viernes, 31 de mayo de 2024

El Mal



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)






Early works





Early works


Aquinas, Thomas (St.). Tratado de la Creación en general. In Aquinas, Suma Teológica de Santo Tomás de Aquino. Bilingual ed. Gen. ed. Francisco Barbado Viejo. Vol. II/III: Tratado de la Santísima Trinidad. Trans. Raimundo Suárez, introd. Manuel Cuervo. Tratado de la Creación en general. Trans. and introd. Jesús Valbuena. Tratado de los Ángeles. Trans. Raimundo Suárez, introd. and appendix by Aureliano Martínez. Tratado de la Creación Corpórea. Introd. and trans. Alberto Colunga. 3rd ed. Madrid: BAC, 1959.*

Cicero. De finibus bonorum et malorum.

Clarke, John (Dr.). Discourse Concerning Natural Evil. 1719.

_____. Enquiry into the Cause and Origin of Evil. 1720.

Davis, Walter A. Death's Dream Kingdom. (Evil).

Hobbes, Thomas. "Of the Kingdome of Darknesse." (Evil). In Hobbes, Leviathan. London: Dent; New York: Dutton (Everyman), 1914. 331-84.*

Hutcheson, Francis. An Inquiry Concerning Moral Good and Evil. In An Inquiry into the original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue. Rev. 4th ed., 1738.

Jenyns, Soame. A Free Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Evil. 1757.

King, William. De origine mali. 1702.

_____. An Essay on the Origin of Evil by Dr. William King, translated from the Latin with Notes and a Dissertation concerning the Principle and Criterion of Virtue and of the Passions; By Edmund Law, M. A., Fellow of Christ College in Cambridge. 2nd ed. London, 1737.

Leibniz. Théodicée. (Written 1697-1705?) 1710.

_____. Philosophische Schriften. Introd. Gerhardt.

_____. "Remarques sur le livre sur l'origine du mal publié depuis peu en Angleterre." App. to Leibniz, Théodicée. Philosophische Schriften 6.3-10.

More, Henry. The Mystery of Iniquity. 1664.

Naville, Ernest. The Problem of Evil. Trans. E. W. Shalders. Edinburgh, 1871.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Leipzig: Naumann, 1886.

_____. Jenseits von Gut und Böse. In Werke 2. Ed. Karl Schlechta. Munich, 1954.

_____. Beyond Good and Evil. Chicago, 1955.

_____. Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future. Trans. Walter Kaufmann. New York: Random House-Vintage, 1966.

_____. Beyond Good and Evil. Trans. R. J. Hollingdale. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

_____. Más allá del bien y del mal. 1886. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1979.

_____. Más allá del bien y del mal: preludio de una filosofía del futuro. Trans. Javier Carretero Moreno. Introd. Antonio López Castellón. Madrid: Busma, 1984.

_____. Par delà le bien et le mal. Paris: Le Livre de Poche.

Plotinus. "Enéada 1, 8 (51). Sobre qué son los males y de dónde provienen." In Plotino: Vida de Plotino por Porfirio. Enéadas (I-III). Introd. Ignacio Guiu. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Plotino, I). Madrid: Gredos, 2015. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2016. 108-24.*

Voltaire. "Malvado." From Diccionario Filosófico. In Voltaire, Cartas filosóficas. Diccionario filosófico. Memorias para servir a la vida de Voltaire escritas por él mismo. Prologue by Fernando Savater. Introd. Martí Domínguez. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Voltaire, I). Madrid: Gredos, 2010. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA, 2014. 268-70.*








Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. 1963. New York: Viking, 1964.

_____. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1965.

_____. Eichmann en Jerusalén. Barcelona: Lumen, 1999.

_____.  Eichmann en Jerusalén. Ediciones de Bolsillo.

Bataille, Georges. La Littérature et le mal. Paris: Gallimard, 1954.

Baudrillard, Jean. La Transparence du mal: Essai sur les phénomènes extrêmes. Paris: Galilée, 1991.

_____. The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena. New York: Verso, 1993.

Baumeister, Roy F. Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty.

Becker, Ernst. La estructura del mal. (Part II: La Ciencia del Hombre como Antropodicea).

Becker, Ernest. Escape from Evil. New York: Free Press, 1975.

Beer, Gillian. "Richardson, Milton, and the Status of Evil." In Beer, Arguing with the Past. London: Routledge, 1989. 62-73.*

Bidell, Alexander. Das Konzept des Bösen in Paradise Lost: Analyse und Interpretation. Frankfurt a/M, 2003.

Borges, Jorge Luis. Historia universal de la infamia. 2nd ed. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1954.

_____. Historia Universal de la Infamia. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1974.

_____. A Universal History of Infamy. Trans. N. T. di Giovanni. New York: Dutton, 1972.

Cole, Douglas. Suffering and Evil in the Plays of Christopher Marlowe. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1962.

Crane, John Kenny. The Root of All Evil: The Thematic Unity of William Styron's Fiction. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1984.

Cruz, Juan. "El infierno tan temido." El País 26 July 2019.* (Evil).


Dadlez, E. M. "Make-Believe Wickedness vs. Wicked Make-Believe: RPGs, Imagination and Moral Complicity." In How to Make Believe: The Fictional Truths of the Representational Arts. Ed. J. Alexander Bareis and Lene Nordrum. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2015. 309-22.* (Role-Playing Games).

Duque, Félix. El mal: Irradiación y fascinación. Barcelona: Ed. del Serbal; Universidad de Murcia, 1993.

Duriez, Colin. Bedeviled: Lewis, Tolkien and the Shadow of Evil. InterVarsity Press, 2015.

Eagleton, Terry. Evil. Yale UP.

Echeverría Ezponda, Javier. Ciencia del bien y del mal. Herder, Barcelona, 2007

Fraijó, Manuel. Dios, el mal, y otros ensayos.

Frye, Northrop. "The Knowledge of Good and Evil." 1967. In Frye, The Stubborn Structure. London: Methuen, 1970. 22-37.

García Landa, José Angel.  "Intellectuals against 'evil'." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 23 Oct. 2017.* (Madelon Sprengnether).


_____. "Intellectuals against 'Evil'." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 23 Oct. 2017.*


_____. "Aplicación de protocolos." In García Landa, Vanity Fea  25 Jan. 2022.* (Banality of evil, administration, face masks).


Illing, Sean. "A Stanford Scientist on the Biology of Human Evil." Vox 23 May 2017.* (Sapolsky).


Knight, G. Wilson. "Macbeth and the Metaphysic of Evil." In 20th Century Literary Criticism: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1972. 159-73.*

Llorens Cubedo, Dídac. "The Sin of Moral Neutrality vs. the Virtue of Evil: Kurtz, Pilgrims and Hollow Men." In aedeanXXXIII, Cádiz 12-14 Nov. 2009. Ed. R. Galán et al. CD-ROM. Cádiz: Servicio de Publicaciones, U de Cádiz, 2010.*

Maestro, Jesús G., ed. Figuras del mal y personajes perversos en el teatro europeo. (Theatralia, 15). Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2013.

Margel, Serge. "Les dénominations orphiques de la survivance. Derrida et la question du pire." In L'animal autobiographique: Autour de Jacques Derrida. Ed. Marie-Louise Mallet. Paris: Galilée / CNL, 1999. 441-68.*

McGinn, Bernard. Antichrist: Two Thousand Years of the Human Fascination with Evil. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994.

McGinn, Colin. Ethics, Evil, and Fiction. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997, pbk 1999. (Dorian Gray, Lolita, Frankenstein).

Molares do Val, Manuel. "Psicología de la maldad." Crónicas Bárbaras 24 April 2019.*


Montalvo, Pedro G. "Los dados del bien y del mal (Ensayo sobre el maniqueísmo y la literatura de terror)." In Estudios literarios dedicados al profesor Mariano Baquero Goyanes. Murcia, 1974. 125-36.*

Morrow, Lance. Evil: An Investigation. C. 2003.

_____."Evil: An Investigation." Interview by Brian Lamb. Booknotes 19 Oct. 2003.*


Nabert, Jean. Essai sur le mal.

Naím, Moisés. "Nicolás Maduro y la banalidad del mal." El País 4 May 2018.*


Navarro Cordón, Juan Manuel. "Lo justo y el mal." In Con Paul Ricœur: Espacios de interpelación. Tiempo. Dolor. Justicia. Relatos. Ed. Teresa Oñate, José Luis Díaz Arroyo, Paloma O. Zubía, Marco Antonio Hernández Nieto, L. David Cáceres. Madrid: Dykinson, 2016. 405-22.*

Navarrete, Manuel. "La razón occidental: Carta abierta a Juan Manuel Hidalgo, director de la 2 de TVE." Rebelión 11 July 2017.*


_____. Iniciativa Debate 11 July 2017.*


Onega, Susana. "Camusian Existentialism and the Question of Evil in the Early Fiction of John Fowles." In 'To Vindicate the Ways of God to Man': Theodicy and Literature. Ed. Rudolf Freiburg. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, forthcoming 2004.

Perry, J. Douglas. "Jemand von Niemand, Death-Camp Doctor: Evil as Structuring Principle in the Later Fiction of William Styron." University of Mississippi Studies in English  10 (1992): 144-57.

Rabtan, Tsevan. Atlas del bien y del mal. GeoPlaneta, 2017.

Ricœur, Paul. La symbolique du mal. 1960.

_____. The Symbolism of Evil. Trans. Emerson Buchanan. New York: Harper and Row, 1967. Trans. of La Symbolique du mal.

_____. The Symbolism of Evil. Trans. Emerson Buchanan. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967.

_____. "L'Essai sur le mal." (Jean Nabert). 1959. In Ricœur, Lectures 2: La contrée des philosophes. Paris: Seuil, 1992. 237-52.*

_____. "Kierkegaard et le mal." 1963. In Ricœur, Lectures 2: La contrée des philosophes. Paris: Seuil, 1992. 15-27.*

_____. Finitude et culpabilité. (Part II of Philosophie de la Volonté). Vol. 1: L'Homme faillible. Vol. 2: La Symbolique du mal. Paris: Aubier Montaigne, 1960. 1988.

_____. Le Mal: Un défi à la philosphie et à la théologie. Labor et Fides, 1986.

Rosenbaum, Ron. Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1998.

Safranski, Rüdiger. El mal o el drama de la libertad. (Ensayo). Barcelona: Tusquets.

San Martín Sala, Javier. "El ser humano como persona: dignidad y problema del mal." In San Martín, Antropología Filosófica IV: Vida humana, persona, cultura. Madrid: UNED, 2015. 253-81.*

Sauer, Hanno. La invención del bien y del mal: Una nueva historia de la humanidad. Paidós, c. 2023.

Sichère, Bernard. Historia del mal. Preface by Julia Kristeva. Trans. A. L. Bixio and J. G. López Guyix. Barcelona: Gedisa, 1996.

Sierra González, Ángela. "La injusticia: Una perspectiva simbólica del mal." In Con Paul Ricœur: Espacios de interpelación. Tiempo. Dolor. Justicia. Relatos. Ed. Teresa Oñate, José Luis Díaz Arroyo, Paloma O. Zubía, Marco Antonio Hernández Nieto, L. David Cáceres. Madrid: Dykinson, 2016. 551-62.*

Spivack, Bernard. Shakespeare and the Allegory of Evil: The History of a Metaphor in Relation to His Major Villains. New York, 1938. New York: Columbia UP, 1958.

Spivack, Charlotte. The Comedy of Evil on Shakespeare's Stage. London: Associated Ups, 1978.

Sprengnether, Madelon. "Against 'Evil'—the Las Vegas Massacre." Psychology Today (Minding Memory) 23 Oct. 2017.*


Suárez-Zuloaga, Ignacio. "Cuando el mal se vuelve lo normal." El Correo 7 April 2015.*


Swinburne, Richard. Providence and the Problem of Evil. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Tanner, John S. "'Say First What Cause': Ricœur and the Etiology of Evil in Paradise Lost." PMLA 103.1 (1988): 45-56.

Tiger, Lionel.  The Manufacture of Evil: Ethics, Evolution & the Industrial System.

Tobeña, Adolf. Neurología de la maldad. Plataforma, c. 2019.

Todorov, Tzvetan. Memoria del mal, tentación del bien.

Truhan, Tayler E. "The Many Faces of Dark Personalities: An Examination of the Dark Triad Structure Using Psychometric Network Analysis." Personality and Individual Differences 171 (2021): 110502.

Online at Science Direct.*


Tyman, Stephen T. "Ricœur and the Problem of Evil." In The Philosophy of Paul Ricœur. Ed. Lewis Edwin Hahn. Open Court, 1995.

Wolff, Francis, and H.-J. Gagey. Le Mal nie-t-il l'existence de Dieu? Salvator, 2008.

Zimbardo, Philp. The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil. Random House, 2007.

Zimmer, Heinrich. The King and the Corpse (Tales of the Soul's Conquest of Evil). Washington (DC), 1948.







Morrow, Lance. "Evil: An Investigation." Interview by Brian Lamb. Booknotes 19 Oct. 2003.*










Stop World Control – El fin de la humanidad - Como lo planean los líderes mundiales. Film by David John Sorensen. Rumble (StopWorldControl) April 2024.* (WEF, Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, Agendas, Social engineering, Data, Cyborgs, Control, Artificial intelligence, Posthumanism, Internet of Bodies and privacy, ICT, PsyOps, Climate change scam, Elites, Dominion, Evil).








Argullol, Rafael. La razón del mal. Novel. Barcelona: Destino, 1993. (Premio Nadal 1993)

Berendt, John. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Fiction. 1994.

Chekhov, Anton. (Antón P. Chéjov). "Un niño maligno." 1883. In Chéjov, Cuentos completos (1880-1885). Ed. Paul Viejo. 3rd ed. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2014. 597-600.*

Connolly, John. Malvados. Novel. (Andanzas). Barcelona: Tusquets.

McMaster, Guy Humphrey. "The Northern Lights." Poem. (Armageddon).

Myst, Magnus. Das Böse Buch. Children's book. Vienna: Carl Ueberreuter, 2009.

_____. El Libro Malvado. Trans. María Dolores Ábalos. Boadilla del Monte: SM, 2011.*

Stapledon, Olaf. Darkness and the Light. Novel.. London: Methuen, 1942.

_____. "The Reign of Darkness." From Darkness and the Light. In An Olaf Stapledon Reader. Ed. Robert Crossley. Syracuse (NY): Syracuse UP, 1997. 28-41.*

Tolkien, J. R. R. The Lord of the Rings. Fantasy novel trilogy. London: Allen and Unwin, 1954-5. Vol. 1, The The Fellowship of the Ring; Vol. 2, The Two Towers; Vol. 3, The Return of the King.








Carlson, Tucker. "Tucker Carlson's speech over the weekend…" Video. Twitter (Texas Lindsay) 24 April 2023.* (On evil in politics).



Fridman, Lex. "Judea Pearl: Causal Reasoning, Counterfactuals, and the Path to AGI | Lex Fridman Podcast #56." Video interview. YouTube (Lex Fridman) 11 Dec. 2019.* (Mathematics, Models, Correlation, Experiments, Science, Data, Abstraction, Artificial intelligence; Calculation; Free will, Consciousness; Indoctrination; Religion; Daniel Pearl; Terrorism, Evil).



InMatrix. "66. Carta a DONALD TRUMP de Monseñor VIGANO. Elecciones 2020 EEUU | 👌 😎" Video. YouTube (InMatrix) 3 Nov. 2020.*



McBrayer, Justin. "The Problem of Evil." Lecture at the University of Edinburgh. YouTube (Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh) 25 June 2015.*



Vidal, César. "Editorial: La verdadera definición del diablo - 09/07/21." Audio. YouTube (La Voz de César Vidal) 9 July 2021.* (Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, abortionism)





See also Ethics; Morals; Theodicy.

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