domingo, 10 de marzo de 2024

Novela y Sociedad



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



The Novel and Society


Society and narrative fiction: General

Sociology of the novel



Society and Narrative fiction


Armstrong, Nancy. Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel. New York: Oxford UP, 1987. 1990.

_____. From Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel. In Theory of the Novel: A Historical Approach. Ed. Michael McKeon. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2000. 467-75.*

_____. "Introduction: The Politics of Domesticating Culture, Then and Now." From Desire and Domestic Fiction. In The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000. Ed. Dorothy J. Hale. Blackwell, 2006. 621-43.*

Daiches, David. "Fiction and Civilization." From Daiches, The Novel and the Modern World. Rpt. in The Critical Spectrum. Ed. Gerald Jay Goldberg and Nancy Marmer Goldberg. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-Hall, 1962. 109-15.*

Flint, Kate, ed. The Victorian Novelist: Social Problems and Social Change. London: Croom Helm, 1987.*

Fox, Ralph. The Novel and the People. 1937.

Gallagher, Catherine. From Nobody's Story. In The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000. Ed. Dorothy J. Hale. Blackwell, 2006. 644-52.*

Goldmann, Lucien. Pour une sociologie du roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1961.

Goodman, Lizbeth, with Joan Digby. "Gender, Race, Class and Fiction." In Literature and Gender. Ed. Lizbeth Goodman. London: Routledge / Open U, 1996. 2001. 145-78.*

Graver, Suzanne. George Eliot and Community: A Study in Social Theory and Fictional Form. Berkeley: U of California P, 1984.

Hanne, Michael. The Power of the Story: Fiction and Political Change (Reviewed by Rey Chow). Novel (Winter 1996): 262-65.*

Hasan, Noorul. Thomas Hardy: The Sociological Imagination. London: Macmillan, 1982.

Hickey, Leo. Realidad y experiencia en la novela. Madrid: Cupsa, 1978.*

Howe, Irving. "Mass Society and Postmodern Fiction." 1959. In Howe, The Decline of the New. 190-297.

_____. "Mass Society and Post-Modern Fiction." 1959. In Klein, The American Novel since World War II.

_____. "Mass Society and Postmodern Fiction." Partisan Review 26 (1959): 426-36. Extract. In Postmodernism: A Reader. Ed. Patricia Waugh. London: Routledge, 1992. 24-31.*

Kettle, Arnold. "The Early Victorian Social-Problem Novel." In The Pelican Guide to English Literature: From Dickens to Hardy. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958.

Miller, D. A. The Novel and the Police. Berkeley: U of California P, 1988.

_____. From The Novel and the Police. In The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000. Ed. Dorothy J. Hale. Blackwell, 2006. 541-58.*

Morán, Fernando. Novela y semidesarrollo. Madrid: Taurus, 1971.

Pérez Galdós, Benito. "La sociedad presente como materia novelable." In Galdós, Ensayos de crítica literaria. Ed. Laureano Bonet. Barcelona: Península, 1990. 157-66.*

_____. Discurso de entrada a la Academia, "La sociedad presente como materia novelable." In Galdós, Diez novelas y un discurso. Ed., introd. and notes Francisco Estévez and Germán Gullón. (Biblioteca Avrea). Madrid: Cátedra, 2017.

Thomas, R. Hinton, and Wilfried Van der Will. The German Novel and the Affluent Society. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1968.

Tompkins, Jane. "Introduction: The Cultural Work of American Fiction." From Sensational Designs. In The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000. Ed. Dorothy J. Hale. Blackwell, 2006. 535-40.*

Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. The Social Dimensions of Fiction: On the Rhetoric and Function of Prefacing Novels in the Nineteenth-Century Canadas. Preface by Clément Moisan. (Siegen University NIKOL series, 15). Braunschweig-Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher (Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn), 1993. 

Walder, Dennis, Stephen Regan, Pam Morris and Richard Allen. "The Novel and Society." In The Realist Novel. Ed. Dennis Walder. London: Routledge / Open U, 1995. 2001. 97-134.*

Wen, Pi-ch'un. "Challenges, Struggle, Compromise: A Sociological Reading of George Eliot's The Mill on the Floss." South Asian Journal 25 (2005). Taoyuan Tech Institutional Repository (2011).


Williams, Raymond. "Region and Class in the Novel." In The Uses of Fiction. Ed. Douglas Jefferson and Graham Martin. Milton Keynes: Open UP, 1982. 59-68.*

Wolfe, T. "Stalking the Billion-Footed Beast: A Literary Manifesto for the New Social Novel." Harper's Magazine (Nov. 1989): 45-56.

Young, Arlene. Culture, Class and Gender in the Victorian Novel: Gentlemen, Gents and Working Women. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999.

Zeraffa, Michel. Roman et société. Paris: PUF, 1951.

_____. Fictions: The Novel and Social Reality. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1976.





Hale, Dorothy J., ed. The Novel: An Anthology of Criticism and Theory 1900-2000. Blackwell, 2006 [issued 2005]. (General introd.; & introds. to Part I, Form and Function; Part II, The Chicago School; Part III, Structuralism, Narratology, Deconstruction; Part IV, Psychoanalytic Approaches; Part V, Marxist Approaches; Part VI, The Novel as Social Discourse; Part VII, Gender, Sexuality, and the Novel; Part VIII, Post-Colonialism and the Novel).



See also Social novel; Literature and Society; Realism in fiction.






Sociology of the Novel


Amorós, Andrés. Sociología de una novela rosa. 1968.

Goldman, L. Pour une sociologie du roman. Paris: Gallimard, 1961.

_____. Para una sociología de la novela. Madrid: Ciencia Nueva, 1967.

_____. Para una sociología de la novela. Madrid: Ayuso, 1975.

Hunter, J. Paul. Before Novels: The Cultural Contexts of Eighteenth-Century English Fiction. New York: Norton, 1990.*

Jha, Prabhakara. "Lukács, Bakhtin, and the Sociology of the Novel." Diogenes 129 (1985): 63-90.

Morán, Fernando. Novela y semidesarrollo.



See also Sociology of literature.

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