jueves, 20 de febrero de 2025

Lenguaje y Política



A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology


by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)



Politics and language




Linguistic policy

Planning and language






Atkinson, David, Karen Atkinson and Mary Talbot. Language and Power in the Modern World. (Edinburgh Textbooks on the English Language). Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, c. 2002.

Bourdieu, Pierre. "The Production and Reproduction of Legitimate Language." In Bourdieu, Language and Symbolic Power. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991. 1994. 43-65.*

_____. Language and Symbolic Power. Ed. and introd. John B. Thompson. Trans. Gino Raymond and Matthew Adamson .Cambridge: Polity Press / Blackwell, 1991. Pbk. 1992. 1994.*

Brathwaite, Edward Kamau. "Nation language." In The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. Ed. Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. London: Routledge, 1995. 309-13.*

Cameron, Deborah. Verbal Hygiene. (The Politics of Language). London: Routledge, 1995.

Chomsky, Noam. Sobre política y lingüística. (Cuadernos Anagrama 3). Barcelona: Anagrama.

Crowley, A. The Politics of Discourse. London: Macmillan, 1989.

Crowley, Tony. Proper English? Readings in Language, History, and Cultural Identity. London: Routledge, 1991.

_____. Language in History: Theories and Texts. London: Routledge, 1996.

_____. The Politics of Language in Ireland 1366-1922: A Sourcebook. (The Politics of Language). London: Routledge, 1999.

_____. Standard English and the Politics of Language. 2nd ed. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2003.

Harshav, Benjamin. Language in Time of Revolution. Berkeley: U of California P, 1993.

López García, A. El rumor de los desarraigados: Conflicto de lenguas en la Península Ibérica. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1985.

Mühlhäusler, Peter. Linguistic Ecology: Language Change and Linguistic Imperialism in the Pacific Region. London: Routledge, 1996.

Orwell, George. "Politics and the English Language." Horizon 13 no. 76 (1946): 252-65.

_____. "Politics and the English Language." In Orwell, Shooting an Elephant and Other Essays. London, 1950. 156-50.

_____. "Politics and the English Language." 1946. In Orwell, A Collection of Essays 156-71.

_____. "Politics and the English Language." In 20th Century Literary Criticism: A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1972. 360-69.*

_____. "Politics and the English Language." Rpt. in The Norton Reader. 8th ed. New York: Norton, 1992. 264-75.*

_____. "Politics and the English Language." Essay. 1946, 1947. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, with Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 2.2462-71.*

_____. "Politics and the English Language." In Critical Discourse Analysis: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Ed. Michael Toolan. London: Routledge, 2002. 1.29-39.*

Pütz, Martin, ed. Discrimination through Language in Africa? Perspectives on the Namibian Experience. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1995.

Redknap, Catrin. Language and Politics. London: Arnold, 2001.

Silberstein, Sandra. War of Words: Language, Politics and 9/11. London: Routledge, 2002.

Shuy, Roger. Language Crimes. (The Language Library). Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.

Skuttnab-Kangas, Tove, and Robert Phillipson, eds. Linguistic Human Rights: Overcoming Linguistic Discrimination. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994. 1995.






Arenas, Rafael. "Sumisión y consenso lingüísticos." ABC 18 Feb. 2022: 3. Online at Twitter.*



Carter, Ronald. "Politics and Knowledge about Language: The Linc Project." In Innovation in English Language Teaching: A Reader. Ed. David R. Hall and Ann Hewings. London and New York: Routledge / The Open U / Macquarie U, 2001. 87-98.*

Chomsky, N. "Language, Politics, and Composition." Interview with G. Olsen and L. Faigley. In Interviews: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Rhetoric and Literacy. Ed. Gary Olsen and I. Gales. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1991. 61-95.

Ferguson, Charles A. "The Language Factor in National Development." In Study of the Role of Second Languages in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Ed. Frank A. Rice. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1962.

Leiter, Brian. "The Case  against Free Speech." Social Science Research Network 17 June 2014.*



Leith, Dick, and Philip Seargeant. "A Colonial Language." In English in the World: History, Diversity, Change. Ed. Philip Seargeant and Joan Swann. London: Routledge, 2011.

Moreno Cabrera, Juan Carlos. "La lingüística y el nacionalismo lingüístico español." Video lecture at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2 June 2009.*



Moret Oliver, María Teresa. "Las lenguas no entienden de fronteras." Interview by R. Lahoz. Heraldo de Aragón 5 Feb. 2023.*



Ngugi wa Thiong'o. "The Language of African Literature." In The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. Ed. Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. London: Routledge, 1995. 285-90.*

_____. The Language of Languages.

Robles, Antonio. "Las lenguas no son una riqueza, son una maldición; Los nacionalistas han ganado todas sus batallas desde la restauración de la democracia adueñándose de las palabras, definiendo las cosas." Libertad Digital 21 Sept. 2023.*



Shapiro, Michael. Language and Political Understanding: The Politics of Discursive Practices. New Haven: Yale UP, 1981.

Spencer, Diana. Language and Authority in De Lingua Latina: Varro's Guide to Being Roman.






(The Politics of Language). London: Routledge, c. 1995.










Bueno Sánchez, Gustavo. "Situación actual de la lengua española. Principales enemigos." YouTube (nodulotv) 31 Oct. 2012.*









See also Planning and language.






Linguistic policy / Language and politics


Agenjo, Dolores. "El camino de Canet." El Catalán 18 Dec. 2021.*



Baron, D. The English-Only Question: An Official Language for Americans? New Haven: Yale UP, 1990.

Bastida, José. "Liberticidio lingüístico." Libertad Digital 24 Jan. 2020.*



Beaugrande, Robert de, Meta Grosman and Barbara Seidlhofer, eds. Language Policy and Language Education in Emerging Nations: Focus on Slovenia and Croatia.. Stamford (CT): Ablex, 1998.

_____, eds. Language Policy and Language Education in Emerging Nations: Focus on Slovenia and Croatia. Online edition in Robert de Beaugrande.



Bourhis, Richard Y. "Language Policies and Language Attitudes: Le Monde de la Francophonie." In Sociolinguistics: A Reader and Coursebook. Ed. Nikolas Coupland and Adam Jaworski. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1997. Rpt. Palgrave. 306-22.*

Casas Gómez, Miguel. "Precisiones conceptuales en el ámbito de la interdicción lingüística." In Palabras, Norma, Discurso: En memoria de Fernando Lázaro Carreter. Ed. Luis Santos Río et al. Salamanca: Ediciones U de Salamanca, 2005.  271-90.*

Christian, Donna. "Language Planning." In Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey, IV. Language: The Socio-cultural Context. Ed. F. J. Newmeyer. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.

_____. "La planificación de las lenguas desde el punto de vista de la lingüística." In Panorama de la lingüística moderna de la Universidad de Cambridge. Vol. IV: El lenguaje: Contexto socio-cultural. Ed.Frederick J. Newmeyer. Madrid: Visor, 1990.

Codó Olsina, Eva. Immigration and Bureaucratic Control: Language Practices in Public Administration. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2009.

Dávila Balsera, Paulí, ed. Lengua, Escuela y Cultura. (Educación y Psicología). Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco.

García Domínguez, José. "Lengua y patria." Libertad Digital 16 Feb. 2018.*



García Landa, José Ángel. "La falacia de la lengua oficial 'no propia'." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 1 Dec. 2006.



_____. "Lenguas en guerra." Rev. of Irene Lozano's book. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 9 August 2007.



_____. "Las falsas 'lenguas maternas'." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 24 Feb. 2024.*



Garrido, J. "Multilingüismo y lengua externa e interna en la política lingüística en España." Anuario de Estudios Filológicos 30 (2007): 131-149.

Hernández-Chávez, Eduardo. "Language ... in the United States: A History of Cultural Genocide." In Linguistic Human Rights. Ed. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Robert Phillipson. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994. 141-58.

Heugh, Kathleen, Amanda Siegruhn and Peter Pluddemann, eds. Multilingual Education for South Africa. Johannesburg: Heinemann, 1995.

Kennedy, C., ed. Language Planning and Language Education. London: Allen & Unwin, 1984.

Koontra, Miklós, Robert Phillipson, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Tibor Várady. Approaching Linguistic Human Rights. Budapest: Central European Press, forthcoming 1998.

Labrie, Normand. La Construction Linguistique de la Communauté Européenne. Paris: Champion, 1993.

Ladrón de Guevara, Ernesto. Totalitarismo lingüístico: Un alegato contra el adoctrinamiento. Bilbao: La Tribuna del País Vasco, 2021.

LANGTAG. "Towards a National Language Plan for South Africa." Language Plan Task Group Report. Pretoria: Ministry of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology, 1996.

Larrivée, Pierre. Linguistic Conflict and Language Laws. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2002.

Liddicoat, Antony J. "Language Policy and Methodology." In Latest Developments in Language Teaching Methodology. Ed. Aquilino Sánchez and María Dueñas. Monograph issue of IJES 4.1 (2004): 153-71.*

Lo Bianco, Joseph. National Policy on Languages. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, Commonwealth Department of Education, 1987.

Lodares, Juan Ramón. Lengua y patria.

Lozano, Irene. Lenguas en guerra. (Espasa Hoy). Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2005. (Premio Espasa Ensayo 2005).

Monserrat, Concha. "Las Cortes de Aragón aprueban llamar 'lapao' al catalán y 'lapapyp' al aragonés." El País 9 May 2013.*



O'Reilly, Camille C. The Irish Language in Northern Ireland: The Politics of Culture and Identity. Houndmills: Palgrave, 1999.

_____. Language, Ethnicity and the State. Vol. 1: Minority Languages in the European Union. Vol. 2: Minority Languages in Earstern Europe Post-1989. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2001.

Pérez de Ayala, Ramón. "III. La lengua sigue al imperio." ABC (Madrid) 30 Aug. 1959. Rpt. in "Humanidades." In Pérez de Ayala, Más divagaciones literarias. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, 1960. 241-46.*

Phillipson, Robert. Linguistic Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992. (Oxford Applied Linguistics). 2000.*

_____. "International Languages and International Human Rights." In Approaching Linguistic Human Rights. Ed. Miklós Koontra, Robert Phillipson, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas and Tibor Várady. Budapest: Central European Press, forthcoming 1998.

Phillipson, Robert, and Tove Skutnabb-Kangas. "Linguistic Human Rights and English in Europe." World Englishes 16.1 (1997). Special issue on English in Europe.

Rice, Frank A., ed. Study of the Role of Second Languages in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1962.

Roberts, Celia. "Institutions and Linguistic Penalties." In At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain: Works from the 35th AEDEAN Conference, UAB/Barcelona 14-16 November 2011. Ed. Sara Martín et al. Barcelona: Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística, U Autònoma de Barcelona / AEDEAN, 2012. 272-283.*



Sánchez Tortosa, José. "La tiranía lingüística y sus cómplices." El Mundo 17 Oct. 2017.*



Shuy, Roger W. Language Crimes. (The Language Library). Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.

Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove, and Robert Phillipson, eds. Linguistic Human Rights. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1994.

Smith, Olivia. The Politics of Language 1791-1819. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984.

Villena Ponsoda, Juan Andrés. "Manipulación, planificación y uso lingüístico comunitario: el caso del español de Andalucía." Analecta Malacitana 13.2 (1990): 343-74.*

Webb, Victor. Language in South Africa: The Role of Language in National Transformation, Recostruction and Development. (Impact: Studies in Language and Society, 14). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2002.






Phillipson, Robert, and Tove Skutnabb-Kangas. "Checklist: International Englishes and Language Policy." Bibliography. European English Messenger 7.1 (1998): 51-52.*





Language Policy









Friel, Brian. Translations. Drama. 1980. London: Faber and Faber, 1981.* 2000.*

_____. Translations. New York: Samuel French, 1981.

_____. Translations. In Selected Plays of Brian Friel London: Faber and Faber, 1984; Washington, DC: Catholic U of America Press, 1986. 377-451.*

_____. Translations. Radio adaptation. BBC Radio 3, 1989.








Hernández García, Paloma, et al. "Gustavo Bueno Sánchez en el Parlamento Vasco. FORJA 211." Video. YouTube (Fortunata y Jacinta) 17 June 2023.*




Universidad CEU San Pablo. "Jornada sobre derechos lingüísticos en España, viernes 18 de octubre 2024." YouTube (Instituto de Estudios de la Democracia) 18 Oct. 2024.* (Languages in Spain, linguistic policy, Rights, Catalan, Spanish, Basque, nationalists).







See also Spain: Languages.






Planning and language


Casamada, P. "La planificación lingüística en Canadá." Bells 1 (1989): 45-52.*

Cooper, R. L. Language Planning and Social Change. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.

Fishman, Joshua A., ed. The Earliest Stage of Language Planning. Mouton de Gruyter, 1993.

García Landa, José Ángel. "Expertos comisarios lingüísticos." In García Landa, Vanity Fea (14 Dec. 2008).



Mazrui, A. "The World Bank, the Language Question and the Future of African Education." Race and Class 38.3 (1997): 35-48.

Salmon, Vivian. "Language-Planning in Seventeenth-Century England." In In Memory of J. R. Firth. Ed. C. E. Bazell. London: Longman, 1966. 370-97.

Tollefson, James. Planning Language, Planning Inequality. Harlow: Longman, 1991.

Webb, Vic. "Language Planning and Politics in South Africa." International Journal of the Sociology of Language 118 (1996): 139-62.







García Domínguez, Cristina Losada and Francisco Izuzquiza. "Patria y lengua." Ivoox (El Búho) 15 Feb. 2018.*







See also Politics and language; Standard/Nonstandard.




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