martes, 29 de octubre de 2024

El genio y la genialidad



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)







Addison, Joseph. "On Genius." In Addison, Critical Essays from the Spectator: With Four Essays by Richard Steele. Ed. Donald F. Bond. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 250-4.*

Alexander, William (Sir). Anacrisis: or a Censure of some Poets Ancient and Modern. c. 1634. 1st pub. in the Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden. Edinburgh: Printed by James Watson, 1711. (Renaissance Poetry; Classical literature; Genius; Inspiration; Fiction; Epic poetry; Tragedy; Sidney)

_____. Anacrisis. In Rogers, Memorials of the Earl of Stirling. Edinburgh, 1877.

_____. Anacrisis. In Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century. Ed. Joel Elias Spingarn. Oxford: Clarendon, 1908-9.

Bate, Jonathan. The Genius of Shakespeare. London: Macmillan-Picador, 1997.*

Battersby, C. Gender and Genius: Towards a Feminist Aesthetics. London: Women's Press, 1989.

Birrell, Augustine. "The Defamation of Genius." In Birrell, Self-Selected Essays: A Second Series. London: Nelson, [1916]. 202-8.*

Boitani, Piero. Il genio di migliorare un'invenzione.

Cooley, Charles H. "Genius, Fame and the Comparison of Races." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 9 (Philadelphia, 1897): 1-42.

D'Israeli, I. "Inequalities of Genius." In D'Israeli, Curiosities of Literature. London: Moxon, 1834. 1.126-7.*

Diderot, Denis. "Génie." In Diderot, Oeuvres esthétiques. Ed. Pierre Vernière. Paris: Garnier, 1988. 5-22.*

Donoghue, Denis. "The Book of Genius: Harold Bloom's Agon and the Uses of Great Literature." Rev. of The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages. By Harold Bloom. TLS 6 Jan. 1995: 3-4.*

Duff, William. An Essay on Original Genius, and Its Various Modes of Exertion in Philosophy, and the Fine Arts, particularly in Poetry. 1767. London: Routledge, 1994.

Elfenbein, Andrew. "Lesbianism and Romantic Genius: The Poetry of Anne Bannerman." ELH 63.4 (Winter 1996): 929-58.*

_____. Romantic Genius: The Prehistory of a Homosexual Role. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999.

Eliot, T. S. "Tradition and the Individual Talent." In Debating Texts. Ed. Rick Rylance. 6-11.

Estévez Fuertes, N., E. Llácer Llorca, and M. A. Olivares Pardo. Genius and Psychosis in Edgar Allan Poe: New Interdisciplinary  Perspectives. Valencia: U de  Valencia, 2010.

Gadamer, Hans-Georg. "2. La subjetización de la estética por la crítica kantiana." In Gadamer, Verdad y método: Fundamentos de una hermenéutica filosófica. Trans. Ana Agud Aparicio and Rafael de Agapito. (Trans. of 4th ed.). Salamanca: Sígueme, 1977.* (La doctrina Kantiana del gusto y del genio: La cualificación trascendental del gusto, La teoría de la belleza  libre y dependiente, La teoría del ideal de la belleza, El interés por lo bello en la naturaleza y en el arte, La relación entre gusto y genio. La estética del genio y el concepto de vivencia: El paso a primer plano del concepto de genio, Sobre la historia del término "vivencia", El concepto de vivencia. Los límites del  arte vivencial. Rehabilitación de la alegoría.).

Galton, Francis. Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into Its Laws and Consequences. London: Macmillan, 1869.

García Landa, José Ángel. "Thinking Outside the Box." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 25 May 2010.*


Gerard, Alexander. An Essay on Genius. 1774.

Godelier, Maurice. (La production des Grands Hommes.

Hazlitt, William. "On Genius and Common Sense." 1821.

_____. "Sobre el genio y el sentido común." In Hazlitt, Ensayos sobre el arte y la literatura. Ed. and trans. Ricardo Miguel. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2004. 119-50.*

_____. "Whether Genius Is Conscious of its Powers?"

_____. "Sobre si el genio es consciente de sus poderes." 1823. In Hazlitt, Ensayos sobre el arte y la literatura. Ed. and trans. Ricardo Miguel. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2004. 171-88.*

Kant, Immanuel. Kritik der Urteilskraft. 1790. (Beauty, Taste, Perfection, Emotion, Agreeable, Pleasure, Judgment, Universality, Sublimity, Satisfaction, Nature, Aesthetics, Objectivity, Sensations, Common sense, Art, Genius, Teleology, Antinomies, Understanding, Universe, Theology, God)

_____. Kritik der Urtheilskraft. In Kantswerke, Akademie-Textausgabe, V.

_____. Kritik der Urteilskraft. Stuttgart, 1924.

_____. Kritik der Urteilskraft. Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1974.

_____. Kritik der Urteilskraft. In Werkausgabe vol. 10. Ed. Wilhelm Weischedel. Frankfurt a/M, 1979.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Trans. J. H. Bernard. 2nd. ed. London, 1914. 1931.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Trans. J. H. Bernard. New York: Hafner, 1951. 1966.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Trans. Werner S. Pluhar. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1987.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Excerpt. In Deconstruction in Context. Ed. Mark C. Taylor. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986. 35-66.*

_____. The Critique of Judgement. Trans. James Creed Meredith. Oxford: Clarendon, 1988.

_____. Critique of the Power of Judgment. Trans. and ed. Paul Guyer and Eric Matthews. Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge UP, 2000.

_____. Crítica del Juicio. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1984.*

Kaufman, Paul. "Heralds of Original Genius." In Essays in Memory of Barrett Wendell. Cambridge (MA), 1926. 191-222.

Kristeva, Julia. Le Génie féminin: Arendt, Klein, Colette. 3 vols. Paris: Fayard, 1999-2002.

Krutch, Joseph Wood. Edgar Allan Poe: A Study in Genius. Russell  & Russell Publishers, 1926.

Lamb, Charles. "Sanity of True Genius." In Lamb's Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1923. 4-7.*

Longinus. Pery hypsous / On the sublime. 80 A. D.? Bilingual edition. Ed. and trans. W. Hamilton Fyfe. In Aristotle, The poetics. 'Longinus'. On the Sublime. Demetrius. On Style. 119-254.

Poe, Edgar Allan. "Men of Genius." In Poe, Poems and Essays. London: Dent, 1987. 326-7.*

Schleiner, Winfried. Melancholy, Genius, and Utopia in the Renaissance. Wiesbaden, 1991.

Schopenhauer, Arthur. "On Genius." In Schopenhauer, The Art of Literature. London: Allen, 1891. 127-49.*

_____. "On Genius." In Schopenhauer, The World as Will and Representation.  New York: Dover, 1969. 376-99.*

_____. II.3.3. "Del genio." In Schopenhauer, El Mundo como Voluntad y Representación (Volumen Segundo). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014. 411-34.*

Shekerjian, D. Uncommon Genius: How Great Ideas Are Born. New York: Penguin Books, 1990.

Sudheimer, Hellmuth. Der Geniebegriff des jungen Goethe. Berlin, 1935.

Thoreau, H. D. "A Writer's Nationality and Individual Genius." In Early Essays and Miscellanies. Ed. Joseph J. Moldenhauer and Edwin Moser, with Alexander C. Kern. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1975. (Nationality; Poet; The self; Shakespeare; Imagination and fancy)

Watson, William. "The Punishment of Genius." In Watson, Excursions in Criticism. London: Mathews, 1893. 23-36.*

Wimsatt, W. K. "Genius, Emotion, and Association." In Wimsatt and Brooks, Literary Criticism: A Short History. New York: Knopf, 1957. 283-312.*

Wittkower, R. "Imitation, Electicism, and Genius." In Aspects of the Eighteenth Century. Ed. Earl R. Wasserman. Baltimore, 1965.

Young, Edward. Conjectures on Original Composition in a Letter to the Author of Sir Charles Grandison. London: Printed for A. Millar and R. and J. Dodsley, 1759. (Originality; Mimesis; Classical literature; Genius; Rhyme; Addison)

_____. Conjectures on Original Composition. Ed. M. W. Steinke. Philadelphia, 1917.

_____. Conjectures on Original Composition. Ed. Edith J. Morley. Manchester, 1918.

_____. "Conjectures on Original Composition." In The Great Critics. Ed. J. H. Smith and E. W. Parks. New York: Norton, 1932. 353-88.*

_____. "Conjectures on Original Composition: In a letter to the author of Sir Charles Grandison." In Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. H. Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 338-347.*

Zilsel, Edgar. Le Génie: Histoire d'une notion de l'Antiquité à la Renaissance. (Paradoxe). Paris: Minuit.







Echenoz, Jean. Des Éclairs. Novel. Paris: Minuit. (Fiction on Tesla).

_____. Relámpagos. (Panorama de Narrativas, 796). Barcelona: Anagrama.

Eggers, Dave. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.

Ireland, William Henry. The Neglected Genius. Poem. (Chatterton, etc.).








González Maestro, Jesús. "Teoría del genio: Explicación y justificación de la genialidad en el arte y la literatura." Video lecture. YouTube (Jesús G. Maestro) 4 Jan. 2018.*




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