sábado, 31 de agosto de 2024

Poesía: Épocas



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Poetry: Ages




Primitive poetry


Herder, Johann Gottfried. "Extracto de un intercambio de cartas sobre Ossian y las canciones de los pueblos antiguos." In Herder, Obra selecta: Ed. and trans. Pedro Ribas. Madrid: Alfaguara, 1982. 233-48.*

Veselovsky, A. N.  "I.6. Tres capítulos de poética histórica." 1899. In Veselovsky, Poética histórica. Madrid: Akal, 2014. 265-473.* (I. El sincretismo de la poesía antigua y los orígenes de la diferenciación de los géneros poéticos; II. Del cantor al poeta. El desgajamiento de la idea de poesía; III. La lengua de la poesía y la lengua de la prosa).




Classical Poetry


Cairns, Francis J. Generic Composition in Greek and Roman Poetry. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1972.

Foley, John Miles, ed. A Companion to Ancient Epic. (Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World). Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Fränkel, H. Early Greek Poetry. Oxford, 1975.

Frenk, M. Estudios sobre lírica antigua. Madrid: Castalia, 1977.

Melero, Antonio. "Los orígenes de la poesía europea." In Miscel-lània homenatge Enrique García Díez. Valencia: Universitat de Valencia / Consellería de Cultura, Educació i Ciència de la Generalitat Valenciana, 1991. 169-84.

Murray, Gilbert. The Classical Tradition in Poetry. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1927.

Nisard, Désiré. Etudes de mœurs et de critique sur les poètes latins de la décadence. 1834.

Raven, D. S. Latin Metre: An Introduction. London, 1965.

Rodríguez Adrados, F. La lírica en el mundo griego. Madrid: CUPSA, 1979.

Spence, Joseph. Polymetis.  (Aesthetics, poetry and sculpture). 1747.

Webbe, William. A Discourse of English Poetrie. London: R. Walley, 1586.

Williams, G. Tradition and Originality in Roman Poetry. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1968.





Baehrens, E., ed. Poetae Latini minores. Leipzig, 1881.

The Oxford Book of Classical Verse in Translation. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996.



Medieval poetry


Alvar, Manuel. Cantares de gesta medievales. México: Porrúa, 1972.

Beattie, James. "On Fable and Romance." In Beattie, Dissertations. 1783.

Caie, Graham. "I do not wish to be called auctour, but the pore compilatour': The Plight of the Medieval Vernacular Poet." Miscelánea 29 (2004): 9-22.*

Curne de Saint-Palaye, Jean-Baptiste de la. Historie des Troubadours 1774. (English trans. by Susannah Dobson, 1779).

Dronke, Peter. La lirica en la Edad Media. Barcelona: Seix-Barral,1978.

_____. The Medieval Poet and His World. (Storia e letteratura, Studi e testi 164). Rome, 1984.

García Jiménez, Emilia. "La poesía elegíaca medieval: un discurso epidíctico." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 19/20 (1993/94): 7-26.*

Infantes, Víctor. Las danzas de la muerte: génesis y desarrollo de un género medieval (siglos XIII-XVII). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1997.*

Jager, Eric. "The Book of the Heart: Reading and Writing the Medieval Subject." Speculum 17.1 (1996): 1-26.*

Menéndez Pidal, Ramón. Poesía juglaresca y orígenes de las literaturas románicas. 1957.

Ortega, A. El despertar de la lírica en Europa. Salamanca: autor, 1974.

Paris, Gaston. La Poésie au Moyen Age. 1885, 1895.

Ramoneda, A. La lírica medieval. Madrid: La Muralla, 1973.

Richthofen, E. von. Estudios épicos medievales. Madrid: Gredos, 1954.

_____. "Analogías histórico-legendarias inadvertidas en las tradiciones épicas medievales de España, Francia y los países germánicos." In von Richthofen, Límites de la crítica literaria y Analectas de filología comparada. Barcelona: Planeta, 1976. 123-94.

Riquer, Martín de. Los trovadores. Barcelona, 1975.

Roy, B., and Paul Zumthor, eds. Jeux de mémoire: Aspects de la mnémotechnie médiévale. 1985.

Ryding, William M. Structure in Medieval Narrative. The Hague: Mouton, 1971.

Spearing, A. C.  Medieval Dream-Poetry. 1976. (Chaucer, 49-73).

_____. The Medieval Poet as Voyeur. 1993.

Waddell, Helen. "Poetry in the Dark Ages." W. P. Ker Memorial Lecture. Glasgow University, 1947.

Windeatt, Barry A. Chaucer's Dream-Poetry: Sources and Analogues. 1982.

Zumthor, Paul. Essai de poétique médiévale. Paris: Seuil, 1972.

_____. La Poésie et la voix dans la civilisation médiévale. (Essais et Conférences, Collège de France). Paris: PUF, 1984.

_____. "La poesía y la voz en la civilización medieval." In Edad Media: Primer suplemento. Ed. Alan Deyermond. Vol 1.1 of Historia y Crítica de la Literatura Española, gen. ed. Francisco Rico. Barcelona: Crítica, 1991. 21-26* (From La poésie et la voix dans la civilisation médiévale, Paris: PUF, 1985).







Masoliver, Juan Ramón, ed. Dolce Stil Nuovo. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1983.






Renaissance Poetry


Allen, D. C. Image and Meaning: Metaphoric Traditions in Renaissance Poetry. Baltimore, 1960.

Buyze, Jean. The Tenth Muse: Women Poets before 1806. Berkeley, 1980.

Clark, Donald L. Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance. 1922.

Cooper, Helen. Pastoral: Medieval into Renaissance. Ipswich: Brewer; Totowa (NJ): Rowman and Littlefield, 1977.

de Mourges, Odette. Metaphysical, Baroque & Précieux Poetry. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1953.

Dubrow, Heather. Echoes of Desire: Petrarchism and Its Counterdiscourse. 1995.

Greene, Roland. "The Lyric." In The Renaissance. Ed. Glyn P. Norton. Vol. 3 of The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999. 2001. 216-28.*

Hardison, Osborn B., Jr. The Enduring Monument: A Study of the Idea of Praise in Renaissance Literary Theory and Practice. Chapel Hill: U of Norht Carolina P, 1962.

Hedley, J. Power in Verse: Metaphor and Metonymy in the Renaissance. University Park (PA): Pennsylvania State UP, 1988.

Lewalksi, Barbara Kiefer, ed. Renaissance Genres. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press, 1986.

Miller, J. T. Poetic License: Authority and Authorship in Medieval and Renaissance Contexts. 1986.

Moss, Ann. "Theories of Poetry: Latin Writers." In The Renaissance. Ed. Glyn P. Norton. Vol. 3 of The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999. 2001. 98-105.*

Naïs, Hélène. "Tradition et imitation chez quelques poètes du XVIe siècle." Revue des sciences humaines 180 (1984): 33-49.

Pater, Walter. The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry. 1873, 1877, 1888. Ed. Donald L. Hill. Berkeley: U of California P, 1980.

Raymond, Marcel.  Baroque et renaissance poétique. Paris: José Corti, 1955.

Rostvig, Maren-Sofie. Configurations: A Topomorphical Approach to Renaissance Poetry. Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm: Scandinavian UP, 1994.

Sloan, T. O., and R. B. Waddington, eds. The Rhetoric of Renaissance Poetry. Berkeley: U of California P, 1974.

Wallerstein, Ruth C. Studies in Seventeenth-Century Poetic. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1950.

Webbe, William. A Discourse of English Poetrie. London: R. Walley, 1586.




Neoclassical and 18th-century


Buyze, Jean. The Tenth Muse: Women Poets before 1806. Berkeley, 1980.

Dennis, John. The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry. 1701. In Critical Works. Vol. 1. Baltimore, 1939.

_____. The Advancement and Reformation of Modern Poetry. Select. in Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 273-275.

_____. Critical Works. Ed. E. N. Hooker. Baltimore, 1939-43.

Green, F. C. "Poetry." In Green, Minuet: A Critical Survey of French and English Literary Ideas in the Eighteenth Century. London: Dent, 1935. 192-301.*

Haferkorn, Reinhard. Gothik und Ruine in der Dichtung des 18. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig: Tuchnitz, 1924.

Mantz, Harold E. "Non-Dramatic Pastoral in Europe in the Eighteenth Century." PMLA 31 (1916): 421-47.

Martin, Abbott C. "The Love of Solitude in Eighteenth Century Poetry." South Atlantic Quarterly 29 (1930): 48-59.



Internet resources




Eighteenth-Century Poetry Archive









19th century


Crawford, Robert. The Modern Poet: Poetry, Academia, and Knowledge since the 1750s. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Paz, Octavio. Los hijos del limo: Del romanticismo a la vanguardia.  Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1987.

_____. Children of the Mire: Modern Poetry from Romanticism to the Avant-Garde. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1974.

Priestley, J. B. "The Poets." (19th). In Priestley, Literature and Western Man. 1960. London: Readers Union / Heinemann, 1960. 164-76.

Spengemann, William C. Nineteenth Century Poetry. 1997.



Romantic poetry


Bengoechea, Mercedes. "3. La perturbadora mirada del deseo en la poesía romántica." In El sustrato cultural de la violencia de género: Literatura, arte, cine y videojuegos. Ed. Ángeles de la Concha. (Perspectiva feminista). Madrid: Síntesis, 2010.

Braida, Antonella. Dante and the Romantics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Chayes, Irene H. "Rhetoric as Drama: an Approach to the Romantic Ode." PMLA 79 (1964).

Constable, John. "Romantic Women's Poetry—Is It Any Good?" The Cambridge Quarterly 29.2 (2000): 133-44.

Hamlyn, Cyrus. Hermeneutics of Form: Romantic Poetics in Theory and Practice. New Haven (CT): Schwab, 1998.

Ker, W. P. "Romantic Fallacies." In Ker, The Art of Poetry. Oxford: Clarendon, 1923. 73-92.*

Lussier, Mark. Romantic Dynamics: The Poetics of Physicality. (Romanticism in Perspective: Texts, Cultures, Histories). Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999.

Massey, Irving. The Uncreating Word: Romanticism and the Object. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1970.

Metzger, Lore. One Foot in Eden: Modes of Pastoral in Romantic Poetry. 1986.

Nalbantian, Suzanne. The Symbol of the Soul from Holderlin to Yeats.

Perry, Seamus. "What the Poem 'Knows'." Rev. of Romanticism and the Self-Conscious Poem. By Seamus Perry. TLS 22 May 1998: 32.*

Pujol Russell, Sara. "Romanticismo: La naturaleza y el poeta." Universitas Tarraconensis 4 (1983): 95-110.*

Raleigh, Walter. "On the Decline and Fall of Romanticism in Nineteenth-Century Poetry." In Raleigh, On Writing and Writers. London: Arnold, 1926. 187-214.*

Richter, Jean Paul. "Sobre la Poesía Romántica." In Richter, Introducción a la estética. 1804. Madrid: Verbum, 1991. 73-92.*

Rosen, Charles. Romantic Poets, Critics, and Other Madmen. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1998.

Wimsatt, W. K. "The Structure of Romantic Nature Imagery." In The Age of Johnson: Essays Presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker. New Haven: Yale UP, 1949. Rev. version in Wimsatt, The Verbal Icon. 103-18.*





Miguel A. García and Juan P. Monferrer, eds. Poetas románticos universales: Antología bilingüe. Introd. Bernd Dietz. (Colección Nuevos Horizontes. Serie Poesía). Cordoba : Universidad de Córdoba, 1998.





Goethe, J. W. Die romantische Poesie. Masquerade. 1810.

_____. La poesía romántica: Estancias para ilustración de una mascarada. In  Goethe, Obras completas. Ed., trans. and introd. Rafael Cansinos Asséns. Madrid: Aguilar, 1957. Facsimile rpt: Madrid: Santillana, 2004. 2.39-50.*







Brooks, Cleanth. "A Note on Symbol and Conceit." American Review 3 (1934). Rpt. in Brooks, Modern Poetry and the Tradition. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1939.

Jackson, J. E. "Poetry: The Birth of Modernism." In A History of European Literature. Ed. Annick Benoit-Dusausoy and Guy Fontaine. London: Routledge, 2000. 472-76.*

Mallarmé, Stéphane. "Crise de vers." 1896. In Mallarmé, Œuvres complètes. Paris: Gallimard, 1945.

_____. "Crise de vers." 1896. In Poésies. Anecdotes ou poèmes. Pages diverses. Ed. Daniel Leuwers. Paris: LGF, 1977. 195-208.*

_____. "Crisis in Verse." In Symbolism: An Anthology. Ed. T. G. West. London: Methuen, 1980. 1-12.*

_____. "Crisis in Poetry." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

Symons, Arthur. The Symbolist Movement in Literature. 1899.

"Symbolist Poets." Textetc.com



Wilson, Edmund. "Modern Literature: Between the Whirlpool and the Rock." New Republic 48 (2 Nov. 1926).





López Folgado, Vicente, and Juan Pedro Monferrrer Sala, eds. La poesía simbolista: Antología bilingüe. In Hikma 3 (anejo). Córdoba: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba, 2004.








Perkins, David. A History of Modern Poetry from the 1890s to the High Modernist Mode. Cambridge (MA) and London: Belknap/Harvard UP, 1976.

Scott, Clive. "The Prose Poem and Free Verse." In Modernism. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991. 349-68.*




20th century


Aiken, Conrad. "Poetry and the Mind of Modern Man." In Contemporary American Poetry. Ed. Howard Nemerov. Washington: Voice of America, 1965. 1-10.*

Altieri, Charles. "Objective Image and Act of Mind in Modern Poetry." PMLA 91.1 (January 1976).

Brooks, Cleanth. Modern Poetry and the Tradition. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1939.

Crawford, Robert. The Modern Poet: Poetry, Academia, and Knowledge since the 1750s. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2004.

Curtis, Tony. How to Study Modern Poetry. (How to Study series). Houndmills: Macmillan, 1990.

Forrest-Thompson, V. Poetic Artifice: A Theory of Twentieth Century Poetry. Manchester, 1978.

Geddes, Gary, ed. 20th Century Poetry and Poetics. 4th ed. Canada: Oxford UP, 1996.

Glaysher, Frederick. "Poetry in the Nuclear Age."



Hallberg, Robert von. "The Significance of Lyricism: 1945-1950." In History and Post-War Writing. Ed. Theo d'Haen and Hans Bertens. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990. 125-46.

Hamilton, Ian. Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century Poetry.

Herbert, W. N., and Matthew Hollis, eds. Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000.* (Introd., "Writing into the Dark", 11-16).

Larrissy, Edward. (U of Keele). Reading Twentieth-Century Poetry: The Language of Gender and Objects. 1990.

Martin, Alex, and Robert Hill. Modern Poetry. London: Cassell, 1991.

Matthiessen, F. O. The Achievement of T. S. Eliot, an Essay on the Nature of Poetry. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1935. Online at Hathitrust.*


Paz, Octavio. Children of the Mire: Modern Poetry from Romanticism to the Avant-Garde. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1974.

Perloff, Marjorie. Radical Artifice: Writing Poetry in the Age of Media. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1991.

Prado, Javier del. Teoría y práctica de la función poética: Poesía del siglo XX. Madrid, 1993.

Richards, I. A. "A Background for Contemporary poetry." in Twentieth Century Poets. Ed. Graham Martin and P. N. Furbank. 1975. London: Open UP, 1979.

Roberts, Neil. A Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry. (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture). Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. pbk 2003.

Silkin, Jon.The Life of Metrical and Free Verse in Twentieth-Century Poetry. Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's, 1997.*

Smith, S. Inviolable Voice: History and 20th Century Poetry. 1984.

Spender, Stephen. The Struggle of the Modern. 1963. London: Methuen, 1965.

Taggart, John. Songs of Degrees: Essays on Contemporary Poetry and Poetics.  U of Alabama P, 1994.

Valente, José Ángel. "Del simbolismo a nuestros días: En torno a un libro de J. M. Cohen." In Valente, Obras completas, II: Ensayos. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores / Galaxia Gutenberg, cop. 2008. 1104-7.*

Vendler, Helen. Part of Nature, Part of Us. (Modern poetry).

Verdonk, Peter, ed. The Literary Stylistic Criticism of 20th Century Poetry. London: Routledge, 1993.

_____, ed. Twentieth-Century Poetry: From Text to Context. London: Routledge, 1993.

Weiss, Theodore. "Towards a Classical Modernity and a Modern Classicism." In Contemporary American Poetry. Ed. Howard Nemerov. Washington: Voice of America, 1965. 267-82*

Wilder, Amos. The Spiritual Aspects of the New Poetry. New York, 1940.

_____. Modern Poetry and the Christian Spirit. New York, 1952.





Alvarez, A. ed. The Faber Book of Modern European Poetry. Anthology.

Carlisle, Olga, ed. Poets on Street Corners. Anthology of world poetry. New York: Random House, 1968.

Ellmann, Richard, and Robert O'Clair, eds. The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry. New York: Norton.






Aguirre Oteiza, Daniel. El salto a lo desconocido: Yo lírico y negatividad dialéctica en la poesía de la modernidad. (Publicaciones Académicas; Biblioteca de Escrituras Profanas, 39). Salamanca: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2013.*

Auden, W. H. From "The Virgin and the Dynamo." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 67-71.*

Bunting, Basil. "The Poet's Point of View." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 80-82.*

Coste, Didier. "Lyrique, modernités, corporéité." In  Lyrisme et énonciation lyrique. Ed. Nathalie Watteyne. Québec: Nota bene; Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2006.

Crane, Hart. "General Aims and Theories." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 47-51.*

Cummings, E. E. Foreword from is 5. In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 52-53.*

Eliot, T. S. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 31-38.*

Emig, Rainer. Modernism in Poetry: Motivations, Structures and Limits. (Studies in 20th Century Literature). Harlow (Essex): Longman, 1995.*

Frost, Robert. "The Figure a Poem Makes." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000.  44-46.*

Graves, Robert. From "Observations on Poetry 1922-1925." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 39-43.*

Graves, Robert, and Laura Riding. A Survey of Modernist Poetry. 1927. Michigan: Scholarly Press, 1972.

Hamburger, Michael. The Truth of Poetry: Tensions in Modernist Poetry since Baudelaire. 1968. London: Anvil, 1996.* (Baudelaire, Laforgue, Rimbaud, Mallarmé, Apollinaire, Yeats, Rilke, Valéry, Benn, Pound, Vallejo, Eliot, Stevens, Williams, Bonnefoy, Lorca, Celan, Montale, Pessoa, Brecht, Neruda, Rózewicz).

Hough, Graham. "The Modernist Lyric." In Modernism. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991. 312-22.*

Hyde, G. M. "The Poetry of the City." In Modernism. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury and James McFarlane. 1976. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991. 337-48.*

MacDiarmid, Hugh. From "A Theory of Scots Letters." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 74-79.*

MacNeice, Louis. "A Statement." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 72-73.*

Olson, Charles. From "Projective Verse." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 92-99.*

Perkins, David. History of Modern Poetry. 2 vols.

_____. A History of Modern Poetry from the 1890s to the High Modernist Mode. Cambridge (MA) and London: Belknap/Harvard UP, 1976.

Pound, Ezra. From "A Retrospect." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 17-25.*

Stein, Gertrude. "Explaining 'a Rose is a Rose is a Rose." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 54-55.*

Stevens, Wallace. From Adagia. In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 56-66.*

Williams, William Carlos. "On Measure—Statement for Cid Corman." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 83-86.*

Yeats, W. B. From "A General Introduction for my Work." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 26-30.*

Zukofsky, Louis. "A Statement for Poetry." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 87-91.*





MacNeice, Louis. Modern Poetry. c. 1939.



Late 20th c.


Adcock, Fleur. "Not Quite a Statement." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 198-200.*

Alsina, J. "La lírica contemporánea." Revista de Occidente 1 (1980): 147-62.

Armitage, Simon. "Re-Writing the Bood Book." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 252-55.*

Baraka, Amiri (Leroi Jones). "'How You Sound??'" In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 135-36.*

Bishop, Elizabeth. "Letter to Miss Pierson." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 104-105.*

Boland, Eavan. "The Wrong Way." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 215-18.*

Burnside, John. "Strong Words." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 259-61.*

Carson, Ciaran. "The Other." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 234-35.*

Chaudhuri, Amit. D. H. Lawrence and 'Difference': Postcoloniality and the Poetry of the Present. Foreword by Tom Paulin (Hertford College, Oxford). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2003.

Constantine, David. "Common and Peculiar." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 226-28.*

Crawford, Robert. "Cosmopolibackofbeyondism." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 262-64.*

Creeley, Robert. "To Define." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 100-101.*

Curtis, Toni. How to Study Modern Poetry. London: Macmillan, 1990.

D'Aguiar, Fred. "Further Adventures in the Skin Trade." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 270-73.*

Donaghy, Michael. "My Report Card." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 243-44.*

Douglas, Keith. "Poetry Is Like a Man." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 113-14.*

Dunn, Douglas. "A Difficult Simple Art." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 163-66.*

Fanthorpe, U. A. "War, Poetry, the Child." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 208-10.*

Feinstein, Elaine. "A Question of Voice." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 188-89.*

Gifford, Terry. Green Voices: Understanding Contemporary Nature Poetry. (Reviewed by Neil Griffiths). English 45.182 (1996): 181-85.*

Ginsberg, Allen. From "When the Mode of the Music Changes the Walls of the City Shake." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 129-31.*

Graham, W. S. "Notes on a Poetry of Release." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 117-21.*

Greenlaw, Lavinia. "Interior with Extension Cord." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 274-76.*

Gregson, Ian. Contemporary Poetry and Postmodernism: Dialogue and Estrangement. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996.

Gunn, Thom. "Writing a Poem." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 143-44.*

Harrison, Tony. "Poetry Is All I Write." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 161-62.*

Heaney, Seamus. "Craft and Technique." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 158-60.*

Hill, Selima. "Racoons—or, Can Art Be Evil?" In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 245-47.*

Hoffmann, Michael. "'I Happen to Believe'." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 241-42.*

Holden, Jonathan.The Rhetoric of the Contemporary Lyric. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1980.

Hughes, Langston. "How to Be a Bad Writer." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 127-28.*

Hughes, Ted. "Words and Experience." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 152-57.*

Jamie, Kathleen. "Holding Fast—Truth and Change in Poetry." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 277-81.*

Jarrell, Randall. "Answers to Questions." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 110-12.*

Kavanagh, Patrick. From "Self Portrait." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 122-26.*

Kennelly, Brendan. "Voices." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 213-14.*

Kinsella, John. "Almost a Dialogue with Lyn Hejinian: Quotations and Phantom Limbs…" In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 203-7.*

Larkin, Philip. "Statement." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 150-51.*

Leonard, Tom. From the Introduction to Radical Renfrew. In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 195-97.*

Levertov, Denise. "I Believe Poets Are Instruments." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 102.*

Lorde, Audre."Poetry Is Not a Luxury." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 137-40.*

Lowell, Robert. "On 'Skunk Hour'." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 106-9.*

Lucas, John. "Value and Validity in Contemporary Poetry." Critical Survey 10.1 (1998): 4-16

Maguire, Sarah. "Poetry Makes Nothing Happen." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 248-51.*

Martínez Fernández, José Enrique. El fragmentarismo poético contemporáneo (fundamentos teórico-críticos). Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de León, 1996.

Maxwell, Glyn. "Strictures." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 256-58.*

McGuckian, Medbh. "And Cry Jesus to the Mice." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 219-21.*

Moore, Marianne. "I Tend to Write in a Patterned Arrangement." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 103.*

Morgan, Edwin. "Roof of Fireflies." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 190-94.*

Morgan, Edwin. East European Poets. Essay.

Motion, Andrew. "Yes and No." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 233.*

Muldoon, Paul. "Go Figure." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 172.*

Murray, Les. "The Instrument." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 201-202.*

Nichols, Grace. "The Poetry I Feel Closest to." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 211-12.*

O'Brien, Sean. "Proceedings in Palmersville." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 236-40.*

O'Donoghue, Bernard. "Poetry's Concern." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 222-25.*

O'Hara, Frank. "Personism: A Manifesto." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 132-34.*

Paterson, Don. "Aphorisms." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 282-86.*

Paulin, Tom. "Tracking The Wind Dog." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 173-76.*

Plath, Sylvia. "A Comparison." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 145-47.*

Raine, Craig. "Babylonish Dialects." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 177-80.*

Rich, Adrienne. "Poetry and Experience: Statement at a Poetry Reading." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 141-42.*

Smith, Stevie. "My Muse." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 148-49.*

Stevenson, Anne. "A Few Words for the New Century." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 181-83.*

Thomas, Dylan. From "Notes on the Art of Poetry." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 115-16.*

Walcott, Derek. "In Conversation." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 168-71.*

Williams, C. K. "Contexts: An Essay on Intentions." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 184-87.*

Williams, Hugo. "Leaping Versus Blabbing." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 229-32.*

Williams, John Hartley. "A Manifesto." In Strong Words: Modern Poets on Modern Poetry. Ed. W. N. Herbert and Matthew Hollis. Tarset (Northumberland): Bloodaxe Books, 2000. 287-88.*






Allott, Kenneth, ed. The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse 1918-1960. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1962.

George, Emery, ed. Contemporary East European Poetry: An Anthology. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994.

Macbeth, George, , ed. Poetry, 1900-1975.

_____, ed. Poetry for Today.

Ratcliffe, Eric, and Wolfgang Gortschacher, eds. Veins of Gold Ore 1954-1995. Poetry. Salzburg UP, 1998.

Rothenberg, Jerome and Pierre Joris, eds. Poems for the Millennium, vol. 2: From Postwar to Millennium. U of California P, 1998.








Modern Poetry. Blog. (Leonardo Flores).








Internet resources


Password distribution. (Information on electronic poetry). http://www.poptel.org.uk/password/home.html





21st century poetry


Glazier, Loss Pequeño. Digital Poetics: The Making of e-poetries. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2001.


Perloff, Marjorie. Unoriginal Genius: Poetry By Other Means in the New Century. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2010.

Sánchez-Pardo, Esther. "Between East and West: Transculturation, Mobility, and Identities-in-Transit in Poetries for a Global Europe." In Homenaje a Francisco Gutiérrez Díez. Ed. Rafael Monroy. Murcia: Edit.um, 2013.  239-62.

Vuillemin, Alain. "Poesía, informática y creación: Las nuevas aproximaciones." In Textualidades electrónicas. Ed. Laura Borràs. Barcelona: UOC, 2005. 163-76.*






Silliman's Blog: A Weblog Focused on Contemporary Poetry and Poetics




Rima interna. Blog at El Mundo. (Martín López-Vega).




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