martes, 27 de agosto de 2024




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)





Early works





Early works


Cascales, Francisco de. "De la sátira." In Cascales, Tablas poéticas. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1975. 180-4.*

Clarín. Sermón perdido: Crítica y sátira. Madrid: Fernando Fe, 1885.

Dryden, John. "A Discourse Concerning the Original and Progress of Satire." Appended to the translation (in collaboration with his sons) of Juvenal and Persius. 1693.

_____. "Discourse Concerning Satire." In Dryden, Works, ed. J. Kinsley. Vol. 2.

_____. (On Paradise Lost). From "Original and Progress of Satire." 1693. From The Works of John Dryden. Ed. George Saintsbury. 1887. 13.18-20, 177. In Milton: The Critical Heritage. Ed. John T. Shawcross. London: Routledge, 1970. 101-2.

_____. From "A Discourse Concerning the Original and Progress of Satire." InThe Norton Anthology of English Literature. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2120-21.*

Shaftesbury (3rd Earl of). "Treatise II. viz. Sensus Communis: An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humour. In a Letter to a Friend." In Shaftesbury, Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. In Three Volumes. London, 1711. (Wit; Humour; Reason; Satire; Nature; Morality)

_____. "Sensus Communis. Ensayo sobre la libertad de ingenio y humor."

Sheffield, John (Earl of Mulgrave). Essay Upon Satire. c. 1680.

Stevenson, R. L. "Un satírico." In Stevenson, Obras completas. Barcelona: RBA, 2005. 4.281-82.*









Anker, Victoria. "5. John Denham the Political Satirist, 1642-46." In Sir John Denham (1614/15-1669) Reassessed: The State's Poet. London: Routledge, 2016.  88-105.*


Armillas, José A., and M. Isabel Molinos. "Sátira política en Zaragoza durante la Guerra de Sucesión (1707)." In Estudios en Homenaje al Dr. Antonio Beltrán Martínez. Zaragoza: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza, 1986. 1153-67.* 

Bee, Jim. "British Television Satire." RANAM: Recherches anglaises et nord-américaines no. 36 (2003): ESSE 6—Strasbourg 2002. 3- Cultural Studies. Gen. ed. A. Hamm. Sub-eds. Christian Civardi and Jürgen Schlaeger. Strasbourg: Université Marc Bloch, Service des périodiques, 2003. 49-57.*

Bloom, Edward A., and Lilian D. Bloom. Satire's Persuasive Voice. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1979.

Bredvold, Louis I. "The Gloom of the Tory Satirists." In Pope and His Contemporaries: Essays Presented to George Sherburn. Ed. James L. Clifford and Louis A. Landa. Oxford: Clarendon, 1949. 1-19.

_____. "The Gloom of the Tory Satirists." In Eighteenth-Century English Literature. Ed. James L. Clifford. New York: Oxford UP, 1959. *

Broich, Ulrich. The Eighteenth-Century Mock-Heroic Poem.  Trans. David Henry Wilson. (European Studies in English Literature). 1990.

Brooks, Harold F. "The 'Imitation' in English Poetry, Especially in Formal Satire, before the Age of Pope." Review of English Studies 25 (1949): 124-40.

Burke, Kenneth.  "Why Satire, with a Plan for Writing One." Michigan Quarterly Review 13 (Winter 1974): 303-37.

Chambers, A. B. Andrew Marvell and Edmund Waller: Seventeenth Century Praise and Restoration Satire. University Park and London, 1991.

Compagnon, Antoine. "1.VI. Vitupération." In Compagnon, Les Antimodernes: De Joseph de Maistre à Roland Barthes. (Folio; Essais, 618). Paris: Gallimard, 2016.* (Satire).

Cortés Tovar, Rosario. "Horacio y la sátira: Canon y ruptura." In Bimilenario de Horacio. Ed. Rosario Cortés Tovar and José Carlos Fernández Corte. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1994. 91-12.*

_____. "Epigrama y sátira: Relaciones entre la poética de Marcial y la de los satíricos." In Hominem pagina nostra sapit. Ed. J. J. Iso et al. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando El Católico, 2004. 35-56.*

Craik, T. W. "Some Aspects of Satire in Wycherley’s Plays." English Studies 41 (1960): 168-79.

Dixon, Peter. The World of Pope's Satires: An Introduction to the 'Epistles' and 'Imitations of Horace'. London: Methuen, 1968.

Duisit, L. Satire, Parodie, Calembour. Stanford UP, 1978.

Elices Agudo, Juan Francisco. "From Aithirne the Importunate to Rober McLiam Wilson: A preliminary Overview on the Irish Satiric Tradition." Journal of English Studies 4 (2003-2004): 73-88.*

_____. Historical and Theoretical Approaches to English Satire. (LINCOM Studies in English  Linguistics, 8). München: LINCOM, 2005

_____. The Satiric Worlds of William Boyd: A Case-Study. Bern: Peter Lang, 2006.

Elliott, Robert C. The Power of Satire: Magic, Ritual, Art. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1960.

Frank, Judith. Common Ground: 18th-century English Satire Fiction and the Poor. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1997.

Frye, Northrop. "The Mythos of Winter: Irony and Satire." In Frye, Anatomy of Criticism. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957. 223-42.*

Gilmore, John T. Satire. (The New Critical Idiom). London: Routledge, 2018.

Goodyear, F. R. D. "XXXI. Sátira en prosa." In Historia de la literatura clásica (Cambridge University) II: Literatura latina. Ed. E. J. Kenney and W. V. Clausen. Madrid: Gredos, 1989. 691-97.* ("Apocolocyntosis Divi Claudii", Petronius).

Gratwick, A. S. "VII. Las sátiras de Ennio y Lucilio." In Historia de la literatura clásica (Cambridge University) II: Literatura latina. Ed. E. J. Kenney and W. V. Clausen. Madrid: Gredos, 1989. 183-200.*

Griffin, Dustin. Satire: A Critical Reintroduction. Kentucky: UP of Kentucky, 1994.

Gubar, Susan. "The Female Monster in Augustan Satire." Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society 3 (1977): 380-94.

Highet, Gilbert. The Anatomy of Satire. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1961. 1962. 1972.*

Hooley, Dan. Roman Satire. Blackwell, 2007.

Hutcheon, Linda. "Ironie, satire, parodie: une approche pragmatique de l'ironie." Poétique 46 (1981): 140-55.

Jack, Ian. Augustan Satire. London: Oxford UP, 1952. 1978.

Janzen, Henry D. "The Satires of John Donne." M.A. diss. U of Windsor, Ontario, 1964. Online at Scholarship at UWindsor.*


Kernan, Alvin B. The Cankered Muse: Satire of the English Renaissance. New Haven: Yale UP, 1959.

_____. The Plot of Satire. New Haven: Yale UP, 1965.

Kindermann, U. Satyra: Die Theorie der Satire in Mittellateinischen: Vorstudie zu einer Gattungsgeschichte.  Nuremberg, 1978.

Kuiper, K. "The Nature of Satire." Poetics 13 (1984): 459-73.

Lázaro, Luis Alberto. "Political Satire in Contemporary British Fiction: The State of the Art." In First International Conference on English Studies: Past, Present and Future: Costa de Almería, 19-25 de Octubre, 1997. Ed. Annette Gomis et al. CD-ROM. Almería: U de Almería, n.d. [2001]*

Lázaro, Luis Alberto, Angeles de la Concha and Constante González. "La pervivencia de la sátira en la narrativa inglesa y norteamericana contemporáneas." Proceedings of the XIXth International Conference of AEDEAN. Ed. Javier Pérez Guerra et al. Vigo: Departamento de Filoloxía Inglesa e Alemana da Universidade de Vigo, 1996. 639-42.*

Levine, Joseph. Dr Woodward's Shield: History, Science and Satire in Augustan England. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1991.

Llera, José Antonio. "Prolegómenos para una teoría de la sátira." Tropelías 9-10 (1998-99 [issued 2001]): 281-93.*

Mack, Maynard. "The Muse of Satire." Yale Review 41 (1950-51): 80-92. ("Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot").

Mahler, Andreas. Moderne Satireforschung und elisabethanische Verssatire: Texttheorie, Epistemologie, Gattungspoetik. Münich, 1992.

Miller, P. S. "The Mediaeval Literary Theory of Satire and its Relevance to the Works of Gower, Langland and Chaucer." Ph.D. diss. Queen's U of Belfast, 1982.

Nichols, Charles W. "Social Satire in Fielding's Pasquin and The Historical Register." Philological Quarterly 3 (1924): 309-17.

Nicholson, C. E. Writing and the Rise of Finance: Capital Satires of the Early Eighteenth Century. 1994.

Nokes, David. Raillery and Rage: A Study of Eighteenth-Century Satire. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1987.

Novak, Maximillian E. "Defoe's Shortest Way with the Dissenters: Hoax, Parody, Paradox, Fiction, Irony, and Satire." Modern Language Quarterly 27 (1966): 402-17.

Nussbaum, F. A. The Brink of All We Hate: English Satires on Women, 1660-1750. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1984.

Palmeri, Frank. Satire in Narrative. Austin: U of Texas Press, 1990.

_____. "The Metamorphoses of Satire in Eighteenth-century Narrative." Comparative Literature 48.3 (Summer 1996): 237-264.*

Paulson, Ronald. The Fictions of Satire. Baltimore, 1967.

_____. Satire and the Novel in Eighteenth-Century England. New Haven: Yale UP, 1967.

Pérez Lasheras, Antonio. Fustigat mores: Hacia el concepto de la sátira en el siglo XVII. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 1994.

Petr, Pavel, David Roberts and Philip Thomson, eds. Comic Relations: Studies in the Comic, Satire and Parody. (ASPACLS Conference Nov. 26-28, "Satire and Modes of the Comic") Frankfurt a/M: Peter Lang, 1985.*

Pérez Lasheras, Antonio. Más a lo moderno (sátira, burla y poesía en la época de Góngora). (Anexos de Tropelías, col. "Trópica", 1). Zaragoza Universidad de Zaragoza, 1995.

Pollard, Arthur. Satire. (The Critical Idiom). London: Methuen, 1970. 1977. Rpt. Routledge.

Previté-Orton, C. W. Political Satire in English Poetry. Cambridge, 1910.

_____. Political Satire in English Poetry. New York: Russell, 1968.

Randolph, Marie Claire. "'Hide and Seek' Satires of the Restoration and XVIII-Century." Notes and Queries 183 (1942): 213-16.

_____. "The Structural Design of the Formal Verse Satire." Philological Quarterly 21 (1942); 368-84.

Rawson, Claude. Satire and Sentiment. 1994.

Richardon, Alan. "Nineteenth-Century Children's Satire and the Ambivalent Reader." Children's Literature Association Quarterly 15 (1990): 122-26.

Riha, K. Cross-Reading und Cross-Talking: Zitat-Collagen als poetische un satirische Technik. 1971.

Rodríguez Puértolas, Julio. Poesía crítica y satírica del siglo XV.

Routh, Harold V. "XVI. The Advent of Modern Thought in Popular Literature. The Witch Controversy. Pamphleteers." In Cavalier and Puritan. 1911. Ed. A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. Vol. VII of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. Ed. A. W. Ward et al. New York: Putnam's; Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1907–21. Electronic edition (* (1. Demonology in the Middle Ages; 2. Belief in witchcraft; 3. George Gifford's Dialogues of Witches; 4. King James's Daemonologie; 5. William Perkin's Art of Witch craft; 6. Witch-hunting; 7. Astrological treatises; 8. Rosicrucianism; 9. The history of the broadside; 10. The street ballad and other forms of popular literature. 11. Cavalier and Roundhead satires; 12. Social pamphlets; 13. Coffee-houses; 14. Letter writing; 15. Romances of chivalry; 16. The essay; 17. Humanists; 18. John Wagstaffe's Question of Witchcraft).


Scroop, Car (Sir). The Praise of Satire. Restoration poem.

Seidel, Michael. Satiric Inheritance: Rabelais to Sterne. Princeton (NJ): Princeton UP, 1979.

_____. From "The Internecine Romance." From Seidel, Satiric Inheritance: Rabelais to Sterne. 1979. 101-22. Rpt. in The Critical Perspective: Volume 3: Elizabethan-Caroline. Ed. Harold Bloom. (The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism). New York: Chelsea House, 1986. 1862-67.*

_____. "Satire, Lampoon, Libel, Slander." In The Cambridge Companion to English Literature 1650-1740. Ed. Steven N. Zwicker. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. 33-57.*

Selden, Raman. English Verse Satire, 1590-1765. London: Allen & Unwin, 1979.

Simpson, Paul. "Satirical Humour and Cultural Context: with a Note on the Curious Case of Father Todd Unctuous." In The Language and Literature Reader. Ed. Ronald Carter and Peter Stockwell. Abingdon (UK) Routledge, 2008.*

Sutton, Dana F. "XI. La obra satírica." In Historia de la Literatura Clásica (Cambridge University), I: Literatura Griega. Ed. P. E. Easterling and B. M. W. Knox. Madrid: Gredos, 1990. 380-89.*

UK Essays. "Satire in Gulliver's Travels." UK Essays 22 July 2021.*


Walker, Hugh. English Satire and Satirists. 1925.

Weinbrot, Howard D. The Formal Strain: Studies in Augustan Imitation and Satire. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1969.

Willey, Basil. "'Nature' in Satire." In Willey, The Eighteenth Century Background: Studies on the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the Period. London: Chatto and Windus, 1940. 95-109.*

Worcester, David. The Art of Satire. Cambridge (MA), 1940.

_____. The Art of Satire. 1940. New York: Russell and Russell, 1960.

Zimbardo, Rose A. At Zero Point: Discourse, Culture and Satire in Restoration England. Lexington: Kentucky UP.








Grigson, G., ed. The Oxford Book of Satirical Verse. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1980.

Lord, George de F., ed. (vol. 1) and Elias F. Mengel, Jr. (Vol.2), eds. Poems on Affairs of State: Augustan Satirical Verse, 1660-1714. New Haven, 1963, 1965.

Lord, George de F., ed. Poems on Affairs of State: Augustan Satirical Verse, 1660-1714. New Haven: Yale UP, 1963. Vol. 1. Online preview at Google Books.*


Lucie-Smith, Edward, ed. The Penguin Book of Satirical Verse. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.

Morgan, Edwin, ed. Scottish Satirical Verse. Carcanet, 1980.

Six Ecclesiastical Satires. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, 1991.






Internet resources












Pope, Alexander. "Essay on Satire." In The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq., in Verse and Prose. Containing the Principal Notes of Drs. Warburton and Warton, Illustrations, and Critical and Explanatory Remarks, by Johnson, Wakefield, A. Chalmers, F.S.A., and Others. To Which Are Added, Now First Published, Some Original Letters, with Additional Observations, and Memoirs of the Life of the Author. By the Rev. William Lisle Bowles, A. M., Prebendary of Salisbury and Chaplain to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. In Ten Volumes. Vol. III. London: Printed for J. Johnson etc.]. 1806. [Essay on Man, Moral Essays, Essay on Satire. Notes and Observations by Gilbert Wakefield, B.A.]











Terra Ignota. "#145 Pa' lo que queda en el convento…. Con Fray Josepho." Video interview. YouTube (Terra Ignota) 9 April 2022.*


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