domingo, 7 de enero de 2024

Espacio narrativo



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Space in narrative



Aguirre Dabán, Manuel. The Closed Space: Horror Literature and Western Symbolism. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1990.

Baak, J. J. van. The Place of Space in Narration: A Semiotic Approach to the Problem of Literary Space. With an Analysis of the Role of Space in I. E. Babel's Konarmija. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1983.*

Bal, Mieke. "1. Fabula: Elements." In Bal, Narratology. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1985. 11-47.* (Events, Actors, Time, Location).

_____. "2. Story: Aspects." In Bal, Narratology. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1985. 49-118.* (Sequential ordering, Rhythm, Frequency, From Actors to Characters, from Place to Space, Focalization)

Baynham, Mike. "6. Narrative and Space/Time." In The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Ed. Anna De Fina and Alexandra Georgakopoulou. Chichester: Wiley, 2015. 119-39.*

Bukatman, Scott. Terminal Identity: The Virtual Subject in Postmodern Science-Fiction. Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1993. 1998.*

Caracciolo, Marco. "7.  Embodiment, Virtuality, and Meaning in Readers' Reconstruction of Narrative Space." In Caracciolo, The Experientiality of Narrative. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2014. 155-83.* (From Mental Simulation to Fictionalization; Fictional Anchors: Forster's Deputy Focalizor and 'Strict' Focalization; Virtual Presences: 'Empty Center' and Aperspectival Texts; A Scale of Fictionalization; The Embodied Self and and Beckett's Company).

Dennerlein, Katrin. Narratologie des Raumes. (Narratologia, 22). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2009.*

_____. "1. Einleitung." In Dennerlein, Narratologie des Raumes. (Narratologia, 22). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2009. 1-12.*

_____. "2. Forschungsbericht." In Dennerlein, Narratologie des Raumes. (Narratologia, 22). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2009. 13-47.*

_____. "3. Der konkrete Raum der erzählten Welt." In Dennerlein, Narratologie des Raumes. (Narratologia, 22). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2009. 48-72.*

_____. "4. Narrative Erzeugung von Raum." In Dennerlein, Narratologie des Raumes. (Narratologia, 22). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2009. 73-98.*

_____. "5. Das mentale Modell des Raumes." In Dennerlein, Narratologie des Raumes. (Narratologia, 22). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2009. 991-14.*

_____. "6. Darstellungstechniken." In Dennerlein, Narratologie des Raumes. (Narratologia, 22). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2009. 115-63.* (Description, mode).

_____. "7. Raum als Element der erzählten Welt." In Dennerlein, Narratologie des Raumes. (Narratologia, 22). Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2009. 164-95.*

Fontanille, J. Les espaces subjectifs: Introduction à la sémiotique de l'observateur (discours-peinture-cinéma). Paris: Hachette, 1989.*

Friedman, Susan Stanford. "Spatialization, Narrative Theory, and Virginia Woolf's The Voyage Out." In Ambiguous Discourse: Feminist Narratology and British Women Writers. Ed. Kathy Mezei. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1996. 109-36.*

Garrido Domínguez, Antonio. "El espacio." In Garrido, El texto narrativo. Madrid: Síntesis, 1993. 207-38.*

Gebauer, Carolin. Making Time: World Construction in the Present-Tense Novel. (Narratologia, 77). Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021.* (I. Mapping the Research Field on Present-Tense narration; II. A Narratological Model of Present-Tense Usage in Narrative Fiction; III. Uses and Functions of Present-Tense Narration in Contemporary Narrative Fiction; Authorial narrative, Narration, Chronotope, Tense, Deixis, Narrator, First-person narration, Figural narration, Focalization, Retrospection, Heterodiegetic narration, Narrative dynamics, Omniscience, Comment, Plot, Storyworld, Voice).


Gomel, Elana. Narrative Space and Time. Routledge.

Gullón, Ricardo. Espacio y novela. Barcelona: Bosch, 1980.*

Hamilton, Craig. "The Conceptual Blending of Time and Space: Milan Kundera's Slowness." In Blending and the Study of Narrative: Approaches and Applications. Ed. Ralf Schneider and Marcus Hartner. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter,  2012. 325-42.*

Heath, Stephen. "Narrative Space." Screen 17.3 (1976): 68-112.

Herman, David. "Spatialization." In Herman, Story Logic: Problems and Possibilities of Narrative. Lincoln and London: U of Nebraska P, 2002. 263-300.*

Jäger, Dietrich. Erzählte Räume: Studien zur Phänomenologie der epischen Geschehensumwelt. (Kieler Beiträge zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik, neue Folge, 14). Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen & Neumann.

Janik, Christina. "Markierungen temporaler, kausaler und lokaler Relationen zwischen Sachverhalten." In Hodel, Lehmann, et al., Textkohärenz und Narration: Untersuchungen russischer Texte des Realismus und der Moderne. (Narratologia, 15). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008. 243-58.*

Mainer, José-Carlos. "El espacio y el tiempo de las novelas." In Mainer, La escritura desatada: El mundo de las novelas. Madrid: Temas de Hoy, 2000. 2001. 147-86.*

Perrino, Sabina. "7. Chronotopes: Time and Space in Oral Narrative." In The Handbook of Narrative Analysis. Ed. Anna De Fina and Alexandra Georgakopoulou. Chichester: Wiley, 2015. 140-59.*

Pier, John. "Three Dimensions of Space in the Narrative Text." In Recent Trends in Narratological Research. Ed. John Pier. (GRAAT 21). Tours: Groupes de Recherches Anglo-Américaines de l'Université François Rabelais de Tours, 1999. 191-206.*

Poulet, Georges. L'Espace proustien. Paris: Gallimard, 1963.

_____. Proustian Space. Trans. Elliot Coleman. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1977.

Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith. "Place, Space, and Michal Govrin's Snapshots." Narrative 17.2 (May 2009): 220-34.*

Ronen, Ruth. "Space in Fiction." Poetics Today 7.3 (1986): 421-38.

Ryan, Marie-Laure. "Space." In Handbook of Narratology. Ed. Peter Hühn et al. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 420-33.*

Shrayer, Maxim D. "Mapping Narrative Space in Nabokov's Stories." In Shrayer, The World of Nabokov's Stories. Austin: U of Texas P, 1999. 71-86.*

Siebert, Hilary. "Represented Space in the Short Story: Reader Response to Environmental Experience." Ph D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1987.

Sternberg, Meir. "Ordering the Unordered: Time, Space, and Descriptive Coherence." Yale French Studies 61 (1981): 60-88.,

Varey, Simon. Space and the Eighteenth-Century English Novel. (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Thought, 7). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.

Walsh, Richard."Beyond Fictional Worlds: Narrative and Spatial Cognition." In Emerging Vectors of Narratology. Ed. Per Krogh Hansen, John Pier, Philippe Roussin and Wolf Schmid. Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter, 2017. 461-78.*

Wilson, Rawdon. "The Metamorphoses of Fictional Space: Magical Realism." In Magical Realism. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham: Duke UP, 1995. 209-34.*

Wright, A. Fictional Discourse and Fictional Space. London: Macmillan, 1987.

Zorn, Gabriel. "Toward a Theory of Space in Narrative." Poetics Today 5.2 (1984).





See also Space and literature; Space (human).

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