martes, 9 de abril de 2024

Otros géneros novelísticos



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Other fictional Subgenres: longer fiction




Fictional genres: General


Mainer, José-Carlos. "¿Cómo se cuenta? Las tramas y los géneros." In Mainer, La escritura desatada: El mundo de las novelas. Madrid: Temas de Hoy, 2000. 2001. 219-70.* (Genre, voice, paratext, plot).

McHale, Brian. "Genre Fiction." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 199.*

Pettersson, Bo. "2. The Imaginative Uses of Mimesis." In Pettersson, How Literary Worlds Are Shaped: A Comparative Poetics of Literary Imagination. Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016. 41-77.* (Mimesis, Fantasy, Realism, Genre).






Alternate History


Showalter, Dennis E., and Harold C. Deutsch, eds. If the Allies Had Fallen: Sixty Alternate Scenarios of World War II.




Skynea History. "Alternate History Introduction." Video. YouTube (Skynea History) 28 May 2022.*











Autobiographical novel / Autofiction


Arroyo Redondo, Susana. La autoficción: Entre la autobiografía y el ensayo biográfico. Límites del género. Ph.D. diss. U de Alcalá de Henares, 2011.* (Martín Gaite, El Cuarto de atrás; Torrente Ballester, Dafne y ensueños; Carlos Barral, Penúltimos castigos; Luis Goytisolo, Estatua con palomas; Julio Llamazares, Escenas de cine mudo; Javier Marías, Negra espalda del tiempo; Antonio Muñoz Molina, Sefarad; Javier Cercas, Soldados de Salamina; Enrique Vila-Matas, París no se acaba nunca; Rosa Montero, La loca de la casa; Paloma Díaz-Mas, Como un libro cerrado; Marcos Giralt Torrente, Tiempo de vida).


Chassay, Jean-François. "Biographies, autobiographies, fictions. L'art de mettre des sujets en ruines." In La transmission narrative: Modalités du pacte romanesque contemporain. Ed. Frances Fortier and Andrée Mercier. Canada: Nota Bene, 2011. 83-96.*

Ciplijauskaité, Biruté. "La novela femenina como autobiografía." In Ciplijauskaité, La novela femenina contemporánea (1970-1985). Barcelona: Anthropos, 1988. 13-33.

Couturier, Maurice. La Figure de l'auteur. Paris: Seuil, 1995.*

Demoris, René. Le Roman à la première personne. Paris: Colin, 1975.

Gasparini, Philippe. Est-Il Je ? Roman Autobiographique et Autofiction. Paris: Seuil, 2004.

_____. Autofiction, Une Aventure du Langage. Paris: Seuil, 2008.

Genette, Gérard. "On the First-Person Novel." New Literary History 9.1 (Fall 1977).

Grabes, Herbert. "Autobiography as Demonstration of 'Precise Fate': Lolita." In Grabes, Fictitious Biographies: Vladimir Nabokov's English Novels. The Hague: Mouton, 1977. 31-45.*

_____. "Autobiography as the Triumph of Subjectivity: Ada or Ardor: A  Family Chronicle." In Grabes, Fictitious Biographies: Vladimir Nabokov's English Novels. The Hague: Mouton, 1977. 60-95.*

Hamburger, Käte. "Las memorias novelescas." In Hamburger, La lógica de la literatura. (2nd ed., 1977). Madrid: Visor, 1995. 215-18.*

Kilroy, Thomas. "The Autobiographical Novel." In The Genius of Irish Prose. Ed. Augustine Martin. Dublin: Mercier, 1985. 67-75.*

Nalbantian, Suzanne. Aesthetic Autobiography: From Life to Art in Marcel Proust, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Anais Nin.

Varsava, Jerry. "History and/or His Story: A Study of Two Canadian Biographical Fictions." In History and Post-War Writing. Ed. Theo d'Haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990. 205-25.*








Deconstructing Harry. Writer and dir. Woody Allen. Cast: Woody Allen, Kirstie Alley, Billy Crystal, Hazelle Goodman, Demi Moore, Elisabeth Shue, Robin Williams. 1997.







Autoficción: Estudios sobre una forma literaria diferente. (Susana Arroyo)






See also Autobiography; First-person narrative; Nonfiction novel.






Worthington, Marjorie G. The Story of "Me": Contemporary American Autofiction. (Frontiers of Narrative). Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 2018.







Cartes du tendre


DeJean, Joan. Tender Geographies: Women and the Origins of the Novel in France. New York: Columbia UP, 1991.




Colonial Fiction


Howe, Susanne. Novels of Empire. New York: Columbia UP, 1949.




Comic and Humorous fiction


Davis, Robert Murray. "The Shrinking Garden and New Exits: The Comic-Satiric Novel in the Twentieth Century." Kansas Quarterly 1 (1969): 5-16.

Larkin Galiñanes, Cristina. "Relevance Theory, Humour, and the Narrative Structure of Humorous Novels." Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 13 (2000): 95-106.*

Nelson, T. G. A. Comedy: The Theory of Comedy in Literature, Drama, and Cinema. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990.

Putney, Rufus D. S. "Laurence Sterne, Apostle of Laughter." In Eighteenth-Century English Literature. Ed. James L. Clifford. New York: Oxford UP, 1959. 274-84.*

Smith, Stan G. 'A Sadly Contracted Hero': The Comic Self in Post-War American Fiction. (BAAS Pamphlets in American Studies, 5). British Association for American Studies, 1981.




See also Humourous writing.





Criminal fiction




Peterson, Spiro, ed. The Counterfeit Lady Unveiled and Other Criminal Fiction of Seventeenth-Century England. Garden City (NY): Anchor, 1961.

Sisters in Crime 5. Berkley Books, 1992.







Diary fiction


Abbott, H. Porter. Diary Fiction: Writing as Action. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP.

"Blogonovela" Wikipedia


Silvester, Niko. "Fictional Blogging." About 10 March 2004.


Thomas, Angela. "Fictional Blogs." In Uses of Blogs. Ed. Axel Bruns and Joanne Jacobs. New York: Peter Lang, 2006. 199-210.*



See also First-person novel.




Documentary novel. See Nonfiction novel.



Domestic Fiction, Novel of manners, Novel of Social Life


Armstrong, Nancy. Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel. New York: Oxford UP, 1987. 1990.

_____. From Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel. In Theory of the Novel: A Historical Approach. Ed. Michael McKeon. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2000. 467-75.*

_____. "The Politics of Domestic Fiction: Dickens, Thackeray and the Brontës." In New Historicism and Cultural Materialism: A Reader Ed. Kiernan Ryan. London: Arnold, 1996. 157-65.*

_____. "Some Call It Fiction: On the Politics of Domesticity." 1990. In Feminisms. Ed. Robyn R. Warhol and Diane Price Herndl. Houndmills: Macmillan, n. d. 913-30.*

Betsky, Seymour. "Society in Thackeray and Trollope." In From Dickens to Hardy. Vol. 6 of the Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958. 1975. 144-68.*

Brown, Gillian. From Domestic Individualism: Imagining Self in Nineteenth-Century America. In Theory of the Novel: A Historical Approach. Ed. Michael McKeon. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2000. 476-84.*

Christ, Birte. Modern Domestic Fiction: Popular Feminism, Mass-Market Magazines and Middle Class Culture, 1905-1925. 2012.

Gordon, Jan B. Gossip and Subversion in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction: Echo's Economies. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996.

Montesinos, J. F. Costumbrismo y novela. Madrid: Castalia, 1983.

Morgan, Charlotte E. The Rise of the Novel of Manners: A Study of English Prose Fiction between 1600 and 1740. New York: Columbia UP, 1911.

Roger, G. Maîtres du roman du terroir. Ed. Silvaire.









Esoteric Fiction


Roberts, Marie. The Rosicrucian Novel. London, 1989.




Fan fiction. See Lit.theory-Specific. Intertextuality. Other intertextual modes. Fan fiction.



Fictional Memoirs


Duhamel, Georges. Remarques sur les mémoires imaginaires. 1934.


See also First-person narrative.





Frame narrative


Haug, Walter. "Exempelsammlungen in narrativen Rahmen: Vom Pañcatantra zum Dekameron." In Exempel und Exempelsmammlungen . Ed. W. Haug and B. Wachinger. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1991.




Highway narratives


Lackey, Kris. Roadframes: The American Highway Narrative. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, c. 1998.





Menippean satire


Segre, Cesare. "La tradición macarrónica desde Folengo hasta Gadda (y más allá)." In Segre, Semiótica filológica. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 1990. 155-66.*




Mystery fiction


Cawelti, John G. Adventure, Mystery and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1976.*



See also Detective fiction.




Nonfiction novel / Nonfiction


D'Agata, John, and James Fingal. The Lifespan of a Fact. New York: W. W. Norton, 2012.


Gaffney, Carmel. "Keneally's Faction: Schindler's Ark." Quadrant 29 (July 1985): 75-77.

Ferry, Peter. Rev. of Factual Fictions: Narrative Truth and the Contemporary American Documentary Novel. By Leonora Flis. Miscelánea 46 (2012): 131-34.*

Foley, Barbara. "History, Fiction, and the Ground Between: The Uses of the Documentary Mode in Black Literature." PMLA 95 (1980): 389-403.

_____. Telling the Truth: The Theory and Practice of Documentary Fiction.  Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1986.

Flis, Leonora. Factual Fictions: Narrative Truth and the Contemporary American Documentary Novel. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.

García Landa, José Ángel. "Le dangereux contrat de non-fiction." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 14 July 2010.*


Hellman, John. Fables of Fact: The New Journalism as New Fiction. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1981.

Hollowell, John. Fact and Fiction: The New Journalism and the Nonfiction Novel. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1977.

Johnston, Richard. "The Rise of Faction." Quadrant (April 1985): 76-78.

Kazin, Alfred. "The Imagination of Fact: Capote to Mailer." In Kazin, Bright Book of Life: American Novelists and Storytellers from Hemingway to Mailer. (An Atlantic Monthly Press Book). Boston: Little, Brown, 1973. 207-42.*

Seltzer, Mark. True Crime.

Tanner, Tony. Henry James and the Art of Nonfiction. 1995.

Weixler, Antonius. "Authentisches erzälen—authentisches Erzählen." In Authentisches Erzählen: Produktion, Narration, Rezeption. Ed. Antonius Weixler. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2012. 1-32.*

Zavarzadeh, Mas'ud. The Mythopoeic Reality: The Postwar American Nonfiction Novel. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1976.


See also Realism in fiction; Fictionality.








Avalle-Arce, Juan Bautista. La novela pastoril española. 1975.



Philosophical novel


Eigner, Edwin M. The Metaphysical Novel in England and America: Dickens, Bulwer, Hawthorne, Melville.  Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1978.



Picaresque Novel


Alborg, Juan Luis. "XVIII. La novela picaresca. El Lazarillo de Tormes." In Alborg, Historia de la Literatura Española (I): Edad Media y Renacimiento. 2nd ed., enlarged. Madrid: Gredos, 1970. 746-96.*

_____. "IX. La novela picaresca en el siglo XVII. Otras formas de la novela." In Alborg, Historia de la Literatura Española (II): Época barroca. Madrid: Gredos, 1967. 454-504.* (H. de Luna, Segunda parte de lazarillo de Tormes; Mateo Alemán, Guzmán de Alfarache; Guzmán apócrifo; Francisco López de Úbeda, La pícara Justina; Salas Barbadillo, La hija de Celestina; Vicente Espinel, La vida del escudero Marcos de Obregón; Jerónimo de Alcalá, El donado hablador Alonso, mozo de muchos amos; Castillo Solórzano; Vida y hechos de Estebanillo González, hombre de buen humor, compuesta por él mismo; Carlos García, La desordenada codicia de los bienes ajenos; Antonio Enríquez Gómez, La vida de don Gregorio Guadaña; Rojas Villandrando, Viaje entretenido; Suárez de Figueroa; María de Zayas; Gonzalo de Céspedes y Meneses; Cristóbal Lozano).

Alter, Robert. Rogue's Progress: Studies in the Picaresque Novel. (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature 26). Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1964.

Benoit, A., and G. Fontaine. "The Picaresque Novel." In A History of European Literature. Ed. Annick Benoit-Dusausoy and Guy Fontaine. London: Routledge, 2000. 225-28.*

Bjornson, Richard. The Picaresque Hero in European Fiction. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1977.

Blaber, Ronald, and Marvin Gilman. Roguery: The Picaresque Tradition in Australian, Canadian and Indian Fiction. Springwood (NSW): Butterfly Books, 1990.

Cabo Aseguinolaza, Fernando. El concepto de género y la literatura picaresca. Santiago de Compostela: Universidad, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1992.

Chandler, Frank Wadleigh. The Literature of Roguery. Boston: Houghton, 1907.

Davis, Lennard J. "'Wicked Actions and Feigned Words': Criminals, Criminality, and the Early English Novel." Yale French Studies 59 (1980): 106-18.

Deffis de Calvo, E. "Perspectivas críticas sobre la novela española de peregrinación del siglo XVII." In Estado actual de los estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro. Ed. Manuel García Martín et al. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1993. 279-84.*

Guillén, Claudio. "3. Toward a Definition of the Picaresque." In Guillén, Literature as System: Essays toward the Theory of Literary History. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1971. 71-106.*

_____. "5. Genre and Countergenre: The Discovery of the Picaresque." In Guillén, Literature as System: Essays toward the Theory of Literary History. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1971. 135-58.*

Malkmus, Bernhard. The German Pícaro and Modernity: Between Underdog and Shape-Shifter. New York: Continuum 2011.

Novak, Maximillian E. "Freedom, Libertinism, and the Picaresque." In Racism in the Eighteenth Century. Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture vol. 3. Ed. Harold E. Pagliaro. Cleveland: Case Western Reserve UP, 1973. 35-48.

Pughe, Thomas. "Reading the Picaresque: Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Saul Bellow's The Adventures of Augie March, and More Recent Adventures." English Studies 77.1 (January 1996): 59-70.*

Rico, Francisco. La novela picaresca y el punto de vista.  Barcelona: Seix-Barral, 1970. 3rd ed. 1982.*

Riggan, William. Picaros, Madmen, Naifs, and Clowns: The Unreliable First Person Narrator. Norman: Oklahoma UP, 1981.

Rodríguez Pequeño, Francisco Javier. "Aspectos semántico-extensionales en la novela picaresca." In Estado actual de los estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro. Ed. Manuel García Martín et al. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1993. 2.859-64.*

Rodríguez-Luis, Julio. "El enfoque comparativo de la literatura picaresca." In Estado actual de los estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro. Ed. Manuel García Martín et al. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1993. 2.853-58.*

Santos, Teresa de. "La picaresca y las formas didácticas." Analecta Malacitana 13.1 (1990): 35-48.*

Souiller, D. La novela picaresca. 1985.

Talens, Jenaro. Novela picaresca y práctica de la transgresión. 1975.






Sánchez Escribano, F. Javier, [ed.]. Picaresca española en traducción inglesa (xx. XVI y XVII): Antología y estudios. Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, 1998.*







Sánchez Escribano, F. Javier. "Bibliografía." In Picaresca española en traducción inglesa (xx. XVI y XVII): Antología y estudios. Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, 1998. 201-6.*







Edad de Oro 20 (1999): "La novela picaresca". U Autónoma de Madrid Ediciones.





See also Picaros.




Poetic novel, Lyrical novel


Freedman, Ralph. The Lyrical Novel: Studies in Hermann Hesse, André Gide and Virginia Woolf. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1963.

_____. La novela líríca: Hermann Hesse, André Gide, Virginia Woolf. Trans. José Manuel Llorca. Barcelona: Barral, 1972.

_____. "Nature and Form of the Lyrical Novel". In R. M. Davis 1969.

_____. "The Lyrical Novel: Retrospect and Prognosis." In Essentials of the Theory of Fiction. Ed. Michael J. Hoffman and Patrick D. Murphy. Durham (NC): Duke UP, 1988. 190-202.*

Friedman, Melvin J. "The Symbolist Novel: Huysmans to Malraux." In Modernism. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.453-66.*

Tadié, Jean-Yves. Le Récit poétique.  Paris: PUF, 1978.









Political novel


Boyers, Robert. Atrocity and Amnesia: The Political Novel Since 1945. New York: Oxford UP, 1985.

Chambers, Ross. Room for Maneuver: Reading Oppositional Narrative. Chicago: Chicago UP, 1991.

Fletcher, M. D. Contemporary Political Satire: Narrative Strategies in the Post-Modern Context. Lanham: UP of America, 1987.

Foley, Barbara. "Generic and Doctrinal Politics in the Proletarian Bildungsroman." In Understanding Narrative. Ed. James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz. Columbus (OH): Ohio State UP, 1994. 43-64.*

Harman, Barbara Leah. The Feminine Political Novel in Victorian England. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1998. (Gaskell, Brontë, Meredith, Elizabeth Robins).

Harris, Sharon M. Redefining the Political Novel: American Women Writers, 1879-1901.

Howe, Irving. Politics and the Novel. 1957. New York: Columbia UP, 1992.*

Kelly, Gary. The English Jacobin Novel, 1780-1805. Oxford, 1976. (Bage, Holcroft, Inchbald, Godwin).

McGee, Patrick. "Texts between Worlds: African Fiction and Political Allegory." In Decolonizing Tradition: New Views of Twentieth-Century "British" Literary Canons. Ed. Karen R. Lawrence. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1992. 239-60.*

Milne, Gordon. The American Political Novel. Norman: U of Oklahoma P, 1966.

Suleiman, Susan Rubin. Le Roman à thèse ou l'Autorité fictive. (Ecriture). Paris: PUF, 1983.

_____. Authoritarian Fictions: The Ideological Novel as a Literary Genre. 1983. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1993.*








Orwell Prize for Political Fiction.









Prison fiction


Buessing, S. Of Captive Queens and Holy Panthers: Prison Fiction and Male Homoerotic Experience. 1990.




Psychological Novel


Álvarez-Amorós, José Antonio. "5. Henry James and the Crypto-Psychological Novel: Remarks on the Mindfulness of The Awkward Age." In The Fictional Minds of Modernism: Narrative Cognition from Henry James to Christopher Isherwood. Ed. Ricardo Miguel-Alfonso. New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 85-108.*

Block, Edwin F., Jr. Rituals of Dis-Integration: Romance and Madness in the Victorian Psychomythic Tale.  New York: Garland, 1993. Rev. in English Literature in Transition 37.4 (1994).

Buytendijk, Frederik J. J. La psicología de la novela (Estudios sobre Dostoievski). 1950. Buenos Aires, Editorial Lohlé, 1961.

Caracciolo, Marco. "3. Metaphor and the Place of Mind in Three Modernist Novels." In The Fictional Minds of Modernism: Narrative Cognition from Henry James to Christopher Isherwood. Ed. Ricardo Miguel-Alfonso. New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 31-52.* (Kate Chopin, The Awakening, 1899; Federigo Tozzi, Con gli occhi chiusi, 1919, Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway, 1925).

Certeau, Michel de. "The Freudian Novel: History and Literature." In de Certeau, Heterologies. Heterologies: Discourse on the Other. Trans. Brian Massumi. Foreword by Wlad Godzich. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1986. 17-34.*

Ciplijauskaité, Biruté. "La novela psicoanalítica." In Ciplijauskaité, La novela femenina contemporánea (1970-1985). Barcelona: Anthropos, 1988. 85-122.*

Edel, Leon. The Psychological Novel, 1900-1950. New York: Lippincott, 1955.

Ginzburg, Lydia. On Psychological Prose. Trans. Judson Rosengrant. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1992.

_____. La prosa psicologica. Milano, 1994.

Hagberg, Garry L. "4. Narratives of the Mind: Henry  James's 'The Private Life', Locke's Private Language, Wittgenstein's Public Privacy, and the Emergence of a Modernist Languge of Mental Life." In The Fictional Minds of Modernism: Narrative Cognition from Henry James to Christopher Isherwood. Ed. Ricardo Miguel-Alfonso. New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 53-84.*

Kahler, Erich. "Die Verinnerung des Erzählens." In Kahler, Untergang und Übergang. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1970.

_____. The Inward Turn of Narrative. Trans. Richard and Clara Winston. Foreword by Joseph Frank. (Bollingen Series LXXXIIII). Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1973.*

Miguel-Alfonso, Ricardo, ed. The Fictional Minds of Modernism: Narrative Cognition from Henry James to Christopher Isherwood. New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.*


Mikkonen, Jukka. "2. On the Cognitive Value of Modernist Narratives." In The Fictional Minds of Modernism: Narrative Cognition from Henry James to Christopher Isherwood. Ed. Ricardo Miguel-Alfonso. New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 17-30.*

Spranger, Eduard. "Der psychologische Perspektivismus im Roman." Rpt. in Zur Poetik des Romans. Ed. Volker Klotz. Darmstadt, 1965. 217-38.

Whitehead, Anne. Trauma Fiction. 2004.






Realist fiction. See Realism and Fiction.



Roman à thèse. See Political novel.






Felber, Lynette. Gender and Genre without End: The British "Roman-Fleuve." Tallahassee: UP of Florida, 1995.


Satirical novel


McCartney, George. "Satire between the Wars: Evelyn Waugh and Others." In The Columbia History of the British Novel. Ed. John Richetti et al. New York: Columbia UP, 1994. 867-94.*

Palmeri, Frank. Satire in Narrative. Austin: U of Texas Press, 1990.

Rousseau, G. S. "From Swift to Smollett: The Satirical Tradition in Prose Narrative." In The Columbia History of the British Novel. Ed. John Richetti et al. New York: Columbia UP, 1994. 127-53.*



Sentimental fiction


Barreiro García, Fernando. "The Motif of Education in Sentimental Narrative." Atlantis 36.1 (2014): 107-21.*

Birkhead, Edith. "Sentiment and Sensibility in the Eighteenth-Century Novel." Essays and Studies 11 (1925): 92-116.

Bowers, Toni O'Shaughnessy. "Sex, Lies, and Invisibility: Amatory Fiction from the Restoration to Mid-Century." In The Columbia History of the British Novel. Ed. John Richetti et al. New York: Columbia UP, 1994. 50-72.*

Doyle, Laura. "The Folk, the Nobles, and the Novel: The Racial Subtext of Sentimentality." Narrative 3.2: 161-187.*

Humphreys, A. R. "The Friend of Mankind." (Sentimental novel). Review of English Studies 24 (1948): 203-18.

Kelley, Mary. "The Sentimentalists: Promise and Betrayal in the Home." Signs 4 (1979): 434-46.

Martin,  Mary Patricia. "Reading Reform in Richardson's 'Clarissa' and the Tactics of Sentiment." SEL 37 (Summer 1997): 595–614.

Pathy-Chávez, G. Genevieve, Lindsay Clare and Madeleine Youmans. "Watery passion: the struggle between hegemony and sexual liberation in erotic fiction for women." Discourse and Society 7.1 (1996): 77-106.*

Probyn, Clive T. "Transition and Transformation: Society, Sentiment, and the Self in the Novel, 1764-1789." In Probyn, English Fiction of the Eighteenth Century 1700-1789. London: Longman, 1987. 149-81.*

Sabler, Mark. Society and Sentiment: Genres of Historical Writing in Britain, 1740-1820.

Scott, Paul Gordon. "Disinterested Selves: Clarissa and the Tactics of Sentiment." ELH 64 (1997): 473–502.

Starr, George A. "Sentimental Novels of the Later Eighteenth Century." In The Columbia History of the British Novel. Ed. John Richetti et al. New York: Columbia UP, 1994. 181-98.*

_____. "'Only a Boy: Notes on Sentimental Novels." In The English Novel: vol. 2. Smollett to Austen. Ed. Richard Kroll. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman, 1998. 29-54.*

Van Tieghem, Paul. "Le Roman sentimental en Europe de Richardson à Rousseau." Revue de Littérature Comparée 20 (1940): 129-51.


See also Romance.





Social Novel


Ahearn, E. Anatomies of Civil Society: Marx and Modern Fiction.  New Haven, 1989.

Alamo Felices, Francisco. La novela social española: conformación ideológica, teoría y crítica. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería, 1996.

Bachleitner, Norbert. Der englische und französische Sozialroman des 19. Jahrhunderts und seine Rezeption in Deutschland.   Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993.

Cazamian, Louis. Le Roman social en Angleterre. Paris: Didier, 1904.

_____. The Social Novel in England. London: Routledge, 1973.*

_____. (On Gaskell's North and South). From Le Roman social en Angleterre. 1904. In Gaskell, North and South. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 2004.

Craig, David, "Fiction and the Rising Industrial Class." Essays in Criticism 17 (1967): 64-73.

_____. "Novels of Peasant Crisis." Journal of Peasant Studies 2 (1974): 47-68.

Empson, William. "Proletarian Literature." In Empson, Some Versions of Pastoral. 1935. London: Hogarth, 1986. 1-26.

Foley, Barbara. Radical Representations: Politics and Form in U.S. Proletatian Fiction, 1929-1941, by Barbara Foley. Rev. by Mark Osteen in Novel: A Forum on Fiction 28 (1995): 348.*

García Tortosa, Francisco, and Ramón López Ortega, eds. English Literature and the Working Class. Sevilla: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1976.*

Gallagher, Catherine. The Industrial Reformation of English Fiction: Social Discourse and Narrative Form, 1832-1867. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1985.

Gil, P. La novela social española. Barcelona: Seix-Barral, 1974.

Goodin, George. The Poetics of Protest: Literary Form and Political Implication in the Victim-of-Society Novel. Southern Illinois UP, 1985.

Guy, Josephine M. The Victorian Social-Problem Novel: The Market, the Individual and Communal Life. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996.

Hauser, Arnold. "IX. Naturalismo e impresionismo." In Hauser, Historia social de la literatura y el arte. II: Desde el rococó hasta la época del cine. Barcelona: DeBols!llo, 2004. 247-482.* (1. La generación de 1830. 2. El Segundo Imperio. 3. La novela social en Inglaterra y Rusia. 4. El impresionismo).

Hawthorn, Jeremy, ed. The British Working Class Novel in the Twentieth Century. London: Arnold, 1984.

Kettle, Arnold. "The Early Victorian Social-Problem Novel." In From Dickens to Hardy. Vol. 6 of the Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958. 1975. 169-87.*

Klaus, Gustav H., ed. The Rise of Socialist Fiction, 1880-1914. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1987.

Llorens, Vicente. "La novela." In Llorens, El romanticismo español. Madrid: Fundación Juan March / Editorial Castalia, 1979. 2nd ed. 1983. 587-99.* (Novela social; Fernán Caballero).

López Ortega, Ramón. Movimiento obrero y novela inglesa. Salamanca: Ed. de la Universidad de Salamanca, 1976.*

Santonja, Gonzalo. La novela revolucionaria de quiosco (1905-1939). Madrid, 1993.

Sanz, S. Historia de la novela social. 2 vols. Madrid: Alhambra, 1986.

Suleiman, Susan Rubin. Authoritarian Fictions: The Ideological Novel as a Literary Genre.  1983. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1993.

Swingewood, Alan. The Novel and Revolution. London: Macmillan, 1975.

_____. Novela y revolución. México: FCE, 1988.








Baroni, Raphaël. "Le cliffhanger: Un révélateur des fonctions et du fonctionnement du récit mimétique." Cahiers de narratologie 31 (2016). Online at Academia (Raphaël Baroni) (Dec. 2016).*


Bell, Clive. Potboilers. 1918.

Bloom, Clive, Brian Docherty, Jane Gibb, and Keith Shand, eds. Nineteenth-Century Suspense: From Poe to Conan Doyle. Houndmills: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's, 1988.

Bloom, Clive, ed. Twentieth-Century Suspense: The Thriller Comes of Age. London: Macmillan, 1990.

Caillois, Roger. "Le roman policier." In Caillois, Approches de l'imaginaire.  Paris: Gallimard, 1974. 177-205.

Calvetti, J. G. Adventure, Mystery and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture. Chicago, 1976.

Cobley, Paul. The American Thriller: Generic Innovation and Social Change in the 1970's. (Crime Files). Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Daleski, H. M. "A Perfect Spy and a Great Tradition." Journal of Narrative Technique 20.1 (1990): 56-64.*

Harper, Ralph. The World of the Thriller.  Cleveland, 1969.

Jute, André. Writing a Thriller. London: Black.

Klein, Kathleen Gregory, ed. Great Women Mystery Writers: Classic to Contemporary. Westport (CT): Greenwood Press, 1994.*

Klein, Marcus. "4. The Westerner: Origins of the Myth." In Gender, Language, and Myth: Essays on Popular Narrative. Ed. Glenwood Irons. Toronto, Buffalo, London: U of Toronto P, 1992. 65-82.*

Laín Entralgo, Pedro. "La novela policíaca." In Laín, La aventura de leer.  1956. 2nd ed. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1964. 91-119.

Murphy, Bernice. Key Concepts in Contemporary Popular Fiction. (Key Concepts in Literature). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2017.

Nash, Walter. "Man's business: A Look Round the Action Story." In Nash, Language in Popular Fiction. London: Routledge, 1991. 56-80.*

Rubin, Martin. Thrillers. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Vareille, Claude. Filatures: Itinéraire à travers les cycles de Lupin et Rouletabille. Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1980.

_____. L'Homme masqué, le Justicier et le Détective. Lyon: Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 1989.





Gawsworth, John, ed.Thrills. c. 1934.

_____, ed. New Tales of Horror. 1934.

_____, ed. (?)Thrills, Crimes, and Mysteries. c. 1935.

_____, ed. (?)Crimes, Creeps and Thrills. c. 1936.

_____, ed . (?)Masterpiece of Thrills.  c. 1936.

Hitchcock, Alfred, ed. Alfred Hitchcock's Fireside Book of Suspense. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947.







Suntory Prize




See also Gothic fiction; Detective fiction.









Utopian fiction. See Utopia (motifs).




War novel


Bertrand de Muñoz, Maryse. La novela europea y americana y la guerra civil española. Madrid, 1994.

Brians, Paul. Nuclear Holocausts: Atomic War in Fiction, 1895-1984. Kent (OH): Kent State UP, 1987.

Broer, Lawrence R. Vonnegut and Hemingway: Writers at War. Columbia (SC): U of South Carolina P, 2011.

La guerre. Gulliver 5 (Paris, 1991).

Cecil, Hugh. The Flower of Battle: British Fiction Writers of the Frist World War. London: Secker and Warburg, 1995.

Cruz Hernández, Juan José.  "Vietnam en la biblioteca." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 21 (1990): 287-90.

Higonnet, Margaret R. "Cassandra's Question: Do Women Write War Novels?" In Borderwork. Ed. Margaret R. Higonnet. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1994. 144-61.*

Limon, John. Writing after War: American War Fiction from Realism to Postmodernism. New York: Oxford UP, 1994.

Lively, Robert A. Fiction Fights the Civil War. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1957.

Marín, Pilar. "The Vietnam War Novel: Scholarship Today."  Atlantis 7 (1985): 81-8.

Munton, Alan. English Fiction and the Second World War. London: Faber, 1989.


See also Historical novel; War; Literature and War.








Calder, Jenni. There Must Be a Lone Ranger. (On westerns).

Cawelti, John G. The Six-Gun Mystique.

_____. "5. Reflections on the Western since 1970." In Gender, Language, and Myth: Essays on Popular Narrative. Ed. Glenwood Irons. Toronto, Buffalo, London: U of Toronto P, 1992. 83-102.*

Fiedler, Leslie A. The Return of the Vanishing American. 1968. (On westerns).

Herald, Diana Tixier. Genreflecting: A Guide to Reading Interests in Genre Fiction. Englewood (Colorado): Libraries Unlimited, 1982. 5th ed. 2000.* (Historical novel, Westerns, Detective fiction, adventure, SF, fantasy, romance, horror).

Klein, Marcus. "4. The Westerner: Origins of the Myth." In Gender, Language, and Myth: Essays on Popular Narrative. Ed. Glenwood Irons. Toronto, Buffalo, London: U of Toronto P, 1992. 65-82.*

Paredes, Americo. "The Hero's Progress." From Paredes, With His Pistol in His Hand: A Border Ballad and Its Hero. 1958. In American Literature, American Culture. Ed. Gordon Hutner. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 370-80.*

Simonson, Martin, and Raúl Montero Gilete. El Western fantástico de Stephen King: Hibridación y desencantamiento de la tradición literaria europea en El Pistolero. (Critical Perspectives on English and American Literature, Communication and Culture, 19). Bern, Brussels, Frankfurt a/M, New York, Oxford, Warsaw, Vienna: Peter Lang, 2017.*

Spehner, Norbert. "Le roman western, 1940-1949." Les Cahiers de l'Imaginaire 27/28 (1989).

Tompkins, Jane. "6. "West of Everything." In Gender, Language, and Myth: Essays on Popular Narrative. Ed. Glenwood Irons. Toronto, Buffalo, London: U of Toronto P, 1992. 103-24.*




Allmendinger, Blake. Ten Most Wanted: The New Western Literature. Routledge, 1998.

Brown, Bill, ed. Reading the West: An Anthology of Dime Westerns. (Malaeska: The Indian Wife of the White Hunter, by Ann S. Stephens; Seth Jones: or, The Captives of the Frontier, by Edward Ellis; Deadwood Dick, the Prince of the Road, by Edward J. Wheeler).





(Colección Frontera del Oeste, 142). El Campello (Alicante): Ediciones Cíes, 2007.*


(Texas Jack, la terreur des indiens). Novel series. 290 nos., 1907-1912. France: Eichler.








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