domingo, 5 de mayo de 2024

Filosofía: Áreas



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Philosophy: Areas


Philosophy in English

            British philosophy

            US philosophy

            Scottish philosophy

French philosophy

German philosophy

Italian philosophy

Spanish philosophy

Other areas





Philosophy in English:

British philosophy





Lange, Bernd-Peter, ed. Classics in Cultural Criticism I: Britain. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1990.







The Philosophers. Database. 12 vols. (English Letters). Intelex / Oxford UP, 2004. (Correspondence from George Berkeley, F. H. Bradley, Adam Ferguson, David Hume, Henry Sidgwick, Adam Smith and Herbert Spencer. From the Past Masters series: InteLex, Oxford UP and Pickering & Chatto).










British Journal for the History of Philosophy


The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science


Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 15 (1984).







Ashcraft, Richard, Richard Kroll, and Perez Zagorin, eds. Philosophy, Science and Religion in England, 1640-1700. 1992.

Beiser, Frederick. Sovereignty of Reason: The Defense of Rationality in the Early English Enlightenment. 1997.

Jones, R. F. Ancients and Moderns: A Study of the Rise of the Scientific Movement in Seventeenth-Century England. St Louis: Washington UP, 1936.

_____. Ancients and Moderns: A Study of the Rise of the Scientific Movement in Seventeenth-Century England. New York: Dover, 1982.

Redpath, Theodore. "Bacon and the Advancement of Learning (An Introductory Essay)." In The Age of Shakespeare. Ed. Boris Ford. Vol. 2 of The Pelican Guide to English Literature. Harmondsworth: Penguin-Pelican, 1955. 1971. 369-85.*

Shapin, Steven. A Social History of Truth: Civility and Science in Seventeenth-Century England. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1994.

Shapiro, Barbara J. "Latitudinarianism and Science in Seventeenth-Century England." Past and Present 40 (1968): 6-41.

_____. Probability and Certainty in Seventeenth-Century England. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1983.

Sorley, W. R. "XII. Hobbes and Contemporary Philosophy." 1911. In Cavalier and Puritan. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Vol. VII of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Ed. A. W. Ward et al. New York: Putnam's; Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1907–21. Electronic edition (* (Robert Greville, lord Brooke, Culverwel, Selden, Hobbes, More, Harrington, Filmer, Glanvill, Richard Cumberland).






Taillefer de Haya, Lidia. Orígenes del feminismo: Textos ingleses de los siglos XVI-XVIII. Madrid: Narcea, 2008.





Cambridge Platonists


Mintz, Samuel I. The Hunting of Leviathan: Seventeenth-Century Reactions to the Materialism and Moral Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes. Cambridge, 1962.

Patrides, C. A. The Cambridge Platonists. 1969.

Wade, Gladys. Thomas Traherne. Princeton (NJ), 1944. (Cambridge Platonists).





Bredvold, Louis I. "Philosophy and History." In Bredvold, The Literature of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century 1660-1798. London: Collier-Macmillan, 1962. 156-60.*

Davies, Hugh Sykes, and George Watson, eds. The English Mind: Studies in the English Moralists Presented to Basil Willey. Cambridge, 1964.*

Fox, Christopher. Locke and the Scriblerians: Identity and Consciousness in the Early Eighteenth Century Britain. Berkeley: U of California P, 1988.*

Hearnshaw, F. J. C., ed. The Social and Political Ideas of Some English Thinkers of the Augustan Age. 1928.

Russell, Bertrand. "El Empirismo británico." In Russell, La sabiduría de Occidente, in Russell,  Historia de la Filosofía. Madrid: Aguilar, 1973. 923-46.*

Sherburne, George, and Donald F. Bond. "Intellectual Prose." In The Restoration and Eighteenth Century (1660-1789). Vol. 3 of A Literary History of England. Ed. A. C. Baugh. London: Routledge, 1948. 2nd ed. 1967. 1081-93.*

Stephen, Leslie (Sir). History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. 1876.

_____. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. 2 vols. London: Smith, Elder, 1881. Online facsimile at Internet Archive.*


_____. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. 3rd ed. 2 vols. New York: Putnam's, 1902.

_____. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1961.

_____. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century. (Harbinger Books). New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1962.

Willey, Basil. The Eighteenth Century Background: Studies on the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the Period. London: Chatto and Windus, 1940.*

_____. The Eighteenth-Century Background: Studies on the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the Period. London: Routledge, 1987.*

_____. The English Moralists. London: Chatto, 1964.







Raphael, D. D., ed. British Moralists 1650-1800. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969. Rpt. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1991.









Bragg, Melvyn, et al. "The Scottish Enlightenment." BBC (In Our Time) 5 Dec. 2002.*









Aster, Ernst von. "Filosofía de los siglos XIX y XX." In von Aster, Historia de la Filosofía. Barcelona: Labor, 1945. 334-449.* (1. La Filosofía alemana pos-kantiana. 2. La Filosofía francesa en la primera mitad del siglo XIX. La filosofía inglesa en el siglo XIX. 4. La Filosofía alemana a mediados del siglo XIX. 5. La Filosofía de los últimos decenios y de la actualidad).

Bruns, Gerald L. "The Formal Nature of Victorian Thinking." PMLA 90 (1975): 904-18.

Buckley, Jerome Hamilton. The Triumph of Time: A Study of the Victorian Concepts of Time, History, Progress, and Decadence. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1966.

Maynard, John. Victorian Discourses on Sexuality and Religion (Reviewed by Peter Gray) In Nineteenth-Century Literature 50.1 (1995).*

Russell, Bertrand. "El utilitarismo y la época subsiguiente." In Russell, La sabiduría de Occidente,  in Russell,  Historia de la Filosofía. Madrid: Aguilar, 1973. 989-1064.*





Albee, E. A History of English Utilitarianism. 1901. Rpt. New York: Collier, 1962. (Spencer, chs. 13-15).

Campbell, T. D., and I. S. Ross. "The Utilitarianism of Adam Smith's Policy Advice." Journal of the History of Ideas 42 (1981): 73-92.

Carlyle, Thomas. "Signs of the Times." Edinburgh Review (1829). (Vs. Utilitarianism).

Escohotado, Antonio. Los enemigos del comercio: Una historia moral de la propiedad II. Barcelona: Espasa, 2013. 2nd ed. 2015. 3rd ed. 2017.* (I. De cómo la propiedad se industrializó; II. De cómo competir y cooperar se tornaron radicalmente opuestos). (Slavery, Property, Communism, Progress, Early modern history, Utilitarianism, Socialism, Industrial revolution, Money, Market economy, Trade, Anarchism, Working class, Socialism, Marx, 19th-20th-c. German history, Russian history, British history).

García Landa, José Angel. "Dr. Orwell vs. General Utility." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 8 June 2023.* (Elizabeth Hamilton, William Godwin, socialism).


Grote, John. An Examination of the Utilitarian Philosophy. 1870. Selection in The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents. Ed. Josephine Guy. London: Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002. 56-67.*

Klingopulos, G. D. "Notes on the Victorian Scene." In From Dickens to Hardy. Vol. 6 of the Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1958. 1975. 11-56.* (The Democratic Experiment – Expansion and Its Consequences – Self-help – Utilitarianism: The Meaning of Plugson, Gradgrind, Bounderby & Bulstrode – The Ferment of Social Ideals – Liberty, Anarchy, and Culture – Religion and the Challenge of Expansion – Reactions against Liberalism in Religion – Literacy and Humanism).

Malo, Pablo. "Darwin y el fin del bien y el mal." La Nueva Ilustración Evolucionista 27 May 2018.* (Steve Stewart-Williams; moral utilitarianism).


Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. 1861.

_____. Utilitarianism. 1861. In The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill. Ed. John M. Robston. 33 vols. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1969. vol. x.

_____. Utilitarianism. Ed. Roger Crisp. (Oxford Philosophical Texts). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

_____. El Utilitarismo. Madrid: Alianza, 1984.

_____. "Utilitarianism." 1861. Selection in The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents. Ed. Josephine Guy. London: Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002. 39-55.*

_____. From Autobiography. (From Chapter 5: "A Crisis in my Mental History. One Stage Onward"). 1873. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 1166-73.*

Miller, Harlan B., and William H. Williams, eds. The Limits of Utilitarianism. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1982.

Riley, Jonathan. Liberal Utilitarianism: Social Choice Theory and J. S. Mill's Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.

Russell, Bertrand. "El utilitarismo y la época subsiguiente." In Russell, La sabiduría de Occidente,  in Russell,  Historia de la Filosofía. Madrid: Aguilar, 1973. 989-1064.*

_____. "Los utilitaristas." In Russell, Historia de la Filosofía Occidental, in Russell, Historia de la filosofía. Madrid: Aguilar, 1973.*

Smart, J. C. C., and Bernard Williams, eds. Utilitarianism: For and Against. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1973.

Tasset Carmona, José Luis. "La ética de Adam Smith: Hacia un utilitarismo de la simpatía." Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 6 (1989).

The Utilitarians. New York: Anchor, 1973.

Weinstein, David. Equal Freedom and Utility: Herbert Spencer's Liberal Utilitarianism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

_____. "Deductive Hedonism and the Anxiety of Influence." Utilitas 12.3 (2000): 329–46.

Williams, Bernard. "A Critique of Utilitarianism." In Utilitarianism: For and Against. Ed. J. C. C. Smart and Bernard Williams. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1973.






Crimmins, James E., ed. Utilitarians and Religion: Part 1: Religious Utilitarians; part 2: Secular Utilitarians. Bristol: Thoemmes, 1998.

Guy, Josephine, ed. The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents. London: Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002.* (On social ethics, utilitarianism, etc.).







Utilitas 12.3 (2000).










Morás, Nicolás. "📜LIBERALISMO Vs.🙍🔓INGENIERÍA SOCIAL 🌎 ¡Comparte!" YouTube (Los Liberales) 28 June 2020.*





See also Bentham, Jeremy; Mill, James; Mill, J. S.






Easthope, Antony. "Philosophy." In Easthope, British Post-Structuralism since 1968. 1988. London: Routledge, 1991. 130-2.*

Tanner, Michael. "English Philosophy since 1945." In The Present. Vol. 8 of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1983. 471-81.*

Tomlin, E. W. F. "The Prose of Thought." InThe Modern Age. Vol. 7 of The Pelican Guide to English Literature. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961. 2nd ed. 1963. 231-44.*










Scottish philosophy


18th century


Bryson, Gladys. Man and Society: The Scottish Enquiry of the Eighteenth Century. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1945.

Chitnis, Anand C. The Scottish Enlightenment: A Social History. London: Croom Helm, 1976.

_____. The Scottish Enlightenment and Early Victorian English Society. London: Croom Helm, 1986.

Stewart, M. A., ed. Studies in the Philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenement. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.

Valdés Miyares, J. Rubén "The Prejudices of Education: Educational Aspects of the Scottish Enlightenment." Atlantis 27.2 (Dec. 2005): 101-118.*







Raphael, D. D., ed. British Moralists 1650-1800. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969. Rpt. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1991.







Hume Studies









US philosophy




Cavell, Stanley.  Qu'est-ce que la philosophie américaine? (Folio).

Caws, Peter, ed. Two Centuries of Philosophy in America. Totowa (NJ): Rowan & Littlefield, 1980.

Goodman Russell B. American Philosophy and the Romantic Tradition. (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, 50). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991.

Marcuse, L. Filosofía americana. Barcelona: Guadarrama.

Parrington, Vernon L. Main Currents in American Thought. 3 vols. New York: Harcourt, 1927-1930.

Sprigee, A. "The Distinctiveness of American Philosophy." In Two Centuries of Philosophy in America. Ed. Peter Caws. Totowa (NJ): Rowan & Littlefield, 1980.

West, Cornel. The American Evasion of Philosophy: A Genealogy of Pragmatism. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1989.








Hollinger, David, and Charles Capper, eds. The American Intellectual Tradition: A Sourcebook. Vol. 2. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

_____. The American Intellectual Tradition: Volume I 1630-1865; Volume II 1865-the Present. New York: Oxford UP, 2001.









Blog of the APA






Dictionaries and encyclopedias


Lachs, John, and Robert B. Talisse, eds. American Philosophy: An Encyclopedia. London: Routledge, 2008.





Internet resources



The Mead Project (Brock University, Canada).










American Journal of Philosophy 79 (1963).


American Journal of Theology and Philosophy


American Philosophical Quarterly 2 (1965).


European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy

Vol. 8.2 (2016).*



Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience. (American Philosophical Association).


Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 139 (1995).


Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy. Philosophy Department, SUNY Buffalo. Indians UP. Vol. 1 (1965).







Societies and Institutions



APA (American Philosophical Association)









19th century


Jain, Manju, ed. T. S. Eliot and American Philosophy: The Harvard Years. 1993.

Santayana, George. "The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy." 1911. University of California Chronicle. Rpt. in Winds of Doctrine and Platonism and the Spiritual Life. 1913. Gloucester ed. 1971.

_____. "The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy." 1911. In The American Intellectual Tradition: A Sourcebook. Ed. David Hollinger and Charles Capper. Vol. 2. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

_____. "The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy." 1911. In American Literature, American Culture. Ed. Gordon Hutner. New York: Oxford UP, 1999. 200-212.*

Shi, David E. Facing Facts: Realism in American Thought and Culture, 1850-1920. New York: Oxford UP, 1996.










American Transcendental Quarterly 49 (1981).




See also Transcendentalism and literature; Transcendentalism and criticism.







20th century


Black, Max, ed. Philosophy in America. Ithaca: Cornell UP; London: Allen & Unwin, 1965.

Conn, Peter. The Divided Mind: Ideology of Imagination in America, 1898-1917. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1983.

Degler, Carl N. In Search of Human Nature: The Decline and Revival of Darwinism in American Social Thought. New York: Oxford UP, 1991.

Edel, Abraham. In Search of the Ethical: Moral Theory in Twentieth Century America. New Brunswick (NJ): Transaction, 1993.

Hofstadter, Richard. Social Darwinism in American Thought. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1945.

_____. Social Darwinism in American Thought. Boston: Beacon Press, 1955.

Quirk, Tom. Bergson in American Culture.

Lott, Tommy, and John Pittman, eds. A Companion to African-American Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.





21st century


Ansay, Pierre. Nouveaux penseurs de la gauche américaine. Charleroi: Éditions Couleurs, 2011.














French philosophy



17th century


Aster, Ernst von. "Filosofía de los siglos XVII y XVIII." In von Aster, Historia de la Filosofía. Barcelona: Labor, 1945. 243-332.* (1. El Cartesianismo. 2. Filosofía inglesa de los siglos XVII y XVIII. 3. Leibniz y el racionalismo alemán. 4. El Racionalismo francés y Rousseau. 5. Kant).

Bénichou, Paul. Morales du Grand Siècle. 1948.

De Ley, Herbert. The Movement of Thought: An Essay on Intellect in Seventeenth Century France. Illinois UP, 1985.

Kearns, Edward. Ideas in 17th Century France: The most important thinkers and the climate of ideas in which they worked. Manchester, 1979.



18th century


Aster, Ernst von. "Filosofía de los siglos XVII y XVIII." In von Aster, Historia de la Filosofía. Barcelona: Labor, 1945. 243-332.* (1. El Cartesianismo. 2. Filosofía inglesa de los siglos XVII y XVIII. 3. Leibniz y el racionalismo alemán. 4. El Racionalismo francés y Rousseau. 5. Kant).

Domenech, Jacques. L'Éthique des Lumières: Les Fondements de la morale dans la philosophie française du XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Vrin, 1989.

Hertzberg, Arthur. The French Enlightenment and the Jews. New York, 1968. (On the philosophers' antisemitism).

Taylor, Charles. "Radical Enlightenment." In Taylor, Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989. 2000. 321-54.* (French philosophes).



19th century


Aster, Ernst von. "Filosofía de los siglos XIX y XX." In von Aster, Historia de la Filosofía. Barcelona: Labor, 1945. 334-449.* (1. La Filosofía alemana pos-kantiana. 2. La Filosofía francesa en la primera mitad del siglo XIX. La filosofía inglesa en el siglo XIX. 4. La Filosofía alemana a mediados del siglo XIX. 5. La Filosofía de los últimos decenios y de la actualidad).

La Philosophie en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: Le Livre de Poche.



20th century


Cruz, Mario. "Calidades de la espuma: Autocrítica e hipercrítica acerca de la filosofía francesa actual." Revista de Occidente 178 (Marzo 1996): 119-24.*

Butler, Judith. Subjects of Desire: Hegelian Reflections in Twentieth-Century France. New York: Columbia UP, 1987.

Descombes, Vincent. Le Même et l'Autre: Quarante-cinq ans de philosophie française (1933-1978) . Paris: Minuit.

_____. Modern French Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.

Ferry, Luc, and Alain Renaut. French Philosophy of the Sixties: An Essay on Antihumanism. 1985. Trans. Mayr H. S. Cattani. Amherst (MA), 1990.

Gaillard, Françoise. "The Terror of Consensus." Trans. Jennifer Curtiss Gage. In Terror and Consensus: Vicissitudes of French Thought. Ed. Jean-Joseph Goux and Philip R. Wood. Stanford (CA), 1998. 65-74.

Goux, Jean-Joseph, and Philip R. Wood, eds. Terror and Consensus: Vicissitudes of French Thought. Stanford (CA), 1998.

Judt, Tony. Pasado imperfecto: Los intelectuales franceses 1944-1956. Madrid, Taurus, 2007.

Kritzman, Lawrence. Columbia History of Twentieth-Century French Thought. New York: Columbia UP.

Furet, François. Le Passé d'une illusion. Paris: Laffont/Calmann-Lévy, 1995?

Lévy, Bernard-Henri. Les Aventures de la liberté: Une histoire subjective des intellectuels.  Paris: Grasset, 1991; Grasset / Fasquelle, 1991.*

_____. Las aventuras de la libertad. Una historia subjetiva de los intelectuales. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1992.

Lottman, Herbert. La Rive gauche: La élite intelectual y política en Francia entre 1935 y 1950. Barcelona, 1994.

Montefiore, Alan, ed. Philosophy in France Today. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1983.

Starr, Peter. Logics of Failed Revolt: French Theory after May '68. Stanford (CA), 1995.

Winock, Michel. El siglo de los intelectuales. Barcelona: Edhasa, 2010.








Arguments.  Ed. Kostas Axelos and Edgar Morin. 1956-1962.




L'Infini. Periodical. Ed. Philippe Sollers. 1982-.


Information Philosophie



See also Belgian philosophy.




21st century


Gondek, Hans-Dieter, and László Tengelyi. Neue Phänomenologie in Frankreich. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2011.




Depraz, Nathalie, and François-David Sebbah. "Nouvelle phénoménologie en France – 1." ENS - Savoirs en Multimédia (ENS) 8 March 2012.*









German philosophy




Bréhier, E. Histoire de la philosophie allemande.






Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie


Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie


Grazer philosophische Studien


Salzburger Jahrbuch der Philosophie


Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 30 (1976).









Martín, Luis Carlos. "La implantación política de la filosofía alemana." Video. Lecture at the Escuela de Filosofía de Oviedo (Materialismo Histórico y Materialismo Filosófico) 11 Dec. 2017.*








18th century


Staël (Mme. de).  De l'Allemagne. 1813.

_____. "Part the Third. Philosophy and Morals.." In Germany; by the Baroness Staël Holstein. Translated from the French. In Three Volumes London: John Murray, 1813.




19th century


Aster, Ernst von. "Filosofía de los siglos XIX y XX." In von Aster, Historia de la Filosofía. Barcelona: Labor, 1945. 334-449.* (1. La Filosofía alemana pos-kantiana. 2. La Filosofía francesa en la primera mitad del siglo XIX. La filosofía inglesa en el siglo XIX. 4. La Filosofía alemana a mediados del siglo XIX. 5. La Filosofía de los últimos decenios y de la actualidad).

Fischl, Johann. "Parte tercera: Filosofía de la Edad Moderna." In Fischl, Manual de Historia de la Filosofía. Barcelona: Herder, 1973. 223- (Período primero: La Filosofía del Renacimiento; Período segundo: La filosofía del Barroco; Período tercero: La filosofía de la Ilustración; Período cuarto: El idealismo alemán; Período quinto: La filosofía actual. I. El materialismo. II. El positivismo y el neopositivismo. III. El neokantismo. IV. La Neoescolástica. V. Filosofía y ciencia natural. VI. La nueva metafísica. VII. Filosofía de la vida. VIII. Filosofía existencial).

Flint, Roberto. La filosofía de la historia en Alemania. Madrid: La España moderna, n.d. (191-?).

Lange, Fr. A. Geschichte des Materialismus. 1866.

Quinet, Edgar. Allemagne et Italie: philosophie et poésie, Paris/Leipzig: Desforges, 1839.

Santayana, George. Egotism in German Philosophy. 1915.

_____. Egotism in German Philosophy. Vol. 6 of The Works. Triton ed., 1936.

Szondi, Peter. Poésie et poétique de l'idéalisme allemand. Paris: Minuit, 1975.

_____. Poésie et poétique de l'idéalisme allemand. 1974. (Tel, 194). Paris, Gallimard, 1991.

Watanabe, J. Zwischen Phänomenologie und deutschen Idealismus. Berlin: Ducker-Humblot, 2012.



















Bueno, Gustavo. "Idealismo alemán y nazismo." Video lecture. YouTube (fgbuenotv) 4 June 2014.*







20th century


Lafont, Cristina. La razón como lenguaje: Una revisión del "giro lingüístico" en la filosofía del lenguaje alemana. Madrid, 1993.

Ricœur, Paul. Quelques figures contemporaines: Appendice à l'Histoire de la Philosophie allemande, de E. Bréhier. Paris: Vrin, 1954. 1967.

Roberts, Julian. The Logic of Reflection: German Philosophy in the Twentieth Century. New Haven: Yale UP, 1992.






Italian philosophy






Giornale critico della filosofia italiana. 3rd series 22.47 (1968).





Vico, Giambattista. On the Most Ancient Wisdom of the Italians. Ithaca: Cornell UP.





Garin, Eugenio. L'Umanesimo italiano: Filosofia e vita civile nel Rinascimento. 1952. Bari: Laterza, 1973.

Kristeller, P. O. "Humanism and Scholasticism in the Italian Renaissance." In Renaissance Thought: The Classic, Scholastic, and Humanist Strains. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1961. 92-119. Rpt. in Renaissance Thought and Its Sources.

_____. Eight Philosophers of the Italian Renaissance. Stanford (CA): Stanford UP, 1964.

Russell, Bertrand. "El Renacimiento italiano." In Russell, Historia de la Filosofía Occidental, in Russell, Historia de la filosofía. Madrid: Aguilar, 1973.*

Seigel, Jerrold E. Rhetoric and Philosophy in Renaissance Humanism: The Union of Eloquence and Wisdom, Petrarch to Valla. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1968.



19th century


Quinet, Edgar. Allemagne et Italie: philosophie et poésie, Paris/Leipzig: Desforges, 1839.









Spanish philosophy





Abellán, José Luis. Historia del pensamiento español. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1996.*

Urales, Federico. La evolución de la filosofía en España. Ediciones de Bolsillo.







Menéndez y Pelayo, Marcelino. Historia de los heterodoxos españoles.

Unamuno, Miguel de. "Sobre la filosofía española (diálogo)." June 1904. In Unamuno, Ensayos. Prologue and notes by Bernardo G. de Candamo. 2 vols. 4th ed. Madrid: Aguilar, 1958. 1.553-67.*






Bueno Martínez, Gustavo. "El español como lengua de pensamiento." Lecture at Centro Riojano de Madrid, 17 March 2009. Online audio. Ivoox 23 March 2013.*





Internet resources



Filosofía en español (Twitter)




Filosofía en Español.  Website. Fundación Gustavo Bueno.*










Anuario Filosófico. Dir. Jaime Nuviola (U de Navarra).


Revista de Filosofía Española 76 (1961).







(Biblioteca de Filósofos Españoles, dirigida por Eduardo Ovejero y Maury). Madrid: Espasa Calpe – Imprenta La Rafa, c. 1930.*


(Biblioteca Filosofía en español). Oviedo: Fundación Gustavo Bueno / Pentalfa, c, 2009


(Grandes Pensadores españoles). Series ed. Virgilio Ortega. Barcelona: Planeta DeAgostini, 2010-.*





Societies and Institutions



Red Española de Filosofía.*










Bueno Martínez, Gustavo. "El español como lengua de pensamiento." Lecture at Centro Riojano de Madrid, 17 March 2009. Video list. YouTube (Nódulo).*




Bueno Sánchez, Gustavo. "La institucionalización de la historia de la filosofía en España." Videolecture at Fundación Gustavo Bueno. YouTube (fgbuenotv) 25 Feb. 2015.*



Madrid Casado, Carlos. "¿Existe la filosofía española?" Video. YouTube (fgbuenotv) 17 Feb. 2022.*







Maravall, José Antonio. "La estimación de Sócrates y de los sabios clásicos en la Edad Media española." In Maravall, Estudios del pensamiento español: Edad Media. Serie primera. Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, 1967. 275-344.*

_____. Estudios del pensamiento español: Edad Media. Serie primera. Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, 1967.*





16th century


de Roover, Raymond. "Scholastic Economics." Quarterly Journal of Economics 69 (1955): 162-190.

Keating, Maryann. "Adam Smith, Classical Liberalism, and the Legacy of Spanish Scholasticism." Adam Smith Works 27 Jan. 2020.*


Solana, Marcial. Historia de la filosofía española: Epoca del Renacimiento (siglo XVI). 3 vols. Madrid: Asociación Española para el Progreso de las Ciencias, 1941.

Rico, Francisco. El pequeño mundo del hombre: Varia fortuna de una idea en la cultura española. 9th ed., rev. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 2008.* (Medieval and renaissance Spanish literature; Diego García, Libro de Alexandre, Alfonso X el Sabio, Ramón Llull, Don Juan Manuel, Anselm Turmeda, Raimundo Sibiuda, Alfonso de la Torre, politics, Luis Vives, De hominis dignitate, philosophy, medicine and astrology, Fray Luis de León, architecture, microcosm and theology, Lope de Vega, Quevedo, Gracián, Calderón de la Barca, Miguel de Barrios).





Álvarez-Uría, Fernando. "El reconocimiento de la humanidad (1ª parte)." YouTube (UNEDradio) 13 March 2015.*



Gil Ibáñez, Alberto. "La Escuela de Salamanca: La Ilustración española olvidada." Video lectura. YouTube (Cima & Holzenthal) 1 Aug. 2023.*









18th century


Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino. "VI.iii. El enciclopedismo en España durante el siglo XVIII." In Menéndez Pelayo, Historia de los Heterodoxos Españoles. 5th ed., rpt. Madrid: BAC, 2000. 2.486-622.*

Subirats, Eduardo. La Ilustración insufciente. 1981.






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