domingo, 11 de agosto de 2024

El Poeta



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Poetry: Authorship. Poets.



Early works






Early works


Dilthey, Wilhelm. "The Imagination of the Poet: Elements for a Poetics." 1887. Trans. Louis Agosta and Rudolf A. Makkreel. In Dilthey, Poetry and Experience. Vol. 5 of Selected Works. Ed. Rudolf A. Makkreel and Frithjof Rodi. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1985. 29-174.*

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. "The Poet." 1843. In Emerson, Essays. London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1906. 204-27.*

_____. "The Poet." From Essays, 2nd series. In Emerson, The Selected Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. New York: Modern Library, c. 1950. 319-41.*

_____. "The Poet." 1843. In Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971. 545-554.*

_____. "The Poet." Online at Digital Emerson.*


_____. From "The Poet." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. "El poeta." In Emerson, Escritos de estética y poética. Ed. and trans. Ricardo Miguel Alfonso. Málaga: Universidad de Málaga, 2000. 73-90.*

_____. "El poeta." In Emerson, Ensayos. Ed. and trans. Ricardo Miguel Alfonso. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2001. 275-302.*

Keats, John. Letters. (To Richard Woodhouse, a poet has no identity, 1818; to George and Georgiana Keats, the vale of soul-making, 1819). In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999.*

Sesdigitus, Volcacius. De poetis. 2nd century poem.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe. A Defence of Poetry. 1821, pub. 1840. In Shelley, Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments. London: Edward Moxon, 1840. (Romanticism; Nature of poetry; Poet; Classical literature; Imagination and fancy; Morality)

_____. A Defence of Poetry. (Select.). In Loci Critici. Ed. George Saintsbury. Boston: Ginn, 1903. 396-409.*

_____. A Defence of Poetry. In. English Critical Essays (Nineteenth Century). Ed. Edmund D. Jones. London: Oxford UP, 1916. 120-63.*

_____. A Defence of Poetry. In Critical Theory Since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 499-513.

_____. A Defence of Poetry and a Letter to Lord Ellenborough. Folcroft (PA): Folcroft Library, 1973.

_____. A Defence of Poetry. In Shelley's Poetry and Prose. Ed. Donald H. Reiman and Sharon B. Powers. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1977. 478-508.*

_____. A Defence of Poetry. In The Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York, 1978.

_____. A Defence of Poetry. In Romantic Critical Essays. Ed. David Bromwich. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987. 216-42.*

_____. A Defense of Poetry. Selection. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 473-82.*

_____. From A Defence of Poetry. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 789-802.*

_____. "On Life." In Shelley, Essays, Letters from Abroad, Translations and Fragments. London Edward Moxon, 1840.

_____. "On Life." In Shelley's Poetry and Prose. Ed. Donald H. Reiman and Sharon B. Powers. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1977. 474-7.*

Sidney, Philip (Sir). An Apologie for Poetry or The Defence of Poetry. Discourse. Written 1579-80, 1st pub. 1595. (History; Philosophy; Ethics; Genre; Nature of poetry; Poet)

_____. The Defence of Poesie. London: Printed for William Ponsorby, 1595.

_____. An Apologie for Poetrie. 1595.

_____. The Defense of Poesy. Ed. A. S. Cook. Boston, 1890.

_____. An Apology for Poetry. In Elizabethan Critical Essays. Ed. G. Gregory Smith. London: Oxford UP, 1904. Vol. 1.

_____. An Apology for Poetrie. Ed. Evelyn S. Shuckburgh. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1912.

_____. An Apologie for Poetrie. In The Great Critics. Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932. 143-87.*

_____. A Defence of Poetry. Ed. J. A. Van Dorsten. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1956. 1966. 1989.

_____. The Defense of Poesie. In Literary Criticism: Plato to Dryden. Ed. Gilbert. 406-62.

_____. An Apology for Poetry or The Defense of Poesy. Ed. Geoffrey Shepherd. London: Nelson, 1965. Rpt. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1973.*

_____. The Defence of Poetry. In Miscellaneous Prose of Sir Philip Sidney. Ed. K. Duncan-Jones and Jan Van Dorsten. Oxford: Clarendon, 1973.

_____. An Apology for Poetry. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 197-227.*

_____. From The Defense of Poesy. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.933-54.*

Skelton, John. A Ryght Delectable Tratyse vpon a Goodly Garlande or Chapelet of Laurell by mayster Skelton ... Inprynted by ... Richard Fankes. London, 1523.

Thoreau, Henry David. "Homer. Ossian. Chaucer." The Dial 4 (1844). (Homer; Ossianism; Macpherson; Chaucer Geoffrey; Nature of poetry; Poet)

Veselovsky, A. N.  "I.6. Tres capítulos de poética histórica." 1899. In Veselovsky, Poética histórica. Madrid: Akal, 2014. 265-473.* (I. El sincretismo de la poesía antigua y los orígenes de la diferenciación de los géneros poéticos; II. Del cantor al poeta. El desgajamiento de la idea de poesía; III. La lengua de la poesía y la lengua de la prosa).

Whitman, Walt. "Preface." In Whitman, Leaves of Grass. New York, 1855.






Abercrombie, Lascelles. "Poetic Personality: The Poet Himself." In Abercrombie, The Idea of Great Poetry. London: Secker, 1925.

Aldington, Richard. "The Poet and His Age." In Aldington, Literary Studies and Reviews. London: Allen, 1924.

Arnheim, Rudolf, et al. Poets at Work. New York, 1947.

Balmaseda Maestu, Enrique. "Borges: El poeta y la poesía en sus versos." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 18 (1992): 159-80.*

Baroja, Pío. "Vates calenturientos." In Pío Baroja: Obras Completas XVI: Obra dispersa y epistolario: Textos dispersos - Páginas de autocrítica - Prólogo a textos ajenos - Artículos - Epistolario selecto. Ed. José-Carlos Mainer. Rev. Juan Carlos Ara Torralba.  Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg / Círculo de Lectores, 2000. 595-97.

Bartlett, Phyllis. Poems in Process. New York, 1951.

Berryman, John.The Freedom of the Poet. New York: Farrar, 1976.

Bloom, Harold. The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry. 1973. London: Oxford UP, 1975.*

_____. "The Primal Scene of Instruction." In Bloom, A Map of Misreading. New York: Oxford UP, 1975. 1980. 41-62.*

Burckhardt, Sigurd. "The Poet as Fool and Priest." ELH 23 (1956): 279-98.

Camon, Ferdinando. Il mestiere del poeta. Milano: Lerici, 1965.

Cano, José Luis. "La autonominación en la poesía (Cienfuegos, Unamuno, Dámaso Alonso, Luis Rosales)." Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 257-258 (May-June 1971 [Homage to Luis Rosales on his 60th birthday; issued 1972]): 570-83.*

Crane, Hart. "The Poet." Essay.

Crawford, Robert. Identifying Poets. c. 1995.

_____. The Modern Poet: Poetry, Academia, and Knowledge since the 1750s. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Crewe, Jonathan. Trials of Authorship: Anterior Forms and Poetic Reconstruction from Wyatt to Shakespeare. Berkeley: U of California P, 1990.

Dickey, James. "The Poet Turns on Himself." In Contemporary American Poetry. Ed. Howard Nemerov. Washington: Voice of America, 1965. 283-99.*

Duff, William. An Essay on Original Genius, and Its Various Modes of Exertion in Philosophy, and the Fine Arts, particularly in Poetry. 1767. London: Routledge, 1994.

Eliot, T. S. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." The Egoist (1919). Rpt. in The Sacred Wood. 1920.

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." 1919. In Eliot, The Sacred Wood. 1921. London: Methuen, 1986.

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Eliot, Selected Essays. 1932. 3rd ed. London: Faber and Faber, 1951. 13-22.*

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Eliot, Selected Essays. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1950.

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Selected Essays. New ed. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1960.

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Selected Essays. London: Faber and Faber, 1971.

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In The Modern Critical Spectrum. Ed. Gerald Jay Goldberg and Nancy Marmer Goldberg. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice-Hall, 1962. 162-68.*

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Selected Essays. London: Faber and Faber, 1963.

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In 20th Century Literary Criticism: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1972. 71-77.*

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Debating Texts. Ed. Rick Rylance. Milton Keynes: Open UP, 1987. 6-11.*

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Ed. Vassilis Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. 145-51.*

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 587-92.*

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer. 3rd ed. White Plains (NY): Longman, 1994. 27-33.*

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 31-38.*

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent / La tradición y el talento individual." In Eliot, El bosque sagrado: Edición bilingüe. San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid): Langre, 2004. 217-40.*

_____. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2395-2401.*

Ellis, Jonathan, ed. Letter Writing among Poets: From William Wordsworth to Elizabeth Bishop. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2015.

Eymar, Carlos. El funcionario poeta: Elementos para una estética de la burocracia. Madrid: Tecnos, 1995.

Farwell, Marilyn R. "Feminist Criticism and the Concept of the Poetic Persona." In Women, Literature, Criticism. Ed. Harry R. Garvin. Lewisburg, 1978. 139-56.

Fernández Urtasun, Rosa. "Autobiografías y Poéticas: confluencia de géneros narrativos." Rilce 16.3 (2000): 537-56.*

Fineman, Joel. Shakespeare's Perjured Eye: The Invention of Poetic Subjectivity in the Sonnets. Berkeley: U of California P, 1986.*

_____. Shakespeare's Perjured Eye. Online at Google Books.*


Freeman, Margaret H. (Myrifield Institute for Cognition and the Arts). "Authorial Presence in Poetry: Some Cognitive Reappraisals." Poetics Today 36.3 (Sept. 2015): 201-31.*

         DOI 10.1215/03335372-3160733

         Online at Academia.*


Fry, Paul. The Poet's Calling in the English Ode. New Haven: Yale UP, 1980.

García Landa, José Ángel. "'The Enthusiastick Fit': The Function and Fate of the Poet in Samuel Johnson's Rasselas." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 17.1 (1991): 103-26.*

_____. "'The Enthusiastick Fit': The Function and Fate of the Poet in Samuel Johnson's Rasselas." Online at Net Sight de José Angel García Landa (2004):

_____. "'The Enthusiastick Fit': The Function and Fate of the Poet in Samuel Johnson's Rasselas." Online PDF at Dialnet


_____. "'The Enthusiastick Fit': The Function and Fate of the Poet in Samuel Johnson's Rasselas." Online PDF at Zaguán 21 Jan. 2009.


_____. "'The Enthusiastick Fit': The Function and Fate of the Poet in Samuel Johnson's Rasselas." Online PDF at Academia 14 April 2009.


_____. "'The Enthusiastick Fit': The Function and Fate of the Poet in Samuel Johnson's Rasselas." Online PDF at Social Science Research Network 23 April 2010.*


English & Commonwealth Literature eJournal 23 April 2010.*


_____. "'The Enthusiastick Fit': The Function and Fate of the Poet in Samuel Johnson's Rasselas." ResearchGate 19 August 2012.*


García Martín, José Luis. Cómo tratar y maltratar a los poetas. Gijón: Universos, 1996.

Gravil, Richard. Wordsworth's Bardic Vocation, 1787-1842. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Gunn, Thom. "Writing a Poem." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 143-44.*

Harrison, Tony. "Poetry Is All I Write." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 161-62.*

Heidegger, Martin. "Wozu Dichter..." 1946. In Holzwege. Frankfurt am Main, 1950. 265-316.

_____. "Pourquoi des poètes?" 1946. In Heidegger, Chemins qui ne mènent nulle part. Paris: Gallimard, 1986. 323-86.*

_____. "What Are Poets For?" Trans. Albert Hofstadger. In Heidegger, Poetry, Language, Thought. 89-142.

Herbert, W. N., and Matthew Hollis, eds. Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000.* (Introd., "Writing into the Dark", 11-16).

Housman, A. E. The Name and Nature of Poetry. c. 1933.

Hühn, Peter. "Wirklichkeit und Bedeutung im Gedicht: Die Dichtergestalt als Medium der Realitätsvermittlung bei Carew und Gray." In Literarische Ansichten der Wirklichkeit: Studien zur Wirklichkeitskonstitution in englischsprachiger Literatur: To honour Johannes Kleinstück. Ed. H. H. Freitag and P. Hühn. Frankfurt/Main: P. Lang, 1980. 89-122.

_____. "5. Lamenting the Death of Poets." In Facing Loss and Death: Narrative and Eventfulness in Lyric Poetry. By Peter Hühn, with contributions by Britta Goerke, Heilna du Plooy, and Stefan Schenk-Haupt. (Narratologia, 55). Berlin and Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2016. 191-226.*

Jiménez, Juan Ramón. El trabajo gustoso. Lectures. México: Aguilar, 1961.

Levertov, Denise. "I Believe Poets Are Instruments." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 102.*

López Eire, Antonio. "Poema, poesía y poeta." In López Eire, Orígenes de la poética. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1980. 181-90.*

Matthews, Samantha. Poetical Remains: Poets' Graves, Bodies, and Books in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Miller, Vassar. "What Is a Poet." In Contemporary American Poetry. Ed. Howard Nemerov. Washington: Voice of America, 1965. 147-68.*

Mills, Ralph T., ed. On the Poet and His Craft. Seattle, 1965.

Morand, Paul. "Permanence du poète." In Morand, Monplaisir ... en littérature. Paris: Gallimard, 1967. 323-7.*

Mukarovksy, Jan. "The Poet." In Mukarovsky, The Word and Verbal Art:. New Haven: Yale UP, 1977. 143-60.*

Nemerov, Howard. "Attentiveness and Obedience." In Contemporary American Poetry. Ed. Howard Nemerov. Washington: Voice of America, 1965. 299-311.*

O'Neill, Michael. "'The Mind Which Feeds This Verse': Shelley (I)."  In O'Neill, Romanticism and the Self-Conscious Poem. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. 119-54.*

Orr, Peter, ed. The Poet Speaks: Interviews with Contemporary Poets. London: Routledge, 1966.

Patea, Viorica. "The Power of the Poet and the Power of the Word: Emerson and Whitman's Mythologies of Power." Atlantic Literary Review, 2.3 (2001): 15-37.

_____. "The Poet and the Scientist in Emerson, Whitman and Hawthorne." In Critical Essays on the Myth of the American Adam. Ed. Viorica Patea and M. Díaz. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2001. 99-124.

_____. "The Power of the Poet and the Power of the Word: Emerson and Whitman's Mythologies of Power." In New Perspectives on American Literature. Ed. Ishteyaque Shams. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, 2004, 75-101.

Peck, John. How to Study a Poet. (How to Study series). Houndmills: Macmillan, 1988.

Pòrtulas, Jaume. "Vida y muerte del poeta." Mito y literatura. Revista de Occidente 158-159 (1994): 59-70.

Quiller-Couch, A. T. "The Popular Conception of a Poet." In Quiller-Couch, Adventures in Criticism. London: Cassell, 1896. 246-56.*

_____. "Poets on Their Own Art." In Quiller-Couch, Adventures in Criticism 257-65.*

Reed, Jeremy. Madness: The Price of Poetry. 1989.

Riley, Denise, ed. Poets on Writing. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1992.

Robinson, Peter. In the Circumstances: About Poems and Poets. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.

_____. Poetry, Poets, Readers: Making Things Happen. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Ruiz de Torres, Juan P. "Bases de datos de poetas." In Literatura y Multimedia. Ed. J. Romera Castillo et al. Madrid: Visor, 1997. 313-27.*

Sedgwick, E. K. "A Poem Is Being Written." Representations 17 (Winter, 1987): 745-57.

Skelton, Robin. The Practice of Poetry. London: Heinemann, 1971.

Spenser, Edmund. "October. Aegloga decima." In Spenser, The Shepheardes Calender Conteyning tvvelve Aeglogues proportionable to the twelve monethes. London: Hugh Singleton, 1579.

Srivastava, Narsingh. "T. S. Eliot's Theory of Poetic Personality and Belief: A Study in Reconciliation." Language Forum 14 (1988): 94-104.*

Stauffer, Donald A, ed. Poets at Work. New York: Harcourt, 1948.

Stevens, Wallace. "The Noble Rider and the Sound of Words." 1942. In Stevens, The Necessary Angel. London: Faber and Faber, 1960. (Language of poetry; Imagination and fancy; Poet; Denotation / Connotation; Nature of poetry)

Tillyard, E. W. M., and C. S. Lewis. The Personal Heresy: A Controversy. 1939. London: Oxford UP, 1965.*

Tylee, Claire. "What Is a War-Poet? A Case-Study in Literary Cultural History." In Actas del X Congreso Nacional AEDEAN. Zaragoza: AEDEAN, 1988. 485-96.*

Weber, Jean-Paul. Genèse de l'œuvre poétique. Paris: Gallimard, 1960.









García Landa, José Ángel. "Poetry. Authorship. The Poet." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism, and Philology. iPaper at 23 Sept. 2010.*










Poets' Graves






Internet resources



Norton Poets Online










Baudelaire, Charles. "L'Albatros / The Albatross." Fleurs du


Blake, William. "The Voice of the Ancient Bard." Genius.*


Borges, Jorge Luis. La rosa profunda. Poems. 1975. ("Browning resuelve ser poeta"; "Quince monedas [Un poeta oriental, Un poeta menor).

Browne, William. From "Britannias Pastorals" (1616, text 1625) - Praise of Poets. In The Oxford Book of Seventeenth Century Verse. Ed. H. J. C. Grierson and G. Bullough. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934. Rpt. 1938, 1942, 1946. 331-34.*

Browning, E. B. From Aurora Leigh. Poem. 1853-56, pub. 1857. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 1180-94. (Feminine education and aspirations; poets and the present age).

Clare, John. "The Peasant Poet." Poem. 1842-64, pub. 1920. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 810.*

Collins, William. "Ode on the Poetical Character." In Collins, Odes on Several Descriptive and Allegoric Subjects. 1746, dated 1747.

_____. "Ode on the Poetical Character." In Eighteenth-Century English Poetry: The Annotated Anthology. Ed. Nalini Jain and John Richardson. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1994. 416-24.*

_____. "Ode on the Poetical Character." In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.2835-36.*

_____. "Ode on the Poetical Character." Online at Poetry Foundation:


_____. "Ode on the Poetical Character." In Eighteenth-Century Poetry: The Annotated Anthology. Ed. David Fairer and Christine Gerrard. 3rd ed. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. 435-37.*

Drayton, Michael. "To Himselfe and The Harpe." From Odes, 1619. In The Oxford Book of Seventeenth Century Verse. Ed. H. J. C. Grierson and G. Bullough. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934. Rpt. 1938, 1942, 1946. 45-47.*

_____. To My Dearly Loved Friend, Henry Reynolds, Esq., of Poets and Poesy. Poem. 1627.

_____. "To My Most Dearly-Loved Friend Henry Reynolds Esquire, of Poets and Poesie." From Elegies upon Sundry Occasions, 1627. (Select.). In The Oxford Book of Seventeenth Century Verse. Ed. H. J. C. Grierson and G. Bullough. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934. Rpt. 1938, 1942, 1946. 59. 58-63.*

Gray, Thomas. The Bard. Ode. Written 1754-57. Twickenham: Strawberry Hill Press, 1757.

_____. "The Bard. A Pindaric Ode." In Eighteenth-Century Poetry: The Annotated Anthology. Ed. David Fairer and Christine Gerrard. 3rd ed. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. 428-32.*

Jonson, Ben. The Poetaster. Comedy. Acted at Blackfriars, 1601.

_____. Poetaster. Ed Tom Cain. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1995. 1996.

Lehman, David. "Big Hair." Poem. (On hype poets). TLS 9 Jan. 1998: 20.*

Mira, Víctor. "Los poetas felices son mis enemigos." Poetry. Cruz Ansata 7/8 (1984-85): 217-22.*

Nabokov, Vladimir. "Poèty." Poem. 1939. In Nabokov, Poèmes et problèmes. Ed. and trans. Hélène Henry. Paris: Gallimard, 1999. 108, 110.

_____. "Les Poètes." Poem. 1939. In Nabokov, Poèmes et problèmes. Ed. and trans. Hélène Henry. Paris: Gallimard, 1999. 109, 111.*

_____. "The Poets." In Nabokov, Poèmes et problèmes. Ed. and trans. Hélène Henry. Paris: Gallimard, 1999. 108-11.*

_____. "A Forgotten Poet." Story (English). Atlantic Monthly (1944). Rpt. In "Nine Stories" and Nabokov's Dozen.*

_____. "A Forgotten Poet." In The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1996. 569-79.*

_____. Pale Fire. Novel. New York: Putnam's, 1962.

_____. Pale Fire. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1962.

_____. Pale Fire. Lancer Books, 1963.

_____. Pale Fire. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973.

_____. Pale Fire. New York: Perigee Books 1980.

_____. Pale Fire. Introd. Mary McCarthy. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991.*

_____. Pale Fire. New York: Random House-Vintage International [c. 1989?].

_____. Feu pâle. Trans. Raymond Girard and Maurice Edgar Coindreau. Paris: Gallimard, 1965.

Oldham, John. "A Satyr Dissuading from Poetry." 1682. In Restoration Verse. Ed. H. Love. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979. 290-93.

The Peniless Parliament of Threadbare Poets. 1608.

Robinson, Mary. "The Poet's Garret." In Eighteenth-Century Poetry: The Annotated Anthology. Ed. David Fairer and Christine Gerrard. 3rd ed. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. 639-41.*

Sappho. "Ode to Anactoria."

Sappho. "I  write my verses with air." Lyric.

Sidney, Philip (Sir). "Astrophil and Stella, 1: Loving in Truth, and Faine in Verse my Love to Show."

Swift,  Jonathan. A Letter of Advice to a Young Poet. Verse. 1721.

Vallvey Arévalo, Ángela. Muerte entre poetas. Novel. (Autores Españoles e Iberoamericanos). Barcelona: Planeta, 2008.* (Finalista Premio Planeta 2008).

Waller, Edmund. "The Story of Phoebus and Daphne Applied." 1645. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt, et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1675.*

_____. "The Story of Phoebus and Daphne, Applied." Waller Family Website.*


Widsith. c. 643.

Wordsworth, William. The Prelude. 1st version, 1799; rev. 1805; 1st pub. in 3rd rev. version, 1850.

_____. The Prelude. Ed. E. de Selincourt. 1926.

_____. The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet's Mind. (Text of 1805). Ed. Ernest de Selincourt. Rev. Stephen Gill. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970.

_____. The Prelude, 1799, 1805, 1850. Ed. Jonathan Wordsworth, M. H. Abrams and Stephen Gill. (Norton Critical Edition). New York: Norton, 1979.

_____. From The Prelude. In The Arnold Anthology of British and Irish Literature in English. Ed. Robert Clark and Thomas Healy. London: Hodder Headline-Arnold, 1997. 682-95.*

_____. From The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet's Mind. (Book First: Introduction, Childhood and School-time; Book Second: School-time continued; from Book Third: Residence at Cambridge; from Book Fourth: Summer Vacation; from Book Fifth: Books; from Book Sixth: Cambridge, and the Alps; from Book Seventh: Residence in London; from Book Eighth: Retrospect, Love of Nature Leading to Love of Man; from Book Ninth: Residence in France; from Book Tenth: France Continued; from Book Eleventh: France, concluded; Book Twelfth: Imagination and Taste, how impaired and restored; from Book Thirteenth: Subject concluded; from Book Fourteenth: Conclusion). 1798-1839, pub. 1850. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. M. H. Abrams with Stephen Greenblatt. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 1999. 303-83.*







Gottschalk, Louis Moreau. The Dying Poet, Meditation. In Gottschalk, Piano Music. Cecile Licad. EC: HNH-Naxos, 2003.*

Meyerbeer, Giacomo. Le Poète mourant. Song, based on a poem by Charles Hubert Millevoye. 1836.

_____. Le Poète mourant. In Cherubini and Meyerbeer. Mélodies. CD. Paris: Opus 111, 1995.*








Spitzweg, Carl. Le Pauvre Poète. Oil on canvas, 1849. Nationalgaleries (SMPK), Berlin.







(Bloom's Major Poets). Ed. Harold Bloom. Pennsylvania: Chelsea House, 1999.




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          from A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology by José Ángel Garc...