A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Early works
Free will
Freedom of conscience, religion and thought
Freedom of speech / Freedom of expression / Freedom of the press
Personal freedom
Political freedom
Adamovich, Georgy. Odinochestvo i svoboda. New York: Chekhov Publishing House, 1955.
Bauman, Zygmunt. "On Communitarianism and Human Freedom, or How to Square the Circle." In Bauman, Postmodernism and Its Discontents. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997. 186-98.*
Bhaskar, Roy. Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.
Bidese, Ermenegildo. Die Strukturen des freien und kreativen Handelns: Interpretationen und Perspektiven aus der linguistischen Forschung Noam A. Chomskys und der ethischen Reflexion Thomas von Aquins. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2002.
Bruns, Gerald L. "Conclusion: Toward a Hermeneutics of Freedom." In Bruns, Hermeneutics Ancient and Modern. New Haven: Yale UP, 1992. 247-66.*
Bueno, G. "Análisis lógico de la idea de libertad." Semanas españolas de Filosofía (1957).
Cuesta, Tomás. "Michel Houellebecq y el fantasma de la libertad." Libertad Digital 27 Jan. 2015.*
Dennett, Daniel. Freedom Evolves.
Fromm, Erich Die Furcht von der Freiheit. 1942.
_____. The Fear of Freedom. London: Routledge, 1960.
_____. The Fear of Freedom. London: Ark Paperbacks, 1984.
_____. El miedo a la libertad. Trans. and foreword by Gino Germani. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1947. (Paidós Studio). 10th ed. 1989.* 2018.
_____. "Prefacio." In Fromm, El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2018. 23-26.*
_____. "1. La libertad como problema psicológico." In Fromm, El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2018. 27-46.*
_____. "2. La emergencia del individuo y la ambigüedad de la libertad." In Fromm, El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2018. 37-62.*
_____. "3. La libertad en la época de la Reforma." In Fromm, El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2018.
_____. "4. Los dos aspectos de la libertad para el hombre moderno." In Fromm, El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2018. 118-48.*
_____. "5. Mecanismos de evasión." In Fromm, El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2018. 149-212.*
_____. "6. La psicología del nazismo." In Fromm, El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2018. 213-42.*
_____. "7. Libertad y democracia." In Fromm, El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2018. 243-76.
_____. "Apéndice: El carácter y el proceso social." In Fromm, El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2018. 277-98.*
García Landa, José Angel. "Libertad y seguridad (conferencia completa de Antonio Escohotado)." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 18 March 2022.*
Gil Calvo, Enrique. Lógica de la libertad. 1977. (Premio Anagrama de ensayo).
Harvey, W. J. "Freedom and Causality." In Harvey, Character and the Novel. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1965. 1968. 130-49.*
Heller, Agnés. A mindennapi éllet. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1970. (Sociology of Everyday Life). (Social life, sociology, everyday life, individuality, particularity, work, morality, religion, politics, freedom, rules, objects, behaviour, knowledge, space, time, interaction, personality).
_____. Sociología de la vida cotidiana. Trans. José Francisco Ivars and Enric Pérez Nadal. (Historia, Ciencia, Sociedad). Barcelona: Península, 1977.
_____. Sociología de la vida cotidiana. (Ediciones de Bolsillo, Biblioteca Agnés Heller, 98 – 1). Barcelona: Península, 2002.*
Illich, Ivan. Libérer l'avenir. (Points). Paris: Seuil.
Jonas, Hans. "Image-Making and the Freedom of Man." In The Phenomenon of Life: Toward a Philosophical Biology. 1966. Westport (CT): Greenwood Press, 1969. 157-81.
Kruks, Sonia. Situation and Human Existence: Freedom, Subjectivity, and Society. 1989.
Lacalle, Daniel. Freedom or Equality. 2019.
Langan, Celeste. Romantic Vagrancy: Wordsworth and the Simulation of Freedom. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.
Lee, D. Freedom and Culture. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-Hall, 1959.
Lévinas, Emmanuel. Difficile liberté. Paris: Le Livre de Poche.
Martín Gaite, Carmen. "Personalidad y libertad." In Martín Gaite, La búsqueda de interlocutor y otras búsquedas. 1973. Barcelona: Destino, 1982. 107-12.*
MacKay, D. "On the Logical Indeterminacy of Free Choice." Mind 69 (1960): 31-40.
McKeon, Richard. Freedom and History. New York, 1952.
Mill, John Stuart. On Liberty. 1859.
_____. On Liberty. (Penguin Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
_____. On Liberty. In The Utilitarians. New York: Anchor, 1973.
_____. On Liberty. Ed. David Spitz. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1975.
_____. On Liberty and Other Essays. Ed. John Gray. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.
_____. On Liberty. Selection in The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents. Ed. Josephine Guy. London: Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002.183-92.*
_____ On Liberty. In Mill: The Spirit of the Age. On Liberty. The Subjection of Women. Ed. Alan Ryan. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1997.
_____. De la liberté. 1859. Trans. F. Pataut. Paris: Presses Pocket, 1990.
_____. Sobre la libertad. Madrid: Aguilar, 1962.
_____. Sobre la libertad. Ed. Carlos Rodríguez Braun. Madrid: Tecnos.
_____. Sobre la libertad. Madrid: Alianza, 1981.
Morgan, Charles. "Freedom and Liberty." In Morgan, Reflections in a Mirror: Second Series. London: Macmillan, 1946. 113-21.*
Morson, Gary Saul. Narrative and Freedom: The Shadows of Time. New Haven: Yale UP, 1994.*
Pink, Thomas. The Psychology of Freedom. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, c. 1997.
Rodríguez García, José Luis. "Las teorías de la libertad en J. P. Sartre." In Rodríguez et al., Cuatro filosofías contemporáneas. Logroño: Gobierno de La Rioja, Consejería de Cultura, Deportes y Juventud, 1991. 63-86.*
Rosales, Luis. Cervantes y la libertad. 2 vols. Madrid, 1960.
_____. Cervantes y la libertad. Ed. Cultura Hispánica, 1985.
Safranski, Rüdiger. El mal o el drama de la libertad.
Skinner, B. F. Beyond Freedom and Dignity. New York: Knopf, 1971.
Starobinski, Jean. L'Invention de la liberté. Geneva: Skira, 1964.
_____. The Invention of Liberty 1700-1789. Trans. Bernard C. Swift. Geneva: Skira, 1964.
_____. The Invention of Liberty 1700-1789. Trans. Bernard C. Swift. New York: Rizzoli, 1987.
Strawson, P. F. Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays. London: Methuen, 1974.
_____. Libertad y resentimiento. Barcelona: Paidós, 1995.
Suvin, Darko. "Cognition, Freedom, The Dispossessed as a Classic." 2007. In Suvin, Defined by a Hollow: Essays on Utopia, Science Fiction and Political Epistemology. Bern: Peter Lang, 2010. 509-52.* (Le Guin).
Alvarez, Carlos, et al. Antología de la libertad. Poetry. Madrid: Editorial Revolución.
Peña, Marcos, et al. "La libertad de acción como concepto político." Radio Libertad Constituyente 27 Jan. 2017.*
Naturaleza y Libertad: Revista de Filosofía.
Editorial U de Málaga
Vol. 11 (2019)
Camus, Albert. Caligula. Drama. Written 1936-39, staged 1945.
García Landa, Mariano. La libertad. Novel. Barcelona: Seix-Barral, 1977.
Hutchinson, A. S. M. This Freedom. Fiction. c. 1922.
Sánchez Vidal, Agustín. Esclava de nadie. Novel. (Premio Novela Histórica Ciudad de Zaragoza 2011). (Elena Céspedes, hermaphrodite, 16th c.).
Beethoven, Ludwig van. "Der freie Mann" WoO 117. 1794-95. Lyrics by Gottlieb Conrad Pfeffel. In Beethoven, Lieder. 3 CDs. Hamburg: Polygram-Deutsche Grammophon, 1997.*
See also Determinism.
Early works
Collins, Anthony. Discourse of Free Thinking. 1713.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. System der Wissenschaft von Ge. Wilh. Fr. Hegel (…) Erster Theil, die Phänomenologie des Geistes. Bamberg and Würzburg: bey Joseph Anton Goebhardt, 1807.* (Consciousness; Self-Consciousness; Phenomena; Senses; Perception; Things; Illusion; Mastery; Serfdom; Stoicism; Skepticism; Unhappiness; Physiognomy; Phrenology; Pleasure; Necessity; Feelings; Conceit; Virtue; Spirit, Ethics; Gender; Divinity; Alienation; Culture; Faith, Enlightenment; Freedom; Morality; Religion; Art; Knowledge; Science).
_____. Die Phänomenologie des Geistes. Ed. Georg Lasson. 1928.
_____. Phänomenologie des Geistes. 5th ed. Ed. J. Hoffmeister. Hamburg: Meiner, 1952.
_____. Phänomenologie des Geistes. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1977.
_____. System der Wissenschaft. Erster Teil, die Phänomenologie des Geistes. Bamberg and Würzburg 1807. Online ed. of text from Projekt Gutenberg. HTML-marking: Einde O’Callaghan for the Marxists’ Internet Archive.
_____. The Phenomenology of Mind. Translated by J. B. Baillie. 2d ed. London: Allen and Unwin, 1931.
_____. The Phenomenology of Mind. Trans. and introd. J. B. Baillie. 2nd ed., rev. London: Allen, 1964.
_____. Phenomenology of Spirit. Trans. A. V. Miller. Ed. J. N. Findlay. New York: Oxford UP; Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977.*
_____. Preface to Phenomenology of the Spirit. In Deconstruction in Context. Ed. Mark C. Taylor. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986. 67-97.*
_____. From Phenomenology of Spirit. (§§178-96, Master-Slave Dialectic). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*
_____. Phénoménologie de l'esprit. Trans. J. Hyppolite. Paris: Aubier, 1934.
_____. Phénomenologie de l'esprit. Trans. Jean Hyppolite. Vol. 1. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1939.
_____. La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit. Trans. Jean Hyppolite. (Philosophie de l'Esprit). Vol. 1. Paris: Aubier, Éditions Montaigne, 1939. Online at Scribd (Shahla Osanloo)
_____. La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit. Trans. Jean Hyppolite. Vol. 2. Paris: Aubier, 1941. Online at Scribd (DanyRodier) 9 Nov. 2011.*
_____. "La Phénoménologie de l'Esprit." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 18 May 2012.*
_____. Fenomenología del espíritu. Trans. Wenceslao Roces. México: FCE, 1981.
_____. Fenomenología del espíritu. Trans. Wenceslao Roces. Introd. Ignasi Roviró Alemany. (Biblioteca de los grandes pensadores). Barcelona: RBA, 2004.*
_____. Fenomenología del Espíritu. Trans. Joaquín Chamorro Mielke. Introd. Volker Rühle. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Hegel, I). Madrid: Gredos, 2010. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014.*
_____. "Absolute Freedom and Terror." In From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology. Ed. Lawrence E. Cahoone. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 83-90.*
Hobbes, Thomas. Questions concerning Liberty, Necessity and Chance. 1656.
_____. "21. De la libertad de los súbditos." In Hobbes, Leviatán. Madrid: Gredos, 2012. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2015. 173-83.*
La Boétie, Etienne de. Discours de la servitude volontaire. Written 1546-1555. Pub 1574, 1576.
_____. Le discours de la servitude volontaire. Paris: Payot, 1976.
_____. Discours de la servitude volontaire
_____. Discours de la servitude volontaire. In Wikisource.
_____. Discurso de la servidumbre voluntaria o el Contra uno. Madrid: Tecnos, 1986.
_____. Sobre la servidumbre voluntaria.
_____. "Discurso sobre la servidumbre voluntaria." Scribd (luisdo)
_____. Oeuvres complètes d'Estienne de La Boétie. Geneva: Slatkine Reprints, 1967.
Luther. De servo arbitrio. ("On the Bondage of the Will"). 1525. In Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation. Ed. E. Gordon Rupp et al. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1964.
Molina, Luis de. De concordia liberi arbitri. 1588.
Montaigne, Michel de. "De la liberté de conscience." In Essais II. (Folio). 430-34.*
Milton, John. The Readie and Easie Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth. 1660.
Schopenhauer. Prize Essay on the Freedom of the Will. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990s.
_____. Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung. 1819. (Existence, World, Plato, Kant, Upanishads, Knowledge, Idealism, Causality, Brain, Metaphysics, Will, Perception, Consciousness, Body, Freedom, Life, Strife, Aesthetics, Beauty, Ethics).
_____. The World as Will and Representation. Trans. E. F. J. Payne. 2 vols. New York: Dover, 1969.
_____. El mundo como voluntad y representación. Introd. E. Friedrich Sauer. Trans. E. Ovejero y Maury. México: Porrúa, 1987.
_____. El mundo como voluntad y representación. Introd. Ignasi Roviró Alemany. Barcelona: RBA, 2004.
_____. El mundo como voluntad y representación (volumen primero). Trans. Rafael-José Díaz Fernández and Mª Montserrat Armas Concepción. Introd. Luis Fernando Moreno Claros. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos). Madrid: Gredos, 2010. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA, 2014.*
_____. "Von der Freiheit des Willens / En torno a la libertad de la voluntad." Ch. 3 of Schopenhauer, Metafísica de las costumbres. Ed. and trans. Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo. Madrid: Debate / C.S.I.C., 1993. 22-51.* (Repentance, Choice, character, joy, suffering, freedom of the will).
Spinoza, Baruch. Etica ordine geometrico demonstrata. Written 1661-, posth. pub.
_____. Etica ordine geometrico demonstrata. In Spinoza, Opera. Ed. C. Gebhart. Heidelberg: Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1924-25.
_____. The Ethics of Benedict de Spinoza. Trans. W. H. White and A. H. Stirling. Oxford, 1910.
_____. Etica demostrada según el orden geométrico. Ed. and trans. Vidal Peña. Madrid: Alianza, 1987.*
_____. Etica. Ed. Gabriel Albiac. Tecnos.
_____. Ética. Introd. Luciano Espinosa. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Spinoza, I). Madrid: Gredos, 2011. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA, 2014.* (I. De Dios. II. De la naturaleza y del origen del alma. III. Del origen y de la naturaleza. IV. De la servidumbre humana o de las fuerzas de los afectos. V. De la potencia del entendimiento o de la libertad humana).
Winstanley, Gerrard. The Law of Freedom and Other Writings. Ed. C. Hill. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
Lovelace, Richard. "To Althea, from Prison." The Poems of Richard Lovelace. London: Unit Library, Ltd., 1904. 69-70.
_____. "To Althea, from prison." Luminarium
La Ronda de Boltaña. "Canto a la libertad." Song by José Antonio Labordeta. YouTube 15 Oct. 2015.*
Free will
Arjomandi, Arash. El principio de certidumbre: La lógica de la libertad. Almuzara, c. 2024.
Aubrun, Charles V[incent]. Determinismo y libertad humana en la dialéctica calderoniana. 1961.
Bergson, Henri. Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience. 1889.
_____. Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness. Trans. F. L. Pogson. New York: Macmillan, 1912.
Bhaskar, Roy. Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.
Boethius. Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii Philosophiae Consolatio. Ed. L. Bieler. (Corpus Christianorum Series Latina XCIV). Turnholt, 1957.
_____. The Consolation of Philosophy. Ed. and trans. Peter Walsh. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.
_____. Consuelo de la Filosofía. Madrid: Acantilado, 2020.
_____. The Theological Tractates. The Consolation of Philosophy. Ed. H. F. Stewart, F. K. Rand, and S. J. Tester. Cambridge (MA), 1973.
Casares, Ramón. Sobre la libertad: La teoría de la subjetividad. 2002. Online ed. 2012.*
Chernaik, Warren. Milton and the Burden of Freedom. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2017. Online preview at Google Books.
Dennett, Daniel. Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting.
_____. Freedom Evolves. 2013.
Dennett, Daniel D., and Gregg D. Caruso. Just Deserts: Debating Free Will. 2020. Polity, 2021. Info at Amazon:
Double, Richard. Metaphilosophy and Free Will. Oxford: Oxford UP, c. 1997.
Ewing, A. C. The Fundamental Questions of Philosophy. New York: Macmillan-Collier, 1962.*
García Landa, José Angel. "Programados para creernos libres." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 16 April 2012.* (Adolf Tobeña).
Gazzaniga, Michael. El libre albedrío y la ciencia del cerebro. Paidós, 2012.
_____. Relatos desde los dos lados del cerebro. Paidós.
Hirstein, William, Katrina L. Sifferd, and Tyler K. Fagan. Responsible Brains: Neuroscience, Law, and Human Culpability. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 2018.
Kane, Robert. Free Will and Values. 1985.
_____. The Significance of Free Will. New York: Oxford UP, 1998.*
O'Connor, Timothy. "Is Free Will just another Chaotic Process?" (Review of Double, Pink, and Kane). TLS 5 Dec. 1997: 4-5.*
Molina, Luis de. De concordia liberi arbitri. 1588.
Murphy, Nancey, and Warren S. Brown. Did My Neurons Make Me Do It?
Rose, Michael R. "5. Darwinian Evolution of Free Will and Spiritual Experience." In Darwin's Bridge: Uniting the Humanities and Sciences. Ed. Joseph Carroll, Dan P. McAdams and E. O. Wilson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2016. 69-86.*
Rose, Steven. Lifelines: Biology, Freedom, Determinism. London: Penguin, 1997.
_____. Trayectorias de vida. Barcelona: Granica, 2001.
Rupp, E. Gordon, et al., eds. Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1964.
Russell, Paul. The Limits of Free Will. 2017.
Safranski, Rüdiger. El mal o el drama de la libertad. (Ensayo). Barcelona: Tusquets.
Schopenhauer. Prize Essay on the Freedom of the Will. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990s.
_____. Essai sur le libre arbitre. Trans. Salomon Reinach. Paris: Alcan, 1877.
_____. Essai sur le libre arbitre. Trans. Salomon Reinach, rev. Didier Raymond. Preface and notes by Didier Raymond. (Rivages poche – Petite Bibliothèque, 66). Paris: Rivages, 1992. 3rd ed. 1996.*
_____. "Von der Freiheit des Willens / En torno a la libertad de la voluntad." Ch. 3 of Schopenhauer, Metafísica de las costumbres. Ed. and trans. Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo. Madrid: Debate / C.S.I.C., 1993. 22-51.* (Repentance, Choice, character, joy, suffering, freedom of the will).
Sartre, Jean-Paul. Being and Nothingness. Trans. Hazel E. Barnes. New York: Philosophical Library, 1956.
_____. El ser y la nada. Trans. Juan Valmar and Celia Amorós. 1943. Madrid: Alianza, 1984.*
_____. "La liberté cartésienne." In Sartre, Situations, I Paris: Gallimard, 1947. 289-308.*
_____. "Détermination et liberté." From the "Second Ethics." Appendix to Les Ecrits de Sartre. By Michel Contat and Michel Rybalka. Paris: Gallimard, 1970.
Searle, John R. Razones para actuar: Una teoría del libre albedrío. Trans. and glossary by Luis M. Valdés Villanueva. (Colección Jovellanos de Ensayo, 21). Oviedo: Ediciones Nobel, 2000. (Premio Internacional de Ensayo Jovellanos 2000).*
Spinoza, Baruch. Etica demostrada según el orden geométrico. Ed. and trans. Vidal Peña. Madrid: Alianza, 1987.*
Wilson, E. O. "14. Free Will." In Wilson, The Meaning of Human Existence. New York and London: Norton-Liveright, 2014. 159-70.*
_____. "15. Alone and Free in the Universe." In Wilson, The Meaning of Human Existence. New York and London: Norton-Liveright, 2014. 173-88.*
Fischer, John Martin. Free Will: Critical Concepts in Philosophy. 4 vols. London: Routledge, 2005.
Searle, John R. "A Froth on Reality: The Mind/Body Problem." (Minds, Brains, and Science, 1). Audio. YouTube (Brad Younger) 9 Aug. 2015.*
Dennett, Daniel. "Free Will as Moral Competence. Professor Daniel Dennett at the University of Melbourne, Australia." YouTube 7 May 2012.*
_____. "Freedom Evolves (Free Will, Determinism and Evolution)." Lecture, 2 March 2013. YouTube
Fridman, Lex. "Judea Pearl: Causal Reasoning, Counterfactuals, and the Path to AGI | Lex Fridman Podcast #56." Video interview. YouTube (Lex Fridman) 11 Dec. 2019.* (Mathematics, Models, Correlation, Experiments, Science, Data, Abstraction, Artificial intelligence; Calculation; Free will, Consciousness; Indoctrination; Religion; Daniel Pearl; Terrorism, Evil).
Harari, Yuval Noah. "Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow." Video lecture. YouTube (University of California Television - UCTV) 24 April 2017.*
Wright, Robert. "Robert Wright Interviews Daniel Dennett." Video interview. YouTube (rationalstabs) 8 Jan. 2013.* (Atheism, God, Evolution, Free Will, Consciousness, Death).
See also Will.
Freedom of conscience, religion and thought
Aid to the Church in Need. "Religious Freedom in the World – Report 2010."
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 612 (July 2007). Special issue on Religious Pluralism and Civil Society. Ed. Wade Clark Roof.
Bier, William C., ed. Conscience: Its Freedom and Limitations. New York: Fordham UP, 1971.
Bruni, Frank. "Your God and My Liberty: Religious Liberty, Bigotry, and Gays." New York Times 10 Jan. 2015.*
Calatayud, Pedro. "De la libertad de opinar y hablar en materia de religión." From El magisterio de la fe y de la razón. 1761. . In El ensayo español, 2: El siglo XVIII. Ed. Francisco Sánchez Blanco. Barcelona: Crítica, 1998. 233-39.*
Corral, Pedro. "La Ley de Memoria Democrática: un nuevo asalto a la transición." Libertad Digital 15 Sept. 2020.*
Curran, Andrew S. Diderot and the Art of Thinking Freely. Other Press, 2019.
D'Arcy, Eric. Conscience and Its Right to Freedom. New York and London: Sheed and Ward, 1961.
Díez, Rosa. "Nadie está en la cárcel por sus ideas; ni siquiera por sus malas ideas." El Español 4 Nov. 2017.*
Espada, Arcadi. "Este aparente escrache a Dios." El Mundo (Cartas a K.) 21 Feb. 2016.*
García Landa, José Angel. "Aventurados los que interrumpieren, porque ellos serán castigados." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 19 Feb. 2016.*
Jiménez Losantos, Federico. "3. Lenin." In Jiménez Losantos, Memoria del comunismo: de Lenin a Podemos. Madrid: La Esfera de los Libros, 2018. 167-348.* (Netchaev, Bakunin, hate, Marx, propaganda, lies, French commune, violence, anarchism, Plekhanov, Cheka, Soviets, famine, civil war, Red Army, Totalitariarism, genocide, intellectuals, massacres, persecutions, Christianity).
Lévy, Bernard-Henri. "Exclusiva: Viaje a las tinieblas del genocidio más ignorado: SOS por los cristianos de Nigeria." El Español 5 Dec. 2019.*
Locke, John. A Letter Concerning Toleration: Latin and English Texts. Ed. Mario Montuori. The Hague, 1963.
_____. Letters for Toleration. 1690-92.
_____. Lettre sur la tolérance et autres textes. (GF 686). Paris: Garnier-Flammarion.
Molares do Val, Manuel. "Policía del pensamiento." Crónicas Bárbaras 29 Jan. 2018.*
_____. "LGTBIfobia y terrorismo." Crónicas Bárbaras 20 Oct. 2018.*
Montaigne, Michel de. "De la liberté de conscience." In Essais II. (Folio). 430-34.*
_____. "II.xix. De la libertad de conciencia." In Montaigne, Ensayos completos. Madrid: Cátedra, 2003. 2010. 663-66.*
Navajas, Santiago. "Adiós al pensamiento libre." Libertad Digital 20 Dec. 2019.*
Nussbaum, Martha C. Libertad de conciencia: El ataque a la igualdad de respeto. Madrid: Katz, 2011.
Peel, Albert. The Savoy Declaration of Faith and Order, 1658. Independent, 1939.
Peterson, M., and R. Vaughan, eds. The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom. Cambridge, 1987.
Polanyi, Michael. "The Foundations of Academic Freedom." In Society for Freedom in Science Occasional Pamphlet No. 6 (Sept. 1947).
Quinet, Edgar. De la Liberté de discussion en matière religieuse : discours prononcé au Collège de France, le 10 mai 1843. Paris: Lange Lévy, 1843.
_____. Réponse à quelques observations de M. l’archevêque de Paris. Paris: Comptoir des imprimeurs unis, 1843.
Rorty, R. "The Priority of Democracy to Philosophy." In The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom. Ed. M. Peterson and R. Vaughan. Cambridge, 1987.
Starnes, Todd. "Supreme Court Says Gay Rights Trump Religious Liberty." Newsmax 2 July 2021.*
Stephen, Leslie. Darwinism and Divinity: Essays in Free-thinking. 1873.
Streissler, Erich, ed. Roads to Freedom: Essays in Honor of Friedrich A. von Hayek. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Taylor, Jeremy. A Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying. 1647.
_____. A Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying: Shewing the Unreasonableness of Prescribing to Other Men Faith, and the Inequity of Persecuting Differing Opinions. London, 1658.
Thompson, Elbert N. S. The Controversy between the Puritans and the State. New York: Holt, 1903.
Religión, La voz libre.*
Internet resources
"Libertad religiosa." Wikipedia: La enciclopedia libre.*
El Librepensador.*
"President Trump Signs Executive Order for Religious Freedom in Rose Garden." YouTube (President Trump News) 4 May 2017.*
Thurley, Steve. "BREAKING: SUPREME COURT Decision on Peace Cross VICTORY for Religious Liberty." Video. YouTube (Dr. Steve Thurley) 20 June 2019.*
See also Toleration.
Freedom of speech / Freedom of Expression / Freedom of the press
Ackerman, Elliot, et al. "A Letter on Justice and Open Debate." Harper's 7 July 2020. (October print issue).
Alonso, Juanjo. "El ministro Castells azuza la censura gubernamental: 'Hay que intervenir las redes sociales'." Libertad Digital 13 May 2020.*
Ansorena, Javier. "Trump declara la guerra a Twitter y firma una orden ejecutiva contra las redes sociales." ABC 29 May 2020.*
Asunción, Fernando. "La Guardia Civil ordenó a sus agentes por escrito perseguir los bulos contra el Gobierno." Vozpópuli 20 April 2020.*
Dmitry, Baxter. "Trudeau Declares War on Free Speech: $70K Fines for 'Conspiracy Teories', Life Imprisonment for Hate Speech." The People's Voice 27 Feb. 2024.*
Bejan, Teresa M. Mere Civility: Disagreement and the Limits of Toleration. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 2017.
_____. "The Two Clashing Meanings of 'Free Speech'." The Atlantic 2 Dec. 2017.*
(Isegoria and Parrhesia).
Benatar, David, and Anton Fagan. "On the Genocidal Fantasies of Masixole Mlandu." PoliticsWeb 13 Nov. 2018.*
Benítez Grande-Caballero, Laureano. "Bienvenidos a Matrix: Ya tenemos aquí a la 'Policía del Pensamiento'." El Español Digital 22 March 2019.*
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Flynn, James. "My Book Defending Free Speech has Been Banned." Quillette 24 Sept. 2019.*
_____. In Defense of Free Speech: The University as Censor. Emerald Press, forthcoming 2019. (Retired and not published. Retitled: A Banned Book: Free Speech and Universities).
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_____. "Doctores tutelados." In Fírgoa: universidade pública – espazo comunitario 22 June 2005.
_____. "Caricaturas de Mahoma." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 3 Feb. 2006.
_____. "El derecho a la blasfemia." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 19 Sept. 2006.
_____. "Censura y libertad de expresión en la Universidad." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 11 June 2007.
_____. "Censura y libertad de expresión en la Universidad." In Fírgoa: Universidade Pública 12 June 2007.
_____. "Contra la censura en la Universidad." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 12 June 2007.
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_____. "Ofendiendo al personal." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 18 June 2007.
_____. "Ofendiendo al personal." In Fírgoa: Universidade Pública 19 June 2007.
_____. "Camisas pardas." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 22 Feb. 2008.
_____. "Libertad de crítica y derecho a la imagen." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 29 May 2008.
_____. "Censores habemus (Andanada contra nadie)." Rincón de Opinión (Universidad de Zaragoza) 14 May 2009.*
_____. "Censores habemus (Andanada a Nadie)." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 14 May 2009.*
_____. "Sugerencia/Queja sobre comunicaciones y opinión." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 3 July 2010.*
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Political Institutions: Constitutions eJournal 16 Jan. 2015.*
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_____. "Me cierran la web en la Universidad." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 10 Jan. 2019.*
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_____. "Censura gubernamental USA." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 1 Nov. 2022.* (Covidianism).
_____. "Prohibido protestar en Facebook." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 5 Dec. 2022.*
_____. "The Twitter Files." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 14 Dec. 2022.*
_____. "Pleito contra la censura covidiana." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 11 Jan. 2023.* (Trusted News Initiative; Disinformation).
_____. "Dissenters Turned Out to Be Right – Covid Censorship Turned Out to Be Deadly." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 9 July 2023.*
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Controlavirus19. "Los verdaderos motivos para crear una falsa pandemia echándole la culpa al coronavirus." Controlavirus19 26 June 2021.* (Money, poverty, control, globalism, sanitary dictatorship, Covidians, dehumanization, face masks, surveillance, police state, disinformation, censorship, New World Order).
"Audiencia Nacional, Sala de lo Penal, Sección 4ª; Rollo de Procedimiento Abreviado nº 3/17, Procedimiento abreviado nº 40/16, Juzgado Central de Instrucción nº 5; Sentencia n1 9/17." (Delito de Humillación a las Víctimas del Terrorismo, vs. Ramón Vera Paz). (a.k.a. "Cassandra Vera"). Online PDF at Cuarto Poder:
El dilema. Dir. Michael Mann. 1999. DVD. Buenavista Internacional Spain.
El escándalo de Larry Flynt. Dir. Milos Forman. Columbia / Phoenix, 1996.
Internet resources
"Academic Freedom." From Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Online at Internet Archive.*
Chilling Effects. (Pro online freedom of expression).
Electronic Frontier Foundation. "Online Defamation Law." 2005.
"Libertad académica." Wikipedia: La enciclopedia libre.*
Droit du net.fr
Reporteros Sin Fronteras: Clasificación mundial de la libertad de prensa.*
YouTube (The Free Speech Club).*
Stoppard, Tom. Night and Day. Drama. 1978.
Societies and Institutions
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.
Doe v. Cahill, 5 Oct. 2005, No. 266/2005, Supreme Court of Delaware. (On First Amendment & bloggers' alleged right to speak anonymously).
Algarra, Javier, et al. "VOX denuncia que la charla de dos etarras en la UPV es un delito de Enaltecimiento del terrorismo." YouTube (EldistritoTV) 11 Dec. 2019.*
_____, et al. "El mail que la Guardia Civil recibió para controlar los 'bulos' que 'crean desafección al Gobierno'." Video YouTube (DISTRITOTV) 21 April 2020.*
Atlas, Scott W. "A Pandemic of Failure by Academia, Science and Public Health: Will Trust Return / Will an Ethical Society Return?" Video lecture. (Stanford Academic Freedom Conference, Nov. 4-5, 2022). YouTube (Stanford Classical Liberalism Initiative) Nov. 2022.* (Covidianism, Censorship, Lockdowns).
Bermúdez, Xabier, et al. "[La Hora de Demos TERTULIA] Españoles, la LIBERTAD ha muerto (Vicente Ferrer - José Luis Escobar)." Video. YouTube (DEMOS TV) 8 Jan. 2021.* (Totalitarianism, Freedom of speech, Disinformation, Ideological manipulation).
Buxadé, Jorge. "Ponencia de Jorge Buxadé sobre libertad de expresión." Video. YouTube (VOX Europa) 24 Jan. 2024.*
Carlson, Tucker, et al. "Tucker Carlson Tonight." (Fox News 10 Feb. 2017). YouTube (Newsbreaks) 10 Feb. 2017.* (On free speech on campus).
_____. "Chilling Free Speech on College Campuses." YouTube (LibertyPen) 22 Oct. 2017.*
_____. "Tucker Carlson Tonight 10/29/22 FULL | BREAKING FOX NEWS October 29, 2022." Video. YouTube (Amaçsiz) 29 Oct. 2022.* (Free speech on Twitter).
Cochrane, John H., Niall Ferguson et al. "The Great Awokening with Bari Weiss: Conversations from the Hoover Institution." Video debate. YouTube (Hoover Institution) 31 March 2021.* (Cancel Culture, Victimood, Freedom of expression, Virtue signalling).
DeSantis, Ron, et al. "DeSantis Rips Social Media Companies, Signs Bill Blocking Big Tech From Deplatforming Conservatives." Video. YouTube (Forbes Breaking News) 28 May 2021.* (Freedom of speech; Coronavirus, lockdowns; Democrats; Socialism; Open society, Monopolies and Trusts).
Dobbs, Lou, et al. "Lou Dobbs Tonight 1/14/21 Full | Fox News January 14, 2021." Video. YouTube (Live Movie) 14 Jan. 2021.* (Obamagate, Big Tech censorship)
Dore, Jimmy. "NYU Professor FORBIDDEN From Teaching About Covid Propaganda!" Video. YouTube (The Jimmy Dore Show) 12 July 2023.* (Mark Crispin Miller)
Esparza, José Javier, et al. "El Gato al Agua | 06-03-2019." YouTube (Intereconomiatube) 7 March 2019.* (La izquierda contra la libertad de expresión).
_____, et al. "El Gato al Agua 07/03/2019." YouTube (Intereconomiatube) 8 March 2019.* (Lo cara que se pone la libertad de expresión y el totalitarismo soft / 11-M).
_____, et al. "El Gato al Agua 27/01/20." Video. YouTube (El Toro TV) 28 Jan. 2020.* ('Delito de odio' y libertad de expresión).
_____, et al. "El Gato al Agua | 11-09-2020." Video. YouTube (Julio Ariza) 12 Sept. 2020.* (El gobierno anuncia censuras e ilegalizaciones en nombre de la 'democracia' ; Nunca cayó tan bajo el periodismo: los otros culpables del coronavirus: los medios de comunicación vasallos; Joe Biden, la gran esperanza demócrata).
Fish, Stanley. "What Are Academics Free to Do?" Lecture at Daemen College, 25 Sept. 2014. YouTube 30 Sept. 2014.*
French, David. "Tales from the Free Speech Foxhole." Interview with Greg Lukianoff. Omny FM (The Remnant) 25 March 2021.*
Apple Podcasts (The Remnant) 2021.*
García, Jano. "La censura en las redes sociales." Video. YouTube (Jano García) 10 May 2020.*
_____. "La dictadura de las tecnológicas." (En Libertad). Video. YouTube (Jano García) 10 Jan. 2020.* (Big Tech, freedom; Vaccines).
García, Julio. "Entrevista a Cake Minuesa." Video. Canal 5 Radio 14 April 2020.* (Freedom of speech).
_____. "Nuestra despedida preventiva y posiblemente el fin de Canal 5 radio." YouTube (Canal 5 radio)
García, Julio, et al. "La Voz de España 235." Video. YouTube (Canal 5 Radio) 26 May 2021.* (Freedom of expression, Resistance, Face masks).
García Isac, Javier, et al. "El TC da vía libre para enaltecer a los asesinos de ETA. ¿Será delito enaltecer a Franco?" Video. YouTube (radioya tv) 26 Feb. 2020.*
Georgatos, Debbie. "America Can We Talk? For January 11, 2021." YouTube (America, Can We Talk?) 11 Jan. 2021.* (American Repression Begins; Tyranny, Freedom of speech).
_____. "Speech Crimes." Video. YouTube (America Can We Talk?) 28 Jan. 2021.*
Gerpe, Begoña. "Me llamó en directo la policía judicial." Video. YouTube (Begoña Gerpe) 3 Feb. 2024.*
Giuliani, Rudy. "I CAN’T SAY THIS On National Television | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 98." Video. YouTube (Rudy W. Giuliani) 30 Dec. 2020.*
____. "How DEMOCRATS Are Rooting AGAINST YOU | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 99." Video. YouTube (Rudy W. Giuliani) 2 Jan. 2021.* (Trump, Manipulation, Coronavirus, Racism, China, Biden, Big Tech, Crooks, Criminals, Corruption, Against America).
_____. "Rudy's Common Sense Ep. 103: This Has Never Happened Before in This Country." Rumble 15 Jan. 2021.* (Big Tech censoring free speech).
_____. "America's Mayor Live (E39): The Fight for Free Speech is Just Getting Started." Video. YouTube (Rudy W. Giuliani) 16 Dec. 2022.* (Twitter).
_____. "Two of the Most Censored Issues of 2022 – Episode 300." YouTube (Rudy W. Giuliani) 28 Dec. 2022.* (Transsexualism, parental authority, Rachel Levine, Covidian corruption of Democratic Party, anti-white racism, , corruption in the Ministry of Defense, Panorama Education, New York justice corruption, Biden corruption, lies and dementia)
_____. "Three Stories of 2022 That Didn't Receive Attention From Mainstream Media." Video. YouTube (Rudy W. Giuliani) 31 Dec. 2022.* (Parents, Transsexuality, Crime, Democratic party, Biden, Corruption, Racism, BLM, Illegal immigration and open borders, Censorship and Disinformation, Socialism)
Hawley, Josh. "Senator @HawleyMO Grills Facebook Executive And Gets Him To Admit That They Have Coordinated With The Biden Administration To Censor Constitutionally Protected Speech." Twitter (The Columbia Bugle) 15 Sept. 2022.*
Horcajo, Xavier, et al. "Especial informativo: Libertad de expresión." YouTube (Intereconomiatube) 11 March 2018.*
InMatrix. "48. 🔥 EXPEDIENTE ROYUELA: ¿Por qué callan los medios? La respuesta aquí...." Video. YouTube (InMatrix) 17 March 2020.*
Jiménez Losantos, Federico. "Federico Jiménez Losantos a las 7: Multa al autor de un poema a Irene Montero." YouTube (esRadiovideos) 9 Nov. 2018.*
Jiménez Losantos, Federico, et al. "Tertulia de Federico: Especial sobre la censura en las redes sociales." Video. YouTube (esRadiovideos) 29 Oct. 2020.*
Kelly, Mark. "Opinion: The Biden-Big Tech Censorship." (WSJ Opinion). Wall Street Journal 7 July 2023.* (Missouri v. Biden; Judge Terry A. Doughty, US District Court, Case no. 3:22-CV-01213).
Leigh, Kristy. "Infowars Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Covid Tyranny." Odysee (The Dead Gene) 4 Dec. 2021.* (Fauci, Gates, control, Face masks, Vaccines, Big Pharma, Fraud, Disinformation, Manipulation, Contagion, Lockdowns, Victims, Medication, Conspiracy, Organized crime; NHS, Trump; Intellectuals, Alarmism, Censorship, Despotism).
Martín, Luis J. "BRUUUUTAL IRENE MONTERO ¿QUÉ HAS COBRADO? - LAHORA VIERNES 13." Video. YouTube (Libres2.0) 13 Aug. 2021.* (Corruption, misgovernment, censorship).
McEwan, Ian. "2015 Commencement Address at Dickinson College." YouTube (Dickinson College) 17 May 2015.* (On freedom of speech).
Menoni, Eduardo.. "🔥 100% PATRIOTA, MÁS FIRMES QUE NUNCA !!!" Video. YouTube (Eduardo Menoni) 8 Jan. 2020.* (Resistance, Freedom of speech, Fraud, Manipulation).
Morás, Nicolás. "🚫 ¿Quienes Manejan el Mundo? 🌎 La Mejor Conferencia 2021." Video. YouTube (Los Liberales) 27 Nov. 2021.* (Magnates, Deep state, Russian revolution, Hitler, Agitators and Subversion, Roosevelt, capitalism, Cohn-Bendit, May 68, WEF, Event 201, CIA, Biden, Soros, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Jack Ma, Bill Gates; Blackrock, Larry Fink; Covidians, lockdowns, vaccines, Open Society Foundation, Debt, Argentinian politics; Social engineering and education; censorship, state control, lockdowns, Sanitary despotism and depopulation; Big Tech, monopolies; Pope Francis, Ivan Illich, Sachs, Stiglitz; free market, liberalism, Planned Parenthood, William Gates Sr. and Margaret Sanger; Wokes, Victimism, Feminism, gender ideology and climatology, family, isolation; war & business, war on drugs; taxes and black market, corrupt democracy)
_____. "💣 🚫 PROHIBIDO en Televisión 📺 🔥 ¿Qué pasará en 2022 y en los próximos años?" Video. YouTube (Los Liberales) 2021.* (Roberto Lamadrid; globalism; Social engineering; Post-humanism, Big Tech, plandemics, utopianism, control, data, censorship, elites, magnates, capitalism, ideology, totalitarianism, alarmism, climatology, fear, manipulation).
Musk, Elon. "Elon Musk Talking at Brothers of Italy Festival." Video. YouTube (The Times and The Sunday Times) 16 Dec. 2023.*
Nieto, Rafael, et al. "Buenos días España 29/1/2018." YouTube (Intereconomiatube) 29 Jan. 2018.* (Toleration; Freedom of opinion).
Ongay de Felipe, Íñigo. "La libertad de expresión como idea fuerza de las sociedades democráticas de nuestro tiempo." Lecture at the II Jornadas Nódulo, Talavera, 2014. YouTube (nodulotv) 20 Nov. 2014.*
Parejo, Isaac. "¿Por qué la gente vota al PSOE? - InfoVlogger" YouTube (InfoVlogger) 29 Feb. 2020.*
Peterson, Jordan. "JBP Reacts to Court Decision." Video. YouTube (Jordan B. Peterson) 24 Aug. 2023.* (Regulations, freedom of speech, Canadian justice, Persecution).
Petit, Maibort. "Los medios, la manipulación, y la deconstrucción del sistema de EE.UU." Interview with Sandra Valencia. YouTube (Sin Filtros) 9 Dec. 2020.*
Philipp, Joshua. "Live Q&A: YouTube Censoring Content On the 2020 Elections | Crossroads." Video. YouTube (Crossroads with Joshua Philipp) 9 Dec. 2020.*
_____. "Live Q&A: Virus Origin Story Gets Narrative Shift; $5000 Fines Proposed for online 'Conspiracies'." Video. YouTube (Joshua Philipp) 11 March 2021.* (Woke Supremacy, Disinformation; DP coup vs. Trump).
_____. "Live Q&A: Trump Launching a New Social Network; US Falls Into Diplomatic." Video. YouTube (CrossRoads with Joshua Philipp) 21 March 2021.* (Cancel culture, disinformation, censorship).
Pinker, Steven. "Free Speech." Lecture at Wellesley College, Boston, 2015. YouTube (Question Everything) 21 May 2017.*
Pirro, Jeanine. "Justice with Judge Jeanine - Feb. 4." (Fox News). YouTube (Fox News Channel) 4 Feb. 2017.*
_____. "Justice With Judge Jeanine 9PM 1/9/21." Video. (Fox News). YouTube (Học tiếng Anh Đường phố) 9 Jan. 2021.* (Big Tech, Capitol riots, Free speech).
"Protecting Free Speech on College Campuses: President Trump Signs Executive Order." Fox 10 Phoenix 21 March 2019.*
Rojo, Jesús Ángel, et al. "Tremendo: Salen a la luz los pagos de Sánchez a Twitter con el objetivo de censurar a la resistencia." Video. (El Mundo al Rojo). YouTube (DISTRITOTV) 25 Dec. 2022.*
Royuela Samit, Santiago. "¿Comienza la censura? Entrega 91." Video. YouTube (Santiago Royuela Samit) 16 Feb. 2020.*
_____. "Censuras por orden judicial en el canal de Santi Royuela." Video. YouTube (Santiago Royuela Samit) 28 March 2021.* (Mena Álvarez, Josep Arimany Manso, Elisabet Castelló Fontova).
_____. "Escrito de contestación del abogado de Santi Royuela a la demanda de García Ferreras." Video. YouTube (Santiago Royuela Samit) 7 June 2023.* (Fernando Presencia, Ana Pastor, Newtral, IFCN, Freedom of expression and libel).
_____. "Directo con J. Marzal: 'Europeas, nuestra última oportunidad'." Video. YouTube (Santiago Royuela Samit) 23 March 2024.* (Santiago Pedraz, Disinformation, Censorship, Totalitarianism, Covidianism, Fact-checkers, Dissidence and whistleblowers, Progresistas contra la Corrupción; Alvise Pérez, Vox, Roberto Vaquero, Rubén Gisbert; PSOE corruption and judiciary corruption, organized crime; Villarejo and cover-up of commissioned murders; Felipe González, AEAT, Carlos Ramos Rubio, Eduardo Navarro Blasco, Magdalena Jiménez Jiménez, José María Mena Álvarez, Leonor García Pita, Luis Solana, Felipe VI, Susana Polo).
Rubio Donzé, Javier, et al. "Censura en la Universidad española | FDV, Pedro Insua y Academia Play." Video. YouTube (Un tío Blanco Hetero) 3 Feb. 2021.*
Ruiz de Lobera, Federico. "Aclaraciones programa 1 - La Clave Cultural TV." Video. YouTube (La Clave Cultural) 27 Sept. 2021.*
_____. "SOBRE LO QUE NO SE PUEDE HABLAR - La Clave Cultural TV." Video. YouTube (La Clave Cultural) 12 Oct. 2021.*
Saad, Gad. "My Thoughts on the Attack on Salman Rushdie (THE SAAD TRUTH_1439)." Video. YouTube (Gad Saad) 13 Aug. 2022.*
Sánchez del Real, Víctor. "Hay una tendencia en las redes sociales a censurar las ideas de derechas." Video. YouTube (La Contra TV) 11 Jan. 2020.*
Turley, Steve. "Collapse of Cancel Culture as Even Liberals are Denouncing Leftist Censorship." Video. YouTube (Dr. Steve Turley) 9 July 2020.*
Watters. "Watters World 16/1/21 Full." Video. (Fox News). YouTube (Live Video) 17 Jan. 2021.* (Big Tech, Censorship, Cancel culture).
Weinstein, Bret. "RFK Jr From the Vault | Unreleased Darkhorse Podcast from 2021." Video. YouTube (Bret Weinstein) 30 June 2023.* (Robert F. Kennedy; Corruption, Big pharma, Vaccines, FDA, NIH, Control, Big Tech; Covidianism; Fauci, Lobbyists, Censorship, Ideology, Tyranny and Totalitarianism, Political correctness and public opinion; Health institutions, Fauci, medication, conspiracy and subversion, mainstream media, orthodoxy; Pfizer, Merck, Johnson and Johnson, drugs, adverse effects, victims, VAERS, informed consent, Scams, Grifters, Rackets, child abuse, organized crime, scandals, cover-ups, defamation, disinformation, whistleblowers)
See also Censorship; Political correctness.
Personal freedom
Bowers, J. R. Pro-Choice and Anti-Abortion. Westport: Praeger, 1994.
Castilla del Pino, Carlos. "La persona, limitante y determinante de libertad." In Castilla del Pino, Dialéctica de la persona, dialéctica de la situación. Madrid: Ediciones Península, 1968. 9-22.*
_____. "Libertad y seudolibertad (Una contribución al estudio de la alienación)." In Castilla del Pino, Dialéctica de la persona, dialéctica de la situación. Madrid: Ediciones Península, 1968. 77-92.*
_____. "Proceso, nivel y momento de la dialéctica de la liberación." In Castilla del Pino, Dialéctica de la persona, dialéctica de la situación. Madrid: Ediciones Península, 1968. 93-100.*
Cyrulnik, Boris. ¡No al totalitarismo! Libertad interior y sumisión confortable. Gedisa, 2022.
Domenech, Ricardo. "De Rosales, de Cervantes y de la libertad." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 257-258 (May-June 1971 [Homage to Luis Rosales on his 60th birthday; issued 1972]): 535-41.*
Dworkin, Ronald. Life's Dominion: An Argument about Abortion and Euthanasia. London: HarperCollins, 1993.
_____. El dominio de la vida: Una discusión acerca del aborto, la eutanasia y la libertad individual. Barcelona: Ariel, 1994.
Feinberg, J. Freedom and Fulfillment. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1992.
Fromm, Erich Die Furcht von der Freiheit. 1942.
_____. The Fear of Freedom. London: Routledge, 1960.
_____. The Fear of Freedom. London: Ark Paperbacks, 1984.
_____. El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1989.
García Landa, José Ángel. "Contra la servidumbre voluntaria." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 18 April 2010.*
_____. "Free Wilt." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 13 April 2011.*
_____. "Pseudociencias (y pseudolibertades)." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 11 Feb. 2022.* (Face masks, censorship, Covidians, social networking).
Grimshaw, Jean. "3. Practices of Freedom." In Up against Foucault: Explorations of Some Tensions between Foucault and Feminism. Ed. Caroline Ramazanoglu. London and New York: Routledge, 1993. 51-72.*
Harari, Yuval Noah. "3. Libertad. Los macrodatos están observándote." In Harari, 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI. Trans. Joandomènec Ros. Barcelona: Penguin Random House – Debate, 2018. 65-95.*
Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de. "Libertad para divertirse." From Memoria para el arreglo de la policía de los espectáculos y diversiones públicas y sobre su origen en España. 1790. In El ensayo español, 2: El siglo XVIII. Ed. Francisco Sánchez Blanco. Barcelona: Crítica, 1998. 286-99.*
La Boétie, Etienne de la. Le discours de la servitude volontaire. Paris: Payot, 1976.
_____. Discurso de la servidumbre voluntaria o el Contra uno. Madrid: Tecnos, 1986.
_____. Oeuvres complètes d'Estienne de La Boétie. Geneva: Slatkine Reprints, 1967
Lessing, Doris. Prisons we Choose to Live Inside. Non-fiction.
Lledó, Emilio. "10. Eleuthería." In Lledó, Palabra y humanidad. Oviedo: KRK, 2015. 325-64.*
López-Ropero, Lourdes. "Searching for a 'Different Kind of Freedom': Postcoloniality and Postfeminist Subjecthood in Zadie Smith's NW." Atlantis 38.2 (Dec. 2016): 123-39.*
Maravall, José Antonio. "Moral de acomodación y carácter conflictivo de la libertad (Notas sobre Saavedra Fajardo)." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 257-258 (May-June 1971 [Homage to Luis Rosales on his 60th birthday; issued 1972]): 663-93.*
Marcuse, Herbert. Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud. Boston: Beacon Press, 1955.
_____. Eros and Civilisation. London: Lane, 1970.
_____. Eros et civilisation. (Points). Paris: Seuil.
_____. Eros y civilización. Trans. Juan García Ponce. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1968.
_____. "Freedom and Freud's Theory of Instincts." In Critical Theory: The Essential Readings. Ed. David Ingram and Julia Simon-Ingram. St. Paul (MN): Paragon House, 1991. 221-38.*
_____. "The Catastrophe of Liberation." In Critical Theory: The Essential Readings. Ed. David Ingram and Julia Simon-Ingram. St. Paul (MN): Paragon House, 1991. 103-16.*
Nancy, Jean-Luc. The Experience of Freedom. (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics). Stanford (CA): Stanford UP.
Ogien, Ruwen. "L'incohérence des critiques des morales du consentement." Cahiers de recherche sociologique 43 (Jan. 2007): 133-40.*
Simmel, Georg. "Freedom and the Individual." In On Individuality and Social Forms. Ed. Donald N. Levine. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1971.
Singly, François de. Libres ensemble: L'individualisme dans la vie commune. Paris: Nathan, 2000.
Aldecoa, Ignacio. "Los bienaventurados." Short story. In Aldecoa, Cuentos. Ed. Josefina Rodríguez de Aldecoa. (Letras Hispánicas, 62). 13th ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1989. 201-12.*
_____. "Ave del Paraíso." Short story. In Aldecoa, Cuentos. Ed. Josefina Rodríguez de Aldecoa. (Letras Hispánicas, 62). 13th ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1989. 213-52.*
Angelou, Maya. "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings." All Poetry.*
Camus, Albert. Caligula. 1938. Trans. Borja Sitjà. Dir. Mario Gas. Cast: Pablo Derqui, Borja Espinosa, Mónica López, Bernat Quintana, Carlos Cuevas, David Vert, Xavier Ripoll, Pep ferrer, Pep Molina, Victor Pi, Anabel Moreno, Ricardo Moya. Coprod. Teatre Romea / Festival Internacional de Teatro Clásico de Mérida / Grec 2017 Festival de Barcelona. Zaragoza: Teatro Principal, Feb. 2018.*
Egerton, Sarah. "The Liberty." In Poems on Several Occasions together with a Pastoral. London: John Nutt (Bookseller), 1703. 19-21.
_____. "The Liberty." In Eighteenth-Century Poetry: The Annotated Anthology. Ed. David Fairer and Christine Gerrard. 3rd ed. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. 11-13.*
_____. "The Liberty." Poem. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 12 April 2018.*
Kerouac, Jack. On the Road. Novel. New York: Viking, 1957. Rpt. (Viking Compass). 1959.
_____. On the Road. London: André Deutsch, 1958.
_____. On the Road. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
_____. On the Road. New York: Penguin, 1986.
_____. On the Road. Introd. Ann Charters. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.*
_____. A la carretera. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1996.
Nietzsche, Friedrich. "Der Freigeist." Poem.
Bridges, Jeff. "Flyin' and Fallin'." From Crazy Heart. Video. YouTube (Tajl3r) 19 Feb. 2010.*
Calamaro, Andrés, and Julio Iglesias. "Bohemio." Music video. YouTube (Andrés Calamaro) 26 Nov. 2020.*
García Landa, José Angel. "La liberté." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 7 June 2008. (Patricia Kaas song).
_____. "El cóndor pasa." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 9 Aug. 2009.* (Song by Paul Simon).
_____. "La Liberté Dos." In García Landa, Vanity Fea Feb. 2011.* (Song from Patricia Kaas)
Verdi. "E strano! … Ah, fors'è lui … Sempre libera." From La Traviata. In Joan Sutherland: The Voice of the Century. 2 CDs. EU: Universal Music – Decca, 2006.*
Balcarce, Luis, et al. "El Quilombo 25/01/2022." Video. Decisión Radio 25 Jan. 2021.* (Cracks in the sanitary dictatorship; decay of freedom).
Benito, Jorge. "¿Ha muerto la libertad? Control mental, manipulación de las masas y esclavitud moderna." Video. YouTube (Jorge Benito) 5 Nov. 2021.*
Escohotado, Antonio. "Libertad y seguridad." Video lecture YouTube (Bastiat Elkartea) 19 Oct. 2016.*
Escovacci, Sonia. "Policías por la Libertad." Video. YouTube (Dra. Natalia Prego Cancelo) 1 Sept. 2020.*
García, Julio, et al. "La Voz de España Ed: 137." Video. YouTube (Canal 5 Nacional) 25 Nov. 2020.* (Freedom; Despotism; Resistance; Interview with Ignacio Vega, Identitarios).
Gielen, Tim. "Monopoly: Who Owns the World? Must See." Rumble (stopworldcontrol) 1 Oct. 2021.* (Capitalism, Corporations, Lobbies, Investors, Blackrock, Vanguard, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros, Clinton, Gates, WHO, Manipulation, Organizations, Media, Control, Disney, Comcast, Bertelsmann, Project Syndicate, WEF, Schwab, UNICEF, Greenpeace, Al Gore, Larry Fink, Christine Lagarde, Consumerism, Sustainability, Communism, New World Order, politicians, organized crime, UN, Agenda 2030, Chatham House, Marc van Ranst, vaccines, information manipulation, fear, public opinion, Deep State, Lennon, Kennedy, Assange, Isaac Kappy, John McAfee; Orwell, disinformation, censorship, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, lockdowns, face masks, protest, resistance).
Gijón, Francisco. "La conspiración del silencio." Video. YouTube (El Videoblog de Francisco Gijón) 23 Sept. 2022.* (Herd spirit, political correctness; personal freedom).
Hernández García, Paloma. "La idea de libertad. FORJA 136." Video. YouTube (Fortunata y Jacinta) 8 Jan. 2022.*
Martín, Luis J., et al. "¿Defender la libertad es ser antivacunas? - Última hora- Vox en el caso del Pollo Carvajal - Manifestación fake." Video. YouTube (Libres2.0) 23 Sept. 2021.*
Robinson, Peter. "The Treason of the Intellectuals, with Niall Ferguson / Uncommon Knowledge." Video. YouTube (Hoover Institution) 23 Jan. 2024.*
Sánchez Meca, Diego. "Nietzsche (II): Filosofía de la libertad: el legado de Nietzsche | La March." Video lecture. (Nietzsche: Su vida, su obra, su tiempo). YouTube (Fundación Juan March) 16 Sept. 2023.* (Greek tragedy; Herd spirit; moral liberation).
Vicente, Daniela. "Entrevista Robert Martinez para Flippityflop.es." Video. YouTube (Flippityflop) 21 Nov. 2020.* (Freedom; Manipulation; Ideology).
Parejo, Isaac. "El fin de la libertad y la era de las prohibiciones | InfoVlogger." Video. YouTube (InfoVlogger) 2 Sept. 2020.*
Prada, Juan Manuel de. "Una leyenda llamada Djokovic." (El ángulo oscuro). ABC 10 Jan. 2021. Online at Twitter.*
Quintana Paz, Miguel Ángel. "¿Somos menos libres que hace 20 años? Entrevista con Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz." Video. YouTube (Joven Europeo) 19 July 2020.*
Rosillo, Pedro. "En Directo: España Camino de Ser un Estado Fallido" Video interview with Rafael Rosselló. El Arconte 26 Nov. 2020.* (Manipulation; Despotism; Coronavirus; Freedom; Treason).
Political freedom
Acemoglu, Daron, and James A. Robinson. El pasillo estrecho: Estados, sociedades y cómo alcanzar la libertad.
Bauman, Zygmunt. "1. Emancipación." In Bauman, Modernidad líquida. México: FCE, 2003. Rpt. 2015. 21-58.* (Freedom, Critique, Individuals, Citizenship).
_____. "2. Individualidad." In Bauman, Modernidad líquida. México: FCE, 2003. Rpt. 2015. 49-98.* (Capitalism, Consumerism, Addiction, Compulsion, Consumer society, Buying, Freedom, Individualism)
Boladeras, Margarita. Libertad y tolerancia: Éticas para sociedades abiertas. Barcelona: U de Barcelona, 1993.
Constant, Benjamin. Principios de política aplicables a todos los gobiernos. 1806. Critical ed. Étienne Hofmann, 1980. Spanish trans. Víctor Goldstein. (Conocimiento). Madrid: Katz / Liberty Fund, 2010.*
Davis, Angela Y. Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement. Haymarket Books, 2016.
Díez, Rosa. "Es la libertad." Okdiario 9 Sept. 2022.*
Feyerabend, Paul. Science in a Free Society. London: New Left Books, 1975.
Fusi, Juan Pablo. Espacios de libertad: La cultura española y la recuperación de la democracia (c. 1960-c.1990). Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 2015.
Fromm, Erich Die Furcht von der Freiheit. 1942.
_____. The Fear of Freedom. London: Routledge, 1960.
_____. The Fear of Freedom. London: Ark Paperbacks, 1984.
_____. El miedo a la libertad. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1989.
Friedman, Milton. Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1962.
García Domínguez, José. "El Islam y la libertad." Libertad Digital 7 Jan. 2015.*
García Landa, José Ángel. "Una vez más Austria persigue las libertades." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 19 Nov. 2021.*
García-Trevijano, Antonio. La alternativa democrática. 1977.
_____. El discurso de la República.
_____. Teoría pura de la República.
Godwin, William. Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on Morals and Happiness. Quarto. London, 1793.
_____. Political Justice. 2nd ed., 8º. 1796.
_____. Political Justice. 3rd ed. 1798.
_____. Enquiry concerning Political Justice and Its Influence on Morals and Happiness. Ed. F. E. L. Priestley. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1946.
_____. Enquiry Concerning Political Justice. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.
_____. Cursory Strictures on the Charge Delivered by the Lord Chief Justice Eyre to the Grand Jury, October 2, 1794. 1794. (On the trials of Holcroft and other radicals).
_____. Romantic Rationalist: A William Godwin Reader. Ed. with and introd. by Peter Marshall, rev. ed. Foreword by John P. Clark. Oakland (CA): PM Press, 2017.* (Human Nature; Ethics; Politics; Education; Free Society).
Gómez de Liaño, Ignacio. El eclipse de la civilización: La ética y la tiranía en seis figuras históricas. La Esfera de los Libros, 2023. (Cicero, Seneca, St. Paul, Muhammad, Marx, Hitler; individualism, socialism, freedom, virtue, values).
Hamowy, Ronald. "Freedom and the Rule of Law in F. A. Hayek." Il Politico (1971): 340-377.
Hayek, Friedrich von. Die Verfassung der Freiheit (The Constitution of Liberty).
_____. The Road to Serfdom. Essay. London: Routledge, 1944.
_____. Camino de servidumbre. 1944. Unión Editorial.
_____. Law, Legislation and Liberty. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, vol. I, Rules and Order, 1973; vol. II, The Mirage of Social Justice, 1976; vol. III, The Political Order of a Free People, 1979.
Hernández Arias, José Rafael. "Thomas Hobbes, filósofo del poder y de la libertad." Introd. to Leviatán, by Thomas Hobbes. Trans. and notes by Carlos Mellizo. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos). Madrid: Gredos, 2012. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2015. ix-xcvii.*
Jones, Alex. The Great Reset: And the War for the World. USA: Skyhorse Publishing, 2022.
Kelly, David, and Anthony Reid, eds. Asian Freedoms: The Idea of Freedom in East and Southern Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.
La Boétie, Etienne de. Discours de la servitude volontaire. Written 1546-1555. Pub 1574, 1576.
_____. Le discours de la servitude volontaire. Paris: Payot, 1976.
_____. Discours de la servitude volontaire
_____. Discours de la servitude volontaire. In Wikisource.
_____. Le Discours sur la servitude volontaire. Suivi de Les Paradoxes de la servitude volontaire. Ed. Olivier Remaud et al. Paris: Vrin, 2002.
_____. Discurso de la servidumbre voluntaria o el Contra uno. Madrid: Tecnos, 1986.
_____. Sobre la servidumbre voluntaria.
_____. "Discurso sobre la servidumbre voluntaria." Scribd (luisdo)
_____. Oeuvres complètes d'Estienne de La Boétie. Geneva: Slatkine Reprints, 1967.
Lakoff, George. Whose Freedom? The Battle over America's Most Important Idea. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006.
Leoni, Bruno. Freedom and the Law. New Jersey: Van Nostrand, 1961.
_____. La libertad y la ley. (Nueva Biblioteca de la Libertad, 9). 2nd enlarged ed. Unión Editorial.
López Bru, Ignacio. "Leviathandemia (V): El globalismo nos ha declarado la guerra." Kosmos-Polis 16 Sept. 2021.* (Globalism, Coronavirus, Gates, Fauci, Daszak, Moderna, Pfizer, Vaccination, Casualties, Freedom, Sanitary despotism, Rockefeller Foundation, Event 201).
Maestre, Agapito. "La batalla de la libertad." Libertad Digital 13 May 2020.*
Marcuello Servós, Chaime. "Liberticidas." (La Firma). Heraldo de Aragón 30 April 2020: 21.*
Marías, Javier. La libertad en juego.
Navajas, Santiago. "Los enemigos de la libertad." Rev. of Los enemigos del comercio, by Antonio Escohotado. Vozpópuli (Entre Escila y Caribdis) 18 April 2017.*
Negri, Toni, and Félix Guattari. Las verdades nómadas: Por nuevos espacios de libertad. Gakoa.
Noya, Mario. "Brave New World Big Tech: El leviatán con el que no contaban los liberales." Libertad Digital 16 Jan. 2021.*
Polanyi, Michael. The Contempt of Freedom: The Russian Experiment and After. London: Watts & Co., 1940.
Popper, Karl. The Open Society and Its Enemies. London, 1945.
_____. The Open Society and Its Enemies. 2 vols. London: Routledge, 1952. 5th rev. ed. 1966.
_____. La sociedad abierta y sus enemigos. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1957.
Puglisi, José Antonio. "Podemos saca adelante en el Congreso su 'ley mordaza' para silenciar a los críticos al Gobierno." Periodista Digital 27 Oct. 2020.*
Rawls, J. Sobre las libertades. Barcelona: Paidós, 1990.
Sánchez Ferlosio, Rafael. "La libertad amenazada." El País 11 Oct. 1997. In Sánchez Ferlosio, QWERTYUIOP: Ensayos IV - Sobre enseñanza, deportes, televisión, publicidad, trabajo y ocio. Ed. Ignacio Echevarría. Barcelona: Penguin Random House - Debate, 2017. 520-23.*
Valdés, Zoé. "Cuba debe ser escuchada en su reclamo de libertad." Libertad Digital 12 July 2021.*
Vargas Llosa, Mario. Desafíos a la libertad. Essay. 1994.
Vatter, M. E. Between Form and Event: Machiavelli's Theory of Political Freedom. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000.
Winstanley, Gerrard. The Law of Freedom and Other Writings. Ed. C. Hill. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.
Jiménez Losantos, Federico. "Federico a las 7: El comunismo de Iglesias es incompatible con la libertad." Audio. YouTube (esRadiovideos) 8 July 2020.*
Moa, Pío, and Javier García Isac. "171 - Franco salvó a España de la invasión (1) - Libertad y frente popular." Audio. YouTube (Una Hora con la Historia) 6 Feb. 2021.*
Gisbert, Rubén. YouTube (Rubén Gisbert).* (Spanish whistleblower and dissident political influencer).
Operation Freedom. Political videoblog. (David Janda).*
Internet resources
Para la Libertad.*
Libertad Digital. Ed. Federico Jiménez Losantos.
Libre. Ed. Cornelius Castoriadis and Claude Lefort.
Byron (Lord). "When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home." Poem. 1820, pub. 1830. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 561.*
García Landa, José Ángel. "Mon fils chante." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 4 Oct. 2008. (Juliette Gréco song).
_____. "Mon fils chante 2." In García Landa, Vanity Fea July 2009.*
_____. "Mon fils chante (4)." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 11 July 2010.*
Howe, Julia Ward. "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." Music by William Steffe. YouTube (The United States Army Field Band) 22 Nov. 2016.*
Root, George Frederick. "Battle Cry of Freedom." Unionist song. 1862. YouTube (Ian Berwick) 11 Oct. 2015.*
(Nueva Biblioteca de la Libertad, 9). 2nd enlarged ed. Unión Editorial.
Societies and Institutions
Asociación Libertas
Fundación para la libertad
Baselga, Pilar. "Rebrotes, explosión en Beirut, terrorismo periodístico y los tweets de Robert Trump." Video interview. YouTube (Apellido Obligatorio) 6 Aug. 2020.* (Herd spirit, freedom).
Bititza. "Bititza con La Polla Records, En Tu Recto." Video. YouTube (Utzi Pakeaniii!) 18 Dec.2021.*
Bermúdez, Xabier, et al. "[La Hora de Demos TERTULIA] Españoles, la LIBERTAD ha muerto (Vicente Ferrer - José Luis Escobar)." Video. YouTube (DEMOS TV) 8 Jan. 2021.* (Totalitarianism, Freedom of speech, Disinformation, Ideological manipulation).
Cebolla, Sergio, et al. "UNIDOS por la VIDA - ABOGADOS POR LA LIBERTAD." Video. YouTube (Alícia Ninou) 27 Sept. 2020.*
Contreras, Francisco José. "LIBERALISMO vs CONSERVADURISMO." Video. YouTube (Fundación Civismo) 17 July 2021.*
Cuesta, Carlos. "Las agresiones a Vox demuestra que E.T.A está muy presente en el País Vasco." Video. (Con España a Cuesta). YouTube (DISTRITOTV) 29 June 2020.*
Escohotado, Antonio. "Antonio Escohotado, entrevistado por Federico Jiménez Losantos." Libertad Digital (Club Libertad Digital) 2 Feb. 2017, 9 Feb. 2017, 16 Feb. 2017.* (On economic freedom and communism).
_____. "Libertad y Seguridad (conferencia completa de Antonio Escohotado)." Video. YouTube (Canal de tributo al pensamiento de A. Escohotado) 15 March 2022.*
Esparza, José Javier. "Es la libertad, estúpidos." Interview with Ignacio Arsuaga. Video. YouTube (Intereconomiatube) 15 March 2017.*
Esparza, José Javier, and Julio Ariza. "El Gato Premium | 27-09-2019." YouTube (El Toro TV) 28 Sept. 2019.* (Franco, Catalan rebellion, privacy in communications).
Ferguson, Niall. "Niall Ferguson: History of Money, Power, War, and Truth | Lex Fridman Podcast #239." Video interview by Lex Fridman. YouTube (Lex Fridman) 8 Nov. 2021.* (Wokes, university, political correctness, freedom of speech).
Fidalgo, Sergio, et al. "La libertad resiste." Video panel. YouTube (Dolça Catalunya) 23 Nov. 2023.*
Fisk, Eric, et al. "More Government, More Government Control – News of the Week" Audio. Soundcloud (The Fedora Chronicles) June 2022.* (Disinformation, freedom of expression).
Forbes Breaking News. "DeSantis Rips Social Media Companies, Signs Bill Blocking Big Tech From Deplatforming Conservatives." Video. YouTube (Forbes Breaking News) 28 May 2021.*
Fridman, Lex. "Tucker Carlson: Putin, Navalny, Trump, CIA, NSA, War, Politics & Freedom – Lex Fridman Podcast #414." Video interview. YouTube (Lex Fridman) 27 Feb. 2024.*
García, Julio. "La Voz de España ed. 82 (Parte 1, parte 2)." YouTube (Canal 5 Radio) 14 Aug. 2020.* (Freedom, resistance).
García-Trevijano, Antonio. "Conferencia de D. Antonio García-Trevijano en Guadix." YouTube (Libertad Constituyente TV) 30 Jan. 2017.* (On political freedom).
Gisbert, Rubén. "¡Juicio entre Rubén Gisbert y el Estado! Por la libertad de reunión (Ganado)." Video. YouTube (Rubén Gisbert) 6 Sept. 2023.*
Gómez de Liaño, Ignacio. "El Eclipse de la Civilización." Video lecture. YouTube (Fundos Fundación) 21 July 2023.* (Cicero, Seneca, St. Paul, Muhammad, Marx, Hitler; individualism, socialism, freedom, virtue, values).
Horcajo, Xavier, et al. "Especial informativo: Libertades en España." YouTube (Intereconomiatube) 5 March 2018.*
Jiménez Losantos, Federico, et al. "¿Es arte la obra de presos políticos? ¿Es libertad de expresión?" EsRadio 23 Feb. 2018.*
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr. "Anthony Fauci and the Public Health Establishment." Video lecture. Hillsdale College (Freedom Library) 6 March 2023.* (Vaccine poisoning; Bioweapons; Disinformation, Big Pharma, CDC, NIH, Organized crime, Fauci, Covidianism, Rights, Face masks, Agendas, Event 201, Bill Gates, CIA, Big Tech, Totalitarianism, Operation Lockstep, Mind control operations, Freedom).
Mas Arellano, Guillermo, et al. "La lucha por la libertad y el futuro: entrevista a Fernando Paz." Video. YouTube (Pura Virtud) 24 Sept. 2022.*
Nieto, Rafael, et al. "Buenos días España 23/2/2018." YouTube (Intereconomiatube) 23 Feb. 2018.* (Freedom of expression in art).
Noriega, Atanasio. Frente a la gran mentira. Online at Youtube (Libertad Constituyente TV) 10 May 2020.*
Oliver, Neil. "Why We Need To Protect Our Freedoms – episode 99." Video. (Love Letter to the British Isles). YouTube (Neil Oliver) 15 Dec. 2023.* (Tower of London).
_____. "The Davos 3-pronged attack on our freedom!" Video. YouTube (Neil Oliver) 18 Jan. 2024.*
Ryan, Mike. "Covid Is a Global Propaganda Operation." Interview with Piers Robinson." Video. Asia Pacific Today 4 Aug. 2021.* (Manipulation, Alarmism, Frauds, Propaganda, Globalism, Covidians, Face masks, Vaccines, Freedom).
Saad, Gad. "Stanford University's Conference on Academic Freedom (THE SAAD TRUTH_1479)." Video. YouTube (Gad Saad) 12 Nov. 2022.*
_____. "My Chat with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya - COVID, Healthcare, and Academic Freedom (The SAAD Truth 1484)." Video. YouTube (Gad Saad) 18 Oct. 2022.* (Covidians, Academic freedom, Coronavirus, Vaccines, Treatment, Health services).
See also Liberty; Liberalism; Free will; Open societies.
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