lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2024




A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)





Top Ten


Early works





Top Ten


Akmajian, A., R. A. Demers, A. K. Farmer and R. M. Harnish. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. 3rd ed. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1990.

Aronoff, Mark, and Janie Rees-Miller. The Handbook of Linguistics. (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics). Oxford: Blackwell, 2000.

Asher, R., and J. Y. Simpson, eds. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 10 vols. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1993-94.

Beaugrande, Robert de. Linguistic Theory: The Discourse of Fundamental Works. New York: Longman, 1991.*

Fromkin, Victoria A., ed. Linguistics: An Introduction to Linguistic Theory. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000.

Lyons, John. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1968.*

Newmeyer, Frederick J., ed. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey. 4 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.

O'Grady, William D, Michael Dobrovolsky and Francis Katamba, eds. Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman, 1997. 1999.*

Saussure, Ferdinand de. A Course in General Linguistics. Trans. Roy Harris. London: Duckworth, 1983.

Strazny, Philipp, ed. Encyclopedia of Linguistics. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn, c. 2004.







Abad, F., and A. García Berrio, eds. Introducción a la lingüistica. Madrid: Alhambra, 1982.

Aitchison, Jean. Teach Yourself Linguistics. London: Hodder, 1972.

Akmajian, A., R. A. Demers, A. K. Farmer and R. M. Harnish. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. 3rd ed. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1990.

Akmajian, A., et al. Lingüística: una introducción al lenguaje y la comunicación. Madrid: Alianza, 1984.

Alonso-Cortés, Ángel. "La lingüística general: objeto y caracterización." In Alonso-Cortés, Lingüística. (Lingüística). Madrid: Cátedra, 2002. 11-38.*

_____. Lingüística. (Lingüística). Madrid: Cátedra, 2002.*

Aronoff, Mark, and Janie Rees-Miller. The Handbook of Linguistics. (Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics). Oxford: Blackwell, 2000.

Atkinson, M., D. Kilby, and I. Roca. Foundations of General Linguistics. 2nd ed. London: Allen & Unwin, 1988.

Beaugrande, Robert de. Linguistic Theory: The Discourse of Fundamental Works. Harlow and New York:  Longman, 1991. Rpt. Addison Wesley Longman, 1997. (Pearson Education Print-on-Demand edition).*

_____. Linguistic Theory: The Discourse of Fundamental Works. Electronic edition (2002):


Bendix, Edward H., ed. The Uses of Linguistics. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1990.

Benveniste, Émile. Problèmes de linguistique générale. 2 vols. (Bibliothèque des Sciences Humaines). Paris: Gallimard, 1966, 1974.

_____. Problems in General Linguistics. Trans. Mary Elizabeth Meek. Coral Gables (FL): U of Miami P, 1977.

_____. Problemas de lingüística general. México: Siglo XXI, 1974.

Chomsky, Noam. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1965.

_____. The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory. New York: Plenum Press, 1975.

_____. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. New York: Humanities Press; The Hague: Mouton, 1964.

_____. Problemas actuales en teoría lingüística. Madrid: Siglo XXI, 1977.

_____. "Knowledge of Language: Its Elements and Origins." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 295 (1981): 223-34.

_____. Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin and Use. New York: Praeger, 1986.

_____. The Minimalist Program. (Current Studies in Linguistics, 28). Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, 1995. 1998.*

Cobley, Paul, ed. The Routledge Companion to Semiotics and Linguistics. London: Routledge, 2001.*

Coseriu, Eugenio. Teoría del lenguaje y lingüística general. (Biblioteca Románica Hispánica). Madrid: Gredos, 1962. 2nd ed. 1967. 1973. 1978. 1982.

_____. Lecciones de lingüística general. Madrid: Gredos, 1981.

_____. Tradición y novedad en la ciencia del lenguaje. (Biblioteca Románica Hispánica). Madrid: Gredos.

Cowan, W., and J. Rakusan. Source Book for Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1985.

Davis, Hayley G., and Talbot J. Taylor, eds. Rethinking Linguistics. (Communication and Linguistics Theory 3). London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2002.*

Dinneen, F. P. An Introduction to General Linguistics. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.

Fernández Pérez, Milagros. Introducción a la lingüística. Barcelona: Ariel, 1999.

Finch, Geoffrey. How to Study Linguistics. (How to Study series). Houndmills: Macmillan, 1997.

_____. Linguistic Terms and Concepts. (Palgrave Study Guides). Houndmills: Palgrave, 2000.*

Fowler, R. Understanding Language: An Introduction to Linguistics. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974.*

Fromkin, Victoria A., ed. Linguistics: An Introduction to Linguistic Theory. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000.

Gethin, A. Antilinguistics: A Critical Survey of Modern Linguistic Theory and Practice. Oxford: Intellect, 1990.

Graff, W. L. Language and Languages: An Introduction to Linguistics. New York: Appleton, 1939.

Hjelmslev, Louis.  Prolegomena to a Theory of Language. Danish 1943, English trans. 1955.

_____. Prolegomena to a Theory of Language. Trans. Francis J. Whitfield. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1961.

_____. Prolégomènes à une théorie du langage. 1943. Paris: Minuit, 1968.

_____. Prolegómenos a una teoría del lenguaje. Madrid: Gredos, 1971.

Horno, M. C., I. Ibarretxe y J.L. Mendívil, eds. Panorama actual de la ciencia del lenguaje: Primer sexenio de Zaragoza Lingüística. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2016.

Hudson, Grover. Essential Introductory Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.

Hudson, Richard A. Invitation to Linguistics. (Invitation series). Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.

Jakobson, Roman. Essais de linguistique générale. 2 vols. Paris: Minuit, 1963.

_____. Ensayos de lingüística general. Trans. Josep M. Pujol and Jem Cabanes. Madrid: Seix Barral, 1975.

_____. Ensayos de lingüística general. Barcelona: Planeta, 1985.

_____. Essais de linguistique générale. (Points). Paris: Seuil.

Jespersen, Otto. Linguistica. 1933.

Kristeva, Julia. Le langage, cet inconnu: Une initiation à la linguistique. 1969. (Points: Anthropologie – Sciences Humaines, 125). Paris: Seuil, 1981. (I. Introduction à la linguistique. II. Le langage et l'historie. III. Langage et langages).

_____. Language, the Unknown: An Initiation into Linguistics. Trans. Anne M. Menke. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989.

Langacker, Ronald W. Language and Its Structure: Some Fundamental Linguistic Concepts. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1968. 2nd ed. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973.

"Linguistics." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.*


"Linguistik." Wikipedia: Ensiklopedia bebas.*


Lyons, John. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1968.*

_____. Introducción en la lingüística teórica. Barcelona: Teide, 1971.  1985.*

_____. "1. Linguistics: The Scientific Study of Language." In Lyons, Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1968. 1-53.* (Introductory - Traditional grammar - Comparative philology -  Modern Linguistics).

_____, ed. New Horizons in Linguistics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1971.*

Mairal Usón, Ricardo, Francisco Cortés, Sandra Peña, Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza. Teoría lingüística: Métodos, herramientas y paradigmas. Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces, 2010.


Malmberg, Bertil Introducción a la lingüística. Madrid: Cátedra, 1982.

_____. Nuevos caminos de la lingüística. México: Siglo XXI, 1983.

Martinet, André. Éléments de linguistique générale. 1960.

_____. Éléments de linguistique générale. 3rd ed. Paris: A Colin, 1963.

_____. Elements of General Linguistics. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1964.

_____. Elementos de lingüística general. Trans. Julio Calonge. (Biblioteca Románica Hispánica). Madrid: Gredos, 1965. 1972. 1978.

Moreno Cabrera, J. C. Curso universitario de lingüística general I: Teoría de la gramática y sintaxis general. Madrid: Síntesis, 1991.

Newmeyer, Frederick J. Linguistic Theory in America. New York: Academic Press, 1980.

_____. "Alcance e implicaciones de la teoría lingüística: una visión general." In Panorama de la lingüística moderna de la Universidad de Cambridge. Vol. II: Teoría lingüística: Extensiones e implicaciones. Ed. Frederick J. Newmeyer. Madrid: Visor, 1990.

_____, ed. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey. 1. Linguistic Theory: Foundations. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.

_____, ed. Panorama de la lingüística moderna de la Universidad de Cambridge. 1. Teoría lingüística: Fundamentos. Rev. ed. Luis Eguren. (Lingüística y Conocimiento, 7). Madrid: Visor, 1990.*

_____, ed. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey. Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.

_____, ed. Panorama de la lingüística moderna de la Universidad de Cambridge. Vol. II: Teoría lingüística: Extensiones e implicaciones. Madrid: Visor, 1990.

_____, ed. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey. Vol. III. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.

_____, ed. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey, IV. Language: The Socio-cultural Context. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.

_____, ed. Panorama de la lingüística moderna de la Universidad de Cambridge. 4 vols. Madrid: Visor.*

O'Grady, W., M. Dobrovolsky and M. Aronoff. Contemporary Linguistics. 2nd ed. St. Martin's Press, 1993.

O'Grady, William D, Michael Dobrovolsky and Francis Katamba, eds. Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman, 1997. 1999.*

Nuyts, J., A. M. Bolkestein and C. Vet eds. Layers and Levels of Representation in Language Theory: A Functional View. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1990.

Poole, Stuart C. An Introduction to Linguistics. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1999.

Pottier, Bernard. Presentación de la lingüística. Madrid: Alcalá, 1972.

_____. Lingüística general. Madrid: Gredos, 1976.

Radford, Andrew, Martin Atkinson, David Britain, Harald Clahsen and Andrew Spencer, eds. Linguistics: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.

Robins, R. H. General Linguistics: An Introductory Survey. London: Longman, 1947. 1964.

_____. General Linguistics: An Introductory Study. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1964.

Rojo, G. El lenguaje, las lenguas y la lingüística. Santiago de Compostela: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1986.

Saussure, Ferdinand de. Mémoire on the primitive system of vowels in the Indo-European languages. 1878.

_____. Cours de linguistique générale. Ed. Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye. Paris: Payot, 1916. 1922. 4th ed., 1949. (Based on students' lecture notes, 1907-1911).

_____. Cours de linguistique générale. Publié par Charles Bally (Professeur à l'Université de Genève) et Albert Sechehaye (Professeur à l'université de Genève) avec la collaboration de Albert Riedlinger (Maître au Collège de Genève). Foreword by R. L. Wagner. (PP – Bibliothèque Scientifique). Paris: Payot, 1965.*

_____. Course in General Linguistics. Ed. Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye. Trans. Wade Baskin. New York: Philosophical Library, 1959.

_____. Course in General Linguistics. Ed. Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye. Trans. Wade Baskin. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966.

_____. Course in General Linguistics. London: Owen, 1960.

_____. Course in General Linguistics. London: Fontana, 1974.

_____. A Course in General Linguistics. Trans. Roy Harris. London: Duckworth, 1983.

_____. Course in General Linguistics. Excerpt. In Deconstruction in Context. Ed. Mark C. Taylor. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1986. 141-68.*

_____. Course in General Linguistics. Selections in Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1988. 1-14.*

_____. From Course in General Linguistics. In Critical Theory since 1965. Ed.. Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. Tallahassee: UPs of Florida / Florida State UP, 1986. 1990. 646-57.*

_____. From Course in General Linguistics. In A Critical and Cultural Theory Reader. Ed. Antony Easthope and Kate McGowan. Buckingham: Open UP, 1992. 7-13.*

_____. From Course in General Linguistics. In Modern Literary Theory: A Reader. Ed. Philip Rice and Patricia Waugh. 3rd ed. London: Arnold, 1996. 8-15.*

_____. From Course in General Linguistics. In From Modernism to Postmodernism: An Anthology. Ed. Lawrence E. Cahoone. Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 177-84.*

_____. Selections from Course in General Linguistics. In Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer. 3rd ed. White Plains (NY): Longman, 1994. 243-59.*

_____. From Course in General Linguistics (From Part I, "General Principles"; Ch. 1, "Nature of the Linguistic Sign", ch. 4, "Linguistic Value"; ch. V "Syntagmatic and Associative Relations"). In The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton, 2001.*

_____. Course in General Linguistics. In Semiotics. Ed. Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, Alexandros Lagopoulos and Mark Gottdiener. London: SAGE, 2002. Vol. 1.

_____. "Course on General Linguistics." In Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. 59-71.

_____. From Course in General Linguistics (New York: Philosophical Library, 1959). In Structuralism: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Jonathan Culler. London: Routledge, 2006. Vol. 1.

_____.  Curso de lingüística general. Trans. and prologue by Amado Alonso. 5th ed. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1965.

_____. Curso de Lingüística General. Trans. A. Alonso. 8th ed. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1970.

_____. Curso de Lingüistica General. Published by Ch. Bally, A. Sechehaye and A. Riedlinger. Ed. and trans. Amado Alonso. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1945.* 1972.

_____. Curso de lingüística general. Ed. Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye. Barcelona: Planeta, 1984.*

_____. Curso de lingüística general. 1916. Madrid: Alianza, 1987.

Sturtevant, Edgar H. An Introduction to Linguistic Science. New Haven: Yale UP, 1947.

Taylor, Talbot J. Theorizing Language: Analysis, Normativity, Rhetoric, History. Oxford: Pergamon, 1997.

Trask, R. L. Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics. (Routledge Key Guides). London: Routledge, 1999.*

_____. (Larry Trask). Language and Linguistics: An Introduction. London: Arnold, 2002.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. Investigating Language: Central Problems in Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.

Yllera, Alicia, and S. Gutiérrez. Introducción a la lingüística. Madrid: Alhambra, 1982.





Early works


Cordemoy, Geraud. (A Philosophical Discourse Concerning Speech). 1668.

Hervás y Panduro, Lorenzo. Catálogo de las lenguas de las naciones conocidas y numeracion, division y clases de estas según la diversidad de sus idiomas y dialectos. 1798.

_____. Catálogo de las lenguas de las naciones conocidas y numeración, división y clases de éstas, según la diversidad de sus idiomas y dialectos. Madrid, 1800-1804.

Vives, Juan Luis. De discipliniis. 1531. (Disciplines, Arts, Letters, Grammar, Dialectic, Rhetoric, Natural philosophy, Medicine, Mathematics, Moral Philosophy, Civil Law, Metaphysics, Probability, Truth, Argumentation, Logic).

_____. Las disciplinas. Trans. Lorenzo Riber (Real Academia Española). Introd. Francisco José Fortuny. Madrid: Aguilar, 1948.

_____. Las disciplinas. Trans. Lorenzo Riber. Introd. Francisco José Fortuny. 2 vols. (Historia del Pensamiento, 83, 84). Barcelona: Orbis, 1985.*

Tauste, Francisco de. (Fray). Arte, / Y BOCABVLARIO / de la lengva de los / / indios chaymas, cvmanagotos, / cores, parias, y otro diversos de / la provincia de cvmana, / o nveva andalvcia. / con vn tratado a lo vltimo / de la Doctrina Christiana, y Catecismo de los Miste- / rios de nuestra Santa Fè, traducido de Castellano / en la dicha Lengua Indiana. / compvuesto, y sacado a lvz por el / Reverendo Padre Fray Francisco de Tauste, Predicador Ca- / puchino, y Misionero Apostolico, Hijo de la Santa Prouincia / de Capuchinos de Aragon / y asistiendo en Madrid / el año de mil seiscientos y ochenta. consagralo el avtor a la magestad / Diuina de Iesu Christo, y à su preciosa Sangre [?vertida li-  / beralmente por todo el Genero Humano] / en madrid, / En la Imprnta de Bernardo de Villa Diego […] 1680. Con licencia de los […] (By José Carabantes and Fray Francisco de Tauste)








XIX Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística: Salamanca, 18 a 20 de Diciembre de 1989. (Summaries of papers).

Aarts, B., and A. McMahon, eds. The Handbook of English Linguistics. Malden (MA): Wiley / Blackwell, 2006.

Actes du quinzième congrès international des linguistes. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1993.

Alatis, J., ed. Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1991. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown UP, 1991.

Alcaraz, E. Tres paradigmas de investigación lingüística. Alcoy: Marfil, 1990.

Aspekte der Sprachbeschreibung. Akten des 29. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Aarhus 1994. Ed. Per Berentzen. (Linguistische Arbeiten, 342). Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1995.

Bahner, Werner, Joachim Schildt, and Dieter Viehweger, eds. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists, Berlin/GDR, August 10-15, 1987.  Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1990.

Ballmer, Thomas T., and Roland Posner, eds. Nach-Chomskysche Linguistik: Neuere Arbeiten von Berliner Linguisten.  Berlin; New York: de Gruyter, 1985.

Bally, Charles. Linguistique générale et linguistique française. 1932. Berne: Francke, 1965.

Banczerowski, Jerzy, and Tadeusz Zgólka, eds. Linguam amicabilem facere: Ludovico Zabrocki in memoriam. Proceedings of the Conference "At the Foundations of Language Structure and Development", Poznan, 9./10.12.1996. 1999.

Barlow, Michael, and Suzanne Kemmer, eds. Usage-Based Models of Language. Stanford (CA): Stanford UP, c. 2000.

Bedell, G., et al., eds. Explorations in Linguistics. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1979.

Bloch, Bernard, and George L. Trager. Outline of Linguistic Analysis. Baltimore: The Linguistic Society of America, 1942.

Borden, G. J., K. S. Harris and L. J. Raphael. Speech Science Primer. 3rd ed. Williams & Wilkins, 1994.

Brøndal, Viggo. Essais de linguistique générale. 1943.

Bühler, Karl. "Die Axiomatik der Sprachwissenschaften." In Kant-Studien 38 (1933): 19-90.

Bunge, Mario. Lingüística y filosofía. Barcelona: Ariel, 1983.

Campbell, M. A., et al., eds. Papers from the Sixth Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society. Ed. M. A. Campbell et al. Chicago: Dpt. of Linguistics, U of Chicago, 1970.

Campos Plaza, Nicolás Antonio, and Emilio Ortega Arjonilla. Panorama de lingüística y traductología. Cuenca and Granada: U de Castilla La Mancha / Atrio, 2005.

Carretero, M., et al., eds. A Pleasure for Life in Words: A Festschrift for Angela Downing. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 2006.

Chomsky, Noam. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. New York: Humanities Press, 1964.

_____. "Current Issues in Linguistic Theory." In The Structure of Language. Ed. J. A. Fodor and J. J. Katz. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice, 1964. 50-118.

_____. El análisis formal de los lenguajes naturales. Madrid: Alberto Corazón, 1976.

_____. Lingüística cartesiana. Madrid: Gredos, 1984.

Corum, Claudia, et al., eds. Papers from the Ninth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society. Chicago: Department of Linguistics, U of Chicago, 1973.

Coseriu, Eugenio. "La estructura del saber lingüístico." Ed. José Polo. Analecta Malacitana 23.2 (2000): 437-52.*

Crain, Stephen, and Diane Lillo-Martin, eds. An Introduction to Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999.

Crochetière, André, Jean-Claude Boulanger, and Conrad Ouellon. Proceedings of the  XVth International Congress of Linguists: Endangered Languages.  Quebec, Université Laval, August 1992. Vol. 2. Quebec: Les Presses de  l'Université Laval, 1993.

Crocker, Matthew W., Martin J. Pickering and Charles Clifton, Jr. Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000.

Cunchillos Jaime, C., ed. Estudios sobre aprendizaje, uso de lenguas y teoría gramatical. Logroño: Universidad de La Rioja, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1997.

Davis, Hayley G. "Introduction: Why Rethink Linguistics?" In Rethinking Linguistics. Ed. Hayley J. Davis and Talbot J. Taylor. London: Taylor and Francis-RoutledgeCurzon, 2003. 1-16.*

Dekker, Paul, and Martin Stokhof, eds. Proceedings of the Eighth Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: ILLC, U of Amsterdam, 1991.

_____, eds. Proceedings of the Tenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: ILLC, U of Amsterdam, 1995.

Dressler, W. U., and W. Meid, eds. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Linguists, Vienna, August 29 - September 2, 1977. (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft). Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, 1978.

Eikmeyer, Hans Jürgen, ed. Formale Methoden in der Linguistik.  (Materialien des Universitätsschwerpunktes Mathematisierung der Einzelwissenschaft, 17). Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.

Enciclopedia Temática Escolar Larousse. 12 vols. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores / Spes Editorial, 2002.* (Vols. 1-4, Ciencias de la Vida; Vols. 5-8, Ciencias técnicas; Vols. 9-12: Ciencias humanas; Vol. 1: Materia viva. Vol. 2: Salud y vida. Vol. 3: Geografía. Vol. 4: Medio natural. Vol. 5: Física y química. Vol. 6: Matemáticas. Vol. 7: Informática y comunicación. Vol. 8: Tecnología. Vol. 9: Historia del mundo y del pensamiento. Vol. 10: Arte y música. Vol. 11: Lengua. Vol. 12: Literatura).

Escandell Vidal, M. Victoria. "La estructura de la teoría lingüística." In Escandell, Introducción a la pragmática. Barcelona: UNED / Anthropos, 1993. 262-72.*

Fabb, Nigel, Derek Attridge, Alan Durant and Colin MacCabe, eds. The Linguistics of Writing: Arguments between Language and Literature. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1987.

Fente, Rafael. "Notas de lingüística contrastiva." Homenaje a Esteban Pujals Fontrodona. Oviedo: U de Oviedo / AEDEAN, 1982.*

Firth, J. R. Papers in Linguistics 1934-1951. London: Oxford UP, 1957.

_____. Selected Papers of J. R. Firth 1952-1959. Ed. F. R. Palmer. London: Longman, 1968.

Firth, J. R., et al. Studies in Linguistic Analysis. (Special volume of the Philological Society). Oxford: Blackwell, 1957.

Foley, W. The Role of Theory in Language Description. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

François, Frédéric. "La description linguistique." In Le Langage. Ed. André Martinet. (Encyclopédie de la Pléiade, 25). Paris: Gallimard, 1968. 171-282.*

Cruz, Juan de la. "The Significance of Paradigms in Language Research." Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 2 (1994): 15-32.*

García Landa, José Angel. "Más lingüística y más realidad virtual." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 20 April 2012.* (Irony; Multilingualism in Spain).


_____. "Más lingüística y más realidad virtual." Academia 27 Nov. 2015.*


_____. "Más lingüística y más realidad virtual (More Linguistics and More Virtual Reality)." Social Science Research Network 7 June 2017.*


         Cognitive Linguistics: Cognition, Language, Gesture eJournal 7 June 2017.*


         Political Institutions: Bureaucracies & Public Administration eJournal 7 June 2017.*   


_____. "Más lingüística y más realidad virtual." ResearchGate 8 June 2017.*


_____. "Más lingüística y más realidad virtual." Net Sight de José Angel García Landa 4 Jan. 2023.*


García Padrón, Dolores, and Maria del Carmen Fumero Pérez, eds.  Tendencias en Lingüística General y Aplicada. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2010.

Garrudo, Francisco. "Lingüística, antropología y humanismo." Lecture at the "Conferencia Leocadio Martín Mingorance" Universidad de Córdoba. Córdoba, 2000.

_____. "Lingüística, Antropología, Humanismo. En busca de la identidad perdida." In Estudios de Filología Inglesa en honor de Antonio Garnica. Ed. Francisco Garrudo and Joaquín Comesaña. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, 2005. 229-36.*

Gilis, Odysseas. Linguistic / Glossologia / Glossology…. Thessaloniki, 2016. Online at Academia.*


Gleason, H. A., Jr. Workbook in Descriptive Linguistics. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1955.

_____. An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1961.

_____. Introducción a la lingüística descriptiva. Madrid: Gredos, 1971.

Greenberg, Joseph H. Essays in Linguistics.  1957.

Greimas, A. J. "Réflexions sur la théorie du langage." In Travaux de la Conférence Internationale de Sémiotique. 1968. Rpt. in Greimas, Du sens. Paris: Seuil, 1970.

Groenendijk, J., T. Janssen, and M. Stockhoff, eds. Formal Methods in the Study of Language. Part I. (Mathematical Centre Tracts, 135). Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum, 1981.

Grossman, R., L. San and T. Vance, eds. Papers from the Eleventh Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society, 1975.

Hall, Kira, Jean-Pierre Koenig, Michael Meacham, Sondra Reinman and Laurel A. Sutton, eds. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley: Linguistics Department, U of California, Berkeley, 1990.

Hall, Robert A., Jr. Linguistics and Pseudo-Linguistics. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 55). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1987.

Harris, R. A. The Linguistics Wars. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

Harris, Roy. The Language Myth. London: Duckworth, 1981.

_____. The Language Machine. London: Duckworth, 1987.

_____. "The Integrationist Critique of Orthodox Linguistics." In Integrational Linguistics: A First Reader. Ed. Roy Harris and George Wolf. Oxford: Elsevier-Pergamon, 1998. 15-26.*

_____.The Foundations of Linguistic Theory: Selected Writings of Roy Harris. Ed. N. Love. London: Routledge, 1990.

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Internet resources



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Ed. Toni Borowski (U of Sydney) and Mark Harvey (U of Newcastle, Australia).

2 issues per year.

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Societies and institutions



Centre de Recherches sur les arts et le langage,

École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, CNRS Paris.


Dpt. of Linguistics,

U du Québec at Montréal, H3C3P8 Canada


Dept. of Linguistics, U of California Los Angeles,

Los Ángeles CA 9009-1543, USA


Dept. of Linguistics, U of Heidelberg,

Hauptstrasse 207-9, 69117 Heidelberg



Grupo Sylex

José Francisco Val Alvaro

Francisco Hernández Paricio

José Luis Mendívil

Mamen Horno Chéliz

Iraide Ibarretxe Antuñano

Javier Simón Casas

Cristina Sánchez Marco

Alberto Hijazo Gascón

______. Psylex Lab. Research group.*




Institute of Linguists.

Director: Edda Ostarhild.

Saxon House, 48, Southwark Street,

London SE1 1UN.

Tel. (0)171 940 3100;

Fax (0)171-940-3101;

E-mail: uk 



International Linguistic Association.

Linguistic Circle of New York.


Linguistic Institute.

Founded 1928.


Linguistics Department and Center for Research on Language,

U of California San Diego,

9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0108


Linguistics Society of America





School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, U of Edinburgh; 3 Charles Str. Edinburgh, EH8 9AD, UK


Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, U of Tübingen



Sociedad Española de Lingüística.


Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE).


Société de Linguistique de Paris.

Secrétariat de la Société de Linguistique.

Ecole des Hautes-Etudes à la Sorbonne, Paris V.

(1975 ref.).



Summer Institute of Linguistics.

Founded 1934.

SIL International, Dallas,











Santana Martínez, Pedro. "Gramáticas y teoremas: La construcción de la teoría lingüística." Video lecture. YouTube (fgbuenotv) 8 March 2021.* (Chomsky, materialism).


Santana, Pedro, et al. "Sobre ideas y conceptos en la lingüística | TC110." Video. YouTube (fgbuenotv)  10 March 2021.* (Chomsky).










See also:

Cognitive linguistics

Functional linguistics.

Generative grammar

Historical linguistics

Integrational linguistics





Structural linguistics.




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