


Punch.  Created 1841.


Quarterly Review.

Tory review, founded by Walter Scott et al, 1809.

Vol. 84 (March 1849).


The Reflector. Periodical. Ed. Leigh Hunt. c. 1818.


Retrospective Review.


Reynolds. Periodical. England, 19th c.


Saint James' Gazette. 28 June 1890.


Saint Pauls. Victorian magazine.


Saturday Review

Published at the Office, Southampton Street, London

1857, 1882, etc.


The Scots Magazine. 1739-1817.


Scots Observer. 16 August 1890.


The Sketch (Jan. 1895).


Southern Literary Messenger




The Spirit Lamp (Feb. 1893).


The Star c. 1888-90.


The Strand Magazine. Ed. George Newnes. (April-November 1912).


Student  (Edinburgh U, 20 Nov. 1896).


Temple Bar 115 (1898).


Time (April 1879).


The Times. Newspaper. 1788-.


Tit-Bit 15 Dec. 1900.


Transactions of the Ethnological Society (19th c.)


Transactions of the Royal Society Edinburgh 24.


Transact. Zoolog. Soc. 7 (1869).


The Tribune Almanac.


The Universal Magazine. 1747-1814.


Waifs and Strays (June 1879).


Westminster Review  65 (April 1856).


Woman's World. Magazine. Ed. Oscar Wilde (1887-1889).


Women's Journal (Christmas 1887).


The World 11 June 1879.


The Yellow Book. Magazine. 1894-97.


The Young Folks Magazine 28 Jan. 1882.



On 19th-c. English journalism:


Criticism: General


Bourne, H. R. Fox. English Newspapers.  2 vols. 1887.

Brake, Laurel, Lionel Madden and Aled Jones, eds. Investigating Victorian Journalism.









Brake, Laurel. "'Doing the Biz': Book-Trade and News-Trade Periodicals in the 1890s." In Brake, Print in Transition, 1850-1910. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2001. 67-84.*

Brodrick, George. Memories & Impressions, 1831 - 1900. Nisbet, 1900.

Cox, R. G. "The Reviews and Magazines." In From Dickens to Hardy. Vol. 6 of the Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958. 1975. 188-204.*

García Landa, José Angel. "Charles Dickens y el periodismo de denuncia." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 17 Nov. 2022.*



_____. "Charles Dickens y el periodismo de denuncia." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 5 Jan. 2023.*



Gross, John. The Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters: Aspects of English Literary Life since 1800. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969. (Arnold, Bagehot, Bennett, Carlyle, Chesterton, Dickens, G. Eliot, T. S. Eliot, John Morley, periodicals, Quiller-Couch, Raleigh).

_____. The Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters: Aspects of English Literary Life since 1800. Harmondsworth: Penguin-Pelican Books, 1973.*

Monrós Gaspar, Laura. "Mitología clásica escrita por mujeres en la prensa del siglo XIX." In At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain: Works from the 35th AEDEAN Conference, UAB/Barcelona 14-16 November 2011. Ed. Sara Martín et al. Barcelona: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, U Autònoma de Barcelona / AEDEAN, 2012. 152-156.*



Onslow, Barbara. Presswomen: A Fifth State. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000. (19th c.: George Eliot, Anna Maria Hall, Mary Braddon, Charlotte Yonge).

Weedon, Alexis "The Press and Publishing: Technology and Business 1855 to 1885." In We, the "Other Victorians": Considering the Heritage of 19th-Century Thought. Ed. Silvia Caporale Bizzini. Alicante: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2003. 119-37.*






Houghton, Walter E. Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals. 3 vols. Toronto, 1966-79.

_____. The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals 1824-1900. 5 vols.  London: Routledge, 1966, 1972, 1979, 1988, 1989.


Internet resources


Early 19th century British periodicals database. Internet: http://www.umn.edu/nlhome/m059/mh/britper.html       (1995)






Moreno, Cristina, et al. "Charles Dickens y el periodismo de denuncia." Video. YouTube (Redlobato) Dec. 2022.*





On individual titles (19th- c. English journalism)



The Artist and Journal of Home Culture


Brake, Laurel. "Gay Space: The Artist and Journal of Home Culture." In Brake, Print in Transition, 1850-1910. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2001.  110-44.*



Bentley's Miscellany


Dickens, Charles. "Misceláneas de Bentley." From Sketches. In Dickens, Obras completas XII. Madrid: Santillana-Aguilar, 2005. 670-71.*





Coyer, Megan. Literature and Medicine in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Press: Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1817-1858. (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Romanticism). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2016.

Poe, Edgar Allan. "How to Write a Blackwood Article." In The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. (The Modern Library). New York: Random House, 1938. 338-45.*

_____. "Cómo escribir un artículo a la manera del Blackwood." In Poe, Obras completas. Ed. and trans. Julio Cortázar. Madrid: Aguilar. Rpt. RBA Coleccionables, 2004. 1.738-46.*

_____. "Loss of Breath: A Tale Neither In nor Out of 'Blackwood'." In The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. (The Modern Library). New York: Random House, 1938. 395-404.*



Edinburgh Review


Newton, Judith. "Engendering History for the Middle Class: Sex and Political Comedy in the Edinburgh Review." In Rewriting the Victorians. Ed. Linda M. Shires. London: Routledge, 1992. 1-17.*



The Englishwoman's Year-Book


Wilde, Oscar. "Literary and Other Notes V." The Woman's World (March 1888). (Princess Emily Ruiete of Omar and Zanzibar, Mrs Oliphant, Mabel Robinson, Harriet Waters Preston, Isabel Southall; The Englishwoman's Year-Book 1888).

_____. "Literary and Other Notes V." In Wilde, Selected Journalism. Ed. Anya Clayworth. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004. 132-40.*




The Examiner




Dickens, Charles. Contributions to "The Examiner". 1838-1849.

Dickens, Charles. Colaboraciones en "The Examiner." In Dickens, Obras completas XII. Trans. and notes by José Méndez Herrera. Madrid: Santillana-Aguilar, 2005. 761-846.*



The Germ


Hosmon, Robert Stahr, ed. The Germ: A Pre-Raphaelite Little Magazine. Coral Gables: U of Miami P, 1970.





Morand, Paul.  "Le centenaire de Mr. Punch."  In Morand, Monplaisir ... en littérature.   Paris: Gallimard, 1967.  343-4.





Saturday Review


Bevington, M. M.  Saturday Review, 1855-68.  New York, 1941.

Stephen, James Fitzjames. "Light Literature and The Saturday Review." The Saturday Review (1857) (Novel; Criticism; Society; Dickens)



The Times


Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "XV. The Times." From English Traits. In Emerson, The Selected Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. New York: Modern Library, c. 1950. 661-67.*

Hazlitt, William.  "The Times Newspaper."  1823.  In Hazlitt, Selected Writings.  Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1970.  259-61.*






Westminster Review


Brake, Laurel. "'Silly Novels'? Gender and the Westminster Review at Mid-Century." In Brake, Print in Transition, 1850-1910. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2001. 87-109.*


The Yellow Book


D'Arcy, Ella. "Yellow Book  Celebrities." English Literature in Transition  37.1 (1994): 33-37.







English Journalism: 20th century


Titles. See Journalism: Genres (Magazines, Newspapers, etc.).




Conboy, Martin. "Parochializing the Global: Language and the British Tabloid Press." In New Media Language. Ed. Jean Aitchison and Diana M. Lewis. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2003. 45-54.*

Jucker, Andreas A. Social Stylistics: Syntactic Variation in British Newspapers. Berlin: Mouton, 1992. Rev. in Atlantis  16 (1994).

Martínez, María-Ángeles. "-ing Supplementive Clauses and Discourse Prominence in Literary Journalism."  Journal of English Studies 13 (2015): 83-107.*

Rushdie, Salman. "The Press: International Viewpoint." TLS  21 Feb. 1986: 190.







Early 20th


Fuller, J. G.  Troop Morale and Popular Culture in the British and Dominion Armies, 1914-1918.    Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.

Prieto, Sara. Reporting the First World War in the Liminal Zone: British and American Eyewitness Accounts from the Western Front. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. (ESSE Prize, B, on Cultural and Area Studies in English, 2020)



Internet resources


Modernist Journals Project (Brown University)








Phillips, Justin. C. S. Lewis at the BBC: Messages of Hope in the Darkness of War. Marshall Pickering, 2003.






Smith, Anthony. Goodbye Gutenberg: The Newspaper Revolution of the 1980s. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1980.





Brenton, Howard, and David Hare. Pravda: A Fleet Street Comedy. Drama. Prod. at the National Theatre, 1985.







Falces Sierra, Marta. "Point of View in the Discourse of the Media: Spain in the British Press during the 1993 General Election." Atlantis  16 (1994): 91-104.*




On individual newspapers, periodicals, stations, media:




Phillips, Justin. C. S. Lewis at the BBC: Messages of Hope in the Darkness of War. Marshall Pickering, 2003.



The Daily Mail




Dan and Dan. "The Daily Mail song." YouTube (dananddanfilms) 27 Oct. 2010.*







The Economist


Guillén Selfa, Arturo. "The Economist' s Headlines: A Paradigm in Intertextuality." In Intertextuality / Intertextualidad. Ed. Mercedes Bengoechea and Ricardo Sola. Alcalá de Henares: Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Alcalá, 1997. 109-20.*




Morás, Nicolás. "¡TODO fue PLANEADO! ⏲️ Y viene LO PEOR 🔥 [Urgente Difundir] Crisis económica, escasez de alimento." Video. YouTube (Los Liberales) 12 June 2022.* (Capitalism; Global crisis, famine, Gates, Elon Musk; Globalism; Malthusianism, Kissinger; WEF, Sustainability; Rockefeller Foundation; Conflicts; Social engineering; Hillary Clinton; The Economist and globalism, Spencer; Rothschild family; Malloch-Brown; Open Society Foundation; Smartmatic; Putin & Xi Jinping; Predictions; Coronavirus alarm and authoritarianism; famine and Food Chain Reaction; Bill Gates & Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Clinton Foundation, Madeleine Albright, John Podesta; Rwanda genocide; Kellogg's; Chiquita; Chatham House; NSA; World Bank, Rockefeller Foundation; Christine Partermore; WWF; Mars (food), Nestlé, Cargill; Cato Institute; Aspen Institute Commission on Information Disorder; Center for American Progress – Soros, Google, Walmart, Goldman-Sachs, Bank of America, United Arab Emirates; Patrick Gaspard; McAffee; McCarrick and Pope Francis; Alberto Fernández; Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research; Crisis generation; Agenda 2030; Pedro Sánchez; Meat; Socialism and big corporations; carbon footprint; obedience and control; Chinese sanitary tyranny; lobbies and liberalism).






The Guardian


Europa Press. "El caricaturista Steve Bell dice que ha sido despedido de The Guardian, tras 42 años, por una tira 'antisemita' de Netanyahu." El Mundo 16 Oct. 2023.* (David Levine).







The Sun


Clark, Kate. "The Linguistics of Blame: Representations of Women in The Sun's Reporting of Crimes of Sexual Violence." In The Feminist Critique of Language: A Reader. Ed. Deborah Cameron. 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 1998. 1999. 183-97.*




The Times





Haydon, Benjamin Robert. "Waiting for The Times." Painting. Reproduced in New Media Language. Ed. Jean Aitchison and Diana M. Lewis. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2003. xii.*








English journalism: 21st century



Bennhold, Katrin. "To Understand 'Brexit', Look to British Tabloids." New York Times 2 May 2017.*



Kaposi, David. Violence and Understanding in Gaza: The British Broadsheets' Coverage of the War. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

Turner, Barry, ed. The Writer's Handbook 2009. Foreword by Ion Trewin. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. (Publishers, magazines, literary agents, newspapers, broadcasting, theatre producers, writers' courses, fellowships, societies, services, libraries, press cutting agencies, consultants, festivals, prizes….)









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