martes, 14 de enero de 2025

Lingüística de corpus



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)




Corpus linguistics



Top Ten


Almela Sánchez, Moisés, ed. New Developments in Corpus Linguistics. Monograph issue of IJES (International Journal of English Studies) 11.2 (2011).*

Biber, Douglas, Susan Conrad and Randi Reppen. Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use. (Cambridge Approaches to Linguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. 2000.*

Cheng, Winnie. Exploring Corpus Linguistics: Language in Action. (Routledge Introductions to Applied Linguistics). London: Routledge, 2012.

Ide, Nancy. "Preparation  and Analysis of Linguistic Corpora." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 289-305.*

Johansson, Stig, and Anna-Brita Stenström, eds. English Computer Corpora: Selected Papers and Research Guide. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991.

O'Keeffe, Anne, and Michael McCarthy, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. London: Routledge, 2012.

Sinclair, John. Corpus, Concordance, Collocation. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.

Stubbs, Michael. Text and Corpus Analysis: Computer-Assisted Studies of Language and Culture. (Language in Society). Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.

Svartvik, Jan, ed. Directions in Corpus Linguistics.  Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 892, Stockholm, 4-8 August 1991. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991.

Tognini Bonelli, E. Corpus Theory and Practice. Birmingham: TWC, 1996.








Aarts, Jan, and Willem Meijs, eds. Theory and Practice in Corpus Linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990.

Adolphs, Svenja, and Ronald Carter. "And she's like it's terrible, like: Spoken Discourse, Grammar and Corpus Analysis." International Journal of English Studies 3.1 (2003). Special issue on Discourse Analysis Today, ed. Dagmar Scheu and M. D. López-Maestre. 45-56.*

Aijmer, Karin, and Bengt Altenberg, eds. English Corpus Linguistics: Studies in Honour of Jan Svartvik. London: Longman, 1991.

Alcaraz-Sintes, Alejandro, and Salvador Varela-Hernández, eds. Diachrony and Synchrony in English Corpus Linguistics. (Linguistic Insights, 181). Bern: Peter Lang, 2014.

Almela Sánchez, Moisés. From Words to Lexical Units. A Corpus-Driven Account of Collocation and Idiomatic Patterning in English and English-Spanish. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 2006.

_____. "Collocation, Colligation and Lexical Projection: A Corpus-Based Study of 'Mirror Verbs' in English and Spanish." In Los caminos de la lengua: Estudios en homenaje a Enrique Alcaraz Varó. Ed. J. L. Cifuentes et al. San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante): Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2010. 329-40.*

_____. "The Treatment of Word Sense Inventories in the 'LACELL WSD Project." In Recent and Applied Corpus-based Studies. Monograph issue of International Journal of English Studies (Special issue 2009): 21-37.*

_____, ed. New Developments in Corpus Linguistics. Monograph issue of IJES (International Journal of English Studies) 11.2 (2011).*

Aston, G. ed. Learning with Corpora. Houston: Athelstan, 2001.

Aston, Guy, and Lou Burnard. The BNC Handbook: Exploring the British National Corpus with SARA. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1998.

Baena Sánchez, Francisco, and Antonia M. Chávez-González. "Una aplicación de las tecnologías de la web semántica al estudio del periodismo de la Edad Moderna." In Humanidades Digitales españolas: Innovación, globalización e impacto. Special issue of  Humanidades Digitales 1 (2016): 379-407.*


Baker, Mona. "Corpora in Translation Studies: An Overview and Some Suggestions for Future Research." Target (forthcoming 1995).

_____. "Investigating the language of Translation: A Corpus-based Approach." In Pathways of Translation Studies. Ed. P. Fernández Nistal and J. M. Bravo Gozalo. Valladolid: U de Valladolid, 2001.

Baker, Mona, Gillian Francis and Elena Tognini-Bonelli, eds. Text and Technology: In Honour of John Sinclair. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1993.

Beaugrande, Robert de. "Large Corpora and Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching: H. G. Widdowson versus J. McH. Sinclair." In Conferencias sobre la aplicación de los corpora lingüísticos en la enseñanza de las lenguas: VI Jornadas de Corpus Lingüísticos. Ed. Paz Battaner et al. Barcelona: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2000.

_____. "Text Linguistics at the Millennium: Corpus Data and Missing Links." Text 21 (2000).

_____. "Descriptive Linguistics at the Millennium: Corpus Data as Authentic Language." Word. Electronic edition:


_____. "'Corporate Bridges' Twixt Text and Language: Twenty Arguments against Corpus Research And Why They're a Right Load of Old Codswallop." Electronic edition:


_____. "'If I were you…': Language Standards and Corpus Data in EFL." Electronic edition:


Biber, Douglas, Susan Conrad and Randi Reppen. Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use. (Cambridge Approaches to Linguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998.

Butler, Christopher S. (Chris Butler). "Corpus Linguistics and the Teaching and Learning of Languages." In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos). Lleida, 17-19 December 1998. Ed. Pere Gallardo and Enric Llurda. Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2000. 15-27.*

_____. "The very idea! A Corpus-based Comparison of Idea, Concept and Notion and their Formal Equivalents in Spanish." Atlantis 30.2 (Dec. 2008): 59-77.*

Cantos, Pascual, and Aquilino Sánchez, eds. Recent and Applied Corpus-based Studies. Monograph issue of International Journal of English Studies (Special issue 2009).*

Carreras Riudavets, Francisco, Marina Díaz-Peralta, María Jesús García-Domínguez, Zenón Hernández Figueroa, Gracia Pinero-Pinero, and Gustavo Rodríguez Rodríguez. "Análisis lingüístico y formalización computacional del texto argumentativo (OpinionText TIP)." In Humanidades Digitales españolas: Innovación, globalización e impacto. Special issue of  Humanidades Digitales 1 (2016): 345-67.*


Carter, Ronald. "A Note on Transcription and Corpus Analysis." In Carter, Language and Creativity: The Art of Common Talk. London: Routledge, 2004. 219-21.*

Channell, Joanna. "Corpus-Based Analysis of Evaluative Lexis." In Evaluation in Text: Authorial Stance and the Construction of Discourse. Ed. Susan Hunston and Geoffrey Thompson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. Pbk. 2001.* 38-55.*

Charteris-Black, Jonathan. Corpus Approaches to Critical Metaphor Analysis. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Cheng, Winnie. Exploring Corpus Linguistics: Language in Action. (Routledge Introductions to Applied Linguistics). London: Routledge, 2012.

Cook, Guy. "The Uses of Computerized Language Corpora: A Reply to Ronald Carter." In Innovation in English Language Teaching: A Reader. Ed. David R. Hall and Ann Hewings. London and New York: Routledge / The Open U / Macquarie U, 2001. 64-70.*

Corpas Pastor, Gloria. Investigar con corpus en traducción: Un nuevo paradigma. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2008.

Cosme, Christelle. "Towards a Corpus-based Cross-linguistic Study of Clause Combining: Methodological Framework and preliminary results." BELL ns 2 (2004): 199-224.

Fernández-Domínguez, Jesús, Ana Díaz-Negrillo and Pavol Stekauer. "How Is Low Morphological Productivity Measured?" Atlantis 29.1 (June 2007): 29-54.* (Corpus lin.).

Florén Serrano, Celia, and Rosa Lorés Sanz. "The Application of a Parallel Corpus (English-Spanish) to the Teaching of Translation (ENTRAD Project)." In New Trends in Translation and Cultural Identity. Ed. Micaela Muñoz-Calvo, Carmen Buesa-Gómez and M. Angeles Ruiz-Moneva. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. 433-43.*

Fludernik, Monika. "The Cage Metaphor: Extending Narratology into Corpus Studies and Opening it to the Analysis of Imagery." In Narratology in the Age of Cross-Disciplinary Narrative Research. Ed. Sandra Heinen and Roy Sommer. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. 109-28.*

Fontana, Josep M. "On-line Corpora, Grammar and Discourse Theory, and ESL." Proceedings of the 20th International AEDEAN Conference. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, Facultad de Filología, 1997. 177-81.*

Francis, Gillian. "A Corpus-driven Approach to Grammar." In Text and Technology: In Honour of John Sinclair, Ed. Mona Baker, Gillian Francis and Elena Tognini-Bonelli. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1993. 137-156.

Francis, W. Nelson. "Problems of Assembling and Computerizing Large Corpora." In Computer Corpora in English Language Research. Bergen: Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities, 1982. 7-24.

_____. "Language Corpora B. C." In Directions in Corpus Linguistics. Ed. J. Svartvik. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1992. 17-32.

Francis, W. Nelson, and Henry Kucera. Brown Corpus of Standard American English. Database.

_____. Computational Analysis of Present-Day American English. 1967.

_____. Frequency Analysis of English Usage: Lexicon and Grammar. 1982.

_____. Citation base for American Heritage Dictionary. Houghton Mifflin.

Fries, Udo, et al. Creating and Using English Language Corpora. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Fuster Márquez, Miguel and Barry Pennock Speck. "The Spoken Core of British English: A Diachronic Analysis Based on the BNC." Miscelánea 37 (2008): 53-74.*

Garretson, Gregory "Desiderata for Linguistic Software Design." In Software-aided Analysis of Language. Ed. Mike Scott et al. Monograph issue of IJES  8.1 (2008): 67-94. (Corpus linguistics, linguistic analysis, software, tools, programming, software design, sofware-aided, computer-aided, guidelines, best practices).

Garside, R., G. N. Leech and T. Várasi. Manual of Information for the Lancaster Parsed Corpus. Lancaster: U of Lancaster, n.d.

Gómez Castejón, Mª Ángeles. "Contrastive Analysis and Translation Study from a Corpus Linguistics Perspective." In A New Approach to Literature: Corpus linguistics. Ed. Irina Keshabyan and Ángela Almela. Monograph issue of International Journal of English Studies 12.2 (2012): 111-32.*

González Torres, Elisa, and Ana Ibáñez Moreno. "Pautas teóricas y metodológicas para determinar la productividad de los predicados afijales en una base de datos léxica del inglés antiguo." Odisea 8 (2007): 81-88.

Granger, Sylviane, Joseph Hung and Stephanie Petch-Tyson, eds. Computer Learner Corpora, Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching. (Language Learning and Language Teaching, 6). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

Greenbaum, Sidney. "The Development of the International Corpus of English." In English Corpus Linguistics: Studies in Honour of Jan Svartvik. London: Longman, 1991. 83-91.

Gries, Stefan Th., and Anatol Stefanowitsch, eds. Corpora in Cognitive Linguistics: Corpus-Based Approaches to Syntax and Lexis. (Trends in Linguistics; Studies and Monographs 172). Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2006.

Haan, P. J. M. de. "On the Exploration of Corpus Data by Means of Problem-Oriented Tagging: Postmodifying Clauses in the English Noun Phrase." In English Computer Corpora. Ed. S. Johanson and A. B. Stenström. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991. 51-65.

Harris, Michael J., and Stefan T. Gries. "Measures of Speech Rhtyhm and the Role of Corpus-Based Word Frequency: A Multifactorial Comparison of Spanish(-English) Speakers." In New Developments in Corpus Linguistics. Ed. Moisés Almela Sánchez. Monograph issue of IJES (International Journal of English Studies) 11.2 (2011): 1-22.*

Herman, David. "Quantitative Methods in Narratology: A Corpus-Based Study of Motion Events in Stories." In Narratology beyond Literary Criticism: Mediality-Disciplinarity. Ed. Jan Christoph Meister with Tom Kindt and Wilhelm Schernus. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005. 125-49.*

Hidalgo, Encarnación, Luis Quereda and Juan Santana, eds. Selected papers from the Sixth International Conference on Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC 6), University of Granada, Spain, 4-7 July, 2004. (Language and Computers - Studies in Practical Linguistics 61). Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2007.

Hornero, Ana, María José Luzón and Silvia Murillo, eds. Corpus Linguistics: Applications for the Study of English.. Bern: Peter Lang, forthcoming 2006.

Hornero, Ana, María José Luzón and Silvia Murillo, eds. Corpus Linguistics: Applications for the Study of English. (Linguistic Insights). Bern: Peter Lang, 2006.

Hunston, S. Corpora in Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002.

Ide, Nancy. "Preparation  and Analysis of Linguistic Corpora." In A Companion to Digital Humanities. Ed. Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth, eds. Malden (MA): Blackwell, 2004. 289-305.*

Johansson, Stig, and Knut Hofland. "Towards an English-Norwegian Parallel Corpus." In Creating and Using English Language Corpora. Ed. Udo Fries et al. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 25-37.

Johansson, Stig, and Anna-Brita Stenström, eds. English Computer Corpora: Selected Papers and Research Guide. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991.

Keshabyan, Irina, and Ángela Almela, eds. A New Approach to Literature: Corpus linguistics. Monograph issue of International Journal of English Studies 12.2 (2012). (Introd., i-iv).*

Kilgarriff, A. "Comparing Corpora." International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 6.1 (2001):1–37.

Kjellmer, Göran. "A Mint of Phrases." In English Corpus Linguistics: Studies in Honour of Jan Svartvik. London: Longman, 1991. 111-27.

Kytö, Marja, Matti Rissanen, and Susan Wright, eds. Corpora Across the Centuries.  Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on English Diachronic Corpora. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994.

Kytö, Merja, and Matti Rissanen. "Empirical Evidence for the Study of the Structure of English: Helsinki Corpus of English Texts: Diachronic and Dialectal." European English Messenger  (1990): 22-25.*

Kytö, Merja, Ossi Ihalainen, and Matti Rissanen, eds. Corpus Linguistics Hard and Soft. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1994.

Lavid, Julia. Lenguaje y nuevas tecnologías: Nuevas perspectivas, métodos y herramientas para el lingüista del siglo XXI. Madrid: Cátedra, 2005.

Lavid, Julia, Jorge Arús and Lara Moratón. "Comparison and Translation: Towards a Combined Methodology for Contrastive Corpus Studies." In Recent and Applied Corpus-based Studies. Monograph issue of International Journal of English Studies (Special issue 2009): 159-73.*

Learning for Text Categorization: Papers from the 1998 Workshop, Madison, Wisconsin, 1998. AAAI Technical Report WS-98-05.

Loureiro-Porto, Lucía. Rev. of Diachrony and Synchrony in English Corpus Linguistics. Ed. Alejandro Alcaraz-Sintes and Salvador Valera-Hernández. Atlantis 37.2 (Dec. 2015): 259-64.*

Luzón Marco, María José. "Corpus-Based Approaches to Semantic Issues." In First International Conference on English Studies: Past, Present and Future: Costa de Almería, 19-25 de Octubre, 1997. Ed. Annette Gomis et al. CD-ROM. Almería: U de Almería, n.d. [2001]*

Martín Arista, Javier, Laura Caballero González, Roberto Torre Alonso, Elisa González Torres and Ana Ibáñez Moreno. "Fundamentos empíricos y metodológicos de una base de datos léxica de la morfología derivativa del inglés antiguo." Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 3 (2008): 129-44.

Martínez Vázquez, Montserrat. "Análisis de corpus con bases de datos." Proceedings of the 20th International AEDEAN Conference. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, Facultad de Filología, 1997. 227-32.*

Mason, Oliver. "Developing Software for Corpus Research." In Software-aided Analysis of Language. Ed. Mike Scott et al. Monograph issue of IJES  8.1 (2008): 141-56.* (Corpus linguistics, corpus analysis, software development, programming).

McEnery, Anthony, and Zhonghua Xiao. "Swearing in Modern British English: The Case of Fuck in the BNC." Language and Literature 13.3 (2004): 235-68.*

Moreno Jaén, María. "A Corpus-driven Design of a Test for Assessing the ESL Collocational Competence of University Students." In Research on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Learning. Ed. Aquilino Sánchez and Rosa M. Manchón. Monograph issue of IJES 7.2 (2007): 127-47.* (Collocations, Testing, corpus-driven, ESL university students).

Moskowich, Isabel, and Javier Parapar. "Writing Science, Compiling Science: The Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing." In Proceedings from the 31st AEDEAN Conference. Ed. M. J. Lorenzo Modia et al. CD-ROM: A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 2008. 531-44.*

Nazar, Rogelio. "A Statistical Approach to Term  Extraction." In New Developments in Corpus Linguistics. Ed. Moisés Almela Sánchez. Monograph issue of IJES (International Journal of English Studies) 11.2 (2011): 159-82.* (Corpus linguistics).

Nelson, Gerald, Sean Wallis and Bas Aarts. Exploring Natural Language: Working with the British Component of the International Corpus of English. (Varieties of English Around the World, G29). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.

Nigam, K., and M. Hurst. "Towards a Robust Metric of Opinion." In The AAAI Symposium on Exploring Attitude and Affect in Text (AAAI-EAAT). 2004.

O'Donnell, Matthew Brook. "KWICgrouper—Designing a Tool for Corpus-driven Concordance Analysis." In Software-aided Analysis of Language. Ed. Mike Scott et al. Monograph issue of IJES  8.1 (2008): 107-21.* (Concordancing, software design).

O'Halloran, Kieran. "Performance Stylistics: Deleuze and Guattari, Poetry and (Corpus) Linguistics." In A New Approach to Literature: Corpus linguistics. Ed. Irina Keshabyan and Ángela Almela. Monograph issue of International Journal of English Studies 12.2 (2012): 171-99.*

O'Keeffe, Anne, and Michael McCarthy, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. London: Routledge, 2012.

Olmo Bañuelos, Elena del. Rev. of Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics: New Domains and Methodologies. Ed. Jesús Romero Trillo. Atlantis 36.2 (Dec. 2014): 269-74.*

Ortego Antón, María Teresa. Rev. of Translation-Driven Corpora. By Federico Zanettin. Hermeneus 16 (2014): 371-75.*

Pérez-Llantada Auría, M. Carmen. "An Overview of Corpus Studies. Implications for Research and Applications for LSP Teaching: An Interview with Gibson Ferguson." Ibérica 6 (2003): 145-53.

Portero Muñoz, Carmen. "Theoretically Possible vs. Actually Occurring: The Use of Linguistic Corpora in the Identification of Lexical Regularities." In First International Conference on English Studies: Past, Present and Future: Costa de Almería, 19-25 de Octubre, 1997. Ed. Annette Gomis et al. CD-ROM. Almería: U de Almería, n.d. [2001]*

Prat Zagrebelsky, María Teresa (U di Torino). "Computer Learner Corpora, or How Can We Turn our Students' Interlanguage into a Resource of EFL Research and Teaching?" VIAL: Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics  0 (2003): 103-20.*

Quereda, L. and J. Santana Lario. "Panorama actual de la Lingüística de Corpus". II Congreso Nacional de Lingüística General. Granada, 1996.

Repullés, Fernando. "Compiling a Learner Corpus: Design and Procedures." In Actas del V Congreso Internacional AELFE (Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos) / Proceedings of the 5th International AELFE Conference). Ed. Mª Carmen Pérez-Llantada Auría, Ramón Plo Alastrué and Claus Peter Neumann. CD-ROM. Zaragoza: AELFE / Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2005. 562-71.*

Rica Peromingo, Juan Pedro. "Lingüística de corpus en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera." In Los caminos de la lengua: Estudios en homenaje a Enrique Alcaraz Varó. Ed. J. L. Cifuentes et al. San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante): Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, 2010. 1405-27.*

Rissanen, Matti. 'Three Problems Connected with the Use of Diachronic Corpora." ICAME Journal 13 (1989): 16-19.

Rodríguez-Inés, Patricia. "Comenego: Compilación del corpus piloto en inglés y primeros análisis." In Traducción económica: Entre profesión, formación y recursos documentales. Ed. Daniel Gallego-Hernández. Soria: Diputación Provincial de Soria - Hermeneus, 2014. 187-99.*

Rodríguez-Puente, Paula, Cristina Blanco-García, and Iván Tamaredo. "Mark-up and Annotation in the Corpus of Historical English Law Reports (CHELAR): Potential for Historical Genre Analysis." Atlantis 41.2 (Dec. 2019): 63-84.*



Romero Trillo, Jesús, ed. Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics: New Domains and Methodologies. Amsterdam: Springer, 2013.

Sahami, M., S. Dumais, D. Heckerman, and E. Horvitz. "A Bayesian Approach to Filtering Junk E-mail." In Learning for Text Categorization: Papers from the 1998 Workshop, Madison, Wisconsin, 1998. AAAI Technical Report WS-98-05.

Sánchez, Aquilino. "Investigación y análisis mediante corpus lingüísticos: el poder de atracción de las palabras". In Pathways of Translation Studies. Ed. P. Fernández Nistal and J. M. Bravo Gozalo. Valladolid: U de Valladolid, 2001.

Santamaría García, Carmen. "Corpus Concordancing as a Means of Increasing Language Awareness in Learners." In XVIII Congreso de AEDEAN (Alcalá de Henares, 15-17 diciembre 1994). Ed. Ricardo J. Sola, Luis A. Lázaro and José A. Gurpegui. Alcalá: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, 1997. 375-80.*

Scott, Mike ""Looking Back or Looking Forward on Corpus Linguistics: What can the Last 20 Years Suggest about the Next?" Ibérica 24 (Fall 2012): 75-86.*

Semino, Elena, and Mick Short. Corpus Stylistics: Speech, Writing and Thought Presentation in a Corpus of English Writing. (Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics). London: Routledge, 2011.

Simpson, R., and J. Swales, eds. Corpus Linguistics in North America: Selections from the 1999 Symposium. Ann Arbor (MI): U of Michigan P, 2001.

Simpson, R. C., S. L. Briggs, J. Ovens and J. M. Swales. The Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English. Ann Arbor (MI): U of Michigan, 2002.

Sinclair, John. "Reflections on Cormputer Corpora in English Language Research." In Computer Corpora in English Language Research. Bergen: Computing Centre for the Humanities, 1982. 1-6.

_____. Corpus, Concordance, Collocation. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1991.

_____. "Large Corpus Research and Foreign Language Teaching." In Language Policy and Language Education in Emerging Nations: Focus on Slovenia and Croatia. Ed. Robert de Beaugrande, Meta Grosman and Barbara Seidlhofer. Stamford (CT): Ablex, 1998. 79-86.

_____. Trust the Text: Language, Corpus and Discourse. London: Routledge, 2004.

Souter, C. and E. Atwell, eds. Corpus-Based Computational Linguistics. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1993.

Stuart, Keith, and Ana Botella. "Corpus Linguistics, Network Analysis and Co-Occurrence Matrices." In Recent and Applied Corpus-based Studies. Monograph issue of International Journal of English Studies (Special issue 2009): 1-20.*

Stubbs, Michael. Text and Corpus Analysis: Computer-Assisted Studies of Language and Culture. (Language in Society). Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.

_____. "Conrad in the Computer: Examples of Quantitative Stylistic Methods." Language and Literature 14.1 (Feb. 2005): 5-24.*

_____. "Conrad in the Computer: Examples of Quantitative Stylistic Methods." In The Language and Literature Reader. Ed. Ronald Carter and Peter Stockwell. Abingdon (UK) Routledge, 2008.*

Svartvik, Jan, ed. Directions in Corpus Linguistics.  Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 892, Stockholm, 4-8 August 1991. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991.

Taillefer de Haya, L., and Silva Ros, M. T. "El uso de corpus para prácticas de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada: Propuesta de una página Web." In Las lenguas en un mundo global. Ed. G. Luque Agulló, A. Bueno González and G. Tejada Molina. Jaén: Universidad de Jaén,  2003. 9-16. 

Taylor, Lita, Geoffrey Leech and Steven Fligelstone. "A Survey of English Machine-Readable Corpora." In English Computer Corpora: Selected Papers and Research Guide. Ed. Stig Johannson and Anna-Brita Stenström. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991. 319-54.

Tognini Bonelli, E. Corpus Theory and Practice. Birmingham: TWC, 1996.

Toolan, Michael. Narrative Progression in the Short Story: A Corpus Stylistic Approach. (Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 6). Amsterdam and Philadlephia: John Benjamins, 2009.* Online at Scribd (gabriel simunovic) 16 June 2016.*


Vázquez, Nila, Laura Esteban-Segura and Teresa Marqués-Aguado. "A Descriptive Approach to Computerised English Historical Corpora in the 21st Century." In New Developments in Corpus Linguistics. Ed. Moisés Almela Sánchez. Monograph issue of IJES (International Journal of English Studies) 11.2 (2011): 119-39.*

Wallmannsberger, Josef. Virtuelle Textwelten: Theoretische Grundlagen und Implementationsperspektiven der anglistischen Computerphilologie. Rev. in Anglistik 7.2 (Sept. 1996): 162-63.*

Wehrmeyer, Ella. "An Annotation System for Signed Language Interpreting Corpora." Hermeneus 17 (2015): 279-318.*

Zanettin, Federico. Translation-Driven Corpora: Corpus Studies for Descriptive and Applied Translation Studies. Manchester & Kinderhook: St. Jerome, 2012.









Teubert, Wolfgang, and Ramesh Krishnamurty, eds. Corpus Linguistics. 6 vols. (Critical Concepts in Linguistics). London: Routledge, 2007.







Coruña Corpus of Scientific Englsih Writing

Real Academia Española. CORDE: Corpus diacrónico del español. Online database.


_____. CREA: Corpus de referencia del español actual. Online database.


Simpson, Rita C., Sarah L. Briggs, Janine Ovens, and John Swales. The Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English. Ann Arbor (MI): U of Michigan, 1999. 2002. (MICASE).

Svartvik, J. and R. Quirk, eds. A Corpus of English Conversation. Lund: CWK Gleerup, 1980.

Zarco-Tejada, Ángeles, Carmen Noya Gallardo, Mª Carmen Merino Ferradá and Isabel Calderón López. "Analysing Corpus-Based Criterial Conjunctions for Automatic Proficiency Classification." Journal of English Studies 14 (2016): 215-37.*








Internet resources



British National Corpus


Corpus of Early English Correspondence.


"Corpus et méthodes." Texto! Textes et cultures.



Corpus linguistics, Oxford Text Archive, Project Gutenberg, British National Corpus. Internet:


The Dictionary of Old English Corpus in Electronic Form.


Helsinki Corpus of English Texts: Diachronic and Dialectal. Comp. Ossi Ihalainen, Matti Rissanen and M. Kytö. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 1991.


Text Corpora and Corpus Linguistics. (Michael Barlow).









ICAME Journal: Computers in English Linguistics.  International Computer Archive of Modern English, Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities, Bergen.

Vol. 18 (1994).


International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 6.1 (2001).


Literary and Linguistic Computing 

Vol. 8.4 (1993).

Oxford: OUP.



Sprache und Datenverarbeitung 1.2 (2013).







(Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics 2). London: Routledge, 2002.




Societies and Institutions



Asociación Española de Lingüística de Corpus (AELINCO)





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