sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2024

Lo inquietante, extraño y siniestro



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



The Uncanny



Achón Lezaun, Irene, ed. Lo siniestro: Más allá de Freud. Special issue of Tropelías 34 (2020).*



Bartsch, Christoph. "Das Unheimliche in Daniel Kehlmann's Mahlers Zeit —ein Gefühl der Figur oder des Lesters? Narratologische Betrachtungen einer nicht-narratologischen Kategorie." In Ordnungen des Unheimlichen: Kultur - Literatur - Medien. Ed. Florian Lehmann. Würzburg, 2016. 201-18.

Castle, Terry. The Female Thermometer: Eighteenth-Century Culture and the Invention of the Uncanny. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "En terreno (des)conocido." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 21 April 2010.*



Freud, Sigmund. "Das Unheimliche." Imago 5.5/6 (1919): 297-324.

_____. "The 'Uncanny'." In The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol 17. London: Hogarth Press / Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1955.

_____. "The 'Uncanny'." In Studies in Parapsychology. Ed. Philip Rieff. New York: Collier, 1963.

_____. "The 'Uncanny'." In Freud, Art and Literature: Jensen's GRADIVA, Leonardo Da Vinci and Other Works. Trans. James Strachey et al. Ed. Albert Dickson. (Pelican Freud Library). London: Penguin-Pelican, 1985. Rpt. (Penguin Freud Library, 14). London: Penguin, 1990. 335-76.*

_____. "The 'Uncanny'." In The Gothick Novel. Ed. Victor Sage. (Casebook Series). Houndmills: Macmillan, 1990. 76-87.*

_____. Extract from "The Uncanny." In Gothic Horror: A Reader's Guide from Poe to King and Beyond. Ed. Clive Bloom. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998. 50.*

_____. The "Uncanny." In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. "The Uncanny." In Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

_____. "The Uncanny." In Freud, The Uncanny. Trans. David McLintock. New York: Penguin Books, 2003. 121-62.

_____. L'Inquiétante étrangeté. Paris: Gallimard, 1985.

_____. Lo siniestro. Buenos Aires: Ed. Americana, 1943.

_____. "Lo siniestro." In Obras Completas. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 1974. 7.2483-2505.

_____. "Lo siniestro." In Freud, Obras completas. Madrid: Orbis, 1988. 13.2483-2506.*

Hienger, Jörg.  "The Uncanny and Science Fiction." Trans. Elsa Schieder.  Science-Fiction Studies 6 (1979): 144-52.

Jentsch, E. "Zur Psychologie des Unheimlichen." Psychiatrisch-Neurologische Wochenschrift 22-23 (1906).

Kofman, Sarah. "The Double Is/and the Devil. The Uncanniness of The Sandman (Der Sandmann)." In Kofman, Freud and Fiction. Oxford: Polity Press, 1991.*

Martín Lorenzo, Remedios. "The Uncanny in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Muriel Spark's Aiding and Abetting." In New Perspectives on English Studies. [32nd International Conference of AEDEAN, Nov. 2008]. CD-ROM. Ed. Marian Amengual et al. Palma: U de les Illes Balears, 2009.*

Todorov, Tzvetan. "L'étrange et le merveilleux." In Todorov, Introduction à la littérature fantastique. (Points). Paris: Seuil, 1976. 46-62.*

_____. "The Uncanny and the Marvelous." Ch. 3 of The Fantastic. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 668-76.*

Wolfreys, Julian. Victorian Haunting: Spectrality, Gothic, the Uncanny. Houndmills: Palgrave.

Wright, Elizabeth. "The Uncanny and Its Poetics." In Wright, Speaking Desires Can Be Dangerous. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1999.







Gaiman, Neil. Coraline. Children's novel. 2008.

_____. Coraline. Graphic novel. Adapt. and illust. P. Craig Russell.. HarperCollins, 2008.

_____. Coraline: Basada en la novela de Neil Gaiman. Adapt. and illust. P. Craig Russell. Trans. Carol Isern. Barcelona: Roca Editorial, 2009.*

Hoffmann, E. T. A. "Der Sandmann." Story. 1816-17. In Nachtstücke. Stories. Vol. 3 of Works. Ed. Grisebach.

Peyrou, Manuel. "El busto." From La noche repetida. 1953. In Antología de la Literatura Fantástica. Ed. Jorge Luis Borges, Silvina Ocampo and Adolfo Bioy Casares. 1965. Barcelona: Edhasa, 1983. 1989. 1991. 367-74.*



viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2024

Lo trágico



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



The Tragic



Abercrombie, Lascelles. "Tragic Greatness: The hero." In Abercrombie, The Idea of Great Poetry. London: Secker, 1925. 146-86.*

Adam, Jean-Michel, and Ute Heidmann. "Mises en textes et en genres de l’exemplum narratif. Histoires tragiques et contes d’avertissement." In Narratologies contemporaines: Nouveaux paradigmes pour la théorie et l'analyse du récit. Ed. John Pier and Francis Berthelot. Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines, 2010. 157-72.

Ahuja, Chaman. The Mystique of Tragedy: Exploring East and West. London: Sangam, 1998.

Alford, C. Fred. "Melanie Klein and the 'Oresteia Complex': Love, Hate, and the Tragic Worldview." Cultural Critique 15 (Spring 1990): 167-90.*

Argullol, Rafael. El Héroe y el Único: El espíritu trágico del Romanticismo. Madrid: Taurus Ediciones, 1984. (Hölderlin, Keats, Leopardi).

_____. El Héroe y el Unico: El espíritu trágico del Romanticismo. Barcelona: Destino, 1990.*

Barbour, John. Tragedy as a Critique of Virtue: The Novel and Ethical Reflection. Chico (CA): Scholars Press, 1984.

Behler, E. Klassische Ironie, Romantische Ironie, Tragische Ironie. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1972.

Boitani, Piero. Il tragico e il sublime nella letteratura medievale. 1989.

Bolen, F. E. Irony and Self-Knowledge in the Creation of Tragedy. Salzburg: Institut für Englische Sprache und Literatur, 1973.

Bonaparte, Felicia. Will and Destiny: Morality and Tragedy in George Eliot's Novels. New York: New York UP, 1975.

Bradley, A. C. Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. 1904. 2nd. ed.  Basingstoke: Macmillan,  1908.*  1920.

_____. Shakespearean Tragedy. London, 1965.

_____. Shakespearean Tragedy.  Greenwich (CT): Fawcett, 1965. 1968.

_____. Shakespearean Tragedy. London: Macmillan, 1974.

_____. Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. Foreword by John Bayley. (Penguin Classics / Shakespeare Library). London: Penguin, 1991.

_____. Shakespearean Tragedy. New York: St. Martin’s, 1978.

_____. Shakespearean Tragedy. 3rd ed. Introd. John Russell Brown. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1992.*

_____. Shakespearean Tragedy. Online ed. at Clicknotes.com



Brereton, Geoffrey. Principles of Tragedy: A Rational Examination of the Tragic Concept in Life and Literature. Miami: U of Miami P, 1969.

_____. Principles of Tragedy: A Rational Examination of the Tragic Concept in Life and Literature. London: Routledge, 1968.

Calabresi, Guido, and Philip Bobbitt. Tragic Choices. New York: Norton, 1978.

Caraher, Brian. "Nightmares of Reason: The Social and Political Unconscious of Tragedy and the Tragic Vision." In Caraher, Trespassing Tragedy: Melodramas of Horror. Houndmills: Macmillan, 2000.

Carroll, John. "Lovelace as Tragic Hero." University of Toronto Quarterly 42 (1972): 14–25.

Cavell, Stanley. The Claim of Reason: Wittgenstein, Skepticism, Morality, and Tragedy. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1979.

_____. The Claim of Reason: Wittgenstein, Skepticism, Morality, and Tragedy. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1999.

Damrosch, Leopold. Samuel Johnson and the Tragic Sense. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1972.

Deleuze, Gilles. "1. Le tragique." In Deleuze, Nietzsche et la philosophie. Paris: PUF, 1962. 1967. 6th ed. 1983. 1-43.*

Domenach, Jean-Marie. Le Retour du tragique. (Points). Paris: Seuil.

Eagleton, Terry. Sweet Violence: The Idea of the Tragic. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002.

Eguíluz Ortiz de Latierro, Federico. "Hemingway, España y el sentimiento trágico de la vida." In Leer a Hemingway. Special issue of Puertas a la Lectura no. 11 (Nov. 2000): 43-50.*

Engleberg, Edward. "Tragic Blindness in The Changeling and Women Beware Women." Modern Language Quarterly 23 (1962): 23-8.

Esteban Ortega, Joaquín. "El padecer como sustento trágico en la pedagogía hermenéutica de H.-G. Gadamer." In Hans-Georg Gadamer: El lógos de la era hermenéutica. Ed. Teresa Oñate y Zubía, Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz, and Cristina García Santos. Special issue of Endoxa (Series Filosóficas, no. 20). Madrid: UNED, Facultad de Filosofía, 2005. 551-76.*

Farré, Luis. "Lo trágico." In Farré, Categorías estéticas.  Madrid: Aguilar, 1967. 73-88.*

Frye, Northrop. "Tragic Fictional Modes." In Frye, Anatomy of Criticism.  Princeton: Princeton UP, 1957. 35-43.*

_____. "The Mythos of Autumn: Tragedy." In Frye, Anatomy of Criticism 206-23.*

Gadamer, Hans-Georg. "4. El juego como hilo conductor de la explicación ontológica." In Gadamer, Verdad y método: Fundamentos de una hermenéutica filosófica. Trans. Ana Agud Aparicio and Rafael de Agapito. (Trans. of 4th ed.). Salamanca: Sígueme, 1977.* (El concepto del juego. La transformación del juego en construcción y la mediación total. La temporalidad de la estética. El ejemplo de lo trágico). (Schiller, etc.).

García Landa, José Ángel. "Crimen nacional y tragedia." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 12 August 2010.*



_____. "The Tragic Law." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 8 Oct. 2012.* (McAlindon, English Renaissance Tragedy).



Givone, Sergio. Disincanto del mondo e pensiero tragico.

_____. Desencanto del mundo y pensamiento trágico. Trans. Jesús Perona. Madrid: Visor, 1991.

Goldmann, Lucien. "La vision tragique." In Goldmann, Le Dieu caché. (Tel). Paris: Gallimard, 1959. 13-96.*

Hauerwas, Stanley. Truthfulness and Tragedy: Further Investigations in Christian Ethics. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 1977.

Hume, David. "Of Tragedy." In Hume, Selected Essays. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993. 126-33.*

Jonassaint, Jean. "Tragic Narratives: The Novels of Haitian Tradition." Callaloo 26.1 (2003): 203-18. (Johns Hopkins UP).

Kerrigan, J. Revenge Tragedy: Aeschylus to Armageddon. Oxford: Clarendon, 1998.

Klemm, David E. "Two Ways to Avoid Tragedy." In Postmodernism, Literature and the Future of Theology. Ed. David Jasper. London: Macmillan; New York: St Martin's, 1993. 7-20.*

Krutch, Joseph Wood. The Modern Temper: A Study and a Confession. New York: Harcourt, 1929.

_____. "The Tragic Fallacy." From "The Tragic Fallacy" and "The Genesis of a Mood" in The Modern Temper. In Darwin: Texts. Commentary. Ed. Philip Appleman. 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2001. 664-66.*

Long, Michael. "8. The Songs of Apollo and Dionysos." In Long, The Unnatural Scene: A Study in Shakespearean Tragedy. London: Methuen, 1976. 220-59.*

Muller, Herbert J. The Spirit of Tragedy. New York: Random House, 1956.

_____. "Modern Tragedy." From ch. 6 of The Spirit of Tragedy. New York: Random House, 1956. Rpt. in Darwin: Texts. Commentary. Ed. Philip Appleman. 3rd ed. New York: Norton,  2001.  667-70.*

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Die Geburt der Tragödie. Oder: Griechentum und Pessimismus. 1872.

_____. Die Geburt der Tragödie, Oder: Griechenthum und Pessimismus: Neue Ausgabe mit dem Versuch einer Selbstkritik. Leipzig: Frizsch, 1886.

_____. Die Geburt der Tragödie. In Nietzsche, GessamleteWerke. Musarion. Vol. 3.

_____. The Birth of Tragedy Out of the Spirit of Music. Trans. Walter Kaufmann. New York: Random House-Vintage, 1967.

_____. The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings. Ed. Raymond Geuss and Ronald Speirs. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

_____. The Birth of Tragedy. Ed. and trans. Douglas Smith. (Oxford World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.

_____. La Naissance de la tragédie.

_____. El nacimiento de la tragedia: o Grecia y el pesimismo. Ed. and trans. Andrés Sánchez Pascual. 7th ed. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1984.*

_____. El Nacimiento de la Tragedia. El Caminante y su Sombra. La Ciencia Jovial. Introd. Germán Cano. (Grandes Pensadores Gredos; Nietzsche, I). Madrid: Gredos, 2010. Rpt. Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014.*

Nuttall, A. D. Why Does Tragedy Give Pleasure?

Oates, Joyce Carol. The Edge of Impossibility: Tragic Forms in Literature. 1972.

Olsen, Jon-Arild. "'En cette affliction consiste son plaisir': Sur le paradoxe du plaisir tragique." Poétique no. 137 (Feb. 2004).

Onfray, Michel. La sagesse tragique: Du bon usage de Nietzsche. (Le Livre de Poche).

Papini, Giovanni. Il tragico quotidiano. 1906.

_____. Lo trágico cotidiano. El piloto ciego. Palabras y sangre. Trans. José Miguel Velloso. Foreword by Jorge Luis Borges. (Jorge Luis Borges: Biblioteca personal, 39). Barcelona: Hyspamérica/Orbis, 1987.*

Philonenko, A. Schopenhauer, une philosophie de la tragédie. Paris: Vrin, 1980.

_____. Schopenhauer: Una filosofía de la tragedia. Trans. Gemma-Muñoz-Alonso and Immaculada Córdoba. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1989.

Polka, Brayton. "Tragedy Is—Scription Contra-Diction." In Postmodernism, Literature and the Future of Theology. Ed. David Jasper. London: Macmillan; New York: St Martin's, 1993. 21-59.*

Robbe-Grillet, Alain. "Nature, humanisme, tragédie." 1958. In Robbe-Grillet, Pour un nouveau roman. Paris: Minuit, 1963. 45-67.*

Roustang, François. Un Destin si funeste. Paris: Minuit, 1976. (Tausk, etc.).

Santayana, George. "Tragic Philosophy." Scrutiny 4 (1936). Rpt. in Santayana, Essays in Literary Criticism. Ed. Irving Singer. 1956.

Schiller, Friedrich. Gedichte und Prosa: Über den Grund des Vergnügens. Über die tragische Kunst. Vom Erhabenen. Über das pathetische. Über Anmut und Würde. Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen. Über naive und sentimentalische Dichtung. Ed. Emil Staiger. Zürich: Manesse Verlag, 1984.*

Scott, Nathan A., ed. The Tragic Vision and the Christian Faith. New York, 1957.

Silk, Michael S. Tragedy and the Tragic: Greek Theatre and Beyond. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

Silk, Michael S., and J. Peter Stern. Nietzsche on Tragedy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1981.

Spivey, Ted. The Journey Beyond Tragedy: A Study of Myth and Modern Fiction. Orlando: UP of Florida, 1980.*

Steiner, George. The Death of Tragedy. London, 1961.

Theobald, Lewis. "The Character of Tragic Heroes." Censor 36 (January 12, 1717).

Toole, David. Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo: Theological Reflections on Nihilism, Tragedy, and Apocalypse. Oxford: Westview Press, c. 1998.

Unamuno, Miguel de. Del sentimiento trágico de la vida. Salamanca, 1912. In Unamuno, Ensayos. Prologue and notes by Bernardo G. de Candamo. 2 vols. 4th ed. Madrid: Aguilar, 1958.* (Vol. 2, "Con una antología epistolar comentada por Bernardo G. de Candamo). 7th ed., 1967. Rpt. 1970. 2.727-1022.*

_____. Del sentimiento trágico de la vida en los hombres y en los pueblos. (Austral). Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1937. 12th ed. 1971.*

_____. Del sentimiento trágico de la vida. Introd. Fernando Savater. (Biblioteca Universal, Ensayo Contemporáneo). Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 1998.*

_____. Tragic Sense of Life. Trans. J. E. Crawford Flitch. New York: Dover, 1954.

Viramontes Cabrera, Sonia. "Samuel Beckett como un pensador de lo trágico." Chap. 36 of Nuevas epistemologías de viejos saberes. Ed. Antonio Javier Chica Núñez, Ana Cristina Tomás López and Daniel Navas Carrillo. (Nueva Academia, 17). Cizur Menor (Navarra): Thomson Reuters – Aranzadi, 2002. Online preview at Google Books:



White, Hayden. "Tocqueville: El realismo histórico como tragedia." In White, Metahistoria: la imaginación histórica en la Europa del siglo XIX. México: FCE, 1992. Rpt. 2001. 187-222.*







"Le tragique et la tragédie: Autour du livre de René Girard La Violence et le sacré." Colloque Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 1 Juin 2012. Audio. YouTube (Recherchesmimetiques) 21 July 2013.*










The Mirror for Magistrates. Enlarged ed., with an "Induction" by Thomas Sackville. 1563.

_____. The Mirror for Magistrates. Ed. L. B. Campbell. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1938. Rpt. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1960.

Moore, T. Sturge. "Tragic Fates." Poem.









Calame, Claude. "Genres, généricité, et pragmatique discursive: La tragédie grecque et le tragique." Video lecture, 4 Feb. 2015. YoTube (CRAL) 8 April 2015.*





See also Tragedy (Dramatic genres).







jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2024

Bibliografía de crítica sobre Samuel Beckett

Retropost, 2014:

Bibliografía de crítica sobre Samuel Beckett. Procedente de mi bibliografía de crítica literaria, y subida por un alma caritativa (o quizá pirata, vaya usted a saber) a SlideShare:

Por cierto, que nada más este listado ya tiene más de 7.000 visitas que supongo habría que sumar a las de mi bibliografía. Por eso me gusta pensar que, aunque la página principal de la bibliografía tenga menos visitas que antes y rara vez llegan a cincuenta diarias, en realidad recibe una cantidad innumerable de visitas. Literalmente innumerable, o incalculable, si se prefiere—pues está desperdigada en centenares o miles de documentos que o bien tienen su propio contador independiente, como es el caso aquí, o sencillamente no tienen contador.


PS, 2024: Sitio eliminado... Aunque aún existe en el Internet Archive:



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martes, 26 de noviembre de 2024

Meet Me at MIT


Hace unos años que me pusieron un enlace en el MIT—y veo con satisfacción que ahí sigue, enviándome visitas de vez en cuando. Pantallazo, antes de que desaparezca, que aquí todo fluye. Aquí está la página entera, y ésta es la sección final:



Hay que felicitarse de que en 2024, diez años más tarde, sigue en el MIT el enlace a la Bibliografía:


MIT mir






A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)






Early works





Early works


Alison, Archibald. Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. 1790.

Aravaca, Juan de. "Sobre el buen gusto." From Dictamen. 1750. In El ensayo español, 2: El siglo XVIII. Ed. Francisco Sánchez Blanco. Barcelona: Crítica, 1998. 196-99.*

Armstrong, John (Dr.). Taste. Poem. 1753.

Becker, Gary S. Accounting for Tastes. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1996.

Bouhours, Dominique. Manière de bien penser dans les ouvrages d'esprit. 1687. English trans. 1705, 1728.

Burke, Edmund. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas. . . with the Discourse on Taste added. 1759.

_____. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Ed. Adam Phillips. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990.*

_____. "On Taste." From A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 369-80.*

_____. From A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. (Introduction: "On Taste"; VII, "Of the Sublime"; XXVII "The Sublime and Beautiful Compared"). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

Dennis, John. "To Judas Iscariot, Esq., On the Degeneration of the Publick Taste." From Letters to Steele and Booth. 1719. In The Critical Works of John Dennis. Ed. E. N. Hooker. Vol. 2.

Gerard, Alexander. An Essay on Taste. London, 1759. London: Scolar Press, 1971.

Hume, David. "Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion." In Hume, Selected Essays. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993. 10-13.*

_____. "Of the Standard of Taste." In Hume, Four Dissertations. 1757.

_____. "Of the Standard of Taste." In Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 314-323.

_____. "Of the Standard of Taste." In Hume, Selected Essays. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993. 133-54.*

Kant, Immanuel. Kritik der Urteilskraft. 1790. (Beauty, Taste, Perfection, Emotion, Agreeable, Pleasure, Judgment, Universality, Sublimity, Satisfaction, Nature, Aesthetics, Objectivity, Sensations, Common sense, Art, Genius, Teleology, Antinomies, Understanding, Universe; Theology, God)

_____. Kritik der Urtheilskraft. In Kantswerke, Akademie-Textausgabe, V.

_____. Kritik der Urteilskraft. Stuttgart, 1924.

_____. Kritik der Urteilskraft. Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1974.

_____. Kritik der Urteilskraft. In Werkausgabe vol. 10. Ed. Wilhelm Weischedel. Frankfurt a/M, 1979.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Trans. J. H. Bernard. 2nd. ed. London, 1914. 1931.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Trans. J. H. Bernard. New York: Hafner, 1951. 1966.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Trans. Werner S. Pluhar. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1987.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Excerpt. In Deconstruction in Context. Ed. Mark C. Taylor. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986. 35-66.*

_____. The Critique of Judgement. Trans. James Creed Meredith. Oxford: Clarendon, 1988.

_____. Critique of the Power of Judgment. Trans. and ed. Paul Guyer and Eric Matthews. Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge UP, 2000.

_____. Crítica del Juicio. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1984.*

König. (An Enquiry on Taste, in German).

Knight, Richard. An Analytic Inquiry into the Principles of Taste. 1805.

Martindale, Charles. Latin Poetry and the Judgment of Taste: An Essay in Aesthetics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.

Montaigne, Michel de. "I.xiv. Que el gusto de los bienes y los males depende en gran  parte de la idea que de ellos tenemos." In Montaigne, Ensayos completos. Madrid: Cátedra, 2003. 2010. 93-108.*

Pope, Alexander. "Epistle on Taste." Poetic essay. 1731. Title change to "Of False Taste" and "Of the Use of Riches."

Seneca, Marcus Annaeus. Controversiae.

_____. "Ovid in the Schools" From Controversiae, 2.2 8-9, 12). In  Ancient Literary Criticism. Ed. D. A. Russell and M. Winterbottom. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.

Schiller, Friedrich. Gedichte und Prosa: Über den Grund des Vergnügens. Über die tragische Kunst. Vom Erhabenen. Über das pathetische. Über Anmut und Würde. Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen. Über naive und sentimentalische Dichtung. Ed. Emil Staiger. Zürich: Manesse Verlag, 1984.*

Shaftesbury. "Soliloquy, or, Advice to an Author." 1710. (Aesthetics; Morality; Introspection; Dialogue; Criticism; Taste)

_____. "Treatise III. viz. Soliloquy: or Advice to an Author." In Shaftesbury, Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, In Three Volumes. London, 1711.

_____. From "Soliloquy, or, Advice to an Author." (On Milton and Heroic Poetry). From Characteristicks, 1727. From "Soliloquy, or, Advice to an Author," from Characteristicks, In Milton: The Critical Heritage. Ed. John T. Shawcross. London: Routledge, 1970. 145.*

_____. "Treatise VI. viz. Miscellaneous Reflections, &c." In Shaftesbury, Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. In Three Volumes. London, 1711.

_____. "A Letter Concerning the Art, or Science of Design .…" 1714. In Shaftesbury, Characteristicks. Volume III. London, 1714. (Design; Aesthetics; Taste; The arts)

Ussher, James. Clio: Or a Discourse on Taste. London: Davies, 1767. Online at Google Books



_____. Clio: or, A Discourse on Taste. Addressed to a Young Lady. By I. Usher. The Second Edition, with Large Additions. London: Printed for T. Davies, 1769. (Taste; Aesthetics; Sublime; Conversation; The arts; Enthusiasm)

Vanderbilt, Tom. You May Also Like. c. 2016.

Veblen, Thorstein. "6. Normas pecuniarias del gusto." In Veblen, Teoría de la clase ociosa. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2004. 2011. 132-77.*

Woodhouselee, Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord. Essay on the Principles of Translation. Edinburgh: Printed for T. Cadell; and W. Creech, 1791.

Wordsworth, William. "Essay supplementary to Preface." 1815. In Wordsworth's Literary Criticism 168-202. (Romanticism; Taste; Primitivism; Criticism; Popularity)

_____. "Essay, Supplementary to the Preface." 1815. In The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974.







Barkr, N., and M. Parr. Signs of the Times: A Portrait of the Nation's Tastes. London: Cornerhouse, 1992.

Bate, Walter Jackson. From Classic To Romantic: Premises of Taste in Eighteenth-Century England. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1946.

Bourdieu, Pierre. La Distinction: Critique sociale du jugement. Paris: Minuit, 1979.

_____. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. Trans. Richard Nice. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1984.

_____. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. Trans. Richard Nice. London: Routledge, 1984.

_____. La Distinción: Criterio y Bases sociales del Gusto. Madrid: Taurus, 1988.

_____. From Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste ("Introduction"). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. "Distinction." In Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.*

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