viernes, 2 de febrero de 2024

Voz narrativa: Otros temas



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Narrative voice: Other topics


Chapters in narrative

Commentary and evaluation in narrative

Connectives. See Other disciplines. Linguistics. Other linguistic categories.

Deixis in narrative

Dialogue in narrative

Digresssions in narrative

Distance in narrative. See Narrative theory. Story, structure. Other topics.

Explicitness in narrative

Free indirect style. See Represented speech.

Ideology and Narrative. See Ideology and Literature.

Implied reader. See Narrative Theory. Reading narrative.

Indirect style. See Represented speech.

Levels (narrative). See Story. Structure. Embedding.


Soliloquy in narrative.

Symbolism and tropes in narrative


Time of Narration







Chapters in narrative


Brown, M. "Plan vs. Plot: Chapter Symmetries and the Mission of Form." Stanford Literature Review 4 (1987): 103-36.

Genette, Gérard. "Les intertitres." In Genette, Seuils. Paris: Seuil, 1987. 271-92.

Stevick, Philip. The Chapter in Fiction: Theories of Narrative Division. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 1970.


See also Intertextuality. Paratextuality. Chapters.



Cohesion. See Other disciplines. Linguistics. Other linguistic categories. Cohesion & Coherence.



Commentary in narrative / Evaluation


Bal, Mieke. "3. Text: Words." In Bal, Narratology. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1985. 119-153.* (The Narrator, Non-narrative comments, Description, Levels of narration).

Cortazzi, M. and L. Jin. "Evaluating Evaluation in Narrative." In Evaluation in text: Authorial stance and the construction of discourse. Ed. S. Hunston and G. Thompson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2001.

Fleischman, Suzanne. "Evaluation in Narrative: The Present Tense in Medieval Performed Stories." Yale French Studies 70.

García Landa, José Angel. "Comentario." In García Landa, Acción, Relato, Discurso: Estructura de la ficción narrativa. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1998. 363-67.*

Gebauer, Carolin. Making Time: World Construction in the Present-Tense Novel. (Narratologia, 77). Boston and Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021.* (I. Mapping the Research Field on Present-Tense narration; II. A Narratological Model of Present-Tense Usage in Narrative Fiction; III. Uses and Functions of Present-Tense Narration in Contemporary Narrative Fiction; Authorial narrative, Narration, Chronotope, Tense, Deixis, Narrator, First-person narration, Figural narration, Focalization, Retrospection, Heterodiegetic narration, Narrative dynamics, Omniscience, Comment, Plot, Storyworld, Voice).


Genette, Gérard. Figures III. (Poétique). Paris: Seuil, 1972.*

_____. Figuras III. Trad. Carlos Manzano. Barcelona: Lumen, 1989.

_____. "Discours du récit." In Gérard Genette, Figures III. Paris: Seuil, 1972. 67-282.*

_____. Narrative Discourse. Trans. Jane E. Lewin. Foreword by Jonathan Culler. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1980. Rpt. 1983.

_____. Narrative Discourse. (Cornell Paperbacks). Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1983. 6th pr. 1995.*

_____. Narrative Discourse. Online at Scribd (Muslikh Madiyant):


Nünning, Ansgar. "On Metanarrative: Towards a Definition, a Typology and an Outline of the Functions of Metanarrative Commentary." In The Dynamics of Narrative Form: Studies in Anglo-American Narratology. ·Ed. John Pier. (Narratologia: Contributions to Narrative Theory / Beiträge zur Erzähltheorie, 4). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. 11-58.*

_____. "On Metanarrative." From The Dynamics of Narrative Form. Online at Scribd


_____. "Commentary." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 74.*

Uitti, Karl D. "Narrative and Commentary: Chrétien's Devious Narrator in Yvain." Romance Philology 33 (1979): 160-67.



See also Metanarrative.






Deixis in narrative


Cockcroft, Robert. "Seeing the Sea: Deixis and the Perceptions of Melville's Reader." In The Writer's Craft, the Culture's Technology. Ed. Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard and Michael Toolan. (PALA Papers, 1). Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2005.

Duchan, Judith F., Gail A. Bruder and Lynne E. Hewitt, eds. Deixis in Narrative: A Cognitive Science Perspective. Lawrence  Erlbaum, 1995.

Toolan, Michael. "New Work on Deixis in Narrative." In Grenzüberschreitungen: Narratologie im Kontext / Transcending Boundaries: Narratology in Context. Ed. Walter Grünzweig and Andreas Solbach. Tübingen: Narr, 1999. 147-64.


See also Deixis.




Dialogue in narrative


Azuar Carmen, Rafael. "Teoría del diálogo." In Azuar, Teoría del personaje literario y otros estudios sobre la novela. Alicante: Instituto de Estudios Juan Gil-Albert, 1987. 57-88.*

Swearingen, C. Jan. "The Narration of Dialogue and Narration Within Dialogue: The Transition from Story to Logic." In Narrative Thought and Narrative Language. Ed. B. K. Britton and A. D. Pellegrini. Hillsdale (NJ): Erlbaum, 1990. 173-98.*



Digressions in narrative


Atkin, Rhian. Textual Wanderings: The Theory and Practice of Narrative Digression.

Austin, N. "The Function of Digressions in the Iliad." In Homer. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1981. 151-161.

Ballesteros González, Antonio. "Digression and Intertextual Parody in Nashe, Sterne and Joyce." In Laurence Sterne in Modernism and Postmodernism. Ed. David Pierce and Peter de Voogd. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996. 55-64.*

Bayard, Pierre. Le Hors-sujet: Proust et la digression. Paris: Minuit, 1996.

Genette, Gérard. Narrative Discourse.







Swift, Jonathan. "In Praise of Digressions." In Swift, A Tale of a Tub. Ed. A. C. Guthkelch and D. Nichol Smith. Oxford, 1920.





Explicitness in narrative


Suleiman, Susan Rubin. "Subversions, or the Play of Writing." (Explicitness). In Suleiman, Authoritarian Fictions. 1983. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1993. 199-238.*






Decker, Jan-Oliver. "Stimmenvielfalt, Referenzialisierung und Metanarrativität in Hermann Hesses Der Steppenwolf." In Stimme(n) im Text: Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Ed. Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer and Michael Scheffel. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006. 233-65.*

Felson-Rubin, Nancy. "Signposts in Oral Epic: Metapragmatic and Metasemantic Signals." In Fiction Updated: Theories of Fictionality, Narratology, and Poetics. Ed. Calin Andrei Mihailescu and Walid Hamarneh. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1996. 175-86.*

Genette, Gérard. "Discours du récit." In Gérard Genette, Figures III . 71-273.* ("fonction de régie").

_____. Narrative Discourse. Trans. Jane E. Lewin. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1980.*

Lam, Ka Yan. "Thematizing Storytelling: The Metanarrative Elements in Enchi Fumiko's 'A Tale of False Fortunes'." Japanese Language and Literature 41.1 (April 2017): 115-143. Online at JSTOR.*


Nünning, Ansgar. "On Metanarrative: Towards a Definition, a Typology and an Outline of the Functions of Metanarrative Commentary." In The Dynamics of Narrative Form: Studies in Anglo-American Narratology. ·Ed. John Pier. (Narratologia: Contributions to Narrative Theory / Beiträge zur Erzähltheorie, 4). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. 11-58.*



See also Metalanguage; Commentary.






Soliloquy in narrative


de Grazia, Margreta. "Soliloquies and Wages in the Age of Emergent Consciousness." Textual Practice 9.1 (1995): 67-92.*

Müller, Wolfgang G. "Das Ich im Dialog mit sich selbst. Bemerkungen zur Struktur des dramatischen Monologs von Shakespeare bis zu Samuel Beckett." Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift 56.2 (1982): 314-33.

_____. "The Rhetoric of the Soliloquy in the Novel." Anglistentag 1990 Marburg Proceedings. Ed. Claus Uhlig and Rüdiger Zimmermann. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1991. 96-108.




Symbolism and tropes in narrative


Crosman, Inge K. Metaphoric Narration: The Structure and Function of Metaphors in A la recherche du temps perdu. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1979.

Johnson, Barbara. "Metaphor, Metonymy, and Voice in Their Eyes Were Watching God." 1984. In Johnson, A World of Difference 155-71.*

_____. "Metaphor, Metonymy, and Voice in Their Eyes Were Watching God." In The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000. Ed. Dorothy J. Hale. Blackwell, 2006. 257-70.*

Riffaterre, Michael. "Symbolic Systems in Narrative." In Riffaterre, Fictional Truth. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1990. 53-83.*






Chatman, Seymour. "8. Theme and Ideology." In Chatman, Reading Narrative Fiction. New York: Macmillan, 1993. 273-303.* (The Definition of 'Theme'; Thesis; How to Formulate a Theme; Ideology; The Invisibility of Ideology; Dealing with the Ideologies of Fictions: William Faulkner, 'Delta Autumn'; Ernest Hemingway, 'Indian Camp'; Ama Ata Aidoo, 'Certain Winds from the South').




Time of narration. See Narrative theory. Story, Structure. Time.




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