lunes, 26 de febrero de 2024

Libros de viajes



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Travel Books





Adams, Percy G. Travel Literature and the Evolution of the Novel.  Lexington: U of Kentucky P, 1983.

Campbell, Mary. The Witness and the Other World: Exotic European Travel Writing, 400-1600. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1988.

Chambers, Ross. "Strolling, Touring, Cruising: Counter-Disciplinary Narrative and the Loiterature of Travel." In. Understanding Narrative. Ed. James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz. Columbus (OH): Ohio State UP, 1994. 17-42,

de Camp, L. Sprague, and Willy Ley. Lands Beyond. Essay on travel books.

L'Ecriture voyage.  Gulliver 2/3 (Paris, 1990).

Galván Reula, Fernando. "Notas sobre la conformación genérica y la evolución del relato de viajes." Stvdia Patriciae Shaw oblata. Vol. 1. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 1991. 192-208.*

Gifra Adroher, Pere. Rev. of Perspectives on Travel Writing. Ed. Glenn Hooper and Tim Youngs. Atlantis 28.2 (December 2006): 159-63.*

Gove, Philip Babcock. The Imaginary Voyage in Prose Fiction. New York, 1941.

Hooper, Glenn, and Tim Youngs, eds. Perspectives on Travel Writing. Ed. Glenn Hooper and Tim Youngs. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004.

Lawrence, Faren R. Penelope Voyages: Women and Travel in the British Literary Tradition. Rev. by Caroline Reitz in Novel: A Forum on Fiction 28 (1995): 363.*

Links, J. G. Travellers in Europe: Private Records of Journeys by the Great and the Forgotten, from Horace to Pepys. Bodley Head, 1980.

Martels, Zweder von, ed. Travel Fact and Travel Fiction: Studies on Fiction, Literary Tradition, Scholarly Discovery and Observation in Travel Writing. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 55). Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994.*

Mills, Sara. Discourses of Difference: An Analysis of Women's Travel Writing and Colonialism.  London: Routledge, 1993.

Moroz, Grzgegor, and Jolanta Sztachelska. Metamorphoses of Travel Writing: Across Theories, Genres, Centuries, and Literary Tradition. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2010. Online at Google Books.


Moureau, Fr., ed. Métamorphoses du récit de voyage: Actes du Colloque de la Sorbonne et du Sénat (2 mars 1985).  1986.

Moya, Jesús. "The Continuity of Topics in Journal and Travel Texts. A Discourse Functional Perpective." In Functions of Language. John Benjamins. Forthcoming 2005.

Mulligan, Maureen. "Some Theoretical Considerations Implicit in a Reading of Women's Travel Writing." In Actas del 25º Congreso AEDEAN, Granada 2001. CD-ROM. Granada: U de Granada: Departamento de Filología Inglesa, 2002.*

Pratt, Mary Louise. Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. London: Routledge, 1992. 1993. 1994. 1995. 1997. 1998. 2000 (2). 2001.* (Humboldt, literature and colonialism, creoles, abolitionism, imperialism and literature).

_____. "Travel Narrative and Imperialist Vision." In Understanding Narrative. Ed. James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz. Columbus (OH): Ohio State UP, 1994. 199-221.*

Rennie, Neil. Far-Fetched Facts: The Literature of Travel and the Idea of the South Seas. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995.

Romero Tobar, Leonardo, and Patricia Almárcegui Elduayen, eds. Los libros de viaje: realidad vivida y género literario. Madrid: Akal, 2005.

Siegel, Kristi, ed. Travel Literature: Multicultural, Gendered, and Spiritual Journeys. Peter Lang, forthcoming 2000.

Thompson, Carl. Travel Writing. London: Routledge, 2011.

Travel Books.  TLS 31 July 1992.








Harris. Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca. 1705.

Smollett, Tobias, ed. A Compendium of Authentic and Entertaining Voyages. Anthology of travel narratives. 1756. (With an account of the Cartagena de Indias expedition, probably his).






García Landa, José Ángel. "Bibliografía sobre viajeros s. XVIII-XIX." From A Bibliography… In (judaco1).







Journal of African Travel-Writing (JATW).

 PO Box 346, Chapel Hill,

NC 27514, USA


Les Carnets de l'exotisme. Poitiers: Le Torii Editions.





Related works


Lackey, Kris. Roadframes: The American Highway Narrative. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, c. 1998.








(Alianza Literaria; Itinerarios). Madrid: Alianza Editorial, c. 2004.*


(Cuadernos del Horizonte – serie ¿qué hago yo aquí?, 11). N.p.: Ediciones La Línea del Horizonte, 2017.*


(Grandes viajeros). Barcelona: Ediciones B, c. 2004.









Alburquerque García, Luis. (CSIC). "Avatares de un género literario: los relatos de viajes." Video. YouTube (Fundación Juan March) 8 June 2019.*









Travel books: Ages




Aerts, W. J. "Alexander the Great and Ancient Travel Stories." In Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Ed. Zweder von Martels. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994. 30-38.*

Martels, Zweder von, ed. Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Ed. Zweder von Martels. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994.*

Mund-Dopchie, Monique. "Different Readings of Hanno's Voyage from the Renaissance to the Seventeenth Century—From Pure Erudition to Ideological Debate." In Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Ed. Zweder von Martels. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994. 111-19.*

Palmer, Andrew. (School of Oriental and African Studies, U of London). "Egeria the Voyager, or the Technology of Remote Sensing in Late Antiquity." In Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Ed. Zweder von Martels. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994. 39-53.*







Egeria. Viaje de Egeria. Ed. and trans. Carlos Pascual. Editorial Laertes, 1994.

_____. Viaje de Egeria: El primer relato de una viajera hispana. Ed., prologue, trans. and notes by Carlos Pascual. (Cuadernos del Horizonte – serie ¿qué hago yo aquí?, 11). N.p.: Ediciones La Línea del Horizonte, 2017.*








Middle Ages


Ertzdorff, Xenja, and Dieter Keukirch, eds. Reisen und Reiseliteratur im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1992.

Martels, Zweder von, ed. Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Ed. Zweder von Martels. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994.*




Renaissance / Early modern /16th c.


Carey, Daniel, ed. Asian Travel in the Renaissance. (Renaissance Studies Special Issues). Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Ertzdorff, Xenja, and Dieter Keukirch, eds. Reisen und Reiseliteratur im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1992.

Gomez-Géraud, M. C. "The Traveller's Tale." In A History of European Literature. Ed. Annick Benoit-Dusausoy and Guy Fontaine. London: Routledge, 2000. 175-79.*

Hamlin, William. "On Reading Early Accounts of the New World." Connotations 6.1 (1996-97): 46-50.*

Kamps, Ivo, and Jyotsna G. Singh, eds. Travel Knowledge: European "Discoveries" in the Early Modern Period. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2001.*

López de Mariscal, Blanca. "Los soportes de la narración en los relatos de viajes al nuevo mundo." In Cartografía literaria: En homenaje al profesor José Romera Castillo. Ed. G. Laín Corona and R. Santiago Nogales. Madrid: Visor, 2018. 1.829-47. Online at Academia.*


Maquerlot, Jean-Pierre, and Michèle Willems, eds. Travel and Drama in Shakespeare's Time. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.

Martels, Zweder von, ed. Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994.*

Montrose, L. A. "The Work of Gender in the Discourse of Discovery." Representations 33 (1991): 1-41.

Sarmiento de Gamboa, Pedro. Los viajes al estrecho de Magallanes. Madrid: Alianza.

Sell, Jonathan P. A. Rhetoric and Wonder in English Travel Writing, 1560-1613. Hampshire (UK) and Burlington (USA): Ashgate, 2006.

Singh, Jyotsna G., and Ivo Kamps, eds.  Travel Knowledge: 'Witnesses' to 'Navigations, Traffiques, and Discoveries'. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.






García Landa, José Ángel. "Bibliografía sobre viajeros s. XVIII-XIX." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. iPaper at Scribd-judaco 1 (2012).*







Hakluyt, Richard.  The Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries of the English Nation.   1589, enlarged in 3 vols. 1598-1600.

_____. Voyages and Discoveries.  Ed. J. Beeching. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Purchas, Samuel, ed. Purchas His Pilgrimes.

_____, ed. Purchas's Pilgrimage.  (new ed). 1617.

_____, ed. Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes. 20 vols. Glasgow: James Maclehose and Sons, 1905-7.







Libro del infante don Pedro de Portugal, que anduvo las cuatro partidas del mundo. Salamanca, 1547.









17th century


Frantz, Ray W. The English Traveller and the Movement of Ideas, 1660-1732. Lincoln (NE), 1934.

Shaw, Patricia. España vista por los ingleses del siglo XVII. Madrid: SGEL, 1981.



18th century


Batten, Charles L. Pleasurable Instruction: Form and Convention in Eighteenth-Century Travel Literature. Berkeley: U of California P, 1978.*

Frantz, Ray W. Th English Traveller and the Movement of Ideas, 1660-1732. Lincoln (NE), 1934.

García Tortosa, Francisco. Los viajes imaginarios en el siglo XVIII y su fondo cultural. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 1973.

Glendening, John.  The High Road: Romantic Tourism, Scotland and Literature, 1720-1820. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997.




Awnsham, and John Churchill, eds. A Collection of Voyages and Travels. 5th ed. Ed. Awnsham and John Churchill. 3rd ed. London, 1732. Vol. 5.

Derrick, Samuel. A Collection of Travels through Various Parts of the World. 1762.

Osborne, Thomas, ed. A Collection of Voyages and Travels. Vol. 1. (Harleian Collection). 1745.

Pinkerton, John, ed. A General Collection of the Best and Most Interesting Voyages to All Parts of the World.  1800.



19th century


Blake, Susan L. "A Woman's Trek: What Difference Does Gender Make?" In Western Women and Imperialism: Complicity and Resistance. Ed. Nupur Chaudhuri and Margaret Strobel. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana UP, 1992. 19-34.*

Jarvis, Robin. Romantic Writing and Pedestrian Travel. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997.

Mailloux, Steven. "Narrative as Embodied Intensities: The Eloquence of Travel in Nineteenth-century Rome." Narrative 21.2 (May 2013): 125-39.*

Transatlantic Manners: Social Patterns in Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Travel Literature. 1990





20th century



Ansón, Antonio. "Viajeros con cámara." Clarín no. 66 (Nov.-Dec. 2006). (Gautier, Sebald, James Agee, Cortázar, González Ruano)

Boden, Helen. Travel Writing in the Post-Enlightenment Age. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Mulligan, Maureen. "New Directions or the End of the Road? Women's Travel Writing at the Millennium." Journal of English Studies 2 (2000): 61-78.*

_____. "The 1930s in Spanish and English Women's Travel Writing: A Brief Comparative Study of the Work of Rebecca West, Martha Gellhorn and María Martínez Sierra." In Fifty Years of English Studies in Spain […] Actas del XXVI Congreso de AEDEAN, ed. Ignacio Palacios et al. Santiago de Compostela: U de Santiago de Compostela, 2003. 143-48.*

 "Saint Malo: Les écrivains voyageurs" (Le Bris, Berger, Borer, Bouvier, Hillerman, Lacarrière, Lapouge, Leigh Fermor, Magris, Maillart, Mutis, Nootebom, Meunier, O'Hanlon, Tabucchi, Thubron, Theroux, White). Magazine littéraire 288 (1991): 109-24.








Travel books: Areas


English travel books





Bode, Christoph, ed. West Meets East: Klassiker der britischen Orient-Reiseliteratur. (Anglistische Forschungen, 246). Heidelberg: Winter, 1997.

Hållén, Nicklas. Travelling Objects: Modernity and Materiality in British Colonial Travel Literature about Africa. Umeå University Dpt. of Language Studies, 2011. Online at Academia.*


Henríquez Jiménez, Santiago J. Géneros en contacto. Viajes, crimen, novela femenina y humor. Miscelánea de literatura inglesa y norteamericana. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria / La Caja de Canarias, 2004.

Lázaro, María Luisa, and Carlos Villar Flor. Viajeros y Peregrinos Ingleses en el Camino de Santiago Riojano.  Logroño: Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, 2005.

López-Burgos, María Antonia. "Ventas, posadas y fondas en los relatos de viajeras inglesas de otros tiempos." In De habitaciones propias y otros espacios conquistados: Estudios sobre mujeres y literatura en lengua inglesa en homenaje a Blanca López Román. Ed. Margarita Carretero González, Mª Elena Rodríguez Martín and Gerardo Rodríguez Salas. Granada: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Granada, 2006.

Medina Casado, Carmelo, and José Ruiz Mas, eds. El bisturí inglés: Literatura de viajes e hispanismo en lengua inglesa. Jaén: U de Jaén / UNED, 2004.

Spurr, David. The Rhetoric of Empire: Colonial Discourse in Journalism, Travel Writing, and Imperial Administration. Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1993.






Flint, Valerie I. J. "Travel Fact and Travel Fiction in the Voyages of Columbus." In Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Ed. Zweder von Martels. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994. 94-110.*

Fuller, Mary C. Voyages in Print: English Travel to America, 1576-1624.  (Cambridge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture 7). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.

Hall, Kim F. "A World of Difference: Travel Narratives and the Inscription of Culture." In Hall, Things of Darkness: Economies of Race and Gender in Early Modern England. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1995. 1-24.*

Ker, W. P. "The Elizabethan Voyagers." 1907. In Ker, Collected Essays.  London: Macmillan, 1925. 1.1-9.*

Sell, Jonathan P.A. Rhetoric and Wonder in English Travel Writing, 1560-1613. Aldershot (UK) and Burlington (USA): Ashgate, 2006.

Williams, Glyndwr. The Great South Sea: English Voyages and Encounters, 1570-1750. New Haven: Yale UP, c. 1997.




18th century


Conger, Syndy M. Three Unlikely Fellow Travellers: Mary Wollstonecraft, Yorick, Samuel Johnson. (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 305). Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1992.






Awnsham, and John Churchill, eds. A Collection of Voyages and Travels. London, 1732.

Franklin, Caroline, ed. Women's Travel Writing: 1750-1850. 8 vols. (History of Feminism). Andover: Routledge, 2006.

Smollett, Tobias, ed. A Compendium of Authentic and Diverting Voyages. 1757.





Frantz, R. W. Bibliography on travel books (18th century). Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature 2.739-757.




Newbery, John, ed. The World Displayed; or, a Curious Collection of Voyages and Travels.  Travel book series. 20 vols. 1759-61; 1774-8; 1790.



19th Century


Candau Chacón, María Luisa, ed. Viajeras de élite: Experiencias, recorridos, textos. Siglos XIX y XX. (Critical Perspectives on English and American Literature, Communication and Culture, 26). Bern, Berlin, Brussels, New York, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2020.*

Egea Fernández-Montesinos, Alberto. "'Spain Is Not Different': Viajeras románticas anglosajonas en España." In Proceedings from the 31st AEDEAN Conference. Ed. M. J. Lorenzo Modia et al. CD-ROM: A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 2008. 161-68.*

Foster, Shirley. Across New Worlds: Nineteenth-Century Women Travellers and their Writings. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheathsheaf, 1990.

Franey, Laura E. Victorian Travel Writing and Imperial Violence. (Palgrave Studies in Nineteenth-Century Writing and Culture). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Irving, Washington. "English Writers of America." In Irving, The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. 1819-20.

Krauel, Blanca. Viajeros británicos en Málaga (1760-1855). Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, 1988.

Mulvey, Christopher. Anglo-American Landscapes: A Study of Nineteenth- Century Anglo-American Travel Literature. 1983.





Franklin, Caroline, ed. Women's Travel Writing: 1750-1850. 8 vols. (History of Feminism). Andover: Routledge, 2006.







20th Century


Candau Chacón, María Luisa. "Introducción: Los viajes, el relato, los sentimientos y las mujeres de élite. La 'cuestión feminista'." In Viajeras de élite: Experiencias, recorridos, textos. Siglos XIX y XX. Ed. María Luisa Candau Chacón. Bern: Peter Lang, 2020. 11-18.*

_____. "Estas mujeres: ¿viajeras de élite?" In Viajeras de élite: Experiencias, recorridos, textos. Siglos XIX y XX. Ed. María Luisa Candau Chacón. Bern: Peter Lang, 2020. 19-34.*

_____, ed. Viajeras de élite: Experiencias, recorridos, textos. Siglos XIX y XX. (Critical Perspectives on English and American Literature, Communication and Culture, 26). Bern, Berlin, Brussels, New York, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2020.*

Egea Fernández-Montesinos, Alberto. "Anglo-Saxon Women Explorers in Spain Approaching the Postcolonial Periphery." In New Perspectives on English Studies. [32nd International Conference of AEDEAN, Nov. 2008]. CD-ROM. Ed. Marian Amengual et al. Palma: U de les Illes Balears, 2009.*

Galván, Fernando. "Travel Writing in British Metafiction: A Proposal for Analysis." In British Postmodern Fiction. Ed. Theo D'haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993. 77-86.*

Hassan, Ihab. "Motion and Mischief: Contemporary British Travel Writing." 1989.  In Hassan, Rumors of Change: Essays of Four Decades. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1995. 208-27.*

Henríquez-Jiménez, Santiago. Going the Distance: An Analysis of Modern Travel Writing and Criticism. Barcelona: Kadle Books, 1995.*

Ward, A. C. "Travellers and Biographers." In Ward, Twentieth-Century Literature 1901-1950. London: Methuen, 1956. 219-40.




US Travel books




Stout, Janis P. The Journey Narrative in American Literature: Patterns and Departures.  Westport (CT): Greeenwood, 1983.

_____. Through the Window, Out the Door: Women's Narratives of Departure, from Austin and Cather to Tyler, Morrison and Didion. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1998.*

Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar, ed. Images of Central Europe in Travelogues and Fiction by North American Writers. Tübingen: Stauffenberg, 1995.





Gifra Adroher, Pere. "Early Nineteenth-Century American Travel Writers on Spain." Proceedings of the XIXth International Conference of AEDEAN. Ed. Javier Pérez Guerra et al. Vigo: Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa e Alemana da Universidade de Vigo, 1996. 305-10.*

_____. Between History and Romance: Travel Writing on Spain in the Early Nineteenth-Century United States. London: Associate UPs, 2000.






Hazlett, John. "'Crossing the Border': Constructions of National Character in U.S.-Mexico Transnational Travel Narratives."  In Power and Culture in America: Forms of Interaction and Renewal. Actas del V Congreso SAAS (Salamanca, 2001). Salamanca: Almar, 2002. 51-65.*

Wittman, Emily O. "38. Travel Writing." In Ernest Hemingway in Context. Ed. Debra A. Moddelmog and Suzanne del Gizzo. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013. 378-87.*








French Travel books




Lestrignant, Frank. Ecrire le monde à la renaissance: Quinze études sur Rabelais, Postel, Bodin et la littérature géographique. Paris, 1993.



19th century


Wolfzettel, Friedrich. Ce Désir de vagabondage cosmopolite: Wege und Entwicklungen des französischen Reiseberichts im 19. Jahrhundert. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1986.






German travel books


17th century


Bepler, Jill. "The Traveller-Author and His Role in Seventeenth-Century German Travel Accounts." In Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Ed. Zweder von Martels. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994. 183-93.*




18th century


Battafarano, Italo M. "Der Weimarer Italienmythos und seine Negation: Traum-Verweigerung bei Archenholtz und Nicoloai." In Italienbeziehungen des klassischen Weimar. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1997. 39-78.




20th century


Aumüller, Matthias. "Zeit und Ereignis. Zum Zusammenhang von Ereigniskonfiguration und Textkohärenz in deutschsprachigen Reiseberichten über die frühe Sowjetunion." In Zeiten Erzälen: Ansätze - Aspekte - Analysen. Ed. Antonius Weixler and Lukas Werner. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2015. 233-58.*






Spanish travel books






López Estrada, Francisco, ed. Libros de viajeros hispánicos medievales. Madrid: Ediciones del Laberinto, 2003.





16th century


Redondo, Agustín. "Relación y crónica, relación y 'novela corta': el texto en plena transformación." In Redondo, Revisitando las culturas del Siglo de Oro. Salamanca: Ediciones U de Salamanca, 2007. 201-16.*




19th century


Ezama, María Ángeles, Pura Fernández, Lily Litvak, Enrique Miralles, Juan Oleza and Álvaro Ruiz de la Peña. "7. La trayectoria del relato realista: del Naturalismo al fin de siglo." In Historia de la Literatura Española: Siglo XIX (II). Vol. 9 of Historia de la Literatura Española, gen. ed. Víctor García de la Concha. Madrid: Espasa, 1998. 737-844.* (Jacinto Octavio Picón, Luis Coloma, José Ortega y Munilla, Blasco Ibáñez, Palacio Valdés, travel books).











Paradela Alonso, Nieves. El otro laberinto español: Viajeros árabes a España entre el siglo XVII y 1936. Madrid: Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma, 1994.










Fehling, Detlev. "The Art of Herodotus and the Margins of the World." In Travel Fact and Travel Fiction. Ed. Zweder von Martels. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994. 1-15.*

García Gual, Carlos. "Los viajes de aventuras." In García Gual, Los orígenes de la novela. Madrid: Istmo, 1972.63-96.











Egeria. Viaje de Egeria. Ed. and trans. Carlos Pascual. Editorial Laertes, 1994.

_____. Viaje de Egeria: El primer relato de una viajera hispana. Ed., prologue, trans. and notes by Carlos Pascual. (Cuadernos del Horizonte – serie ¿qué hago yo aquí?, 11). N.p.: Ediciones La Línea del Horizonte, 2017.*





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