martes, 26 de noviembre de 2024




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)






Early works





Early works


Alison, Archibald. Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste. 1790.

Aravaca, Juan de. "Sobre el buen gusto." From Dictamen. 1750. In El ensayo español, 2: El siglo XVIII. Ed. Francisco Sánchez Blanco. Barcelona: Crítica, 1998. 196-99.*

Armstrong, John (Dr.). Taste. Poem. 1753.

Becker, Gary S. Accounting for Tastes. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1996.

Bouhours, Dominique. Manière de bien penser dans les ouvrages d'esprit. 1687. English trans. 1705, 1728.

Burke, Edmund. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas. . . with the Discourse on Taste added. 1759.

_____. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. Ed. Adam Phillips. (World's Classics). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1990.*

_____. "On Taste." From A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. In Literary Criticism and Theory. Ed. R. C. Davis and L. Finke. London: Longman, 1989. 369-80.*

_____. From A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. (Introduction: "On Taste"; VII, "Of the Sublime"; XXVII "The Sublime and Beautiful Compared"). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

Dennis, John. "To Judas Iscariot, Esq., On the Degeneration of the Publick Taste." From Letters to Steele and Booth. 1719. In The Critical Works of John Dennis. Ed. E. N. Hooker. Vol. 2.

Gerard, Alexander. An Essay on Taste. London, 1759. London: Scolar Press, 1971.

Hume, David. "Of the Delicacy of Taste and Passion." In Hume, Selected Essays. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993. 10-13.*

_____. "Of the Standard of Taste." In Hume, Four Dissertations. 1757.

_____. "Of the Standard of Taste." In Critical Theory since Plato. Ed. Hazard Adams. San Diego: Harcourt, 1971. 314-323.

_____. "Of the Standard of Taste." In Hume, Selected Essays. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1993. 133-54.*

Kant, Immanuel. Kritik der Urteilskraft. 1790. (Beauty, Taste, Perfection, Emotion, Agreeable, Pleasure, Judgment, Universality, Sublimity, Satisfaction, Nature, Aesthetics, Objectivity, Sensations, Common sense, Art, Genius, Teleology, Antinomies, Understanding, Universe; Theology, God)

_____. Kritik der Urtheilskraft. In Kantswerke, Akademie-Textausgabe, V.

_____. Kritik der Urteilskraft. Stuttgart, 1924.

_____. Kritik der Urteilskraft. Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 1974.

_____. Kritik der Urteilskraft. In Werkausgabe vol. 10. Ed. Wilhelm Weischedel. Frankfurt a/M, 1979.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Trans. J. H. Bernard. 2nd. ed. London, 1914. 1931.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Trans. J. H. Bernard. New York: Hafner, 1951. 1966.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Trans. Werner S. Pluhar. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1987.

_____. Critique of Judgment. Excerpt. In Deconstruction in Context. Ed. Mark C. Taylor. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986. 35-66.*

_____. The Critique of Judgement. Trans. James Creed Meredith. Oxford: Clarendon, 1988.

_____. Critique of the Power of Judgment. Trans. and ed. Paul Guyer and Eric Matthews. Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge UP, 2000.

_____. Crítica del Juicio. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1984.*

König. (An Enquiry on Taste, in German).

Knight, Richard. An Analytic Inquiry into the Principles of Taste. 1805.

Martindale, Charles. Latin Poetry and the Judgment of Taste: An Essay in Aesthetics. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.

Montaigne, Michel de. "I.xiv. Que el gusto de los bienes y los males depende en gran  parte de la idea que de ellos tenemos." In Montaigne, Ensayos completos. Madrid: Cátedra, 2003. 2010. 93-108.*

Pope, Alexander. "Epistle on Taste." Poetic essay. 1731. Title change to "Of False Taste" and "Of the Use of Riches."

Seneca, Marcus Annaeus. Controversiae.

_____. "Ovid in the Schools" From Controversiae, 2.2 8-9, 12). In  Ancient Literary Criticism. Ed. D. A. Russell and M. Winterbottom. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.

Schiller, Friedrich. Gedichte und Prosa: Über den Grund des Vergnügens. Über die tragische Kunst. Vom Erhabenen. Über das pathetische. Über Anmut und Würde. Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen. Über naive und sentimentalische Dichtung. Ed. Emil Staiger. Zürich: Manesse Verlag, 1984.*

Shaftesbury. "Soliloquy, or, Advice to an Author." 1710. (Aesthetics; Morality; Introspection; Dialogue; Criticism; Taste)

_____. "Treatise III. viz. Soliloquy: or Advice to an Author." In Shaftesbury, Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, In Three Volumes. London, 1711.

_____. From "Soliloquy, or, Advice to an Author." (On Milton and Heroic Poetry). From Characteristicks, 1727. From "Soliloquy, or, Advice to an Author," from Characteristicks, In Milton: The Critical Heritage. Ed. John T. Shawcross. London: Routledge, 1970. 145.*

_____. "Treatise VI. viz. Miscellaneous Reflections, &c." In Shaftesbury, Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. In Three Volumes. London, 1711.

_____. "A Letter Concerning the Art, or Science of Design .…" 1714. In Shaftesbury, Characteristicks. Volume III. London, 1714. (Design; Aesthetics; Taste; The arts)

Ussher, James. Clio: Or a Discourse on Taste. London: Davies, 1767. Online at Google Books


_____. Clio: or, A Discourse on Taste. Addressed to a Young Lady. By I. Usher. The Second Edition, with Large Additions. London: Printed for T. Davies, 1769. (Taste; Aesthetics; Sublime; Conversation; The arts; Enthusiasm)

Vanderbilt, Tom. You May Also Like. c. 2016.

Veblen, Thorstein. "6. Normas pecuniarias del gusto." In Veblen, Teoría de la clase ociosa. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2004. 2011. 132-77.*

Woodhouselee, Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord. Essay on the Principles of Translation. Edinburgh: Printed for T. Cadell; and W. Creech, 1791.

Wordsworth, William. "Essay supplementary to Preface." 1815. In Wordsworth's Literary Criticism 168-202. (Romanticism; Taste; Primitivism; Criticism; Popularity)

_____. "Essay, Supplementary to the Preface." 1815. In The Prose Works of William Wordsworth. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974.







Barkr, N., and M. Parr. Signs of the Times: A Portrait of the Nation's Tastes. London: Cornerhouse, 1992.

Bate, Walter Jackson. From Classic To Romantic: Premises of Taste in Eighteenth-Century England. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1946.

Bourdieu, Pierre. La Distinction: Critique sociale du jugement. Paris: Minuit, 1979.

_____. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. Trans. Richard Nice. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1984.

_____. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. Trans. Richard Nice. London: Routledge, 1984.

_____. La Distinción: Criterio y Bases sociales del Gusto. Madrid: Taurus, 1988.

_____. From Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste ("Introduction"). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. "Distinction." In Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.*

Brito, Manuel. "Female Identity, Power, and Personal Taste: Burning Deck, Tinfish, and Avec." In The Painful Chrysalis: Essays on Contemporary Cultural and Literary Identity. Ed. Juan Ignacio Oliva. Bern: Peter Lang, 2011. 209-28.*

Buxton, John. Elizabethan Taste. 1963.

Courthope, William John. Life in Poetry: Law in Taste. 1901. Selection in The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents. Ed. Josephine Guy. London: Routledge, 1998. Pbk. 2002. 446-62.*

Croce, Benedetto. "Taste and the Reproduction of Art." In Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Ed. Vassilis Lambropoulos and David Neal Miller. Albany: State U of New York P, 1987. 437-43.*

Davies, Catherine Evans. "Language and American 'Good Taste': Martha Stewart as Mass-Media Role Model." In New Media Language. Ed. Jean Aitchison and Diana M. Lewis. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2003. 146-56.*

Dutton, Denis. The Art Instinct: Beauty, Pleasure, and Human Evolution. New York: Bloomsbury, 2009.

Eco, Umberto. "The Structure of Bad Taste." In Eco, The Open Work. Trans. A. Cangogni. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP. 180- 216.

_____. Opera aperta: forma e indeterminazione nelle poetiche contemporanee. Milano: Bompiani, 1962. 2nd ed. 1967.

_____. The Open Work. New York: Hutchinson, 1989.

_____. The Open Work. Trans. Anna Cangogni. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1989.

_____. L'Œuvre ouverte. Paris: Seuil, 1965. (Rpt. Seuil-Points).

_____. Obra abierta. Trans. Roser Berdagué. Barcelona: Ariel, 1979. 1990.

_____. Obra abierta. Barcelona: Planeta, 1984.

Fournier, Karen. "Cultural Capital as a Determinant of Trends in Music Research: Reconciling Institutional Demands and Personal Engagement with Music." In Culture & Power: Culture and Society in the Age of Globalisation. Ed. Chantal Cornut-Gentille et al. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2005. 191-202.*

Gadamer, Hans-Georg. "1. Significación de la tradición humanística para las ciencias del espíritu." In Gadamer, Verdad y método: Fundamentos de una hermenéutica filosófica. Trans. Ana Agud Aparicio and Rafael de Agapito. (Trans. of 4th ed.). Salamanca: Sígueme, 1977.* (El problema del método. Conceptos básicos del humanismo: formación, sensus communis, la capacidad de juicio, el gusto.).

_____. "2. La subjetización de la estética por la crítica kantiana." In Gadamer, Verdad y método: Fundamentos de una hermenéutica filosófica. Trans. Ana Agud Aparicio and Rafael de Agapito. (Trans. of 4th ed.). Salamanca: Sígueme, 1977.* (La doctrina Kantiana del gusto y del genio: La cualificación trascendental del gusto, La teoría de la belleza  libre y dependiente, La teoría del ideal de la belleza, El interés por lo bello en la naturaleza y en el arte, La relación entre gusto y genio. La estética del genio y el concepto de vivencia: El paso a primer plano del concepto de genio, Sobre la historia del término "vivencia", El concepto de vivencia. Los límites del  arte vivencial. Rehabilitación de la alegoría.).

García Landa, José Ángel. "On Elite Taste in Film-Making." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 20 August 2012.*


_____. "Clarissa la crítica, y su ética del buen gusto." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 11 July 2021.*


_____. "Clarissa la crítica, y su ética del buen gusto: Una narración autoengendrada." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 12 July 2021.*

         2021 DISCONTINUED 2024 – Online at the Internet Archive:


_____. "Clarissa la crítica, y su ética del buen gusto: Una narración autoengendrada / Clarissa the Critic and Her Ethics of Good Taste: A Self-Begetting Narrative." SSRN 28 Dec. 2021.*


_____. "Clarissa la crítica, y su ética del buen gusto: Una narración autoengendrada." Academia 14 Nov. 2021.*


_____. "Clarissa la crítica, y su ética del buen gusto: Una narración autoengendrada." ResearchGate 8 Jan. 2022.*


_____. "Clarissa la crítica, y su ética del buen gusto: Una narración autoengendrada." Humanities Commons 15 Jan. 2022.*


_____. "Clarissa la crítica y su ética del buen gusto: Una narración autoengendrada." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 15  Jan. 2022.*


_____. "Clarissa la crítica y su ética del buen gusto: Una narración autoengendrada." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 5 Jan. 2023.*


Harris, Marvin. "Gustos innatos." In Harris, Nuestra especie. 3rd. ed. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2011. 154-58.*

_____. "Gustos adquiridos." In Harris, Nuestra especie. 3rd. ed. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2011. 159-64.*

Lipovetsky, Gilles. Plaire et toucher.

Martín Gaite, Carmen. "De la afición y otras etimologías." 1990. Rpt. in Martín Gaite, Agua pasada. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1993. 294-96.*

Menand, Louis. "What Is It Like to Me: Art and Taste in the Age of the Internet." New Yorker 20 June 2016.* (Tom Vanderbilt, You May Also Like).


Moriarty, Michael. "Principles of Judgement: Probability, Decorum, Taste, and the je ne sais quoi." In The Renaissance. Ed. Glyn P. Norton. Vol. 3 of The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999. 2001. 522-28.

Needham, H. A., ed. Taste and Criticism in the Eighteenth Century. 1952. Freeport (NY): Books for Libraries Press, 1969.*

Newman, Francis W. "The Unlearned Public is the Rightful Judge of Taste." From Homeric Translation in Theory and Practice. 1861. In Douglas Robinson, Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche. Manchester: St. Jerome, 1997.*

Courthope, William J. Life in Poetry and Law in Taste. 1901.

Estévez Saá, José Manuel. "Reflexiones sobre 'valor', 'gusto' e 'interpretación' desde una perspectiva cultural." 2003. In Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN / Proceedings of the 27th International AEDEAN Conference. Ed. Antonio R[odríguez] Celada, Daniel Pastor García, and Pedro Javier Pardo García. CD-ROM. Salamanca: Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Universidad de Salamanca) / Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, 2004.*

García Landa, José Angel. "Clarissa la crítica, y su ética del buen gusto." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 11 July 2021.*


_____. "Clarissa la crítica, y su ética del buen gusto: Una narración autoengendrada." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 12 July 2021.*


Onians, John. "Evolved Tastes." The Wilson Quarterly 33.2 (2009): 109-10.

Rico, Francisco. Los discursos del gusto: Notas sobre clásicos y contemporáneos. 2003.

Santayana, George. "X. El criterio del gusto." In Santayana, La razón en el arte y otros escritos de estética. Ed. Ricardo Miguel. Epilogue by Fernando Savater. (Verbum Mayor). Madrid: Verbum, 2008. 122-36.*

Sollers, Philippe. La Guerre du goût. Paris: Gallimard, 1995.

Stanco, Michele. "Hutcheson's 'Idea' of Beauty and the Formation of Taste in Early Eighteenth-century Britain." In The Languages of Aesthetics: Eighteenth-century Literature Ed. Mirella Billi and Kenneth W. Graham. Monograph issue of Textus 18 (2005): 25-38.

Wegener, C. The Discipline of Taste and Feeling. 1992.









Carnevali, Barbara. "La dimension esthétique de la reconnaissance sociale." Video. (Séminaire Esthétique et Société: L'actualité de Georg Simmel). YouTube (CRAL) 11 Dec. 2015.* (Simmel, Bourdieu, social psychology, taste, recognition, evaluation, vanity, disctinction, prestige, reputation, attention, perception, self).






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