miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2024

Reportajes e informes



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)









Business reports

Clinical records and reports

Legal reports and briefs

Letters. See Genres. Other genres. Letters.

News reports – News

Police reports

Radio reports

Sports broadcasting

Sports reports








Carey, John. "Reportage, Literature and Willed Credulity." In New Media Language. Ed. Jean Aitchison and Diana M. Lewis. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2003. 57-64.*

Carter, Ronald A. "When Is a Report Not a Report? Observations from Academic and Nonacademic Settings." In The Writing Scholar. Ed. Walter Nash. Newbury Park (CA): Sage, 1990. 171-91.*







Алтыбаева С. М. (Saulye Magazovna Altybayeva). ("Документальные и квазидокументальные  нарративы  современной казахской прозы" "Documentary and Quasidocumentary Narratives of Modern Kazakh Prose.") In СЕМИОСФЕРА НАРРАТОЛОГИИ: ДИАЛОГ ЯЗЫКОВ И КУЛЬТУР / Semiosphere of Narratology: A Dialogue of Languages and Cultures. Ed. Ludmila Tataru and José Angel García Landa. Balashov: Nikolayev, 2013. 69-83.*

Cassany Viladomat, Roger. "Especificitats de la narrativa audiovisual informativa a Internet: Anàlisi de les rutines de producció i dels vídeos produïts per La Vanguardia Digital, VilaWeb i 3cat24.cat." MA diss. Dpt. of Communication, U Pompeu Fabra, 2010. Online at e-Repositori (U Pompeu Fabra).*



García-Cervigón, Alberto Hernando. "Lengua y comunicación en el reportaje periodístico." In Lengua y discurso. Ed. L. A. Hernando Cuadrado and J. Sánchez Lobato. Madrid: Visor, 2015. 167-93.

Eco. Seis paseos por los bosques narrativos. Lumen. Online at Academia (D. Vegaa Salinass). 2018.*



Herrera Damas, Susana. "La frecuencia como dimensión temporal en los reportajes de radio." Actas del XXXVII Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL). Ed. Inés Olza Moreno, Manuel Casado Velarde y Ramón González Ruiz, Departamento de Lingüística hispánica y Lenguasmodernas. Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008. 327-40.* Online ed at U de Navarra (Dpt. de Lingüística).



         Actas del XXXVII Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL). Online at Academia (Manuel Casado Velarde).*



         Actas del XXXVII Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL). Online at Dadund - U de Navarra.*



Martin, J. R., and David Rose. Genre Relations: Mapping Culture. (Equinox Textbooks and Surveys in Linguistics). London and Oakville: Equinox, 2008.* (Genre, Stories, Histories, Reports and Explanations, Procedures).

Nora Berning, Nora. Narra­tive Means to Journalistic Ends: A Narratological Analysis of Selected Journalistic Reportages. Wiesbaden, 2011.

Parks, Sarah Beth. Rhetorical Dilemmas in Funded Science Annual Reporting. Ph.D. diss. Ames: Iowa State U, 2017. Online at Iowa State University Digital Repository.*




Online at Semantic Scholar.*



Said, Edward W. "Amargos despachos desde el Tercer Mundo." In Said, Reflexiones sobre el exilio: Ensayos literarios y culturales. Madrid: Debate, 2005. 113-20.*

Slembrouck, Stef. "The Parliamentary Hansard 'Verbatim' Report: The Written Construction of Spoken Discourse." Language and Literature 1.2 (1992): 101-21.

Suter, Hans Jürg. The Wedding Report: A Prototypical Approach to the Study of Traditional Text Types. (Pragmatics and Beyond New Series, 27). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1993.







Chéjov, Antón P. "Un parte." 1885. In Chéjov, Cuentos completos (1880-1885). Ed. Paul Viejo. 3rd ed. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2014. 1055-57.*









(Colección Documento, 37). Series d. Rafael Borràs Betriu. Barcelona: Planeta, 1981.*


(Serif Reporter, 37). Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1991.*









Business reports


Foz Gil, Carmen. "Relevancia de las opciones temáticas para la eficacia informativa y persuasiva de los Business Annual Reports." Ph.D. diss. U of Zaragoza, 1996.

Mur Dueñas, Mª Pilar. "Analysing Stance in American and Spanish Business Management RAs: The Case of Sentence-Initial 'Retrospective Labels'." Journal of English Studies 4 (2003-2004): 137-54.*





Clinical Records and Reports


Brass, Claudia C. "Reihenfolge und Tempuswechsel: Bildunterschriften in chirurgischen Berichten." In Vorträge der 4. Münchner Linguistik-Tage der Gesellschaft für Sprache & Sprachen (GESUS) e.V.: Beiträge zu Sprache & Sprachen. Ed. Robert J. Pittner and Karin Pittner. Munich: Lincom Europa.

Emmott, Catherine. "'Split Selves' in Fiction and in Medical 'Life Stories': Cognitive Linguistic Theory and Narrative Practice." In Cognitive Stylistics. Ed. Elena Semino and Jonathan Culpeper. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2002. 153-82.*

Kot'átková. Maria. "Història i trama: Els casos clínics com a relats acadèmics." Caplletra 70 (Spring 2021): 81-101.*

         DOI: 10.7203/Caplletra.70.19995

         Online at Academia.*



Laín Entralgo, Pedro. La historia clínica: historia y teoría del relato patográfico. 1950.

_____. La historia clínica: Historia y teoría del relato patográfico. 2nd ed. Barcelona: Salvat, 1961.

Linares, Juan Luis. La historia clínica en el manicomio: el pasaporte de la locura. (Cuadernos Anagrama 135). Barcelona: Anagrama [1970s].

Piehler, Suzanne. "Das funktional-semantische Feld (FSF) der Vergangenheit in der englischen Sprache—dargestellt am Beispiel medizinischer Fallberichte." In Vorträge der 4. Münchner Linguistik-Tage der Gesellschaft für Sprache & Sprachen (GESUS) e.V.: Beiträge zu Sprache & Sprachen. Ed. Robert J. Pittner and Karin Pittner. Munich: Lincom Europa.






Legal reports and briefs


Cuau, B. L'affaire Mirval ou comment le récit abolit le crime. Paris: Presses d'aujourd'hui, 1976.

Heinzelman, Susan Sage. "Women's Petty Treason: Feminism, Narrative, and the Law." Journal of Narrative Technique 20.2 (1990): 89-107.*

Kurzon, Dennis. "How Lawyers Tell Their Tales: Narrative Aspects of a Lawyer's Brief." Poetics 14 (December 1985): 467-81.

Threadgold, Terry. "Narrative and Legal Texts: Telling Stories about Women who Kill." UTS Review: Cultural Studies and New Writing 3.1 (1997): 56-73.

_____. "Narrative and Legal Texts: Telling Stories about Women who Kill." In Critical Discourse Analysis: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Ed. Michael Toolan. London: Routledge, 2002. 4.43-60.*





Building Law Reports. Journal. Longman Higher Education. Longman House, Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, UK.



See also Legal texts.



Letters. See Genres. Other genres. Letters.



News reports - News


Barthes, Roland. "Structure du fait divers." Médiations (1962). Rpt. in Barthes, Essais critiques. 1964. Paris: Seuil, 1971. 188-97.*

_____. "L'écriture de l'événement." 1968. In Barthes, Le Bruissement de la langue. Paris: Seuil, 1984. 175-81.*

Becker, Lee B., and Tudor Vlad. "5. News Organizations and Routines." In The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Ed. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen and Thomas Hanitzsch. New York and London: Routledge, 2009. 59-72.*

Bell, Alan. "News Stories as Narratives." In The Discourse Reader. Ed. Adam Jaworski and Nikolas Coupland. London: Routledge, 1999. 236-51.*

_____. "Poles Apart: Globalization and the Development of News Discourse across the Twentieth Century." In New Media Language. Ed. Jean Aitchison and Diana M. Lewis. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2003. 7-17.*

_____. "A Century of News Discourse." International Journal of English Studies 3.1 (2003). Special issue on Discourse Analysis Today, ed. Dagmar Scheu and M. D. López-Maestre. 189-208.* (Globalisation, Antarctica, Scott, News).

Berkowitz, Daniel A. "8. Reporters and Their Sources." In The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Ed. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen and Thomas Hanitzsch. New York and London: Routledge, 2009. 102-15.*

Berning, Nora. "Narrative Journalism from a Transdisciplinary Perspective: A Narratological Analysis of Award-Winning Literary Reportages." In Beyond Classical Narration: Transmedial and Unnatural Challenges. Ed. Jan Alber and Per Krogh Hansen. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2014. 117-35.*

Bird, S. Elizabeth, and Robert W. Dardenne. "15. Rethinking News and Myth as Storytelling." In The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Ed. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen and Thomas Hanitzsch. New York and London: Routledge, 2009. 205-17.*

Бозрикова С. А. (Svetlana Aleksyeyevna Bozrikova).  "Журналистская криминальная история: специфика нарративной темпоральности" ("Criminal Story in Journalism: The Typical Traits of Narrative Temporality.") In СЕМИОСФЕРА НАРРАТОЛОГИИ: ДИАЛОГ ЯЗЫКОВ И КУЛЬТУР / Semiosphere of Narratology: A Dialogue of Languages and Cultures. Ed. Ludmila Tataru and José Angel García Landa. Balashov: Nikolayev, 2013. 84-93.*

Bowman, Shayne, and Chris Willis. We Media: How Audiences Are Shaping the Future of News and Information.


Bruns, Axel. Gatewatching: Collaborative Online News Production. New York: Peter Lang, 2005.

_____. "The Practice of News Blogging." In Uses of Blogs. Ed. Axel Bruns and Joanne Jacobs.New York: Peter Lang, 2006. 11-22.*

Cervera, Pepe. "¿Qué es una noticia?" Retiario 27 March 2008.



Chouliaraki, Lillie. "Political Discourse in the News: Democratizing Responsibility or Aestheticizing Politics?" Discourse and Society 11.3 (2000): 293-314.

Coates, Linda, and Allan Wade. "Telling It Like It Isn't: Obscuring Perpetrator Responsibility for Violent Crime." Discourse and society


Díaz Galán, Ana. "Lexical Cohesion and the Organization of Text: Investigating the Structure of a News Item." In Actas del 25º Congreso AEDEAN, Granada 2001. CD-ROM. Granada: U de Granada: Departamento de Filología Inglesa, 2002.*

Díaz Noci, Javier. "Narratology of (Online) News." In Diversity of Journalism(s) (cicom+ecrea): Proceedings of the ECREA Journalism Studies Section and 26th International Conference of Communication at University of Navara, Pamplona, 4-5 July 2011. Ed. Ramón Salaverría. Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universida  de Navarra, 2011. 109-27.* Online at Academia.*



_____. "Narratología de las (ciber)noticias." Online at U Pompeu Fabra



Dijk, Teun A. van. "Structures of news in the press". In Discourse and Communication, ed. T.A. van Dijk. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1985. 69-93.

_____. "14. News, Discourse, and Ideology." In The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Ed. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen and Thomas Hanitzsch. New York and London: Routledge, 2009. 191-204.*

Drachline, Pierre. Le Fait divers au XIXe siècle. Paris: Hermé.

Dunn,  Anne. "11. Television News as Narrative." In Helen Fulton et al., Narrative and Media. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005. 140-52.*

Entman, Robert M., Jörg Matthes, and Lynn Pellicano. "13. Nature, Sources, and Effects of News Framing." In The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Ed. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen and Thomas Hanitzsch. New York and London: Routledge, 2009. 175-90.*

Espada, Arcadi. La verdad. Barcelona: Península, 2021.



Felipe Campillo, Francesc. "Modelos de veracidad en la cultura digital: Google News y los videojuegos históricos." In El ecosistema digital: Modelos de comunicación, nuevos medios y público en Internet. Ed. Guillermo López García. Valencia: Servei de Publicacions, U de Valencia, 2005. CD/PDF.



Fowler, Roger. "The Salmonella-in-Eggs Affair: Pandora's Box." In Fowler, Language in the News. London: Routledge, 1991. 170-207.

_____. "The Salmonella-in-Eggs Affair: Pandora's Box." In Critical Discourse Analysis: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Ed. Michael Toolan. London: Routledge, 2002. 3.1-33.*

_____. Language in the News: Discourse and Ideology in the Press. London: Routledge, 1991.

Fulton, Helen. "16. Print News as Narrative." In Helen Fulton et al., Narrative and Media. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005. 218-44.*

_____. "17. Analysing the Discourse of News." In Helen Fulton et al., Narrative and Media. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005. 245-68.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "Periodismo y retrospección." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 10 August 2005.


_____. "Narración de la catástrofe." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 21 August 2008. (Barajas plane crash).



_____. "¡Extra! ¡Extra!" In García Landa, Vanity Fea 11 March 2020.*



_____."Noticia es lo que alguien NO QUIERE que se publique." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 7 April 2022.*



Gillmor, Dan. "Making the News." In Gillmor, E-Journal 11 April 2003.


Goatly, Andrew. "Chapter 9: News and Institutional Power." .In Goatly,  Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Coursebook. London: Routledge, 2000. 245-74.*

Gómez González, María Angeles (Maria A. Gómez). "The Relevance of Theme in the Textual Organization of BBC News Reports." Word 45.3 (Dec. 1994): 293-305.*

González, María J. La estructura del párrafo de entrada de la noticia o lead. (Edición Lingüística 22). Munich: Lincom Europa.

González Rodríguez, María José. "El discurso periodístico como relato narrativo." In Actas del 25º Congreso AEDEAN, Granada 2001. CD-ROM. Granada: U de Granada: Departamento de Filología Inglesa, 2002.*

_____. "Relaciones lógico semánticas y su forma de expresión en el género noticia." Atlantis 25.2 (Dic. 2003): 55-69.*

Gritti, Jules.  "Un récit de presse: les derniers jours d'un 'grand homme'."  In Communications, 8: L'Analyse structurale du récit.   1966.  (Points). Paris: Seuil, 1981.  100-7.*

Hatim, Basil. "12. Translating Direct Speech and the Dynamics of News Reporting." In Hatim, Communication Across Cultures: Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics. Exeter: U of Exeter P, 1997. Rpt. 2000. 123-38.*

Herrera Damas, Susana. "El reportaje en radio: Aspectos que configuran su estilo." ResearchGate.*



_____. "El reportaje en radio: Aspectos que configuran su estilo." Academia.*



Holland, Norman. "Looking Out for False News." The Gainesville Sun 28 Dec. 2016.*



Lewis, Diana M. "Online News: A New Genre?" In New Media Language. Ed. Jean Aitchison and Diana M. Lewis. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2003. 95-104.*

Losada, Christina. "Cómo ganar dinero con noticias falsas." Libertad Digital 2 Feb. 2017.*



Lyotard. J.-F. "Petite économie libidinale d'un dispositif narratif." (Journalism). 1973. In Lyotard, Des dispositifs pulsionnels. Paris: Bourgois, 1980.

Marín Arrese, Juana I., ed. Conceptualization of Events in Newspaper Discourse: Mystification of Agency and Degree of Implication in News Reports. (UCM Papers and Studies in Linguistics). Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2002.*



Marín Arrese, Juana Isabel, María Luisa Blanco Gómez, Elena Martínez Caro, Joanne Neff van Aertselaer and Soledad Pérez de Ayala Becerril. "Mystification of Agency in Newspaper Discourse and Writer's Relative Degree of Implication in Reported Events: Grammatical Strategies of Impersonalization." In Fifty Years of English Studies in Spain […] Actas del XXVI Congreso de AEDEAN, ed. Ignacio Palacios et al. Santiago de Compostela: U de Santiago de Compostela, 2003. 859-66.*

Marín Arrese, Juana I., and Begoña Núñez Perucha. "Engagement and (Inter)Subjectivity in Journalistc Commentary and News Reportage." In Proceedings of the 29th AEDEAN Conference: Universidad de Jaén 15 al 20 diciembre 2005. CD-ROM. Ed. Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes et al. Jaén: AEDEAN / Servicio de Publicaciones U de Jaén, 2006. 555-63.*

McManus, John H. "15. The Commercialization of News." In The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Ed. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen and Thomas Hanitzsch. New York and London: Routledge, 2009. 218-34.*

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. "XII.viii. Sur les faits divers." 1954. In Merleau-Ponty, Signes. Paris: Gallimard, 1960. (Folio Essais, 381). Paris: Gallimard, 2001. 2008. 500-04.*

Millis, D. S. and B. J. Erdman. "Comprehending News Articles: Updating the News." Poetics 25.6 (June 1998): 343-362

Morrison, Andrew. "Barking up the Wrong Tree? Male Hegemony, Discrimination against Women and the Reporting of Bestiality in the Zimbabwean Press." In Texts and Practices: Readings in Critical Discourse Analysis. Ed. Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard and Malcolm Coulthard. London: Routledge, 1996. 231-49.*

Negra, Diane. Extreme Weather and Global Media. Forthcoming London: Routledge, 2015.

O'Neill, Deirdre, and Tony Harcup. "12. News Values and Selectivity." In The Handbook of Journalism Studies. Ed. Karin Wahl-Jorgensen and Thomas Hanitzsch. New York and London: Routledge, 2009. 161-74.*

Oostendrop, Herre van. "Holding onto Established Viewpoints during Processing News Reports." In New Perspectives on Narrative Perspective. Ed. Willie van Peer and Seymour Chatman. Albany: SUNY Press, 2001. 173-88.*

Pérez Esaín and Herrera Damas. "La duración como dimensión temporal en los reportajes radiofónicos." Area Abierta 18 (Nov. 2007).*


Revel, Jean-François. "Información: la objetividad existe." (From Le Point, 6 Dec.1982). In El rechazo del Estado, Planeta 1984.

Rodrigo Alsina, Miguel. La construcción de la noticia: Nueva edición revisada y ampliada. (Comunicación, 166). Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Mexico: Paidós, 2005.* (News, journalism, newspapers, journalists, objectivity, semiotics).

Rodríguez Sánchez de León, María José. "Mímesis costumbrista y modus narrandi en la prensa de la Ilustración." In Teoría y análisis de los discursos literarios: Estudios en homenaje al profesor Ricardo Senabre Sempere. Ed. S. Crespo et al. Salamanca: U de Extremadura / Ediciones U de Salamanca, 2009. 349-57.*

Sack, Warren. "Actor-Role Analysis: Ideology, Point of View, and the News." In New Perspectives on Narrative Perspective. Ed. Willie van Peer and Seymour Chatman. Albany: SUNY Press, 2001. 180-204.*

Scollon, Ron. "Attribution and Power in Hong Kong News Discourse." World Englishes 16.3 (1997): 383-93.

_____. "Attribution and Power in Hong Kong News Discourse." In Critical Discourse Analysis: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Ed. Michael Toolan. London: Routledge, 2002. 3.375-89.*

_____.  Mediated Discourse as Social Interaction: a Study of News Discourse. London: Longman, 1998.

Skliar, Iryna, et al. "Psychonarrative in Fiction Literature and in Documentary and Fiction Literature: The State and Prospects of Current Research." Postmodern Openings 13.3 (2022): 732-92.*


Online at Academia.*



Slembrouck, Stef.  "The Parliamentary Hansard 'Verbatim' Report: The Written Construction of Spoken Discourse." Langage and Literature 1.2 (1992): 101-21.

Tamul, Daniel J., and Jessica C. Hotter. "Exploring Mechanisms of Narrative Persuasion in a News Context: The Role of Narrative Structure, Perceived Similarity, Stigma, and Affect in Changing Attitudes." Collabra: Psychology 5.1 (2019): 51.*




         Online at Academia.*



Teo, Peter. "Racism in the News: A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reporting in Two Australian Newspapers." Discourse and Society 11.4 (2000): 7-49.

_____. "Racism in the News: A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reporting in Two Australian Newspapers." In Critical Discourse Analysis: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Ed. Michael Toolan. London: Routledge, 2002. 4.360-404.*

Wall, M. "'Blogs of war': Weblogs as News." Journalism 6.2 (1 May 2005): 153-172.

White, Peter. "Death, Disruption and the Moral Order: The Narrative Impulse in Mass-Media 'Hard News' Reporting." In Genres and Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and School. Ed. F. Christie and J. R. Martin. London: Casssell, 1997. 101-33.

_____. "Death, Disruption and the Moral Order: The Narrative Impulse in Mass-Media 'Hard News' Reporting." In Critical Discourse Analysis: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Ed. Michael Toolan. London: Routledge, 2002. 3.390-424.*







Buford, Bill, ed. The Best of Granta Reportage. London: Granta Books, 1994.

Triggs, Jeffery, ed. New York Newspaper Advertisements and News Items: 1777-1779. Electronic edition in Oxford Text Archive http://ota.ox.ac.uk








First Draft News











Hare, David. Yesterday's News. Verbatim drama. Joint Stock Theatre Compnay, 1976.








(Serie Reporter). Barcelona: Ediciones B, c. 1993. 







de Botton, Alain. "The News: A User's Manual." Video. (Talks at Google, 3 March 2014). YouTube (Talks at Google) 13 March 2014.*





See also Journalism; Newspapers.





Police reports


Taranilla García, Raquel. "Consideraciones sobre la polifonía en el escrito de declaración del atestado policial." In Actas del V Congreso Internacional AELFE (Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos) / Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference). Ed. Mª Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría, Ramón Plo Alastrué and Claus Peter Neumann. CD-ROM. Zaragoza: AELFE / Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2005. 70-76.*








Royuela, Santiago. "Santi Royuela. Anécdotas en prisión: Cae una red de funcionarios corruptos (5): Operación Scorpio." Video. YouTube (Santiago Royuela Samit) Nov. 2021.* (Prison guards and prison life, Surveillance and Corruption; drug trafficking and framings; Alfonso Canudas Girona, Juan Miguel Bono Hernández, Alcides Gerardo Ghigliermino Bernardi, Jesús Guantes Toledo; Manuel Gutiérrez Carbajo; Police research reports).









Radio reports


Herrera Damas, Susana. "La frecuencia como dimensión temporal en los reportajes en radio." Actas del XXXVII Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL). Ed. Inés Olza Moreno, Manuel Casado Velarde and Ramón González Ruiz (Departamento de Lingüística hispánica y Lenguas modernas). Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008. 327-40. Online at Universidad de Navarra (Departamento de Lingüística).*



Online at Dadun (Universidad de Navarra)



Online at Academia (Manuel Casado Velarde).*



         Online at DocPlayer.*



Pérez Esaín, Crisanto, and Susana Herrera Damas. "El orden como dimensión temporal en los reportajes radiofónicos." Anagramas 6.11 (2007): 117-38.*

Online at Academia.*



_____. "La duración como dimensión temporal en los reportajes radiofónicos." Área Abierta 18 (2007): 1-18.*








Sports broadcasting


Carrard, Philippe. "Telling The Game: Baseball as an AP Report." The Journal of Narrative Technique 18.1 (1988): 47-60.*

Ryan, Marie-Laure. "Narrative in Real Time: Chronicle, Mimesis and Plot in the Baseball Broadcast." Narrative 1.2 (1993): 138-155.*







Sports reports




Ford, Richard. The Sportswriter. Novel. 1986. London: HarperCollins, 1987.






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