domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2024




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)






Alonso Gallo, Laura P. "Marketable Exoticism or Cultural Power? Exploring Latino/a Stereotypes in the Novels of Cristina García, Óscar Hijuelos and Julia Álvarez." In Power and Culture in America: Forms of Interaction and Renewal. Actas del V Congreso SAAS (Salamanca, 2001). Salamanca: Almar, 2002. 119-28.*

Amossy, Ruth. Les Idées reçues: Sémiologie du stéréotype. Rev. in Poetics Today 14.1 (1993): 222-224.

Arjana, Sophia Rose. Muslims in the Western Imagination. Oxford UP, 2015.

Ayins, Maryann.  "The Implication of Sexually Stereotypic Language as  Seen  Through Peirce's Theory of Signs."  Transactions of the  Charles S. Peirce Society  19.2 (1983): 183-197.

Bigatel-Abeniacar, Bridget L. "The Story of Ferdinand: The Overwhelming Power of Popular American Culture in Relation to Its Children's Literature Or Once Upon a Time in Spain…" In Power and Culture in America: Forms of Interaction and Renewal. Actas del V Congreso SAAS (Salamanca, 2001). Salamanca: Almar, 2002. 141-46.* (Munro Leaf, 1905-1976; 1936).

Bhabha, H. K. "The Other Question: The Stereotype and Colonial Discourse." Screen 24.4 (1983).

Brooks, Cleanth. "Metaphor, Paradox, and Stereotype in Poetic Language." British Journal of Aesthetics 5 (1965).

Domínguez, Yolanda. Maldito Estereotipo. Penguin Random House. 5th ed. c. 2023.

Dundes, A. "A Study of Ethnic Slurs: The Jew and the Polack in the United States." Journal of American Folklore 84 (1971): 186-203.

Eco, Umberto. "L'uso pratico del personaggio artistico." In Eco, Apocalittici e integrati. Milan: Bompiani, 1964. (Typicality, stereotypes).

_____. "Uso práctico del personaje." In Eco, Apocalípticos e integrados. Barcelona: Penguin Random House, 2013. 2015. 223-56.*

García Landa, José Ángel. "The Chains of Semiosis: Semiotics, Marxism, and the Female Sterotypes in The Mill on the Floss." Papers on Language and Literature 27.1 (Edwardsville, Illinois, 1991): 32-50.*

_____. "The Chains of Semiosis: Semiotics, Marxism, and the Female Stereotypes in The Mill on the Floss." iPaper at 19 July 2010.*


_____. "The Chains of Semiosis: Semiotics, Marxism, and the Female Stereotypes in The Mill on the Floss." Online PDF at Social Science Research Network 19 July 2010.*


_____. "The Chains of Semiosis: Semiotics, Marxism, and the Female Stereotypes in The Mill on the Floss." Online PDF at Zaguán 8 Oct. 2011.*


_____. "The Chains of Semiosis… and the Female Stereotypes in The Mill on the Floss." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 1 Nov. 2020.*


_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity." In Gender, I-deology: Essays on Theory, Fiction and Film. Ed. Chantal Cornut-Gentille D'Arcy and José Angel García Landa. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996. 1-54.*

_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity."  In García Landa, Vanity Fea 15 Oct. 2008. (Links to online texts from Gender, I-deology).


_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity." In Gender, I-deology: Essays on Theory, Fiction and Film. Online i-Paper at 29 Oct. 2009.*


_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity." Online PDF at Social Science Research Network 15 April 2010.*


_____. "Gender, I-deology and Addictive Representation: The Film of Familiarity." Online PDF at Zaguán 8 March 2011.*


_____. "Conocimiento por estereotipos." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 24 Feb. 2021.*


Gilman, Sander L. Difference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1985.

Hewstone, Miles, and Howard Giles. "Social Groups and Social Stereotypes." In Sociolinguistics: A Reader and Coursebook. Ed. Nikolas Coupland and Adam Jaworski. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1997. Rpt. Palgrave. 270-83.*

Iñigo Mora, Isabel. "Los estereotipos culturales: ¿un fenómeno meramente social?" In Lenguas en Contacto. E-book. Ed. G. Álvarez Benito, J. J. Fernández Domínguez and F. J. Tamayo Morillo. Sevilla: Mergablum, 1999.

Jussim, Lee, Jarret T. Crawford, and Rachel S. Rubinstein. "Stereotype (in) Accuracy in Perceptions of Groups and Individuals." Current Directions in Psychological Science 24.6 (2015): 490-97.

Lalaoui-Chiali, Fatima Zohra. "Stéréotypes, écrits coloniaux et postcoloniaux: Le cas d'Algérie." Itinéraires 2010-1 (2010).*

          DOI : 10.4000/itineraires.2125


Lehmiller, Justin. "Men and Women Have Skewed Ideas about What a 'Normal' Vulva Looks Like." Sex and Psychology 3 July 2020.*


Löffler, Katrin, and Jochen Sternkopf. "Zu Ethnostereotypen in deutschen Wendungen." In Beiträge zu Sprache & Sprachen 3: Vorträge der 6. Münchner Linguistik-Tage. Ed. Karin Pittner and Robert J. Pittner. Munich: Lincom Europa.

Marín Fernández, Brais. Estereotipos de género: Los personajes en el cine de David O. Russell. TFG U de Valladolid, 2016. Online at UVaDOC.*


Martínez Marín, Natividad. "Sandra Cisneros's The House on Mango Street: Crossing the Border of the Stereotype." In Power and Culture in America: Forms of Interaction and Renewal. Actas del V Congreso SAAS (Salamanca, 2001). Salamanca: Almar, 2002. 289-95.*

Martos García, Alberto E., and Estibaliz Barriga Galdeano. "La fantasía y la ficción fantástica. Nuevas perspectivas: Desmontando estereotipos a partir de las nuevas prácticas letradas." In Un viaje a traves de las culturas letradas subversivas y de resistencia. Ed. Concepción López-Andrada. (Lecturas de la Multiplicidad). Santiago de Chile: CELEI, 2020. 107-20. Online at ResearchGate.*


Online at Academia.*


McGarty, Craig, et al. Stereotypes as Explanations: The Formation of Meaningful Beliefs about Social Groups. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002.

Moya, Cristina. "Why Chimpanzees Don't Stereotype, We Do, and Whales Might." This View of Life 24 Aug. 2016.*


Muro Munilla, Miguel Ángel. "Carmen: La construcción del texto y del mito español a partir del tópico de un viajero romántico francés." Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 33-34 (2007-8): 167-92. Online at Dialnet.* (Femmes fatales, stereotypes, gypsies, misogyny).


Pérez López de Heredia, María. "12. Traducción y globalización de estereotipos de género en televisión: una imagen panorámica." In La traducción: Nuevos planteamientos teórico-metodológicos. Ed. Mª Azucena Penas Ibáñez. Madrid: Síntesis, 2015. 261-82.*

Richmond, Kia Jane. "Using Literature to Confront the Stigma of Mental Illness, Teach Empathy, and Break Stereotypes." Language Arts Journal of Michigan 30.1 (2014): article 6.

Robertson, Mary F. "Deconstructive 'Contortion' and Women's Historical Practice." Poetics Today 7.4 (1986): 705-28.*

Smith, David Livingstone. Less than Human: Why we Demean, Enslave, and Exterminate Others. St. Martin’s Griffin, 2012.

Spaulding, Shannon. How We Understand Others: Philosophy and Social Cognition. London: Routledge, 2018.*

Stanzel, Franz K. "National Stereotypes in Literature." In Images of Central Europe in Travelogues and Fiction by North American Writers. Ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1995. 1-9.

_____, ed. Europäischer Völkerspiegel: Imagologisch-ethnographische Studien zu den Völkertafeln des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts. Heidelberg: Winter, 1999.

Taylor, Neil. "National and Racial Stereotypes in Shakespeare Films." In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film. Ed. Russell Jackson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000. 2004. 261-73.*

Vassiliou, Vasso, Harry Triandis, George Vassiliou and Howard McGuire. "Interpersonal Contact and Stereotyping." In The Analysis of Subjective Culture. Ed. Harry Triandis. New York: John Wiley, 1972. 89-115.

Wolff, Cynthia Griffin. "A Mirror for Men: Stereotypes of Women in Literature." Massachusetts review 13 (1972): 205-18.

Yip, Waiyee. "China: Why Some Think 'Small Eyes' Are Not Beautiful" BBC News 3 Jan. 2022.*


Zacharasiewicz, Waldemar. "National Stereotypes in Literature in the English Language: A Review of Research." REAL 1 (1982): 75-120.








Arjana, Sophia Rose. "Muslims in the Western Imaginagion." Interview by Elliott Bazzano. New Books in History 10 March 2015.*



Spaulding, Shannon. "How We Understand Others: Philosophy and Social Cognition." Interview by Carrie Figdor. New Books Network 15 Nov. 2018.*










Lomba, Concha, et al. "El género en la mirada II. Investigaciones del IPH." Video. YouTube (Instituto de Patrimonio y Humanidades. Unizar) 7 March 2023.* (Stereotypes; Women scriptwriters, Janet Alcoriza; feminist criticism and women writers).



Ngozi Adichie, Chimamanda. "The Danger of a Single Story." Lecture at TED (Oct. 2009).*







See also National characters; Racial representations; Misogyny.




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