miércoles, 24 de enero de 2024

Voz narrativa, Texto narrativo, Pragmática de la narración



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Text, Voice, Narrative Pragmatics





Aczel, Richard. "Voice." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon: Routledge, 2005. 634-6.*

Adams, Jon-K. Pragmatics and Fiction. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1985.*

Aumüller, Matthias. "Die Stimme des Formalismus. Die Entwicklung des Stimmenbegriffs im russischen Formalismus." In Stimme(n) im Text: Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Ed. Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer and Michael Scheffel. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. 31-52.*

Ayala, Francisco. La estructura narrativa y otras experiencias literarias. Barcelona: Crítica, 1984.*

Bakhtin, Mikhail. Problems of Dostoevski's Poetics. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1984. Trans. of Problemy Poetiki Dostoevskogo. 1963.

_____. "Slovo v romane." Extract from "Iz predystorii romannogo slova." Voprosy Literatury 8 (1965): 84-95.

_____. "L'énoncé dans le roman." Trans. of "Slovo v romane." Langages  12 (1968): 126-32.

_____. "Discourse in the Novel." 1934. In Bakhtin, The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Ed. Michael Holquist. Austin: U of Texas P, 1981. 259-422.*

_____. From "Discourse in the Novel." In Modern Literary Theory: A Reader. Ed. Philip Rice and Patricia Waugh. 3rd ed. London: Arnold, 1996. 230-38.*

_____. Esthétique et théorie du roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1978.

Bal, Mieke. "3. Text: Words." In Bal, Narratology. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1985. 119-153.* (The Narrator, Non-narrative comments, Description, Levels of narration).

_____. Narratologie: Essais sur la signification narrative dans quatre romans modernes. Paris: Klincksieck, 1977.*

_____. De theorie van vertellen en verhalen. Muiderberg: Coutinho, 1978.

_____. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative. Trans. Christine van Boheemen. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1985. Trans. of De theorie van vertellen en verhalen.*

_____ . Teoría de la narrativa : una introducción a la narratología. Madrid: Cátedra, 1985.*

Bareis, J. Alexander. "Mimesis der Stimme. Fiktionstheoretische Aspekte einer narratologischen Kategorie." In Stimme(n) im Text: Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Ed. Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer and Michael Scheffel. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. 101-22.*

Bellos, David. "Narrative and Communication." Signs of Change 3 (1978): 34-52.

Bernaerts, Lars. "Interactions in Cuckoo's Nest: Elements of a Narrative Speech-Act Analysis." Narrative 18.3 (October 2010): 276-99.*

Bernáth, Árpád. "Rhetorische Gattungstheorie und konstruktivistische Hermeneutik." In Stimme(n) im Text: Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Ed. Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer and Michael Scheffel. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. 123-50.*

Bobes Naves, Mª Carmen. "Relaciones pragmáticas de la novela." In Bobes, La novela.  Madrid: Síntesis, 1993. 247-68.*

Bialostosky, Don H. "Dialogics, Narratology, and The Virtual Space of Discourse." The Journal of Narrative Technique 19.1 (1989): 167-173.*

Blödorn, Andreas, and Daniela Langer. "Implikationen eines metaphorischen Stimmenbegriffs: Derrida – Bachtin – Genette." In Stimme(n) im Text: Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Ed. Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer and Michael Scheffel. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. 53-82.*

Blödorn, Andreas, Daniela Langer and Michael Scheffel. "Einleitung: Stimmen — im Text?" In Stimme(n) im Text: Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Ed. Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer and Michael Scheffel. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. 1-8.*

_____, eds. Stimme(n) im Text: Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. (Narratologia: Contributions to Narrative Theory / Beiträge zur Erzähltheorie, 10). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006.*

Bonheim, Helmut. The Narrative Modes: Techniques of the Short Story. Cambridge: Brewer, 1982.

Booth, Wayne C. The Rhetoric of Fiction. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1961.*

_____. The Rhetoric of Fiction. 2nd. ed. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1983.

_____. The Rhetoric of Fiction. 2nd. ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987.*

_____. La retórica de la ficción. Trans. Santiago Gubern. Barcelona: Bosch, 1974.*

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Bremond, Claude. "Le message narratif." Communications 4 (1964): 4-32.*

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Brenkman, John. "On Voice." Novel 33.3 (Summer 2000): 281-306.

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Buchholz, Laura. "The Morphing Metaphor and the Question of Narrative Voice." Narrative 17.2 (May 2009): 200-19.*

Chatman, Seymour. "The Structure of Narrative Transmision." In Style and Structure in Literature. Ed. Roger Fowler. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1975. 213-57.

_____. "The Structure of Narrative Transmission." In Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Chico Rico, F. Pragmática y construcción literaria: Discurso retórico y discurso narrativo. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 1988.*

Coste, Didier. Narrative as Communication. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1989.

Couturier, Maurice. "Les voix de l'écrit." In Couturier, Nabokov, ou la tyrannie de l'auteur. Paris: Seuil, 1993. 17-62.*

Darby, David. "Form and Context: An Essay in the History of Narratology." Poetics Today 22.4 (Winter 2001): 829-52.*

Decker, Jan-Oliver. "Stimmenvielfalt, Referenzialisierung und Metanarrativität in Hermann Hesses Der Steppenwolf." In Stimme(n) im Text: Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Ed. Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer and Michael Scheffel. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. 233-65.*

Dijk, Susan van, and Christa Stevens, eds. (En)jeux de la communication romanesque: Hommage à Françoise van Rossum-Guyon. (Faux Titre, 86). Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994.*

Donoghue, Denis. "The Question of Voice." Antaeus 53 (Autumn 1984).

_____. Who Says What, and The Question of Voice. Monaco: Princess Grace Irish Library Lectures.

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Fludernik, Monika. The Fictions of Language and the Languages of Fiction: The Linguistic Representation of Speech and Consciousness. London: Routledge, 1993.*

_____. Towards a 'Natural' Narratology. London: Routledge, 1996.*

_____. "New Wine in Old Bottles? Voice, Focalization, and New Writing." New Literary History 32 (2001): 619-638.

Fowler, Roger. Linguistics and the Novel. 1977. London: Methuen, 1985.*

_____. Linguistic Criticism. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1986.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo." Miscelánea 15 (1994): 263-300.*


         Online edition (2004):



_____. "Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo." Online PDF at Zaguán 2 Dec. 2009.



_____. "Enunciación, ficción y niveles semióticos en el texto narrativo." iPaper at Academia.edu 26 Jan. 2011.*



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_____. "Nivel narrativo, status, persona y tipología de las narraciones." Miscelánea 17 (1996): 91-121.*


_____. "Nivel narrativo, status, persona y tipología de las narraciones." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 11 Nov. 2009.*




_____. "Nivel narrativo, status, persona y tipología de las narraciones." Online PDF in Zaguán 18 Nov. 2009.*



_____. "Nivel narrativo, status, persona, y tipología de las narraciones." iPaper at Academia.edu 9 Feb. 2011.*



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_____. "Narration." In García Landa, Structural Narratology. 1994. Online edition (2005):



_____. "Discurso." Part 3 of García Landa, Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1998. 209-464.*

_____. "Discurso." Part 3 of García Landa, Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa. Online ed. 2009.



_____. "La estructura pragmática de la narración literaria." In García Landa, Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1998. 211-78.* (Pragmática. Pragmática y escritura. Pragmática e interacción comunicativa. Pragmática y ficción. Pragmática y narración. Pragmática y literatura).

_____. "La estructura pragmática de la narración literaria." Section 3.1. of Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa. Online ed. 2009.*



_____. "La estructura pragmática de la narración literaria (Acción, Relato, Discurso, 3.1) (The Pragmatic Structure of Literary Narrative (Action, Story, Discourse,3.1)." Social Science Research Network 11 March 2014.*



Cognitive Linguistics: Cognition, Language, Gesture eJournal 11 March 2014.*



Cognition & the Arts eJournal 11 March 2014.*



Literary Theory & Criticism eJournal 11 March 2014.*



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_____. "Autor textual, obra narrativa, lector textual." In García Landa, Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1998. 319-425.*

_____. "Autor textual, obra, lector textual." Section 3.3. of García Landa, Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa. Online ed. 2009.*



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         Cognition & the Arts eJournal 15 March 2014.*



         Literary Theory & Criticism eJournal 15 March 2014.*



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Gelley, Alexander. Narrative Crossings: Theory and Pragmatics in Prose Fiction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1987.

Genette, Gérard. "Discours du récit." In Gérard Genette, Figures III . Paris: Seuil, 1972. 71-273.*

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See also Pragmatics of literature; Literature and communication; Narratology (general).



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  Retropost, 2015: Bibliografía de Herder by Marcus Ortiz