viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2024

Humor, Risa, Comicidad



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Humour, Laughter, the Comic


Early works




Early works


Addison, Joseph. "Humour." In Addison, Critical Essays from the Spectator: With Four Essays by Richard Steele. Ed. Donald F. Bond. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970. 26-34.

Baudelaire, Charles. "De l'essence du rire et généralement du comique dans les arts plastiques." Le Portefeuille 8 July 1855.

_____. "De l'essence du rire et généralement du comique dans les arts plastiques." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique. Ed. H. Lemaitre. Paris: Garnier, 1986. 240-64.*

_____. "Of the Essence of Laughter, and generally of the Comic in the Plastic Arts." In Baudelaire, Selected Writings on Art and Literature. London: Penguin, 1992. 140-61.

_____. "De la caricature et généralement du comique dans les arts." In Baudelaire, Curiosités esthétiques. L'Art romantique 515-16.

Browne, Thomas (Sir). "Of divers other Relations." Pseudodoxia Epidemica 7.16. In The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Ed. Charles Sayle. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1927. 3.56-64. (Miraculous or devilish conceptions, laughter, Tamerlane).

Chekhov, Anton. (Antón P. Chéjov). "Propagandas y anuncios cómicos." 1882. In Chéjov, Cuentos completos (1880-1885). Ed. Paul Viejo. 3rd ed. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma, 2014. 101-4.*

Feijoo, Benito Jerónimo. "Por qué emplea el humor y el chiste en sus escritos." From Cartas eruditas y curiosas. 1742-1760. In El ensayo español, 2: El siglo XVIII. Ed. Francisco Sánchez Blanco. Barcelona: Crítica, 1998. 147-51.*

Meredith, George. On the Idea of Comedy and the Uses of the Comic Spirit. 1877, 1897.

Montaigne, Michel de. "I.xxxviii. De cómo lloramos y reímos por una misma cosa." In Montaigne, Ensayos completos. Madrid: Cátedra, 2003. 2010. 259-62.*

Schopenhauer, Arthur. II.1.2.4. "Sobre la teoría de lo cómico." In Schopenhauer, El Mundo como Voluntad y Representación (Volumen Segundo). Barcelona: RBA Coleccionables, 2014. 104-15.*

Shaftesbury (3rd Earl of). "Treatise II. viz. Sensus Communis: An Essay on the Freedom of Wit and Humour. In a Letter to a Friend." In Shaftesbury, Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times. In Three Volumes. London, 1711.

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Vico, Giambattista. "A Factual Digression on Human Genius, Sharp, Witty Remarks, and Laughter." From Vici Vindiciae. Forum Italicum 2.4 (1968).










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Apte, Mahadev L. Humor and Laughter: An Anthropological Approach. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP, 1985.

Arp, Thomas R., and Greg Johnson. "Humor and Irony." In Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense. 8th ed. Boston (MA): Thomson Learning-Heinle & Heinle, 2002.*

Attardo, Salvatore. "Humour Studies and Narrative." In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. Ed. David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2005. 225-26.*

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Barreca, Regina. They Used to Call Me Snow White... but I Drifted: Women's Strategic use of Humor. New York: Viking, 1991.

_____, ed. Last Laughs: Perspectives on Women and Comedy. New York: Gordon and Breach, 1988.

_____, ed. New Perspectives on Women and Comedy. New York: Gordon & Breach, 1992.

Baselga Calvo, Mariano. "Oscar Wilde and the Semantic Mechanisms of Humour: The Satire of Social Habits." In Rediscovering Oscar Wilde. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, 1994. In Short Story Criticism. Ed. Joseph Palmisano. Vol. 77. Detroit: Gale, 2005.

Bateson, Gregory. "The Position of Humor in Human Communication." In Cybernetics: Ninth Conference. Ed. H. von Foerster. New York: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1953. 1-47.

Beltrán Almería, Luis. "Risa y utopía." In Benno Hübner, filósofo y amigo: Itinerario de un pensamiento. Ed. Mª Clara Ubieto Artur and Daniel F. Hübner. Zaragoza: Anubar, 1999. 179-95.*

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Bergson, Henri. Le Rire: Essai sur la signification du comique. Paris, 1900.

_____. Le Rire. 123th ed. (Bibliothèque de Philosophie Contemporaine). Paris: PUF.

_____. Le Rire. In Œuvres. Paris: PUF, 1963.

_____. Le Rire. Paris: Quadrige/PUF, 1983.

_____. Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic. Trans. Cloudseley Brereton and Fred Rothwell. London, 1911.

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_____. Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic. New York, 1928.

_____. "Laughter."  1900.  In Comedy.  Ed. Wylie Sypher.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1956.  61-190.

_____. La risa. Trans. Amalia Aydée Raggio. Madrid: SARPE, 1984.*

Bilger, Audrey. Laughing Feminism: Subversive Comedy in Frances Burney, Maria Edgeworth, and Jane Austen. (Humor in Life and Letters). Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1999.

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Boyd, Brian. "Nabokov's Humor." 1996. In Boyd, Stalking Nabokov: Selected Essays. New York: Columbia UP, 2011. 145-56.*

Bronson, Bertrand H. Studies in the Comic. (University of California Publications in English). 1941.

Brooke, Nicholas. Horrid Laughter in Jacobean Tragedy. London: Open Books, 1979.

Chapman, A. J., and H. C. Foot, eds. Humour and Laughter: Theory, Research and Applications. New York: Wiley, 1976.

_____, eds. It's a Funny Thing, Humour. Oxford: Pergamon, 1979.

Clark, William Bedford, and W. Craig Turner, eds. Critical Essays on American Humor. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1984. 

Cohn, Ruby. "The Laughter of Sad Sam Beckett." In Samuel Beckett Now. Ed. Melvin J. Friedman. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1970. 185-97.

Coleridge, S. T. Lecture on 'Wit and Humour'." 24 Feb. 1818. Excerpt in Tristram Shandy (ed. H. Anderson). New York: Norton, 1980. 485-8.

Cortés Tovar, Rosario. "Los límites del humor en el De Oratore de Cicerón." In Otivm cvm dignitate: Estudios en homenaje al profesor José Javier Iso Echegoyen. Ed. J. A. Beltrán et al. (Monografías de Filología Latina, 16). Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, 2013. 249-58.*

Couturier, Maurice. "Les complicités du rire." In Couturier, Nabokov, ou la tyrannie de l'auteur. Paris: Seuil, 1993. 253-304.*

Critchley, Simon. Sobre el humor. Cantabria: Qualea Editorial, 2010.

Curcó, Carmen. "Some Observations on the Pragmatics of Humorous Interpretations: A Relevance Theory Approach." UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 7 (1995): 27-47.

Davies, C. Ethnic Humor Around the World. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1990.

Debbeche, Jean-Patrick, and Paul Perron, ed. and trans. On the Comic and Laughter. 2009.

Díaz Bild, Aída. "A Star Called Henry o la exaltación del héroe cómico." In Estudios de Filología Inglesa en honor de Antonio Garnica. Ed. Francisco Garrudo and Joaquín Comesaña. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2005. 143-62.* (Roddy Doyle).

Eastman, Max. The Enjoyment of Laughter. 1937.

Eco, Umberto. Semilogia quotidiana. Fabbri-Bompiani,.

_____. La estrategia de la ilusión. Trans. Edgardo Oviedo. Barcelona: Lumen, 1986. Trans. of Semiologia quotidiana.*

Erickson, John D. "Surrealist Black Humor as Oppositional Discourse." Symposium 42.3 (Fall 1988).

Escohotado, Antonio. El espíritu de la comedia. (Premio Anagrama de Ensayo 1992).

Farré, Luis. "Lo cómico." In Farré, Categorías estéticas. Madrid: Aguilar, 1967. 89-105.*

Ferenczi, Sandor. "La psicología del chiste y de lo cómico." 1911. In Ferenczi, Psicoanálisis. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1981. 1.163-76.*

Feyaerts, Kurt. "Towards a Dynamic Account of Phraseological Meaning: Creative Variation in Headlines and Conversational Humour." In New Advances in Phraseological Research. Ed. Flor Mena-Martínez. Monograph issue of IJES: 6.1 (2006): 57-84.*

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García Landa, José Angel. "Humour, Laughter, the Comic." From A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology. Online at TaoDocs 14 May 2016.*









El Mundo Today. Humour blog.






Internet resources



College Humor



The Onion. Humour.










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Millhauser, Steven. Dangerous Laughter. Fiction. 2008.

Nabokov, Vladimir. "Smekh." Poem. Rul' 3 April 1924 (mistitled "Stikhi").

_____. "Laughter." In Nabokov's Butterflies: Unpublished and Uncollected Writings. Ed. Brian Boyd and Robert Michael Pyle. Trans. Dmitri Nabokov. London: Allen Lane / Penguin Press, 2000.  111.*










Premio Espasa de Humor











(Humor in Life and Letters). Detroit: Wayne State UP, c. 1999.










Rosillo, Pedro. "Denuncian a Pedro Sánchez por supuestos delitos de prevaricación y malversación de fondos." Video. YouTube (Pedro Rosillo) 23 Nov. 2022.* (Javier Marzal; Satanic plan vs. Spain; Álvaro Arteaga; Wards; Political correctness, humour and censorship, Boadella).






See also Comedy; Jokes; Humour and satirical writing.




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