domingo, 7 de abril de 2024

Ciencia-ficción: Clásicos



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Classical Science Fiction (to 20th c.)






Abbott, Edwin A. (ps. A. Square). Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. 1884.

Abel-Musgrave, Kurt. Der Bazillenkrieg. SF. Frankfurt, 1922.

Adams, Douglas. Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Novel.

_____. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. Novel series.

Adams, Percy G. Travel Literature and the Evolution of the Novel. Lexington (KT), 1983.

Adams, Richard.

Adams, Robert. The Horseclans. Novel series.

Agrippa, Cornelius.

Aickman, Robert.

Ainsworth, Harrison.

Albertus Magnus

Aldani, Lino. "Good Night, Sophie." Trans. L. K. Conrad. In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 352-68.*

_____. Quarta Dimenssione. 1964.

_____. Quando le Radici. Novel. 1977.

_____. Parabole per domani. Short stories. 1987.

_____. "Quo Vadis Francisco?" Story in The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction. Ed. Brian Aldiss and Sam J. Lundwall. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1986.

_____. La croce di ghiaccio. SF novel. 1989. (Based on "Quo Vadis Francisco?").

_____. "Eclissi 2000." Novella. In Aldani, Eclissi 2000. Stories. 1979.

Aldiss, Brian W.  "Poor Little Warrior!" Story. The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (1950). In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 72-78.*

_____. "Outside." Story. 1955.

_____. Non-stop. Novel. 1958. (USA: Starship).

_____. "Who Can Replace a Man?" SF story. 1959. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 39-49.*

_____. Hothouse. Novel. 1962.

_____. Report on Probability A. Novel. New Worlds (1967).

_____. "Plenisol." In Antología de novelas de anticipación (ciencia ficción). Ed. Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carb. 1968. Trans. José Mª Aroca. Barcelona: Acervo, 1970. 327-44.*

_____. Barefoot in the Head. Novel. 1969.

_____. The Hand-Reared Boy. Novel.

_____. The Malacia Tapestry. Novel.

_____. Frankenstein Unbound. Novel.

_____. Frankenstein desencadenado. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Frankenstein desencadenado. Barcelona: Minotauro.

_____. Brothers of the Head. Novel.

_____. Heliconia. SF trilogy. 1982, 1983, 1985.

_____. Heliconia, invierno. Barcelona: Minotauro, 1993.

_____. Enemies of the System. Novel. 1978.

_____. Enemigos del sistema. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Farewell, Fantastic Venus! A History of the Planet Venus in Fact and Fiction. 1968.

_____. This World and Nearer Ones. Essay on SF. 1979.

_____. The Pale Shadow of Science. Essay on SF. Seattle (WA), 1985.

_____. El árbol de saliva. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. La estrella imposible. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. La nave estelar. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____.Forgotten Life. 1988.

_____. Un mundo devastado. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Criptozoico. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Invernáculo. Barcelona: Minotauro.

_____. La otra isla del doctor Moreau. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. "Else the Isle with Calibans." In New Writing 2. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury and Andrew Motion. London: Mandarin, 1993. 161-7.

_____. A Tupolev Too Far. Stories. Forthcoming 1993.

Allen, Grant. The British Barbarians. SF novel. 1895.

_____. The Woman Who Did. Novel. 1895.

Amis, Kingsley. "Something Strange." Story. 1960.

_____. New Maps of Hell. 1961.

_____. The Anti-Death League. Novel.

_____. The Green Man. Novel.

_____. The Alteration. Novel. 1976.

_____. Russian Hide-and-Seek. Novel. 1980.

_____, ed. The Golden Age of Science Fiction. Anthology. 1981.

Amis, Martin. Einstein's Monsters. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988.

_____. Einstein's Monsters. Stories. London: Cape, 1987.

_____. Einstein's Monsters. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

_____. Einstein's Monsters. New York: New York: Random House-Vintage International.

Anderson, Poul. Brain Wave. Novel. 1954.

_____. The Broken Sword. Fantasy. 1954.

_____. Perish by the Sword. Mystery novel. 1959. (Cock Robin Prize).

_____. "The Longest Voyage." Analog Science Fiction Magazine (Dec. 1960). Street & Smith Publications, Inc. (Hugo Award).

_____. "The Longest Voyage." In Anderson, Winners. New York: Tor / Tom Doherty Associates / Pinnacle Books, 1981. 97-140.*

_____. "El viaje más largo." In Los premios Hugo 1955-1961. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1986. 253-82.*

_____. "No Truce with Kings." Story. Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (June 1963). (Hugo Award).

_____. "No Truce with Kings." In Anderson, Winners. New York: Tor / Tom Doherty Associates / Pinnacle Books, 1981. 1-94.*

_____. "No hay tregua con los reyes." In Los premios Hugo 1962-1967. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1987. 111-78.*

_____. After Doomsday. SF novel. 1962.

_____. Trader to the Stars. SF. 1964.

_____. "Author's Note" to "Life Cycle." In Earthmen and Strangers. Ed. Robert Silverberg. New York: Dell, 1966. 77-88.

_____. "The Sharing of Flesh" Galaxy Magazine (Dec. 1968). Galaxy Publishing Co. (Hugo Award).

_____. "The Sharing of Flesh." In Anderson, Winners. New York: Tor / Tom Doherty Associates / Pinnacle Books, 1981. 143-88.*

_____. "Carne compartida." In Los premios Hugo 1968-1969. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1987. 261-98.*

_____. Tau Zero. Novel.  1967, 1970.

_____. "The Queen of Air and Darkness." Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (April 1971). (Hugo Award).

_____. "The Queen of Air and Darkness." In Anderson, Winners. New York: Tor / Tom Doherty Associates / Pinnacle Books, 1981. 191-253.*

_____. "Goat Song." Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (Feb. 1972). Mercury Press.  (Hugo Award, Nebula Award). (Orpheus and Eurydice myth).

_____. "Goat Song." In Anderson, Winners. New York: Tor / Tom Doherty Associates / Pinnacle Books, 1981. 254-99.*

_____. "Goat Song." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 462-85.* (Hugo Award, 1970s).

_____. The Game of Empire. Novel.

_____. La nave de un millón de años. (Nova ciencia ficción 39). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. "The Creation of Imaginary Worlds: The Word Builder's Handbook and Pocket Companion." In Science Fiction, Today and Tomorrow. Ed. Reginald Bretnor. New York: Harper and Row, 1974. 235-57.

_____. The Many Worlds of Poul Anderson. Stories. Radnor (PA): Chilton Book Co., 1974.

_____. Los muchos mundos de Poul Anderson. Trans. Norma B. de López. Barcelona: Edhasa, 1982.*

_____. "La patrulla del tiempo." In El tiempo no es tan simple: Antología temática de la ciencia ficción. Barcelona: Producciones Editoriales, 1976. 133-94.*

_____. The Earth Book of Stormgate. Stories. New York, 1978.

_____. "La luna del cazador." In Los premios Hugo 1978-1979. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1990. 171-208.*

_____. "El juego de Saturno." In Los premios Hugo 1980-1982. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1991. 239-94.*

_____. Winners. Novellas. New York: Tor / Tom Doherty Associates / Pinnacle Books, 1981.

_____. The Boat of a Million Years. 1989.

Anderson, Poul, and Karen Anderson. "Fe." Story. In Homenaje a Tolkien: 19 relatos fantásticos. Ed. Martin H. Greenberg. Barcelona: Ceac-Timun Mas, 1996. 1.89-114.*

Andrea, Johann Valentin. Christianopolis. Utopia. 1619.

Anticipation, or the Voyage of an American to England in the Year 1980. Anonymous SF. 1781.

"Antonius." Futurist article in Lloyd's Evening Post 25-28 November 1771.

Anvil, Christopher. "The Prisoner." SF story. 1956. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 709-32.*


Arnold, Edwin Lester. (1857-1935). Phra the Phoenician. 1890. Rpt. in Famous Fantastic Mysteries. Journal. (Sept. 1945).

_____ . Lepidus the Centurion. 1901.

_____ . Liet. Gulliver Jones: His Vacation. (= Gulliver of Mars). Novel. 1905.

_____. Gulliver of Mars. Ed. Lupoff. New York: Ace, 1964.

Arnold, Edwin (Sir). Light of Asia.(Buddhism).

Arrhenius, Svante.

Ashley, Mike. The History of the Science Fiction Magazines. 4 vbols. 1974-76, 1978.

Asimov, Isaac. "The Secret Sense." Story. Stirring Science Stories. (1938?)

_____. "El sentido secreto." In La Edad de Oro I. (Gran Reno). Barcelona: Plaza y Janés, 1987.

_____. "Liar!" Story. Astounding Science Fiction (May 1941).

_____. "¡Embustero!" Story. In Los robots. (Gran Super Ficción). Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1984.

_____. "Nightfall." Story. Astounding Science Fact Fiction (September 1941).

_____. "Nightfall." In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.126-55.*

_____. Nightfall. Science fiction. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett. [c. 1970?]

_____. "Anochecer." In Las grandes historias de la ciencia ficción: La Edad de Oro: 1941. Ed. Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1988. 211-44.*

_____. "Foundation." Short novel. 1941.

_____. I, Robot. Science fiction. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett. [c. 1970?]

_____. Yo, robot. Novel. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Foundation. SF novel trilogy. Astounding (May 1942-Jan. 1950). Hugo Award (1966).

_____. Foundation. Novel trilogy. 1951-3.

_____. The Currents of Space. SF novel. Astounding (1952?).

_____. "The Martian Way." SF story. Galaxy (1952?).

_____. The Martian Way. Science fiction. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett. [c. 1970?]

_____. The Caves of Steel. SF novel. 1954.

_____. The End of Eternity. SF novel. 1955.

_____. The End of Eternity. Science fiction. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett. [c. 1970?]

_____. "Jokester." Story. Infinity Science Fiction (1956). In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 377-90.*

_____. "The Last Question." SF story. 1956. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 368-81.*

_____. The Naked Sun. SF novel. 1957.

_____ . Fantastic Voyage. SF novel.

_____. "La bola de billar." In Antología de novelas de anticipación (ciencia ficción). Ed. Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carb. 1968. Trans. José Mª Aroca. Barcelona: Acervo, 1970. 149-76.*

_____. The Caves of Steel. Science fiction. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett. [c. 1970?]

_____. The Currents of Space. Science fiction. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett. [c. 1970?]

_____. Earth Is Room Enough. Science fiction. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett. [c. 1970?]

_____. Nine Tomorrows. Science fiction. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett. [c. 1970?]

_____. Pebble in the Sky. Science fiction. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett. [c. 1970?]

_____. The Stars, Like Dust. Science fiction. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett. [c. 1970?]

_____. The Gods Themselves. SF novel. 1971.

_____. Foundation's Edge. SFnovel. 1982.

_____. The Robots of Dawn. SF novel. 1983.

_____. Los robots. (Gran Super Ficción). Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1984.

_____. Robots and Empire. SF n ovel. 1985.

_____. Foundation and Earth. Novel. 1986.

_____. The Early Asimov. New York, 1972.

_____. "So Why Aren't We Rich?" In Nebula Award Stories 8. 1973.

_____. "Necrología." In El tiempo no es tan simple: Antología temática de la ciencia ficción. Barcelona: Producciones Editoriales, 1976. 59-90.*

Asprin, Robert Lynn, ed. Thieves' World. Story series. With Lynn Abbey.

Astor, John Jacob. A Journey in Other Worlds. SF. 1894.

Atheling, William, Jr. See Blish, James.

Auel, Jean M. The Mammooth Hunters. Novel. 1985.

Babits, Mihaly. (Hungary). A Golya Kalifa. Fantasy novel. 1916.

_____. The Nightmare. English trans. of A Golya Kalifa. Budapest: corvina Press, 1966.

Bacon, Francis. The New Atlantis. Utopia. 1627.

Baen, James, ed. Destinies. SF magazine. 1978-.

Bailey, J. O. Pilgrims through Space and Time. Essay on SF. New York, 1947.

Baker, Sharon. Quarreling, They Met the Dragon. Novle. 1984.

Balchin, Nigel. The Small Back Room. Novel.

Baldwin, Merl. The Helmsman. Novel.

Ballard, J. G. The Wind from Nowhere. SF novel. 1962.

_____. 'The Death Module." Story. New Worlds.

_____. The Drowned World. SF novel. 1962.

_____. The Terminal Beach. Novel.

_____. The Drought. SF novel. 1965.

_____. The Crystal World. SF novel. 1966.

_____. The Atrocity Exhibition. Stories. (USA: Love and Napalm: Export USA). 1970.

_____. Crash! SF novel. 1973.

_____. Concrete Island. SF novel. 1974.

_____. Empire of the Sun. Novel. 1984.

Balmer, Edwin.

Banks, Iain. The Bridge. Novel. 1986.

_____. Consider Phlebas. Novel. 1987.

Barnes, Rory, and Damien Broderick. Valencies. Novel. Australia, 1985.

Barron, Neil, ed. Anatomy of Wonder: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction. 2nd ed. New York, 1981. (H. Rider Haggard).

Barth, John.

Barthelme, Donald.

Batchelor, John Calvin. The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica. Novel. 1983.

Bauer, Johann. Kafka and Prague. New York, 1971.

Baxter, Stephen. Timelike Infinity. SF. 1992.

_____. Ring. SF 1994.

_____. The Time Ships. SF novel. 1995. Sequel to H.G. Wells.

Bayley, Barrington. Star Virus. Novel. 1970.

_____. "An Overload." Story. 1973.

_____. The Fall of Chronopolis. Novel. 1974.

_____. The Soul of the Robot. Novel. 1974.

Bear, Greg. "The Wind from a Burning Woman." Story. 1977.

_____. "Blood Music." Novella. 1983. Nebula Award. Expanded as novel, Bloodmusic. SF. 1985.

_____. Eon. SF novel. 1985.

_____. Reina de los Angeles. (Nova ciencia ficción 54). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Eternity. SF. 1989.

Beaumont, Charles. The Hunger. Stories. 1957.

Beckford, William.

Bedford, Sybille. Aldous Huxley: A Biography. 1973.

Bell, Ian A. Defoe's Fiction. 1986.

Bell, Madison Smartt. Waiting for the End of the World. SF. 1985. London: Sphere, 1986.

Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backward. 1888.

Bellow, Saul.

Benford, Gregory. "Deeper than the Darkness." SF novella. Fantasy and Science Fiction (April 1969).

_____. Deeper than the Darkness. SF novel. 1970. First version of The Stars in Shroud.

_____. In the Ocean of Night. SF novel. 1971.

_____. En el océano de la noche. (Nova ciencia ficción 7). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. The Stars in Shroud. SF novel. 1978.

_____. Timescape. SF novel. 1980.

_____. Timescape. (SF Masterworks). London: Gollancz-Millennium, 2000.*

_____. Cronopaisaje. (Nova ciencia ficción 66). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Across the Sea of Suns. SF. 1984.

_____ A través del mar de soles. (Nova ciencia ficción 10). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____ . "Is There a Technological Fix for the Human Condition?" In Hard Science Fiction. Ed. George E. Slusser and Eric S. Rabkin. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1986. 82-98.

_____. "Effing the Ineffable." In Aliens: The Anthropology of Science Fiction. Ed. George E. Slusser and Eric S. Rabkin. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1987. 13-25.

_____. Great Sky River. SF. 1987.

_____. Gran río del espacio. (Nova ciencia ficción 20). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Tides of Light. SF. 1989.

_____. Mareas de luz. (Nova ciencia ficción 43). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Furious Gulf. SF. 1994.

Benford, Gregory, and David Brin. Heart of the Comet. Novel. Toronto: Bantam, 1986.

Benford, Gregory, and Willliam Rotsler. Shiva Descending. Novel. 1980.

Bergerac, Cyrano de. Other Worlds. Ed. and trans. Geoffrey Strachan. 1965.

Bergonzi, Benard. The Early H. G. Wells: A Study of the Scientific Romances. Manchester, 1961.

Bester, Alfred. The Demolished Man. Novel. Galaxy (1952). (1st Hugo award, 1953).

_____. "Time Is the Traitor." Story. 1953.

_____. The Stars My Destination (= Tiger! Tiger!). Novel. Galaxy. 1956-7.

_____. The Rat Race. Novel. (USA: Who He?). 1955.

_____. "Will You Wait?" SF story. 1959. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 231-38.*

_____. Extro. (= The Computer Connection). Novel. 1975.

_____. Golem. Novel. 1980.

Bidwell, Sheldon. World War Three. SF documentary. 1978.

Bierce, Ambrose.

Bishop, Michael. "Darktree, Darktide." Story. Fantasy and Science Fiction (April 1971).

_____. "Death and Designation among the Asadi." Novella. 1973.

_____. A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire. Novel. 1975.

_____. And Strange at Echatan the Trees. Novel. (= Beneath the Shattered Moons). 1976.

 _____. A Little Knowledge. Novel. 1977.

_____. Catacomb Years. Novel. 1979.

_____. Transfigurations. Novel. 1979.

_____. "Saving Face." Novella. In Dark Passage.

_____. "The Quickening." Novella. 1981. Nebula Award. In Bishop, One Winter in Eden.

_____. No Enemy but Time. Novel. 1982. Nebula Award.

_____. Ancient of Days. Novel. 1985. (Expansion of "Her Habiline Husband").

_____. One Winter in Eden. Stories. 1985.

Blackburn, John. A Scent of New-Mown Hay. SF novel. 1958.

Bleiler, Everett F. "M. P. Shiel." In Bleiler, Science Fiction Writers.

_____. "M. P. Shiel." In Bleiler, Supernatural Fiction Writers.

_____. "Edgar Rice Burroughs." In Bleiler, Science Fiction Writers.

_____, ed. Science Fiction Writers. New York, 1982. (Senarens).

_____, ed. Supernatural Fiction Writers: Fantasy and Horror. 2 vols. New York, 1985.

Blish, James. "Surface Tension." Story. 1952.

 _____. "Common Time." Story. 1953.

_____. "Beep." Story. 1954.

_____. Earthman, Come Home. 1955.

_____. They Shall Have Stars. 1956.

_____. The Frozen Year (=Fallen Star). Novel. 1957.

_____. A Case of Conscience. Short novel. 1958.

_____. A Clash of Cymbals (USA: The Triumph of Time).

_____. A Life for the Stars. 1962.

_____. "Who's in Charge Here?" SF story. 1962. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 363-67.*

_____. (William Atheling, Jr.) "Cathedrals in Space." In The Issue at Hand.

_____. (William Atheling, Jr.). The Issue at Hand. (SF criticism). Chicago: Advent, 1964.

_____. Black Easter. Novel. 1968.

_____. (William Atheling, Jr.). More Issues at Hand. (SF criticism). Chicago: Advent, 1970.

_____. Spock Must Die! 1970.

_____. Cities in Fight. Stories. Includes They Shall Have Stars, A Life for the Stars, Earthman, Come Home and A Clash of Cymbals. Afterword by Richard D. Mullen. 1970.

_____. The Day after Judgment. 1971.

_____. The Quincunx of Time. Novel. 1973.

_____. "Moskowitz on Kuttner." Riverside Quarterly 5.2.

_____. The Tale that Wags the God. Ed. Cy Chauvin. Chicago: Advent, 1987.

Blish, James, and Norman L. Knight. A Torrent of Faces. Novel. 1967.

Boisgilbert, Edmund. See Donnelly, Ignatius.

Boland, John. White August. SF novel. 1955.

Bonaparte, Marie. Edgar Poe: Etude psychanalytique. Foreword by Sigmund Freud. Paris, 1933.

Boucher, Anthony. See White, William Anthony Parker.

Bova, Ben. The Astral Mirror. Novel.

_____. Privateer. Novel.

_____. Millennium: A Novel about People and Politics in the Year 1999. New York: Ballantine, 1976.

_____. Brothers. (New English Library). London: Hodder and Stoughton.

_____. Death Dream. (New English Library). London: Hodder and Stoughton.

_____. Mars. (New English Library). London: Hodder and Stoughton.

_____. Moonrise. SF novel. (New English Library). London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1996. 1997.*

Bova, Ben, and Bill Pogue. The Trikon Deception. (New English Library). London: Hodder and Stoughton.

Bowen, John.

Bowen, Robert Sidney. Dusty Ayres and His Battle Birds! Magazine. 12 issues. 1934-35.

Bowie, David.

Brackett, Leigh. The Sword of Rhiannon. Fantasy novel. 1953.

_____, coauthor. The Empire Strikes Back. Film script. Filmed 1980.

Bradbury, Ray. Martian Chronicles (=The Silver Locusts). Novel. 1951.

_____. The Day It Rained Forever.

_____. The Fireman." Story. Galaxy 5 (1953).

_____. Fahrenheit 451. Novel. 1953.

_____. The Illustrated Man. Novel.

_____. The Golden Apples of the Sun. Novel.

Bradley, Marion Zimmer. The Mists of Avalon. 1983.

_____. "Darkover" 14 + novel series. 1970s.

Bradley, Mary Wilhemina Hastings Alice in Jungle Land. Memoir.

Brewster, David (Sir). Letters on Natural Magic, Addressed to Sir Walter Scott. 1832.

Brin, David. Sundiver. Novel. 1980.

_____. "The Tides of Kithrup." Fragment of Startide Rising. Analog (May 1981).

_____. Startide Rising. Novel. 1982. Hugo Award, Nebula Award.

_____. The Practice Effect. Novel. 1984.

_____. The Uplift War. Novel. 1985.

_____. The Postman. Novel. 1985.

Brin, David, and Greg Benford. Heart of the Comet. Novel. 1986.

Brod, Max.

Broderick, Damien. The Dreaming Dragons. Novel. 1980.

_____. Transmitters: An Imaginary Documentary, 1969-1984. Novel. 1984.

Brooke-Rose, Christine.

Brosnan, John. "Special Effects in Science Fiction Cinema." In The Science Fiction Source Book. Ed. David Wingrove. 1985.

Brown, Charles Brockden. Arthur Mervyn. 1799-1801.

Brown, Frederick. "Answer." SF story.

_____. "Letter to a Phoenix." SF story. 1959. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 452-59.*

_____. The Mind Thing. Novel. 1961.

Brown, Rosel George.

Browne, Thomas (Sir).

Brunner, John. "Report on the Nature of the Lunar Surface." Fiction.

_____. "The Last Lonely Man." Story. New Worlds.

_____. Double Double. Novel. 1969.

_____. Stand on Zanzibar. Novel. Partly published in New Worlds (1968).

_____. The Sheep Look Up. Novel. 1972.

_____. The Shockwave Rider. Novel. 1975.

_____. The Condition of Muzak. Novel. 1977.

Bryant, Edward. Cynnabar. Novel. 1976.

_____. "Particle Theory." Short story. Analog (February 1977).

_____. "Stone." Short story. 1978. Nebula Award.

_____. "giANTS." Short Story. 1979. Nebula Award.

_____. Wyoming Sun. Stories. 1980.

Buchan, John.

Bucknall, Barbara J. Ursula Le Guin. New York, 1981.

Budrys, Algis. "The End of Summer." Story. Astounding Science Fact Fiction (1954).

_____. "The End of Summer." In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 170-96.*

_____. Who? SF novel. 1958. Filmed 1974.

_____. ¿Quién? Trans. Rafael Martín Trechera. (Ciencia Ficción, 110). Barcelona: Ultramar, 1990.*

_____. Rogue Moon. SF novel. 1960.

_____. El Laberinto de la luna. Novel. Mallorca: Ultramar, 1991.

_____. Some Will Not Die. SF. 1961.

_____. "Paradise Charted." TriQuarterly 49 (Fall 1980): 5-75.

Bulmer, Kenneth. Dray Prescot novel series.

_____. , ed. New Writings in SF. Anthology series. 1970s.

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward. The Coming Race. Novel. 1871.

Bunch, David R. Moderan. Stories. 1971.

Burgel, Bruno H.

Burgess, Anthony. A Clockwork Orange. Novel. 1962.

_____. The Wanting Seed. Novel. 1962.

Burroughs, Edgar Rice. "Under the Moons of Mars." Story. All-Story (1912).

_____. A Princess of Mars. Novel. 1917 (as book).

_____. The Gods of Mars. 1918.

_____. The Warlord of Mars. 1919.

_____. Tarzan of the Apes. Novel. All-Story (1912).

_____. The Return of Tarzan.

_____. At the Earth's Core. Novel. Serialized 1914. As book, 1922.

_____. Pellucidar. Novel. All-Story Cavalier Weekly (1915). As book, 1923.

_____. Tarzan at the Earth's Core. Novel. 1930.

_____. Pirates in Venus. Novel. Argosy (1932).

_____. The Moon Maid. Novel. Serialized 1923.

_____. The Land that Time Forgot. Novel. As book, 1924.

_____. Tarzan and the Ant Men. Novel. 1924.

_____. The Cave Girl. Novel. 1925.

_____. "Savage Pellucidar." (Posthumous ed.). Story. 1963.

Burroughs, William. The Ticket that Exploded. Novel.

_____. The Wild Boys. Novel. 1971.

Butler, Octavia. (Black American). Patternmaster. Novel. 1976.

_____. Mind of My Mind. Novel. 1977.

_____. Survivor. Novel. 1978.

_____. Kindred. Novel. 1979.

_____. Wild Seed. Novel. 1980.

_____. "Speech Sounds." Story. 1983. Hugo Award.

_____. "Bloodchild. Story. 1984. Hugo Award.

_____ . Clay's Ark. Novel. 1984.

Butler, Samuel. Erewhon. Utopia. 1872.

_____. Life and Habit. Non-fiction. 1877.

_____. Evolution, Old and New. Non-fiction. 1879.

_____. Unconscious Memory. Non-fiction. 1880.

_____. Luck or Cunning? Non-fiction. 1886.

_____. Erewhon Revisited.1901.

_____. TheWay of All Flesh. 1903.

Butor, Michel. Répertoire. (Jules Verne). Paris, 1953.

Butterworth, Michael.

Byron (Lord).

Cabell, James Branch.

Caidin, Martin. Killer Station. Novel.

Campanella, Tommaso. Civitas Solis. Utopia. 1623.

Campbell, H. J., ed. Authentic. SF magazine (Britain).

Campbell, John W. (1910-1971) "When the Atoms Failed." Amazing Stories (Jan. 1930).

_____. "Piracy Preferred." Story.

_____. "The Black Star Passes." Story.

_____. Islands of Space. Novel.

_____. The Mightiest Machine. Novel.

_____. Invaders from the Infinite. Novel.

_____. "Twilight." Story.

_____. "The Cloak of Aesir." Story.

_____. "Who Goes There?" SF story. 1938. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 239-98.*

_____. "Unimaginable Reasons." Editorial. Astounding (1960).

_____. "The Double Minds." Thrilling Wonder Stories (August 1937).

_____. "Concerning Dianetics." Editorial. Astounding Science Fiction (may 1950).

_____. Collected Editorials from Analog. Select. Harry Harrison. New York, 1966.

_____, ed. Astounding Stories. (from 1937 to 1971).

_____. The John W. Campbell Letters. Vol. 1. Ed. Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., Tony Chapdelaine, George Hay. 1985.

Campbell, Thomas. The Last Man. Poem.

Campbell, Ramsey.

Canning, George, ed. The Anti-Jacobin. Journal.

Capek, Josef.

Capek, Karel. (1890-1938). R.U.R. Drama. 1921.

_____. Továrna na Absolutno. 1922. (English trans.: The Absolute at Large).

_____. Krakatit. Novel. 1924. (English trans.: An Atomic Fantasy).

_____. The Makropoulos Secret. Drama. Trans. 1925.

_____. Válka s Mloky. Novel. 1936. (English trans.: War with the Newts.).

_____. War with the Newts. Trans. Ewald Osers. England, 1986.

Capek, Karel, and Josef Capek. The Insect Play.

Card, Orson Scott. A Planet Called Treason. Novel. 1979.

_____. Ender's Game. Novel. 1985. Hugo Award, Nebula Award.

_____. Speaker for the Dead. Novel. 1986. Hugo Award, Nebula Award.

Carey, John. John Donne: Life, Mind and Art. 1981.

Carey, Peter.

Carnell, E. J. ("Ted"), ed. New Worlds. SF magazine.

Carey, Peter. The Fat Man in History. Novel. 1974.

_____. Illywhacker. Novel. 1985.

Carr, Terry. The Light at the End of the Universe. SF stories. 1976.

_____, ed. Universe. SF magazine.

Carroll, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 1865.

Carter, Angela. Heroes and Villlains. Novel. 1969.

_____. Nights at the Circus. Novel. 1984.

Carter, Frederick. The Dragon of the Apocalypse.

Carter, Paul A. The Creation of Tomorrow: Fifty Years of Magazine Science Fiction. New York, 1977.

Cartier, Edd.

Cartmill, Cleve.

Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. Philosophical Letters: or, Modest Reflections upon some Opinions in Natural Philosophy. 1664.

_____. Observations upon Experimental Philosophy. With The Description of a New World, called The Blazing World. Fantasy. 1666.

_____. The Blazing World and Other Writings. Ed. Kate Lilley. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994.

_____. From The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World. 1666, 1668. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt, et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1765-71.*

Chadourne, Marc. Restif de la Bretonne ou le siècle prophétique. Paris, 1958.

Chandler, A. Bertram. Dawn of Nothing. Story. Astounding.

Chapdelaine, Perry A.

Charnas, Suzy McKee. Walk to the End of the World. SF novel. 1974.

_____. Motherlines. Novel. 1979.

_____. The Vampire Tapestry. Novel. 1980.

Chaucer, Geoffrey.

Cherryh, C. J. Gate of Ivrel. Novel. 1976. (Morgaine trilogy).

_____. Gate of Ivrel. New York: DAW Books, 1977.

_____. Wolf of Shiuan. Novel. 1978. (Morgaine trilogy).

_____. Fires of Azeroth. Novel. 1979.(Morgaine trilogy).

_____. The Chronicles of Morgaine. SF novel trilogy. 1970.

_____ . Faded Sun. Novel series. 1970s.

_____. Kesrith. Novel. 1978. (Faded Sun series).

_____. Shon'ir. Novel. 1978. (Faded Sun series).

_____. Kutath. Novel. 1979. (Faded Sun series).

_____. "Cassandra." Story. 1978. Hugo Award.

_____. "Casandra." In Los premios Hugo 1978-1979. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1990. 209-18.*

_____. Downbelow Station. SF novel. London: Methuen, 1981. (Hugo Award)

_____. Cyteen 1: La Traición. (Nova ciencia ficción 30). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____ .Cyteen 2: El renacer. (Nova ciencia ficción 31). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Cyteen 3: La Vindicación (Nova ciencia ficción 32). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. El orgullo de Chanur / Chanur. (Nova ciencia ficción 2). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. La aventura de Chanur (Chanur 2). (Nova ciencia ficción 14). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____ La venganza de Chanur (Chanur 3). (Nova ciencia ficción 16). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. El regreso de Chanur (Chanur 4). (Nova ciencia ficción 23). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Rimrunners. (Nova ciencia ficción 36). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

Chesneaux, Jean. The Political and Social Ideas of Jules Verne. Trans. Thomas Wikeley. 1972.

Chesney, George Tomkyns (Colonel). The Battle of Dorking. (pub. anonymously). 1871.

Chesterton, G. K. The Man Who Was Thursday. Novel. 1908.

Christopher, John. The Year of the Comet. SF novel. 1955.

_____. The Death of Grass. SF novel. 1956.

_____. La muerte en la hierba. Ediciones de Bolsillo.

_____. The World in Winter. SF novel. 1962.

_____. The Possessors. SF novel. 1965.

_____. Pendulum. SF novel. 1968.

_____. The Tripods. SF novel. trilogy.

Churchill, Winston. "If Lee Had Not Won the Battle of Gettysburg." Rpt. in If It Had Happened Otherwise. Ed. J. C. Squire. 1931. (USA: If: of History Rewritten). SF collection.

Clareson, Thomas D. Some Kind of Paradise: The Emergence of American Science Fiction. Westport (CT), 1985.

_____. "The Emergence of Science Fiction." In Anatomy of Wonder.

_____. (Essay on Silverberg's Downward to the Earth). In Survey of Science Fiction Literature. Ed. Frank N. Magill. 5 vols. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1980.

_____, ed. SF: The Other Side of Realism. Bowling Green, 1971.

Clarke, Arthur C. "The Forgotten Enemy." Story. New Worlds Science Fiction (1949). 

_____. "The Forgotten Enemy." In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss.  Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 419-25.*

_____. "The Nine Billion Names of God." Story. In Star Science Fiction Stories. Ed. Frederick Pohl. New York: Ballantine, 1953.

_____. "The Nine Billion Names of God." In Clarke, The Other Side of the Sky. London: Gollancz, 1962.

_____.  The City and the Stars. Novel. 1956.

_____. La ciudad y las estrellas.  Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. "Who's There?" SF story. 1958. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 69-74.*

_____. "Before Eden." Story. 1961. In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss.  Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 466-77.*

_____.  Childhood's End. SF novel. 1953. New York: Ballantine, 1976.

_____. El fin de la infancia. Barcelona: Minotauro.

_____. Prelude to Space. SF. 1953.

_____. "The Sentinel." Story. New Worlds 22 (1953).

_____. "The Sentinel." In Masterworks in Science Fiction and Fantasy. New York: Norton, 1985.

_____. "La estrella." In Los premios Hugo 1955-1961. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1986. 139-48.*

_____.  A Fall of Moondust. Novel. 1961.

_____. Glide Path. Novel. 1963.

_____.  2001 A Space Odyssey. Novel. New York: New American Library, 1968.

_____.  "A Meeting with Medusa." Story. Playboy (1971). Nebula Award.

_____.  Rendezvous with Rama. Novel. 1973. Hugo Award, Nebula Award.

_____. Rendezvous with Rama.  London: Pan, 1974.

_____.  Rendezvous with Rama.  New York: Ballantyne, 1988.

_____. Rendezvous with Rama. London: Little, Brown-Orbit.

_____. Cita con Rama. Trans. A. Gámez. 1979. 5th ed. Barcelona: Ultramar, 1988.*

_____.  Fountains of Paradise. Novel. 1979.

_____.  2010: Odyssey Two.  Novel. London: Grafton, 1982.

_____. Claro de Tierra.  Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Relatos de diez mundos.  Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Expedición a la Tierra.  Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Las arenas de Marte.  Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Arthur C. Clarke's Mysterious World. TV series.

_____. The Ghost from the Grand Banks. London: Little, Brown-Orbit, 1990.

_____. "The Hammer of God." Novella. Time 140.27 (Special issue: Beyond the Year 2000 , Fall 1992).

_____. The Hammer of God. Novel. London: Gollancz, 1993.

_____. The Hammer of God. London: Little, Brown-Orbit, 1994. 1995.*

_____. 3001: The Final Odyssey. Novel. Voyager, 1997.

Clarke, A. C., and Gentry Lee. Cradle. London: Little, Brown-Orbit.

_____. Rama II. London: Little, Brown-Orbit.

_____. Garden of Rama. London: Little, Brown-Orbit.

_____. El jardín de Rama. Trans. Adolfo Martín. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1995.*

_____. Rama Revealed. London: Little, Brown-Orbit.

Clarke, A. C., and Gregory Benford. Beyond the Fall of Night. Novel. 1991.

_____. Against the Fall of Night / Beyond the Fall of Night. London: Little, Brown-Orbit, 1992.*

Clarkson, Helen. The Last Day. SF novel. 1959. (Nuclear war).

Claudy, Carl H. The Doom Toxin. Novel. The American Boy (1937-38).

Clayton, Jo. Changer's Moon. Novel.

Clement, Hal. "Fireproof." Story. 1949.

_____. Misson of Gravity. Novel. Astounding Science Fiction (1953).

_____. Misión de gravedad. (Nova ciencia ficción 55). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Cycle of Fire. 1957.

Clifton, Mark. "What Have I Done?" SF story. 1958. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 50-68.*

Clingerman, Mildred. "Minister Without Portfolio." Story. 1951. Rpt. in A Cupful of Space. New York: Ballantine, 1961.

_____. "Minister without Portfolio." Story. 1952. In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 327-32.*

_____. "Letters from Laura." SF story.  The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (1954). In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 482-88.*

_____. A Cupful of Space. Stories. 1961.

Coblentz, Stanton A.

Coetzee, J. M. Waiting for the Barbarians. Novel.

Cogswell, Theodore (Colonel). "The Wall Around the World." Fantasy story.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor.

Collier, Marie.

Collins, Wilkie.

Comfort, Alex. Nature and Human Nature. Science. 1966.

Compton, D. G. The Missionaries. Novel. 1972.

_____. The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe. Novel. (= The Unsleeping Eye). 1974. Filmed by Bertrand Tavernier as Deathwatch. 1979.

_____. Ascendancies. Novel. 1980.

Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de. Treatise on the Sensations.

Coney, Michael. Hello Summer, Goodbye. Novel (= Rax). 1975.

_____. Charisma. Novel. 1975.

Conklin, Groff, ed. The Best of Science Fiction. 1946.

Cook, Glen. Passage at Arms. Novel.

_____. Darkwar. Novel trilogy. Vol. 1: Doomstalker.

Cooper, Fenimore.

Cooper, Susan. Silver on the Tree. SF. 1977.

Coppel, Alfred. "The Rebel of Valkyr." Fantasy story. 1950.

_____. (ps. Robert Cham Gilman). The Rebel of Rhada. Novel. 1968.

_____. (ps. Robert Cham Gilman). The Navigator of Rhada. Novel. 1969.

_____. (ps. Robert Cham Gilman). The Starkhan of Rhada. Novel. 1970.

_____. The Dragon. SF novel. 1977.

_____. The Fates Command Us. Historical novel. 1986.

Corman, Roger.

Coulson, Robert.

Cousin de Grainville, Jean-Baptiste. Le Dernier Homme. 1805.

_____.  (Anonymous). The Last Man; or Omegarus and Syderia. A romance in Futurity. SF. 2 vols.London: R. Dutton, 1806.

Cowper, Richard. See Murry, John.

Crabbe, Buster.

Crane, Robert (ps.). Hero's Walk. SF novel. 1954.

Crispin, Edmund, ed. Best SF anthology series. 1955-.

Cronenberg, David, dir. Shivers. Film. 1974.

Crowley, John. The Deep. SF novel. 1975.

_____. Beasts. SF novel. 1976.

_____. Engine Summer. SF novel. 1979.

_____. Little, Big. SF novel. 1981. World Fantasy Award.

_____. Aegypt. Fantasy novel. London: Gollancz, 1987. (Vol. 1 of Aegypt).

_____. Novelty. 4 stories. 1989.

_____. "Great Work of Time." From Novelty. 1989. In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 632-82.* (Time paradox). (Rhodes, British Empire).

_____. Love and Sleep. SF novel. 1994. (Vol. 2 of Aegypt).

Cummings, Ray. The Girl in the Golden Atom. Novel.

Cyrano de Bergerac. (1619-1655).L'Autre Monde:

_____. Voyage dans la Lune. 1657.

_____. L'histoire des états et empires du soleil.

Dalton, Moray. The Black Death. Sampson Low. SF. 1934.

Dalziel, Margaret. Popular Fiction 100 Years Ago. 1957.

Davidson, Avram.

Davis, Chan. "Letter to Ellen." SF story. 1947, 1975. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 402-13.*

Day, Donald B., comp. Index to the Science Fiction Magazines, 1926-1950. Rev. ed. Boston, 1982.

Day, William Patrick. In the Circles of Fear and Desire: A Study of Gothic Fantasy. Chicago, 1985.

de Camp, L. Sprague. Lest Darkness Falls. Novel. Unknown (1939).

_____. The Science Fiction Handbook. 1953. Rev. ed. 1975.

de Camp, L. Sprague, and Willy Ley. Lands Beyond. Essay on travel books.

de Camp, L. Sprague, and Fletcher Pratt. The Incomplete Enchanter. SF novel. Unknown (1940).

_____. Lest Darkness Falls. SF novel. Unknown (1941).

_____. The Castle of Iron. SF novel. Unknown (1941), book form 1950.

_____. Lovecraft: A Biography. New York, 1975.

_____. Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers. (Fantasy). Sark City (WI), 1976. (Lovecraft, Howard, Smith).

de Camp, L. Sprague, and Fletcher Pratt. The Land of Unreason. Novel. Unknown (1941).

_____. The Incomplete Enchanter. Novel. Unknown (1942).

de Camp, L. Sprague, and P. Schuyler Miller. Genus Homo. SF novel. Serialized 1941, book form 1950.

de Chirico, Giorgio. Hebomeros. Novel.

_____. "On Metaphysical Art." (Jules Verne). 1919. Rpt. in Metaphysical Art. Ed. Massimo Carra. 1971.

De Prez, Daniel. Interview with Philip K. Dick. Science Fiction Review 19.

Defoe, Daniel. 1660-1731. The Life and Strange and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner. 1719.

_____. The Consolidator: or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon. 1705.

deFord, Miriam Allen. Elsewher, Elsewhen, Elsehow. (Essay on SF).

_____. Xenogenesis. SF stories. 1969.

de Grainville, Jean-Baptiste Cousin.

de la Bretonne, Restif.

del Rey, Lester. The World of Sceince Fiction 1926-1976. New York, 1979.

Delany, Samuel R. The Jewels of Aptor. Novel. Ace Books, 1962.

_____. The Jewels of Aptor. Rev. ed. London, 1968.

_____. Captives of the Flame. Novel. 1963. Included in The Fall of the Towers.

_____. The Towers of Toron. Novel. 1964. Included in The Fall of the Towers.

_____. City of a Thousand Suns. Novel. 1966. Included in The Fall of the Towers.

_____. The Fall of the Towers. Novel trilogy. Rev. 1968. As one vol., 1971.

_____. The Einstein Intersection. Novel. 1967.

_____. Nova. SF novel. 1968.

_____. Dhalgren. SF novel. 1975.

_____. Babel-17. SF novel. 1966. Nebula Award.

_____. "Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones." Story. New Worlds 185 (December 1968).

_____. Driftglass. SF stories. 1971.

_____. The Tides of Lust. Novel. 1973.

_____. Triton: An Ambiguous Heterotopia. 1976.

_____. "Faust and Archimedes." In Delany, The Jewel-Hinged Jaw. New York, 1977.

_____. The American Shore: Meditations on a Tale of Science Fiction by Thomas M. Disch —'Angoulême'.

de l'Isle Adam, Villiers.

de Loutherbourg, Jacques Philippe.

del Rey, Lester, ed. Space Science Fiction. Magazine.

Derleth, August.

Desmond, Shaw. Ragnarok. SF. Duckworth, 1926.

Dick, Philip K. "Imposter." Story. 1953.

_____. "Colony." Story. 1953.

_____. "The Golden Man." Story. 1954.

_____. Eye in the Sky. Novel. 1957.

_____. Time Out of Joint. Novel. 1959.

_____. Vulcan's Hammer. Novel. 1960.

_____. The Man in the High Castle. Novel. 1962.

_____. All We Marsmen. Novella. Worlds of Tomorrow (August 1963).

_____. Clans of the Alphane Moon. Novel. 1964.

_____. Martian Time-Slip. Novel. (Expansion of All We Marsmen). 1964.

_____. The Simulacra. Novel. 1964.

_____. The Unteleported Man. Novel. 1964. (Edited version of Lies, Inc.).

_____. Dr. Bloodmoney. Novel. 1965.

_____. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. Novel. 1965.

 _____. Now Wait for Last Year. Novel. 1966.

_____. Counter-Clock World. Novcel. 1967.

_____. "Faith of Our Fathers." Story. In Dangerous Visions. Ed. Halan Ellison. 1967.

_____. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Novel. 1968. Filmed as Blade Runner by Ridley Scott, 1982.

_____. Galactic Pot-Healer. Novel. 1969.

_____. Ubik. Novel. 1969.

_____. "The Android and the Human." Essay. Vector. (Britain); SF Commentary (Australia) (March 1972). Rpt. in Philip K. Dick: Electric Shepherd. Ed. Bruce Gillespie. Melbourne, 1975.

_____. "Man, Android, and Machine." Essay. In Science Fiction at Large. Ed. Peter Nicholls. 1976.

_____. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. Novel. 1974.

_____. A Scanner Darkly. 1977.

_____. Valis. Novel. 1981.

_____. The Divine Invasion. Novel. 1981.

_____. The Transmigration of Timothy Archer. Novel. 1982.

_____. Lies, Inc. Novel. 1984. Complete version of The Unteleported Man.

_____. Radio Free Albemuth. Novel. 1985.

_____. "The Lucky Dog Pet Store." Introd. to The Golden Man. 1980. Rpt. in Philip K. Dick. Ed. Martin Harry Greenberg and Joseph D. Olander. New York, 1983.

_____. Voices from the Street. Novel. (posthumous).

_____. Letter on his work. (1 Feb. 196). (Philip K. Dick Society Pamphlet 1).

Dick, Philip K, and Roger Zelazny. Deus Irae. Fiction. 1976.

Dickson, Gordon R. "Computers Don't Argue." SF story. 1965. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 467-81*

Dickson, Gordon R. "The Monkey Wrench." Story. Astounding Science Fiction (1951). In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 203-14.*

_____. Dorsai! (=The Genetic General). Novel. (Dorsai series). 1959.

_____. Necromancer. Novel. (= No Room for Man). (Dorsai series). 1962.

_____. The Tactics of Mistake. (Dorsai series). Novel. 1971.

_____. Soldier Ask Not. Novel. (Dorsai series). 1967.

_____. "Soldado, no preguntes." In Los premios Hugo 1962-1967. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1987. 179-240.*

_____. The Spirit of Dorsai. Stories. (Dorsai series). 1979.

_____. Lost Dorsai.  Novella. (Dorsai series). 1980.

_____. "Dorsai perdido." In Los premios Hugo 1980-1982. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1991. 135-90.*

_____. "La capa y la vara." In Los premios Hugo 1980-1982. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1991. 191-220.*

_____. The Final Encyclopedia. SF. (Dorsai series). 1984.

_____. Chantry Guild. SF. 1988.

Dickson, Lovat. H. G. Wells: His Turbulent Life and Times. 1969.

Di Fate, Vincent. "Science Fiction Art: Some Contemporary Illustrators." In Marshall B. Tymn, ed. (Washington, 1981).

Disch, Thomas M. The Genocides. Novel. 1965.

_____. The Puppies of Terra. Novel. 1966. (= Mankind under the Leash).

_____.Camp Concentration. Novel. New Worlds (1967). Book form 1968.

_____. "The Squirrel Cage." Story .

_____. "Casablanca." Story.

_____. "The Asian Shore." Story.

_____. "Angoulême." Story. Included in Disch, 334.

_____. 334. Novel.

_____. Echo Round His Bones. Novel. 1967.

Donnelly, Ignatius. (ps. Edmund Boisgilbert). Caesar's Column. Science fiction.1890.

Doyle, Arthur Conan (Sir). "Danger!" SF story. Strand Magazine.

_____. The Lost World. Novel. Serialized 1912.

_____. The Poison Belt. Novel. 1913.

_____. The Land of Mist. Novel.

_____. The Maracot Deep. Novel.

Dozois, Gardner M. Strangers. Novel. 1978.

_____. "The Peacemaker." Story.

_____. "Morning Child." Story.

_____. "Damon Knight." In Science Fiction Writers. Ed. E. F. Bleiler.

_____, ed. Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine.

Dozois, Gardner M., and Geo. Alec Effinger. Nightmare Blue. Novel. 1975.

Drake, Asa. Warrior Witch of Hel. Novel.

Drake, David. Hammer's Slammers. Novel. 1979.

_____. Birds of Prey. Novel. 1984.

_____. At Any Prize. Novel.

Dray Prescot. See Bulmer, Kenneth.

Druillet, Philippe.

Duncan, David. Dark Dominion. SF novel. 1954.

_____. Another Tree in Eden. SF novel. 1955.

_____. Occam's Razor. SF novel. 1957.

Dunne, J. W.

Dunsany (Lord). (1878-1957).

Durrell, Lawrence.

Easton, Tom.

Edwards, Malcolm. "William Tenn." In Science Fiction Writers. Ed. E. F. Bleiler.

Effinger, George Alec.

Eisenstein, Alex.

Einstein, Albert.

Elgin, Suzette Haden. Native Tongue. Novel. 1985.

Eliot, T. S.

Elkins, Charles. "Asimov's Foundation Novels: Historical Materialism Distorted into Cyclical Psychohistory." In Isaac Asimov. Ed. Joseph D. Olander and Martin Harry Greenberg. New York, 1977.

Ellik, Ron, and Bill Evans. The Universe of E. E. Smith. Chicago: House of Advent, 1966.

Ellis, Edward S.

Ellison, Harlan. "'Repent, Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman." Story 1965.

_____. "'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 952-60.*

_____. "'¡Arrepiéntete, Arlequín!' dijo el señor Tic-Tac." In Los premios Hugo 1962-1967. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1987. 241-56.*

_____. "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream." Story.

_____. "No tengo boca y debo gritar." In Los premios Hugo 1968-1969. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1987. 185-203.*

_____. "No tengo boca, y he de gritar." In Antología de novelas de anticipación (ciencia ficción). Ed. Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carb. 1968. Trans. José Mª Aroca. Barcelona: Acervo, 1970. 279-92.*

_____ . "The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World." Story.

_____. "La bestia que gritaba amor en el corazón del universo." In Los premios Hugo 1968-1969. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1987. 299-310.*

_____. "A Boy and His Dog." Story. New Worlds 189 (April 1969).

_____. "Jeffty tiene cinco años." In Los premios Hugo 1978-1979. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1990. 103-24.*

_____. The Essential Ellison: A Thirty-Five year Retrospective. Stories. 1987.

Elwood, Roger.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo.

Emshwiller, Ed.

Ernst, Max.

Evans, Christopher. Capella's Golden Eyes. Novel. 1980.

_____. The Insider. Novel. 1981.

Evans, I. O. Jules Verne, Master of Science Fiction. 1956.

Extrapolation. SF journal.

Fantasy Review. Journal.

Farley, Ralph Milne. The Radio Man. Novel. 1924.

_____. The Radio Beasts. Novel.

_____. The Radio Planet. Novel.

_____. "The Radio Mind of Mars." Story.

Farmer, Philip José. "The Lovers." Story.

_____. Flesh. Novel. 1960.

_____. A Woman a Day. Novel. (Revised 1968 as The Day of Timestop).

_____. "Riverworld." novella. Worlds of Tomorrow (January 1966).

_____. "Riders of the Purple Wage." Novella. In Dangerous Visions. Ed. Halan Ellison. 1967. Hugo Award.

_____. World of Tiers. Novel series: The Maker of Universes (1965), The Gates of Creation 91966), A Private Cosmos 91968), Behind the Worlds of Terra (1970), The Lavalite World (1977).

_____. The Image of the Beast. Novel. 1968.

_____. A Feast Unknown. Novel. 1969.

_____. Blown. Novel. 1969.

_____. "The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod." Story. New Worlds 200 (April 1970).

_____. To Your Scattered Bodies Go. Novel (1st book of Riverworld series). 1971. Hugo Award.

_____. The Fabulous Riverboat. (Riverworld series). 1971.

_____. The Dark Design. (Riverworld series). 1977.

_____. The Magic Labyrinth.. (Riverworld series). 1979.

_____. The Gods of Riverworld. (Riverworld series). 1983.

_____. Riverworld and Other Stories. (Riverworld series). 1979.

_____. Riverworld War. (Riverworld series). 1980.

_____. Tarzan Alive: A Definitive Biography of Lord Greystoke. Novel. 1972.

_____. Hadon of Ancient Opar. Novel. 1974.

_____. (Ps. Kilgore Trout). Venus on the Half-Shell. Novel. Fantasy and Science Fiction (Dec. 1974, Jan. 1975).

Farren, Mike. The Armageddon Crazy. SF. 1989.

Fast, Howard. "The Trap." SF story. 1975. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 506-602.*

Fearn, John Russell. The Golden Amazon. 1944.

_____. The Intelligence Gigantic.. Novel. Amazing (1933).

Feist, Raymond E. Magician: Apprentice. Vol. 1 of the Rift War saga.

Ferman, Edward L., ed. Fantasy and Science Fiction. (From 1965).

Finlay, virgil.

Finney, Jack. The Body Snatchers. SF novel. 1955. Film: Invasion of the Body Snatchers, dir. Don Siegel.

Firchow, Peter Edgerly. The End of Utopia. Lewisburt, 1984.

Fitzgibbon, Constantine. When the Kissing Had to Stop. Novel.

Flammarion, Camille. La Fin du monde. 1893.

Fleming, Ian.

Flint, Homer Eon.

Flint, Kenneth C. The Riders of the Sidhe. Novel. 1984.

Follie, Louis Guillaume de la. Le philosophe sans prétension, ou l'homme rare. Paris, 1775.

Forster, E. M. "The Machine Stops." Story. 1909.

Fort, Charles.

Forward, Robert L. (Dr.). Dragon's Egg. Novel. 1980.

_____. The Flight of the Dragonfly. Novel. 1984.

Foss, Chris.

Foster, Alan Dean. Dark Star. Film novelization. 1974.

_____. Alien. Film novelization. 1979.

_____. The Black Hole. Film novelization. 1979.

_____. Outland. Film novelization. 1981.

_____. Star Trek series. 10 vols1974-78.

_____. Star Wars. Film novelization (signed George Lucas). 1977.

_____. Midworld. Novel. 1975.

_____. Into the Out of. Novel. 1986.

Foster, Hal.

Fowler, Christopher. Interview with Robert Silverberg. Vector 76/77 (August /Sept. 1976).

Fowles, John.

Frank, Pat. Alas, Babylon. SF novel. 1959.

Franklin, H. Bruce (Dr.). Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. New York, 1966.

Fraser, Joseph. Melbourne and Mars: My Mysterious Life in Two Planets. Novel. 1889.

Frayn, Michael. The Tin Men. Novel.

Freas, Kelly.

Freud, Sigmund.

Friedman, Michael Jan. The Hammer and the Horn. Novel.

Fyfe, H. B. "Protected Species." 1951.

Gagne, Elise. Omegar, ou le dernier homme, proso-poésie dramatique de la fin des temps en douze chants. 1858.

Galloway, David, ed. Selected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe. 1967.

Galouye, Daniel F. Dark Universe. SF novel. 1961.

_____. Simulacron 3. USA, 1964. (UK: Counterfeit World).

Garis, H. R. (ps. Victor Appleton). "Tom Swift" Story series.

Gaughan, Jack.

Genet, Jean.

Gentle, Mary. Golden Witchbreed. Novel. 1983.

_____. Ancient Light. Novel. 1987.

George, Henry.

Gernsback, Hugo. (1894-1967). Ralph 124C 41 +: A Romance of the year 2660.

_____, ed. Amazing Stories. SF magazine. 1926-.

_____, ed. Amazing Stories Annual. 1927.

_____, ed. Amazing Stories Quarterly. 1928-.

_____. ed. Science Wonder Stories.

Gibson, William.  "Burning Chrome." Story. Omni (1982). Nebula Award.

_____.  Neuromancer. Novel. New York: Ace Books, 1984. Philip K. Dick Award, Hugo Award, Nebula Award.

_____. Neuromancer. London: Gollancz, 1984.

_____. Neuromancer.  London: Harper Collins, 1993.

_____. "Johnny Mnemonic." Story. In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 939-51.*

_____. Burning Chrome. Stories. London: Gollancz, 1986.

_____. Burning Chrome.  New York: Ace, 1987.

_____.  Count Zero. Novel. London: Gollancz, 1986.

_____. Count Zero. Novel. 1986. New York: Ace, 1987.*

_____. Mona Lisa Overdrive.  Novel. London: Gollancz, 1988.

_____. Mona Lisa acelerada.  Barcelona: Minotauro, 1993.

_____. Virtual Light. Novel. New York: Bantam-Spectra, 1993.

_____. Virtual Light. London: Viking, 1993.

_____. Virtual Light. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1994.*

_____. Virtual Light. (Penguin Audiobook). Read by Peter Weller. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

_____. Idoru. Novel. New York: G. P. Putnam's, 1996.

_____. Idoru. London: Viking, 1996.

_____. Idoru. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1997.*

Gibson, William, and Bruce Sterling. The Difference Engine. 1990. London: Gollancz, 1992.

Gibson, William, and Dennis Ashbaugh. Agrippa: A Book of the Dead. Electronic text. New York: Kevin Begos, 1992.

Giesy, J. U. Palos of the Dog Star Pack. Novel.

Gillespie, Bruce, ed. SF Commentary. Fanzine. 1969-.

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. Herland. Utopia. 1915. Rpt. 1979.

_____. The Forerunner. Periodical.

Gilman, Robert Cham. See Coppel, Alfred.

Godwin, Francis (Bishop). Man in the Moone: or A Discourse of a Voyage thither by Domingo Gonsales. Menippean fantasy. 1638.

Godwin, William.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von.

Gold, Horace L., ed. Galaxy. SF magazine.

Gold, Horace L., and L. Sprague de Camp. "None but Lucifer." Story. Unknown.

Golding, William. The Brass Butterfly. SF play. 1958.

_____. "Envoy Extraordinary." Story.

Goldsmith, Cele.

Goncourt. Pages from the Goncourt Journal. Ed. and trans. Robert Baldick. 1962.

Goodman, Paul.

Gordon, Giles.

Gordon, Rex. No Man Friday. Novel.

Goulart, Ron. "What's Become of Screwloose?" 1970. SF story. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 101-15.*

Graham, Peter Anderson. The Collapse of Homo Sapiens. SF. Putnam, 1923.

Grant, Charles. The Ravens of the Moon. Novoe.. 1978.

Graves, Robert. Seven Days in New Crete. Novel. 1949.

_____. The White Goddess. 1948. Enlarged 1952.

Gray, Alasdair.

Graydon, Robert Murray. (Ps. Murray Roberts). Captain Justice serials. Modern Boy (1930s/40s).

_____. Captain Justice novel series. Rpt. in The Boys' Friend Library.

_____. The World in Darkness. Captain Justice novel. 1935.

Green, Jen, and Sarah LeFanu, eds. Despatches from the Frontiers of the Female Mind. Women's SF anthology. 1985.

Green, Roger Lancelyn. Into Other Worlds. 1957.

_____. Tellers of Tales. 1965.

_____. C. S. Lewis. Bodley Head, 1963.

Green, Roland, and Frieda Murray. The Book of Kantela. 1st vol. of the Throne of Sherran trilogy.

Greene, Graham.

Greenland, Colin. "The Works of Michaeel Moorcock." In Greenland, The Entropy Exhibition. London, 1983.

Greg, Percy. Across the Zodiac. SF. 1880.

Griffin, Russell M. (1944?-1986). The Makeshift God. Novel. 1979.

_____. Century's End. Novel. 1981.

_____. The Blind Man and the Elephant. Novel. 1982.

_____. The Time Servers. Novel. 1985.

Griffith-Jones, George Chetwynd. (George Griffith). The Angel of the Revolution. Novel. Pearson's Weekly. As book: 1893.

_____. Olga Romanoff. Novel. Pearson's Weekly. As book: 1894.

_____. A Honeymoon in Space. Novel. 1901.

Griswold, Reverend Rufus W.

Grylls, R. Glynn. Mary Shelley: A Biography. 1938.

Guardi, Francesco.

Gunn, James. "Breaking Point." Story. Space Science Fiction (1953).

_____. The Joy Makers. SF novel. 1961.

_____. The Immortals. SF novel. 1962.

_____. The Burning. SF novel. 1972.

_____. Kampus. SF novel. 1975.

_____. Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1975.

_____. "On the Aesthetic Fallacy." Letter on SF. Foundation 13.

_____. Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction. New York and Oxford, 1982.

_____, ed. The Road to Science fiction. Anthology. 4 vols. 1977-82.`

Gygax, Gary. Dungeons and Dragons. 1974.

Hackett, John (General, Sir). The Third World War. Novel. 1978.

Haggard, H. Rider. (1856-1925). Allan and the Ice-Gods. Novel. 1927.

_____. When the World Shook. Novel. 1919.

_____. She. Novel. 1887.

_____. Allan Quatermain.

_____. Cleopatra.

Hagman, Tyko.

Haldane, J. B. S.

Haldeman, Joe. War Year. Novel. New York, 1972.

_____. The Forever War. Novel. 1975.

_____. Mindbridge. Novel. 1977.

Hall, Austin, and Homer Eon Flint. The Blind Spot. SF novel. Argosy (1921).

Hambly, Barbara. Dragonsbane. Novel.

Hamilton, Cicely. Theodore Savage. SF. London: Cape, 1928.

Hamilton, Edmond. "Day of Judgment." Story. 1946.

_____. "What's It Like Out There?" SF story. 1952. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 15-38.*

Hamilton, Peter. Mindstar Rising. SF. 1993.

Harding, Lee, ed. Beyond Tomorrow. SF anthology. 1967.

_____. Displaced Person. Novel. 1979.

_____. Waiting for the End of the World. Novel. 1983.

Hardy. Two on a Tower. 1882.

_____. The Dynasts. 1904.

Hardy, Florence Emily. Life of Thomas Hardy.

Hardy, Phil. The Aurum Film Encyclopedia: Science Fiction. 1984.

Harness, Charles. The Rose. SF novel. Authentic (1953).

_____. The Rose. Introd. Michael Moorcock. Roberts and Vinter, 1966.

_____. The Paradox Men. SF novel. 1953. Introd. Brian Aldiss. London: Faber, 1964. 1967.

_____. The Paradox Men. Introd. Brian Aldiss. SF master Series.

Harrington, James. The Commonwealth of Oceana. 1656.

Harris, John Beynon. See Wyndham, John.

Harrison, Harry. "An Alien Agony." Story. New Worlds Science Fiction (1962).

_____. "An Alien Agony." In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 321-36.*

_____. War with the Robots. Pyramid Publications, 1962.

_____. War with  the Robots. Britain: Dobson Books, 1967.

_____. War with the Robots. (Panther Science Fiction). London: Panther-Granada, 1976. 1985.*

_____. Bill, the Galactic Hero. Story. 1965.

_____. Make Room! Make Room! Novel. 1966. (Filmed as Soylent Green, 1973).

_____. The Technicolor Time Machine. Novel. 1967.

_____. Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers.

_____. The California Iceberg.

_____. Planet of the Damned.

_____. Plague from Space.

_____. The Men from P.I.G. and R.O.B.O.T.

_____. In Our Hands, the Stars.

_____. Spaceship Medic.

_____. A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah! Novel. 1972. (USA: Tunnel Through the Deeps).

_____. One Step from Earth.

_____. The Lifeship.

_____. Montezuma's Revenge.

_____. Prime Number.

_____. The QE2 Is Missing.

_____. Queen Victoria's Revenge.

_____. Stonehenge.

_____. Two Tales and Eight Tomorrows.

_____. Skyfall. London: Faber and Faber, 1976.

_____. Skyfall. (Panther Science Fiction). London: Granada-Panther, 1985.*

_____. Deathworld. Novel trilogy. Analog.

_____. Mundo muerto. Barcelona: Antalbe, 1987.*

_____. Sense of Obligation. Novel. Analog. As book: Planet of the Damned.

_____. "Inventing New Worlds I." In Future Imperfect: Science Fact and Science Fiction. Ed. Rex Malik. London: Frances Pinter, 1980. 73-80.

_____. "A Cannibalized Novel Becomes Soylent Green." In Omni Screen Flights/ Screen Fantasies. Ed. Danny Peary. 1984.

_____. A Stainless Steel Rat Is Born. 1985.

_____. The Stainless Steel Rat.

_____. The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge.

_____. The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World.

_____. The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You.

_____. To the Stars Trilogy (Vol. 1): Homeworld. (Panther Science Fiction). London: Granada-Panther.

_____. To the Stars Trilogy (Vol 2): Wheelworld. (Panther Science Fiction). London: Granada-Panther.

_____. To the Stars Trilogy (Vol. 3): Starworld. (Panther Science Fiction). London: Granada-Panther.

_____. Captive Universe. (Panther Science Fiction). London: Granada-Panther.

_____. Rebel in Time. (Panther Science Fiction). London: Granada-Panther.

_____. West of Eden. (Panther Science Fiction). London: Granada-Panther.

_____. Planet Story.

_____. The Best of Harry Harrison.

Harrison, Harry, and Leon Stover. Stonehenge: Where Atlantis Died.

Harrison, M. John. The committed Men. novel. 1971.

_____. The Centauri Device. Novel. 1974.

_____. The Pastel City. Novel. 1974.

_____. "Running Down." Story. In Harrison, The Machine in Shaft Ten.

_____. The Machine in Shaft Ten. Stories. 1975.

_____. A Storm of Wings. 1980.

Harryhausen, Ray.

Hartley, L. P. Facial Justice. Novel.

Hartwell, David G. Introd. to The Purple Cloud. By Shiel. Greg Press, 1977.

_____, ed. Cosmos. SF magazine. 1977.

Hasek, Jaroslav. The Good Soldier Schweik.

Haskin, Byron.

Hasse, Henry.

Hayter, Alethea. Opium and the Romantic Imagination. 1968.

Healy, Raymond J., and J. Francis McComas, eds. Adventures in Time and Space. 1947.

Heard, H. F. (Ps. of Gerald Heard). Doppelgangers. Novel. New York, 1947.

Heinlein, Robert Anson. If This Goes On... Short novel. Astounding (1940).

_____. "Logic of Empire." Story. Astounding (1941).

_____. "Blowups Happen." Story. Astounding (May 1941).

_____. "Ocurren accidentes." In Historia del futuro I. (C/F, 39). Barcelona: Acervo, 1980.

_____. (Ps. Anson MacDonald). "Solution Unsatisfactory." Astounding Science Fiction (May 1941).

_____. "Solución insatisfactoria." In Las grandes historias de la ciencia ficción: La Edad de Oro: 1941. Ed. Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1988. 131-70.*

_____. Metuselah's Children. Novel. Astounding (1941).

_____. Las 100 vidas de Lazarus Long. (Super Ficción 30). Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1978. Trans. of Methuselah's Children.

_____. "Universe." Novella. Astounding Science Fiction (May 1941). Included in Orphans of the Sky.

_____. "Universo." In Las grandes historias de la ciencia ficción: La Edad de Oro: 1941. Ed. Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1988. 85-130.*

_____.  (Ps. Anson MacDonald). "By His Bootstraps." Story. Astounding Science Fiction (October 1941).

_____. "Por sus propios medios." In Las grandes historias de la ciencia ficción: La Edad de Oro: 1941. Ed. Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1988. 269-318.*

_____. Red Planet. SF novel. 1949.

_____. Waldo. SF novel. 1950.

_____. Citizens of the Galaxy. Novel. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

_____. Ciudadano de la galaxia. (Nova ciencia ficción 18). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Starship Troopers. SF novel. 1959.

_____. Tropas del espacio.

_____ . Starman Jones. SF novel. 1953.

_____. Double Star. Novel. Astounding (1956).

_____. "All You Zombies—" Story. Fantasy and Science Fiction (March 1959).

_____. Stranger in a Strange Land. Novel. 1961.

_____. Podkayne of Mars. Fantasy novel. 1963.

_____. Glory Road. Fantasy novel. 1963.

_____. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. Novel. 1966.

_____. I Will Fear No Evil. Novel. 1970.

_____. "Common Sense." Novella. Astounding (1941). Included in Orphans of the Sky.

_____. Orphans of the Sky. Short novel. Book form 1963.

_____. Orphans of the Sky. New York: Berkley Medallion, 1970.

_____. "The Happy Days Ahead." Essay. In Heinlein, Expanding Universe.

_____. Expanding Universe. Stories and essays. New York, 1980.

_____. The Number of the Beast. Novel. 1980.

_____. Friday. Novel. 1982.

_____. Viernes.

_____ . Job: A Comedy of Justice. Novel, religious fantasy. 1984.

_____. The Cat Who Walks Through Walls: A Comedy of Manners. Novel. 1985.

Helprin, Mark. Winter's Tale. Novel. 1983.

Henderson, Zenna. (d. 1983). "People." Story series. Fantasy and Science Fiction (1950s-)

_____. "Jordan." Story. 1959.

_____. "Katie-Mary's Trip." Story. 1975.

_____. Pilgrimage: The Book of the People. Stories. 1961.

_____. The People: No Different Flesh. Stories. 1966.

_____. Stories filmed as The People. 1971.

Herbert, Frank. Under Pressure. Novel. Astounding (1955).

_____. The Dragon In the Sea (=Under Pressure, = 21st Century Sub). Novel. (Book form).

_____. Dune World. Novel. 1st book of Dune. Analog (December1963-February 1964).

_____. The Prophet of Dune. Novel. 2nd book of Dune. Analog (January-May 1965).

_____. Dune Messiah. Novel. 3rd bok of Dune. Analog (July-September 1969).

_____. The God Makers. Novel. 1972.

_____. Children of Dune. Novel. 1976.

_____. God Emperor of Dune. Novel. 1981.

_____. Heretics of Dune. Novel.

_____. Chapter House Dune. Novel. 1985.

Hertzka, Theodore. Freeland: A Social Anticipation. 1890. English trans. 1891.

Hesse, Hermann.

High, Philip E.

Hill, Douglas.

Hill, George Roy. Slaughterhouse Five. Film. 1971.

Hilton, James. Lost Horizon. Novel. 1933.

Hinde, Maurice, ed. Frankenstein. By Mary Shelley. 1985.

Hoban, Russell. Riddley Walker. SF novel. 1980. London: Pan-Picador, 1982.

Hodgson, William Hope. The House on the Borderland. Novel. 1908.

_____. The Night Land. Novel. 1912.

Hoffman, E. T. A.

Hogarth, Burne.

Holberg, Ludvig (Baron). Nicolai Klimii Iter Subterraneum. (A Journey to the World Underground). 1741.

Holdstock, Robert. Eye Among the Blind. Novel. 1976.

_____. Mythago Wood: A Fantasy. Novel. 1984.

Holmes, Oliver Wendell.Elsie Venner. Novel. 1861.

Holmes, Richard. "Dreams." Ch. 4 of Holmes, Footsteps: Adventures of a Romantic Biographer. 1985.

Horwood, William. Duncton Wood. Novel.

Howard, Robert E. (1906-936). Conan the Barbarian novel series.

_____. Almuric. Novel.

Hoyle, Fred. The Black Cloud. SF novel. 1957.

_____. Ossian's Ride. SF novel. 1959.

_____. October the First Is Too Late. SF novel. 1966.

Hoyle, Geoffrey.

Hubbard, Lafayette Ron. Final Blackout. Novel. Astounding (1940).

_____. "Fear." Story. Unknown (1940).

_____. "Typewriter in the Sky." Unknown (1940).

_____. To the Stars. Novel. Astounding Science Fiction (February-March 1950).

_____. (Ps. Rene Lafayette). "Ole Doc Metuselah" story series. Astounding (1947-50).

_____. "The End Is Not Yet." Story. Astounding.

_____. Battlefield Earth. Novel. 1982.

_____. The Invaders' Plan. Novel. 1986. Vol. 1 of the novel decalogy Mission: Earth.

Hudson, W. H. A Crystal Age. Utopia. 1887.

_____. A Shepherd's Life.

_____. Green Mansions.

Hughes, A. M. D. The Nascent Mind of Shelley. Oxford, 1947.

Hume, Fergus. The Year of Miracle. London: Routledge, 1891. (Plague destroys lower classes).

Huntington, John. The Logic of Fantasy: H. G. Wells and Science Fiction. New York, 1982.

Hutton, James.

Huxley, Aldous. Crome Yellow. Novel. 1921.

_____. Brave New World. SF novel. 1932.

_____. After Many a Summer Dies the Swan.  Novel. 1939.

_____. Time Must Have a Stop. Novel. 1945.

_____. Ape and Essence. SF novel. London: Chatto & Windus, 1949.

_____. Island. 1962.

_____. Time Must Have a Stop. Novel.

Huxley, Julian. "The Tissue-Culture King." Story. Amazing Stories (August 1927).

_____, ed. Aldous Huxley: A Memorial Volume. 1965.

Huxley, Laura Archera. This Timeless moment: A Personal View of Aldous Huxley. 1969.

Ikin, Van, ed. Australian Science Fiction. 1982.

Jakobs, Harvey.

Jakubowski, Maxim.

James, Henry.

Jefferies, Richard. After London. Sceince fiction. 1885.

Jeschke, Wolfgang. The Last Day of Creation. Novel. 1981. English trans., USA, 1984.

_____. Midas. Novel. 1987. English trans., UK, 1990.

_____. Der Zeiter. Stories.

_____. "The King and the Dollmaker." From his collection Der Zeiter. In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 393-434.* (Time paradox).

Jeter, K. W. Dr Adder. Novel. Afterword by Philip K. Dick. 1984.

_____. The Glass Hammer. Novel. 1985.

Johnson, Denis. Fiskadoro. Novel.

Johnson, Samuel.

Jones, Gwyneth. Divine Endurance. Novel. 1984.

Jones, Langdon. "Eye of the Lens." Story. New Worlds.

Jordan, Robert. Wheel of Time series. 1990-.

Joseph, M. K., ed. Frankenstein. By Mary Shelley. Oxford English Novels series, 1969.

Jung, Carl. "Psychiatric Activities." In Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections. 1963.

Kafka, Franz. The Diary of Franz Kafka. Ed. Max Brod. English trans. 2 vols. 1948-49.

Kahn, Herman.

Kargalitski, Julius. The Life and Thought of H. G. Wells. 1966.

Karinthy, Frigyes. Utazás Faremidóba. ( Voyage to Faremido.) SF novel. 1916.

_____. Capillaria. SF novel. 1921.

_____. Capillaria. English trans. Paul Taobri. Corvina Press. Budapest: Corvina Press, 1965.

Karp, David. One. Novel. 1953.

Kavan, Anna. Ice. Novel. 1967. Introd. Brian Aldiss.

Keller, David H.

Kendall, Gordon. White Wing. Novel.

Kepler, Johannes. Somnium. Science fantasy. Frankfurt, 1634.

_____. Somnium: The Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar Astronomy. Ed. and trans. Edward Rosen. Madison, 1967.

Ketelbey, C. D. M. A History of Modern Times from 1789.

Ketterer, David.

Keyes, Daniel. "Flowers for Algernon." Story. Fantasy and Science Fiction (1959).

_____. "Flowers for Algernon." In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 603-32.*

Kilworth, Garry. In Solitary. Novel. 1977.

_____. The Night of Kadar. Novel. 1978.

_____. Split Second. Novel. 1979.

_____. Gemini God. Novel. 1981.

_____. A Theatre of Timesmiths. Novle. 1984.

_____. "The Rose Bush." Story. Rpt. in The Songbirds of Pain. 1984.

_____. "Sumi Dreams of a Paper Frog." Story. Rpt. in The Songbirds of Pain. 1984.

King, Stephen. The Shining.

_____ . Carrie. Novel. 1973.

_____. The Dead Zone. Novel. 1979.

_____. Firestarter. Novel. 1980.

Kingsbury, Donald. "The Moon Goddess and the Sun." Novella. Analog (1979). Novel form 1986.

_____. Courtship Rite. Novel. 1982. (UK = Geta).

Kingsley, Charles. The Water Babies. Fantasy. 1863.

Kipling, Rudyard. "With the Night Mail." SF story. 1905.

_____. "As Easy as ABC." SF story. 1912.

Kircher, Athanasius. Itinerarium Exstaticum. Fantasy. 1656.

Kline, Otis Adelbert. Jan of the Jungle.

_____. Planet of Peril. Novel. Serialized 1929.

_____. The Swordsman of Mars. Novel.

_____. Tam, Son of the Tiger. Novel.

Knight, Damon. "To Serve Man." Galaxy 2 (1950).

_____. "Four in One." Story. Galaxy. 1953.

_____. "Country of the Kind." Story. Galaxy (1956).

_____. "The Country of the Kind." Story. The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. (1956). Rpt in In Deep. London: Gollancz, 1956.

_____. In Deep. Stories. London: Gollancz, 1956.

_____. "An Eye for What?" SF story. 1957. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 299-323.*

_____. "The Country of the Kind." In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 497-510.*

Knight, Harry Adam. The Funtus. SF novel. 1985.

Knight, Norman L.

Komatsu, Sakyo.

Korda, Alexander.

Korda, Vincent.

Kornbluth, Cyril M. "I Never Ast No Favors." SF story.  1954. The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (1954). In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 387-401.*

Korzybski, Alfred.

Krenkel, Roy.

Kress, Nancy. Trinity and Other Stories. 1985.

_____. An Alien Light. novel. 1988.

_____. Una extraña luz. (Nova ciencia ficción 35). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Brain Rose. Novel. 1990.

_____. The Aliens of Earth. Stories. 1993.

_____.  "Beggars in Spain." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 886-938.*

_____. Beggars in Spain. Novel. 1993. (Expanded from the story).

_____. Beggars and Choosers. 1994.

_____. Beggars Ride. Novel. 1996.

_____. Oaths and Miracles. 1996.

Kube-McDowell, Michael P. Emprise. Novel. 1985.

_____. Enigma. Novel. 1986.

Kubrick, Stanley.

Kuczka, Peter.

Kuttner, Henry. and Catherine Moore. (Ps. Lawrence O'Donnell, Lewis Padgett).

_____. "Clash by Nigth." Astounding Science-Fiction.

_____. Furty. Novel. Astounding Science-Fiction (1947).

_____. "The Time Trap." Marvel Science Fiction 1.2 (November 1938).

_____. "Humpty Dumpty." Story. Astounding Science Fiction 91953).

_____. Mutant. 1953.

_____. "Tomorrow and Tomorrow." Story. Astounding.

Kyle, Richard. "Out of Time's Abyss: the Martina Stories of Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Speculation." Riverside Quarterly 4.2.

Lafayette, Rene. See Hubbard, L. Ron.

Lafferty, R. A. Fourth Mansions. SF. New York: Ace Books, 1969.

_____. "Así burlamos a Carlomagno." In Antología de novelas de anticipación (ciencia ficción). Ed. Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carb. 1968. Trans. José Mª Aroca. Barcelona: Acervo, 1970. 389-403.*

_____. "El hombre que nunca existió." In Antología de novelas de anticipación (ciencia ficción). Ed. Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carb. 1968. Trans. José Mª Aroca. Barcelona: Acervo, 1970. 135-48.*

_____. Nine Hundred Grandmothers. Stories.1970.

_____. Novecientas abuelas. Select. from Nine Hundred Grandothers. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Los seis dedos del tiempo. Select. from Nine Hundred Grandmothers. Trans. Matilde Horne. Barcelona: Edhasa, 1980.*

_____. Apocalypses. SF. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1977.

Lambe, Dean R. "Damn Shame." SF story. 1979. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 496-505.*

Lambert, Diane.

Lane, Ann J.

Lang, Fritz, dir. Metropolis. SF film.

Langford, David.

Langelaan, George. La mosca: Relatos del antimundo. (Obras maestras de la Ciencia Ficción). Barrcelona: Planeta DeAgostini, c. 2001.

Large, E. C. Sugar the Air. Novel. 1937.

_____. Asleep in the Afternoon. Novel. 1938.

_____. Dawn in Andromeda. Novel. 1956.

Larson, Glen A.

Laski, Marghanita.

Lasswitz, Kurd. Auf Zwei Planeten. Novel. 1897.

_____. On Two Planets. Trans. 1971.

_____. "Unser Recht auf Bewohner anderer Welten." Essay on SF. 1910.

Latham, Philip. "The Dimple in Draco." Story. In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 754-64.* (Astronomers).

Laumer, Keith. Worlds of the Imperium. Novel. 1962.

_____. Envoy to New Worlds. Stories. 1963.

_____. Galactic Diplomat. Stories. 1965.

_____. The Other Side of Time. Novel. 1965.

_____. Rogue Bolo. Novel.

_____. Retief's War. Novel. 1966.

_____. Assignment in Nowhere. Novel. 1968.

_____. Retief and the Warlords. Novel. 1968.

_____. Retief: Ambassador to Space. Stories. 1969.

_____. Retief's Ransom. Novel. 1971.

_____. Retief of the CDT. Stories. 1971.

_____. Retief, Emissary to the Stars. Stories. 1975.

_____. Retief at Large. Stories. 1979.

_____. The Return of Retief. Novel. 1984.

Lawrence, D. H.

Leary, Timothy.

Le Carré, John.

Le Fanu, Sarah.

Le Fanu, Sheridan. The House by the Churchyard. 1863.

_____. In a Glass Darkly. 1872.

Le Guin, Ursula K. Rocannon's World. Novel. 1966.

_____. "The Day Before the Revolution." Story.

_____. "Vaster Than Empires and More Slow." Story.

_____. "Winter's King." Story.

_____.  Planet of Exile. Novel.  Written 1963-64. 1966.

_____.  City of Illusions. Novel. 1967.

_____.  A Wizard of Earthsea. Novel. 1968. Included in Earthsea.

_____.  The Left Hand of Darkness. Novel. 1969. Hugo and Nebula Awards.

_____.The Left Hand of Darkness. London Panther, 1973.

_____. The Left Hand of Darkness.  New York: Ace, 1976.

_____. La mano izquierda de la oscuridad. Barcelona: Minotauro.

_____.  The Tombs of Atuan.  Novel. 1971. Included in Earthsea.

_____.  The Lathe of Heaven. Novel. 1971.

_____. The Farthest Shore. Novel. 1972. Included in Earthsea. American National Book Award 1972.

_____.  Earthsea. Novel trilogy. 1972.

_____. "The Word for World is Forest." Novella. In Again, Dangerous Visions. Ed. Harlan Ellison. 1972. Book form, 1976. Hugo Awards.

_____. "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omellas." Story. 1973. Hugo Award.

_____.  The Dispossessed. Novel. 1974. Nebula Award.

_____.  Orsinian Tales.  Stories. 1977.

_____.  The Eye of the Heron. Novella. 1978.

_____.  The Wind's Two Quarters.  Short fiction. 1978.

_____. The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction. Ed. Susan Wood. New York: Putnam's, 1979.

_____.  Malafrena.  Novel. 1979.

_____.  Malafrena. Novel.  Trans. Carlos Gardini.  Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Always Coming Home. Novel. New York: Harper and Row, 1985.

Le Queux, William. (1864-1927). (More than 200 vols.?)

Lee, John. Unicorn Quest. Novel.

Leiber, Fritz. "A Pail of Air." Story. 1951. In The Best of Fritz Leiber. London, 1974.

_____. "Nice Girl With Five Husbands." Story. 1951.

_____. The Big Time. Novel.1958. Hugo Award.

_____. The Big Time. (Book form). New York, 1961.

_____. The Wanderer. Novel. 1964. Hugo Award.

_____. Tarzan and the Velley of Gold. Novel. 1966.

_____. "Gonna Roll Them Bones." Story. Hugo Award. In Dangerous Visions. Ed. Halan Ellison. 1967.

_____. "Mysterious Islands." Autobiographical essay. Foundation 11/12 (March 1977).

_____. Changewar. Stories (1958-65). New York, 1983.

Leinster, Murray. "The Runaway Skyscraper." SF story. 1919.

_____. "First Contact." SF story. Astounding (1945).

_____. "The Power." SF story. 1945. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 769-86.*

_____. Colonial Survet. Stories (= Planet Explorer). 1957.

Lem, Stanislaw. Edén. Novel. 1959. Trans. Luis Pastor Puebla. Madrid: Alianza, 1991.*

_____. Solaris. Novel.1961.

_____. Solaris. Novel. 1961. Trans. from the French by Joanna Kilmartin and Steve Cox. Afterword by Darko Suvin. New York: Berkley, 1970.

_____. Solaris. Barcelona: Minotauro.

_____. The Invincible. Novel. 1973. (Written 1964).

_____. His Master's Voice. SF. 1968.

_____. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub. Novel. 1973.

_____. El congreso de futurología. Barcelona: Barral, 1975.

_____. Congreso de futurología. Madrid: Alianza.

_____. Fábulas de robots. Trans. Melitón Bustamante. Barcelona: Guadarrama, 1977. Trans. of Cyberiada.

_____. Ciberíada. Madrid: Alianza.

_____. Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy.  Ed. Franz Rottensteiner. San Diego: Harcourt, 1984.

_____. Fiasco. (Alianza Cuatro 14). Madrid: Alianza.

Le Queux, William. The great War in England in 1897. Novel. 1893.

_____. The Invasion of 1910. Novel.1906.

_____. Tracked by Wireless. Novel.

_____. The Voice from the Void. Novel.

_____. German Atrocities. Non-fiction. 1914.

_____. The Mystery of the Green Ray. SF novel. 1915.

Lessing, Doris. Canopus in Argos. Novel series. New York: Random House-Vintage International.

_____. Re: Colonised Planet 5 Shikasta: Personal, Psychological, Historical Documents Relating to Visit by Johor (George Sherban): Emissary (Grade 9) 87th of the Period of the Last Days. Novel. (Canopus in Argos series). London: Cape, 1978.

_____. The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four, and Five (As narrated by the Chronicles of Zone Three). Novel. (Canopus in Argos series). London: Cape, 1980.

_____. The Sirian Experiment: The Report by Ambien II, of the Five.  Novel. (Canopus in Argos series). London: Cape, 1981.

_____. The Making of the Representative for Planet 8. Novel. (Canopus in Argos series). London: Cape, 1982.

_____. The Making of the Representative for Planet 8. Opera libretto. Music by Philip Glass. (Premiere in Houston).

_____. Documents Relating to the Sentimental Agents of the Volyen Empire. Novel. (Canopus in Argos series). London: Cape, 1983.

Levin, Ira. Rosemary's Baby. Novel. 1967.

_____. The Perfect Day. Novel. 1970.

_____. The Stepford Wives. Novel. 1972.

_____. The Boys from Brazil. 1976.

Lévis (Pierre-Marc, duc de). Les Voyages de Kang-Hi. SF. 1810.

Lewis, Anthony R. "Request for Proposal." SF story. 1972. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 733-46.*

Lewis, Brian.

Lewis, C. S. "Discussion of Science Fiction." Interview with Brian Aldiss. SF Horizons 1 (1964). Rpt. in Lewis, Of Other Worlds.

_____. "On Science Fiction." In Lewis, Of Other Worlds: Essays and Stories. Ed. Walter Hooper. 1966.

_____. Selected Literary Essays. Ed. Walter Hooper. Cambridge, 1969.

_____. Out of the Silent Planet. Novel. 1938.

_____. Perelandra. Novel. 1943.

_____. That Hideous Strength. Novel. 1945.

_____. Selected Literary Essays. Ed. Walter Hooper. Cambridge, 1969.

Lewis, Jack. "Who's Cribbing?" SF story. 1952. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 460-66.*

Lewis, Matthew.

Lewis, Roy. The Evolution Man. SF novel.

Ley, Willy.

Lindner, Robert.

Lindsay, David. A Voyage to Arcturus. Novel. 1920. With a note by E. H. Visiak. London: Gollancz, 1963.


L'Isle-Adam, Villiers de. Contes Cruels.

_____. Cruel Tales. Trans. Robert Baldick. 1963.

_____. L'Eve future. 1886.

Llewellyn, Alun. The Strange Invaders. Novel. 1934.

Locke, John.

Lodge, David.

London, Jack. The People of the Abyss. Novel.

_____. Before Adam. Novel. 1906.

_____. The Iron Heel. SF novel. 1907.

_____. The Scarlet Plague. London Magazine, 28 (June 1912): 513-40.

_____. The Scarlet Plague. American Sunday Monthly (Summer 1913).

_____. The Scarlet Plague. Book form. Macmillan, 1915.

_____. The Scarlet Plague. New York: Arno, 1975.

_____. The Scarlet Plague. Boston: Gregg, 1975.

_____. "The Scarlet Plague." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 486-517.*

_____. The Scarlet Plague (London Magazine, 1912).


_____. "La peste escarlata." In London, Narraciones. Madrid: Alba, 1998. 5-81.*

_____. "The Red One." SF story.

_____. "El Idolo Rojo." In London, Los vagabundos. Madrid: Club Internacional del Libro, 1983. 53-88.*

_____. "The Unparalleled Invasion." Story. 1910. In London, The Strength of the Strong.

_____. "The Unparalleled Invasion." In Wonder-Makers: An Anthology of Classic Science Fiction. Ed. Robert Hoskins. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett, 1972. 152-69.*

_____. The Star Rover. Novel. 1915.

_____. Relatos. Ed. Francisco Cabezas. (Letras Universales). Madrid: Cátedra.

Lindner, Robert. "The Story of Kirk." In Lindner, The Fifty Minute Hour, and Other True Psychoanalytic Tales. New York, 1954.

_____. "The Story of Kirk." In Best Fantasy Stories. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. 1962.

Lindsey, Hal. The Late Great Planet Earth. 1970. (Millennial crank)

_____. The 1980s: Countdown to Armageddon. c. 1980. (Millennial crank).

London, Jack. The Scarlet Plague. 1915. New York: Arno, 1975.

_____. The Scarlet Plague. In The Science Fiction of Jack London. Ed. Richard Gid Powers. Boston: Gregg, 1975. 285-455.

_____. The Science Fiction of Jack London. Ed. Richard Gid Powers. Boston: Gregg, 1975.

Lovecraft, Howard Phillips. "Dagon." Story. 1919.

_____. "Herbert West—Reanimator."

Lovecraft, H. P., and Willis Conover. Lovecraft at Last. Arlington (VA), 1975.

Lowell, Percival. Mars. Non-fiction. 1895.

_____. Mars and Its Canals. Non-fiction. 1906.

Lowndes, Robert A. W.

Lucas, George.

Lucian of Samosata. Icaro-Menippus. Dialogue.

_____. True history.

Ludlam, Harry. Biography of Dracula: The Life History of Bram Stoker. 1962.

Lukács, Georg.

Lundwall, Sam J. Science Fiction: What It's All About. New York, 1971.

_____. Science Fiction: An Illustrated History. 1978.

_____. "Adventures in the Pulp Jungle." Foundation 35 (1985).

Lupoff, Richard A. "Sail the Tide of Mourning." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 993-1005.*

Lynch, David.

Macbeth, George.

MacDonald, George. At the Back of the North Wind. 1871.

_____. Lilith. Novle. 1895.

MacDonald, John D.

Machen, Arthur.

MacLean, Katherine. "Incommunicado." Story. Astounding.

_____. "The Snowball Effect." SF story. Astounding (1952).

Macpherson, James.

Magill, Frank N., ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature. 5 vols. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1980.

Maine, Charles Eric. Spaceways. SF novel. 1953.

_____. The Tide Went Out. SF novel. 1958.

_____. Countdown. SF novel. 1968.

_____. The Mind of Mr Soames. Novel. 1961. Filmed 1969.

_____. The Darkest of Nights. SF novel. (= Survival Margin). 1962.

Malzberg, Barry N. Beyond Apollo. Novel. 1972.

_____. The Men Inside. Novel. 1973.

_____. Hervit's World. Novel. 1973.

_____. "After the Great Space War." SF story. 1974. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 701-8.*

Manabe, Hiroshi.

Mann, Phillip. The Eye of the Queen. Novel. 1982.

_____. Master of Paxwax. Novel. 1986.

_____. The Fall of the Families. Novel. 1987.

Mann, Thomas.

Martin, George R. R. "With Morning Comes Mistfall." Story. Analog (1973).

_____. "A Song for Lya." Story. 1974.

_____. Dying in the Light. Novel. 1977.

_____. Fevre Dream. Novel. 1982.

Martin, George R. R. "The Second Kind of Loneliness." SF story. 1972. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 633-50.*

_____. "Bitterblooms." 1974. Rpt. in Sandkings.

_____. "Sandkings." Novella. 1979. Hugo and Nebula Awards. Rpt. in Sandkings.

_____. "The Way of Cross and Dragon." Story. Hugo Award. Rpt. in Sandkings.

_____. Sandkings. Stories. 1981.

_____. "Blood of the Dragon". Novella. Hugo Award 1997.

Martin, George R. R., and Lisa Tuttle. Windhaven. Novel. 1980.

Masson, David I. "Traveller's Rest." SF story. New Worlds 154 (Sept. 1965).

_____. "Mouth of Hell." SF story. New Worlds (Jan. 1966).

_____. The Caltraps of Time. SF stories. 1968.

Matania, Fortunino.

Matheson, Richard. "Born of Man and Woman." Story. 1950.

_____. Born of Man and Woman. Stories. 1954.

_____. The Shrinking Man. SF novel. 1956.

_____. The Incredible Shrinking Man. Screenplay. 1957.

_____. I Am Legend. Fantasy novel. 1954.

_____. Duel. Film script. Dir. Steven Spielberg, 1971.

_____. Bid Time Return. Fantasy novel. 1975.

Matthey, Hubert.

Maturin, Charles.

May, Julian. (Woman). The Many-Coloured Land. Novel. 1st book of Saga of the Exiles. Novel series.

Mayhar, Ardath. Golden Dream: A Fuzzy Odyssey. Novel.

McCaffrey, Anne. "Weyr Search." Story. 1967. Hugo Award.

_____. "Dragonrider." Story. Nebula Award. 1968.

_____. Dragonflight. Novel. 1968.

_____. Dragonquest. Novel. 1971.

_____. Dragonsong. Children's novel. 1976.

_____. Dragonsinger. Children's novel. 1977.

_____. The White Dragon. Novel. 1978.

_____. Dragondrums. Children's novel. 1979.

_____. Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern. Novel. 1983.

_____. Nerilka's Story. Children's Novel. 1986.

McCarthy, Patrick A. Olaf Stapledon. Boston, 1983.

McCarthy, Shawna.

McComas, J. F.

McDevitt, Jack. The Hercules Text. Novel. 1986.

McEnroe, Richard. Skinner. Novel.

McGahern, John. The Pornographer. Novel. 1979.

McIntosh, J. T. One in Three Hundred. SF novel. 1954.

_____. The Fittest. SF novel. 1955.

McIntyre, Vonda N. "Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand." SF story. 1973. Nebula Award.

_____. The Exile Waiting. SF novel. 1975.

_____. Dreamsnake. SF novel. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978. Hugo and Nebula Awards.

_____. Serpiente del sueño. (Nova ciencia ficción 17). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Fireflood and Other Stories. 1979.

_____. Torrente de fuego y otros relatos. Trans. César Terrón. Barcelona: Edhasa, 1981.*

_____. Superluminal. SF. 1983.

McKiernan, Dennis L. The Dark Tide. Book 1 of the Iron Tower trilogy.

McLuhan, Marshall.

Meadows, A. J. The High Firmament. (Astronomy in Literature). Leicester, 1969.

Melly, George.

Melville, Herman.

Mercier, Louis-Sébastien. L'An deux mille quatre cent quarante, rêve s'il en fut un. Paris, 1771.  (4 eds in 1771).

_____. Year 2440. America, 18th century ed.

Meredith, George. The Shaving of Shagpat. Novel. 1856.

Meredith, Scott.

Merril, Judith. "That Only a Mother." SF story. 1948. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 431-40.*

_____. "The Lonely." SF story. 1963, 1976. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 651-61.*

Merrill, Judith. "What Do You Mean—Science Fiction?" (2). Extrapolation 8.1.

Merritt, Abraham. "The Moon Pool." Story.

_____. "The Conquest of the Moon Pool." Story.

_____. The Ship of Ishtar. Fantasy novel. Serialized in Argosy All-Story.

_____. Seven Footprints to Satan. Fantasy novel.

_____. Dwellers in the Mirage. Fantasy novel.

_____. Burn, Witch, Burn. Fantasy novel.

Merwin, Sam, ed. Thrilling Wonder. Fantasy magazine.

Meyrink, Gustav. Der Golem. Novel. Leipzig, 1915.

Miller, Henry.

Miller, P. Schuyler.

Miller, Walter M., Jr. "Izzard and the Membrane." Story. Astounding.

_____. "Blood Bank." Story. Astounding.

_____. "The Big Hunger." Story. Astounding.

_____. "Anyone Else like Me?" Story. 1952.

_____. "Dumb Waiter." Story. 1952.

_____. "Command Performance." Story. Galaxy Science Fiction (1952). In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 107-25.*

_____. "I Made You." Story. Astounding Science Fiction (1954). In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 485-96.*

_____. "A Canticle for Leibowitz." Novella. Fantasy and Science Fiction (April 1955). Included in A Canticle for Leibowitz.

_____. Cántico por Leibowitz. (Nova ciencia ficción 47). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. "El actor." In Los premios Hugo 1955-1961. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1986. 17-78.*

_____. "And the Light Is Risen." Novella. Fantasy and Science Fiction (August 1956). Included in A Canticle for Leibowitz.

_____. "The Last Chronicle." Novella. Fantasy and Science Fiction (February 1957). Included in A Canticle for Leibowitz.

_____. A Canticle for Leibowitz. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1960.

_____. Conditionally Human. Novellas. 1962.

_____. Condicionalmente humano. Trans. Nestor Dietrich. Barcelona: Edhasa, 1980.*

Mills, Robert P.

Milton, John.

Moers, Ellen. "Female Gothic: The Monster's Mother." New York Review 21 March 1974. Rpt. in Moers, Literary Women.

_____. "Female Gothic." In The Endurance of Frankenstein. Ed. George Levine and V. C. Knoepflmacher. Los Angeles, 1979.

Moorcock, Michael. The Final Programme. Novel. New Worlds (1968).

_____. A Cure for Cancer. Novel. New Worlds (1971).

_____. The English Assassin. Novel. New Worlds (1972).

-- - . The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius. Novel. New Worlds (1976).

_____. The Condition of Muzak. Novel. New Worlds (1977).

_____. "Behold the Man." Novella. New Worlds 166 (Sept. 1966). Nebula prize 1966. Revised as novel: Behold the man.

_____. Gloriana. Novel. 1978.

_____. Byzantium Endures. Novel. 1981.

_____. The Laughter of Carthage. Novel. 1984.

_____. "A New Literature for the Space Age." Editorial. New Worlds 142 (May/June 1964).

_____, ed. New Worlds. SF magazine. (from no. 142, 1964).

Moorcock, Michael, and Langdon Jones, eds. The Nature of the Catastrophe. "Cornelius" anthology. 1971.

Moore, Catherine L. "Shambleau." Story. Weird Tales (1933).

_____. "Greater than Gods." Story. 1939.

_____. The Best of C. L. Moore. 1975.

Moore, Donald L. Mirrors of the Apocalypse. 1978.

Moore, George.

Moore, Ward. Greener Than You Think. SF novel. 1947.

_____. Bring the Jubilee. SF novel. 1953.

More, Marcel. Le très curieux Jules Verne. Paris, 1960.

More, Thomas.

Morel, Dighton. Moonlight Red. SF novel. 1960.

Morgan, Chris. The Shape of Futures Past: The Story of Prediction. Exeter, 1980.

Morgan, Edwin. Star Gate: Science Fiction Poems. Third Eye Centre, 1979

_____. Star Gate. Rpt. in Morgan, Collected Poems. 381-94.*

Morris, Ralph. The Life and Astonishing Adventures of John Daniel. Science fiction. 1751.

Morris, William. The Wood Beyond the World. 1894. New York: Ballantine, 1969.

_____. The Well at the World's End.

_____. The Commonweal. Journal.

Morrow, James. The Wine of Violence. Novel. 1982.

_____. The Continent of Lies. Novel. 1984.

_____. This Is the Way the World Ends. Novel. 1986.

Moskowitz, Sam, ed. Under the Moons of Mars: A History and Anthology of "The Scientific Romance" in the Munsey Magazines, 1912-1920. New York, 1970.

Mújica Laínez, Manuel. The Wandering Unicorn. Novel.

Munro, H. H. When William Came. SF novel. 1914.

Murdoch, Iris.

Murray, Frieda.

Murry, John ("Colin"). (Ps. Richard Cowper). "White Bird of Kinship." Story series.

_____. (as Colin Middleton Murry). One Hand Clapping. Autobiography. 1975.

_____. "Piper at the Gates of Dawn." Story. 1976.

_____. (a Colin Middleton Murry). Shadows in the Grass. Autobiography. 1977.

_____ . Breakthrough. Novel. 1967.

_____. Clone. Novel. 1972.

_____. The Twilight of Briareus. Novel. 1974.

_____. The Road to Corlay. Novel. 1978.

_____. Profundis. Novel. 1979.

_____. "The Custodians." Story. Fantasy and Science Fiction.

_____. "Out There Where the Big Ships go." Story. Fantasy and Science Fiction.

_____. "Incident at Huacaloc." Story. Fantasy and Science Fiction.

_____. "A Rose Is a Rose . . . in Search of Roger Zelazny." Foundation 11/12 (March 1977).

Murry, John Middleton.

Nerval, Gérard de. Selected Writings. Trans. Geoffrey Wagner. 1958.

Nesvadba, Josef. Slenca Golem. Screen play. (= Miss Golem).

_____. In the Footsteps of the Abominable Snowman. Novel. 1970. (= The Lost Face).

Neville, Kris. Bettyann. SF stories. 1970.

Newcomb, Simon. "The End of the World." In The Battle of the Monsters and Other Stories. Ed. David G. Hartwell and L. W. Curredy. Boston: Gregg Press, 1976.

Nicholls, Peter. "Michael Moorcock." In Science Fiction Writers. Ed. E. F. Bleiler.

_____. Rev. of Time Enough for Love. By Robert A. Heinlein. Foundation 7/8 (March 1985).

_____, ed. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. 1979.

_____, ed. Science Fiction at Large. 1976. (=Explorations of the Marvellous).

Nicolson, Marjorie Hope. Voyages to the Moon. New York, 1949.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Thus Spoke Zarathustra. many editions.

Niven, Larry. "Handicap." In Antología de novelas de anticipación (ciencia ficción). Ed. Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carb. 1968. Trans. José Mª Aroca. Barcelona: Acervo, 1970. 293-326.*

_____. World of Ptavvs. Novel. (Known Space series). 1966.

_____. A Gift from Earth. Novel. (Known Space series). 1968.

_____. Neutron Star. Stories. (Known Space series). 1968.

_____. "Estrella de neutrones." In Los premios Hugo 1962-1967. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1987. 317-36.*

_____. The Shape of Space. Stories. (Known Space series). 1969.

_____. Ringworld. Novel. (Known Space series). 1970.

_____. Protector. Novel. (Known Space series). 1973.

_____. The Flight of the Horse. New York: Ballantine, 1973.

_____. "The Theory and Practice of Time Travel." In Looking Ahead: The Vision of Science Fiction. Ed. Dick Allen and Lori Allen. New York: Harcourt, 1975. 363-72.

_____. Tales of Known Space. (Known Space series). 1975.

_____. The Long ARM of Gil Hamilton. Stories. 1976.

_____. The Ringworld Engineers. Novel. (Known Space series).1980.

_____. The Integral Trees. Novel.

Niven, Larry, and Jerry Pournelle. The Mote in God's Eye. SF novel. 1974. London: Futura Publications, 1976.

_____. Inferno. Novel. 1976.

_____. Lucifer's Hammer. Novel. 1977.

_____. Footfall. Novel. 1985.

Norman, John.

Norton, André.

Norwood, Warren. Polar Fleet. Novel.

_____. Final Command. Novel.

Nourse, Alan F. "Counterfeit." Story. Thrilling Wonder (1952).

_____. "Nightmare Brother." Story. Astounding (1953).

Nowlan, Philip Francis. Armageddon 2419 AD. SF. 1928. 1962.

Noyes, Alfred. The Last Man. SF. London: J. Murray, 1940.

Nurse, Patricia. "One Rejection Too Many." SF story. 1978. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 414-17.*

O'Brien, Fitz-James.

O'Donnell, Lawrence. See Kutner, Henry, and Moore, Catherine L.

O'Donnevan, Finn. See Sheckley, Robert.

Oliver, Chad. Shadows in the Sun. SF novel. 1954.

_____. Another Kind. Stories. 1955.

_____. The Shores of Another Sea. SF novel. 1971.

_____. The Edge of Forever. Stories. 1971.

_____. "Blood's a Rover." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 961-92.*

Olsen, Bob.

O'Neill, Joseph. Land under England. Novel. 1935. Introd. Anthony Storr. 1978.

O'Neill, Joseph. Day of Wrath. SF. London: V. Gollancz, 1936.

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine. Anonymous political pamphlet. 1819.

Orban, Paul.

O'Reilly, Timothy. (On Gordon R. Dickson). In Survey of Science Fiction Literature. Ed. Frank Magill. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), 1980.

Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four. SF novel. London: Secker, 1949.

_____. 1984. New York: Harcourt, 1949.

_____. 1984. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1949.

_____. Nineteen Eighty-Four. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1954. 1984.

_____. 1984. German translation. Zurich, 1950.

_____. 1984. German trans. Kurt Wagenseil. Frankfurt/M: Ullstein, 1984.*


Ovington, John.

Padgett, Lewis. See Kuttner, Henry, and Moore, Catherine L.

Pal, George.

Palumbo, Donald. "Lovint that Machine: or, The Mechanical Egg, Sexual Mechanisms, and Metaphors in Science Fiction Films." In The Mechanical God: Machines in Science Fiction. Ed. Thomas P. Dunnn and Richard D. Erlich. Westport (CT), 1982.

Paltock, Robert.

Pangborn, Edgar. A Mirror for Observers. Novel. 1955.

_____. Davy. Novel. 1964.

_____. The Company of Glory. Novel. Galaxy (1974).

_____. Still I Persist in Wondering. Stories. 1978.

_____. The Atlantean Nights Entertainment. Novel. 1980.

Panshin, Alexei. Rite of Passage. SF novel. 1968.

_____. Heinlein in Dimension: A Critical Analysis. Chicago, 1968.

-- -. The Thurb Revolution. Novel. 1968.


Partington, Charles, ed. Something Else. SF magazine.

Paul, Frank R.

Peacock, Thomas Love. Headlong Hall. 1816.

_____. Gryll Grange. 1861.

Peake, Mervyn. Titus Groan. Gormenghast. Titus Alone. Novel trilogy. 1946-1959.

Peary, Danny. Omni's Screen Flights/Screen Fantasies. 1984.

Pennington, Bruce.

Pfeil, Donald F., ed. Vertex. SF magazine. 1973-75. (16 issues).

Philmus, Robert M. Into the Unknown: The Evolution of Science Fiction from Francis Godwin to H. G. Wells. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1970. (Ch 4, R. L. Stevenson).

Pierce, Meredith Ann. A Gathering of Gargoyles. Novel.

Piercy, Marge. Woman on the Edge of Time. Novel.1976.

Piper, H. Beam. "Temple Trouble." 1951.

_____. Ullr Uprising. Novel. 1953.

_____. "Omnilingual." Story. 1957.

_____. Little Fuzzy. Novel. 1962.

_____. Fuzzy Sapiens. Novel. (= The Other Human Race).

_____. Space Viking. Novel. 1963.

_____. Fuzzies and Other People. (posth.).

_____. Federation. Introd. John F. Carr. New York, 1981.

_____. "He Walked Around the Horses." SF story. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 747-68.*

Pirandello, Luigi.

Plank, Robert. "Omnipotent Cannibals: Thoughts on Reading Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land." Riverside Quarterly 5.1.

Poe, Edgar Allan. Tales of Grotesque and Arabesque. 1840.

_____. The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. Harold Beaver. 1976.

Pohl, Frederick. Man Plus. Novel.

_____. "The Midas Plague." Story. 1954.

_____. "The Tunnel Under the World." Story. Galaxy Science Fiction (1954). In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 337-69.*

_____. "I Plingot, Who You?" SF story. 1958. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 324-50.*

_____. Turn Left at Thursday. Stories. 1961.

_____. The Man Who Ate the World. Stories. 1960.

_____. Day Million. Stories. 1970.

_____. "The Gold at the Starbow's End." Novella. 1972.

_____. "The Problem Pit." Story. Fantasy and Science Fiction (Special Pohl issue, 1973).

_____. Man Plus. Novel. 1976. Nebula award.

_____. Gateway. Novel. 1977.

_____. Jem: The Making of a Utopia. Novel. 1979.

_____. Beyond the Blue Event Horizon. Novel. 1980.

_____ . The Cool War. Novel. 1980.

_____ . Syzygy. Novel. 1981.

_____. Starburst. Novel. 1982.

_____. The Way the Future Was. Memoir. New York, 1978.

_____. Midas World. Novel. 1983.

_____. Heechee Rendezvous. Novel. 1984.

_____. The Merchants' war. Novel. 1985.

_____. The Coming of the Quantum Cats. Novel. Analog (Janary - April 1986).

_____. Mineros del Oort. (Nova ciencia ficción 62). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. El mundo al final del tiempo. (Nova ciencia ficción 49). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. The Annals of the Heechee. SF. 1987.

Pohl, Frederick, and Cyril M. Kornbluth. Gravy Planet. SF novel. Galaxy (1952). In book form: The Space Merchants. 1953.

_____. Mercaderes del espacio. Barcelona: Minotauro.

_____. "Gladiator-at-Law. Novel. Galaxy.

_____. Wolfbane. SF novel. Galaxy (1957). Book form 1959.

_____. Search the Sky. Novel. .

Pohl, F., and J. Williamson. The Reefs of Space. SF. 1963.

Polidori, John.

Pournelle, Jerry. (John W. Campbell Award 1973). Escape from the Planet of the Apes. Novelization of film. 1973.

_____. The Mercenary. Novel. 1977.

_____. Janissaries. Novel. 1980.

Powers, Richard.

Powers, Tim. The Skies Discrowned. Novel. 1976. Rewritten as Forsake the Sky. 1986.

_____. Epitaph in Rust. Novel. 1976.

_____. The Drawing of the Dark. Novel. 1979.

_____. The Anubis Gates. Novel. 1983.

_____. Dinner at Deviant's Palace. Novel. 1985.

Powys, John Cowper. A Glastonbury Romance. 1932.

_____. Up and Out. Fantasy. 1957.

Pratt, Fletcher.

Preuss, Paul. Broken Symmetries. Novel. 1983.

Priest, Christopher. "The Run." Story. Impulse (1966).

_____. Indoctrinaire. Novel. 1970.

_____. Fugue for a Darkening Island. Novel. 1972.

_____. Inverted World. Novel. 1974.

_____. The Space Machine. Novel. 1976.

_____. An Infinite Summer. Stories. 1979.

_____. The Affirmation. Novel. 1981.

_____. The Glamour. Novel. 1984.

Priestley, J. B. Time and the Conways. Drama. 1937.

_____. I Have Been Here Before. Drama. 1938.

Quinn, Patrick F. "The French Response to POe." In Poe: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Robert Regan. Englewod Cliffs (NJ): Prentice, 1967.

Rabkin, Eric S. Fantastic Worlds: Myths, Tales, and Stories. 1979.

_____. The Fantastic in Literature. Princton (NJ), 1976.

Rackham, John.

Radcliffe, Ann. Romano Castle: or, The Horrors of the Forest. Romance.

Radford, Michael.

Raknem, Ingvald. H. G. Wells and His Critics. Oslo, 1962.

Raymond, Alex.

Reade, Charles.

Reade, Frank.

Reade, Winwood. Martyrdom of Man.

Réage, Pauline.

Reed, Kit. Armed Camps. Novel. 1969.

_____. Mister da V and Other Stories. 1967.

_____ . The Killer Mice. Stories. 1976.

_____. The Revenge of the Senior Citizens **Plus. Stories. 1986.

Rees, Richard. George Orwell: Fugitive from the Camp of Victory. 1961.

Reginald, R., and Douglas Menvilles, series eds. "Lost Race and Adult Fantasy Fiction." 69 vols. Arno Press, 197-.

Rennie, Michael.

Restif de la Bretonne. Monsieur Nicolas: or The Human Heart Laid Bare. Ed. and trans. Robert Baldick. 1966.

_____. La Découverte australe, par un homme-volant. 4 vols. Paris, 1781.

Reynolds, Mack.

Rhinehart, Luke. The Dice Man. Novel.

Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich. Leben des Quintus Fizlein. 1796.

Robert, Marthe. Franz Kafka's Loneliness. 1982.

Roberts, J. M. The Triumph of the West. Non-fiction. 1985.

Roberts, Keith. Anita story series. 1970.

_____. Pavane. Novel. Impulse. (1966-). London: Gollancz, 1984.

_____. The Chalk giants. Novel. 1974.

 _____. The Grain Kings. Stories. 1976.

_____. Molly Zero. 1980.

_____. Kiteworld. Novel. 1985.

Roberts, Murray. See Robert Murray Graydon.

Robida, Albert. La guerre au vingtième siècle. 1887.

_____. La Vie électrique.

Robinson, Frank. The Power. Novel. 1956. Filmed by George Pal and Byron Haskin, 1967).

Robinson, Jeanne.

Robinson, Kim Stanley. "Black Air." Novella. 1984.

_____ . The Wild shore. Novel. Ace Books, 1984.

_____. Icehenge. Novel. 1984.

_____ -. The Memory of Whiteness. Novel. 1985.

Robinson, Spider, and Jeanne Robinson. "Stardance." Story. 1977. Hugo and Nebula awards.

Rogers, Alva. A Requiem for 'Astounding'. Chicago, 1964.

Rogers, Hubert.

Rohmer, Sax.

Roppolo, Joseph Patrick. "Meaning and 'The Masque of the Red Death'." Tulane Studies in English 12 (1963).

Rosenberg, Joel. The Silver Crown. Guardians of the Flame trilogy, book 3.

Roshvald, Mordecai. Level Seven. SF novel. London: Heinemann, 1959. (Nuclear war, apocalypse)

_____. A Small Armageddon. SF. 1962.

Rosny, J.-H. Nell Horn. 1886.

_____. Les Xipéhuz. 1887.

_____. Daniel Valgraive. 1891.

_____. Vamireh. 1892.

_____. (J.-H. Rosny aîné). The Quest for Fire. Novel. 1901, trans. 1967. filmed as Quest for Fire, 1981.

_____. La Guerre du Feu. 1911.

_____. La guerra del fuego. Barcelona: Salvat.

_____. La Mort de la terre. 1912.

_____. (J.-H. Rosny aîné). The giant Cat. 1918. (Novel on prehistory).

_____. (J.-H. Rosny aîné). "Another World." Trans. Damon Knight. In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 539-57.* (Mutant).

Rostand, Edmond.

Rottensteiner, Franz.

Rousseau, Victor.

Rucker, Rudy. Spacetime Donuts. Novel. Unearth (1978). Book form 1981.

_____. White Light. Novel. 1980.

_____. Software. Novel. 1982.

_____. "Message found in a Copy of Flatland." In The 57th Franz Kafka. New York, 1983.

_____. The Fourth Dimension. Mathematics. 1984.

Rudolf, Anthony.Byron's Darkness: Lost Summer and Nuclear Winter. Menard Press, 1984.

Ruh, A. K. Guirlanden um die Urnen der Zukunft. SF. 1800.

Rushdie, Salman. Grimus. Novel. 1975.

Russ, Joanna. "Bluestocking." Story. 1967. Rpt. in The Adventures of Alyx.

_____. Picnic on Paradise. Novel. 1968. Included in The Adventures of Alyx.

_____. The Adventures of Alyx. Stories. 1983.

_____. "When It Changed." Story. 1972.

_____. (On Roger Zelazny). Fantasy and Science Fiction (January 1968).

Russell, Bertrand.

Russell, Eric Frank. Sinister Barrier. SF Novel. Unknown (1943).

_____. "And Then There Were None." Story. Astounding.

_____. "Metamorphosite." Story. 1946.

_____. Call Him Dead. Novel. Astounding Science Fiction (1955). Published in book form as Three to Conquer. 1956.

Russell, Ray. "Space Opera." SF story. 1961. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 418-25.*

Ryman, Geoff.

Sade. Justine. 1791.

Sadoul, Jacques.

Sagan, Carl. Contact. Novel. 1985.

Saintsbury, George. The English Novel.

St Clair, Margaret. S

Sallis, James.

Sambrot, William. "The Invasion of the Terrible Titans." SF story. 1959. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 426-30.*

Sapiro, Leland. "The Mystic Renaissance: A Survey of F. Orlin Tremaine's Astounding Stories." Riverside Quarterly 2.2-4.

Sargent, Pamela. Shore of Women. Novel. 1986.

Saxton, Josephine. Group Feast. Novel. 1971.

_____. "Lover from Beyond the Dawn of Time." Story. In Saxton, The Power of Time.

_____. The Power of Time. Stories. 1985.

Scarborough, John. (On Stanislaw Lem.) In Science Fiction Writers. Ed. E. F. Bleiler. New York, 1982.

Schenck, Hilbert. "Three Days at the End of the World." SF story. Fantasy and Sceince Fiction (1977).

_____. At the Eye of the Ocean. SF novel. 1981.

_____. A Rose for Armageddon.. SF. 1982.

Schiaparelli, G. V.

Schmidt, Stanley.

Schmitz, James H. "Space Fear." Story. Astounding.

_____. "Grandpa." Story.

Schmoo. See Merritt, Abraham.

Schneeman, Charles.

Schoenherr, John.

Schomburg, Alex.

Schopenhauer, Arthur.

Science Fiction Studies. Journal.

Scott, Melissa. Five Twelfths of Heaven. SF. 1985.

Scott, Ridley.

Scientology. See Hubbard, L. Ron.

Seabright, Idris. See Margaret S. St Clair

Searles, Baird.

Sekeley, Steve, dir. The Day of the Triffids. 1963.

Sellings, Arthur.

Senarens, Luis Philip. (d. 1939). The Steam Man of the Plains. SF. 1876.

Serviss, Garrett P. The Second Deluge. 1912.

Shanks, Edward. The People of the Ruins. SF novel. 1920.

Shaver, Richard.

Shaw, Bob. Orbitsville. Novel. 1975.

_____. Orbitsville Departure. Novel. 1983.

_____. Nightwalk. Novel. 1967.

_____. Two-Timers. Novel. 1968.

_____. A Wreath of Stars. Novel. 1976.

_____. The Ragged Astronauts. Novel. 1986.

Shaw, George Bernard. Back to Methuselah. Drama. 1921.

Shea, Michael. A Quest for Simbilis. Novel. 1974.

_____. Nifft the Lean. Novel. 1982.World Fantasy Award.

Sheckley, Robert. Dimension of Miracles. Science fiction.

_____. "Diplomatic Immunity." Story. 1953.

_____. "Keep Your Shape." Story. 1953.

_____. "Trap." Story. (Ps. Finn O'Donnevan). Galaxy (February 1956). In Pilgrimage to Earth. New York, 1957.

_____. "Specialist." Story.

_____. "Pilgrimage to Earth." Story.

_____. "Ask a Foolish Question." Story.

_____. "A Ticket to Tranai." Story.

_____. "The Story of the Worlds." Story.

_____. Immortality Inc. Novel. 1959.

_____. Journey Beyond Tomorrow. Novel. 1963.

_____. Mindswap. Novel. 1966.

_____. Dimension of Miracles. Novel. 1968.

_____. "Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?" 1969. SF story. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 75-85.*

_____. Options. Novel. 1975.

_____. The Alchemical Marriage of Alastair Crompton. Novel. (= Crompton Divided, USA). 1978.

_____. Dramocles. Novel. 1983.

Sheldon, Alice Hastings. (Ps. James Tiptree Jr). "The Girl Who Always Plugged In." Story. 1973. Hugo Award.

_____. "Love Is the Plan, the Plan Is Death." Story. 1973. Nebula Award. Rpt. in Sheldon, Ten Thousand Light Years from Home.

_____. "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" Story. 1976. Hugo and Nebula Award.

_____. "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" 1976, 1978. SF story. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 116-73*

_____. (Ps. Raccoona Sheldon). "The Screwfly Solution." Stoyr. 1977. Nebula Award.

_____. 'And I Awoke and Found Me on the Cold Hill's Side." Story.

_____. "Painwise." Story.

_____. "Faithful to Thee, Terra, In Our Fashion." Story.

_____. Ten Thousand Light Years from Home. Stories. 1973.

_____. Warm Worlds and Otherwise. Stories. 1975.

_____. Star Songs of an Old Primate. Stories. 1978.

_____. Up the Walls of the World. Novel. 1978.

_____. Brightness Falls from the Arr. (Sic?). Novel. 1985.

Shelley, Mary. (Anon.). (Anon.). Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus. Novel. 3 vols. London: Printed for Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones, 1818.

_____. Frankenstein. 2nd ed. "new edition." 2 vols. London, 1823.

_____. Frankenstein. 3rd ed. "Revised, with introduction." (Bentley's Standard Novels 9). London: Colburn and Bentley, 1831.

_____. Frankenstein. (Everyman's Library, 616). London: Dent; New York: Dutton.

_____. Frankenstein. Ed. R. E. Dowse and D. J. Palmer. (Everyman's Library). London: Dent, 1963.

_____. Frankenstein. Afterword by Harold Bloom. New York: Signet, 1965.

_____. Frankenstein. Ed. P. Fairclough. Introd. Mario Praz. In Three Gothic Novels. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

_____. Frankenstein. (1818 text). Ed. J. Rieger. (Library of Literature). 1974.

_____. Frankenstein. New York: Modern Library, 1984.

_____. Frankenstein. Ed. M. K. Joseph. (Oxford English Novels series). Oxford: Oxford UP 1969.

_____. Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus. Ed. M. K. Joseph. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1980.*

_____. Frankenstein: Or, The Modern Prometheus. Ed. James Kinsley and M. K. Joseph. Oxford: Oxford UP.

_____. Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus. Ed. Maurice Hindle. London: Penguin, 1992.*

_____. Frankenstein: Complete, Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts, Critical History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical Perspectives. Ed. Johanna M. Smith. (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism). Boston: Bedford Books of St Martin's Press, 1992.*

_____. Frankenstein. Ed. Johanna Smith. 2nd ed. (Case Studies in Contemporary Criticism). Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.*

_____. Frankenstein: Or Modern Prometheus: The 1818 Text. (Pickering Women's Classics Series). London: William Pickering, 1993.

_____. Frankenstein. Introd. Marilyn Butler. William Pickering, 1993.*

_____. Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus: The 1818 Text. Ed. Marilyn Butler. 1993. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.*

_____. Frankenstein. Ware: Wordsworth.

_____. Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus. London: Everyman, 1994.

_____. Frankenstein. Ed. J. Paul Hunter. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1996.*

_____. From Frankenstein. In The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and Thomas Healy. London: Arnold, 1997. 781-97.*

_____. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. (J. Paul Hunter's 1818 text). In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 905-1034.*

_____. Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. Online at Project Gutenberg.


_____. Frankenstein. (Spanish trans.). Nova Dell.

_____. Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo. Trans. Francisco Torres Oliver. Madrid: Alianza, 1981.

_____. Frankenstein. (Tus Libros, 24). Ed. and trans. María Engracia Pujals. Illust. Miguel Rodríguez Cerro. Madrid: Anaya, 1982. 2nd ed. 1984. 3rd ed. 1987. 4th ed. 1989. 5th ed. 1991. 6th ed. 1993. 7th ed. 1994. 8th ed. 1995. 9th ed. 1997.*

_____. Frankenstein. Ed. Isabel Burdiel.

_____. (Anon.). The Last Man. By the Author of Frankenstein. In Three Volumes. London: Henry Colburn, 1826.

_____. The Last Man. London: Henry Colburn, 1826.

_____. The Last Man. Paris: Galignani, 1826.

_____. The Last Man. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, and Blanchard, 1833.

_____. The Last Man. Introd. Brian Aldiss. London: Hogarth, 1985.

_____. The Last Man. Introd. Anne K. Mellor. Ed. Hugh M. Luke, Jr. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1993.*

_____. The Last Man. Ed. Morton D. Paley. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994.*

_____. The Last Man. Ed. Anne McWhir. Ontario: Broadview Press, 1996.

_____. El último hombre. Ed. Antonio Ballesteros. (Clásicos de la Literatura). Madrid: Akal, 2020.

_____. "Consecuencias económicas de la pandemia." From The Last Man. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 29 July 2020.*


_____. "Economic Consequences of the Pandemic." From The Last man. Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 29 July 2020.*


_____. "Voice to the Soundless Thought." From The Last Man. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 2 August 2020.*


_____. "The Dramatis Personae of Active Life." From The Last Man. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 29 July 2020.*


_____. My Best Mary. (Selected works). .Ed. Muriel Spark and D. Stanford. 1953.

_____. El Mortal Inmortal y otras fantasías góticas. Ed. Agustín Izquierdo. Trans. Elías Sarhan. Madrid: Valdemar, 1994.*

_____. The Mary Shelley Reader. Ed. Betty T. Bennett and Charles E. Robinson. New York: Oxford UP, 1991.

_____. The Novels and Selected Works of Mary Shelley. (2 vols. ed. by Pamela Clemit, forthcoming 1994).

Shepard, Lucius. "Solitario's Eyes." Story. 1983.

_____. Green Eyes. Novel. Ace Books, 1984?

_____. "A Traveller's Tale." Story. 1984. Rpt. in The Jaguar Hunter.

_____. "Salvador." Story. 1984.

_____. "A Spanish Lesson." Story. 1985.

_____. The Jaguar Hunter. Stories. 1987.

Sherriff, R. C. The Hopkins Manuscript. Novel. 1939.

_____. Journey's End. Novel.

Shiel, Matthew Phipps. (1865-1947). The Yellow Danger. Novel. 1898.

_____. The Purple Cloud. Novel. 1901. Introd. David G. Hartwell. Greg Press, 1977.

_____. Lord of the Sea. Novel. 1901.

Shippey, T. A. The Road to Middle Earth. (Tolkien). 1982.

Shirer, William L. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

Shute, Nevil. No Highway. Novel.

_____. On the Beach. Novel.

_____. In the Wet. Novel.

Siegel, Don.

Silverberg, Robert (Bob Silverberg). "Cosmic Conflagration." Fantastic Worlds 2 (Spring 1954).

_____. "Why?" SF story. 1957. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 86-100.*

_____. Thorns. Novel. 1967.

_____. Hawksbill Station. Novel. 1968. (= The Anvil of Time).

_____. "Estación Hawksbill." In Antología de novelas de anticipación (ciencia ficción). Ed. Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carb. 1968. Trans. José Mª Aroca. Barcelona: Acervo, 1970. 177-232.*

_____. The Masks of Time. Novel. 1968. (= Vornan-19).

_____. "Nightwings." Novella. Galaxy (Sept. 1968). Included in Nightwings.

_____. "Perris Way." Novella. (='Among the Rememberers."). Galaxy (1968?). Included in Nightwings.

_____. "To Jorslem." Novella (= "The Road to Jorslem"). Galaxy (February 1969). Included in Nightwings.

_____. The Man in the Maze. 1969.

_____. El hombre en el laberinto. Trans. Beatriz Podestá. Barcelona: Bruguera, 1976.*

_____. Nightwings. Novel. 1969.

_____. Alas nocturnas.  Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Up the Line. Novel. 1969.

_____. Downward to the Earth. Novel. 1970.

_____. Tower of Glass. Novel. 1970.

_____. The World Inside. Novel. 1971.

_____. A Time of Changes. Novel. 1971. Nebula Award.

_____. "Tissue." In Again, Dangerous Visions. Ed. Harlan Ellison. New York, 1972.

_____. "When We Went to See the End of the World." SF story. In Universe 2. Ed. Terry Carr. London: Dennis Dobson, 1972.

_____. Dying Inside. SF novel. 1972.

_____. Time Enough for Love. Novel. 1973.

_____. "Born with the Dead." Novella. Fantasy and Science Fiction (April 1974). Special Robert Silverberg issue. Rpt. in Born with the Dead.

_____. Born with the Dead. Novellas. 1975.

_____.  In Hell's Cartographers. Ed. Aldiss and Harrison. 1975.

_____. The Stochastic Man. Novel. 1975.

_____. Dying Inside. Novel. 1972. New York: Ballantine, 1976.

_____. Shadrach in the Furnace. Novel. 1976.

_____. The Time Hoppers. Novel. 1967.

_____. Lord Valentine's Castle. Novel. 1980.

_____. Valentine Pontifex. Novel. 1983.

_____. The World Inside. Novel.

_____. A través de un millón de años.  Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Al final del invierno.  (Nova ciencia ficción 25). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____.  "Una larga vigilia en el templo." Story. In Homenaje a Tolkien: 19 relatos fantásticos. Ed. Martin H. Greenberg. Barcelona: Ceac-Timun Mas, 1996. 1.55-76.*

_____. "Sundance." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 683-93.* (Genocide).

_____.  "In Another Country."

_____. "In the Group."

Simak, Clifford. "The World of the Red Sun." Story. 1931.

_____. City. Story series. Astounding (1940s.). New ed. in book form, 1973.

_____. Ring Around the Sun. Novel. Galaxy (1952-53).

_____. "Here Gather the Stars." Story. Galaxy. As novel: Way Station. 1963. Hugo Award.

_____. All Flesh Is Grass. Novel. 1965.

_____. Why Call Them Back from Heaven. Novel. 1967.

_____. The Goblin Reservation. Novel. 1968.

_____. "Grotto of the Dancing Deer." Story. Analog (1980).

Sinclair, Upton.

Skinner, B. F. Walden Two. Utopian novel. 1948.

Sladek, John. The Reproductive System. Novel. (US = Mechasm). 1968.

_____. The Müller-Fokker Effect. Novel. 1970.

_____. Roderick: or, The Education of a Young Machine. Novel. 1980.

_____. Roderick at Random: or, Further Education of a Young Machine. Novel. 1983.

Smith, Clark Ashton. "The Weird of Avoosee Wuthoqquan." Story.

_____. "The Abomination of Yondo." Story.

_____. "The City of the Singing Flame." Story. 1931.

Smith, Cordwainer. "Drunkboat." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 518-38.*

_____. Norstrilia. SF novel. 1975.

_____. (SF collection). 1975.

_____. Los Señores de la Instrumentalidad I. (Nova ciencia ficción 37). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. Los Señores de la Instrumentalidad II? (Nova ciencia ficción 38). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. En busca de tres mundos. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. Los Señores de la Instrumentalidad III. (Nova ciencia ficción 59). Barcelona: Ediciones B.

_____. The Rediscovery of Man. Complete SF stories. 1993.

Smith, Edward E. ("Doc"). The Gray Lensman series: Triplanetary, First Lensman, Galactic Patrol, Gray Lensman, Second Stage Lensman, Children of the Lens.

_____. The Skylark of Space. Novel. Amazing Stories (1928).

_____. Triplanetary. Novel. Amazing Stories (1934).

_____. Second Stage Lensman. Novel. Astounding (1941).

_____. El espía interplanetario.  (Joyas de Bolsillo, 354). Mexico: Novaro, 1969. Trans. of Second Stage Lensman.

_____. Children of the Lens. Novel. Astounding (1947).

_____. Skylark DuQuestne. Novel.  Worlds of If (1965).

Smith, George O. "Venus Equilateral" story series.

_____. "The Impossible Pirate." Story. Astounding Science Fiction (December 1946).

Smith, Jeffrey D.

Snow, C. P. The New Men. Novel.

Sontag, Susan. "The Imagination of Disaster." In Science Fiction: the Future. Ed. Dick Allen. New York, 1971.

Southwold, Stephen. ("Miles"). The Gas War of 1940. SF. London: Scholartis Press, 1931.

Southerington, F. R. Hardy's Vision of Man. 1971.

Southwold, Stephen. The Seventh Bowl. Novel. 1930.

_____. ("Miles"). The Gas War of 1940. SF. London: Scholartis Press, 1931.

Spark, Muriel. Child of Light. 1951. Rev. as Mary Shelley. New York, 1987.

Spengler, Oswald.

Spielberg, Steven.

Spinrad, Norman. "Carcinoma Angels." Story. In Dangerous Visions. Ed. Harlan Ellison. 1967.

_____. Bug Jack Barron. Novel. New Worlds (1968).

_____. The Iron Dream. Novel. 1972.

Squire, J. C., ed. If It Had Happened Otherwise. 1931. (USA: If: of History Rewritten). SF collection.

Stableford, Brian. Scientific Romance in Britain, 1890-1950. 1985. (fowler Wright, J. D. beresford, Neil Bell, John Gloag, Guy Dent).

Stableford, Brian, and David Langford. The Third Millennium: A History of the World, AD 2000-3000. 1985.

Stapledon, Olaf. "The Splendid Race." Essay. The Old Abbotsholmian 2.8 (1908): 212-16. (Eugenics).

_____. "The Splendid Race." In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 145-47.*

_____. "Star Worship." Poem. Poetry and the Play 9 (July-Sept. 1926): 527.

_____. "Metaphysical Posters." Poems. Some pub. in Last Men in London.

_____. Poems from Metaphysical Posters. Unpublished collection. ("Poem 2 from 'First Volley: Astronomical'; Poem 15 from 'First Volley: Astronomical'; Poem 17 from 'First Volley, Astronomical'; Poem 1 from 'The Nether Worlds'). 304-7.*

_____. "Thoughts on the Modern Spirit." Essay. Written c. 1928. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 148-62.*

_____. "Mr. Bertrand Russell's Ethical Beliefs." International Journal of Ethics 37 (July 1927): 390-402.

_____. A Modern Theory of Ethics: A Study of the Relations of Ethics and Psychology. London: Methuen, 1929.

_____. Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future. Novel. London: Methuen, 1930.

_____. Last and First Men. (Pelican books). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1939.

_____. Last and First Men and Star Maker: Two Science Fiction Novels. New York: Dover, 1968.*

_____. Last and First Men. Afterword by Doris Lessing. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1988.

_____. "The Flying Men." From Last and First Men. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 3-10.*

_____. "The Remaking of Man." BBC broadcast 2 April 1931. Pub. The Listener 8 April 1931: 575-76.

_____. "The Remaking of Man." In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 163-69.*

_____. "Two Letters to H. G. Wells." (16 Oct. 1931, 16 Nov. 1939). In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 279, 280.*

_____. "Problems and Solutions, or the Future." In An Outline for Boys and Girls and Their Parents. Ed. Naomi Mitchison. London: Gollancz, 1932. 691-749.

_____. Last Men in London. Novel. London: Methuen, 1932.

_____. "Nutrition." From Last Men in London. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 11-13.*

_____. "Paul's Changing World." From Last Men in London. 1932. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 247-49.*

_____. "The Story of John." First draft of Odd John, discarded from Last Men in London. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader.Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 1997.14-22.*

_____. Odd John: A Story between Jest and Earnest. Novel. London: Methuen, 1935.

_____. Odd John and Sirius: Two Science-Fiction Novels. New York: Dover, 1972.

_____. "Mr. Wells Calls in the Martians." Rev. of Star-Begotten. London Mercury 36 (July 1937): 295-96.

_____. Untitled essay ["On Cultural Diversity"]. Personal View Column. Manchester Evening News 20 August 1937: 8.

_____. Star Maker. SF novel. London: Methuen, 1937.

_____. Star Maker. In Last and First Men and Star Maker: Two Science Fiction Novels. New York: Dover, 1968.*

_____. Hacedor de Estrellas. Prologue by Jorge Luis Borges. Buenos Aires: Minotauro, 1965.

_____. Hacedor de estrellas. Barcelona: Minotauro, 1985.

_____. Hacedor de Estrellas. PDF. Utópika, 2002.*


_____. Hacedor de estrellas. Online downloadable texts. Fiuxy! 4 Feb. 2011.*


_____. "Nautiloids." From Star Maker. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 22-27.*

_____. "Science, Art and Society." London Mercury 38 (Oct. 1938): 521-28.

_____. "But To-Day the Struggle." Rev. of Studies in a Dying Culture. By Christopher Caudwell. London Mercury 39 (Jan. 1939): 348-49.

_____. "Be Absolute." Poem. Adelphi 15 (Sept 1939): 571.

_____. "Escapism in Literature." Scrutiny 8 (Dec. 1939): 298-308.

_____. "Federalism and Socialism." In Federal Union: A Symposium. Ed. M. Chaning-Pearce. London: Jonathan Cape, 1940. 115-29.

_____. "Paradox." Poem. Adelphi (1940).

_____. "Some Thoughts on H. G. Wells's You Can't Be Too Careful." In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 203-5.*

_____. "Two Letters to Naomi Mitchison." (10 July 1940, 10 June 1944). In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 281-82, 282-83.*

_____. "Escapism in Literature." Scrutiny. (c. 1940). In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 188-97.*

_____. "Literature and the Unity of Man." Address to the PEN Congress, 1941. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 197-202.*

_____. Beyond the "Isms." (Searchlight Books, 16). London: Secker and Warburg,  1942.

_____. Darkness and the Light. Novel.. London: Methuen, 1942.

_____. "The Reign of Darkness." From Darkness and the Light. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 28-41.*

_____. "Some Thoughts on H. G. Wells's You Can't Be Too Careful." Review. Plan (Journal of the Progressive League) (1942).

_____. "Literature and the Unity of Man." In Writers in Freedom: A Symposium. Ed. Hermon Ould. London: Hutchinson, 1942. 113-19.

_____. "Sketch-Map of Human Nature." Philosophy 17 (July 1942): 210-30.

_____. "What Are 'Spiritual' Values?"  In Freedom of Expression: A Symposium. Ed. Hermon Ould. London: Hutchinson, 1942.

_____. "Old Man in a New World." Utopian story. Written c. 1943. (P.E.N. Books). London: Allen & Unwin, 1944.

_____. "Old Man in New World." In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 42-59.*

_____. "Some Thoughts on H. G. Wells's 'You Can't Be Too Careful'." Plan  9 (Aug. 1942): 1-2.

_____. Sirius: A Fantasy of Love and Discord. Novel. London: Secker and Warburg, 1944.

_____. Sirius. In Odd John and Sirius: Two Science-Fiction Novels. New York: Dover, 1972.

_____. "Sirius at Cambridge." From Sirius. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 60-70.*

_____. "The Great Certainty." In In Search of Faith: A Symposium. Ed. Ernest W. Martin. London: Lindsay Drummond, 1944. 37-59.

_____. "Social Implications of Atomic Power." The Norseman 3 (Nov.-Dec. 1945): 390-93.

_____. "Social Implications of Atomic Power." In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 206-10.*

_____. Death Into Life. Fantasy fiction. London: Methuen, 1946.

_____. "Time and Eternity." From Death into Life. 1946. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 263-66.*

_____. "The Peak and the Town." Written c. 1946. 1st pub. in Olaf Stapledon: A Bibliography. By Harvey J. Satty and Curtis C. Smith.

_____. "The Peak and the Town." In Olaf Stapledon: A Bibliography. Ed. Harvey J. Satty and Curtis C. Smith. Westport (CT): Greenwood, 1984. xxvii-xxxviii.

_____. "The Peak and the Town." In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 131-41.*

_____. "A World of Sound." In Hotch-Potch. Ed. John Brophy. Liverpool: Council of the Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital, 1946. 243-51.

_____. "A World of Sound." In Far Future Calling: Uncollected Science Fiction and Fantasies of Olaf Stapledon. Ed. Sam Moskowitz. Philadelphia: Oswald Train, 1979.

_____. The Flames: A Fantasy. London: Secker and Warburg, 1947.

_____. "The Flames: A Fantasy." Novella. 1947. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 71-123.*

_____. "Data for a World View: 1. The Human Situation and Natural Science." Enquiry 1 (April 1948): 13-18.

_____. "Data for a World View: 2. Paranormal Experiences." Enquiry 1 (July 1948): 13-18.

_____. "Interplanetary Man?" Address to the British Interplanetary Society, 1948. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 7 (Nov. 1948): 212-33. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 218-41.*

_____. "Ethical Values Common to East and West" and "From England." In Speaking of Peace. Ed. Daniel Gillmor. New York: National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, 1949. 119-21, 130-31.

_____. "The Man Who Became a Tree." Story. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 124-30.*

_____. "Letters to the Future." Ed. Robert Crossley. In The Legacy of Olaf Stapledon. Ed. Patrick A. McCarthy, Charles Elkins, and Martin Harry Greenberg. New York: Greenwood, 1989.

_____. Reviews by Stapledon in Scrutiny, The London Mercury, The New Statesman.

_____. Opening of the Eyes. Posthumous.

_____. "The Heavens Declare—Nothing." Meditation 32 from The Opening of the Eyes. Unifinished manuscript. Ed. Agnes Stapledon. 1954. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 273-75.*

_____. "Historias universales." In Antología de la Literatura Fantástica. Ed. Jorge Luis Borges, Silvina Ocampo and Adolfo Bioy Casares. 1965. Barcelona: Edhasa, 1983. 1989. 1991. 402.*

_____. Original manuscripts in Stapledon Archive. Sydney Jones Library, U of Liverpool.

_____. Odd John and Sirius: Two Science-Fiction Novels. New York: Dover, 1972.

_____. Last and First Men and Star Maker: Two Science Fiction Novels. New York: Dover, 1968.*

_____. "The Man Who Became a Tree." In Far Future Calling: Uncollected Science Fiction and Fantasies of Olaf Stapledon. Ed. Sam Moskowitz. Philadelphia: Oswald Train, 1979.

_____. "A Modern Magician." Fiction. In Far Future Calling: Uncollected Science Fiction and Fantasies of Olaf Stapledon. Ed. Sam Moskowitz. Philadelphia: Oswald Train, 1979.

_____. "East Is West." Fiction. In Far Future Calling: Uncollected Science Fiction and Fantasies of Olaf Stapledon. Ed. Sam Moskowitz. Philadelphia: Oswald Train, 1979.

_____. "Arms Out of Hand." Fiction. In Far Future Calling: Uncollected Science Fiction and Fantasies of Olaf Stapledon. Ed. Sam Moskowitz. Philadelphia: Oswald Train, 1979.

_____. "Letters to the Future." Ed. Robert Crossley. In The Legacy of Olaf Stapledon: Critical Essays and an Unpublished Manuscript. Ed. Patrick A. McCarthy, Charles Elkins, and Martin Harry Greenberg. New York: Greenwood, 1989. 99-120.

_____. "Far Future Calling." Unproduced radio script, based on Last and First Men. In Far Future Calling: Uncollected Science Fiction and Fantasies of Olaf Stapledon. Ed. Sam Moskowitz. Philadelphia: Oswald Train, 1979.

_____. The Opening of the Eyes. Ed. Agnes Z. Stapledon. London: Methuen, 1954.

_____. Far Future Calling: Uncollected Science Fiction and Fantasies of Olaf Stapledon. Ed. Sam Moskowitz. Philadelphia: Oswald Train, 1979.

_____. Nebula Maker & Four Encounters. Introds. Arthur C. Clarke and Brian W. Aldiss. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1983.

_____. The Legacy of Olaf Stapledon. Ed. Patrick A. McCarthy, Charles Elkins, and Martin Harry Greenberg. New York: Greenwood, 1989.

_____. An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997.*

Steinbeck, John.

Sterling, Bruce. Involution Ocean. Novel. 1977.

_____. The Artificial Kid. Novel. 1980.

_____. "Swarm." Story. 1982.

_____. Schismatrix. Novel. 1984.

Stevenson, Lionel. The English Novel: A Panorama. 1960.

Stevenson, Robert Louis.

Stewart, George R. Earth Abides. SF novel. 1949.

_____. Earth Abides. New York: Fawcett Crest, 1971. Ballantine-Fawcett Crest, 1983.*

_____. Earth Abides. London: Corgi, 1973.

_____. La Tierra permanece. Barcelona: Minotauro.

Stewart, J. I. M. Thomas Hardy: A Critical Biography. 1971.

Stilson, Charles B.

Stine, Harry. "Galactic Gadgeteers." Story. 1951.

Stockton, Frank. The Great War Syndicate. Novel. 1889.

_____. "The Lady or the Tiger?" Story.

_____. The Great Stone of Sardis. Novel. 1898.

Stoker, Bram. Dracula. Ed. A. N. Wilson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1983.

Stone, Charlotte. Cheon of Weltenland, Book One: The Four Wishes. Fantasy novel. 1983.

Storr, Anthony.

Stover, Leon. American Science Fiction: An Anthropological Exegesis. Published asLa Science Fiction Américaine. Paris, 1972.

Strachan, Geoffrey.

Strauss, Erwin S., comp. Index to the SF Magazines, 1951-1965. Cambridge (MA): MIT Science Fiction Society, 1966.

Stravinsky, Igor.

Strobl, Karl Hans.

Strugatsky, Arkady, and Boris Strugatsky. Far Rainbow. Novel. 1963. English trans. 1967.

_____. Hard to Be a God. Novel. 1964.

_____. The Final Circle of Paradise. Novel. 1965. English trans. 1976.

_____. Roadside Picnid. Novel. 1972. Trans. 1977.

_____. The Snail on the Slope. Novel. 1968. English trans. 1980.

Strugatsky, Boris.

Stuart, Don A. See Campbell, John W.

Stubbs, George.

Sturgeon, Theodore. "Microcosmic God." Story.

_____. 'It." Story.

_____. "Killdozer! Story.

_____. "Thunder and Roses." Story.

_____. "There Is No Defence." Story. Astounding.

_____. "Baby Is Three." Story. Galaxy. 1952.

_____. More than Human. 1953.

_____. Four for Tomorrow. New York, 1967.

_____. "If All Men Were Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister?" SF story. 1967, In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 188-230.*

Sucharitkul, Somtow. Light on the Sound. Novel. 1982.

Suvin, Darko. Ok Lukijana do Lunika. Zagreb, 1965.

Swanwick, Michael. Vacuum Flowers. Novel. 1987.

Swift, Jonathan.

Symmes, John.

Taine, John. Before the Dawn. SF novel. 1934.

_____. The Time Stream. Novel. Wonder Stories (1931-2). As book, 1946.

Tanguy, Yves.

Tarkovsky, Andrei. Solaris. Film. 1971.

_____. Stalker. Film. 1979. Based on Roadside Picnic. By Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.

_____. Sculpting in Time. (Essay on film). 1986.

Tavcar, Ivan. 4000: Casu Primerna Povest iz Prihodnjih Dob. Science fiction. 1891.

Tavernier, Bertrand. Deathwatch. Film. 1979.

Tenn, William. "Generation of Noah." Story. 1941.

_____. "Will You Walk a Little Faster." In Marvel Science Fiction. 1951. SF story. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 351-62.*

_____. "The Liberation of Earth." Story.  Future Science Fiction (1953). In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss.  Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 303-20.*

_____.  "Down among the Dead Men." Story. 1954.

_____. "Time in Advance." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 333-51.*

_____. Tiempo anticipado.  Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____.  Of All Possible Worlds. Stories. 1955.

_____. "Eastward Ho!" Story. The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (1958). In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss.  Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 536-52.*

_____.  Of Men and Monsters.  Novel. 1968.

Tepper, Sheri S. Marianne, the Magus and the Manticore. Novel.

Thole, Karel.

Thomas, Ted.


Tiptree, James, Jr. See Sheldon, Alice Hastings.

Toffler, Alvin.

Tolkien, J. R. R. The Lord of the Rings. Trilogy. 1954-55.

Tolstoy, Leo.

Toynbee, Philip. Rev. of Island. By Aldous Huxley. Observer (Sunday, April 1 1962).

Tremaine, F. Orlin.

Trumbull, Douglas.

Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin.

Tubb, E. C. "Dumarest saga" novel series.

Tucker, Wilson. The Long Loud Silence. SF novel. 1952, rev. 1970.

_____ . The Year of the Quiet Sun. SF novel. 1970.

Tuning, William.

Turner, Frederick.Genesis. SF epic poem.

Turner, George. Beloved Son. Novel. 1978.

_____. Vaneglory. Novel. 1981.

_____. Yesterday's Men. Novel. 1983.

_____. The Sea and Summer. 1987. (= US Drowning Towers). (Arthur C. Clarke Award).

_____. Brain Child. 1991.

_____. The Destiny Makers. 1993.

_____. Genetic Soldier. 1994.

_____. "I Still Call Australia Home." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 585-97.*

Tuttle, Lisa. A Spaceship Built of Stone. Novel. 1987.

Twain, Mark.

Tymn, Marshall B., ed. The Science Fiction Reference Book. Mercer Island (WA), 1981.

Valéry, Paul.

Vallejo, Boris.

Vance, Jack. The Dying Earth. SF/fantasy novel, 1950.

_____. The Demon Princes. Series.

_____. Durdane. Series.

_____. Tschai (= Planet of Adventure). Series.

_____. "El último castillo." In Los premios Hugo 1962-1967. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1987. 257-316.*

_____. "Hombres y dragones." In Los premios Hugo 1962-1967. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1987. 17-110.*

_____.  "Rumfuddle." Story. In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 716-53.*

van Vogt, A. E. "Asylum." Story. 1942.

_____. "Black Destroyer." Astounding (July 1939). Rpt. in van Vogt, The Voyage of the Space Beagle.

_____. "The Storm." 1943.

_____. Slan. Novel. Serialized in Astounding (1940). Book form, 1946.

_____. "The Seesaw." Story. Astounding Science Fiction (July 1941).

_____. "Visto y no visto." Trans. of "The Seesaw."

_____. The Weapon Makers. Novel.

_____. Los fabricantes de armas. (Nebulae I, 140). Barcelona: Edhasa, 1969.

_____. The Weapon Shops of Isher. Novel. Astounding (1941).

_____. Las armerías de Isher. (Galaxia, 77). Barcelona: Vértice, 1968.

_____. "Secret Unattainable." SF story. 1942. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 662-700.*

_____. "Far Centaurus." Astounding Science Fiction (January 1944).

_____. The World of Null-A. Novel. Astounding (1945).

_____. The World of Null-A. 1948.

_____. The World of Null-A. Berkley Medallion, 1970.

_____. Empire of the Atom. Novel. 1946-47.

_____. "Complication in the Science Fiction Story." In Of Worlds Beyond. Ed. Lloyd Arthur Eshbach. Reading (PA), 1947.

_____. The Pawns of Null-A. Novel. Astounding (1948-9).

_____. The Voyage of the Space Beagle. SF. 1951.

_____. "Visto y no visto." In Las grandes historias de la ciencia ficción: La Edad de Oro: 1941. Ed. Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1988. 179-96.*

_____. "Fulfilment." Story. 1952. In The Penguin Science Fiction Omnibus. Ed. Brian W. Aldiss. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 588-616.

_____. The Anarchistic Colossus. Novel. 1977.

_____. Null-A Three. Novel. 1984.

_____. Los monstruos del mar. Stories. Barcelona: Sirio, n. d.*

_____. "Enchanted Village." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 382-92.*

Varley, John. The Ophiuchi Hotline. SF novel. 1977.

_____. Titan. Novel trilogy. 1978.

_____. Titán. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. "The Persistence of Vision." Novella. 1978. Hugo and Nebula Awards.

_____. "La persistencia de la visión." In Los premios Hugo 1978-1979. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1990. 125-70.*

_____. "The Pusher." Story. 1982. Hugo Award.

_____. "El pusher." In Los premios Hugo 1980-1982. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1991. 319-34.*

_____. "Press Enter " Story. 1984. Hugo and Nebula Awards.

_____. "Pulse Enter." Story. In Varley, Blue Champagne.

_____. La persistencia de la visión. Stories.

_____. Y mañana serán clones. Novel.

_____. Blue Champagne. Stories. (Ciencia Ficción). Barcelona: Ultramar.

Verne, Jules. Cinq semaines en ballon. 1863.

_____. Voyage au centre de la terre. 1864.

_____. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. 1870.

_____. Une ville flottante. 1871.

_____. Hector Sevadac. (Off on a Comet). Novel. 1877.

_____. Les cinq cents millions de le bégum. Nove. 1879.

_____. The Begum's Fortune.

_____. Hector Servadac. In Novels by Jules Verne. Ed. H. C. Harwood.

_____. Off on a Comet (= Hector Servadac, abridged and modernized. Ace Books, 1957.

_____. Robur le conquérant. (Clipper of the Clouds). 1886.

_____. Maître du monde.

_____. Le Sphinx des glaces. 1897.

_____. Around the Moon. Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1876.

Vian, Boris.

Vidal, Gore. Messiah. Novel.

_____. Kalki. Novel.

_____. Duluth. Novel.

Vincent, Harl.

Vinge, Joan. "Eyes of Amber." Novella. 1977. Hugo Award.

_____. The Snow Queen. Novel. 1980. Hugo Award.

Vinge, Vernor. The Peace War. Novel.

Visiak, E. H. Medusa. Novel. 1929.

Voltaire. Zadig, ou la Destinée. 1747.

_____. Micromégas. 1750.

Von Hanstein, otfrid.

Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. Player Piano. Novel. 1952.

_____. The Sirens of Titan. Novel. 1959.

_____. Mother Night. 1962.

_____. Cat's Cradle. Novel. 1963.

_____. God Bless You, Mr Rosewater. Novel. 1965.

_____. Slaughterhouse Five. novel. 1969.

_____. Slapstick, or Lonesome No More. Novel. 1976.

_____. Galápagos. Novel. 1985.

Voss, Julius von. Ini: ein Roman aus dem 21en Jahrhundert. SF.1810.

Wagner, Richard.

Wallace, Edgar. Sanders of the River. Story series. 1909-20s.

_____. Planetoid 127. Novel. 1929.

Wallace, Edgar, and Merian C. Cooper. King Kong. Movie script.

Wallace, F. L. "Big Ancestor." Story. 1954.

Walling, William A. Mary Shelley. New York, 1972.

Walpole, Horace.

Walsh, Chad. From Utopia to Nightmare. 1962.

Wandrei, Donald.

Warner, Rex. The Aerodrome.

Waterloo, Stanley. The Story of Ab. SF novel. 1897.

Watkins, William John. The Centrifugal Rickshaw Dancer. Novel. 1985.

Watson, Ian. The Embedding. Novel. 1973.

-- -. The Jonah Kit. Novel. 1975.

_____. The Martian Inca. Novel. 1977.

_____. Alien Embassy. Novel. 1977.

_____. Miracle Visitors. Novel. 1978.

_____. The Gardens of Delight. Novel. 1980.

_____. The Book of the River. Novel. 1984.

_____. The Book of the Stars. Novel. 1984.

_____. The Book of Being. Novel. 1985.

Waugh, Evelyn. Love Among the Ruins. Novel. 1953.

Webb, Sharon. "Itch on the Bull Run." SF story. 1979. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 441-51.*

Weber, David. The Armageddon Inheritance. SF. 1993.

Weber, Carl M.

Welles, Orson.

Wells, H. G. The Time Machine. Novel. 1895.

_____. The Time Machine. In Wells, The Wheels of Chance and The Time Machine. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1935.*

_____.The Time Machine. London: Heinemann, 1949.

_____. The Time Machine. In Three Prophetic Novels of H. G. Wells (The Time Machine, When the Sleeper Wakes, A Story of the Days to Come). New York: Dover, 1960.*

_____. The Time Machine. In Seven Science Fiction Novels of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover, n. d. 1-76.*

_____. The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents. 1895.

_____. "The Stolen Bacillus." In Great English Short Stories. Ed. Lewis Melville and Reginald Hargreaves. London: Harrap, 1931. 817-22.*

_____. The Island of Doctor Moreau. Novel. 1896.

_____. The Island of Dr. Moreau. In Seven Science Fiction Novels of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover, n. d. 77-182.*

_____. The Island of Dr. Moreau. A Variorum Text. Ed. Robert M. Philmus. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1993. Rev. English Literature in Transition 37.2 (1994).

_____. The Wheels of Chance. 1896.

_____. The Wheels of Chance and The Time Machine. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1935.*

_____. The Invisible Man. Novel. 1897.

_____. The Invisible Man. In Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover.

_____. The Invisible Man. In Seven Science Fiction Novels of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover, n. d. 183-206.*

_____. The War of the Worlds. Novel. Serialized 1897, book 1898.

_____. The War of the Worlds. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1946.

_____. The War of the Worlds. In Seven Science Fiction Novels of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover, n. d. 207-453.*

_____. A Critical Edition of The War of the Worlds: H. G. Wells's Scientific Romance. Ed. David Y. Hughes and Gary M. Geduld. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1993.

_____. La guerra de los mundos. (Obras maestras de la Ciencia Ficción). Barrcelona: Planeta DeAgostini, c. 2001.

_____. When the Sleeper Wakes. Novel. 1899.

_____. When the Sleeper Wakes. In Three Prophetic Novels of H. G. Wells (The Time Machine, When the Sleeper Wakes, A Story of the Days to Come). New York: Dover, 1960.*

_____. The Sleeper Awakes. Rev. version of When the Sleeper Wakes.

_____. The First Men in the Moon. Novel. 1901.

_____. The First Men in the Moon. In Seven Science Fiction Novels of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover, n. d. 455-620.*

_____. "The Land Ironclads." Story. 1903. In Wonder-Makers: An Anthology of Classic Science Fiction. Ed. Robert Hoskins. Greenwich (CT): Fawcett, 1972. 58-85.*

_____. The Food of the Gods. Novel. 1904.

_____. The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth. In Seven Science Fiction Novels of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover, n. d. 621-815.*

_____. A Modern Utopia. Novel. 1905.

_____. In the Days of the Comet. Novel. 1906. Introd. Brian W. Aldiss. London: Chatto, 1985.

_____. In the Days of the Comet. In Seven Science Fiction Novels of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover, n. d. 817-1015.*

_____. The War in the Air. 1908.

_____. The Contemporary Novel. 1911.

_____. The New Machiavelli. Novel. 1911.

_____. The World Set Free. 1914.

_____. Men like Gods. 1923. North Hollywood (CA): Leisure Books, 1970.

_____. The Dream. Novella. 1924.

_____. The Dream. London: Cape.

_____. The Dream. Introd. Brian Aldiss. London: Hogarth.

_____. The Scientific Romances of H. G. Wells. With a preface by the author. London: Gollancz, 1933.

_____. The Shape of Things to Come. New York: Macmillan, 1935.

_____. A Story of the Days to Come. In Three Prophetic Novels of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover, 1960.

_____. "The Crystal Egg." Story. In Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover.

_____. "Aepyornis Island." In Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover.

_____. "The Strange Orchid." In Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover.

_____. "The Man Who Could Works Miracles." In Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover.

_____. "A Dream of Armageddon." In Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover.

_____. "The Sea Raiders." In Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover.

_____. Tales of Space and Time.

_____. Anticipations.

_____. Star Begotten. 1930s.

_____. The Chamford Visitation. 1930s.

_____. The Holy Terror.

_____. "The Grisly Folk." Story.

_____. "A Story of the Stone Age." Story.

_____. "The Star." Story.

_____. "Fiction about the Future." Radio talk. Australian radio, 29 Dec. 1938. Typescript in the Wells Collection, U of Illinois Library.

_____. All Aboard for Ararat. 1941.

_____. The Mind at the End of Its Tether. 1945.

_____. "The Federation of Man." In H. G. Wells: Journalism and Prophecy 1893-1946. Ed. W. Warren Wagar. New York, 1964.

_____. H. G. Wells: Journalism and Prophecy 1893-1946. Ed. W. Warren Wagar. New York, 1964.

_____. H. G. Wells: The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds: A Critical Edition. Ed. Frank D. McConnell. New York: Oxford UP, 1977.

_____. Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells. New York: Dover.

_____. Seven Science Fiction Novels of H. G. Wells: The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, The First Men in the Moon, The Food of the Gods, In the Days of the Comet. New York: Dover, n. d.

_____. Three Prophetic Novels of H. G. Wells. (When the Sleeper Wakes, A Story of the Days to Come, The Time Machine). Introd. E. F. Bleiler. New York: Dover, 1960.*

_____. H. G. Wells's Literary Criticism. Ed. Patrick Parrinder and Robert M. Philmus. Sussex: Harvester, 1980.

_____. La ciencia ficción de H. G. Wells. Stories. 2 vols. Barcelona: Orbis-Hyspamérica, 1987.*

Wesso (H. Wessolowski).

West, Anthony. H. G. Wells: Aspects of a Life. 1984.

West, Rebecca.

Wettenhovi-Aspa, Sigurd. (Finland). The Diamondking of Sahara. Novel in English. Helsinki,1935.

Weyman, Stanley. Under the Red Robe. Novel.

Whale, James.

Wheatley, Dennis. Black August. Novel. . 1934.

_____. They Found Atlantis. Novel. 1936.

_____. Uncharted Seas. Novel. 1938.

Wheeler, H.

White, James. "Sector General" story series.

_____. The Dream Millennium. SF novel. 1974.

White, Patrick. A Fringe of Leaves. Novel. 1976.

White, Ted.

White, William Anthony Parker. (Ps. Anthony Boucher.).

_____, (Anthony Boucher), ed. Fantasy and Science Fiction. 1949-64?

Whitman, Walt.

Wilde, Oscar.

Wilder, Cherry. (Australia, Germany). A Princess of the Chameln. Novel.

_____. The Summer's King. 1986. (Book 3 of "Rulers of Hylor" trilogy).

Wilhelm, Kate. "Where Have You Been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?" SF story. 1971. In Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury: Originally published in two volumes as The Future in Question and Space Mail. Each with an Introduction by Isaac Asimov. Ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin Greenberg and Joseph Olander. New York: Random House-Gramercy Books, 2006. 174-87.*

_____. The Clewiston Test. Novel. 1976.

_____. Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang. SF novel. 1976.

Wilkins, John. Discovery of a New World in the Moone. Science fiction.1638.

Williams, Charles.

Williams, Paul O. The Breaking of Northwall. Novel. 1980. (1st book of "Pelbar" novel cycle).

_____. The Ends of the Circle. Novel. (Pelbar Cycle). 1981.

_____. The Dome in the Forest. Novel. (Pelbar Cycle). 1981.

_____. The Fall of the Shell. Novel. (Pelbar Cycle). 1982.

_____. An Ambush of Shadows. Novel. (Pelbar Cycle). 1983.

_____. The Song of the Axe. Novel. (Pelbar Cycle). 1984.

_____. The Sword of Forbearance. Novel. (Pelbar Cycle). 1985.

Williams, Tennessee. The Knightly Quest. SF novella and 4 stories. 1966.

Williams, Walter Jon. Ambassador of Progress. Novel. 1984.

Williamson, Jack.The Legion of Space. Novel. Astounding (1934).

_____. The Legion of Time. Novel. Astounding  (1938).

_____. Darker than You Think. Novel. Unknown (1940).

_____. "With Folded Hands." Story.

_____. "The Equalizer." Story. Astounding (1947).

_____. . . . And Searching Mind. Novel. Astounding (1948). Retitled The Humanoids.

Willis, Connie. "Fire Watch." Story. 1982. Nebula Award.

_____. "Fire Watch." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 435-61.*

_____. "Servicio de vigilancia." (Martínez Roca Super-Ficción 114).

_____.  Lincoln's Dreams. SF. New York: Bantam, 1986/7.

_____. A Letter from Clearys. Novel. 1982. Nebula Award.

_____. Lincoln's Dreams. Novel. 1987.

_____. "Even the Queen." Story. 1992. Hugo Award, Nebula Award.

_____. Domsday Book. SF. New York: Bantam, 1992. Hugo Award, Nebula Award, Locus Award.

_____. El libro del día del Juicio Final.  Trans. Rafael Martín Trechera. Introd. Miquel Barceló. Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1994.*

_____. "Death on the Nile." Story.  1993.

_____. "The Soul Selects Her Own Society..." Short Story. Hugo Award 1997.

Wilson, A. N.

Wilson, Angus.

Wilson, Colin. The Space Vampires. Novel. Filmed as Lifeforce.

Wilson, Richard.

Wilson, William. A Little Earnest Book upon a Great Old Subject. Darton and co., 1851. (Fiction).

Witt, Otto.

Wolfe, Bernard. Limbo 90. SF novel. 1952.

Wolfe, Gary K. The Known and the Unknown: The Iconography of Science Fiction. Kent (OH), 1979.

Wolfe, Gene. The Fifth Head of Cerberus. Novellas. 1972.

_____. "The Death of Dr Island." Novella. 1973. Nebula Award. In The Island of Dr Death and Other Stories and Other Stories. New York, 1980.

_____. "The Island of Dr. Death and Other Stories." Story. In The Island of Dr Death and Other Stories and Other Stories. New York, 1980.

_____. "The Doctor of Death Island." Story. In The Island of Dr Death and Other Stories and Other Stories. New York, 1980.

_____. The Shadow of the Torturer. Novel. 1980. 1st novel of the Book of the New Sun Novel cycle.

_____. The Claw of the Conciliator. Novel. (Book of the New Sun). 1981.

_____ . The Sword of the Lictor. Novel. (Book of the New Sun). 1981.

_____. The Citadel of the Autarch. Novel. (Book of the New Sun). 1983.

_____. The Castle of the Otter. Novel. (Book of the New Sun). Willimantic (CT), 1983.

_____. The Urth of the New Sun. Novel. (Book of the New Sun). 1987.

Wollheim, Donald A.. ed. Men on the Moon. Ace Books, 1969.

_____. The Universe Makers. (SF, ch. 17, John W. Campbell). New York, 1971.

Wollstonecraft, Mary.

Wood, Eric. "The Lost Planet." Chum Annual (1921).

Wodcock, George. Dawn and the Darkest Hour: A Study of Aldous Huxley. 1972.

Woodrofe, Patrick.

Wrede, Patricia C. The Harp of Imach Thyssel. Novel.

Wright, Joseph.

Wright, S. Fowler. The World Below. Novel. 1929.

- -- , trans. Inferno. By Dante Alighieri.

Wu, William F. The Yellow Peril: Chinese Americans in American Fiction. Hamden (CT), 1982.

Wylie, Philip. The Smuggled Atom Bomb. SF. 1951.

Wylie, Philip, and Edwin Balmer. When Worlds Collide. SF novel. 1933.

Wyndham, John. (John Benyon Harris). "Exiles on Asperus." Story. 1933.

_____.  (John Benyon). The Secret People.  Novel. The Passing Show. (1935).

_____.  Stowaway to Mars. Novel. The Passing Show. Book form: originally Planet Plane).

_____.  The Day of the Triffids.  Novel. Collier's.  Book form, 1951.

_____. The Day of the Triffids. Novel. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

_____. El día de los trífidos. Barcelona: Minotauro.

_____.  The Kraken Wakes (USA: Out of the Deeps). 1953.

_____.  "Consider Her Ways." Story. 1956. From Sometime, Never, by William Golding, Mervyn Peake and John Wynhdam (Hugo Award). (Women's dystopia).

_____ "Consider Her Ways." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 765-804.*

_____.  Trouble with Lichen. Novel. 1960.

_____.  The Midwich Cuckoos. Novel. 1957. Filmed as Village of the Damned (1960) and Children of the Damned (1963).

_____.  The Crysalids (USA: Re-Birth). Novel. 1955.

_____. "Random Quest." Story. Filmed as Quest for Love in 1971.

_____.  (Ps: John Wyndham and Lucas Parkes). The Outward Urge.  Novel. 1959.

_____. The Chrysalids. Novel. 

_____.  Las crisálidas. Ediciones de Bolsillo.

_____. Web. 1979. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980.*

X, Professeur. La Guerre microbienne. SF. Paris, 1923.

Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn. To the High Redoubt. Novel.

Yates, W. R. Diasporah. Novel.

Youd, Sam. See Christopher, John.

Zahn, Timothy. Cobra. Novel.

_____. Spinneret. Novel.

Zamyatin, Yevgeny. (d. Paris, 1937). We. 1920. English trans. USA 1924, Britain 1970.

Zappa, Frank. Frak Out. Album. 1966.

_____. Absolutely Free. Album. 1967.

_____. We're Only in It for the Money. Album. 1967.

Zebrowski, George. The Omega Point. Novel. 1972.

_____. Macrolife. Novel. 1980.

Zelazny, Roger. "A Rose for Ecclesiastes." Story. 1962.

_____. "The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth." Story.

_____. "The Graveyard Heart." Story.

_____. "Love Is an Imaginary Number." Story.

_____. "This Moment of the Storm." Story.

_____. "For a Breath I Tarry." Story. Rpt. in Alpha One.  Ed. Robert Silverberg.  New York: Ballantine, 1970.

_____. "The Man Who Loved the Faioli." Story.

_____ . "The Keys to December." Story. New Worlds.

_____. "He Who Shapes." Story. 1965. Nebula Award.

_____. "He Who Shapes." In The Science Fiction Century. Ed. David G. Hartwell. New York: Tor Books, 1997. 812-68.*

_____. '... And Call Me Conrad." (= This Immortal). Novel. 1965. Hugo Award.

_____. "The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth." Novella. 1965. Nebula Award.

_____. The Dream Master. Novel. 1966.

_____. This Immortal. Novel. 1966. (Shared Hugo Award with Frank Herbert's Dune).

_____. Lord of Light. Novel. 1967.

_____. El señor de la luz. Barcelona: Minotauro.

_____. "El hombre que amó a la Faioli." In Antología de novelas de anticipación (ciencia ficción). Ed. Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carb. 1968. Trans. José Mª Aroca. Barcelona: Acervo, 1970. 247-56.*

_____. Creatures of Light and Darkness. Novel. 1969.

_____. Amber novel series. (6 vols by 1986).

_____. Nine Princes in Amber. 1970. (1st vol. of the Amber series).

_____. "Home Is the Hangman." Analog (November 1975). Hugo and Nebula Awards.

_____. Doorways in the Sand. Novel. 1976.

_____. "Las variantes del unicornio." In Los premios Hugo 1980-1982. Ed. Isaac Asimov. Barcelona: Martínez Roca, 1991. 295-318.*

_____. Eye of Cat. Novel. 1982.

_____. El hombre que no existía. Barcelona: Edhasa.

_____. A Night in the Lonesome October. Novel.  1993.

Zoline, Pamela. "The Heat Death of the Universe." New Worlds (1967).







García Landa, José Angel. "Classical Science Fiction (to 20th century)." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at 21 Sept. 2011.*


_____. "Classical Science Fiction." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at UchebaNa5.*



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