A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Noun phrase
Andrews, A. "The Major Functions of the Noun Phrase." In Language Typology and Syntactic Description 1. Ed. T. Shopen. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985. 62-154.
Astudillo Vicente, Ester. "A Role for Cognition for the Understanding of Definite Presentative NPs in Oral Narratives." In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos). Lleida, 17-19 December 1998. Ed. Pere Gallardo and Enric Llurda. Lleida: Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2000. 79-84.*
Bach, Emmon. "Nouns and Noun Phrases." In Universals in Linguistic Theory. Ed. Emmon Bach and Robert T. Harms. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1968.
Bouchard, Denis. "La source sémantique des facteurs aparemment hétérogènes qui régissent la distribution des adjectifs dans le Groupe Nominal." In Représentations du sens linguistique. Ed. D. Lagorgette and P. Larrivée. Munich: Lincom Europa.
Coene, M., and Yves D'hulst. From NP to DP. Vol. 1: The Syntax and Semantics of Noun Phrases. Vol. 2.: The Expression of Possession in Noun Phrases. (Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 55, 56). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002. (Generative).
Heim, L. The Semantics of Definite and Indefinite Noun Phrases. Ph.D. diss. U of Massachusetts, Amherst. U of Massachusetts Graduate Linguistics Association, 1982.
Keenan, E. L. and B. Comrie. "Noun Phrase Accessibility and Universal Grammar."Linguistic Inquiry 8.1 (1977): 63-99.
McNally, Louise. "A Gricean Analysis of Existential Sentences Containing Definite NPs." Proceedings of the 20th International AEDEAN Conference. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Filología, 1997. 233-38.*
Moltmann, Friederike. Lokalität und Individuation: Studien zur Ereignis- und Nominalphrasensemantik. (Studien zur Theoretischen Linguistik, 12). München: Fink, 1992.
Ojeda, Almerindo. "On Conceptional Neuterality." In Linguistic Individuals. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 1991. 161-83.
_____. "On Conceptional Neuterality." In Semantics: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Ed. Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach. Volume III: Noun Phrase Classes. London: Routledge, 2003.
Ramón García, Noelia. "Modifying Nouns: An English-Spanish Corpus-Based Contrast of Three Word Pairs." Journal of English Studies 4 (2003-2004): 171-84.*
Ribera, Josep. "Text Deixis in Narrative Sequences." In Cognitive Linguistics: From Words to Discourse. Ed. Javier Valenzuela et al. Monograph issue of IJES: International Journal of English Studies 7.1 (2007): 149-68.* (Reference, Deixis, Anaphora, Demonstrative noun phrase, nouns, lexical cohesion).
Sag, I. "A Semantic Theory of 'NP Movement' Dependencies." In The Nature of Syntactic Representation. Ed. P. Jacobson and G. Pullum. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1982.
Tamayo Morillo, Francisco Javier. "Los grupos nominales complejos: Una realidad en los límites entre la morfología y la sintaxis." Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada 8 (1992): 187-95.
Williams, E. "The NP Cycle." Linguistic Inquiry 13 (1982): 277-295.
_____. "PRO and Subject of NP." Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 3 (1985): 297-315.
Gutiérrez-Rexach, Javier, ed. Semantics: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Ed. Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach. Volume III: Noun Phrase Classes. London: Routledge, 2003.
See also Noun phrase (English).
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